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tv   Lyubov preodoleet vsyo  RUSSIA1  May 2, 2024 11:20pm-12:31am MSK

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thank you, armen, it’s very tasty, i just can’t move, i can’t, i keep eating, eating, eating, eating, me too, eat, girls, in the caucasus, you know what they say, eat, drink here, they won’t let you in the next world , now there will be another batch, yeah, and tomorrow then we’ll have to arrange a fasting day, no fasting days, you can’t go hungry, have you forgotten, don’t even think about it.
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and he doesn’t even want to write a complaint about the beating, so let’s repeat the whole conversation from beginning to end, what did he say, what did he ask for? asked for a harmonica, i brought it and gave it to me to the investigator, maybe a flash drive in an accordion, what are you talking about, what an accordion, it’s tiny, how can you put a flash drive in there, he just trolled the investigators who were there watching him, and asked them to clean the floors after the bust. where was the accordion? there's an accordion in the nightstand, mom! in general, we need to do everything quietly
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beautifully, as you know how, there is a photograph, yes, and what now, what now, we need to deal with the matter of the eyes, there is no other way to get it out, we don’t have a dirty one, and it’s unlikely that we’ll be at peace they'll leave, mom, they'll leave, let's just talk with sergei petrovich about this, he will sort it out, really, do you really think that he is not aware of what his brother and nephew are doing, of course he is not aware, they don’t inform him about their every step, he will solve the issue, no, i forbid you to talk about the fact that we have a flash drive, and i forbid you to mention this recording at all, you will expose us all to attack by trampling children, no one understands, and i will send the video to the investigative committee, let them be there.
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did so much for us, okay, i’ll do it, hi, ready, of course, sergey petrovich, your mom wanted to talk to you there, there’s only one question, come on, mom,
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well, what did you want to talk about? sash, let us talk. sasha, our district policeman was imprisoned not without the help of your brother, that’s absolutely certain, he’s now in pre-trial detention, can you make sure that he is released? well, why was he detained? well, supposedly for drugs, but they planted them on him, and you saw it yourself, how were they planted on him? i’m sure he’s not guilty, the court will sort it out, if he’s not guilty, that means he’ll be released, but who do you think he is? neighbor, i know he's not like that, not like that, not like that, you know what chekatila's characteristics when he was first detained were: communist, two higher educations. two children, an excellent worker,
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semyonin, exemplary, wouldn’t hurt a fly, just an angel, well, then someone recently spoke to us about the honesty of justice. it’s not you, what’s right for jupiter, it’s not right for the tank, so you ’ll help, no, well, what did they decide, the district police officer, he’s really a normal guy, he’s definitely been framed, you’ll help get him out, well, if he’s not guilty, then they’ll let him go, you believe me, i believe you, there you go. let's go, arman, what are you doing? this, oh you, and i, i gave you a surprise, well, you won’t get a surprise, this chair, i really have selenium in hieroglyphs, but well , they put it together as best i could, this is an orthopedic chair,
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the best, sit down, try how to sit on it sit down, sit here, back here, legs under the lights and knees here. look, you bend over at me, yes, you hold your back, and back again, when it’s also convenient, convenient, you’re my second woman in the world, my first mother, by the way, we’ll see you on saturday... we’re waiting for dinner, i need to introduce you to your mother , but it won't somehow inconvenient, this will be exactly as it should be.
