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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 4, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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on the air of the russian tv channel, a special issue of news, i greet all viewers, i am maria sittal, hello, in all churches today there is a quiet liturgy of great saturday. easter is already close, the priests are not yet in red, but no longer in black, the entire orthodox world froze in anticipation of a great miracle, the descent of grace. the procession of the holy fire in the temple , watch the broadcast of the resurrection of christ on our channel. defense minister sergei shaigu today presented gold star medals to distinguished participants in the special operation. more often
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the fires are located in complex terrain and getting to them is not so easy. and today is the day of lighting easter bags. the sisters of the novotikhovensky monastery bake kulechi according to an ancient pre-revolutionary recipe. the most important thing is that it still makes no sense. everything is done by hand with love in a bright mood. for orthodox believers today is great or quiet saturday, the day before the most important holiday, before easter, this is a time of peace, a day of hope, anticipation, anticipation of easter celebrations, the experience of victory over sin and death. in churches throughout our the country holds special liturgies on this day, at which the most significant old testament passages are read. dozens attended the morning service in krasnoyarsk today.
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patriarch kirill conducted the liturgy at the cathedral of christ the savior on holy saturday. in his easter message, the primate noted that on this day the reality around us is literally transformed. after the black rice, the priests put on white clothes as a sign that christ’s victory over death and his resurrection has already been accomplished. after the liturgy on this day the easter treat, eggs and bags are illuminated. the main festive service in the capital will begin shortly before midnight. well, at these very moments in jerusalem, tens of thousands of orthodox pilgrims are awaiting the easter miracle. the descent of the holy fire takes place on holy saturday, marking the main christian holiday. a delegation from the foundation has already arrived from moscow to israel. first-called,
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in order to deliver the holy particle of the holy fire on a special flight to the cathedral of christ the savior for the patriarchal easter service. before there is very little time left for the ceremony to begin and how the final preparations are going, we will find out from the head of our middle east bureau sergei pashkov, he is live. sergey, hello, what is the atmosphere like at the church of the holy sepulcher now? hello, here under the arches of the church of the holy sepulcher. we have been there for several hours, and you see that the huge space of the basilica of the resurrection is filled with people, indeed, orthodox christians from all over the world came to jerusalem today in order to witness the ceremony of the consecration of the blessed fire in order to light their lamps , candles from the holy sepulcher, for this purpose a delegation from the andrei foundation has been coming here to jerusalem every year since 2003. first-called
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russian orthodox foundation, every year after the holy saturday service, a piece of the holy fire in a special lamp on a special flight. is being taken away from bengurion airport to moscow very soon on the bright easter week the fire from the holy sepulcher will shine not only in large capital churches, but in small village parishes. now people are tensely awaiting the start of the ceremony, then here and there, in different languages, and we heard exclamations, of course, in russian, bulgarian, greek, arabic, georgian. christ rose again, as if anticipating a future event. now the clergy have sealed the gates of the kuvukla, the chapel of the holy sepulcher, with a special large yellow seal, the kuvukla is first checked , it turns out that there is no one inside, that
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any lighting devices, lighters, flints, anything, have been removed, the kupukla is locked, it will be opened only when to the temple. the patriarch of jerusalem will enter in procession of the cross, greek, theophilus ii. and he will walk around the holy sepulcher three times. then the head of the greek orthodox church and the representative of the armenian apostolic church will enter the kubuklyaya, and what now looks noisy will immediately plunge into silence and darkness, the people gathered under the arches of the temple will repeat the jesus prayer, lord jesus. christ have mercy on me, because according to the well-known belief of the athonite elders, if the holy fire does not descend on holy saturday, if the iveron icon of sophon is taken away, then the end of times will come, therefore it is always the eve of easter, holy saturday are days of excitement, these are days
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of special anxious prayers, the jesus prayer, i must say that until recently the main obstacle for pilgrims who would like to visit. there may still be about a thousand believers in the square in front of the temple, but most of the pilgrims who arrived, who did not manage
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to get into the holy of holies, are now watching the ceremony at the java gate, near the walls of the old city of jerusalem, where at the end of the service people will pour... jerusalem was head of our middle east bureau sergei pashkov. descent of grace fire in the church of the holy sepulcher. our channel will show it live. the broadcast starts at 13:00. well, for now let's move on to other topics. powerful explosions sounded in several regions of ukraine that night. local authorities
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reported the destruction of critical infrastructure facilities in the dnipropetrovsk region. a large ammunition depot was attacked near kharkov. a big fire started. moreover, in the ukrainian general staff. reported the interception of all russian drones and russian missiles. now there is footage that confirms the destruction of another one in the special operation zone american abrams tank. our soldiers found the armored vehicle and burned it near avdeevka. in the same area, a bradley infantry fighting vehicle was hit. and an impressive video of the mass flight of ukrainian soldiers under russian artillery attacks from arkhangelsk. the surviving militants surrendered. in moscow today , military personnel who showed courage and heroism in carrying out the tasks of a special operation were awarded. sergei shaigu presented the gold stars of heroes of russia to the distinguished fighters. the head of the ministry of defense thanked them for their exemplary service and wished them further success. the ceremony took place at
