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tv   Skhozhdenie Blagodatnogo ognya  RUSSIA1  May 4, 2024 1:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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the main festive service will begin, as usual, shortly before midnight in the cathedral of christ the savior. anastasia letvinova, yuri gonchar, news! so, just a few minutes before the start of the live broadcast from the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem, where thousands of pilgrims are waiting for the miracle of the descent of the holy fire, millions of believers around the world will be able to see everything with their own eyes today. and after the ceremony , lamps with holy particles of the holy fire will be sent to different countries. the special flight is expected to land in moscow in the evening at vnukovo, the holy fire will be received by representatives of various dioceses. so, a few seconds before the live broadcast from jerusalem begins, everyone is in awe.
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good afternoon, dear tv viewers, the ntv television company, channel one, russia-1 and the foundation of the holy all-honorable apostle andrew the first-called, are presenting a live television broadcast of the annual ceremony of the descent of the holy fire. today we are with you: rita borisovna butova, candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher at the institute of russian history academy of sciences.
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place of the great saturday, before us is the edicule, the place where our lord jesus christ was buried. we are now inside the temple, the temple, which is called the church of the resurrection of the lord or the church of the holy sepulcher, where this great sacrament took place, the resurrection of the savior, who gave us eternal life. today are special days, they complete the passionate one. week, and the day of great saturday, as it is sung in today’s trapar, a special chant, all human flesh will remain silent, that is, everyone remains in silence in silence, waiting for the resurrection of the savior, in the temple of the lord, where we are now, everyone is waiting for the descent of the blessed fire, a special symbol, a special appearance of the resurrection of christ, as you see,
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in moscow, tells us that the patriarch is already a bell, russian a bell cast in descends from the temple of constantine and helena, and soon we will see it, now we already see the kavass who enter the temple.
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this year we had an absolutely significant event for the first time since the pandemic .
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to the believers in the temple, he is now will enter the cathalikon through a special door, will receive delegations from those churches that had already arrived at the temple shortly before him, will begin to change his clothes, this is a special ceremony of the descent of the blessed fire.
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we can now look at the recordings. well , as you can see, at 6:00 in the morning
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the armenian quarter opens to the armenian one, representatives of two muslim families come to the representatives of the armenian apostolic church, and...
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the status quo is such a whole system of decrees that took shape completely from the middle of the 18th century established in the 19th century, that’s what how the doors of the temple are opened, how they are cleaned, how they respectively enter and leave the temple, how they live and celebrate, all this is part of the status quo system.
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is still carried out through the main gate, which is the only symbol, uh, symbol of the jerusalem temple. and in our church there is our colleague, correspondent, journalist, sergei poshkov, who can already give a brief report from the scene. good day, sergey. good afternoon, dear tv viewers. father andrey, hello, rita borisovna, we are broadcasting live from under
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vaults of the church of the holy sepulcher, where, as you know, the ceremony of consecration of the holy fire is taking place today, especially for ntv channel one and russia-1 tv channel, now under the vaults of the temple there are many thousands of believing orthodox pilgrims who have come here to jerusalem, from all over the orthodox...
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thank you very much, sergey, thank you, and you correctly noted that the broadcast itself is becoming part of the status quo, a certain tradition, this broadcast has been going on for the twenty-first year, thanks. to those companies that implement it, the first channel russia-1,
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mtv television company, to whom we thank. well, uh, now we still have to see how representatives of various faiths came, from 8:00 in the morning, they gradually flocked in small groups. has the right to participate in the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire, including participation in
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the protection of the service among those shrines that are located in the church of the holy sepulcher. in addition to the syrian church, the optic church and the ethiopian church are also participating, but, of course, the main role will be played by the orthodox church and representatives of the holy armenian apostolic church.
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fire. now we see representatives of the syrian community waving flags, and representatives of the armenian church will be in the angel's limit. the limit of the angel, which precedes the very main place where the lodges are located, the burial of the savior, and there he will be, uh, another delegation that traditionally takes part in the convergence is representatives of the coptic church,
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well now, yes, now we see. these are just representatives of the coptic, coptic church, who are also taking their place, yeah, yes, here’s another one of our official ones coptic delegation, representatives of the coptic church, according to the status quo, each of the denominations has special responsibilities, special rights, this symbol is the famous immovable staircase, which is located... above the entrance through which the delegation passes now, as we see, of the hoft church , yes, this staircase is indeed a direct symbol of the status quo, it is now located on the territory of the armenian apostolic church, it shows that this part of the facade
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is their property, but the reason for where this staircase appeared there... it seemed to be lost in history, and this is also a kind of status quo, as you can see, already in front of the arch of manomakh in the kafalikon there are banners, this means that the patriarch has already changed his clothes and blessed those representatives of the churches who came to him for blessings, and we are expecting, in fact... a leitonia or procession of the cross, which will go around, a patriarchal procession of the cross, which will go around like a glue three times. it is also surprising that representatives of different faiths observe among themselves peace, despite the fact that, of course, various difficulties arise, but nevertheless the status
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quo allows everyone to live peacefully, right now... a lamp is being brought out, which will be placed in the edicule and in which the holy fire will be lit, and here we are we see the skivophylax of the church of the resurrection of christ taking out the lamp from the patriarchal sacristy, now it will be brought into the edicule, before the lamp is brought into the edicule.
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everything has been checked, white tapes are applied, then a large, large part of the wax will be applied to these tapes. memories of how pontius pilate placed the roman guard in front of the holy sepulcher, a sign that the disciples could not come to steal.
