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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  May 3, 2024 4:05am-4:56am MSK

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i see, tell me, are there any other golovin specialists? it’s unlikely, in russia it’s definitely not, the figures between us are not the most interesting, of course, goodbye. wait, we have everything up to the second floor. hello, hello, tell me, is there a book by burlyaev about golovin, yes, they sell well, yes, how much it costs, honestly, how much you don’t mind, it’s clear. so here’s another
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murder in our area in the years seventy-three or seventy-four, well , it’s unlikely to be a murder, yeah, they diagnosed a heart attack during a robbery, so the address is accurate, yes the address is accurate, so then i'm gonna chech it. this is what, these are failures on the fontanka for 73, seventy-four, seventy-five, and why seventy-five, it was in november of seventy-three, well , at most they could have shoved the fourth for reporting, that’s right, we had a different system before seventy-five , so now wait, i’ll look, lena, lena, wait,
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yeah, thanks, i found it, and that’s it, yeah, that’s it, that’s it, that means this dzhukov was with us on the thirteenth, yes, on the thirteenth i met him, on the fourteenth we agreed to look at the apartment, and we did, yes, on the fifteenth they find his body with the key to the apartment in his pocket, and you think this is normal, i can’t imagine when he got this key, did you tell the investigator that you know zhukov? no, of course, but what did we... what
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did they ask you, investigator, yes, i asked about the apartment, who it belongs to, and what did you say, told the agency, but what could i say, it’s only being checked once, i might not have said anything at all talk, well, of course, they ask me, what does the investigator think about the murder, who do they suspect? what kind of murder, he felt bad in his heart, heart attack, is that what the police think, or you, the police, and me too, okay, and you left them your phone number, yes, if they call, let me know, okay, free,
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what to do with the apartment? in terms of? well, show it to clients if they want to look? no, of course, what am i talking to you about? no advertising on the internet, so that it doesn’t exist anywhere, all the papers related to this apartment are here for me, all the reports on advertising, on inspections, okay? yes. i'm not here?
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oh, it turns out that golovin has one more son left here, yes, one left, and one stayed, was a revolutionary, then worked in parliament in... another corpse on the fountain, how did he show up when? november 17 , 1900. seventy-three, phew, listen, i really have the feeling that we are not in the investigative committee, in some kind of, i don’t know, children’s history club, a similar case, a robber enters an apartment and during an attempt to rob his heart stops, also a criminal, relapse semenyuk,
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this is just a burglar, and also a torch of freedom, here, by the way, there is a large photograph, look, they all have... torches? no, the one in ninety, well, i ’m telling you, it’s a children’s history club, in ninety-three there is no torch, wait, how does it happen, the person bought an apartment, uh-huh, from an agency, as i understand it, he died, now the apartment is again owned by the agency, well , maybe the agency bought the apartment back from relatives, but that’s if there were relatives, well, yes, in any case, on...
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poison, but don’t be cunning, you’re interested in whether there are quickly decomposing poisons, which the expert can't determine, yeah, yeah, yeah, but there is, of course, just look, the point is not how quickly the poison decomposes, there is also the problem of the imperfection of our expert technologies, and then the chemical
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industry, you know, does not stand still, new drugs appear that require special analysis, new research methods, but you understand, no one is doing this, no one, that is, we will not reject the theory of poisoning. but in this case, especially in this one, zhukov lay in the apartment for about a day, that’s right, i’ll tell you about a dozen poisons, which during this time could have decomposed, here ’s another, who poisoned him when, and two more, at least which two, yes, we unearthed two more murders here, well, really in the seventy-third and ninety-third years, also a heart attack, but in in the same place, the question again arises, how did this poison, if it is a poison, get into their body, wait, there are not only fast-acting poisons, but there are also slow- acting ones, let’s say these two the day before death, what’s up they used it, well, yes, and exactly 24 hours later it begins to act, when they get to this apartment on fontanka, considering that it was difficult for two of them to get there, they didn’t live there, well, yes,
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nonsense, of course, nonsense, but maybe it’s true a heart attack, three of them in the same place, no, yes , this is of course too much, it’s also a tattoo for two people, but no, there’s nothing surprising in that, it’s a tattoo, well... okay, that’s it, that’s it, yes, that’s it, see you, see you, yeah, you’re still here, eh i thought you were already at the agency, boss, i just
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made an appointment, i was busy all the time, volodya, but i also think that you will go home, yes how long do they work? it's almost 6 now, so did we agree on this cafe? hello! hello, listen, fedya, we also talked to him there, he disappeared somewhere, no, he is no longer there, but where is he? he’s on a mission, it’s clear, in general, it’s just necessary, yes, but i would like to talk to your boss today, today, unfortunately, it won’t work out, and tomorrow he... will be at work, girl, your boss what didn't work on your mobile phone? so, i don’t have the right to give
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sergei yuryevich a mobile phone to anyone, girl, but the point is that i, whoever you are, from zanevsky ruvd, at the moment i am investigating a crime in which you are rapidly becoming an accomplice, you write, yes, yes, of course, of course, 8 921, 519.
