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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 3, 2024 9:00am-9:41am MSK

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hello on the russia tv channel, broadcast in the studio. drone operators are destroying nato
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equipment in isu; they have lost a german armored vehicle ; they have lost an american ; even camouflage does not help the enemy. british foreign secretary cameron allowed the ukrainians to attack russian territory with british weapons, and biden, according to politics, will now have a page on ukraine topics, it scares away potential voters. turkey completely stops trade with israel, and the eu offers a billion to lebanon to curb the threatening flow of migrants from the middle east to europe. from the sea directly to the conveyor belt into deep freezing. sakala fish catchers catch hundreds of thousands of tons of fish a year, and applications for the construction of new factories have already been submitted. it’s scary, it’s probably impossible to get used to, but they probably should know about it. stories that will definitely not leave anyone. “i know the truth about life in donbass under
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shelling. 930 ukrainian soldiers, seven tanks and other armored vehicles were destroyed over the past 24 hours in various areas of the special operation. in the avdiivka direction , russian units repelled over 10 attempts in usa to regain the lost territory. in south donetsk zaporozhye'. so our military improved the situation and took new positions. advance detachments are now establishing a foothold on the outskirts of chasovo yar. report by alexander kazzu. powerful artillery barrage precedes the assault at the armed forces of ukraine's craprine on the outskirts of chasov yar. what objects will you hit now? now we are shooting at the platoon stronghold. the enemy starts rotating, we want to destroy him right away. the crew of the legendary commander is at the firing line.
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what did i say until they started to step over thorn, yeah, we immediately hurried, immediately entered the battle, mechanics, drivers from this gun helped, covered us, gunners, operators, with a thirty-millimeter gun, operators of reconnaissance drones coordinate the actions of our winged infantry, detonation, detonation of this blue detonation, watch, everything they opened the cover for him, let them throw him in there too. with an accurate, crushing
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volley at the enemy, our artillerymen help the assault troops advance. high-explosive fragmentation shells have standard fuses. the weight of each such projectile is 80 kg, the range firing up to 20. there is continuous combat work at the division command post, i set the task to completely mine the road here to your left flank, so that no one could approach you unhindered , either from the road, or in front, or from the flank from the third parachute on airborne battalion, i set you a task, the shells are hitting the target, the ivanovo paratroopers have already occupied the trenches of the armed forces of ukraine. hawk hawk we see a pencil, he storms the left trench, exactly.
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comrade we took from the vsushnik, who decided fight against the two of us, but he lost. the forest area on the western outskirts of chasoy yar was defended by soldiers of the 67th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy is now located at a distance of no more than 100 m from us. naturally, for the enemy, this causes a certain concern, this is naturally fear, something that is constant at any moment. further assault operations may begin, marriage and heroism shown during a special operation by a paratrooper of the ivanovo airborne forces unit are awarded right on the front line. alexander katsyuba, alexander malyshev, lead the way. preparation at training grounds, in toll areas of special operations. right now
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a unit is passing through, which will replace the advanced detachments on the zaporozhye front. the military already have combat experience, but training takes into account the specifics of specific settlements. as they say stormtroopers. who will have to knock the enemy out of rabotina, reporting by stanislav vasilchenko. rabotina is one of the hottest spots in the special operation zone. due to constant attacks from aviation, artillery and drones, the village has already turned into ruins, it is simply impossible to hold positions. the russian army is advancing, the enemy is trying to hide in dilapidated buildings and basements. soldiers of the 70th guards motorized rifle regiment are among those who liberate the village. from ukrainian neo-nazis, a rotation is now being prepared, the unit is completing training at the training grounds and will soon begin carrying out combat missions in rabotino. the main emphasis is on practicing assault operations, everything is like in a real battle: trenches, explosives, and of course,
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drones dropping grenades on the soldiers, of course, training, no concessions, commanders deliberately create stressful situations. the task of the assault group is to knock out the enemy and gain a foothold... in the role of instructors, senior comrades who have already participated in zarabotin’s battles tell how the enemy operates, what weapons they use and how to resist him. among the motorized riflemen of the seventieth regiment, many have state awards. the fighter with the call sign fish received a medal for courage. his stormtrooper unit destroyed the neo-nazis who were entrenched in one of the buildings and held pre-arrival position. the same maviks with drops, and the enemy didn’t show us anything like that, took up positions and simply waited for
