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tv   Taini sledstviya-9  RUSSIA1  May 3, 2024 2:30am-3:15am MSK

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the remedies are already treating people. the clinical trial involves 30 volunteers, including severely injured participants. the medicine helps restore not only soft tissue, but also articular cartilage. the extracellular matrix of the umbilical cord, entering the body, being transplanted, after some time of functioning, it undergoes splitting, degradation, and then in its place the recipient’s own cells,
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the formulas involved chemists, biotechnologists and medical practitioners. the drug also showed its beneficial properties during storage. as powder it can be kept for almost a year without special conditions. the hydrogel has already been patented. tatiana bashko and alexey chubko, lead st. petersburg. on vasilievsky island, as well as throughout the city, it is the season of repairs, this week workers entered a landmark facility for st. petersburg, the address of the second line 13 is the house of tanya savicheva, the girl whose siege diary became. it is precisely this tragic story, the history of the savichev family, that the memorial plaque now recalls. meanwhile, the first on the list of work here is roofing, as engineers emphasize, almost every house in the center of st. petersburg is unique, so restoration projects are developed individually. non-standard roofs, every roof in the city center, be it vasileostrovsky district, be it beralteysky, central, every roof is individual.
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sorry, in the northern capital they will create a three-dimensional model of the urban subsoil. the issue was discussed at a meeting of the environmental council under the governor. the 3d model will make it possible to take into account geological risks when constructing buildings, laying communications and metro tunnels. it will also allow better study areas that are problematic for construction, for example, aquifers and so -called quicksand. data accumulated by several generations of scientists will help create a digital portrait of underground st. petersburg.
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alexander biglov called this work invaluable and noted that in 1979 a project for the development of underground space had already been prepared in leningrad. it was an interesting one, one of the first such documents in the soviet union, i want to note that almost two dozen different engineering organizations worked on it, and about a hundred different volumes were prepared, i got acquainted with these materials, well, in part, of course, and... the digital model of underground st. petersburg will reduce the time it takes to obtain special information; builders will be able to receive complete and well-systematized data in electronic form. on other topics, an elite intimate salon was liquidated in the central region of st. petersburg. the underground establishment was located in a residential building on nevsky prospekt and was aimed exclusively at wealthy visitors. guests were received at chic. there was
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a flexible system of discounts and bonuses for regular customers. on the spot, operatives detained prostitutes, as well as three brothel administrators. the organizer of the illegal business, a twenty-seven-year-old petersburger, was found in moscow. according to the police , the intimate establishment has been open for exactly 2 years, and a criminal case has been initiated. let's find out. we will continue the weather forecast for tomorrow, hello, the weather forecast in the leonid petrov studio is cool and a little humid in places, it will be in the st. petersburg region on friday. according to hydramet center of st. petersburg on may 3 in the leningrad region, cloudy with clearings, dry and about 9° above zero during the day in the rook field, the same situation will develop in tikhin and boksitogorsk. in volkhov and kirishi + 7:10,
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light rain and from 9 to 13 degrees celsius, in gatchina and vyborg in st. petersburg. 150 years of the first exhibition of impressionists, and the anniversary exhibition in the main headquarters of the armitage, ekaterina gritsienko. steep slopes are buried in the greenery of trees and... the entire landscape of the city park in pontoise is filled with a scent that seems beyond the control of a brush sunny day. men and women relax in easy chairs, talk or walk, time flows slowly, like warm air. farther away from the general group is a girl with a doll in her hands, her prototype is the daughter of camila pisaro. she died
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shortly before the opening of the first impressionist exhibition. this is probably why the artist chose this painting for the exhibition. there is an atmosphere here, an air, but there is also that here. the rhythm, yes, built, look how the trees stand, how they are arranged, as if in a doll’s house people are truly an artist worked on this painting in the studio, this is not typical for the impressionists, so well , there is something characteristic, but something stands out in this painting, from a quiet town to the center of a metropolis, claude manet depicted the boulevard of the capuchines in paris as seen from top to bottom, such the metropolitan life makes an impression, if you look at it from the window, the frame seems to snatch out a fragment of the street, cuts off... the figures of men on the balcony, the objects do not have a certain color, the lighting changes every now and then, a moment that will never be repeated . with his work, money anticipated the emergence of cinema. in the picture, it’s as if time and space come to life. it is interesting that 21 years after the exhibition, it was in a cafe on
