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tv   Zhizn i sudba s Borisom Korchevnikovim  RUSSIA1  May 3, 2024 11:50am-12:16pm MSK

11:50 am
this evening there is a new episode of the grand show , amazing people, the final is very soon and today is the final qualifying round. as always, the most unique person, whose abilities amaze the imagination, will be chosen by the audience in the studio, and star experts will help them. this time the tests for the participants will probably be the largest of the season. the studio will turn into a venue for a bicycle trial, to test a person with phenomenal ability. 30 dummies and 10 luminous cubes will be installed on the stage for echolocation, and to test super accuracy two passenger cars will bring unique masters of driving; we will find out who will be the last finalist of the season today at 21:30 in the amazing show, you felt each other's bumpers, the news is following the developments, so be with us! you sleeplessly
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toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely groggy and stressed. now that that's out of the way, we present the dremalina swan pillow - a comfortable resting pillow that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so that you experienced the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremalinost pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, and hips. knees, ankles, feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalina keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina pillow with one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief in the lower back, legs and feet. the dremaliina svoon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic material. or detachable fabric, it
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adapts perfectly to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all sleeping positions and ensures good ventilation throughout the night. you'll sleep better than ever, and most importantly, the dremaliina svon pillow is ideal for side sleepers, back sleepers, and stomach sleepers. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life! call and order a unique drimalina swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce the price especially for you, the dremalina swan pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995, and you will immediately save 20 euros. but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and act.
11:53 am
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11:54 am
after the premiere of the film, you never dreamed of it, something incredible began, they started writing letters to me and meeting me on the street. everyone thought that i was a schoolgirl, but i had already been a married lady for a long time, a famous actress once admitted tatyana aksyuta, the same katya from the legendary film about love. after the film premiere. tatyana ksyuta was called the juliet of soviet cinema. the poignant love story of high school students romka and katya made millions of girls’ hearts tremble and invariably brought tears to their eyes during film screenings. on-screen romka, actor nikita mikhailovsky was only 16 years old at the time of filming. tatyana aksyuta is 23 years old. but no one noticed this difference on camera. young, reverent, selflessly devoted to each other. first love. against the worlds of adults, katya, you
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just don’t suffer, okay, i just don’t understand why we have to suffer, what ’s the point?
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and apparently this is what somehow interested him, because there were a lot of different candidates, especially for the role played by nikita, then the auditions lasted, well, several months. and the heroes still couldn’t find it, at the very last moment, as if a train was already leaving, the assistant director remembered that there was a boy in st. petersburg, nikita, who had once acted in some films as a child, and they suggested that , he’s probably about 16 years old now, he
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’s probably a high school student, suddenly he comes up, we went there urgently, they immediately pulled him out of school, filming began right away, because winter was leaving... a snowdrift, well, i’m already, because there was an actress there, i knew what the proposed circumstance was, nikita had experience of some kind of filming, and we each decided for ourselves how we would act in this situation, and so we remained sitting, well, that is this
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is, well, the mysteries of cinema, like this, they started with the ending and gradually moved on to the summer summer filming, for schoolchildren, this school is wonderful, there is a teacher... this whole story, stage this scene we are talking about, katya, promyk, loudly!
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well, that’s it, i’m crying, i’m already like the reflex of pavlov’s dog, as you see this scene, do nothing right away, tears immediately appear, but the music plays a lot in this scene, nikita, and at that time he’s still not a professional actor, but he has already played children like children.
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in the audience, watch a film in a cinema, it’s very good, you become the actress of the year,
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second only to natalya gundarev, one position in the then so-called hit parades, that is, you were in second place, and you are just taking your first steps in the profession, you immediately become, get into this hit parade, how did you experience it all then, how do you remember this attention, then everything that fell on you, well, mostly the boys were fascinated by this heroine. who wrote a letter to me personally there, wrote to the theater, once even, but in every theater there are photographs of actors, yes, and once after a performance of igor nefedov and me, who at that time was filmed in nikita mikhalkov at five in the evening, it was a very famous film, the director calls us to them and gave us such a joke, because it turns out after the performance someone stole and... for our fae with him, his photograph and mine we were almost given a stern reprimand, almost to the point of expulsion
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from the theater altogether, how is this possible, how do you admit, then our photographs with him were hung above the ceiling in a pair like this and we laughed, i say igor, we must now get married as bride and groom just like that to no one else bothered us, but nikita , after such success, he still has...
