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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 4, 2024 8:00pm-9:20pm MSK

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parvoda, only i am grateful to the years, for the dreams of pain, for my bread, for the path with you , the groom of my fate, for everything and i love you, for the laughter of the pain, are you so salt, what kind of fate, what am i sharing with you. friends, thank you very much for this evening, valery semin, what is a song without bayan? see you again!
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channel russia big news in the studio evgeniy roshkov. hello, we have all the information picture for this saturday. minus another abrams immediately to bradley, who was rushing to the rescue. new attacks on military targets in the ukrainian rear. expanding combat vehicle, aim it at the target and launch a lightning strike. report by alexander kattsuba from the avdeevsky direction, where the enemy is now actively pushing back. weapons fired, soldiers constantly watching the sky, igor pikhanov saw how our border was guarded from the appearance of groups of militants. for devotion to the fatherland and desire for victory, sergei shaigu awarded stars of heroes to distinguished special operation fighters. awarded the title of hero of the russian federation. with one of the heroes of russia, buyan kular, on the pokolnaya hill, but shot down. we are waiting for dmitry's direct connection
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kaistra, our tv channel will also broadcast the service. sergei pashkov witnessed the miracle of the descent of the holy fire in the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem. we are waiting for his report. i can’t even dare say what it is.
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and 120 years of the panama canal, which is strategic for all of america, sergei brilev about why the indigenous indians call the country panama, why the presidential elections there will be extremely unusual. orthodox russians are preparing to celebrate the bright holiday of easter throughout the country. from vladivostok to
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in kaliningrad today there is simply an endless stream of believers in churches, whole families come to celebrate easter treats together, the main symbols of the holiday. and visit these grapes, in the morning in the cathedral of christ the savior, the patriarch of moscow led the liturgy. changes from black rice to white, as a sign that the main mystery of christianity, the victory of christ over death, his resurrection has already taken place. the theme of the great holiday of easter will remain one of the main ones in our issue and we will return to it more than once. well and bye to other news. in the special operation zone along davdeevka, our troops destroyed another heavy american abrams tank. first, he was hit by dropping
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cumulative ammunition from a copter, and then he was finished off with a lancet and a krasnopol adjustable projectile. this is the sixth abrams to be defeated. since the appearance of these tanks on the front line in february. all the vehicles belonged to the forty-seventh mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and not one of them had time to fully enter the battle. and the advance of our troops to the west of avdeevka. report by alexander kasub. the artillery crew of the center group of troops supports the advance with fire. then reconnaissance reported that in the forest belt there were a large number of manpower, mercenaries, they were all hit, the defense of vysu was bursting at the seams, but combat work
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continued, the hail was moving at top speed to a new firing line, the package was full, 40 rockets against enemy infantry let's hit...
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the center is open 24 hours a day, regardless of weather conditions. alexander katsu and alexander malyshev, presenter: avdeevskoe direction. powerful explosions were heard this afternoon in the south and east of ukraine, according to local sources in kharkov. the strike was carried out on the territory of the elektrozhmash plant, where the ukrainian armed forces were repairing military equipment in the voznesenskaya region, and a military airfield was attacked in the nikolaev region. odessa authorities confirmed a hit on an infrastructure facility in the region. data from our ministry of defense on the results of missile
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strikes for the entire week. with alexey konopko. the flags of russia and its soldiers were installed in two villages on the line in one day front. there is no official confirmation from the headquarters yet, but there is video footage. state banner in arkhangelsk near ocheretin and kotlyarovka, kharkov region. this is the stage of access to the chuguev-starobelsk highway in the direction of kupinsk. the unit took the settlement of kotlyarovka, kharkov region. we continue to liberate our land . how difficult it was to hear even from the tired voice of the fighter, but the main thing here is the result. from arkhangelsk, meanwhile, they are retreating to the ssu in entire not very organized columns. one of the most hot spots of the front now - chasov yar. the seversky donetsk-donbass canal is quite small here, but it cannot be crossed without crossing equipment. russian troops destroyed the bridge earlier, now the ukrainian armed forces are building an embankment, but as you can see, ours are not allowing people to move along it. 40
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kilometers to the south, in a neighboring field with at least the sixth abrams shot down today, the american bradley is on fire, she was driving to the rescue, the americans worked together, the americans left as a pair. during the week. in this direction , the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 2,405 military personnel, three tanks, including us-made abrams, 20 armored fighting vehicles, including four us-made bradley infantry fighting vehicles. also, the combat path ends with the czech self-propelled gun dana, as well as with the german howitzer fh-70. lanceto's equipment is harvested every day. sometimes trucks with ammunition come across. there was a car... under enemy units, but it specializes, as the name implies, in armored vehicles, we work during the day on