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yes, sergey yuryevich, but i need to talk with you today. you understand,
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today my day is dead busy. don't worry, i only need you for 10 minutes. i will ask you three questions and let you go in peace. you understand, i don’t even have five minutes, i ’ll be wandering around the city all evening and , god willing, i’ll be home by 12. so, i’ll arrive by 12:00. where? to your home. fine. cafe lisbon at the uprising, you know? i'll find it. i'll be there at 7:15 and i'll have exactly 10 minutes. agreed.
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the subscriber cannot answer due to death. shvetsova? are you? what am i? who are you calling? whose phone number? director of a real estate agency, has he thrown his horses? is it true? heart attack. so, have the forensic experts arrived? no, i made the diagnosis myself, since he lies in the apartment on the fountain in almost the same place as the beetles. fine, i have a date. i scheduled a cafe at 7:15, which means i was going to finish it before 7, come on, i’m scared, yeah. so, comrade, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defense to the extreme.
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premieres for victory day. yes, i only have four planes on the move. i received the order, carry it out. fly like snow up to your waist , check, commander, the engines will stop, the temperature is off the charts, if casualties are detected, carry out the order, fighters, the battle for crimea, from monday on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours that was together. who will be left with you? they went against god, toured all the liberated territories, what an impression, but russia comes and the city lives. boris korchevnikov's program, life and destiny. from monday to friday on rtr. let's watch detective stories. kalinon belek is a place where time
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stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underbos, the name of which character from pushkin’s works, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who at work, talks a lot and loudly, if.
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ttr jackdaw, what a surprise, i have my own business, a country cottage, a car, in general everything is fine, but how many children do you have, i’m not married yet, you’re lucky with your man that there are no shortcomings, i really don’t have any, you’re not afraid that they’ll leave , other people's happiness does not give peace, you will have a permanent job, that ’s how, what kind of work, where, gali, i’ll take you to me personally. stolen happiness is always bitter, this is a very good wine, open it, family happiness on saturday on rtr,
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but i don’t know, i know, but i think that this is the thing that is not ordinary magic, and these numbers mean something like snipsnur, well or cribly-crably booms, but in golovin’s apartment, i’m sure, there is a door straight to the sixth dimension, you come there, call these numbers, you find yourself in another world, your mortal coil remains on the parquet, well that's enough, give it here, i think this could really be the letter alpha? marya sergeevna, well , i checked everything, it turns out to be some kind of nonsense, yes , nonsense, i’ll tell you honestly. of course, this reminds me of a code from a safe, but what a safe, i went through everything there, looked at everything, knocked, then why does this code lead to death, well
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, yes, except for the old-timer’s ghost, perhaps nothing comes to mind, marya sergeevna, imagine, you come to visit a ghost, tell him these numbers, you end up, you know where, okay, let's go the other way, so, both dead men had the same tattoo, well... does that mean someone did this tattoo, someone who knew the meaning of this code? we need to conduct an investigation in the zone, yes, find some mutual friend who has a needle and ink, uh-huh, well, marya sergeevna, well, between their terms, well, 40 years have passed, so what, the more noticeable this person will be, the car was found . stands on the embankment, so what is there? nothing interesting, you have to go to the agency and rummage through their office, finally find documents for the apartment,
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come on, come on, but i won’t give you the chicken, he goes to the zone, he jumped into a werewolf in uniform, wait a little longer, maybe i ’ll also hand over my accomplices, i’ll hand him over to you, okay, i’ll go to the prosecutor’s office for a resolution, and you go to the agency, and what’s more, they found a dead man in the jacket. i don’t know, maybe it will be useful for zhukov, so this is our deceased, uh-huh, where did you get this, it stuck in your pocket, probably from some kind of package or envelope, it turns out that this is the director, he was familiar with him, or at least in any case, i knew about its existence, it turns out, uh, so, maybe due to new circumstances i no longer need it, i need it, damn, it’s not far from here, in obukhova, i know,