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the resurrection of the lord, we see how the keeper of the lamp stands in front of the edicule, its guardian, yes, everyone is waiting for
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the patriarch, because without him the descent of the holy fire cannot take place, uh-huh, now they will... show us, i hope they will show views of the temple and those pilgrims who have gathered, this year we have an absolutely wonderful feature, we have a lot of young people in the temple, right very young teenagers, and this cannot but rejoice, because... the armenian, armenian flock, it is not very, it is not very numerous, and since there are more pilgrims, it is surprising that so
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many young people come - exactly, perhaps , even children, in some cases, as we see, uh-huh, and of course, holy saturday is a day that attracts people from all over the world, christians. orthodox, first of all, people who especially honor this holiday, which is the most important in orthodox life, liturgical life for every person, and this is a special event, it has already taken place since ancient times, the first evidence of it dates back to the first centuries of the existence of the ancient church, centuries, as was said by church historians and the first pilgrims, who...
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the most important participant is the patriarch himself, the patriarch himself, a representative of the oldest church in the world in jerusalem, the mother of the church, patriarch theophilus, of course...
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the edicule and uh, ahead of the patriarch will be 12 banner bearers with the kharugovs, well then the wise and spirit-bearing himself and such a prayerful concentrated, although we saw that the patriarch walked with such a very benign smile on his face and entered the temple, i... think that this is his state, it will, of course, persist. of course, it is also surprising that the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire has been preserved throughout different eras, when numerous events took place in the holy land, when the jerusalem temple passed from hand to hand and was even destroyed. however, the
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evidence that, as we said. holy fire - kindled on the savior's bed, and then the pilgrims brought, if they were very lucky, they brought the fire itself, and if they were not lucky, then the fire that they received during the descent was extinguished with cotton wool,
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this cotton wool laid... in a paper spoon - they brought it to our churches and kept, in general, this year the temple m, on the one hand, of course, sunday in the temple is difficult, since the entire floor is being replaced, with excavations being carried out, and this is absolutely wonderful when the three main confessions, which have the right to make decisions regarding the repair of any changes.
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in his film this winter in quite detail, so this is also such a joy for us, the tradition of decorating the shrines of churches, it is very old, and long-standing in russia in other countries, the tradition of gate icons, special offerings that began with the russian tsars with boris grunov, fyodor mikhailovich and this tradition
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continues today. this is what lita borisovna said, this decoration on the part of russian pilgrims, those who honor the shrines of the jerusalem temple, it continues now. we will now show a short story dedicated to the gates icons since ancient times in russia, images of jesus christ have been revered and carefully preserved. gate icons occupied a special place in russian culture; they were placed in the courtyards of cities, monasteries, and temples. such icons protected the inhabitants. and blessed the travelers. the spasskaya and nikolskaya towers of the moscow kremlin are named in honor of the gate icons of the savior not made by hands and st. nicholas the wonderworker. during the time of tsar alexei mikhailovich, there was a procession to aslyati through the spassky gate.
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thus, on palm sunday, believers reenacted the entry of jesus christ into jerusalem through the golden gates of the holy city. in the minds of believers, the kremlin...
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it is especially joyful that in the church of the holy sepulcher there is such a special russian presence associated with the orthodox, pilgrimage traditions of former times. this is the history of the gate icons, it is preserved
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now, this is how it was said in the form of lamps, which is located in front of the edicule, in the form of a mosaic, which is located in the temple of the lord. these icons are being reborn in the center of our homeland. in moscow, uh, which, by the way, is evidenced by and, uh, the exhibition, which is being held at the shyusego museum of architecture, is dedicated to gate icons. all this, of course, is part of a huge tradition associated with the special piety of our people, for whom these shrines, as they were, remain, significant and especially valuable. well, in general, among the gifts of the russian imperial house there are quite a lot of icons that decorate the church today on sunday, but pilgrims to the monasteries
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brought a lot of shrouds, and there was such a tradition, there were so many shrouds that... they were sent from russia on the holy sepulcher, that during easter they were even hung on the walls of the monastery. now we have been shown the new, recently appointed head of the russian spiritual mission in jerusalem, archimandrite vasian, who is vested, and this means that he will participate in the procession together with the patriarch, for us this is.
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procession of the cross and any minute the procession will begin, now we see just one of the regular participants from the arab youth in the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire, they have surprisingly huge candles, in fact they are no longer young people, but nevertheless
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, they include the main shrines, because in addition to the temple, the holy sepulcher, the status quo concerns the basilica of the nativity in bethlehem and the chapel of the ascension, although it belongs to muslims, it is also part of the status quo and the tomb the dormition of the blessed virgin mary, and even non-christian holy places are also regulated by status.