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equipment ranging from pickup trucks, military jeeps, tanks, bmps, tigers, leopards, bradleys, everything that imported. drones are now also working as reconnaissance and for such attacks, this is a group covering the state border, they guard the belgorod region, they fly drones themselves, and do not let others, now the enemy. this one with such fvedrons, this one, for example, we planted turnips with means, when it fell, the ammunition detonated. rap, of course, is the main countermeasure for drones; this assault carried out by our tank could have been completed by a ukrainian drone, but it ultimately attacked the ground, thanks to the cover of radio interference. work at the front goes on even at night, behind in 10 seconds, the hail sends 30 missiles, 3/4 of the ammunition, into an attack. but more often the girans still fly in the dark, and on the other side they are met
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with random fire from rifles into the sky. such work, if you believe the reports of the ukrainian air defense last night, was one hundred percent successful. then, however, the sounds of arrivals and video of their consequences appeared. explosions occurred at power facilities in pavlodar, dnepropetrovsk region, chuguev, kharkovskaya in kharkov itself. here a weapons depot came under attack. and already in the afternoon the arrivals were filmed again in kharkov and in area of ​​the military town of odessa. the russian army continued strikes throughout the week. in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage russian energy and industrial facilities. the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 25 group strikes, as a result of which objects of the energy transport infrastructure of ukraine, an enterprise of the military industrial complex, storage sites for missiles and ammunition, as well as production workshops were hit. crew boats of unmanned aerial vehicles. only the coastal forces of the black sea fleet destroyed
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there are more than twenty such boats, and there are over 80 flying drones. alexey knopko, alexey mashchikov, lead. for devotion to the fatherland and the desire for victory. today in moscow , military personnel who showed courage and heroism while performing tasks in the special operation zone were awarded. sergei shaigu awarded the hero of russia stars to the distinguished fighters. solemn ceremony. took place at the national defense command center. about the heroes and their exploits. alexey baranov. the first of a series of solemn ceremonies on the eve of the great holiday of victory day. today at building of the ministry of defense, the head of the military department, army general sergei shaigu, presented gold star medals to those who showed courage and heroism in carrying out the tasks of a special military operation. awarded the title of hero of the russian federation. kular, as part of one of the assault units , ensured the advancement of the main forces in one
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of the sectors of the front. of course, we do not disclose the direction where the fighters acted. here is a military-style, restrained story from a hero. they approached unnoticed, destroyed more than a squad of enemy infantry, and entrenched themselves on main direction. feeling honor and pride for our country, great russia. and i even thank you for your service. in the zone of a special military operation, of course, not only shock units operate; under enemy fire, water obstacles cannot be overcome without pontoon crossings. for the hard work that ensured the transfer of forces across one of the rivers, the title of hero of russia was awarded to lieutenant colonel anatoly sisoev. not only by our unit, but also by the transport units that participated.
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personal merit, the merit of education and this is of course your great, great merit, training your subordinates, instilling in them a fighting spirit, devotion to our homeland, our fatherland, and most importantly, the desire for victory. i congratulate you, i wish you further success, new awards, new
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victories, take care of yourself. award ceremonies for the most distinguished participants in the special military operation will certainly continue. alexey baranov, artyom sirov, lead. along with the stars, heroes of russia, ceremony participants also received possibility of a short vacation. attractions and one of the first iconic places was the exhibition of captured equipment on poklonnaya hill. our correspondent dmitry petrov met the heroes there, here is his report. quite recently, junior sergeant buyan kuular met on the battlefield like this, face to face with ukrainian t-72 ag tanks, causing a lot of concern to our scouts and attack aircraft, and here on poklonnaya hill stands a defeated man with the muzzle down. during the battles there , tanks such as tank 72 came with us, look at the tank,
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we report that heavy equipment has arrived at us, a tank is handed over to the race and... applause is interrupted several times, some spectators cannot hold back their tears, a real hero, a simple person, an ordinary person, there are a lot of them among us, and a hero of russia, just very heartfelt, wife, child
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, yes, here they are among us, thanks to these people we will stand, we will win and fascism will not pass. i am also an officer, a participant in combat operations, but we have not encountered such equipment, yes, it’s scary, one thing i can say, they are heroes, it seems that today they will be beaten attendance record, poklonnaya hill is crowded, so the most popular exhibits of nato tanks, the leopard and abrams, are simply crowded, and i really liked the damaged equipment, i’m interested in the second world war, i’m proud to recharge and look at the heroes... well, the hero russia with his family hurries to the representative office of the republic of tva, where his eldest daughter and little son are waiting for him, he is only 6 months old, when he is a son, my son was born in november, he wrote a report on family leave, he was born, and 3 days later i too back to the front line
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buyan will stay in the capital for several days with his family, he wants to show his wife chayana and children moscow. the standard draws attention to the enormous interest in the exhibition among russians, huge queues form for all the exhibits, but daily is sincerely surprised that among the captured equipment was british combat vehicles, in particular the husky armored car. prayers for russia are being heard today in a new church near the kharkov region, it
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was built by our military; thousands of kuleches were delivered to frontline villages on the eve of easter. once, within its walls hundreds of local residents escaped the shells. report by nadezhda ostopuzunko. heavenly father. the heart of severodonetsk, the holy nativity cathedral. now he is returning it to the shrine.
