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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 3, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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from here the desired publication can go both to the storage facility and to the reading room. the events of this weekend are like books in a library, very diverse, the main thing is to choose. igor yaroslavtsev, vladislav dubtsov, anton dubnov, mikhail sidorov, alena felatova and pavel letnikov. news. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website we have everything by this time, see you. thank you, it’s not worth wasting time on courtship, because i don’t intend to have affairs. mistake, premiere on saturday on rtr. rum castro. product of steller group. kalinan
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beel is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life is transformed. in a fairy tale there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what vietnamese favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers.
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taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says, eat your mind! this world is worth seeing! snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on sunday. on rtr, good morning, dr. misyakov says, shows, we are starting a program about the most important thing, that is, about our health, watch us! we will try to make it
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interesting and educational for you. so, here we go. today the program is about the most important thing. polyps, which of them must be removed, in which cases polyps can degenerate into a cancerous tumor, why in some they arise again, where there was one, there will be another, this is really a problem. which can lead to mother’s cancer, how coffee affects the development of cancer, how much healthier low-fat dairy products are than fatty ones, in what cases spicy food is not harmful to the stomach, we discuss popular food myths: eggs are harmful, eggs lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques, all my life i ate scrambled eggs, ate them and sinned. sick teeth, what will happen if they are not treated in time? for some
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, this can cause constant headaches, and for others, heart problems? untreated teeth can provoke pancreatic cancer . but it is impossible to brush out the bacteria with a toothbrush. well, polyps? the thing is, when we say polyp, we think, well, this means it’s cancer or something, how to stop it, how to find it in time, what to do? well and indeed, polyps are different, different histologically, different in origin, and accordingly, their harmful potential is also completely different, so let’s start with polyps - a problem that unites all these people. i was diagnosed with polyps in my uterus and a polyp on my gall bladder. i had polyps in my gut, they were removed, and now they found polyps in my intestines. i have polyps in my nose and they bother me. stomach polyp measuring
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about 4 mm. they are wondering whether it is worth having surgery to remove polyps? how safe is it, why do polyps appear again? again, how to avoid this? and the main question: which polyps can degenerate into a cancerous tumor? now doctor myasnikov will tell you everything. who has a polyp in the nose? hello, doctor. hello. they discovered a polyp in my nose, prescribed medications, and the doctor told me that it’s worth tormenting you, removing your polyps, they can grow back in six months. my question is, is it worth having surgery? well, the doctor said everything correctly, there are polyps in the nose, but the good news is that they do not turn into cancer. nasal polyps are in basically, there is an allergic nature behind this, it often goes along with bronchial asthma, with aspirin intolerance, they grow, well
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, what is the question, yes, we treat with hormonal drugs, hormonal drops that reduce their size, if it is difficult to breathe, but i can’t breathe, yes, yes, we delete it, but what should we do?
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uterine and often the bleeding is either prolonged or not during menstruation, then we do an ultrasound, we find a polyp, postmenopausal age - this is really a problem that can lead to uterine cancer, moreover, if you have if you are bleeding during menopause, you should urgently go to the doctor, because there is a very high probability of an oncological process. there is, well, a polyp, well, the polyp is removed, so at a paused age it is necessary to remove it all the time, which in a normal age, it is still a hormonally dependent tumor, a hormonally dependent tumor, it
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can really be dangerous for the development of anemia and for heavy bleeding , miscarriage and so on, well , in general, the law common to everyone works here: we find a polyp, we remove it, we do a biopsy, if it is harmless, well, then we forgot, if it is potentially dangerous, we say that how we will monitor you , how often you need to come, because where there was one, there will be another, but by analogy with the nose , so the operation is simple, outpatient, you generally don’t have to stay overnight, the person has come.