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that the patriarch, that his clothes are
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white, and our priests will only change their clothes today during the liturgy, and they have already changed their clothes during the great liturgy saturday, but which is, as it were, on the verge between the end of saturday and the beginning of easter, great saturday is
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a special hymn, the hymn that we will sing this night, thy angels, christ of the salvation, the procession of the cross is always a special service that we have already performed in the orthodox churches, literally yesterday,
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good friday, associated with the burial of the ploshchenitsa, that is, the memory of how they came to pontiou pilate. in order to ask for the body of the savior. nicodemus, as a secret disciple, brought incense in order to to anoint the body of the savior, and joseph, being influential among the high priests, had the opportunity to boldly approach pilate in order to take the body. christ. pilate was very surprised that the savior had already died, because usually those who were crucified on crosses suffered terribly and for quite a long time. according to the testimony of the evangelists, we know that the two thieves who were crucified on the right and left sides of the savior were still alive,
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so the roman legionnaires who came to check on those who were on the cross, they they broke their legs so that they... would die sooner before the start of the sabbath, which was especially revered by the jews, so during the sabbath it was impossible to leave the bodies of the dead on the cross, the savior had already died by that time, which surprised pilate, but he allowed them to take the body of christ, then joseph and nicodemus, whom our orthodox church especially honors, took the body of the savior. and decided to bury him in a new coffin, carved into the rock, it is quite possible that it belonged to joseph himself, as the ancient jews buried, the body of the savior was laid in such a stone bed, a huge stone slab was discovered just after
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the restoration work that took place in edicule, and most likely it is connected precisely with those events, perhaps precisely... this wickerwork is now located in the place where the edicule was installed. yes, the excavations that took place in the temple in the sixteenth and seventeenth years, and the excavations and repairs that are going on now, they clearly showed full compliance with both the gospel and the sources of the fourth,
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those gospel events that we have today we remember, because the burial place of christ is located next to golgotha, that is , the place of the crucifixion, and these are precisely the places to which saint helen of equal apostles, mother of emperor constantine, will later come, who will find the cross of the lord, and thanks to whom, the actual revival of the shrine will begin precisely thanks to the saint is equal to the apostles to helen and will be erected... thanks to her labors, the labors of her son, emperor constantine, the first jerusalem temple of the resurrection of christ will be erected, and excavations.
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where her relics will later rest in as a result of other events, but it is surprising that the holy land, the jerusalem temple, they change many people who find themselves here, this is apparently a special feeling, a special state not only of pilgrims, but also of people who, even purely out of curiosity , find themselves near christian shrines, they do not may not realize and feel that...
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earthly concerns, everyday affairs, very often it does not occur to us to think about why we live, what is the meaning of what is happening? around us with us, and of course, the place where we are now is a place where we can get answers to these questions, if we really sincerely try to turn to god, sincerely try to solve these questions for ourselves, about how difficult it is and what responsibility lies on the patriarch, who... . now passes through the believers with great difficulty, you can read from patriarch
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diodorus. who from 1981 to 2000 was the patriarch of jerusalem and actually prayed for the origin of the holy fire and he wrote down that when he enters the edicule, then he enters in great fear, and since it is completely dark there, then... he describes how he almost makes his way through the limit of the angel and already falls in front of that place, in front of the tomb, where christ lay after death, where he was resurrected, here he is writes that i make my way through the darkness to the inner room, in which i fall to my knees, i say
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prayers that have been handed down to us through... centuries, and having said them, i wait, behind these words of the patriarch, i want to tell us all, we too, we are also waiting, we are also now, we understand that this is lithomia, this circling the edicule three times, this is a prayer, and the prayer of everyone, the prayer of those pilgrims and believers who have gathered in the temple, this is a prayer,
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we mentioned just the limit of the angel, that is , the first - the part that precedes - to the room where the box is located the savior, so called, because it is there, uh, the myrrh-bearing wives, uh, will find an angel, uh, who will tell them that christ has risen, and a fragment of that slab, which, uh, uh, should symbolize just a rolled away stone . from the tomb is now that part the throne on which the divine liturgy is celebrated in the limit of the angel. well, now, of course, there is a big answer, the responsibility lies with those guards, with those kalas who are forced
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to literally pave the way for the patriarch...
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the second half of the 19th century. it was during this period, immediately after the crimean war and the abolition of serfdom in russia, that the flow of russian pilgrims to the holy land, who needed additional places for accommodation, increased significantly. the newly created one takes care of russian citizens. by prince sergei alexandrovich, in jerusalem , on the initiative of its first chairman, the great , the construction of a courtyard began, later named in his honor sergievsky. the flag of the imperial orthodox palestine society was first flown over the corner tower on april 29, 1889. in the autumn of the same
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year, the sergievskoe metochion received the first. pilgrims. the courtyard met the highest requirements of hotels of that time. the territory had its own water supply, sewerage, kitchen, and laundry. and a dining room. the first two weeks after arriving in jerusalem, pilgrims, those staying in the general wards did not pay anything for the premises, and after this period, if they wanted to continue their stay in russian buildings, they paid 3 kopecks for the premises. per day per person. a small amount was also paid for a russian hospital with the right, if necessary, to use treatment and maintenance there. for those who wanted to live outside of the general wards, russian buildings provided separate rooms, which, depending on the situation, were divided into three classes. before the revolution in the sergievsky courtyard famous russian scientists,
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writers, musicians and artists stayed there. in 1914, with the outbreak of world war i, the council of the imperial orthodox palestine society adopted. decision to close russian buildings in jerusalem under his jurisdiction. as a result of the first world war, palestine found itself under the protectorate of great britain and the british authorities began to rent out the orthodox compound. the flow of pilgrims here stopped for many years. only in 2008 did the podvorye building return to the control of the russian government. for in order to revive the buildings. it took 10 years. in 2017 , a flag with the emblem of the imperial orthodox palestinian society was again raised over one of the towers.
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for the first time in the history of israel, a memorial plaque with an inscription in russian was installed on the wall of the sergievsky courtyard . 5 years later, the first russian museum was opened in jerusalem, russia in the holy land, the exhibition of which presents unique documents, evidence of the origins of the russian empire. since that time, as in the last century, the sergievsky courtyard has opened its doors again for russian pilgrims to the holy land. this year marks 110 years, just like the end of such.