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further actions, instructions from the senior command. a motorized rifleman with the call sign rotor was also presented with state awards for the liberation of populated areas and was awarded the zhukov medal for successfully repelling enemy attacks. for military distinction, he remembers when the ukrainian military retreated, they abandoned the wounded, leaving nothing for them, it was russian soldiers who provided assistance, the wounded were afraid to get to you, no, on the contrary they were happy, why, that we treated them humanely, their fellow countrymen abandoned them, and we took them, began to take care of them, treated them, fed them, clothed them, put them on shoes and sent them on for treatment, the battles for earnings continue, now most of them are under the control of russian units sat down. the enemy is losing ground and, retreating to the north, is mining the territory, slowing down the advance of our troops. this tactic has already been beaten, so it will not come as a surprise to russian fighters. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinokurov, khalit tankiev, lead the southern sector, military special operations. london allows kiev to launch
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strikes from its weapons at any russian target, not limited to the territory of ukraine as of the ninety-first year. about it. let's be absolutely clear: russia has launched an offensive against ukraine, and ukraine has every right to retaliate against russia. the statement turned out to be so scandalous that some time after its publication, reuters retracted it and deleted it, saying that some
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details needed to be clarified. however, the video has already gone viral around the world, later it was made available again. the third strongest magnetic storm this year has begun. ahead of schedule, according to forecasts, the sun should have felt the consequences of the flares on earth only today, but in fact this happened the day before. as a result, the northern lights were noticed at night in different regions of russia. personnel come from khantamansiysk, perm region, chelyabinsk, tver, kursk region and even from the moscow region. in kostroma it became sharply cold and snow fell. the precipitation will not stop in the coming days. real snowdrifts in yakutia, snowfall occurred in southern regions of the republic. it was snowy this morning in the sverdlovsk region due to the northern cyclone, which formed off the coast of the barints sea. lower temperatures, rain and sleet are expected in the tyumen region, which is experiencing severe flooding. on the federal highway leading to umsk, as the water level rises , a protective embankment rises. rescuers are working around the clock, strengthening the structure
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with sandbags. in the orenburg region , almost 1,500 houses and garden plots were freed from water within 24 hours. we went through disinfection it's already 18.00 buildings. in primorye, flooding during the spring flood was avoided. under the new law, the region was given the opportunity to independently clean up rivers. ksenia's report on the first results of this work. an excavator is greedily biting into the river bank; since the beginning of the year, about 100 thousand cubic meters of soil have already been removed here; construction equipment has gradually turned the rescue into a full-fledged river with a fast flow, before it sometimes resembled a ditch overgrown with weeds. there was a forest here, there was a forest, stumps, trees, drifts, thickets, it was possible to calmly in the drought in the summer. this is how to cross another eric this is what happened when the river overflowed from
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the floods, this is august 2023, then the coastal city of spaskdani was experiencing a colossal flood, overgrown, swamped rivers instantly overflowed their banks, clogged channels did not allow large volumes of water to pass through, i walked, here i am emcheesniki took away with dogs, i felt like this, sergei antonenko still finds marks on the house and outbuildings, the water rose so high, soon. year as residents spassk survived the flood, but the farm is still being restored, the damage was too great, the water in the river is still rising, and you communicate with people, people are already starting to worry, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, so, well, such a flood that globally in the house there was one and a half meters of water, clearing of riverbeds, dredging of the bottom, strengthening of the banks, 77 km of rivers in the coastal region, thus put in order, as a result, the spring flood passed calmly, the intense rain here is heating up the place where we are now,
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that is, this is a site, it is permanent, this year this did not happen, the residents of the embankment street, their houses are just literally a stone's throw from the river, every day they waited for the arrival of big water, but the snow melted, the time for spring rains came, and they were flooded for the first time in for many years, every year it drowns, every year, every year, just imagine, but the garden is stable, but this spring it’s not yet. work to amend the law to allow entry into rivers during periods when
