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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 4, 2024 5:17am-5:56am MSK

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the caucasus mountains, turbulent rivers with cold water originating on glaciers, colorful landscapes, medieval watchtowers and recipes for dishes dating back to time immemorial. north ossetia is, as local residents say, five ridges and six gorges, as well as mountain rivers with the purest glacial water, rich pastures, and a serious caucasian attitude to customs. and the ritual of hospitality, a sure guarantee that today we will eat like a barobeg and learn new recipes. in the capital of the republic, the city of vladikavkaz, they love to eat delicious food. during during the autumn festival of ossetian pies and cheese, the central street, the embankment, turns into an open-air cafe, baking, frying, stirring everywhere. the festive crowd
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flows from counter to counter, demanding richer pieces; here we will have breakfast, of course, with the famous ossetian pies. yes, yes, here in ossetia they believe that pie is good for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even for english. even in the main ossetian epic, the nart, pies are mentioned, and this epic, by the way, began to take shape 2,500 years ago. 700 g beginnings i’m afraid to imagine how many pies are prepared in the republic every day, both at home and in all restaurants, of any world cuisine, in street bakeries. and...
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dudinka, although it stands on a river, is an international seaport. all year round , sea vessels and barges, traditional red-orange polar colors, unload at the port. the northern sea route, the largest transit route between the european part of russia and the far east, between the largest markets of europe and the asia-pacific, runs here. from the pipe of the court they deliver copper, nickel, and metal products to murmansk and arkhangelsk, rotterdam and hamburg, shanghai and kusan, and on the way back they carry products necessary for life in flooded conditions. the route through the northern sea route, compared to the alternative route through the suede canal, is shorter by 2440 nautical miles.
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shortens the duration of the voyage by 10 days, the weather is bad, but i’m lucky, right now i’ll board a real sea transport ship, it’s called the polar, well, i literally ended up in the control center of a spaceship, like... it seems to me that this is actually the first time for me on the captain’s bridge of such a large ship. these are unique ships. the uniqueness of the vessels lies in the fact that they can independently operate in the western sector of the arctic all year round, that is, carry out transportation without the help of icebreakers, all year round. now the polar one is standing in the roadstead and waiting for the water to go away. according to the latest data, in order to free the berths, its level must drop another 1 m. and this. will happen no
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earlier than in three days. so, every spring. how beautiful they did not call him lofty words. even before the revolution, both eastern paris and siberian petersburg, now all over the world it is associated, of course, with baikal and angara, however, for some reason it is called not baikal or angara, but by the name of the river about the existence of which few people at all knows outside of siberia, this is the irkut river, you see the tupka, to the right and left of it - this is just the irkut, and here at this place it flows into the angara, right here in 1600... they founded a wooden fort, from which later and grew up city ​​of irkutsk. as is often the case, all
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the most important sights of the city are located in its historical center, and here travelers are struck by the huge number of ancient wooden houses. all of them... built 200-300 years ago from larch, irkutsk is famous throughout the country for these houses, some are completely dilapidated, and some are restored and recreated, and recently a whole wooden quarter was erected here for tourists, here are several dozen restored houses from the 18th century , they also have a cafe with all kinds of delicacies, and even there is a hotel. so, comrades, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defenses, the premiere for victory day, but i have only four aircraft on the move, i received the order, carry out, take off, there is snow up to your waist, check, commander, the engines
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will stop, the temperature is off the charts, if detected, losses cannot be avoided, carry out supplies, fighters, battle for crimea. from monday on rtr. this is kiselyov’s report on how the withdrawal of jews from the beleysk region to the soviet rear took place. their task is to survive and get there, and there is no choice. genuine history of the holiday. he was the most ordinary soviet person; there are simply circumstances in which character is revealed. a man walked with us without a leg; he broke it.
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may 9 on rtr on saturday, simply, simply, i love you, i’m not afraid of losing, it looks like i ’ll have to resolve the issue of divorce, this is obvious, anatoly rudenko, tatyana kazyuchers, a man called me last night, demanded to come, threatened that he would set fire to the warehouse, you you know, why set me up, i haven’t yet understood where all the strings are coming from, but there is an assumption, a mistake, the premiere is on saturday. on gas station, then in the corridor, where to go and that rtr is caught somewhere everywhere, then don’t do it, you don’t have to ask anyone, beg, humiliate yourself and hold out your hands, they will have to reckon with us, so, take off from the ground, take off, such the equipment is beautiful, how
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much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, for us this is fate, it is a matter of life and death, we will be the first to know about it, the uligan has been extradited, what do you like more? herring under a fur coat or olevier? watch what to snack on? alexander grigorievich, hello! there are no forces who could hold him! this is impressive! hello! after your interview, many new questions arose! it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say in the first person! volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 am, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come in! on sunday on rtr. tv channel my planet presents. the same amount of time is left behind halfway. trains are good for everyone, they just make you feel seasick, like in a cradle. i want to sleep all the time. despite
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that it is light outside the window, and the further north you go, the brighter it is at night. the time along the entire route is moscow, the body is completely confused. the sky is the same whether at 11 pm or 4:00 am, when to sleep, when to be awake, the body refuses to understand. well, goodbye 376 soon, hello, komi republic, how beautiful it is! rivers
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full of fish, meadows, grass to the waist. cattle roam the villages and villages on their own. fat cows, herds of frisky horses, cozy houses with burrows, neatly stacked firewood for the winter, the doors are not locked here. day or night, fences made of fat, through which everyone can be seen. a rural idyll is a real peasant life with smoke from chimneys, the barking of ferocious chained horses and the passage of notorious rural robbers , beauties, leopards and murkas. how can we city dwellers miss all this?