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from inside the tomb, before unmasking, together with the armenian archbishop, going inside, in order to receive and take out the holy fire from there. now
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the greek psalms are being sung, now the religious procession is going around kuvukhli for the third time, now the head of the greek orthodox church of jerusalem is participating in the procession, but the most important thing for... thank you very much, sergey. well, in general, as for the time of descent of the fire, then from in ancient times this was a subject
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of special observation. the faster the descent of grace took place, and the more abundant the outpouring of light in the area, in the ratunda, throughout the temple, the more well-being was determined. throughout the next year, and even during arab rule, at the beginning of the litany, representatives of muslims usually came to the temple, this is... somewhere near the coffin, and then wrote reports to the capital of the caliphate about how quickly or how long the fire took to go down, from the speed of convergence they concluded about the harvest, and if the fire was late, then it was a sign of crop failure, these signs that were described... there in the 20th century they
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remained in force for the arab population of jerusalem and palestine, until the middle of the 20th century. now the patriarch has started the second round of the religious procession, which is going on very slowly, and indeed this time depends on when the patriarch himself enters kuvuklya from his prayer, and of course. fire is not only a herald of favorable or unfavorable times, as indeed such a special popular belief developed in the holy land, but in addition, these are also the symbols that we meet in the gospel narrative, because fire is always a kind of light of truth, it is the light of truth, the grace of god, when we remember:
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for example, the parable of the lost drachma, a lost coin, which a woman could only find by placing a lamp on a candlestick, that is, the light of christ, it enlightens everyone, a lost coin is a lost human soul, it can only be found through the gospel of christ, or lamps carried by wise virgins, who gathered for a feast at the wife's. wedding feast, and these lamps are also a symbol, in a special way, of that prudence, spiritual wisdom that every person who turns to god should have, therefore, since ancient times, lamps and lamps have always been an integral part of divine services, we still install lamps. ..we
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will now look at this story, we see how representatives of our delegation, vladimir ivanovich yakunin, anatoly dmitrievich viktorov, russian ambassador to israel, bishop lukhavitsky head of the russian spiritual mission, archimandir of vasiania.
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us by thy holy spirit, may we live in love, joy, peace and long-suffering, glory and sing thy most frequent and magnificent name, father and son and holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. vie underwater jesus christ, κύριος.
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the resurrection of the lord and we see how the procession of the cross is already over, after which the patriarch must go to change his vestments, or rather, take off his outer robe, the sakos, and remain in one saccos, in the vestment, that is, in that part of the vestment that is an integral part of the liturgical...
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so they entered together with the archimandrite of the armenian apostolic orthodox church. now the lights in the entire temple will go out. everyone will
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pray together with the patriarch, who is in povoukleia. these are just those days of special anticipation. when the lord was buried in that new tomb where they laid his body, nicodemus and joseph, the righteous one, and since saturday had come, it was a day of rest, everyone had to remain in silence, a special prayer according to the ancient jewish custom, for us, of course, this has a completely different special meaning, because it was at this time that the lord was in the tomb. and we know that all the disciples at that moment left the savior, they will gain firm faith after sunday, when they go to preach, and only the wives were waiting for the savior, whom in the church we
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will call myrrh-bearers, mary magdalene, the other mary, who early in the morning they came to the tomb to anoint the body of jesus with perfume, too. who said that you are looking for the living among the dead, he is not here, he has risen, this is our expectation, in a sense it is waiting for these myrrh-bearing women who came, not hoping for anything, but firmly believing
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that their teacher, the savior, was in the tomb, and by coming to him, they would be able to find the holy truth. in this prayerful expectation we also expect this special color. yes, and we see how the pilgrims who stand, to the right and left of the entrance to kvuklya, in prayerful expectation and cross themselves, and wait, and at the entrance are already standing, representatives of the coptic and syrian churches, which knock on... the patriarch, when they will be allowed, they will be able to enter and from patriarch to receive the fire that we are waiting for, hoping and believing will come.
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there will be joy throughout the city, throughout the holy land, in russia and in those countries where the holy fire is awaited, and those believers who saw today’s broadcast with us, because the broadcast took place not only in russia, but in serbia, georgia, in bulgaria, in montenegro in macedonia, we can say that this is really an event. village scale, and we have the opportunity to join it, we
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see how people rejoice, we remember, of course, those wonderful words of the luminary john chrysostom, which we will listen to tonight at the night service, hell, where is your victory, hell, where is your sting, of course, the resurrection of christ is a victory over...
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thank god, the fire went down, we were given one more
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year, and we this we rejoice, we rejoice, like those myrrh-bearers who... seeing the angel, and then the teacher himself, whom they did not recognize, they thought that it was the gardener, they asked where you put the body of our teacher, they could not believe that christ had risen, this special joyful feeling, of course, is important to us understand, based on those who are there now, we want to ask sergei pashkov what feelings the pilgrims around him feel, sergei.
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we hope and believe that the connection with sergei will still be established, but so far we don’t hear him, so we see how pilgrims wash themselves with fire, like a lamp, carry from kugukli, until next year. they are now bringing her into the altar and placing her on the throne, you hear the festive gospel, you hear how the words christ is risen now under the arches of the temple, the holy sepulcher, probably sound to everyone languages ​​of the orthodox world, a human river,
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a river of fire at these moments is splashing out on the street of the ancient city of jerusalem.
