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tv   Lyubov preodoleet vsyo  RUSSIA1  May 2, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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for some reason does not have a protected status. locals are turning to local authorities to take care of this building, but since the buildings are privately owned, the authorities also shrug their shoulders and cannot do anything. and they won’t be able to until the house is included in the register of cultural heritage sites. only then can restoration of the garden with a three-hundred-year history begin. anna balan, andrey lapidus, mikhailuzov, pavel letnikov and lena nasonova. news. now about some events. briefly, the operating hours of the moscow kremlin museums will temporarily change; tomorrow it will be the territory will be closed to the public until one o'clock in the afternoon, the schedule of the armory will remain the same, and on may 5 the entrance there will be open from 13 o'clock, and the kremlin museum will be closed to the public on may 6, 7 and 9. a ban on the use of electric scooters and bicycles has been introduced in gorky park; you cannot drive from the main entrance to the andreevsky pedestrian bridge. on this. in this area, the speed of
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rented personal mobility equipment will be automatically reduced to zero. the restrictions are temporary and related to landscaping work. on easter on the night of may 4-5, the work of moscow transport will be extended. sergei sobyanin reported this on his telegram channel. so the metro and mcc will be open until 2:00 am. ground transportation will be available until 1:5 am. together with that. in moscow , covered bicycle parking areas have appeared; anyone can leave their two-wheeled vehicle there in case they need to change to a public one. rental stations have been replenished with modern models of bikes and the number of trips has quadrupled over the past 8 years. i appreciated these changes marina gromova. may is a month of discoveries; cyclists also open new seasons.
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victoria has been inseparable from the steering wheel for 8 years, it’s a means of transportation, a reason for a walk, and also a way to relieve stress and a good opportunity to keep fit, i can drive up to 90 km, but with help, without help , for sure, calmly, i drive 60-70, with help is like when you don’t have enough strength, they hold your hand, 90, of course, is not necessary, the city offers 16, the longest bike path in moscow stretches from the museum to... victory park 9 km in the center from rozhdestvensky boulevard to the hermitage garden along the colorful passionate boulevards to the garden ring and through the patriarchal ponds to tverskaya. you can continuously drive along the embankments for up to 29 km, and if you are tired, you can get to the desired point by public transport, for example, by electric river tram. i’m waiting for a larger station to open, in general i already have a whole route in my head, drive along the nagazinskaya embankment, go as far as possible, cross to the other side, exhausted. with a bicycle
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can also be used with a bicycle; they are also allowed on mcc and mcd trains, on buses, and if it’s inconvenient, you can leave it in an intercept parking lot, there are now 13 of them in moscow, there is 24-hour video surveillance in the covered boxes, you need a three-card card for access, if you are away from the bustle of the city, then you should go to the parks, cyclists are always welcome there, today i rode four with my little one, the track is good, smooth, ideal for beginners, we are exploring this park for the first time, we’re going, we don’t know where we’re going, but we’re going somewhere, it’s not closed at all, its transport is suitable even for winter, due to the wide spot, it’s good by it’s snowing, we’re driving along the pond like this and riding around like this, there are wonderful forests, and squirrels, and the routes will bring you, choosing a bike is a delicate matter for asphalt or gravel, extreme or for a leisurely walk , there’s a rush in bike shops, it’s coming both for children and adults, as well as people who, at pre-retirement age, want to enjoy the charm and beauty of nature. they measure themselves,
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sit down and arrange a test drive, a shock absorber under the seat, solid metal fenders that will protect you from dirt in the slush, not the weather, and also it handsome, yes, he is very nice, the dress is comfortable, yes, the dress will be excellent, for those who are not ready to buy a personal bicycle, open rental stations, this season almost 11,000 bicycles will be available, including electric 2.0 models. to rent you will need a troika card or a mobile phone; there are detailed instructions on the website if you have an irresistible desire, you shouldn’t restrain yourself from riding a bike, thanks to the bike rental stations in moscow, there are a great many of them, even high heels didn’t stop me, and there are also where to put the bag, and what beauty is around. marina gromova, timofey falileev, mikhail sidorov, ekaterina cherusheva and oleg dubin. news. they promised to help with improving living conditions, but in the end they left me without an apartment. in the capital, a sentence was passed on swindlers who fraudulently appropriated housing. it united the scammers with the victims. followed by
