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tv   Russkie u Groba Gospodnya  RUSSIA1  May 4, 2024 11:55am-12:30pm MSK

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this can be stopped, by this hour we have all the information, irin rossius was with you, my colleagues, see you, october 7, 2023, the world is shocked by the news about the attack of hamas militants on israel, the king of the israeli army gives a tough response to this. the confrontation is growing daily under massive shelling of many cities of the warring parties, including jerusalem - the holy land where the main christian shrine is located - the church of the resurrection of christ. this temple,
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long-suffering, like the savior himself, over the centuries due to wars, earthquakes it was destroyed many times by fires, but was reborn again, largely thanks to the help of russian orthodox people, monarchs, philanthropists, novices and pilgrims. veneration of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem has always been the cherished dream of christians; abbot daniel became one of the first russian pilgrims. at the beginning of the 19th century, he traveled around the middle east and thoroughly studied the palestinian shrines. the holy sepulcher is carved into a stone wall, like a small cave with small doors.
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then on the right side you will climb through small doors into this small cave, four cubits long and four wide, and like a small bench carved from the same cave stone, on that bench lay the body of jesus christ. the holy land holds a special place in everyone's heart.
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the main shrine of orthodoxy, christianity, the holy sepulcher in jerusalem, these days there are no pilgrims or tourists in the temple, war and the air raid siren frighten people, but that is why it is so important to be able to enter the temple to worship the place where the miracle of the victory of life took place. death. to say that the temple is completely empty would be still incorrect. priests and russian restorers continue to serve there. they arrived in jerusalem long before the tragic events taking place today in the holy land, in order to restore unique artifacts created by russian masters of different centuries. one of them is a huge old printed one.
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the only one of its kind in the annual circle of services. falleand was printed and bound in russia in the second half of the 16th century, and has become very popular over the past century. patriarch of jerusalem, theophilus ii addressed the fund of the archangel of god michael asking for help in restoring the holy book. experienced people were brought to this unique job.
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artist, restorer, viktor savilov, who has dealt with exhibits of the moscow kremlin museums more than once. russian craftsmen had to restore fenift’s lost silver clasp. only from the surviving photograph, such, of course, from the photograph it was not clear that they were very much dented inward, well, there’s a chip in general, but in a significant part, well, yes, everything will be described here, in fact, here, yeah, i’ll try from modern materials build up, create such an illusion -
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well, try, at least, the first layer is usually the same paint that doesn’t adhere well to the base, it’s impossible to determine the exact timing before, so to speak, working with the object, this is not brickwork, where you put the meter, you have to wait a day, you put the meter down, you wait a day, that’s it, here, after all, such a process is very much me, for example, this finger... i drew for half a day, well, that is, i went and drank coffee, well, that is, there are some - these are the moments when it’s really, really difficult to get, to get into color,
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this is of course special, there is little that i can compare with. by the way, the restoration of the gospel allowed historians to carefully examine the book and make an amazing discovery; it turned out that a real time capsule had been kept between the pages for centuries. this book, the great mr. adrian, archbishop of the reigning city of moscow, all russia and all northern countries, patriarch, gave to the holy city of jerusalem
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in the temple of the life-giving resurrection of the lord god our savior. the restored service holiday gospel, that very living symbol inseparable. we are talking about years distant from us, we understand perfectly well that the pilgrimage itself took a long time, it was a long journey, very often grueling, very often exhausting, but the pilgrims went for it because the very opportunity to visit the holy land was worth it , some historical
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moments, the path of russian pilgrims to the holy land was akin to suicide; it was especially difficult for pilgrims in those days when palestine was captured by the turks. to go to the holy city of jerusalem and back required on average 11 years and you had to cross the border of five states, which were mostly, for example, muslims and this crossing was very, well, unsafe for life, say, some turkish officer could let you cross the border only if you you convince him to become an orthodox christian, you baptize him, and he will let you through, well, something like this, otherwise he will cut you off. head, which is why in 1656 the patriarch of all russia nikon, loving his flock , understood the importance of the shrines that remained after the earthly life of jesus christ, he decided to found a new jerusalem near moscow, which
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would become the world center of orthodoxy and would attract hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to the holy russian land. he began to build the resurrection cathedral on the banks of the istra in its image. similar to the church of the holy sepulcher. kelor, the trinity of st. sergius monastery and diplomat arseny sukhanov made several trips to the east and delivered a cypress model of temples to nikon. by the way, it was a very unsafe trip, because if he had been caught there, he would have been caught there too. they would have been executed as a spy, as an intelligence officer from another country who would come. there, that means, to take some measurements, make some descriptions, it was a very dangerous moment,
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and yet romonakh arseny sukhanov did it, so the holy patriarch himself, without ever being there in the holy land, did it this shrine, created this shrine, in such a very close approximation and uniqueness, so that everyone who has been there and here they are... evidence that there is a very great similarity. his holiness patriarch nihan wanted to personify here, that is , architecturally embody the book of the apocalypse, that is, to help its reading, its understanding. he wanted to show what the heavenly jerusalem, the heavenly jerusalem is, where we should strive. how will the righteous promise?