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the national defense control center on franzenskaya embankment. the country, the president, highly appreciated your work, appropriating you. high titles, titles of heroes, this, of course, is your great, great merit, personal merit, merit of upbringing. the title of hero of russia was awarded to lieutenant colonel anatoly sysoev, who organized the transfer of units across one of the rivers,
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thanks to his professionalism, they approached unnoticed, destroyed a larger squad of enemy infantry, and gained a foothold on the main direction, feeling honor and pride for our country, great russia and our deserving ones, even in a fairly short time allowed us... to evacuate civilians and quickly transfer troops. our military today destroyed a stronghold of ukrainian forces near the russian border, from where militants were planning to launch attacks on populated areas of the belgorod region. aerial reconnaissance helped identify the target. also, the state border cover unit intercepted several drones at once. report by igor pikhanov. russian the scouts are preparing to leave. in the gray zone they are using drones to survey the territory of a neighboring state, fighters are hunting
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with pumping mortars into the armed forces of ukraine, every day ukrainian militants are trying to approach our border in order to attack the front-line settlements of the belgorod region, while acting secretly in order not to give away their location, their artillery is also not very active, well, on some places some oporniki fire with 120 mortars, but they throw two or three shells at once... they stop, because that there is a lot of activity in the sky right now from our reconnaissance units. the soldiers go out on a mission, the demarcation line resembles a lunar landscape, the ground is covered with holes that were formed after the explosion of shells. a drone of russian intelligence officers is inspecting every meter of border territory in the kharkov region of ukraine. the soldiers notice camouflaged positions in the ssu. right now i’m conducting a reconnaissance flight, i see it like an enemy.” in the trenches for two or three people at the moment of filming. information is transmitted
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to the artillerymen. on the neighboring sector of the front the d-20 howitzer maintains a 24-hour combat watch; because of its range and power , soldiers call the weapon a sniper rifle. just a few minutes of preparation and the artillery opens fire on the enemy. 152 mm caliber shells. violates the fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine, while the fire is corrected from the air by aerial reconnaissance officers, joint work increases the efficiency of the task, military equipment hidden in the forest and an ammunition depot are also destroyed, the enemy retreats with heavy losses. when working on the front line you need to be extremely careful, soldiers constantly monitoring the sky, ukrainian militants are also actively using fpv drones. the fighters are careful, all our positions are well camouflaged, mobile stations are working, suppression of detection. drones, a unit of the group covering the state border not only prevents the enemy from approaching our borders, but also destroys
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enemy communications drones and shoots down dozens of uavs every day. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. and further in the program we will talk about the heaviest snowfalls in may in a number of regions of russia, about student protests in support of palestine, they broke out with renewed vigor around the world. and of course, we will return to jerusalem, waiting for a miracle, a descent of grace. fire. all details in a few minutes. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation. vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. may 7 at 12:00 moscow
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time on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you. subdued and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know about.
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welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hourgadi, where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish seats & villas vacation. which you dreamed of. rixas premium sea gate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself into a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos
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premium siagate. rixos premium segate. today it’s simple, i just love you, i’m not afraid of losing, it looks like i’ll have to resolve the issue of divorce, this is obvious, anatoly rudenko, tatyana kazyuchets, a man called me last night, demanded to come, threatened that the warehouse would wait, you know him, why set me
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up , i haven’t yet understood where all the threads are coming from, but there is an assumption, a mistake, the premiere is today. on rtr, the wife is a cook, dishwasher, technician, educator, teacher, sewer, and the husband gets tired at work, enough, enough, this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is kiwi, the honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor, the honor of the twentieth olympic games, my grandfather had no children, my father had no children, and where are you from, i’m from minsk, izmailovsky park , premiere. on sunday on rtl. big film premiere. if you lead the jews out of here, we will present you for promotion. alexander etsenko. now only the soviet fish people can save them, there are no others here. evgeniy tkachuk. i'm lucky, they definitely won't kill me. i will be with you
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until the end of my life. fedor dobronravov. all will calculate everything on the shelves. righteous may 9 on rtr. you watch the news and we continue the release. several russian regions were immediately captured by a snow cyclone. residents of the urals and volga region
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share footage of may snowdrifts. tyumen is buried in snow. half fell out in 12 hours. energy workers switched to round-the-clock operation, and about thirty emergency power outages were recorded. a similar picture is in yekaterenburg, where more than 70 thousand people in twenty settlements were left without electricity due to snowfall, cliffs and icing of wires; some houses have no heat or water. chusovskaya truck. the entire road is blocked. in the sverdlovsk region , several roads were closed to passenger and freight transport at once, and huge traffic jams were noticed on the perm-ekaterinburg federal highway. to per. this is in yekaterinburg, snow piled up on the floor, knee-deep. despite the snowdrifts, local bikers opened