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that he’s not worried, put on another scene of this film, it’s very deep there, nikita, put it on, roma, let me die. together, i agree, only after 100 years, and i agree even after 50, well, it’s not enough, old lady, it’s not enough, i still have so much undone, well, so be it, if only i could hear your voice all the time like now, then this it’s elementary,
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if you want, i’ll tell you a whole film, tell me. no matter what, even the multiplication table, they didn’t know when nikita himself i got sick, i probably found out later than everyone else, and we were on tour abroad, this news came because around moscow they started collecting money, so nakhopetov, in my opinion, was the initiator so that nikita could go to london . to the clinic there to be treated, why is it surprising, after the death of his mother, he has a good heart, he helped children with cancer, he himself fell ill with this disease, well, you see how, it’s fate, it seems to me, tatyana vladimirov, that this film should be given
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to all parents in the world to watch, but it does... understanding how parents should behave when their children receive their first, true love, or am i mistaken, yes, i agree, your children watched this film, they love it, well, i ’ll disappoint you, my daughter somehow didn’t watch it very much, well, of course she saw this film, yes, well, she wasn’t really enthusiastic about it, well, because maybe mom is acting. well , somehow she still knows me, so - and you, i don’t know, your daughter, for example, could be forbidden not to meet with a young man, well, no, of course not, no, i in general, well, how let me tell you, although i work in a theater studio, i am, as it were, a teacher, but i
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always respect the choice of children, it seems to me that this is right, they themselves should... dare, there is a fine line, there is still parental duty, somehow i go to dissuade the children, the parent’s heart sees more than the child, especially blinded, sometimes by feeling, of course, the parents see everything , understand everything, but it’s impossible to say, at this moment, it’s impossible, yes, yours, your mother was played by the beautiful irina petrovna mirashnichenko , also interesting, i spoke once... with her about this kingdom of heaven during her life, we talked about the fact that she was a game, she herself did not know the joy of motherhood, and she was already very sad, then in the last years of her life she was very sad about it and regretted that she could not become the mother that she was at the same time was a mother, it seems to me that she gave her consent to this
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role, precisely because she could be there in the frame expecting a child, then she has this... from motherhood, which means a second small child was born, it seems to me , this, because well, she's such a heroine, she beauty, she outplayed everything that was possible, all of chekhov, yes, that she liked this film about children, yes, it seems to me that this is what captivated her, put it on, remember the scene with irina petrovna, you are beautiful, mother, and you will never when you get old, we’ll see, i’m desperate, oh, think about it. second child, how glad i am that i don’t have the same build as all of them now, you’re my girl for all time, i know the buzz, the song that sounds in this film, like all of us, here, our whole country, sex ,
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i never knew its name, only now, preparing for our meeting, i found out what her name is... how beautiful and how tragic it is called, the last poem, and the last poem, it’s also called the story from which these poems were taken, translated by adelina adalis, and well, rybnikov himself later told well, this melody, it has existed for several years, suddenly it happened that these elements just fell on this melody, the song is absolutely wonderful. look without despair, look without despair, will it flare up, will it take on the appearance
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of an unknown image, if only random, will it take on whether the appearance of a starless image, as if random, is not a dream. this is not a dream, this is my whole truth, this is the truth, the death-conquering eternal law, this is my love, this is my love, which is life and destiny, article. thank you, thank you,
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710 years ago, may 3, 1314 in the village of varnitsa. located near rostov , a son was born into the family of the noble boyar kirill and his wife maria, named bartholomew. from an early age, striving for ardent monasticism, together with his brother stefan, he founded makovets hill, in the middle of the remote radnezh forest, deserts, where he built a small wooden church in the name of the holy trinity. subsequently, the small troitsky church will lay the foundation for one of the most revered russian shrines, in the holy troitsky lavra of st. sergius. and bartholomew will become famous as the greatest ascetic of the russian land, the holy venerable sergei of radonish. people's ambitions
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know no end, he wrote. first, they strive to ensure that they do not offend themselves, then they themselves begin to offend others. it is the duty of every honest person to teach others the good that, due to difficult times and he failed to realize the treachery of fate in life, with the hope that others would be more capable of doing this. 555 years ago , nicola machiavelli, the greatest historian, thinker, diplomat and military theorist of the renaissance, author of famous political treatises, sovereign and history of florence, was born in florence. 205 years ago, on may 3 , 1819, yuri samarin, an outstanding thinker and statesman, one of the leaders of russian slavophilism, was born. he was exceptionally and variedly gifted, subtle and deep. theologian, philosopher, historian, literary critic, brilliant publicist. at the same time, he was a direct and active participant in the reforms of alexander ii.
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his intelligence, civil courage and personal nobility were recognized even by his ideological opponents, among whom were belinsky and hercin. dostoevsky considered samarin to be one of the best people of his time. he designed about 130 structures, over 60 of them in moscow. one of the first in russia who began to use reinforced concrete structures in construction, a striking example his style, combining motifs of ancient luxury and the latest technical achievements, became the muir and merilis department store, known today as tsum. but the main brainchild that glorified the name of the architect was the building of the museum of fine arts, now the pushkin state museum of fine arts. roman klein, an outstanding russian architect, academician of the imperial academy. artist passed away on this day 100 years ago. today could be the 85th anniversary of the famous russian film director, classic of children's cinema, writer, folk
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russian artist leonid nichaev. among the favorite films of many generations of viewers are the adventures of pinocchio, about little red riding hood, sold laughter, the tale of the star boy, red-haired, honest, in love and others. today marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of the legendary musician, composer, artist and teacher dmitry. pokrovsky, the ensemble he created in 1973 became the first group that combined the truly scientific study of folklore with its professional performance, and the traditions of folk music with modern musical culture. today is may 3, 2024. you get caught somewhere, sometimes at a gas station, sometimes in the corridors: where to go and what to do? in general , there is no need to ask, beg, or humiliate anyone. and they stretch out their hands, they will have to reckon with us. so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique.


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