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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio irina rosius and the main topics for this hour: an entire column of equipment in iisu was destroyed by kamis zalansett drones, fierce battles are taking place in the vicinity of chasovo yar. under our pressure, the ukrainian armed forces unit is forced to abandon their positions and retreat. david cameron, the head of the british foreign ministry, having arrived in kiev, said that ukraine could hit russia with the british.
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europe is playing with fire at this moment, we are balancing on the border of war and peace. viktor orban is disappointed not only in the eu leaders, but in the whole union. may 9 in moscow will be the coldest in 25 years, weather forecasters promise snow. may snow occurred in ulyanovsk, samara and nizhny novgorod. and tens of thousands of people come to the worship mountain every day. to see captured equipment from donbass and today they unrolled a three-hundred-meter st. george ribbon. and at the beginning , russia's budget policy should be extremely realistic. vladimir putin announced this a few minutes ago in the kremlin. the president holds a meeting on economic issues. the head of state proposed the prime minister mishustin and the economic bloc.
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at the same time, let me remind you that it is fundamentally important for us to maintain responsible, balanced, extremely realistic approaches to budget policy, including planning the country’s main financial document based on budget rules. let's start, please, with words to the minister of finance, anton germanovich. an agent of the main intelligence directorate of the ukrainian defense forces was liquidated near st. petersburg.
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this footage shows the first attempt at arrest in the moscow region, then the saboteur was able to escape in the car he abandoned, as well as in the apartment and garage he rented in moscow, fsb officers found weapons, components for explosive devices, explosives and ammunition; later they tracked down the terrorist in the leningrad region, where he also tried to pick up an explosive weapon. terrorist attacks were being prepared in moscow, st. petersburg in the baltic countries against the local russian population. in particular, it was planned to arson a cinema in riga. the terrorist turned out to be a russian citizen; he was trained in lithuania. russian troops are developing an offensive, breaking into ukrainian defenses the entire front. this will be discussed today during the conference call.
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forces liberated populated areas over the past 2 weeks, russian armed forces have liberated nova-bakhmutovka.
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in total this year they exceeded 111 thousand people, 21 thousand units of military equipment. this inhumane attitude towards its population demonstrates. the desire of the ukrainian authorities to curry favor with their western masters in order to continue to receive financial and military assistance from them. a unit of the brave group destroyed a large ammunition depot at the krasnoarmeisky directions of the special operation. the target was identified during aerial reconnaissance, and as a result of the strike , the detonation of shells began. near avdiivka , drone operators burned a german marder infantry fighting vehicle. pacific fleet marines used lancets to strike. equipment on the south donetsk front, including the american maxpro car. missile attacks on camouflaged combat vehicles were carried out by night hunters. and footage from the other side, the consequences of the arrival of a controlled air bomb on the ukrainian fortifications,
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a giant crater formed on the spot. ukrainian the ministry of defense says that the construction of defensive structures along the entire front is nearing completion. at the same time, the ukrainian armed forces soldiers complain that there is actually no preparatory position, and there is simply nowhere to retreat. from the outskirts of chasovo yar, where our military is developing an offensive, report by alexander katsuba. powerful artillery barrage precedes the assault on the fortified ukrainian armed forces on the outskirts of chasoy yar. what objects will you hit now? now we are shooting at the platoon strong point. the enemy begins rotation, we want to destroy straightaway. the crew of the legendary team is at the firing line.