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we express special gratitude to the russia-1 television company and the ntv television company. the first channel, as well as the foundation of the holy all-praised apostle andrew the first-called for organizing the traditional television broadcast, the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire. the fire will arrive in moscow this evening, traditionally it is usually 22:00, and
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it will be possible to pick it up there. as we have already said, he will arrive at the cathedral of christ the savior and through the foundation of the holy apostle andrew the first-called, this fire can be received in parish churches in the foundation itself. father andrey, i congratulate you on the descent of the holy fire, on the upcoming easter of christ, which is customary in jerusalem after the descent.
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always in our hearts throughout the year, so we wish everyone that the holy fire is a symbol of such a special joy that we experience on the holy days of easter. the holy fire descended, the peace of great saturday ended, it was immediately felt sunday of christ is approaching, a particle of the holy fire will be delivered to
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moscow this evening, transferred to 15 churches in the capital, including the cathedral of christ the savior for the patriarchal easter service, it will begin at 23:30, watch the live broadcast on our tv channel, it will open at 23:25, but for now... we'll get back to other news from this saturday. new blows were delivered today to the military infrastructure of ukraine. local authorities reported damage to critical infrastructure in the dnipropetrovsk region. destroyed in kharkov region large ammunition depot. a strong fire broke out on the spot, covering an area of ​​3.00 km. at the same time, the ukrainian general staff reported on the successful repulsion of attacks, on the interception of all russian drones and russian ones. our military today destroyed another american abrams tank in the special operation zone. ukrainian formations tried to launch a counterattack near avdeevka, but were
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met with powerful blows from russian units. in the same area, fighters from the brave group burned a bradley infantry fighting vehicle. destroyed in kharkov region command and control vehicle. the artillery crew of the ukrainian armed forces lost the duel to the kuban artillerymen. the crew of the american traffic police failed to use... the gun and became the target of our troops. and an impressive video of the mass flight of several dozen ukrainian soldiers from arkhangelsk. a cleanup is underway in the locality. the surviving militants surrender. in this footage, russian units using guided bombs hit targets of ukrainian forces in new york. this is also the donetsk republic. right now messages about progress are coming from the special operation zone assault troops in a populated area. rabotina and another ukrainian tank, drone operators shot down near chachovo yar from the front line, reporting by pavel prokopenko. in
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zelenka there is presumably an enemy weapon, now we’ll take a better look. here it is, the enemy’s cannon from near maskseti, the arms of the gun are barely visible. the next moment this firing point is no longer there. it was destroyed by our drone comic. so we can see it close up, its characteristic cross wings, small dimensions, in the sky our aces speak light and maneuverable. this lancet crew has an impressive list of damaged enemy equipment, headed by a nato howitzer of three sevens, it worked, or on the right side, where it has a bull, everything detonated and there was nothing left there, it burns perfectly and the bull does not explode either. striker, and this is a hall scout, the eyes of this couple, who always fly together, one drone looks out for the target, the other hits, in general it’s good for everyone, there are no analogues,
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the camera is of very high quality, from 5 km, it can see, well, what kind of armored car, the hall can spend up to 3 hours in the sky fly at 50 km, the lancet does not have the same flight time and distance, because it does not have a return flight. we can’t show, there’s a bird in the sky, they say, the reconnaissance aircraft is controlled by an operator, his monitor , small aircraft aces, saves lives on the ground, drones often lead advance groups and warn of danger, we will save the lives of our
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military boys who have shown courage and heroism when performing special operation tasks. the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu presented the golden stars of heroes of russia to the distinguished fighters. the ceremony took place in national defense management center. report by alexey baranov. the first of a series of solemn ceremonies on the eve of the great holiday of victory day. today, in the building of the ministry of defense, the head of the military department, army general sergei shaigu, presented
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the gold star medals to those who demonstrated. courage and heroism in performing the tasks of a special military operation, awarded the title of hero of the russian federation. sergeant buyan kular, as part of one of the assault units , ensured the advance of the main forces on one from front sections. of course, we do not disclose the direction where the fighters acted. here is a military-style, restrained story from a hero. they approached unnoticed, destroyed more of the enemy infantry squad, and gained a foothold. in the main direction, feeling honor and pride for our country, great russia and even thanking my colleagues for their service. in the zone of a special military operation, of course, not only shock units operate; under enemy fire, water obstacles cannot be overcome without pontoon crossings, for the hard work that ensured the transfer of forces across
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one of the rivers the title of hero of russia was awarded to lieutenant colonel anatoly sysoev. everyone not only of our unit, but also of the transport units that participated in this. in a fairly short period of time, it allowed us to evacuate civilians and quickly transfer the association's troops from one direction to another. the personnel were not harmed anywhere; we did not suffer any losses. thanks to the professionalism of each soldier. fonton-ferry units, engineering and sapper units allowed complete this task on time. at the end of the ceremony, the minister of defense conveyed congratulations to those awarded the high title from the president and addressed the awardees. this, of course, is your great, great merit. personal merit, the merit of the education and training of your subordinates.
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rigid forms, and already in the west of ukraine. in the transcarpathian region, local residents rioted near the military registration and enlistment office. staff at the acquisition center opened fire with firearms and used stun grenades. and in lviv two doctors were mobilized and went to the oncology center; as a result of a vital procedure, more than 100 patients were unable to undergo it. in the belgorod region they are russian.