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you understand, i have a buyer, and he won’t wait, without sergei yuryevich’s signature and his seal, it’s simply pointless for me to appear at the state bureau of investigation. so wait, can we find out what happened, he’s okay, not really. he's dead,
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it's always so picturesque here, no, this is nonsense, who came here, no one, when was the last time you saw the boss? yesterday when he left work, uh, what time was it? as usual, around five, he locked the office himself, yes, he took the key with him, yes, one key he always carries with him, when you left, at 6 minutes and the reception was closed, well, of course, from five to six two employees, agents, came, but none of them remained in the reception alone, and besides, they have been working for a long time, i i know very well, yeah, one of them was working
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on an apartment on fontanka, golovin’s apartment, yeah, lyosha gromov was working on it, lyosha gromov, don’t even think about it, even, as i say, i never left, is there an apartment on fontanka in the database? should be, only it has a password, all apartments owned by the agency are located in a separate database, but you know the password, i think so, i got it yesterday... enter the database.
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well, where is the fountain, no, that means he not only had the key to the office and reception area, but also the password that sergei yuryevich and i knew, yeah . maybe another major shareholder? who? what kind of shareholder? can you let the guys go? so it’s been a week since he left? what's back already? no, he’s unlikely to come back. grandma
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died or something, more likely killed, clearly, so he’s interested, that means he’s interested in a person from zhukov’s inner circle, about 60 years old, perhaps older, a repeat offender, has a tattoo, a torch of freedom, in the seventies he was in mordovia, somewhere in general regime camps, in detail, you don’t know the last name, but no, i don’t know the last name, no, well, it’s unlikely they are...
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enterprises, yeah, then, as i understand it, when there was a fashion for all sorts of joint ventures, he got tired of this business, he found a good manager, sergei yuryevich, and communicates only with him, by phone, mostly, but sometimes he drops by when he’s in russia for other reasons business, but for the last year and a half he wasn’t there, no, he came, but they didn’t communicate in the office, and you know about his existence , sergei yuryevich, well, that too, well, the office, you...
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you understand, everyone always knows everything about everyone, besides, i talked to him on the phone when i connected with the director, you know english, no, he’s russian, do you know this man, no? it’s strange, but he was sitting here in abukhovo, he was released recently, so what? and the fact that zhukov is the only person who has been released from here in the last 2 months. so what? and the fact that this tattoo is his ticket to freedom, which you gave him, thinking that he will get you out. yes, that didn't happen. yes it was. she
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killed him on that very one. the apartment where you sent him, this is a tattoo, this is a ticket to the next world, but i know, i think, the only key was with sergei yuryevich, i never opened this safe, there may be constituent documents in the accounting department, but no, what are you talking about? we have a joint stock company, it seems to me that it is kept at someone’s home, yeah, good, but if we assume that after your i don’t even think that the register is in the safe, the owner of the controlling stake came to the office and opened it with his key reception, office destroyed all the data on the apartment, this is possible, well, if he is in russia, then, in principle
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, yes, he has a pass... an apartment on fontanka, a client, they talked to him, he didn’t come, but he wanted to see lesha gromov, yes, call gromov , call here, but only under some internal pretext, so as not to scare him away, because he’s on vacation today. was going to greece, good afternoon,
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hello, hello, you happen to be blacks, did something happen? your boss died, sergei yuryevich, and you have another, and what are you saying, stop, stop, hey, come to me, to me! drive, drive, drive, what kind of people are they, let's go right to the intersection,
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huh? turn off the engine, we arrived, yeah, yes, i remember, on the thirteenth he came to our agency, he wanted to see the apartment on fontanka, but on the fourteenth i showed it to him, and what did he say after? looking at what he would think, as usual, he clearly couldn’t afford the apartment, he tried to bargain, but no, what are you talking about, buyers are bargaining, and it’s so simple, a tourist, why didn’t you