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now i have been diagnosed with polyps in my intestines, why are they roaming throughout my body, is this generally dangerous and the likelihood is growing when you had a colonoscopy a month and a half ago, the size is 8 mm, and what kind of watering, they called it something, something nicknamed, some kind of fuzzy thing there on some bend, it’s clear, well, i think that the throat... this is one situation, the intestines are another, but larynx, by the way, there may be viral etiologies there, but now we’ll talk about the intestines, as the most common finding, we’re talking about intestinal polyps, can they develop into cancer, yes, of course they can, but not all, not all, but
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villous palipas, size matters, centimeters are larger, respectively, its level of threat of molecularization is higher and frequent parips yes they can transform. that’s why we do, in fact, we do a colonoscopy in order to find these polyps, the polyp is an enemy before it degenerates, this is about 10 years, so we prescribe a colonoscopy today. every 5 years, but if there were already polyps, an annual colonoscopy to check if it was removed on time, i’ll add that calcium, vitamin d, it’s calcium that is believed to be that it used to be believed that it prevents colon cancer, now they say it doesn’t prevent cancer, but the polyp is slowing down, so that tvrazhok is for you, and in general colonoscopy, you know, intestinal cancer, it stands in our country as... the fourth cause of cancer death, in fact, it is one of the few cancers that can be
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prevented by this removal of the polyp, so 50 years and next, both men and women need to have regular clonoscopy, which always saves lives, so next we have the bladder, let’s get the gallbladder, this is more interesting, because the bladder. this is not so common, what are the symptoms, constant bleeding, red urine, unchanged retrocytes in the urine , what are we doing? cystography, rare, gallbladder you all love, close ultrasound. i didn’t find it, here you have stones, stones, stones, stones, every tenth stone, and sometimes there is a polyp, sometimes,
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hello, doctor, 2 years ago i had a polyp discovered on my gall bladder, doctor he advised me to be monitored every year, to watch the dynamics of growth, since the gall bladder is a small organ, and if it grows to the point of surgical intervention, then the poly will be removed along with the gall bladder, so i have a question for you, doctor, is there any way to- then this can be prevented, or not? i don’t know what the size of these shots is, 4 mm, well, 4 mm is nothing, seven is nothing, from seven to a centimeter is even more, more than a centimeter is already wow, but if 2 cm, already definitely cancer, you can no longer prevent it from growing up you can, the crustacean is absolutely right for you , watch it grow to 7 mm, remove it all, and... he also suggested that it could be a cholesterol polyp, that is, it can be removed with medication, but
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i just didn’t go and i checked, i think that you should not do this, cholesterol polyp, and so on, salagmites, salactitis, we just need to know that if there is a polyp and a stone together, this increases the risk of gall bladder cancer, the gallbladder is not bladder, why fight for it, bladder and the bubble will be cut off and... and nothing, do you have children? no, no, i'm just saying because the usual classic picture of a woman with gall bladder stones is a woman around 40 years old with mild overnutrition, having a pregnancy, so be monitored then remove the gall bladder if it grows, or maybe it won't grow . thank you, doctor, i was right, who we have there, the stomach, who found a polyp in our stomach, you? why did you go for this endoscopy? good morning, doctor, the thing
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is that i initially went with someone else the reason was that i had pain in the solar plexus and the therapist prescribed me a gastroscopy and a pancreatic examination and then i also had an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, in general, during the examination they discovered a stomach polyp of about 4 mm in size, this is where the bottom of the body is, what else? they said, well, i have a conclusion with myself, but i didn’t say, yes, yes, well, in general, i have been observing for 3 years, but the procedure itself is simply unpleasant, you know, swallowing this umbrella, so i would like to ask, can be removed during examination this polyp, which currently has not been growing for 3 years, well, you know, you need to understand what kind of polyp it is, where it is located, anyway, as a rule, the general rule is to remove the polyp and do histology, the general rule. yeah, in the stomach there are also different types of polyps, some flat palips
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of a certain shape and so on, they are really only monitored, i think this is just your case, but this is an infection with heleobacter pylori, and h pilari, it’s written there correctly, bacteria that provoke increased acidity, which burns the mucous membrane, which ceases to resist the acidic contents of the stomach, and provokes... both polyps and even different types of oncology, not to mention ulcers, erosions, and so on, well, depending on the size and gestological picture, it can really degenerate in... in oncology, yes, not often, but nevertheless, nevertheless, so the general rule is still, find a polyp, remove it, see what it is, then, and then anyway, then watch anyway, sorry if this is one of the main reasons helicobacter, then aren’t they prescribed antibiotics so that maybe this can somehow be removed with medication