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six more people eating. larisa minchenko is forced to wander around the capital's hostels; the two-room apartment in the outskirts no longer belongs to her. igor parkhomenko rented a room from me, then one day he said that i had with a small kitchen, he offered to improve the conditions, sell an apartment in moscow and buy one in sochi, he said that he would help, i agreed. larisa is hearing impaired and can only communicate with representatives of any official authorities through a sign language interpreter. this is exactly what the scammers took advantage of, bringing their own person to the deal to sell the apartment, assuring him that he was doing well. understands legal terms, lisenkova, he called her, natalya lisenkova brought her and everything was very unclear, she was very clear that she was very is in a hurry with the translation, that is, it was not clear to me, not even in the contract, and half of it was not clear that the first move was to transfer,
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alexey karpunin was left without money, a garage and his only home, the same igor parkhomenko introduced himself to him as a successful businessman and offered to sell apartment, and put the proceeds into an account at a favorable interest rate, well, it stood. he says, sign here, sign here, and points his finger, i look, and you explain to me what is written, nothing was explained at all, in this thick folder with documents numerous evidence has been collected in the fraud case, igor parkhomenko and his accomplices are in the dock. malsagov and parkhomenko were found guilty of committing fraud by a group of persons by prior conspiracy on an especially large scale, which resulted in the deprivation of a citizen’s right to residential premises. the scammers, just like their victims, the hearing impaired, specifically targeted lonely and socially vulnerable people, ingratiated themselves into their trust and robbed them completely. all procedural documents, all legally important documents are still compiled in text format, they read them, they don’t use them in everyday speech, in communication, there are certain legal terms,
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they, unfortunately, don’t understand them, they just look at them, this is a word . as experts explained to us, in such cases a large share of responsibility lies with the sign language interpreter, banks and other commercial structures almost... do not provide information in russian sign language, attackers take advantage of the ignorance of the deaf, and ignorance breeds gullibility. by in this high-profile case, the tushinsky district court of moscow has already passed a verdict on fraud on an especially large scale. igor parkhomenko will spend 4 years in prison, his accomplice aslan malsagov - 4 and a half. also, by a court decision, for each known episode of the case, real estate transactions may be declared invalid. and with this our episode is completed, all the news is always available on the media platform, we watch it in the application or on the website, well, right now we are watching the final episodes of the film love will overcome everything.
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wormwood grass gave me hot, bitter words. the wind brought over the river euston, the ringing of bells, born of pain, bitter
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guilt, heart, silence, pets to the bottom, bitter words, like wormwood grass, vanya, vanya, my vetch is gone, she is nowhere to be found, and her backpack is not there, with i won’t miss you, how do you manage, i don’t even know where to look for her, what to do, you... live with your calmness, i say, the child is missing, we need to do something, tan, well, okay, that’s enough for you , let's calm down already, now we're going to lose time, we need to understand where she ran and
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went, i have no idea where, well ask lyoshka, maybe he knows, yes, now, lyoshka, lyoshka, great, champion, so, will you help mom and me? please tell me, did vika by any chance tell you where she wants to go, to aunt masha, who is aunt masha and where she lives, do you know? vika knows. so, lyosha, let’s try to remember now everything that vika told you about aunt masha. she said that she was a friend of her mother, not yours, another mother. what do you remember about this aunt masha? nothing, vika and i wanted to go visit her when... my mother found her, but i didn’t say anything, vika was already trying to take him away, i stopped them. so, lyosh, and now, try
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to remember, here, here, here’s everything that vika told you about aunt masha. she said that we had already gone to her, rode the carousel on the ship. and how vikha wanted to go, masha, by bus. she said that mom and aunt masha sang together. here. that's it already. what, hello, stas, great, listen, here you need to get the address once, if you help me, i’ll try, i need to find out where she lives - a friend, perhaps a classmate at yuri tsvetkova’s mosaic school, name is maria, which again is a new clue, doesn’t give should you do? yuletide peace, this is a personal request, if you can help, i’ll try, thank you, and