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say that you know this person? well, well, who wants to get involved in a criminal case, then more into murder, of course. how does the director know about zhukov's existence? from me, well , when all this happened, well, this zhukov died, and i said that zhukov was our client for a total of one and a half hours. tell us about the main shareholder? which shareholder? okay, alexey. for your help, if you remember anything, tell the duty officer, we will meet immediately, which duty officer, hands
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forward, and what did i do, hands, you are accused of resisting a police officer and stealing a vehicle? based on evidence taxi driver, if you remember anything, call the duty officer, you asked about the americans, i remembered, but i never saw him , yeah, but he called me, and the first time he called after the death of this zhukov, he called on his mobile, yes, from russia, the number was identified, no, i think he was calling via skype or some other internet connection, why did they decide this way, and there were such pauses and delays during the conversation, does this happen when you call via gps? okay, what were you talking about, he said he wanted make me the manager of the company, asked that the conversation remain between us, he knew that i showed zhukov this apartment on fontanka, he learned from the director, well, yes, from
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sergech, most likely, yeah, what he wanted, he asked for one favor, he asked so that i give him all the documents regarding this apartment. how? and i had to leave them in the storage room at the station. he told me the cell number and code. he didn't explain why he needed them? no. and you left, yes, only there, that there was already a folder with documents, and he called me exactly at the moment when i was putting the documents in the box, which means he was nearby, yes, i, i turned around to look to understand who was talking to me, but there was such a crowd there. what was in the folder? letter for zhukov.
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for zhukov? an envelope with a yellow sticker attached with the inscription to zhukov. he told me to give this envelope to sergei yurievich. i had to say that zhukov forgot it on my table. that's all. yes. you did it. they didn’t look into the envelope, it was sealed, and you decided that this letter killed your boss, so they tried to escape from me, uh-huh, attention everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day. we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered
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the transfer of paton to the 267th regiment, major roman , so come on, romanov, who mr. imprisoned, then a special thank you from me personally, let's go dance, thank nikolaevich, i don't dance, i don't dance and doesn’t drink, here she is, an example of which officer’s shoulder straps behave like the last, welcome to the ranks. those who stumbled, prodina gave you a chance to atone for your guilt, only penalty prisoners are going into battle, the task is not easy, you will have to act in the enemy’s operational center, fighters, the battle for crimea, attention, prepare for battle, you are out of your mind, let them go beyond that, said to take the fight, from monday on rtr. rest is leaving
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yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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i haven’t yet understood where all the strings are coming from, but there is an assumption, an error, a premiere in saturday on rtr, the wife, this is a cook, a dishwasher, a technician, a teacher, a teacher, a seamstress, and the husband is tired at work, enough, enough, this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is givi, the honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor, the honor of the twenties olympic games, my grandfather had no children, my father did not. where are you from? i am from minsk? ismailovsky park, premiere on
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sunday on rtl. hello, did i hear you? yes yes. - and what are you so passionate about? so, well, golovin, what kind of unceremoniousness is this? i’m sitting here, trying to form myself with all my might, i, for example, am against it, you and i'm so smart. well, if you’re still educated, then if you insult, you’ll be left without dinner, uh-huh, well, yes, no, i’m serious, why are you suddenly interested in russian industry, what kind of industry, well, golovin, he was a famous industrialist, he has factories , mines in the urals, a bad mark for you from lugansk, yes, golavin is a scientist and a member of
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the government council, golavin, an apalinarian, a capitalist, worse than sava morozov, a well-known figure, well, really, that doesn’t interfere. him to be a scientist and a member of the government advice, seriously, yes, yes, yes, you are getting educated, well, now it’s a c grade, maybe i haven’t finished reading it yet, well, marseille, that was 15 years ago, do you think i remember something, well, i understand, try to remember. there the owner of the apartments dies of a heart attack, the real estate agency claims the rights to this apartment, the rights to the apartment that they sold to this deceased, and the most interesting thing is that they manage to win the apartment, are you saying that i made a decision in their favor? yes, yes, that’s how it was,