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to dissolve the polyp, no, you can’t dissolve anything, you can reduce the pylori, remove it. yes, hylobacter, pylori, one of the treatment options, we just usually, if there is no pain, we don’t give, but you have pain, you went to the doctor because of this pain, that is, you have a clinic, uh, gastritis, polyp, an accidental discovery, yes, they should have eradicated gerobacter pylori with a two-week course of antibiotics, that’s all, let's be careful about our health, everything will be fine, then how does coffee affect the development of cancer? how much healthier are low-fat dairy products than fatty ones? in what cases is spicy food harmful to the stomach? we discuss popular food myths: eggs are harmful, eggs lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques, all my life i ate fried eggs, ate them and sinned. this is hello, andrey, together with you we will sing from the heart, what a song
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without fear, what a song without fear. rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely turned off. rest is rest. we
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know everything about holidays. anex. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas rodomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh. and the titanic deluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is
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the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. for the new executive director, on saturday, oh well, you are having an affair with a married man, you are amazing, amazing, she is happy, i can see it, i have some kind of anxiety all the time, you will have to go with us to the investigative committee, why? you have been detained on suspicion of setting fire to a company warehouse, it is obvious that it was beneficial for someone to put you there. every mistake has its own price, there will be no culprit, there will be no insurance, that is, you, yes, you want you to take the blame, and the lawyer promises that he will get you a suspended sentence, i trust you only you, and roman, you trust him, you think he
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is not involved in this story, a mistake, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, this is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is some kind of conventionalism parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe. listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation. the first podcasts we watch. “i’m guilty, i promise, i’ll improve, your son drank constantly, when he got drunk he beat me, we have a new life, no, such a new life, you don’t have,
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you have, no, if you want, i ’ll introduce you to my fiancé tomorrow , groom, yes, first you and i need to sign, what are you, a new husband, today on rtr.” well now we have the topic is called a little cleverly, food evidence-based medicine, what to believe, we see that today everything, that is , everything, is disproved, we have been saying and thinking one thing for decades, but everything turned out to be different, how can we not remember the old joke, listen, what we always mistaken for an orgasm, it turned out... so, and i also have breakfast with my favorite scrambled eggs, because katya, go turn around,
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we’re all, we had a war with eggs, eggs are harmful, eggs lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques and so on and so forth, this egg chasing was very for a long time. i’ve been eating scrambled eggs all my life, i ate and sinned with a feeling of sin, i think i’m going to harm my health, what can i do, well, i’m weak, a weak person, and i ate my two eggs, scrambled eggs, and i made them either in lard, or butter, and this also happened, i don’t know whether it will be there further or not, butter, anathema, no, butter, my dad, the professor said, they asked me to write an article, eggs, and then it turned out that eggs contain, especially, well, protein,
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of course, lecithins, there are a lot of very, very useful things, vitamins, microelements, then the egg - this is a really valuable product, and now we say that up to three eggs a day is useful, now again they are reviewing not three eggs, that two are useful. it’s very funny how they divide half of an egg, how they examined half of an egg, they say, every next half increases cholesterol there, oh well, in the end, you eat pure protein, you can make two eggs with a white, and then choose two yolks, but i don’t recommend it, you want to eat si, well, eat it, well, maybe not every day, if there's something there... you're afraid, but if you 're already eating, then you're eating, you don't need it anymore well, of course, there would also be tomatoes here, you know how they do it in the east, they
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fry huge quantities of tomatoes in melted butter, then they throw in eggs, then it’s all very, very tasty, go ahead and continue, nothing if you don’t get it, i ’ll do it now, show me everything that’s there. oh, coffee increases pancreatic cancer , if i ate eggs and sinned, then my body always felt that coffee was beneficial. coffee, on the contrary, officially, today officially, belongs to anti-cancer means. yes, its point of entry is the liver, but it is not so far from the liver to the pancreas. coffee is officially classified as a cancer-preventing product. these products include cabbage, broc.