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capuchin boulevard that the first ever film screening took place. not only trees, buildings and carriages flash in the kaleidoscope of parisian life. claude monet turns people into unsteady forms, and this is after. how man has been at the center of the universe for centuries, of course, for the people of that time it was very difficult to admit that he, who dressed well in the morning, who looks great, who went out to show himself on these boulevards, suddenly turns into some kind of black smear with a dot. claude manet painted this work from the window of the photographer nadar’s studio; it was there , in a studio on the boulevard of the capuchins in an ultra-modern building, that the first exhibition of the impressionists was held, that is, viewers could. insert a view from a window with a painting, a new technique and a completely new method in painting, which was not understood and not accepted then, the exhibition was a commercial failure, they did not understand that in front of them, they were being played, they were being fooled, this is art, this is a person who i didn’t study, this is something very bad
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done, why we are shown not a painting, but a sketch, why it was done so carelessly, but it is to the little-known journalist louis liroy that the world owes. with the appearance of the term impressionism, in the title of his satirical article he included the name of claude monet’s painting, impression, sunrise. in our intellectual experience, impressionism is, on the one hand, such a general designation of everything, everything good, and until now journalists who are very knowledgeable and well-disposed, so to speak, talk about impressionistachia, impressioni sazani, well it’s clear that this is all the worst, there is impressionism, that too. always on everyone's lips. two paintings from the first impressionist exhibition ended up in russia. their exhibition at the headquarters does not pretend to recreate the atmosphere of that historical event, but it is an excellent occasion to remember how one of the most influential movements in world art was born out of criticism and ridicule.
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ekaterina gritsienko, dmitry dolgov, alexander gorokhov, vesti petersburg. sakura blossomed in st. petersburg. the largest variety of species of this eastern guest grows in botanical garden. there. these days are a real pilgrimage for lovers and connoisseurs of the pink flower, visitors take photographs of the trees, someone tries to inhale the aroma of delicate flowers, but unlike garden cherries, sakura does not smell and does not produce edible fruits, it is not valued for this. for a thousand years now, the bright spring blossoms have been painting one of the symbols of japan - fuji, pink; after a week , the leaves fly around another, which reminds eastern philosophy of the ephemeral nature of life. the japanese have a connection with sakura admiration. including with the remembrance of the dead, because it is believed that for this short period the souls of ancestors descend into the crown of the cherry blossoms, and accordingly, you can spread the blankets and , in remembrance, sing sake and admire this
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beauty, that is, there is a little bit of such sadness in the tradition of admiring sakura, in the botanical garden about 100 trees are in bloom, most of the plants were donated to japan for the tercentenary of st. petersburg. how long they will stay in pink depends on the weather. if there is no rain, strong wind or, conversely, heat, the flowering will last 2-3 weeks. these were st. petersburg news, all the best.
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titanic luxury collection bothrum. a hotel for an unforgettable experience rixos sharma. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best. djs from all over the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmelshey is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. she’s late, you should be here by now to catch her, so i’ll tell you, stand here one more time, please. work on the film "uncle vanya", director andrei konchalovsky could safely count on
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the production of tolstoy, pushkin and griboyedov, but he could not get out of his head one script called the romance of lovers, which screenwriter evgeniy grigoriev seemed to accidentally hand over to him during the editing of uncle vanya. to take his mind off work, konchalovsky read a few pages and thought it was some kind of... nonsense, the characters speak in blank verse, and they say obvious things, it all looked false, and at the same time fascinating. andrei konchalovsky could not stop, he read script all night, i cried at one of the scenes, 3-4-5 days passed there, and something just couldn’t leave me, then i began to understand that this is a very... deep, passionate thing, very similar to grigoriev’s work everything is
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a passion, a feeling, and i agreed, called him, and we started working, there is a boy, there is a girl, they love each other, he is being drafted into the army, i said, goodbye, goodbye, my dear, don’t forget me! person, the guy remains on the detached barge, she is carried out to sea, but my beloved girl has come, which means information that i died saving someone there, here she is, well, she marries someone else, then it becomes clear that i remained alive, you, me, me, and it’s you, the guy, who is suffering, he doesn’t feel life in himself, step by step he is being reborn, but there is another one nearby, everyone is suffering and no one
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is to blame, he is my beloved, he is my husband, he is my beloved, he is my husband, i hear. when andrei konchalovsky announced at musfilm that he wanted to stage yevgeny grigoriev’s stale script, everyone was happy. it turned out that for more than two years the other directors refused to do this script, it was not only original, but difficult to stage. 24 objects on location, eight in the pavilion, six more sets with additions, plus 10 combined objects, a total of 48.