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they are most, say, low in water. in the region they calculated that it was possible to clear the rivers back in several times cheaper than through hiring contractors, 70 million rubles. against a possible 500. how effective the work on clearing river beds in primurye will be will be shown by the typhoon season; in august september in the region, as a rule, there are prolonged rains and rivers overflow their banks. if this period can be completed without flooding, then the result has been achieved. ksenia kolchino, denis yunak, vadim telegin, far eastern news bureau, primorsky territory. as the weather warms up , road construction has resumed across the country. national project for safe and high-quality roads. it has been implemented on behalf of the president for 5 years. this is the final year. among the main tasks are to ensure safety and create a comfortable, modern road infrastructure. report by jan cherbata. thousands
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of trucks, trucks and cars pass here every day, this is one of the most popular crimean destinations, the highway that leads through simferopol, krasnoperkopsk, armyansk and further to the kherson region is being repaired today. a thirteen-kilometer section of road in it needed updating for a long time. this is only the first part in a large-scale repair plan; the road workers plan to update everything. coating, leveling and top layer, according to the plan in early june we will finish work on this area, now the device shows 123°, this is more than enough to compact the asphalt concrete mixture. the quality of future asphalt is checked during laying, because these roads should last a long time. another highway connects tavrida and three villages in the belogorsk region. everywhere in the populated
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area there will be a sidewalk, yes, railings fencing, some untrafficked roads. as well as bus pavilions, the facility will, as they say, be brought up to standard. over 5 years in crimea , almost 1.00 km of roads, highways, bridges, streets in cities, even those where there had never been any repairs at all, carried out diagnostics of the fourteenth year, yes, only 12% of roads were updated according to the project for safe and high-quality roads. in standard condition, now they are already 40%. and we will carry out this work in the future. today, repairs and construction of new roads are underway throughout country. the construction of the long-awaited project is being completed in penzi. interchange on the m5 ural highway, it will significantly improve transport accessibility for two microdistricts at once, and an overpass for pedestrians has already been installed here, landscaping work and some engineering work remain. commissioning work on external electric lighting is underway, here are lighting poles in the amount of 104 pieces, we are already ahead of schedule due to the fact that
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we have increased in number of people and equipment in the area of ​​the same federal highway, but in samara areas. repair of the road that will connect the m5 ural village of zhiguli, this is the only way to one of the main attractions of the region, work here is planned to be completed next year. yana shcherbaty, andrey terentev, host. in the donetsk people's republic , the sowing campaign of early grain crops has ended. now farmers are engaged in herbicide treatment of wheat, and also plow the land to plant sunflower seeds. the weather this year does not foretell record harvests, but new modern technology will help increase them... comes to the republic thanks to federal programs. report by danil zaretsky. the agricultural donbass corporation has more than 100 hectares of land, a small part of which is in the gray zone and has yet to be demined. in other areas, farmers are actively planting various grain crops. by this day, one of the passive
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campaigns has already ended. the early grain sowing is over, peas, barley are also in order. we have 12,000 hectares, so far the condition is satisfactory. compared to last year, the harvest in 2024 will be worse, the director said state-owned enterprises. it was expected to collect 40-45 quintals per hectare, but apparently the harvest will be 20% less than planned. the twenty-third year was difficult, there was a rainy spring, but it was fruitful. we received good results for wheat and quality. in terms of the amount of grain collected, this year, of course, unfortunately, is much worse than last year in terms of weather conditions. the main problem is the arrival of early spring, followed by hot weather and drought, additional measures are being taken to correct the situation. to a depth of 5-6 cm - this is