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vika also said that we were looking at a colored fountain, but i don’t remember, there’s a colored fountain in the city, great, that should help, thank you, that’s it, let’s get dressed, let's go look for your vika, hello, good morning, i woke you up, i'm sorry, i slept so sweetly, potapov didn't wake you up for an hour, otherwise he likes to wake up a person at any time of the day or night, no, this is from work, thank you for a wonderful night, let me make you breakfast, no i’ll refuse, you’ll teach me how to drive, i’ll teach you, lesh, vanya isn’t distracted by the road, okay, yes, that means,
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write it down, i’ll remember, let’s talk, maria sergeevna ivanova, festivalnaya street, building 4, apartment 32, festivalnaya street, building 4, apartment 32, thank you , brother. hello, tell me, vasily sergeevich melyukov, born in 1988, did not come to you. yes, masha, it’s me, quickly collect everything you need, we urgently need to escape from the city, how
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to escape, where? i'll explain everything later. our savings, don’t forget, everything valuable, all documents, take everything, okay? good destroy the flash drive, if suddenly someone comes, say that you don’t know anything. understood? who can come? vasya, do they know where we live? yes, no one knows anything. just run. we'll meet at the bus station in an hour near kas, well, aren't you tired, there's a little to eat, and i also invite you to your hacienda, i have a garden there, a vegetable garden, a forest right behind. you here, gardener, are opening up a new facet for me all the time, i’m an old tourist, i like
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to sit in nature with a caster and a guitar, but here it’s impossible, so that’s the only way, that’s it, well, i woke up, and guys, guys, please, i already understood everything, i don’t need money, there’s a video of my girlfriend, so sit there, let’s go, get up. really a clown, in my youth, when they gave me a plot at work, i wasn’t particularly eager to go there, then the children were born, well, they began to settle in, settle down, nadya, my deceased spent all the time there with them, then the children grew up, moved away, nadya left, and i stopped
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appearing there, everything was overgrown for us, i wanted to sell it, but suddenly i felt sorry, last year i came, mowed everything, fixed it, dug up the garden and began to live again, let's refresh ourselves, we haven't walked our required 100 steps yet, so we 'll need some strength, wow, thank you.
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aunt masha, open up, it’s me, tita svetkova, your friend’s daughter, yulia, come in quickly. tumash, do you remember me? of course, you grew up, did something happen to you? i ran away from the orphanage, can i live with you, i will help you with the housework, i can clean, i can cook, it won’t work, i’m sorry, i have to leave, at least for a week
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you can welcome me for 3 days, you don’t understand, i i'm leaving right now, sorry, i... and i'm very... i'm in a hurry, vika, there was a flash drive in the shape of a ladybug, where is it, vika, this is not a joke, this is a very important flash drive, give it to me, i know you have it, i'll buy you the same one, and you, it's so beautiful, can i have this one, no, honey, i can’t have this one. i’ll give this to aunt masha as a souvenir, there’s a video of us and her. okay, let’s get ready quickly, i’ll take you to the neighbor’s for a little while, and you can finish the drawing there. let's go, i'll be there soon. vic,
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i loved your mother very much, but i really can’t leave you here now. "sorry, i need to get ready, i understand, i'll leave, maybe you should i need money, just in case, here you go, buy yourself something to eat, thank you, excuse me, please, let's go, i'll take you!" oh, girl, hold the door, please.
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vika, you, volodya, you were leaving me , your legs are just falling off. you’ll train, get used to it, think about the dacha, you can come back one day, you can spend the night as you wish, volodya, you are a very good person, but... “we shouldn’t meet again, that’s why i did it?” something is wrong, no, you have nothing to do with it, it’s about me, maybe i was
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too persistent, forgive me, i just really liked you, and i like you, but i don’t want to hurt you again, you were already picking yourself up piece by piece after the death of your wife, why do you think that i outlived you, it’s just me who seems so cheerful , you’ll survive, i have oncology and no one knows how much i have left, light, wait, no one knows who has how much left, maybe a brick will fall on my head tomorrow, let’s not think about it, let’s just live, let’s try, come on. dude, we agreed, you give me a video, and i give you freedom, but what happens?