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what is written on the internet in russian regarding medicine is nonsense or an advertisement for clinics, which is why i always say, it is necessary to create some competent websites for a community of doctors for patients, well, as is the case in any country where doctors, for example, are gastrointestinal specialists, respected names, shoulder straps and so on, they run websites specifically for patients, and there are two levels of knowledge: basic, that is , primitive, this here, this here, and advanced, where they explain, well , maybe not like that, but still in human language that you can trust , because it wasn’t just written by some doctor alone and so on, it’s on purpose, well, like a magazine published, but apparently it’s ready here. so i
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’ll tell you one secret, this section was supposed to be the last one today, i, by an effort of will, they were still resisting, moved it to early, because i was hungry, they told me we wouldn’t have time to put tiles there, but we did, because i said until i eat, i won’t go any further. you know, you can eat this, it’s even tasty on an empty stomach, do you have gas or an electric stove, huh? ordinary? regular, yes, like frying scrambled eggs, in lard or what? yes, i use regular lard and i try it with butter, with everything, do you add onions? no, i’m so crazy,
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i have it right even... than low-fat, but i myself constantly told you about this, because it was believed that animal milk fats were of no use bring, provoke heart disease, and so on and so forth, and then... again, they reviewed the data of many, many studies, they say: you know, we don’t have clear evidence that high-fat dairy products are more harmful than low-fat products. katya, tell me, because we brought many years, we followed people, and somehow those who drank full-fat milk do not get sick more often, do not die more often, so you want what you want.
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drink this, because even in america you wouldn’t find milk higher than three percent, but we had it too six percent cream and so on, but today he says whatever you want, drink it, we don’t have exact data, the same goes for meat, we all know that red meat contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which... provokes a rise in cholesterol, provokes heart diseases, well, so we always believed, we said that red meat, that is, pork, lamb, beef, no more than three times a week, because it is harmful to the heart, and then again we looked, calculated and before covid itself broke out
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just a sensation, this meat does not harm the heart, but it harms the intestines, and provokes intestinal cancer, and so on and so forth, so it’s still three times a day, but it’s supposedly safe for the heart, why i say supposedly, because in recent years they all march under the flag when some postulates are refuted, i am absolutely confident, because now they say that meat does not increase cholesterol, as they thought, but it acts on... in a different way, it somehow acts on the microbiome , he highlights some kind of thing, this thing, some kind of substance, it has a harmful effect on the heart and so on, i’m not surprised by anything, i think it’s necessary, but i’m going back to my mother’s formula, well, exactly, there are no healthy foods, no unhealthy foods, stop thinking about meat, right? i still have spicy foods here, and pepper? provokes
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gastritis, heart disease, gastritis, cancer, atherosclerosis, it’s not the food as such that provokes it, but it’s our head that provokes it, if you eat a little bit at a time, you’ve got everything, if only you’re willing to eat a little bit at a time, so if you have any some one-sided type of nutrition, but here it is it was said microbiome, but look, tuvans eat lamb. six times a day, not six, but three, and it’s okay, if someone else settles there and eats, he will simply die from so much meat, but their microbiome is different, their dad ate so much meat, mom ate it, grandfather ate, grandma ate, yes, they have a different microbiome, they live in this area, they, they are different, these are the very bacteria that govern our digestion, they are generally different, we know that the japanese who move, the japanese are not are sick of those
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diseases that... they get sick there in america, they move, they don’t get sick for the first few years, but the next generation, the second generation, is already starting to get sick with american diseases, being replaced by the microbiome, but that’s all, but in any case it’s... that’s though it would be logical, i advise you not to bother, you drink milk, and how much milk do you need to drink, you want to drink it all, then you shouldn’t drink it at all, but if you drink 200 g in a glass, well, drink for your health, it’s an excellent amount of calcium, well how much fat there will be 1% or three, but not it doesn’t matter how much is in this glass, or let’s say you’re there, i don’t know, well, coffee, okay, coffee is more of a myth, fighting myths, if you don’t drink it anymore, well...