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come on, put your left foot forward, your right foot, turn around, take aim, hold your breath, when you feel ready, then shoot, hammer, and one more time, but good girl, you will, no, thank you, the doctor
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forbade me, come on , oh, it seems the heroes have arrived, great, meet my son, sashka, five vysor, five bottles, the hunter is growing, well done, now he’ll actually practice, why are you so late, and sergei petrovich, don’t worry, little boar evening dawn loves, everything will be channel five, one, one, one, one, nothing, then we ’ll climb to the second tower, and you to... the first, come on, move out, climb up, the ability to wait,
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the main rule of a hunter, you have to wait for the right moment and shoot, by the way, this rule will still be useful to you in life, well, too , if you rush, you can make a fatal mistake and turn it around. of the hunters, the victim, if i don’t want to be neither a hunter nor a victim, if you don’t learn these rules, you’ll hide all your life, under your mother’s skirt, no, no, you understand, i don’t blame her, she’s for you i did everything i could, but only a man can inspire a real man, a wild boar is coming with wild boars, we’ll kill him, of course we will, why did you come here, wait, but... is it possible with wild boars, it’s forbidden, who is forbidden, remember , son, you now live by different laws, what others are not allowed to do, you can, which means you shoot first, aim at the head, hold your breath, gently pull
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the trigger and shoot, come on, i won’t, okay, fine, then i’ll do it myself . what are you doing, what are you doing, son, the first time is always hard? then you'll learn, and i don’t want to learn to kill, you know, i’m even glad that my mother raised me, and not you, i remain a human being, at least, sasha, where are you going, you are the same as your brother, and there was no need to pretend, i’ll find the way myself , sasha, wait, “forgive me, please, i see that you
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are hiding some very unpleasant information about him, maybe even terrible. sasha, if you want, i can, no, don’t, when you want, then tell me. if if you don’t want to, i’ll understand, you’re doing this for me, and then i shouldn’t have treated you like that, please forgive me, i love you very much, i love you too, son, i’m very proud of you, let’s send the video to the investigative committee, the potaps need to be pulled out, but i’ve already sent it. have you heard the news? what
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's happened? yes, they say morozov is about to quit, like he can’t operate anymore, but for a surgeon, you know, it’s all a comedy, oh well, it’s cool, he came yesterday, wrote a statement, oh, he looks like a homeless person, all rumpled, shaggy, i, by the way, i read that among surgeons, suicides are in first place, after neurologists, ours and the surgeon and a neurologist in one bottle, yeah, what kind of men are we losing, stop croaking crows, a person has temporary difficulties, he can handle it, oh, i don’t know, good afternoon, are you ready to place an order? yes, girl, advise me something, i will advise, prosecutor’s salad and apples in broth, but it’s better to go home straight away, you won’t even feed me, it took me a long time to get here. then order quickly, i have visitors, caesar with chicken, that's it, dash, forgive me, please, no, wait, that's not
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all, i'll still have carbonara, i can't get enough, i was really wrong, forgive me, please, come on i also have three volumes, philadelphia rolls, three too, and three pizzas too, and the most expensive bottle of champagne, sasha, you’re a fool, you don’t have enough money, i’ll sit here ordering until you forgive me, that’s it, stop everything this. go wait for me at the exit, my shift ends in half an hour, sales, that means, comrade, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening their defenses in the crimea, the premiere is for victory day, but i only have four planes on the move, i received the order, carry it out, take off like, snow flies, check, commander, engines rise, the temperature goes off scale, if detected, losses will not be avoided. follow orders, fighters, battle of crimea, from
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monday on rtr, allow yourself a first-class holiday with leo reorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm. and... completely turned off. rest is
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rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. welcome to rixos's newest hotel sharmelsheikhe. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life. into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas radomis sharmel-sheikh.
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valery petrovich, greetings, something urgent, it was impossible to do it over the phone, i wouldn’t like it over the phone, this is the case, your brother, sergei petrovich, went hunting yesterday, well, it happens, he loves this business, and he’s not alone with the boy this kovalev, some kind of bullshit, what will happen, this is where all the fun begins, that’s why i’m not talking on the phone, i’m talking.
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heard, not alone, that's it, that's all for now, keep following, watch, hello, brother, just quickly, i'm busy, yes, i understand, i'll hurry up, eh... maybe you'll come and see us? let's sit and talk, we haven't seen each other for a long time, i miss you very much, okay, i'll stop by, come on, where are you going now, maybe i'm going on a date, dash, that's enough, please, i understand everything, i realized, leonov is the same as his whole
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family, the same they are all, sorry for not i listened to you and mom then, didn’t i? dash, i miss you so much! here we are playing a ball, this is sasha’s toy and a swing, great, vika, what are you doing, and i’m drawing, let’s go , i’ll show you my drawings, then you’ll show me, sit down at the table, okay, let’s go, how do you like it here?