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patriarch nikon of moscow could not imagine that his brainchild would live two independent lives at once. in 1808 , a devastating fire occurred in the church of the holy sepulcher, leaving the shrines only in ruins. and now the cathedral near moscow was taken as the basis for the restoration of the jerusalem cathedral. some elements are reproduced. in accuracy, others differ somewhat in scale, but are the same in location. as soon as russia helped restore the temple, other countries seemed to distance themselves from this. and from that time on in russia we had a circle gathering. in all the churches there were mugs, well, these are not called mugs, these are boxes, written on the holy sepulcher. and all the victims.
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valuable interior decoration of the church of the holy sepulchre. this is how our specialists gave
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a second life to the carved canopy with thirteen icons from feniftti, installed above the entrance to edicule. historians are still arguing about its appearance in the church of the holy sepulcher, but most likely the russian gift appeared in the sacred place as a result of the pilgrimage to the holy land of the brother of emperor alexander ii. grand duke konstantin nikolaevich in may 1800, we found it, we restored it and returned it to the place where it should
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have been, because until that moment no one knew, it was a replica hanging, over the past years , almost the entire maleva fraction , the canopy was damaged, many showed traces of impacts, the fennel plates had to dismantled and actually recreated anew. the creation of each miniature took about a month, in general... the creation was carried out in a year and a half, it is the restoration of the imali that today seems to be probably one of the most complex restoration processes that... can be imagined in general, because... first, you are dealing with, well, roughly speaking, ceramics, yes, which cannot forgive you for some mistakes, the main task, probably, was before sizing, before, since the enamel in some places was moving away from the base,
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metal, before gluing, clean it very well, this... everything was carried out in a deep vacuum at a negative pressure of -1 atmosphere, this is the usual pressure, but this is a deep vacuum, this is when air comes out from under the layer between the finial itself and from the metal base air comes out , glue comes in instead, this process is really not for the faint of heart, but nevertheless, it’s all on the verge of a foul, but the result, the most important thing is that we get the result. beautiful, we open with trepidation the case with the restored arch. yes indeed it looks the same as it did in 1859, when it was donated to the church of the holy sepulcher by the russian imperial family, st. petersburg imals, sapphires and gilded wood. the period to
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which this priceless gift belongs became. golden for the russian presence in the holy land. in the second half of the 19th century , a russian spiritual mission was founded in palestine, which was then under the protectorate of the ottoman empire: temples and farmsteads were built, lands with biblical history were acquired. so on the mount of olives, near the site of the ascension of christ, the mission erected a temple with bell tower, called the "russian candle". a three-meter bell was cast for her with the money of a perm merchant. on march 12, 1884 , sent by steamship from odessa to yafa, the arrival of the bell of olives from russia became a whole event for jerusalem. this is a separate , very interesting story. muslims, they generally prohibited bell ringing.
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russia's influence has intensified; it was after the crimean war that we rose from our knees. that's what it means here. they realized that it was better not to quarrel with russia, so they allowed bells so that there would be bells ringing, that's where to get the bells, which means they were made in russia, transported to odessa there, that means, separately, then loaded onto a ship and delivered to jaffa, this is a seaside town, they were loaded on a cart, these are our pilgrims, mostly pilgrims , they... replacing each other, harnessed themselves to these carts, these 50 km, they delivered it all to jerusalem and there they lifted it up to this day on holidays, the ringing of bells, from ours, these are our bells. on great saturday, on the eve of the bright resurrection of christ, on in the very heart of the holy land, thousands of believers
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pray for a miracle. sanctified. the holy sepulcher is fire, visible, material evidence of the victory of light over darkness and life over death. descent of the holy fire. live broadcast from jerusalem. today at 13:00. isn’t there another road to the other side? no, just a bridge. we need to have time to move on. righteous, premiere on may 9 on rtr. in the second half of the 19th century, the russian government helped the patriarch of jerusalem solve another serious problem, to restore the dome over the entrance to the chapel of the holy sepulchre. he could attack the pilgrims and threatened
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the shrine itself, but the roman catholics, who also had rights to the temple on sunday, did not allow the greeks. start repairs. the first earthquake occurred in 1845. the dome was completely destroyed, and the russians and the french agreed to restore it. such projects were incredibly difficult, but then still possible. alexander ii and napoleon ii. russia and france agreed among themselves on the joint restoration of the dome of the church of the holy sepulchre. fairly circled. by that time, and in 1865 , work began, money was allocated, we agreed on the project, and in 3 years we erected a dome, which we can see from the hole. salim today. more than one and a half centuries have passed since then. during this time, russia experienced two world wars, revolution, perestroika and
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other socio-political upheavals. east jerusalem with its shrines became part of the territory of the israeli state, despite all these epoch-making changes , the spiritual ties of russian christians with the church of the holy sepulcher were not interrupted. then after 1914.