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we move on, straight ahead of the famous izhimsky airfield. the airport made waves throughout the country in 2011. aircraft 85684 was flying from yakutia to moscow, but did not make it. the electrics failed. the crew had to land the car on a strip two times shorter than required for tu-154. we wanted to splash down on the izhmi river, but we decided to do it the old fashioned way. the plane rolled off the runway and was damaged, but it was repaired for 10 million, and it flew away from izhma under its own power. the watchman was then given a snowmobile for maintaining a non-state-funded facility in working order. since 1998 , the airfield has been virtually abandoned. and you’ll just give me a little lift.
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i learned about the bottle house from the world wide web; it is one of the local attractions included in the list of wonders of the tizhem region. the house was built by local resident egor arteev, returning from the army. 3,750 empty bottles, of course, went into the construction of the glass hut. apparently, the meeting of the demobilized soldier was stormy. and here is my place
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of residence for the next few days: a 0-star hotel, the only squeeze, it’s surprising that it exists here at all. 2.0 km from moscow, komi republic, izhma village, luxury room. it's light outside, i'll try to sleep. the first thing you want to see is, of course, the world-famous swallows on their nest, the undisputed symbol of the entire crimea. about a dozen films were shot here, including. the film by stanislav govorukhin 10 is not gryat, somewhere not far from
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here an amphibian man was filmed in a grotto under a rock, and how many documentaries there are, it’s difficult to even count, it’s not surprising, because the views here are stunning, for example, there in the distance, you see, the bear mountain , all of yalta is at your fingertips. the swallows' nest was built in this form, practically in the same form as it was in 1912 .
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goodbye, parents, can you have a frame, so friends , too, join us, please, smile like that, well done, sister, sister,
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well, does he celebrate? don’t worry, i was there when the first one gave birth, mine only came to me on the third day, but now with the second one, an ideal father, please go, they let us in with someone else’s husband, don’t you know, we have
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the same mother in nature died, it was her husband. mommies, mommies, we have feeding, please, go to the wards, come on, girls, bye everyone, goodbye, goodbye vasilyevna, goodbye, mikhailovna, i’m off, come in for a minute. olya, here’s the thing, there’s a part-time job, my friend has a math tutor, petka doesn’t seem to be stupid. guy, but in mathematics there are only d's, and you have
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all excellent students, well, don't exaggerate, zoy, you know, i do vadik's accounting, i don't have any time left for my work, forgive me, i'll refuse, it's a pity, okay, i will ask colleagues from the fifty-seventh. although i can’t find a better teacher than you, well, he’ll also say, it’s true, okay, i’ll go, lenka is waiting for me down there, come on, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, bye, lyudmila ivanovna, come see me. lena, lena, how are you doing? the girls and i discussed the history olympiad, and what was discussed there? here's where to look, a certificate of honor, elena fedorova, winner of the history olympiad, is being awarded , i'm doing a great job, my dad will be happy,
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by the way, i already called him, he said that he would arrive early, that's right, such an event needs to be celebrated, well, let's bake a cake, no, let's better have a pie, dad likes it better, pie, okay, let's go bake a pie. daughter, go help, when will daddy come? soon. put this on the table. listen, what game did your dad promise to give you? travel around ancient greece. i showed you a video review. ah, this is that difficult game. i'm afraid dad and i won't be able to cope. where will you go? by the way, eh? do you know how the architect harot worked on the rodovo ear? an earthen mound was poured around the sculpture, higher and higher, nothing was visible, and then the earth was removed, everyone saw this
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miracle, the ear of corn sparkled with the sun so that it was visible from the neighboring islands, it was covered with sheets of bronze, wow, after all it’s good that you take history courses, yes, history at school is boring, it’s not history that’s boring, it’s you i'm too... smart, dad, probably vadik, where are you? oleshka, listen, well, i ’m stuck at work, can you imagine, i’ve already let all the guys go, i was getting ready to leave, when suddenly orders started pouring in from the site, well, now we need to collect all the orders today, because we won’t have time for anything tomorrow, vadik, how can that be? we 're waiting for you, and you're probably sitting there hungry again? no, everything is fine, the guys left me sandwiches before leaving. listen, olya, have you looked at the business plan for the retail store, you just need
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to decide the issue of rent, whether we’ll take it or not, why wait? well, i'll take a look later. listen, vadik, maybe we’ll come to you now, take a pie and help you sort out your orders? olyushka, don’t, you’ll distract me, i won’t have time to do anything, go to bed without me, that’s it, come on, kiss me, bye. bye, okay, let's go, bye. zhenya, i came, wow,
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you look very beautiful today, i tried for you. so, why are you poking around here? more tea pie? i don't want. don't want anything at all? at all. and i have a proposal. "if dad is late at work, you and i can write down birthday wishes for him. well, we agreed that we needed identical dresses, and i rented them, dammit, and
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inexpensively. true, true, now you and i will do some festive makeup, don’t you agree? yeah, great, i'm behind the video camera, and you take the flowers, yeah, baby, what are you doing, you didn't like it, you liked it. “i like the fact that you ’ll get up now and leave, zhenya, why are you starting, you promised to talk to your wife, i’ll talk, i’ll definitely talk, i’ve heard this many times already, zhenya, why are you on your own you're ruining the mood, you'd better think that we 'll soon have a real store, it's more likely that this warehouse is already sick and tired, not only is it
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cold, damn, i'm also sitting there, practically alone, why alone, what about me, but i don't care this, i’m a cosmetologist, not a telephone operator, i want to see real people, then after my consultations, i’m sure the buyers won’t leave empty-handed, i’m sure it will happen, talk to your wife, okay, now, happy birthday. hi, will you have dinner, we baked a salty pie, i couldn’t put her to bed, she was waiting for you, what are you doing? did you buy the game?