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thorn, yeah, we immediately hurried, immediately entered the battle, mechanics, drivers from this gun helped, covered us, gunners, operators, with a thirty-millimeter gun, operators of reconnaissance drones coordinate the actions of our winged infantry, detonation, detonation of this blue detonation, watch, everything they opened the cover for him, let them throw him in there too. an accurate, crushing volley at the enemy, our artillerymen help the assault force advance. high-explosive fragmentation shells. full-time. ready, that's it
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screwed up, all we have to do is charge them. the entirety of each such projectile is 80 kg, the firing range is up to... at the division command post there is continuous combat work, i assigned it the task of completely mining the road here to your left flank, so that no one could approach you unhindered , either from the road or in front of the front, nor from the flank from the third parachute of the airborne battalion, so i set you the task: the shells hit the target, the ivanovo paratroopers have already occupied the trenches of the armed forces of ukraine. hawk, hawk, we observe the pencil, he is storming the left trench. be careful, be careful, there is still movement in the center, there is movement, sometimes a trick appears, hand grenades are flying at the enemy, the militants are unable to resist, everyone gives up, they give up, they give up in the center, we took a rifle with a friend from a horseman who
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decided to join forces the two of us went into battle, well, he lost, the forest on the western outskirts of the chasovoyar was defended by soldiers of the sixty- seventh brigade. ssu. the enemy is now located at a distance of no more than 100 m from us. naturally, this is for the enemy, this causes a certain concern, this is natural fear, the fact that further assault operations can constantly begin at any moment. marriage and heroism shown during the special operation are awarded to the paratroopers of the ivanovo airborne forces right on the front line. alexander katsyuba, alexander malyshev, lead. breaking news. which just came to news agencies, ukrainian militants attacked a five-story building in the city of takmag, as the governor of the zaporozhye region yevgeny baletsky said, under the rubble there may be there are people. also, two civilians were injured today in the belgorod region. ukrainian formations attacked a bus that was transporting employees of one of
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the enterprises. another drone hit a car, the driver is receiving assistance. the militants also blew up a gas station, and a fire started at the site. almost 80% of the weapons currently used in the special operation zone were created at rostec enterprises. the head of the state corporation, sergei chemizov, spoke about this at a meeting with mikhail mishustin. in turn, the prime minister spoke about the tasks of achieving technological sovereignty of our country. in particular, we talked about the implementation of state defense orders. you head a large state corporation, which includes hundreds of scientific, industrial enterprises, associations, which, despite unprecedented sanctions, solve the problem set by the president, which is the achievement of technological and industrial sovereignty. countries, and, of course, an extremely important area is the implementation of all
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relevant tasks related to state defense order, so that our defenders are provided with equipment and technology, now in the context of hostilities, sanctions, when russia is fighting for its future, the importance of our work at our enterprises increases manifold, we feel greater responsibility and... and new self-propelled gun phlox, it can fire like a howitzer, mortar cannon with a range of up to 10
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km. the gun has increased maneuverability and is capable of quickly changing its firing position. the air component of our army has also been strengthened. among the combat aircraft that rosstek is donating to the troops is the fifth-generation fighter su-57. it is significantly superior to the american f-22 and f-35 in firepower, speed, flight altitude and maneuverability. to other topics. peak polovodya in the temen region. expected in a week, the level of ishim has already risen to 11.5 m. food is delivered to settlements cut off from roads by boats, taking into account the forecasts, rescuers raise the dams to 13 m. they have to work in strong winds, rain and snow are expected in the coming hours. the weather has already deteriorated, in regions of the volga region, the chuvash, udmurtia and tatarstan were in the precipitation zone. in kazan, due to cold weather, heating is being turned on again in schools, kindergartens and hospitals. literally 100 km from the republican center is real. winter. in the samara region, after the atypical april warmth, the thermometer
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plummeted to almost zero. there was hail in the region, which later gave way to sleet. abnormal cold awaits moscow residents on victory day. on may 9 there will be the lowest temperature in the last 25 years, at night -3°, not during the day above +10. forecasters predict wet snow and gusty winds. about the changeable spring weather, report by ksenia klimina. not at all... may weather has arrived in the regions of russia, plans for a holiday at the dacha and barbecue, it seems, can be cancelled. an unexpected cold snap covered the urals, this is footage from the perm izhevsk highway, it was heavily snowed, on the road, despite the month of may, even snow removal equipment came out, snow fell in nizhny tagil. this morning the sverdlovsk region was ground. footage taken by local residents shows white flakes of snow swirling in the air. snow spinning, flying, flying. winter, winter, motorists on social networks complain that they were in a hurry to change their tires to summer ones,