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the motorcycle season, and skiers returned to the streets with them. snowfall is intensifying in the north of the chelyabinsk region; traffic police officers are on duty in the most dangerous mountain areas. and here it is already orenburg region. uncharacteristic for early may, wet snow fell on the region. we are waiting for a difficult situation with natural fires in the far east; in the khabarovsk territory , new fires have been recorded in two nature reserves. report by elizaveta yurova. solnechny district, evoronda forestry. from the air, fire paratroopers assess the densely smoky area; 2,400 hectares of forest are on fire. and this is how the flames destroy everything in their path in seconds, they are stopped by employees of the federal aviation forestry service, they are encircled, despite the complexity. conditions the fire is localized, there is no threat of spread, we are recording the third, fifth class of fire hazard in development depending on the municipalities,
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wind, plus dry grassy vegetation, all this together with meteorological conditions, has a rapid spread, an emergency mode has been introduced in the region, with fire already more than 90 thousand hectares of taiga have been covered, another 50,000 are burning, the main outbreaks are in khabarovsk and amur, almost 400 people, dozens of pieces of equipment and aircraft are involved. scorched land in the khabarovsk region. timely liquidation helped save the nearby forest fund from fire, but this is not always the case, most often. the outbreaks are located in complex terrain, and getting to them is not so easy. therefore , additional forces, 52 specialists from the amur region and buryatia, are helping the regional group. firefighters were deployed to a remote forest area in the urmi river area. the first may holidays are apparently with a large influx of people into the forests, which means that the forest fire
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situation has been quite complicated for us, a ban is being introduced, which means that including staying in the forests, in addition , it allows us to attract additional resources in a simplified mode, a state of emergency was introduced in the vanyu national park, at the beginning of the fire season a fire was recorded there on 300 hectares, all our own forces from... donald trump, if he is elected president of the united states may require nato member countries
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to raise defense spending to 3% of gdp. this forecast was made by the deel telegraf newspaper. the publication refers to an anonymous source “close to trump.” the newspaper notes that in trump's team plans to cite rising threats from the country as justification for such a demand. russia and china, and the ex-president also wants assistance to kiev to be taken beyond the calculation of funds allocated for the defense of the alliance, that is, so that it goes on a separate line. previously, the media wrote about allegedly another idea of ​​trump: to divide all nato countries into two classes, and those that do not spend 2% of gdp on defense will not be subject to the fifth article of the charter on guaranteed protection in case of attack. wave of student protests in support of palestine with renewed vigor. in the states, police suppressed protests at various educational institutions in new york, several students were detained, while a large march from one campus to another along
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the city streets took place more or less peacefully. at harvard, jewish students carried out their action; they covered the entire lawn with israeli flags to show that protests against them were unjustified. at the same time , articles are already appearing in the american press about the outbreak of pro-palestinian attacks. demonstrators were carried out by their hands by their feet, local media reported that the protest the mood has already spread to other german universities and even to the senior classes
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of some schools. enhanced security measures have been taken in jerusalem in anticipation of the descent of the holy fire. entrance to the territory of the church of the holy sepulcher to participate in the ceremony is only with special permits; due to the difficult military-political situation in israel, there are fewer pilgrims this year than usual. on this day, israeli law enforcement officers traditionally introduce a special security regime in the area of ​​the old city. hundreds of law enforcement officers are deployed to maintain public peace of mind. the police will regulate the crowds of people on the streets and in the temple itself. vehicles are not allowed to enter the historical center until after the ceremony. well, in russia, at these very moments, believers are bringing easter treats to churches. their lighting is one of the important traditions of the holiday. kulich symbolizes the bread that christ shared with his disciples. and the easter egg is a reminder of
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the resurrection of christ. thank you.
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from the very morning we worked in the epiphany cathedral and already from 8:00 in the courtyard parishioners began to gather in the temple, many came with whole families; on great saturday , on the eve of the main holiday of easter for orthodox christians, believers come to the temple to illuminate what they had prepared for the festive table. easter treats in churches can be illuminated throughout the day, for this we see that they set up such long tables on which people can display everything that they brought with them, but usually these are easter cottage cheese, easter cakes and...
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holy saturday is very important day for orthodox christians, this is the last day lent, a time of silent hope, joyful anticipation of easter celebrations. lighting of easter cakes so that people can come from the easter service after the night service and break their fast, this happens during the day throughout the entire great saturday, this has already happened historically, but in fact these cakes can be illuminated at night after the night easter service. today, all day long, believers are preparing for easter, so that in the evening they can come to church again to celebrate easter sunday in moscow.
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the main holiday service will begin as usual. shortly before midnight at the cathedral of christ the savior. anastasia litvinova, yuri gonchar, lead. so, just a few minutes before the start of the live broadcast from the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem, where thousands of pilgrims are waiting for the miracle of the descent of the holy fire, millions of believers around the world will be able to see everything with their own eyes today. and after the ceremony , lamps with holy particles of the holy fire will be transported to different countries, first of all, of course, to russia. this. the mission is traditionally carried out by the andrei foundation first-called, the special flight is expected to land in moscow in the evening, on vnukovo, the holy fire will be received by representatives of various dioceses. so, a few seconds before the live broadcast from jerusalem begins, everyone is in awe.
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good afternoon, dear tv viewers!


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