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what game? you forgot, just don’t need judgment in your voice, i got worked up, forgot, then i’ll buy it, vadik, what’s wrong with you? yes, by the way, i looked at your business plan, a retail store will not pay off in such a low-traffic location, it will only eat up the profit from the online store. that's what kind of wife you are, you're suffocating, you have nothing but pies and games in your head, that's not the kind of woman i need, i need someone who supports me in everything, fortunately i have one, i'll come for things later, vadik, vadik , vadik, where are you going, vadik, wait, well, are you worried about the store, let’s open it, i’ll squeeze in. i told you everything,
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vadik, please don’t leave, please don’t leave, talk to me, vadim, vadik, explain to me what’s going on, ladnik, olga vasilyevna, and simona... was in your class today, this idiot has already skipped three of my lessons, can you imagine, three? olga vasilievna, can you hear me? i'm sorry, what? olya, what are you doing? forgive me, please, lord, you 're not sick, are you? sorry! so, come on, go and see
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the little thing! there's nothing wrong with me here divorce, my god, you’ll burn out, go home, i said, get treatment, i’ll call you. mom, mom, mom, why weren’t you at school today, mom, you feel bad, mom, let’s lie down, no, where’s dad? i called him, he
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doesn’t answer the phone, dad went on a business trip, the connection is bad there, how bad is it, what’s dad? left, mom, let me make you eight pieces of tea, it will feel better right away, come on, just change your clothes, okay, please, where did you take me? but what is the promised surprise? keys to our
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new store. products? while the products then we'll hang up the cosmetics. century, oh, vadik, yes, what a mess, they could at least clean up after themselves, oh, okay, so, yeah, here we have a counter, here we will have a cabinet with cosmetics, or better yet two, zhen, zhen, reduce agility, we have very little money, and by the way, i got into debt for the sake of this store, i still have to pay off this loan, the loan is registered in your wife’s name, even if she pays it off, but they took it out for my company? how many years has she been sitting on your neck? it’s okay, let him work too, i’m also a princess, okay, don’t push, i’ll think, think, think, and
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you'll think of something, you're like that, i 'm like, hello, are you paying off the loan, yes, yes, okay, i remember, yes, after the course i went straight home from... i'll worry, okay, mom, what about you? today there are two lessons, one, the seventh and i went on an excursion, maybe i’ll meet you after all, mom, am i little or something, you’d better go to school, you’ll miss it again, dad, dad, i’ve arrived, dad,
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finally came back from this stupid business trip. you brought me a game, daughter, i’m sorry, there was a lot to do, another time, okay, yeah, and you’re home now, you know, i need it now i need to live somewhere else, in what place, why, well, it will last for a long time, i think, yes, i understand, lea. now i’ve picked up my things, it’s time for me to go, they’re waiting for me there for work. vadik, the bank called several times, you are behind on your loan payment.
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olya, i’ve just decided on this loan, it’s issued to you. sorry, i can't pull it off. ulya, i probably have an allergy, of course, we know, i know, we are allergic, there is nothing to be ashamed of here, i myself recently went through a divorce and you know this very well, i found someone else.
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a good chance to earn extra money, and my advice to you: go ahead and apply for alimony, this can be done even before the divorce. zoo, what alimony, vadim loves len, he won’t leave her? well, of course, the ease with which he put a loan on you speaks exclusively of love. give it to me. give it to me. have you done your homework yet?
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what's wrong with you, aren't you feeling well? no, i'm just relaxing. lenka, what are you doing? why didn't you tell me that you and dad had a fight? we didn’t quarrel with dad, it just happens sometimes. len, don't be offended by me, i want to sleep.
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hello, okay, okay, yes, i understand, i understand. why did she call, filed for alimony, can you imagine, i really didn’t expect such a big deal, after all... i’ll have to save on furniture for the store, but what, you can’t
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save on this?


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