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depression and various other illnesses, so rejoice life, food is a basic instinct, you don’t need to overeat, i’ll repeat my formula again, the most important formula in dietetics, it fits in one application, then you won’t need another doctor, like a beauty blogger or a nutritionist , watch what you eat, how much you eat, how... when you eat, who you eat with, if you control four parameters, everything will be fine with us, then, how effective are injections with b vitamins for
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back pain? in what cases can a hippatonic person become hypertensive? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. wow, yes, this is not to supply you with timber. attention everyone , we are entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans. i ordered paton to be transferred to the 267th regiment, major roman. by all means , give me romanov, who mr. imprisoned. then you from me personally, separately thank you. let's go pee. nikolaevich, i don't dance. no dancing, no drinking. here it is, a copy. sterska shoulder straps behave like the last braid. welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled. motherland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt. only penalty prisoners go into battle. the task is not easy; you will have to act behind
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enemy lines. fighters, battle for crimea. attention, everything is getting ready for battle. you are out of your mind, let them go beyond that. and he said to accept the fight. from monday on rtr. hotel for an unforgettable experience rix sharmsheikh only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul. where every detail is created to be admired.
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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression today there is production, and russia comes and the city lives, the program of boris kovchevnikov. life and fate from monday to friday on rtr, a big film premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we will introduce you to the title, alexander getsenko, now only soviet fish people can save them, others are not here,
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evgeny tkachuk, i am a fort, they will definitely not kill me, i will be with you until the end of my life, fyodor dobronravov, he will calculate everything, calculate everything, put everything in order, he sees four moves ahead, i heard you need people in charge. a device that finds way, fellow jews, we need to get as far away from the camp as possible, film by sergei ursulyak, glad we broke away, left, we didn’t leave them, they are coming after us, righteous man, may 9 on rtr, wife, this is the cook, but the dishwasher , technician, educator, teacher, seamstress, and my husband is tired of work. enough, enough, enough, this is the inscription
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on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is kiwi, the honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor, the honor of the twentieth olympic games, dena had no children, my father had no children, and where are you from, i’m from minsk, izmailovsky park, premiere in sunday on rtl, time for the section questions from the doctor, we ask you questions based on: upcoming programs, if you watched them, you will answer easily, but if you don’t answer, you will exercise physically, whoever is ready, raise your hands, i’ll go, good morning , kind, what’s your name, lilya, lilya, what are you doing, businesswoman supplying building materials, useful, useful things, spin. so business woman,
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yes, something complicated, no, a course of injections with b vitamins will help get rid of back pain, wow, yes, that didn’t suit you deliver, not load cement, load oranges in boxes. brother, smear it, come on, another course of injections, a course of injections with group vitamins to get rid of back pain, at one time it was just very popular to take injections of vitamin b, but if you logically think that something should help, have you ever had back pain? no, i’m still young, and it doesn’t matter, back pain can happen at any age. we have two options, either answer now, or wait until your