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again? masha, please, well, give them the flash drive, please, mash, really, well , give us the flash drive, in an amicable way, i, i told you a thousand times that i took yulin, my daughter, mika, and you want me to believe your word, but you want... what are you talking about? there's a camera in that toy,
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well, your shade, were you watching me? yes to me. that you have someone, i installed it, and then forgot to remove it, dad, well, well, you saw everything yourself, well, well, really, well, well, it wasn’t me who messed up, it’s this goat, well, she’s just in front of my arrival everything appeared, and... and i see, i see, as you say, this girl’s name is vika, well, tsvetkova, the daughter of a friend of that same maria,
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tsvetkova, that’s for sure, stopudova, well, really, i was even surprised myself, his last name is the same as in the name of our foundation, or so it turns out that this is the daughter of the same tsvetkovaya who committed suicide, right? it turns out bad, very bad, you go, go, son, i need to think about what to do now, okay, dad, go, go, yeah, urgently find out with whom her daughter vika lives after tsvetkova’s death, i’m waiting, tomorrow, and where you?
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! rom castro is a product of the stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsus golf
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villas and suites. sheikh! a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in rixos comfort and style golf villas and suits sharmal shake. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. rixsy. with premium segate. family fun starts here, with every detail designed for your enjoyment. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium segate. rixos premium sea gate. cognac monta.
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shoka, a product of stellor group. serge, i can't make you happy. anna fira and anna saveli look the same person. this is her analysis dna. everything was going well until you showed up. and what do you want? you. doctor anna. final episodes. today. on rtr, and thank you, vanya, i myself, yeah, please wait,
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well, why are you calling, they’re not there, they left somewhere with their suitcases, left, when? they set up a walk-through yard here, they ran back and forth all day, they ran and shouted, but tell me, the girl wasn’t with him for about 13 years, but they were together, masha and her crowdless man, they shouted here for half a day, then they calmed down, got into a taxi and drove off, look, don’t run over anyone, so what, there’s no one, okay? where to look for it now, well, we don’t have many options, lesha talked about fountains, let’s go there.
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this fountain over there, it glows at night, well , of course, it was stupid to expect to find her here, well, apart from these fountains, we have no more clues at all, well, where could she have gone, but we’ll have to involve the police, she’ll just say that she noticed the loss only now, okay? no, what are you talking about, but if they take my lyoshka away, i’ll tell you what kind of python this is, that
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children run away from it, san, i propose to solve the problem. as it arrives, now the main thing is to find the vetch, and then we’ll figure it out, here she, vika, wait, vika, vika, vika, stop, vika, vika, where are you going, vika, wait, vika, quietly, where are you going, oh, be careful! nika, why are you, forgive me, i just didn’t want to go back to the orphanage, what an orphanage, stupid, i won’t send you anywhere, not to any orphanage, i understood why you ran away, did you hear our conversation with uncle dima, yes i’m not blaming you on purpose, and no one is blaming you, i just want you to know that uncle dima and i are no longer together, he’s a good person, he’ll just forget everything he said, okay, he’s not ready for something like that
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changes, and i... “so you broke up with him because of me? no, vika, it’s definitely not for you, we broke up because we don’t agree with him on fundamentally important life issues, it’s definitely not for you. thank you, oh, vika, vika, let's go, thank you, shadow, for what? well, for not leaving, looking for and not being offended, i never ask, let's have a good night, close your eyes, calm down,
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what is this? mom’s flash drive, she gave it to aunt masha before she died, and i took it, turn it on for me tomorrow, i’ll check it first, and then suddenly it’s only for adults, okay, yul, yul, well, turn around, i’m filming for you, i’m not wearing makeup.
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come in, sorry it’s in the middle of the night, but you have to see this, come in, yulia tsvitkova gave this flash drive. to her friend before her death, and vika didn’t drag her down today, look,
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we need to do everything quietly beautifully, as you know how, there are photographs, yes, there is a photograph, this time it’s definitely on this one.