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the artillery caused serious damage to the enemy. the ukrainian armed forces' fortified area came under attack from our howitzers, as well as camouflaged equipment and an ammunition depot. all these targets were identified by intelligence officers during a new raid into the gray zone. igor pikhanov will tell you how it happened. russian intelligence officers are preparing to enter the gray zone, using drones to survey the territory neighboring state. soldiers will introduce a hunt for a wandering mortar in the ssu. every day , ukrainian militants try to approach our border...
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which is riddled with holes that were formed after shells exploded. a russian intelligence drone is inspecting every meter of border territory in the kharkov region of ukraine; fighters notice camouflaged positions in the ssu. right now i’m conducting a reconnaissance flight, i see how the enemy is moving through the trenches under two or three people at the moment of shooting. the information is transmitted to the artillerymen in the neighboring sector of the front. the d-20 howitzer maintains a 24-hour combat watch; because of its range and power , soldiers call the weapon a sniper rifle. just a few minutes of preparation and the artillery opens fire on the enemy. guns! shells of 152 mm caliber destroy the fortified ukrainian armed forces, while aerial reconnaissance aircraft correct the fire from the air, joint work increases the efficiency of the task, military equipment hidden in the forest and
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an ammunition depot are also destroyed, the enemy retreats with heavy losses. when working on the front line you need to be extremely careful, soldiers constantly monitoring the sky, ukrainian militants are also actively using fpv drones. caution, all our positions are well camouflaged, mobile drone suppression detection stations are operating, the group’s unit covering the state border not only prevents the enemy from approaching our borders, but also destroys enemy drones and shoot down dozens of uavs every day. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. the war in ukraine can be ended in two weeks. this was stated by the head of european diplomacy zaza barel. he admitted that for this.
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the soviets say: no, russia is not an existential threat, at least for me. i consider russia a good friend. there are few of them, but they exist. today is the anniversary of the panama canal. this true miracle of engineering turns 120 years old. a huge amount of cargo passes here from the atlantic, and vice versa to the pacific oceans. and tomorrow in the latin american republic through which this channel is dug, there will be very unusual presidential elections. about why it is necessary to follow politics in such distant countries. report by sergei brilev. panama city, locals, however, will say panama, this is where it smells like a lot of money, but only an hour and a half from here, instead of a real concrete jungle. our next stopover is
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a completely indian world on the way. our next captain is an indian. crocodiles, that's what this river is crawling with. now, though, it’s great, having become shallow.
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this is the name of the one who replaced martineli as a candidate for head of state, before that he was a candidate for vice president, in recent weeks he has been the leader of the race in the polls, his loudest slogan concerns those the panamanian jungle, which is on the border with colombia, it is from there that the trails go along which migrants wander through panamanians to the united states, the proposal of the party of the leader of the race is to block this jungle, but only this way. so that the united states, which complains the most about migrants, but whose assistance in this matter to transit latin american countries is very modest, should also participate in this. yes, of course, everything we talked about before takes place against the backdrop of news that is in one way or another connected with the panama
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canal. yes, the americans returned it a long time ago panamanians, and they recently expanded it, but now there is a new feeling - a breath from the north. this chagres river feeds the panama canal, which is now very shallow. well , actually, it’s clear why it became shallow, because look at the slopes here, well, the big question is, who or what led to such an unprecedented drought? the cause of the drought is cooling, the pacific ocean, the laninya effect, but then the theory of global warming seems to be solely from industrial emissions, why didn’t they come from the north, where this theory came from, at least ecologically clean industrial technologies? those who preceded the election campaign say all sorts of things about these mass protests, including that they were inspired.
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educational institutions in new york, several students were detained. at the same time, the large march from the united states, the police stopped the actions in various one campus to another along the city streets , passed more or less peacefully. jewish students held their protest at harvard. they covered the entire lawn with israeli flags to show that protests against them were unjustified. at the same time, in the american press articles are appearing about outbreaks of pro-palestinian protests in us universities. it was allegedly preceded by months of preparation on the part of experienced activists and members of left-wing movements. in paris, hundreds of students rallied near the pantheon and the buildings of the university of sarbonne. they demanded that there be an immediate ceasefire in gaza and that president macron cut ties with israel until it stops the violence. in berlin, the police harshly detained protesting students at the humbalt university. several hundred demonstrators were carried out by hand for... local media reported that protest sentiments have already spread to
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other german universities and even to the senior classes of some schools. the holy fire descended in the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem less than an hour ago. the ceremony and this traditionally take place on holy saturday. thousands of orthodox pilgrims from various countries were able to see the easter miracle. our tv channel showed how it happened live. fire appeared inside the kuvukli. this. a small chapel over the holy sepulcher. according to a long-standing tradition, before the descent of the fire there is a religious procession, led by patriarch of jerusalem, theophilus ii. after the prayer procession, he is unmasked, that is, his festive vestments are removed so that it can be seen that he is not bringing any sources of fire into the chapel. it is the patriarch who then distributes pieces of the shrine to representatives of other faiths to all those gathered in the temple. due to the difficult military-political situation in israel. there are fewer eyewitnesses to this event this year than usual.