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winter has come again, they changed their shoes, you say, you all, yes, changed your shoes early, meanwhile, weather forecasters warn about the danger of ice and even snow drifts, in addition, today in strong gusts of wind are expected in the region, the unexpected cold snap in may was caused by a northern cyclone that formed off the coast of the barin sea, but tomorrow... they promise warming, despite all the vagaries of the weather, spring will still come. ksenia klimina, elena goleeva, marina tsosorina. news. this is the message, this is what will happen next in our program. tens of thousands of people come every day to see captured equipment from donbass. a large-scale copy of the legendary victory banner, a three-hundred-meter st. george ribbon, was unfurled on poklonnaya hill. and david cameron said that ukraine could beat russia with british weapons. orban warned that eu leaders are playing. fire, about this and more after the advertisement, see you,
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharmelsheikh only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmashikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. give a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is
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your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover. a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lucshery collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. “i’m guilty, i promise, i’ll improve, your son drank continuously, when he got drunk he beat me, we have a new life, no, such a new life, you don’t have, you have, no, if you want, i’ll introduce you to mine tomorrow groom, groom, first you and i need to sign, what are you, a new husband, today on
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holy saturday on the eve of christ’s bright resurrection in the very heart of the holy land, thousands of believers pray for a miracle, the fire consecrated on the holy sepulcher, visible, divine evidence of the victory of light over darkness and life over death. descent of the holy fire. live broadcast from jerusalem. at 13:00, attention everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day, we need to liberate the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered paton to be transferred to the 267th
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regiment, major roman, why don’t you, let’s get tired romanov, who mr. planted, then ... a special thank you from me personally, let’s go dance, vladi nikolaevich, i don’t dance, she doesn’t dance and doesn’t drink, here she is example, as if he were an officer, he behaves like the last one, welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, only penalty soldiers go into battle, the tasks are not easy, you will have to act in the operational tunu of the enemy, fighters, the battle is closed . from monday on rtr, this is news, we continue to publish: 83 thousand people per day visited the grandiose exhibition of damaged military equipment of
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nato countries. over three dozen armored vehicles are displayed on poklonnaya hill in moscow. weapons and ammunition. today, the exhibition of captured equipment was inspected by the military officers of foreign embassies. report by dmitry petrov. today is a big professional day. military officers work at the exhibition of captured equipment. the ministry of defense sent out an invitation to all countries whose embassies are represented in moscow. but us representatives from most european countries refused to participate. in total, 80 military specialists from... 52 countries, well, technology is presented here from all areas of special military operation, 32 units of armored vehicles, and of course, professional military personnel have not only a professional interest - many of them support russia’s actions in ukraine, this is what the representative of syria said: there are these tanks, american, there are german, there are
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czech, well, from different countries of europe and america, this suggests that russia is not fighting against ukraine, on the contrary, the entire west, the entire nato is fighting against russia and they are simply using ukraine. for this war, among the military officers there are many representatives of african powers, in including from south africa. well, by the way, the mamba armored car is presented here. seven pieces were delivered to ukraine, this particular one was captured near the village of tripoli, this is the donetsk people's republic, back in the summer of twenty-two, they were delivered through estonia, and today i took the opportunity to ask the representative of south africa how it happened, that their equipment is fighting in ukraine.
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spectators, that is, the assumption that today there will be, not even less, more, here are muscovites, guests of the capital, tourists, including foreigners, we were lucky to meet... in the berdichi area, this is the avdeevka direction, and there is a german leopard nearby. they are the ones that cause the greatest interest. the exhibition will last until the end of may every day, from 10 am
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to 20:00. dmitry petrov, viktor prikhodko, maxim sidorin, news from poklonnaya hill. and at the victory museum on poklonnaya hill, in memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war, today they unfurled a large-scale copy of the legendary victory banner, a three-hundred-meter st. george ribbon. participated in the patriotic event more than 2,500 people are military personnel, cadets, youth activists, as well as volunteers of the combat brotherhood organization and the young guard of united russia. they handed over copies of the victory banner to representatives of the ministry of defense, who will deliver them to the special operation zone. london allows kiev to launch strikes from its weapons at any russian targets, not limited to the territory of ukraine as of the ninety-first year. this was stated by foreign minister david cameron. but the rest are sponsors. having arrived in kyiv, i decided to raise the stakes. what
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regarding the actions of the ukrainians, in our opinion, it is up to them to decide how to use the weapons we provide. they are defending their country, which was illegally invaded by putin, they must take these steps. let's be absolutely clear. russia has launched an offensive against ukraine. and ukraine has every right to strike back at russia. the statement turned out to be so scandalous that some time after its publication, reuters retracted it and deleted it, saying that some details needed to be clarified. however, the video has already gone viral around the world it was later made available again. hungarian prime minister viktor orban spoke today about the danger of bellicose statements coming from the leaders of the european union. in an interview with a local radio station , he emphasized that budapest.