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well, don’t shine, yes, that’s understandable, but if they take you, your brother, it’s written, then don’t even drag my brother into this, he doesn’t know about my business, this is the same evidence that will help us put the leonovs in jail, they’re ok, they dug up something on them, and leonov killed him, so that means someone like that, can i take it? yes, of course, please, do everything to plant them, well, hello,
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my dears, hello, come to me, i miss you so much, how are you? i've got my hands full, yeah, it's always like that, don't start, natasha, well, where's my son? kostya, what is this, how did you grow up? well, how did you go, how was your mom, mom is sick, we should bring her to us, but oh, well, no need, come on later, i’m so tired after the flight, yes, of course, we’ll think about mom, now let’s go, i’ll give you a massage, yeah, like a concert, but the general held two rehearsals. waiting for you, well , the decorations, the banquet, there are guests, it’s all on
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you, yes, sasha, finally, hello, dash, how are you in the mood, well, when you called, it became much better, you’re like, i’m fine, i’m for... what a surprise, well, go outside and find out, okay, now.
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did you run away? no, i was commissioned. are you feeling worse? no, it's okay. well, why didn't you warn me? i would meet you, you look how i look, what difference does it make what you look like, the main thing is that you are nearby.
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call egorov, i hope he didn’t leave for fishing. oh, dima, dima, go and rest. don't worry, it's probably because you just need to rest. just don’t need these games in psychoanalysis. unusual panic attack, what is it? call egorov, he knows this patient, just don’t tell him that my hands were shaking. valery petrovich, good afternoon, i found out everything about tsvetkova’s daughter, after the death of the mother , the children were transferred to an orphanage, then the girl they sent her to one family, and the boy... well , in short, tatyana
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mikhailovna kovaleva took her under her wing. who? kovaleva tatyana mikhailovna, who lives in the high building, this kovaleva again, but what is it? so, starting from tomorrow , we will establish surveillance over her, over her and her family. okay, report to me personally, okay? you can go now. where did you come from on our heads? this is incredibly delicious, i was ready to sell my soul for your borscht in the army. sash, i am of course very pleased that you decided to come to me first, your mother will not be offended that you are with me i had lunch, she’s probably preparing a banquet for my arrival, or have you also decided to build your own? dazh, my mother and i are a little at odds, i didn’t tell her that i was coming back, how did this happen, what happened? let's not talk about this, okay. i don’t understand, you’re not going to go home at all,
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your mom is worried, when was the last time you called, before you run away, please, let’s not, really, i ’ll definitely tell you everything, i promise, when the time comes, okay, by the way, what are our plans, and i need to take documents to the city institute, great, we’ll go together, i need to meet someone there while you’re at the institute. so, comrades, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defenses in the crimea, the premiere is for victory day, but i only have four aircraft on the move, i received the order. carry out, take off like waist-deep snow, flies, check, commander, engines will stop, temperature goes through the roof, if detected, losses cannot be avoided, carry supplies, fighters, battle for crimea, from monday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection bowdum. old barrer, product of steller group. welcome. in rixa with premium magavish suites & villaas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixa with premium magavish sud and
10:03 pm
villas, the holiday you've been dreaming of. gin. sheaf is a product of stellar group. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swissotel operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in itself. in the heart of bourbon city, steersman is a product of the stellar group. i need to look at a person's death document. who are you related to this person? son. write a request. i am such and such, i ask you to give me a certificate of death of my mother, such and such, such and such,
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year of birth. date of death such and such, place such and such. date - signature. yes. i. yes, i can get this certificate, but fill it out, pay the state fee and come, i’ll give it to you before the end of the working day today, girl, can i pay this state duty directly to you, please, sorry, of course, for asking such a question, but are you sure that your mother is dead? in terms of? there is no data on it. is this correct, have you checked it well? yes,
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young man, there is no way out here. hello, dad, wow, what a real man you have become, of course, you saw me
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the last time, it was at 12:13, well, listen, i'm sorry, you understand, a new family. the child was just born, my wife was jealous, i was fired for a long time, and i was given a health commission, commissioned, why? it’s okay, there’s a long story, dad, listen, but i wanted to ask, did you know that i was not your son, you knew, you knew from the very beginning, even before you were born, your mother is honest with me. she said i loved her so much that i didn’t care, but why did i leave her then, i just fell in love with someone else, it happens. how is your mother, i don’t know, i’m not going to communicate with her, did you come back and haven’t been to her,