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back hurts, give you a course of injections, and you then write, then i guess grandpa alexander leonidovich is writing to you, lilya, former visa for a woman, i’ve been retired for 15 years, i confirm, i injected all these vitamins, injected, injected, injected, but to no avail, maybe it’s all gone , answer, let's wait a few years, yes, if it helped, everyone would go and inject themselves with vitamin b, you confused me, i told you, no, somehow i confused, i say, with these calls for retirement. that’s wrong,
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if a businesswoman supplying construction materials can so easily confuse, i could actually get rich, now with trucks you'll take everything to the dacha, hypotoning, you can become hypertensive, hippotonic, why do i have such difficult questions, maybe go straight to it, who is hypertensive, can i not quarrel, okay, i just can’t. a person has low blood pressure, less than our usual norm, he can then increase his blood pressure, suffer from high blood pressure, no, write, it’s logical, i’m a woman, she says no, but means yes, she said no, she wrote everything correctly. any person can
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be hypotensive, no, people who believe that 90 to 60 have reduced blood pressure, not reduced pressure, this is still normal pressure, we are talking about hypertension, and hypotension is just a variant of normal pressure, and a person can develop hypertension from just like anyone, based on any normal figure, any person can become hypertensive. chronic hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, hepatitis is the liver on which side, right or left? on the right, chronic hepatitis. can an enemy of the liver outgrow? logical. yes, write. you will kill me. oh yeah. she said no,
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she wrote yes. she said yes, wrote no. well, why not? okay, that's it, go to... oh, oh yes, or oh no, ride a hydroscooter for 15 seconds, i’ll fall apart, you won’t be able to put it back together, although okay, let’s try, me too, i ’ve never ridden a hydroscooter either,
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i tried in gear, i almost flew over there, i when - i also tried once a long time ago, i was caught, you will catch me, if anything happens, i think. you have to do it without the kobulki and take a picture of where he’s going, he’s already on his way, and let’s go there, far, far opposite, and you ’ll get here, i’ll try very hard, the main thing is you’ll catch it, no, it’s better to take this, oh, no, wait, i need my hand first, i put it in, and then i run there, so, so, so. well, well done, thank you, this is all mine, now go, choose the key, you’re falling backwards, you have to lean forward, take out the key, you pulled me out, okay, i
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was pleased, mutually. oh, what needs to be inserted first, it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit, it’s in no, i’m inserting it, it’s not inserted, so, that means on the other hand, that means it’s not like that, oh, oh, and you say it’s not inserted, class, open, i’m done , so, i want a book. with your photo, me no matter what, i’ll put it on the shelf and admire it, for anyone, for lily, for you, yes, with wishes, not to fall, from the hydra, boredom.
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and if you fall and fall just on on on on only on alexander leonidovich my hugs , thank you, hold, sit down, you want to review us, this is the platform, look at, let's move on, problems with teeth, many people have them, but to not everyone goes to the dentist, but in vain, untreated teeth not only fall out and are destroyed ahead of time, they can cause serious problems with
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health. my husband was always afraid to have his teeth treated, he walked around all the time with advanced caries, and recently the joints in his hand began to ache, so much so that he couldn’t lift a spoon, he found out that this was all because of untreated teeth. my brother had toothaches, he did not treat them, but tried to treat the pain with pills. once i was admitted to the hospital, my internal organs began to fail, i was diagnosed with sepsis. the doctors said it was necessary to treat the teeth in time, and not destroy the immune system. what else are untreated teeth dangerous for the whole body, how do they affect the heart and joints, why can they even provoke malignant disease? these questions will be answered. dentist gennady shergerodsky, dentist, maxillofacial surgeon, candidate of medical sciences. i’ll say right away that these are examples taken.