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i like it, i like it, very much, by the way, guys, i invite you to stay at my dacha, we have a river nearby, we will swim every day, as you look at it, of course, yes, don’t worry, i won’t take my eyes off them, hi, hello, hi, grandma, hi, sasha, hello, hello, sasha, very nice, mikhailovich, very nice, this is my bride, meet me, this is news, congratulations, thank you, hello, hello, come in, since
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you came. “now, you will, i heard that you were planning to quit, yes, now i’m on vacation, why did you give up so quickly, you came to teach me about life, maybe i’ll decide for myself what to do, it’s me, yes, with dad , the biggest fish in my life, i saw it, so it turns out you’re a fisherman, but what kind of fisherman, i don’t even remember how it was all, it used to be very i loved it while my dad was alive, and i usually fished with my grandfather, my father was always on a voyage, listen,
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maybe we’ll go fishing right now, i know an excellent fishing base, my uncle works there, no, no, no, no , i don’t want to , that’s it, get ready , they’ll give us the spinning rod, everything else, and we’ll take the cognac with us, glen, get ready, len, how’s it going, yours, they’re resting normally, but what’s going to happen to them? masha doesn’t escape from the pool, the jackdaw staggers back and forth around the cabin, well, everything is the same, only in the maldives, like natasha with her head in she left the organization of the concert, nikitos is helping her, he’s come to his senses, he’s not hanging out, he’s stopped drinking. yes, i finally felt that such a son, a son on whom you can rely,
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how beautiful, he was right, sashka, i need to rest more often. answer, no, well, maybe it’s something urgent, i’m on vacation, the head doctor is calling, put it on speaker, lesh, i’m busy, dim, we need you, what do you have, a man and his daughter after an accident, a truck crashed in, zubanov’s father took it to the table, the girl and i said only to you, there is a fracture of the foundations, very serious, no one here he doesn’t operate on children like you do, come,
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no, take them to the regional hospital, i can’t, you know, dim, well, be you human, dim, i ’m pregnant, i mean, who is the father, are you? if i miss it, it means i’ll be a father,
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lyosha, wake up, anesthesiologist. i’ll be there in 40 minutes, yes, i’ll be at the embankment, the car will be in 30 minutes, you hear, i’ll arrive by boat, we won’t make it in time, we’ll make it in time. do you remember our conversation about moscow, well, that we need to somehow be quieter, not highlight it, well, who
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is drawing the district police officer there, and most importantly, why, in the sense of the yoke, what do you think, i don’t know, that it’s you, you understand, you can’t drive a person into a corner. “i always think about you first, i was even ready to put my son in jail because of this motorcyclist, i just
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don’t talk about you later.” we did everything possible, now it’s 50/50, now everything depends on her own strength. you
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're a genius, you're a genius, fedya, are you like yourself, like life is young, like white-stone moscow, listen, to the point, a check is coming to you from moscow, be prepared, i mean from moscow, for what reason, what- they sent the video where i ordered it. from the cop, more i don’t know anything, and if i did know, you understand, in short, you should be careful there, in general, come on, that’s it for now, lesha, who’s on duty now, maksimov, let potapa be released urgently, if he
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asks, then how, apologize , tell me that you were mistaken, that it’s so simple without registration? are you dumb? do it quickly, mom, tell me, it’s definitely not hard for you with them, lyoshka doesn’t sleep well, you probably get up to him all the time, oh, what are you talking about, tanyush, he buys himself, runs around all day, then sleeps like a log, and vika in general draws all the time great, tell them hi, i miss you, okay, you rest there while you can, well, that's it, hug you, bye, light, everything is fine, i'm very afraid, very, you know, we'll get through it, and i'll be there, okay , vania!
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apparently, you found a flagon, but why are we standing? let's go, i'll feed you lunch, and let's go, but it's inconvenient, let's go, is this the least i can do for you? and why did you start all this? to introduce you to the girl i like? you know i won't like her because she not armenian, right? yes, well, you can’t do that, mom, you haven’t even seen her. hello, lyubacha, come in,
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hello, now, let's go, here, my mother, luiza rafikovna, can i just louise, very nice, i'm lyuba, this is for you, very handsome, she breeds them, her whole yard is covered in roses, great, and i see you are flowers too. love, love, but they die all the time, and even though i take care of them, water them, what a wonderful geranium you have, it just needs some sun, then it will dawn in every sense, your bromeliad is simply charming, you need to put it away with the patifil shade, and the best way to take care of it is to forget to water it, but i didn’t even know, and
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then i’ll tell you what to feed them with, so that... live on, it’s not at all difficult, you can plant such a garden here, thank you , something is somehow suspicious about your technology, where are the children? my mother and i went to the dacha. it’s so unusual, no one tugs, no one calls constantly. tatyana mikhailna kovaleva, yes, snegov vadim dmitrievich, investigative committee of russia, i came at your request, but quickly, you pass, yeah, well, the solemn ceremony has arrived. moment of announcement of the winners our competition, for the award ceremony i invite all participants to come out on stage to your thunderous applause, to present the award, i
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invite the head of our foundation, natalya aleksandrovna leonova. good afternoon i am very glad to see all of you in this room. well, shall we announce the winner? thank you! and the winner of our talent competition is evgenia novoshevskaya! thank you very much, yes!