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employees and representatives of the synodal missionary department opened and consecrated the church of the holy equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir in the vicinity of the kharkov region. the temple is entirely built of wood; all materials were brought from other regions of the country. the military personnel and the clergy erected it in just 2 months. it's not just for defenders homeland, but also for local residents. always with me. st. george the victorious, guarding! i can always come to church, pray, think about someone, remember, and generally prepare spiritually. faith unites people not only in the holiday, the russian people
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fight together every day for freedom, the preservation of history and peace. nadezhda astapushenko, egor pavlenko, nikita zhuravlev, kirill gentser, yana aleshina. news lugansk. there are still a few hours before the start of easter services in churches in donbass and novorossiya, both in the center of russia. but in distant vo... a traditional religious procession was also held in kamchatka, despite strong winds, snow and rain, the festive service attracted hundreds
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of believers. and these shots are from vladivostok, for the first time easter celebrations were held in the holy transfiguration cathedral, built with public donations, it became the main orthodox church. now let's move to moscow to the cathedral of christ the savior, it is here that in 3 hours, less, the main easter service will begin. and dmitry kayster, my colleague, goes live. good evening, dmitry, what now? takes place in the temple. at the main cathedral of the country, the cathedral of christ the savior, at these moments everything is really ready for the start of the big festive service. and it is necessary.
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having received a charge of this joy, having realized in our minds that we are approaching the greatest, the brightest, the most joyful holiday, the most significant holiday for people’s lives, we must all take care of maintaining our physical strength so that weaknesses do not overshadow the meeting with the resurrected savior, but and at the same time we must not forget that the very deeds that are good and necessary become such when they are connected with helping our neighbors, ours, and may the lord protect us
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and help us in joy, peace of mind, to enter into the joy of easter night. amen. and here , immediately after the liturgy on holy saturday, patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia consecrated it. great holiday, the clergy will soon replace black clothes with white, this will mark the victory of christ over the forces of death, and here the cathedral of christ the savior, to the main
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cathedral of the country, arrive. believers to take part in a large festive service and all together, together with their country, celebrate easter. dima, thank you. dmitry kaistra was live from the cathedral of christ the savior. watch the broadcast of the main easter service on our tv channel. we will start it with a special edition of vesti. at 23:25. when the bird cherry blossoms, the cold is always present. this is a popular sign of the beginning of may today. justified itself 100%. it's like snowing in december, look at all the flakes. winter and snowstorms have returned to several regions of our country at once orenburg was covered, which recently suffered from large-scale floods, the snow turned to rain after a few hours, but it didn’t make it any easier to get icy on the roads, a snowstorm of snow, it’s really bad, of course, the weather gives
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abnormal moments. our time, and this is footage from the chelyabinsk region, where the snowfall is only intensifying, in the most dangerous mountain areas, traffic police officers are on duty, drivers are asked not to drive on summer tires, chelyabinsk itself looks in contrast, white flakes against the backdrop of fountains, why not ride skiing in may, a similar situation in the perm region, residents there made a video more reminiscent of mid-february, snowdrifts have grown before our eyes and the forecast is not yet encouraging... freezing precipitation will continue until the end of the weekend, there is, the road is a little clear, in tyumen in 12 hours half of the monthly norm of precipitation fell, there are dozens of fallen trees on the streets, there are many accidents and snow porridge, all the efforts of public utilities are now being thrown into eliminating the consequences. but the most difficult situation is in the sverdlovsk region, where tens of thousands of residents were left without electricity.