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well... theoretically, if there was an agreement composed in such a way, yeah, that in the case of stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, i think i remembered, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i remembered, it wasn’t quite like that, uh-huh, there, that's what it was, the agency acted under the power of attorney of a foreign citizen, an american, right? he then owned an apartment, the agency sold this apartment on his behalf, and he then demanded to cancel the deal, that is, for the apartment to be returned to him, the agency did not have the right to sell this apartment, upon closer examination, the power of attorney did not allow this
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do, yeah, i am an american citizen, through a lawyer, demanded to cancel the contract with. everything was clear, indeed, the power of attorney did not give the right to this kind of transaction, and i was forced to recognize the transaction as void, that is, invalid, the apartment remained with the american citizen, and this was after the agency received the money, this is after the buyer died , yes, in fact, no one lost anything, with the exception, of course, of the heirs of the deceased, but i think he didn’t have any, the court in any case no one showed up, well, this is a fraud, i am convinced that the agency and this american, they were in collusion, perhaps, but you know our jokes, jokes, no body, no case,
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no statement, no corpus delicti, that’s just it that very case when there was no one to submit an application. yeah, the only victim of this scam was dead, but do you happen to remember the american’s last name? an american, he has some kind of russian surname, something like smirnov, an american of clearly russian origin, golovin, no. no,
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thirty-eighth. let the thirty- ninth be washed out, thank you, yeah, yes, we have 7 minutes before lunch. dmitry vladimirovich, i read your book with pleasure, i really liked it. thank you, i only had one question, yes, i’m listening, i didn’t really understand golovin’s children, he had two sons, one of them remained in russia, andrey. yes, andrey, what is the fate of the second one? did he go with his father? yes, he went to france, studied there
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, graduated from law school, if i’m not mistaken. to be honest, i wasn’t very interested in his biography, and i wasn’t really interested in exploring its possibilities. it wasn’t much, i tried to get in touch with him, but it didn’t work out yet, and he kept his father’s last name, well, yes, at least i was looking for him like a golovin, but maybe he... well, of course, why not, where did this information come from, yes, there is no information, just an assumption, an interesting assumption, if there is information, please let me know, after all, this is my topic, come in, be sure, goodbye.
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what is this? this was given to me by gromov, the future director of a former real estate agency. list of clients? everyone who was interested. apartments on the fontanka, and you know what’s interesting, one of them was only interested in this apartment, he didn’t consider any other options, he purposefully wanted to buy this particular apartment, why didn’t he buy it, circumstances got in the way, when he came to look at the apartment, the corpse of another client was discovered there, who is this guy, a programmer, and the most interesting thing is, you know what, when i called the computer room...
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no, but you said to let him go, but i’m kidding, he’s in the air force, well, drag him here, no problem. yes, good afternoon, sergey, this is from your agency worries, alexey, yes, alexey, i found out, i’m talking about the apartment fountain, the apartment, you said that. you don’t sell it anymore, you didn’t sell it, but the circumstances have changed, we put it up for sale again, the investigation
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is over, the case is closed, and we are working with this apartment again, great, i’m ready to buy it, the only thing is i haven’t been able to look at it , sergey, there’s another problem, yes, what a problem, but the fact is that another buyer has appeared. i see, yes, i literally called today and probably offered more, yes, and i thought, i can’t pay any more, but there’s not much, i won’t pay any more, come on, in any case, if you suddenly decide to continue this conversation, then you have a day, during the day we won’t take any action we are not taking any action from this apartment, we are waiting for your decision. i hung up, hung up, great, let's get going, but i, what's wrong with me?
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