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and the beneficiaries are clearly visible, almost always leonova. and why are you in the local police department now? we were never able to complete the investigation. i was seriously wounded, my partner, zhekonego, was killed. the authorities forced
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the case to be closed. well, for example, two car accidents that are like twins, loss of control resulting in death on the road. thus, the former owner of the wave restaurant, reshetov, died. yes. it was he who made the recording that... tatiana ruled you, here is the second case, an earlier one, 7 years ago, in which the previous regional prosecutor, denis samoilov, died, loss of control, and who do you think took his place, sergei leonov, very interesting, when i saw this video recording, everything fell into place for me, this person interferes with the car’s computer system and takes over control, purely smoothly, no one will ever guess. to figure it out, i’ll make a request to the archive, suddenly it looks like things will come up, thanks for the tea, goodbye, goodbye, i ’ve never eaten anything tastier in my life, you
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haven’t tried my tolma yet, next time i’ll treat you, or maybe we’ll cook it together, i would immediately see how you do it, but of course, armen has always helped me here, that ’s why... he cooks deliciously now, and i know he he fried us such meat on coals, we all just got caught, and you know, it’s too late, i have to go, i’m spending, you come to us next week, no, no, now you come to me, i ’ll show you my garden, my house , all my life i dreamed of having a point, in my opinion, like you, thank you. you can, oh, of course, come in, what is this? these are curtains that vika and i sewed,
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otherwise it looks like it’s on display here. well, maybe because i have nothing to hide. oh, thanks. you know, i hid it for many years, what are you talking about? my son sasha? his father, prosecutor leonov, what? yes, we dated for a long time, we were even planning to get married. i was studying at the university then, and he was already working at the prosecutor’s office, it seems, as an assistant, i was madly in love, on the day when i found out about my pregnancy, i went to see him to make him happy, and he was in front of my eyes. he killed
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a man, yes, i don’t know who, it seems, a criminal, i got scared, ran away, tried to forget everything, i left the city, dropped out of college, came here, my aunt lived here, i often visited her as a child, here is igor, he liked me for a long time, he told me she told me about the child, in general, we got married and he raised sashka as his own. why didn’t you tell me about this before? what would it change? so much time has passed? how did you live with such timber? yes, i lived a terrible life, now i told him, do you feel better? let's hang the curtains? come on! listen, we are with you! we parted very well last time, we need to talk, how did you find
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me? well, i’m calling you, i’m calling you, you don’t answer, maybe because i don’t want to talk to you, well, i’ll have to talk, hello, dasha, well, the easiest thing for me is so much good i told you about you, i’m sergei petrovich, his father, i know who you are, sasha, we need to talk, but in private, i won’t talk to you about anything. rest in peace, listen, son, so, first of all, i’m not your son and don’t call me that ever again, let’s go and don’t appear again, okay, wait, it was your mother who turned you against me this way, it’s her doing, sasha.
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hello, hello, unexpectedly, i decided to take advantage of your invitation, i hope it’s still valid, i could have warned you, i just got out of prison recently, i know you’re not happy with me, i'm glad, very glad. “can you help with candles in
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the back seat, i hung the curtains, it’s become much more comfortable, hello, well, hi, this is tanya, my neighbor, and this is...” irina, my wife, i’ll go, thank you, tanya, i see you’re already i managed to get myself into the fan club of single moms, let’s go already. and do you live here?
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well, that's the spartan way. the curtains are truly the best thing here. er, how long are you here for? we'll see how it goes? where's the bedroom? you know, it’s better to put a sofa there, it will immediately give you more space. let's move it now. come on, van, what are you doing? standing there, help me. let's. let's talk, why did you come here? it seemed to me that we had already decided everything, i missed you, vanechka. i miss you so much, i think about you all the time, you know, i can’t live without you, vanya, you’re a knife to me, vanya, dear,
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but wait, ler, i can’t do this, let’s talk. since we decided to get a divorce, let 's bring this matter to the end, well, what happened, it's because of her, yes, no, she has something to do with it, she's just a neighbor, apparently it's not easy, just so you know, not everyone rejects me like that , like you, your friend shamin, for example. you are each other stand, as they say, advice and love,
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yes, valery petrovich, it’s possible, it’s possible. “i came to say, thank you, i said that i would make a star out of you, yes, you are the best, the best, let’s not here, not now, well, here natasha is walking along the corridor, she can come to us at any moment, well, she at the buffet, entertains the guests, you will never cheat on me, i want to forgive you, forgive me, i left, you swore it was
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a divorce, what was it just now, you are taking me for a fool, you think i don’t know that you are with her. .. agreed the loot decided on me cut it down, but you don’t have the guts to butt heads with me, you know, they don’t just leave me, you can be left without this, without a home, without money, without a family, and in the end, without a son, do you want to end your existence under the fence or in a madhouse, and are you going to lock all your wives in a madhouse, or do you not have enough fantasies? what are you talking to me about? come on, get out of here! you know what dad? you often like to repeat that family is sacred, that there is nothing more important than family. you yourself are ready to deprive the children of their mother, me and kostya, right? what are you hanging? mother died?