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the script required the director to create a different world, a different reality. this is what konchalovsky liked. i want to sleep and my head is spinning. the director did his previous works in cinema without especially looking back at the viewer. it was important for him to win the opinion of his fellow critics and gain authority among professionals. he did it. it's here the moment when andrei konchalovsky wanted it. to do work for the most difficult, young audience, so that young people there recognize themselves, so that every girl can exclaim, i want this kind of love, so that every guy can say to himself, i want to love like this, so that there are kilometer-long queues for tickets, and he decided to calculate
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to calculate the future success of the film for our future viewer: and first of all, andrei sergeevich had the task of a sincere dialogue with the audience. the director set this task for the cameraman lebanon paatashvili. konchalovsky was under 40, the cameraman was under 50. it was necessary to shoot as if there was a very young man behind the camera, even if it was blurry somewhere, let there be grain, let it be shaking from a hand-held camera, let it be.
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that we were making a movie about love, they had to film that happiness falls on lovers, how it should look on the screen, when a person comes out of a dark room into the harsh light, he squints, so they decided to film in contrast, from very dark to almost exposed frames, i love everything, marriage! he said what to do, and we will be in blatant laughter, because that’s not the point, that’s not the point, let there be a thousand digs there, that’s nonsense, and let the camera be visible, it doesn’t matter, what’s important is this, this bell, it’s necessary. what we see now on the screen - hello to the italian director fedorica fellini, this is his move, the action is increasing,
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the plot is developing, and then once there is a slight turn of the camera, there is a film on the screen... the full face was towards the camera, this did not happen, it was a very delicate, i would say, operator attitude. andrei konchalovsky also improvised when he selected actors for this film, he is the screenwriter and cameraman, at first the leading actors saw it as completely different, when elena koreneva came to the audition
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, she did not make an impression on konchalovsky. swollen from tears, she had some kind of unsuccessful romance, she was looking into space, so in general she didn’t care, i looked at her, i thought, how interesting, usually actresses come, they want, i like it, she was sitting like that, but her still, we decided to try, suddenly a miracle happened, in every gesture, in every phrase, elena koreneva turned out to be absolutely natural. "i'm always with you, but something coincided, either a child’s thing, or something, some kind of girl. with some girl with some kind of inner maturity and at the same time very fragile as an actress, i scared her terribly, she was playing,
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rehearsing something, i said, now i’m playing, that’s how stanislavsky was, mom, mom, how scary, i heard someone knock, call me by name, so that in... well, i don’t know, i have them here, they are not here, here, there were touching moments in their co-creation that worked on
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a task more powerful than any words of instructions, filming in village, well, when some rehearsals are going on there , we were settled there in some village house, suddenly a woman comes to us and says: they asked us to give you this bag, which means strawberries. andrei sergeevich told you to eat these strawberries before filming, but there was not a handful, but there was this, a serious bag of collected strawberries. the taste of these strawberries, their aroma, they remained for the rest of my life, as did the wonderful aftertaste from filming how i love you, human connections, they are more...
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this is all human in general, of course, later it affects the relationship between the director and the actor, as i say, life is too short to spend all your work in irritation or or in hatred, so i want to love the people with whom i work. at first, no one considered evgeniy kendinov for the main role; he had to play. hockey player, who was eventually played by alexander sbruev. andrei konchalovsky imagined a completely different actor, vladimir konkin, as the hero. konkin was a young,
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capable, very lively boy. twenty- one-year-old vladimir konkin was then starring in drama, how steel was stabbed. it all started with the cover of a soviet movie screen, where i was in budenovka, then a magazine came out. for the november holidays of the seventy-second year. the cover of this magazine replaced konchalovsky's photo tests for the main role. here he is, one hundred percent soviet romeo. konchulovsky decided not only to film konkin, but to persuade him to quit the role of korchagin in the film as the steel was tempered. but konkin did not take this adventure. konchalovsky's proposal seemed secondary to the young actor. he now has an epoch-making role. and what's that? i read scenario the next day. we met, and i found 20 repetitions there, as i remember now, with korchagin, but i didn’t want to repeat myself, so, of course, they are very conditional, but,
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but then it seemed to me, that’s what i’m saying, but no, well, well, this is some kind of cranberry, igor, volodets, this is filmed by mikhalkov, kontilovsky, volodya, this is a different one for you, this, this is a different stage of creativity. i haven’t completed this one yet, i had to wait for konkin, but how? a romance between lovers has been put into production, the film has a tight deadline, konchilovsky had to go on official duty deception, it means he invented a disease for himself, supposedly his ulcer opened up, so that the picture could be made, it was necessary to hold out this story until spring, but when spring came, he already knew that he wouldn’t be able to film, he... and i didn’t know how tell him that i can’t act, and i still said it, i say: andrum, forgive me, please, i can’t do it with you,