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the optimal sowing depth, but to get to the moisture, up to 7 cm we have to... deepen the seeders, sowing complexes, new special equipment also helps with this, the processing coverage width is 36 m, the tank volume is 400 l, these are the characteristics of the bars self-propelled sprayer, it was delivered last year as part of a leasing program, and work has become much easier. this is also noted by the sprayer driver. grigory agruch has been working in this field for 20 years. he remembers that it used to be necessary to weed a field of 300 hectares. spend almost 3 days, now the whole process has been reduced by almost half, new technology, there is new technology, of course, better than modern technology, well, yes, instruments show everything, that’s all, cameras, everything is everywhere, everything is visible, today farmers have begun plowing the land, planting sunflower and corn seeds, there are about 40 units
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of special equipment operating throughout the entire territory, the same number of specialists, despite the lean year, employees of the state enterprise note: there will be no shortage of grain crops in the region. daniil zaretsky, anton khobotov, lead donetsk, starobeshevsky area. this is the message, this is what will happen next in our program. drone operators destroy equipment and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the eu, fearing crowds of refugees, offers lebanon a billion euros, which it wants in return. and turkey completely stops trade with israel. more about this and more after the advertisement. see you. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12:00 moscow
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time on rtr. they say that you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest. rest you need a beautiful, but you need to relax, where the sun and sea are, on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, welcome to rixsa with premium magavish suits and villaas in hurghada, where the luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation
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unforgettable. rixas premium magavish with suites and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. we invite you to the swiss hotel charmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on all inclusive system treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to
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the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. alexander yatsenko. we have not left them, they are following us. behind us? this is war. we are part of it. they don’t choose, jews here are not peaceful people, they are killed by enemies, which means they must fight with enemies, their tasks are to survive and get there, film by sergei ursulyak, and there is no choice, righteous man, premiere, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr , great saturday, on the eve of the bright resurrection of christ, in the very heart of the holy land. thousands of believers pray for a miracle. consecrated at the holy sepulcher fire, visible, material evidence of the victory of light over darkness and life over death.
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descent of the holy fire. live broadcast from jerusalem. on saturday at 13:00. attention everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered the transfer of fatan to the 267th regiment, major roman, so come on, you get up romanov, which mr. imprisoned, then from me personally special thanks, let's go dance, blah nikolaevich, i don't dance, he doesn't dance and doesn't drink, here he is...
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from monday on rtr. this is to lead. we are continuing production. the russian military in the avdeevsky direction destroyed another marder infantry fighting vehicle. a german armored vehicle was burned by drone operators. marines of the pacific fleet, using lancets, hit an entire column of armored vehicles on the southern donetsk front. the target was the american max pro armored car. in the same area, the crew of mi-20 helicopters. the night hunter discovered and destroyed the camouflaged combat vehicles of the visu soldiers. in this footage , pilots are destroying fortifications in the area harvest. the advance of the forward detachments
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is supported by operators. they strike at dugouts and shelters. the successes of the russian army are forced to be recognized by the ukrainian command. in an interview with the british magazine iko , the deputy head of ukrainian military intelligence, skibitsky , complained that the ukrainian armed forces found themselves in a very difficult situation, which would only get worse. according to him, the capture of the city of chasov yar, which is the key to the liberation of other cities in donbass, is only a matter of time. the military assistance provided by the united states is not enough. to compare with the russian production of shells, while the russian army, as skibitsky put it, acts as a single organism with a clear plan, kiev no longer seriously dreams of any borders of the ninety-first year, there is no talk of moscow’s capitulation either, the conflict must end in any case negotiations,” admitted skibitsky. well, joe biden will now mention ukraine less often in his speeches, as the politician’s publication has learned, against the backdrop of negative
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trends in the american economy. biden decided in his election campaign focus on financial issues, foreign policy issues, including ukraine, will fade into the background or even third place. the head of the white house forced congress to allocate additional funding to the kiev regime, and now before the elections he will avoid this topic in his speeches, since it could scare away many voters from him. israel cannot carry out a military operation in rafah due to the crowding in the city.