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she’s alive, she’s not getting out of her head just because you turned her into a drunkard. tell me, you destroyed her life only because... i died for you the same way my mother died, i understood me, and you just run away from him, you’re cool, just unhappy, and save kostya.
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“i’m guilty, i promise, i’ll improve, your son drank continuously when he got drunk, we have a new life, no, what new life, you don’t have, you have, no, if you want, tomorrow i ’ll introduce you to my fiancé, first you need sign for you and me, what are you, a new husband, on friday, nart.
12:07 am
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of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. i can't make you happy. this is yudynka's analysis. everything was going well until you showed up. and what do you want? you. doctor anna. the final episode, today on rtr. tanya, i’m sorry that i didn’t call, i just couldn’t stand it. there is news, but i didn’t bother on the phone, i wanted to see your reaction, what happened, don’t scare me, remember, i was throwing bait about the cochliary quota
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implantation, well, restoration of hearing for lyoshka, everything worked out, so collect certificates, documents, surgery is coming soon, tima, tima, thank you, tanya, there is more. i think you should know, lena and i, we are expecting a child, this is news, but what did she not tell me herself, she still considers herself very guilty before you, me too, tell her that i’m fine, and i'm very happy for you.
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mom, nikita, nikitushka.
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mommy, mommy, everything will be fine, i won’t go anywhere else, you hear, you hear, right? open, there is a conversation, go away, open, i i’m telling you, i’ll break down your door now, come on, did you see what time it is? are you ready to go to bed and how do you sleep, bitch? came here to insult me? i came
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to find out why you are inciting my son against me, sasha, only your son. by blood, thank god, there is nothing more of yours in him, he is a kind, honest, decent person, not like you, that is, and that’s why she met me, told me that you loved me, was going to marry me, but she forgot, yes all this happened before you killed a man in front of my eyes, i was at the you at the dacha, i specially arrived early, i wanted to surprise you, tell you about my pregnancy, don’t you understand? i defended myself, don’t lie to me, i saw everything, i heard everything, i remember every word, god, this man, he, he just came for justice, you have no idea who these criminals are, how they know how to pretend, he was a titmouse bastard, if i hadn’t hit first, then you’re the cynical bastard, i’m ashamed of myself, i couldn’t do anything, i got out of it
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anyway, the only thing i could do was protect sasha from you, but you should have told me about my child, this is mine, my boy too, do you really think that after this at least one normal woman will allow you to communicate with her child, well, any normal woman would be happy to have your child, some better future, anyone, just not you, what do you like, that he lives in this hole, communicates with these plebeians, i can give him a good education, a good career, a good job, i can make him person, just please, don’t bother me, you’re on your own first become a man, you are a nonentity, you are a bastard, and you will be punished, get out of here,
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it’s good that you came on your own, they won’t get to you directly, which means, look here, your brother ordered my partner, investigator okunev, and you know why , because he got to the bottom of the truth, what kind of truth, thank you for asking, the accident in which the previous regional prosecutor died was built, control was intercepted, exactly the same accident as rashtov’s, but it was ordered... you, because you it was beneficial for one person, wait, what are you talking about, i mean nothing i don’t know what the passage is, i really didn’t expect that i would be so lucky, well, you seem to be a good lawyer, as they say, look at the conflict that is emerging here, but
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now you won’t be envied by... i’ll say right away, everything is very bad, the case is open again, even if you manage to get away with it, if you ordered the previous prosecutor, then you will succeed, then the reputational losses will be such that they won’t even hire you as a district police officer, then, well, let’s say you didn’t know anything, that even worse, your brother set you up, even if he takes all... he doesn’t need a life sentence, so listen to the loss of control, my advice to you, don’t drive
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drunk. well, you’re a terrible person, you played them off smartly, just to see which of them is first, who, who are you betting on?