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i don’t have the strength. what does it mean to be left without the actor on whom you placed your main bet? is it difficult to survive this? and he turned away, which means he was looking away from me, towards the window, he was looking at something there, his back there was such a pause, when moklov’s sword was hanging on this hair, so he said: okay, that is, he wasted his time, i said, well, will you do the younger brother? i say, the younger one , yes, because the volume is small, that’s why. andrei konchelovsky could be offended, angry, say goodbye forever to the person who let him down like that, but life is life, things happen, you have to forgive people for your own shortcomings, we are all basically the same, i don’t consider myself one of the people who have no shortcomings, i have plenty of them, i am happy to see them in others,
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konchalovsky had to return to... i couldn’t figure out what he should be like, so somehow he came with this, he has this, like a sculpted face, cheekbones, a heavy jaw, he’s like some kind of granite , and i really liked him for that, in general, he was a gentle person. "seryozha, boy, well, well, hello, well, kindinov was inspired, managed to fill his character with energy, passion, he was soulful when he played love, when he played a man who has lost happiness, he says: “zhen, you don’t need anyone here’s to create a certain image, no, it’s you, open up, so that we have you open, sincere, natural, so that there is
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no “how to say, here’s the skill of acting, no, be yourself, and he told lena the same thing, this is who you are, this is how you are needed, and you are so interesting, when screenwriter evgeny grigoriev found out that instead of the graceful romeo and the tremulous juliet, a man with a rough face and a strange girl would play in the film, he decided that the film was ruined out of despair he even stopped coming to the set, we they felt,
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let’s just spend a few days, how can i say, lose weight for a few days so that you’ll be a little younger, it will always be like this, at the beginning of the work the creators of the film could not imagine that there would be so much music in their film, it was planned, of course, to use several songs, the meeting changed everything. with one extravagant long-haired young rock singer. on the days we met, he was recording at a recording house and in his voice konchalovsky heard the expressive tension that was needed for the film. he decided to try it. the director asked: can you write music for cinema? the musician replied: of course, have you ever written scores? no, but it’s easy for me, i’m
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a genius. twenty. the four-year-old genius’s name was alexander gradsky, i met him, but he’s just a boy, he says, i don’t know how to orchestrate, so to speak, i say, no matter, let’s write melodies, so sasha was the first to write his orchestral scores for this film, an unprecedented case at that time, not a member of the composers' union, received an order for music for a two-part musical film. gradsky generally lived outside the generally accepted laws, and everything was forgiven for his talent. sanka had a tongue like a razor, it didn’t cost him anything to send three letters, to konchalovsky, not konchalovsky, so we became very friends with him then, he lived on mosfimovskaya, sasha’s brother, we were young, he already had ensemble, they played in a cafe on the new marbat, a star of world cinema.
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lalabarzhida specifically for gradsky looked for some special devices in european music stores and brought them to moscow. sasha said, we need something like this. machine wah-wow for kitara, wow-wow, yes, we don’t have it in moscow, but no, i called lolobridi and she brought us these two cars to the festival, wah-wow, pedal, sashka was delighted, and the music started playing, guitar became the companion of the main character, sasha with her original music and her wonderful voice, this is, let’s say, at least 50. of the film, because yes, there were good shots, filming, wonderful actors, all this is wonderful, but if we say, how would melodrama, melodrama, that means in the first word, this melody must be, must
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the melody of seryozha’s heart, and his chosen one, and sanka definitely did all this and just a big little boy, for... spree, spree, spree, spree, boy, you are a guy, young, young, konchalovsky wanted to make a song about a spree boy an emotional climax, film it in such a way that first the film crew, and then the audience, would cry, he pushed it, did take after take, and suddenly he saw that he was thinking incorrectly, it seemed like everyone in the frame was crying, but something was wrong. “oh, comrades, you hold me, then i started watching the material, after 2 months, when i think we’ll take this last take, it ’s terrible, i say what to do, we blew it, i
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say, let’s take the previous one, well, a little better, i say, and the first one, come on, the first one, which i said was bad, look, here he is the first without...” snot without these tears, and this is an amazing thing, the audience should have tears, not an artist, oh comrades, hold me, with joy i will engage in srombaru like fire, when konchalovsky received the script, everything ended with the death of the hero, when the main characters are happy, well, how can i say, sincerely, rejoicing at the rapprochement, suddenly such a breakdown occurs when my hero dies, the death of the hero in the romance of lovers
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is the death not of the body, but of the soul, this happens when love leaves the heart, i go to my beloved, who has been waiting and waiting, the film ended with the death of the hero, and since the death of the hero is a figurative thing in the script and , as it were, in the plan, it was necessary to explain to the viewer, in my opinion, that life after death, i lived without love for most of my life, i fell in love. i was very keen, that’s another question, but happy people experience love, but falling in love is different, i
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believe that falling in love is a young feeling that makes you look younger, but love, it doesn’t make you look younger, it gives you confidence in life and... in my opinion, happy people are those who understand what they love , and not everyone is so lucky that they truly meet a person who makes them better, this is rare, i think, therefore a romance with lovers in itself is, this is an ode, this is a commendable word:
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they are used for their intended purpose, otherwise you never know, the inspector saw that powerful lighting...