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we strive to maintain legal routes to europe and resettle refugees from lebanon in the european union. at the same time, we count on good cooperation in preventing illegal migration and combating migrant smuggling. translating from european-bureaucratic to human, this means that the eu does not expect refugees from the middle east and expects that lebanon will keep them, not allowing them further west, to the shores of cyprus, for example, as was the case before, but in beirut, many were dissatisfied with this state of affairs. the eu will not help resolve the refugee issue; there are now more than 2 million people displaced from syria in lebanon alone, almost the same number of internally displaced persons could result from the israeli ground operation in rafah . hundreds of thousands of people from all over the enclave have now gathered in and around the city in the very south of the gaza strip. local refugee camps are already overcrowded and living conditions there are intolerable, bringing the situation to the brink of
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a humanitarian catastrophe. the situation here is unbearable because there is sewage here and this sewage directly affects the residents, especially women and children. from allergies and abdominal pain to illnesses, this affects us all. if israeli armored units get here, then almost 2 million refugees will need to seek shelter somewhere else, and the final desired goal for many, of course, will be the european union, and therefore both the eu and the united states are now persuading tel aviv to abandon the invasion. after all, the consequences of this step will be felt far beyond the palestinian enclave. a truce could save the situation by exchanging hostages between israel and hamas, but the radical palestinian movement does not intend to release prisoners without guarantees of an end to the war from tel aviv, which, despite all the efforts of international mediators, are not yet ready to give. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and daniil gabdulin. news: middle east. turkey completely stops trade
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with. by israel, as noted in the relevant turkish ministry, the restrictions will remain in effect until israel declares a ceasefire in gaza and ensures the delivery of humanitarian aid. in response, the head of the israeli foreign ministry. according to him, tel aviv has already begun to look for an alternative trade relations with enkara. let me add that trade turnover between the two countries last year amounted to almost $7 billion. the georgian prime minister refused to comply with washington's demands and canceled his visit to the united states. the white house is... urging the georgian parliament to suspend consideration of the bill on foreign agents even before the trip. in response, the georgian ministry of defense summoned the us ambassador and explained to him in detail why such conditions are not in keeping with the spirit of partnership. the high-profile bill was adopted
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in the second reading. authorities believe he will ensure transparency of foreign funding of the non-governmental sector and the media. however, the opposition has been holding mass protests in tbilis for 2 weeks. that night the protesters blocked it. movements on the heroes' square, this is an important transport hub of the georgian capital, the crowd stretched for almost a kilometer, but there were significantly fewer people than in previous days, there were no clashes or riots. on other topics, 68 natural fires with a total area of ​​10 thousand hectares were extinguished in russia within 24 hours. by according to operational data, almost 90 more hectares are now burning. half of the hectares are in the khabarovsk territory. the tense situation remains in the jewish autonomy. in buryat , only small outbreaks have been detected so far, which are quickly eliminated. monitoring is carried out from the air. balzhinamo dambaev went on duty together with the observer pilots.
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orang lakes float under the wing of the plane, selenga is hidden in the distance behind the horizon, and the palate of rich farmers shines with gold among the forests of the barsky ridge. all this time parachute fire. assists letnab in tracking fires. 2 months of preparation are behind us, and now the professionals are ready to fight for the green wealth of the country, staying in the forest for several days. well, our equipment also includes tools, here we have a trunk, and there are all the tools, shovels, backpacks, sleeping bags, also tents , we have food, we have food there for three days, it turns out we can, if we make a stand for a fire, we can, well stay for 3 days. well, for the first 3 days we always prepare a medal, here at an altitude of 2,000 m even anyone can be seen, a fire begins at a distance of several tens of kilometers, but there is an exception; in strong winds it spreads along the ground, but even in this case the fire will be detected
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by another observer pilot, since the entire territory of the republic is under aerial surveillance. there is no smoke without fire; in the distance, already in the zaigraevsky area, clouds of smoke are visible and the paratroopers begin to prepare. as a pilot-observer, he knows how not only to pilot a plane, but also to analyze the forest fire situation, where the fire is going, where to jump, but will make a decision on landing it’s better to dig through a mineral strip and what escape routes are, first i determine a place on the map, some local forestry, what area, what is burning, accordingly, if the area is even small, then we disembark firefighting paratroopers for quick liquidation. quickly extinguish a starting fire, this is the main goal of aerial monitoring; last year’s figures for fighting fire in the forest speak for themselves; almost 90% of fires in buryat were extinguished in the first 24 hours. meanwhile, the biplane makes a turn,