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mirrors of the stomach, let's start with the stomach: the absence or insufficient number of teeth is not the correct digestion of food and this is understandable, we do not form the primary food bolus, chewing food thoroughly, taking in food, all that stuff, and if there are no teeth, then what to chew with? the beginning of the formation of this food bolus and digestion of food began in the mouth, certain enzymes. in the mouth and mechanical digestion of food is normal, this is the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
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therefore, if there is no normal formation of a food bolus due to the lack of teeth, there is a correspondingly huge load on the stomach, pancreas, pancreas, and quite clearly leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, severe ones, there is a reverse reaction when there is already a strong... violation and reflux and, as they say, heartburn , acid enters the mouth from the stomach, then this enhances all diseases that exist in the mouth and the resolution of teeth, including, and the following, headaches, well, logical, where the tooth is located, in the mouth, in the head, correctly, but the temporomandibular joint, malocclusion, due to the absence of teeth, for account... correct prosthetics, incorrect bite alignment, i always teach medical students that you can teach
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a monkey to grind a tooth, the main thing is that the doctor’s task is to choose the right design of the prosthesis, distribute the load, set the bite, this is the main thing, so if it’s wrong the bite is set, there are five ligaments in the temporomandibular joint, if these ligaments are overstrained... strained, in fact, overstrained, in fact, once years ago, gennady markovich told me about the problem of the upper jaw joint, and i, how all the doctors, well, the joint, i knew what could be affected there with rheumatoid arthritis, somewhere else, i consulted the literature, i was surprised at the vastness of this syndrome, here in russia they somehow don’t know about it, there is uk data that 16 %, 16% of years of disability in the uk.
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relaxation or overstrain of the ligaments leads to terrible headaches and disorders of the spine, specifically the second vertebra, the cervical one. terrible headaches, terrible, so when the doctor corrects the bite, he always warns the patient that you may have pain depending on the correction of the bite. further, how to brush your teeth in order to...
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the songs are boiling with all your heart, the evening show of andrei malakhov, today on rt. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at the rixsas golf villas and suites sharmelshey. magnificent golf resort world class, surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos
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golf villas and sudes. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, the titanic luxury collection of bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titan. new russian cinema, i'm looking for my brother, now i have to find him, love is proof of life, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, in a couple of days you'll go there, to your gray wife, go, and i'll come back for you, do you hear,
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call sign passenger, tens? wamaya on rt. you 're looking at 100 to one. what is our task to open all the boards? we'll manage. if you ask, then with a podbokh. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works. 7.8? 7.8, 7.8, how many. who is at work, a lot and loudly speaks. if you celebrate, then with humor, i would chop down oak, not pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid, now it’s beeping , if you win, then hurray, a hundred to one, every saturday and
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sunday... on rtr, i’ll be just a second, i’ll be right back, i don’t need anyone but you, do you believe me, i don’t know if she doesn’t love you, for us, for us, hello, police, we have a man lying here covered in blood, you don’t know how a corpse with knife wounds ended up next to you wounds, i don’t remember anything, the city of brides today on rtr the program about the most important things continues, we talk about what bad teeth can lead to if they are not treated, diseases of the cardiovascular system, all the pathology that occurs in the mouth, microbes that improper dental care, if you brush your teeth incorrectly or don’t brush them at all,
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which by the way, unfortunately, happens quite often. a huge accumulation of microbes entering the blood leads to such a cardiac pathology, it is not without reason that when a person is led for an operation, first they tell him: bring a certificate from the dentist that your mouth has been sanitized for any operation, but it’s impossible to remove bacteria with a toothbrush, it’s one thing we take care of it and so on, but the mouth is like the dirtiest place, the mouth is populated by a microbiome, we can’t clean it with a brush no matter how hard we clean it, it’s an illusion, it exists, i’m not being offensive, i just thought.
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several positions to increase water pressure: you rinse everything with an irrigator with an antiseptic solution, the irrigator does not exclude a toothbrush, these are different things and different degrees applications to everything, therefore, in order to wash out this, as you correctly called, microbiome, which carries not only positive bacteria, but negative ones that have a bad effect, they affect the development of corias.
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about the temporomandibular joint, the temporomandibular joint, but this pathology that occurs in the temporomandibular joint, it also extends to the entire body, these are arthritis, arthrosis, ultimately, this is a rather serious disease, waste products microbes in the mouth enter the bloodstream and are destroyed, roughly speaking, bacteria can be carried anywhere by blood flow.