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and the heroes begin to speak not in blank verse, but in prose. this was a director’s move, because the film, a romance between lovers, was dedicated to love. love illuminates this life. unhappy love too, as long as it lives in the souls of the heroes, the world is full of colors, even if the lovers have already parted. but when love leaves the heart, all the poetry of this world dies.
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and the world, when color has disappeared, when the feeling of everyday life, a love boat breaks is often commonplace, the black and white world can remain a person forever, and even end prematurely, like an old film in a movie camera breaks, here when a person ceases to be a lover, love is gone, this black and white piece was... written in agony, although it is very simple, and
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it was very important, the editor-in-chief of the association helped us, lena and the good ones, who came, and we sat, we were talking about how to make a basic piece of a metro bus there, marrying me there, kupchenko appeared like life after death, the screenwriter had a path to the revival of the hero. works as a distributor in the workers' canteen and
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is no meraimotier. irina kubchenko, who playing luda was a very difficult task, only five episodes, during which time she and sergei must meet, get married, give birth to a child, and he must fall in love with her. exactly in this sequence. a man who drives a bus who doesn't smile. next stop is this. one of the main characters of the film moscow
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yard, how much sun, music, delight in life there is, how many amazing people inhabit it, i collected this yard, i collected it from some amazingly interesting people, colonel, that is, it was such, such a little exotic ponopticon of strange moscow people. ilza nikoilovna went, ilza nikoilovna went. and yasavina plays the mother of the heroine koreneva, and inakentis maktunovsky plays the trumpeter, who is given to know how everything will develop and how it will end. he communicates to the entire arbat courtyard the joys and pains of his sensitive heart. among the strange and eccentric heroes of the film, one cannot miss this man, the poet nikolai glazkov, the one who coined the word “self- publishing”, and then it was transformed into
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samizdat. first of all, he is a poet, and a poet with a very capital letter, because he is very independent, thinking in his own way , perceiving the world, and someone who managed to manage this reality of ours, the difficult reality of the forties, fifties , nineties, and the following years. -to introduce poetry, he’s just a talented russian man, glaskov was the flagship of soviet samyzdat, he typed out books like this and distributed them to friends, these are often small books...
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archi, i’m flying, well, to torkovsky’s eyes he acted in a movie, and what kind of movie at that, and there was filming when they were filming alexander nevsky, he was a member of the extras there, and he, of course, later said that he played a russian warrior, this, this was in his blood, this this. his, so to speak, russianness, colorful, original, natural, he was a well-known character in the creative community, an eccentric whom everyone knew, i constantly met him in the house of writers, where we drank alcohol with torkovsky, having a snack, of course, he was always there he was funny, he was a walrus,
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he walked around in his shirt in the winter, open, he had a blue nose, because everyone has walruses, blue noses, and he was charming, in general , absolute originality in its pure form , holy fool's eyes, and the same naive, amazing poems, because to me i liked it so much, i met him so often, i think we need to insert him into the picture, i inserted it, in the romance of lovers there is a song about birds by nikolai glazkov, and he plays an old man . the mattresses flew in, the hunters shot at them. killed the birds of the air, the birds fell to the ground, died in the hour of sorrow, about them hunters shot for fun.
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when the film was released, all the director's expectations were met, the halls were crowded, and film critics quarreled. among themselves, young people broke into the show, they whispered a lot about an incredible scene for soviet cinema with a half-naked heroine. girls and boys of the soviet union now dreamed of such love. in educational and work groups there were discussions on the topic of what you would do in the place of the main characters, how accurately the director showed the image of our contemporary, and musfilm and...


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