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it becomes clear that a forest is burning near a populated area and that ground forces are already involved there, there is no need for landing, especially since clouds of smoke are already visible in other places, but they are flying around for now... news buryatia russia has increased the catch of white fish, only in sakhalin and the kuril islands , the indicators increased by 115 compared to last year . ton, sels, cod, mentai, everything is immediately processed. dmitry samoilenko observed the process at one of the largest island enterprises. flounder cod pollock capelin and herring. all the catch in a big stream goes into processing directly from the sea onto the conveyor belt. workers gut, wash
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the fish and quickly place it in a quick -freezing machine. with this freezer you can freeze fish in about one hour. then it goes to the packaging line, where specialists prepare it. he is confident of entering the top three in terms of this pace of work of the island plant, which allowed the volume of catching and processing of white fish. approximately the plant's capacity is 50 tons per day of fish species, but on average, depending on the weather , we produce about 500-600 tons of fish per month we recycle. fish processing complex tamarin. the area was built in 2020 as part of the relevant federal program.
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this year, four island businesses that specialize in catching and processing fish have applied to build new factories. for the construction of modern, large coastal complexes, not only fish processing workshops are built, but also refrigeration capacity. white fish production on the islands increased by 115,000 tons. last year, 770 were caught on sakhalin and the kuril islands. a tone, however. on these indicators the fishing industry is not going to stop; they plan to produce about 900,000 tons. dmitry samolenko ilya velikanov, leading the sakhalin kuril islands. the performance dedicated to the events in donbass will be seen by residents of the southern regions of russia. the drama, i know the truth, is based on real stories and personal memories of eyewitnesses of the fighting. actors from donetsk have already toured moscow, st. petersburg and many other cities of the country.
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anna sorokina will tell you how the production was received in kuban. the hall of the krasnodar drama theater is filled with spectators. tickets to the production sold out in the first days. hundreds of krasnodar residents came to learn stories of real life in the conditions of hostilities from the residents of donbass. subdued light and minimal decorations. human stories do not need special effects in the form of roaring shelling; the residents of the donetsk people's republic have enough of them in everyday life. have you seen my donbass? is burning in fire, here every resident is on the front line, all these years, the residents of the republic continue to sit in basements, it’s scary, it’s probably impossible to get used to it, but about you probably should know this, and know it in order to value your life. the heroes of the production, i know the truth, are people of different ages and professions, this is their personal story about how donbass experienced and is experiencing military operations, about how they hid in basements and prayed during bombings, about how metallurgists and miners, fathers , sons and...
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the confession tells about how donbass lived in 2014, constant shelling, destroyed housing and lives, why are our children dying, why is the world silent? the production is based on the stories of real people from the book war in donbass - a folk chronicle. not long ago , my younger brother came under fire in gorlovka and there was footage from gorlovka today, and this has been happening for 10 years. yes, such a performance is not easy, but it is truthful. with a production about the life of donbass, the artists of the donetsk musical and drama theater named after bravun traveled around the world. of course, we consider it our duty to welcome our colleagues. and sold tickets, and invited, including
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military-paratic clubs, associations, after the performance the audience did not hide their emotions, you sat silently, and who is here. in the coming days , a production about the life of donbass will be shown in armaver, cherkessk, nalchiki, nazran, grozny and makhachkala. we will definitely endure and persevere, victory will definitely be ours. anna sorokina, valery pyatov, mikhail kertok and anna nekos, lead. krasnodar. further about the events of the capital region. you can not only save time, but also enjoy the views; water navigation has opened in the moscow region. i was sure that i would never find myself in such a situation. instead of a three-room apartment, now a rented one one-eared, scammers deprived a moscow family of not only an apartment. well, they left me with big debts. another convenient junction in the capital.


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