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security measures have been significantly strengthened in the old city and in the temple itself. entry to the ceremony was only possible with special permits. among among the participants was a delegation from the st. andrew the first-called foundation, which will deliver a lamp with the holy fire to moscow on a special flight this evening. first of all , part of it will be transferred to the cathedral of christ the savior, where the patriarchal easter service will be held. from vnukovo airport it will fly to others. regions of our big country. preparations for the bright holiday of easter unite the whole country. great, or quiet saturday, a time of rest, a day of hope and expectation. in the morning, special services were held in churches, and then the lighting of easter treats began. kulich, let me remind you, symbolizes the bread that christ shared with his disciples, and the easter egg is a reminder of his resurrection, salvation and eternal life. report by anastasia litvinova. blessed be our god always and ever and unto ages of ages, may
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the lord correct your steps, may the lord god replace you in his kingdom, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. amen. holy saturday service, one of the most unusual and beautiful church services of the year. the clergy changes from black to white as a sign the fact that the main mystery of christianity, the victory of the savior over death, his resurrection has already happened. the liturgy of the savior is performed by patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia. i heartily congratulate you on great saturday, on a day that is practically connected with the day of holy easter, on sunday, on the inextricable bonds of common memories of what happened then and what the lord did for the sake of our salvation. after the liturgy , parishioners receive communion, the consecration of easter baskets begins. believers bring treats prepared for festive table, this is krasnoyarsk,
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pokrovsky cathedral. for us personally, the holiday means this unity with god. cottage cheese easter cakes, easter cakes and easter eggs. the clergy replace each other, continuously read prayers, and sprinkle the parishioners with holy water. everything has happened, yes, all that remains is to come to the evening service and
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wait for the fire. and happy upcoming great holiday to all believers. for keys and eggs. decorated, which one you baked yourself, i have this one, this one, yes, we did everything ourselves, i think it is very important to maintain traditions, to accustom children to the temple, to faith, is very important, this is a sacred holiday, tomorrow we will have a treat with the whole family, that’s why yes, a family holiday, always traditionally in the yelokhovskaya church, and we shine the light every village. great saturday is a very important day for orthodox christians, this is the last day of lent, a time of silence of hope, joyful anticipation of easter celebrations, these easter cakes can be illuminated at night after the night easter service, like this, since everyone is tired, it is customary to illuminate them in advance for throughout great saturday, so that people can
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easter service after the night service come and get excited. in the evening, people will return to churches again to celebrate easter sunday. regions of russia, the most difficult situation is now in the far east, in the khabarovsk territory more than twenty dry grass fires were eliminated in one day, a large-scale fire occurred on an island in the amur waters, additional rescue forces were sent there, they worked all night. in the moscow region, weather forecasters recorded the first may frosts at the base weather station. dnh temperature dropped below zero, in the moscow region it was even colder, the thermometers showed -6°. the front of winter precipitation reached orenburg, which suffered from large-scale floods; after a few hours the snow turned to rain. and in the north of the chelyabinsk region, the snowfall is only intensifying.
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traffic police officers are on duty in the most dangerous mountain areas. drivers are asked to temporarily refrain from traveling. huge traffic jams formed on the federal highway perm-ekaterinburg and the snowstorm. in the sverdlovsk region , several roads are blocked for passenger and freight transport expensive after the may snowstorm , hundreds of residents were left without electricity. in tyumen, half the monthly precipitation fell in 12 hours. there are fallen trees on the streets, many accidents and snow porridge. about the consequences of the may snowstorms, reports from our correspondents, kiril bortnikov and ksenia usoltseva. we definitely didn’t expect such snowfall in may even in the urals, heavy rainfall, a slight minus. snowdrifts formed on the roads, knee-deep snowdrifts, just knee-deep. it's february 93, that's how this snowy may day was nicknamed on social networks. the weight of wet snow, the trees begin to literally crack and somewhere cannot withstand such a load.
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the city of dektyarsky revda took the brunt of the bad weather. cars were trapped under branches. povalny. confirmation, without electricity , the wires were cut, these flashes in the sky are why hundreds of residents in the south-west of the sverlovsk region, power engineers are already eliminating the consequences in an intensive mode, a tree fell, fell, fell, everything is falling, the city, like in films about the apocalypse, no one , utilities too they are working, the equipment was brought out at night, but on some roads... you have to drive like a snake to avoid fallen trees. this powerful snowfall was brought to the urals by a northern cyclone from the barin sea. snow and rain, the temperature dropped to -4° at night. in short, winter has arrived. the most tense situation on the peremsky highway since yesterday evening,
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a serious traffic jam. judging by the navigator, you will have to stand here for at least half an hour, but this is the most optimistic forecast. there is no immediate further action beyond repairing the road. several accidents. as a result, the perm highway became deaf there is a traffic jam for several kilometers, when traffic returns to normal, one can only guess. anton parked on the side of the road at 10 pm, drove out of... traffic restrictions for trucks in several areas at once, snowfall, black air and minimal visibility, driving on summer tires even in the city is another test, maximum speed up to 40 km/h , due to snowfalls, several trains are delayed at once, up to 5 hours late. it is then that
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spring warmth will come to the urals. kiril bortnikov, maksiteldyev, goleeva, lead sverlovsk region. an unprecedented snowfall hit the tyumen region in early may, a completely unusual phenomenon, and here they are, traces. 562 road workers are eliminating in the city, 22 mm of precipitation fell in the last 24 hours, this is half the monthly norm, and
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the road services knew about the upcoming snowfall, so our road services worked all last night, the beginning of this day, wet snow and gusty winds led to a disruption in the power supply in tyumen, the village of borovoy and suburban snt, the consequences are already being eliminated; heavy snowfall has affected road conditions, six accidents occurred only in the regional center. state traffic inspector.