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strategic missile carriers tu-95 conducted scheduled patrols near the western coast of alaska. the flight took place over the neutral waters of the berening sea. the task took more than 11 hours to complete. the long-range aircraft were accompanied by su-30 fighters. in some areas foreign fighters were approaching our missile carriers. as the russian ministry of defense emphasized, the vks pilots acted in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. the devastating flood in brazil on the border with uruguay began after heavy rainfall. stormy streams demolish everything in their path, landslides and breakthroughs in houses are recorded.
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on the roof in the water, people are evacuated by helicopters, at least 29 people are reported dead, dozens more people are missing, 10 thousand are left homeless. russian and azerbaijani museums will hold joint exhibitions; agreements on this were reached on the sidelines of the world forum on intercultural dialogue, which is taking place in baku. representatives from more than 100 countries take part in it. report by boris ivanin. the forum in azerbaijan is so large-scale that... second day, intercultural dialogue went far beyond the boundaries of just one site, this is the very center of baku, and the russian academic drama theater has been operating here for more than a hundred years; in general, this very building of the former cinematography showed films here at the beginning of the 20th century. since then, the building has been rebuilt more than once, but all these years the stage has remained the main one in the republic for productions in russian. there is just a rehearsal on stage for a new play, a play by moscow playwright vladimir ovsyannikov
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- this is the choice of the head of the literary department. across a large country, across the soviet union. it is very important that gites, continuing this tradition, gives young directors the opportunity to stage in sukhumi or baku, go to tashkent or minsk or to prestiges. forum in azerbaijan is a cross cultural exchange. olga lyubimova also visited the national carpet museum. he is the only one like this in the world. the pride of native baku residents. i even lived here 30 years of my
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life. famous journalist mikhail guzman. baku, where a very important event in our time is taking place today, an attempt to organize a dialogue of cultures, a dialogue of religions, is more important today than ever. the russian house in baku also helps this dialogue; on the anniversary of the great victory , an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of crimea was opened here. the 77th infantry division fought for the peninsula, where there was basically an exit. from azerbaijan, a memorial was opened for them in sevastopol, the memory of this common struggle brings our peoples together. i like that people know the russian language, that the attitude of russians towards us is very favorable and we hope for friendship among peoples. and for everyone, azerbaijan is close and familiar, at least from the famous scene from the film the diamond arm. it was filmed in the old city, where the heroes of mironov and nikulin fell, but did not lose the appearance of morality. rossy tourists are happily welcomed here even now.
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come, come, we invite everyone, in a good mood, come, also in a good mood, we will send you back home. boris ivanin, denis bezlakovsky, alexey kashlakov and maya alenova, lead azerbaijan, baku. in the evening, watch the new episode of the grand show amazing people, very soon the final and today the final qualifying round. as always, a unique person whose abilities amaze the imagination will be chosen by the audience in the studio, and star experts will help them. there will be tests the biggest of the season. the studio will turn into a venue for bike trials. there will be 30 mannequins and 10 glowing cubes installed on the stage. they will bring two cars. we will find out who will be the final finalist of the season today at 21:30. vesti monitors developments in russia abroad. stay with us.
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why didn’t you wake me up, i’ll be late for work, you were sleeping so sweetly, right? now everything will be fine with you, better than everyone else, i have time for you, good.


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