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half, if not more percent, is due to the pathology of the chewing group of the upper jaw, hence the complications after sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, and so on, when he does it, he comes without the upper chewing teeth of the patient and give me implants, and we see how much bone tissue there is, you build up, and we also do the so-called sinus lift, this opens up the sinus sinus, it is expelled. this mucous membrane is called schneiderian membrane, we lift this mucous membrane bone tissue is placed inside the guymer's sinus, mixed with membranes, and we wait until the bone tissue is restored,
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that is, it is not the bone tissue that we put, as people say, that will take root, and this is called an operation of directed acute synthesis, directed synthesis of bone tissue in order to be able to install implants instead of removable dentures, it means that it is necessary to restore the lack of teeth in the mouth, this needs to be done not so that the doctor needs to earn money, you know, my price list is in in clinics there is such a bronze statue, it is written: god gave a person teeth for free twice, the first time when he was born, the second time when they changed, and for the third you have to pay. dental restoration is necessary, a person, if possible, not only because he wants or wants to pay a lot of money or a little, is obliged to restore the chewing function in his mouth in order
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to avoid complications of internal organs, so there are various methods of restoration, but as for bite, here is the device, when what gets into the laboratory you do it for a patient in the laboratory of a dental technician, only in this machine... it’s possible to do it, a man comes and says: i want implants for my whole mouth, there are no bones, the bite is so bad, the pathology of the temporomandibular joint is so strong, what is there
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to do? implant, you need to prepare it somewhere two or three for implantation, then start working on bone tissue, start with removable dentures, little by little raise the bite by fractions of a millimeter, because a millimeter in the mouth is like a distance in life. around the earth ball, this is all very important, there are different situations, there is a situation, a person comes and says: the teeth are worn out, the teeth are yellow, but the teeth are all there, but they are chipped, worn out, some are pulpless, some have crowns , no, the person takes care of himself and says: i had big ones, now you can’t see them at all, he’s like this, like a duckling, i want everything to be restored, you can’t do this, you first need to slowly raise your bite. he says: i want everything from tsercon, the most modern, and you start to convince him, he says, he starts to say, i’ll tell you i pay money, i say, money is not interesting, i’m not a mechanic in teeth, i’m actually a doctor,
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and you explain to him, okay, how can you not say that you need to be attentive to your health, then everything will be fine with us . our program has come to an end, dr. misnyakov was with you, i wish everyone to live in good health until our next meeting, goodbye. galka, what a surprise, i have my own business, a country cottage, a car, in general everything is fine, but how many children do you have, i’m not married yet, you’re lucky with your man, that there are no shortcomings, of course i don’t, you’re not afraid that they’ll leave, other people’s happiness haunts you, you’ll have a permanent job, that ’s how... stolen happiness always tastes bitter, it’s
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a very good wine, open it, family happiness on saturday on rtr , what a song without a fight, what a song without a button accordion today. together with honored artist of russia valery semin, we sing your favorite songs to boyan. there is only one profession in music - that of a boy player. everyone will die of hunger, no one will ever die of hunger. did you study as a child? play the cardon? i studied at the pioneer house twice. we have a deadly number, an accordion in the void.
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i ask where you were, he mocks me completely every day, every night, and who is this, this is your new lover, you will never touch this woman again, that’s understandable, it’s complete nonsense, to marry a man whom you don’t like they don’t like droplets, the man saved me, but i want to hang myself, ksenia kutepova, you shouldn’t have contacted me, tamara, you’re the best thing i have. sergei makhovikov,
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marat basharov, svetlana nemalyaeva, he is very it’s hard, he begged me to wrap you up, i ’m begging you too. new husband, today on rtr. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio evgeniy roshkov, hello, the main thing for this hour. the enemy's defenders are covering our cities.


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