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there were about 400 tourists, but this season their number should increase. the spring flood has not yet passed completely; part of the belaya river embankment in ufa still remains under water, but in fact this is the only time of the year when three and four-decker ships can be seen here. the river and cruise navigation season in bashkiria is very short and rarely lasts longer than a couple of weeks. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, news from ufa. in the far east it is difficult the situation with natural fires, new fires have been recorded in the khabarovsk territory. in two reserves, reporting by elizaveta yurova. solnechny district, evoron forestry, from the air, fire paratroopers assess densely
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smoky areas, 24,000 hectares of forest are on fire. and this is how the flames destroy everything in their path in seconds, they are stopped by employees of the federal aviation forestry service, they are encircled, despite the difficult conditions the fire is localized, there is no threat of spread. we also fix the third one. fifth grade firefighter dangers in development depending on the municipalities and wind - plus dry grassy vegetation, all this in conjunction with meteorological conditions. is spreading rapidly, a state of emergency has been introduced in the region, more than 90 thousand hectares of taiga have already been covered with fire, another 50,000 are burning , the main outbreaks are in the khabarovsk, amur, solnechny and ulsky regions, almost 400 people are involved, dozens of pieces of equipment and aircraft, scorched earth in khabarovsk region, timely liquidation helped save the nearest forest fund from fire, but this is not always the case, most often the outbreaks
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are located in difficult terrain and it is not so easy to get to them, therefore, to help the regional group, additional forces, 52 specialists from the amur region and buryatia, firefighters were transferred to the hard-to-reach forest area in the area of ​​the urmi river. the first may holidays, apparently with a large influx of people into the forests, meant that the forest fire situation was quite complicated for us. a ban is being introduced, including on staying in the forests. in addition, it allows us to attract. additional service in simplified regime, a state of emergency was introduced in the vanyu national park. at the beginning of the fire season, a fire was recorded there on 3,000 hectares. all our own resources and resources were used to save the specially protected territory. now let’s go to the right, closer to the gas pipeline, we’ll work there. the situation is monitored every minute using space monitoring. the screens show where the hottest zones are.
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and so far the weather situation is only heating up . firefighter class downgraded. no danger predicted, minor short-term rains, more in the southern part of the territory, but the rains that will not extinguish the fires, a decrease in wind speed is not expected, at least until the second ten days of may. elizaveta yurova, egor goncharov, lead khabarovsk. the legendary moscow house of cinema celebrates its ninetieth anniversary. on this day, in 1934 , a film club with a hall for 700 seats opened in the novosileevskaya building. a year later, the first soviet march took place there. to the festival and for a long time it was within its walls that all the most significant premieres thundered; getting there was a privilege and even a dream. now the cinema house remains a point attraction and iconic place of the capital. report by alexander karpov. the modernist white parallelepide with a bronze dove carrying a film in its paws, on the corner of vasilyevskaya 2nd brestskaya, is not only one of the main moscow legends, but also the only
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cinema where films are shown on a huge festival screen. absolutely free, we are in the legendary large hall of the central house of cinematographers, an average of 500 people visit the cinema house every week, free events, yes, a tradition exactly 90 years ago on the initiative of sergei eisenstein, a film club was opened in the former people's house of novosilyevskaya, introducing the proletariat to the latest in the most important art, greetings to you from the moscow children's song and float ensemble. cinema houses from moscow exemplary chat rooms and yes , the cinema house workers moved either to the cook's, then to leningradskaya, then again to vasilyevskaya. a new building was built in 1967, but it always remained a bustling center of cultural social life. director allakova first appeared on the stage of a large hall more than 40 years ago. the house of cinema is my home. all
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premieres of all my films. in the house of cinema, i especially remember the premiere of the film , look for a woman, who came out on the screen for a long time and with a squeak, but then when she came out, she became very beloved by many, in the seventies it was impossible to get here, the invitation to the house of cinema was literally exchanged for a new zaporozhets. you also had to get a ticket for your premieres, of course, not because my premiere, not because, just because in general, getting a ticket to a cinema house was fantastic.
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wonder in these unwise for today in the interiors one could meet vysotsky’s smaktunovsky ryazanov and gaidai oleg efremov and andrei torkovsky, and here they were fed tartlets with chicken pate, sandwiches with sevruga dumplings according to the recipe of director gerasimov, unprecedented for moscow at that time. at these tables, premieres were celebrated, scripts were born and movie stars were approved for the leading role. but besides that, they could just put it mildly in the face. and why? stars to each other, because one star said: “i’m a genius, and the other star said, no, you, the next star, of course well, she hit me first." and, of course, all of moscow was eager to go to the cinema house for screenings of the moscow film festival. there might not have been another chance to see foreign films on the big screen in fillini and bertolucci, andrzej wajda and fastbinder. this panel, known to the entire film world
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, gave to her friend, minister of culture ekaterina furtseva, widow of the famous french artist fernanand léger, nadezhda khatoseevich. and whoever posed against his background, from bertoluchie and mastroiania to belmando and lalabrigida today the guild of actors and stuntmen works in the house of cinema. seminars, film anniversaries and premieres of young filmmakers are still held here. it was in this hall that our two main premieres took place, the film man of labor and the film i am a mother. are you the director of these films? i am a director and producer. this is not just a legendary place, it is a place of worship. this is a great blessing for a filmmaker on the big screen. that is, it has been preserved and this is important. it has been preserved, it is important, it is important. news continues to monitor the development of main events,
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stay tuned.


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