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kafalikone it sagged until 1939 years, and then was lost for many decades, only at the beginning of 2023, during
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preparations for the creation of the museum of the jerusalem patriarchate, the metal parts of the lamps were discovered in a disassembled, extremely ruined state. having learned about the amazing find, the patriarch of jerusalem, theophilus ii, wanted to decorate it again.
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for them this is such a life event, they are very proud of it, and such an attitude, you know, this is one hundred percent, people are investing in addition, this is not a question of finances, people told me, and restorers began to say, just buy us a ticket, we don’t even need money for the restoration, of course, of course, any work must be paid for, but still there is this desire to be there, to be involved, to be involved in the great russian tradition.
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what condition is it in, and so on, and even in some elements here, especially here, you can’t even see the enamel in what condition it is, for example, so you need to work very tactfully, because on copper alloys, usually gilding, it holds up very well unreliable, well, after 100 years it is necessary be extremely careful, well, well , we’ll set up all the candlesticks and do it beautifully, because they are all very... it doesn’t matter what they look like and we’ll do all the good wiring, because the one that is wiring is, well, that’s not it, it doesn’t
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go through any technique. fire safety, as a result, the seventy-two-candle ponikodil was electrified, soon our specialists faced a new task: installing the lamps in their original place, for this purpose scaffolding was erected, the old fasteners found on the dome turned out to be unreliable, it was necessary to install new, the process of hanging a multi-ton chandelier took 2 weeks, this work was carried out by specialists who had completed... a training course for high-altitude work, even our film crew was allowed to work in the dome only after high-altitude instruction. in order to work under the dome of the church of the sepulcher, we had to put on special climbing gear and construction helmets, an extraordinary height, and until recently the golden mosaics of the dome
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were hidden from... you believers, but now thanks to our domestic specialists, everyone who comes to jerusalem for the great holidays, everyone who looks up will be able to see not only the image of the savior, but also mosaic images of the first archbishops of the holy city. it was on these steel rings, mounted in golden mosaic niches under the dome of the church of the holy sepulcher, that the huge brass one hung. russian ponikod weighing more than 2 tons, approximately the same weight as a jeep car, hung over the heads of believers and pilgrims at a large, quite symbolic height of 33 m. here we are dealing with the greatest shrines and, of course, with a work of art, and that is, we must understand that those mosaics that are in the dome, they should look exactly like this, in general,
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what will reveal? their best sides and will emphasize their significance for world culture and for the many believers who come to the holy sepulcher, which, of course, is the greatest shrine for the whole world and for all christians. and there were specialists working here, of course, these were lighting architects and engineers who selected the instruments, equipment, equipment, yes, the necessary ones communications. one of these specialists, lighting designer, natalya nikiforova.
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what a person should see hide what does not need to be shown to visitors, we have developed special possibilities so that you can shine with white light, create an image of airiness, large volume, space, solemnity, evening lighting, the one that is festive lighting, it allows you to illuminate and highlight the architectural features of the building. emphasize the arches, show the faces, that is, absolutely two different modes, and two possibilities for the visitor to see the temple from two aspects, the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it, again it was lowered; the works of moscow masters of the late 19th century illuminate the kafalihon under the arches of the church
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of the holy sepulcher. the chandelier is a real masterpiece, it is a work of art that has been restored. the russian team came and restored it, thank god it’s working. the result exceeded our expectations, now we can enjoy this beautiful view. i really like everything.
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during the blockade we see this in the victory in the great patriotic war, that is, until the end liberating europe, and as if at your own expense , one might think, it would be possible to restore and at least preserve it, but we see this during the first world war, when the russian tsar, who was the guarantor of orthodoxy, yes, but russian orthodoxy, he even gave guarantees to the serbian church that we would always protect and help them. here we see now this policy, this is not even politics, this is probably the meaning of life, we are immensely grateful to the russian masters for the work they have done, the restoration of such an important
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element of the interior decoration of the temple. we are glad that after so many years this arc will finally return to its rightful place in the church of the holy sepulchre. thank you, god bless you. those who work here under the arches of the temple, those who scrape off the patina bit by bit, making them shine again, those who have been extinguished, restore what was lost, find what was lost, those who, overcoming obstacles and distances, strive for the main shrine of the christian world, even in troubled, dangerous times. , tragic time, they know that spring will come, great saturday will come, it will shine again fire from the coffin. raise the light of thousands of lamps of candles, the holy faces of the chapels, the carved canopy over the edicule, the chapel of the tomb will be reflected, the renewed ponikodil will be lit, under the arches of the kafalikon, the bell will float over the ancient city
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, the sacred fire from the holy sepulcher will splash out of the gates of the temple, the patriarch of jerusalem will carry out the festive the gospel, and st. john will be read. mouth, where is death, your sting, hell, where is your victory, first here, in the jerusalem church sunday, and then throughout the orthodox the world will hear: christ is risen, life will again overcome death.
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