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no, that’s tough, she loves you more than life itself, it’s a waste to be like that with her, come in, no, the girl is already waiting for me , i'll go, well, as you know, come on, don't get lost. well done girl, she did everything correctly, as it should, yes, not every professional could do that, with a good lawyer, bought experts, any court is... photos and videos are recognized as editing, forgery, fake. and what do you suggest? if you throw the same amount,
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we’ll catch him right at the crime scene, for example, at a concert. i will broadcast live from there, my blog, follow you everywhere, record everything. well, then everyone will see how they are. and now you no longer care. dmitry alexandrovich, igor nikolaevich finished the operation and told you to get better. i'm answering retirement here. why can this happen to everyone? i'll probably go, the working day ended an hour ago. leave me, yes, in such circumstances. oh, please,
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excuse me, what do you prefer, and so, well, you ’ve already opened a bottle of cognac, which means cognac, a woman who prefers cognac needs warmth and... a toast, i propose to drink to the end of the sometimes even brilliant career of the neurosurgeon morozov , dmitry alexandrovich, i won’t drink for this. have you have compassion, just drink to the unfortunate man who is now of no use to anyone,
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whose hands are shaking so much that he will just take up science, teaching, i ask you, you know, i read that some surgeon operated until he was 80 years old, omosov, you've probably read about omosov or shumakov, zamosov and shumakov. although they did not have panic attacks before the operation, so we sit as if without music, elena, dance with me, i ask!
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sorry, but you know, it’s even better, i thought he was saying something, i’ll have to explain, so money for a hearing aid, you helped us a lot, tanya, it’s the right thing to do. and she’s my friend, if it’s any consolation, we broke up yesterday. lena, what are your plans for the evening? maybe we'll go to a restaurant, i know a cozy place.
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nish, we’re all over, i’ll tell you now, come quickly, who are you? and anna vasilievna lionova lives here, and then some idiot came to you, well, let him come in, you better be careful with her, otherwise she won’t get out of her mind, i mean, out of her mind, well , she’s a drunk, she’s like catching a squirrel, so
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straight to a mental hospital to rest. i’ll be there soon, well, what do you need, you’re anna leonova, well , born in 1982, why is it poorly preserved? what did you want, handsome, but nothing, in general, but what, you hatched, fell in love, or something, and maybe i’ll give it to you,
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sash, what? where are you going now? to you? no, what do you mean? no, are you driving me away? well, it turns out so. grandma will kick you out anyway. sasha, really, go home. i don’t know what aunt tanya did to make you treat her so harshly, but i wouldn’t want our son to ever do that to me.
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do you even understand that we now have incriminating evidence on leonov. this article is not alone. where did you get the original? well, you understand that this question arose anyway, well, when it arises, then i’ll say, oh, you like to cast a shadow on the fence with you, are you generally sure that this is not a production, not a voiceover, it looks like some kind of setup, stas, yes, why are you ? resitov filmed this on his phone in his restaurant, apparently he wanted to intimidate leonov with this compromising evidence, but so that he would fall behind with his extortions, but he can even be
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not to consider, this is a motive, a new circumstance regarding ... with leonov, after which he died in a car accident that was set up for him, so tsvetkova got into a fight with leonov. wait, wait, how do you know this? i know. leonov assumed that tsvetkova was aware of this recording, so he drugged her and threw her out of the window. i saw the case materials. everything in tsvetkova’s apartment was turned upside down, because leonov’s people were looking for this particular recording. svetkov’s... was turned upside down because they were looking for drugs there and, by the way, found them. vanya, i just want to be i'm sure we won't get into trouble. i'll think about what can be done about this. let's get in touch.
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hello, valery petrovich, potapov came by the stones. he brought me something that you really won’t like, that same video, damn it, that means our flash drive has surfaced, well then we don’t really have a choice, he suspected something, he understood everything, well then we need to act quickly , this is not vasya, a sucker, he will multiply and glorify us all over the world, we need to find it and confiscate it, it’s possible in a poshostsky way, i understand you, yes. alexander yatsenko, we haven’t left them, are they coming after us, after us? this is a war, we are part of it. on shiring is not chosen in war. and the jews here are not peaceful people, they are killed by their enemies, which means they
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