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finally showed up, sit down, let's talk like men, well, that's why i came, and i thought it was nikita, well, i also have questions for you, come on, come on, come on, ask... what questions? well, for example, why didn’t i know anything about you having an illegitimate son? are you completely crazy? for some time now
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the affairs of my family concern you, look how you spoke, that means they are your family now, right? they’ve probably been covering your ass all your life, doing all the dirty work for you, you’ll never even say thank you! you act as if everyone is owed to you, although you received the post of prosecutor precisely thanks to me, that is, what does that mean, it’s true, just don’t pretend that you didn’t know anything, you wanted to stay clean, ah, but i’m easy i can make it so that instead of being transferred to moscow, you sit on a bunk, don’t you dare? where did you get the idea? i'll tell you what you ordered. and the end of your career, brother.
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you're cool, summer is almost over, and i haven't even taken a swim yet. “you have so many events here, it’s as if you’ve lived your whole life, i, too, lived and lived, but when you arrived, everything was messed up, yes, i know how to ruin everything, you know, he was a coward, he ran over me like a bulldozer, i kept thinking, i’ll leave, hide, get rid of the past, well, i ran away, lived my whole life as if frozen, as if life had been put on pause.” well, i didn’t even notice how it flew by, i was all thinking that this would never touch me again, it’s bad, stop it, you’re not the only one they’re bulldozing
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they moved, and what could you do, i’m a grown man and gave up, you know, i was so afraid that his genes would show up in sashka, i wanted to protect him so much, i didn’t protect him, this... now i ’ll always be there, thank you, yes , you can’t run away from yourself if it weren’t for you, me, yes, you, you are special, there is no one like you anymore, i love you, i will do everything to make you happy, and i love you.
12:22 am
maybe lida, lydia, that was my grandmother’s name, no, i want something modern, eva, eva, modern, well, it’s not nice to laugh at a pregnant woman, eva dmitrievna sounds very beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. let's go, but we'll think about it, tanya, the doctor said that everything is fine, there's no need to look after me, that's it, i'm leaving, well, tell me what kind of circle you have there for pensioners, are you talking about active... no, that's walking with sticks, why do i need sticks if i can walk like that, and we dolma, louise cooked, my mother, there ’s enough for a whole army, hello everyone, everyone, hello, hello, hello, so, dear guests, let ’s impose food, don’t be shy, i suggest you have a drink first, so bye, the gentleman is courting for my ladies, i won’t, why? what,
12:23 am
uh-huh, you gave me grass, my speech fell, i brought bitter words with the wind. above the river stom, bell-like evil, born of pain, bitter guilt, so, comrades, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defense. yes, i
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only have four planes on the move, i received the order, carry out, take off like, snow, waist-deep, flies, check, commander, engines will stop, temperature is off the charts, if detected, losses cannot be avoided, carry out the order, fighter, battle for crimea , we watch on monday on rtr.
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the hair of anna savelyeva, who was killed in the nineties, completely matches the hair of anna fira. hello, soveliev. what do you want? let's have a drink. well, what kind of resurrection, or maybe better for your trashy discovery, which is deadly dangerous, come on, for the 17 years that you spent on it, everything was going well until you showed up. slav, what do you want? well, what
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do you need, money? how many? so many years have passed, and you haven’t wised up. my materials will still be published. how do you feel comfortable living in france? amazing. help me get a job in france. why did you kill yes? rovolsky, you are all about this, but it’s not me, who, i know who, but this information is not enough to come to france, so what do you want, you.
12:27 am
who changed the ampoules? ampoule, what does the ampoule have to do with it? i don’t know who changed it? who hired you? didn't he look out of my sight? i can’t, i’m afraid i’ll throw up! we will return to the conversation in france later.
12:28 am
well done, growing up, old man, growing up, you understand that you are a born sniper, kiryukha, it’s genetic, believe me, genes, why do you need this graphic design, i like it, and
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i’ve said this 100 times already, it’s just a hobby, hobby, come on, give it here, military profession kiryusha, remember, this is the best hobby, that’s right, only the grip is either like this, yeah, or like this and... ok, i understand, yes i understand, i say, i’ll be there soon , come on, there’s no need to leave, you ’re not very frolic here, okay, yeah, well, there’s not much information, but they found my daughter,
12:30 am


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