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report by kirill bortnikov. i can’t even dare to say that this is the month of may, this day has already been nicknamed february 93, a cyclone from the barintse sea in a matter of hours brought me back to the urals for winter, look, these are the trees, well, you can’t see it, you see it’s snowing, in short, these are the trees everything caved in, heavy snowfalls, temperatures down to -4 at night, gusts of wind, the south-west of the sverlovsk region took the brunt of the disaster, it was absolutely terrifying. i’ve never seen anything like this in my life, it’s a nightmare. over the past night alone , more than 30 mm of precipitation fell, snowfall it continues today, just yesterday the grass was green here, today there are such snowdrifts, the trees cannot withstand the pressure, this is a perennial birch tree, just a few hours ago it collapsed on the road, specialists had to cut it down to eliminate this obstacle. during the snowfall that night there was a real tree fall. the branches
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formed barricades on the sidewalks, and cars were also trapped under the icy trees. i parked the car at night, got up in the morning, and saw a tree lying on the car. and this flash in the sky is not a thunderstorm at the beginning may, the electricity disappeared so spectacularly. almost 80 thousand residents of the middle urals were left without electricity. we are working in a special mode, all available forces have been mobilized, and they are carrying out commercial restoration. work, to understand, now we have about 200 people involved, namely, well, in the fields, let’s say, on the lines, yes, there are personnel working, this is about 70 teams, about 70 units of special equipment, it was possible to partially restore the power supply only during the day, not since the night road clearing also stopped; dozens of units were involved in snow removal in yekaterinburg equipment, the height of the snow cover in the city
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has reached. a natural emergency was declared in the capital of the urals; today they even canceled the rehearsal for the victory parade. in short, winter has arrived. the most tense situation on the perm highway has been since yesterday evening, there is a serious traffic jam. judging by the navigator, you will have to stand here for at least half an hour, but this is the most optimistic forecast. then, in addition to road repairs, there were several accidents. as a result, the perm highway became stuck in a traffic jam for several kilometers, when traffic returned to normal. we can only guess. anton izmestiev parked on the side of the road yesterday at 10:00 pm. i left yekaterinburg towards perm, but it was not the weather that made adjustments. whatever is best, i’ll go, but if that’s the case, i won’t go anywhere. i will stand, what now? the bosses also understand that it’s better this way. warming stations have been set up along the roads. the traffic police , meanwhile, is restricting the movement of freight transport in several areas at once. the sverlovsk state traffic inspectorate urges motorists to refrain from
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traveling by personal vehicle. with heavy snowfalls and street temperatures dropping to negative values. driving on summer tires, even in the city, is a real test, icy conditions, maximum speed. 40 km/h. due to snowfalls , several trains are delayed at once, up to 5 hours late, and electric trains do not run according to schedule. an hour later from the departure time, he left. lord, it happened. well, there were also those who were happy about the abnormal snowfall. these are not only pets, but athletes. they got out skis and snowboards, put the children on sleds, and even took them to the city center. and despite the may snowdrifts in the urals today the motorcycle season has started. according to weather forecasters, the snowfall should stop closer to night, although the snow cover will melt only by
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the middle of next week, then spring warmth will come to the urals, but this is not certain. kiril bortnikov, deev goleeva, conducts the sverdlovsk region. the river navigation season has opened in bashkiria and this year’s start is special. a four-deck motor ship, which travels from nizhny novgorod throughout the european part of russia, moored for the first time in ufa. before this, it was possible to get to the capital of the republic on such large ships only in the time of spring flood, which lasts only a few weeks a year. however, now , under the tourism development program, it has been decided to carry out work to deepen the bottom of the belaya river and build new berths. during this season , it is planned to receive at least 20 passenger airliners in ufa. a historical date for our cinema. on this day exactly 90 years ago, the house of cinema opened in moscow. at that
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time it was simply an incredible event. and a year later, the first moscow international film festival in the history of the soviet union took place here. and all these nine for decades, the cinema house has remained an iconic place. about the past is not only one of the main moscow legends, but also the only cinema where films are shown on a huge festival screen absolutely free of charge. we are located in the legendary large hall of the central house of cinematographers, on average 500 people visit the cinema house every week, it’s free. tradition exactly 90 years ago, on the initiative of sergei eisenstein , a film club was opened in the former people's house of novosilyevskaya, introducing the proletariat to the latest in the most important of the arts. hello from children's ensemble, songs and flasks of the moscow
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house of cinema, moscow simple committee and a worker's dopota. the cinema house moved first to povarskaya, then to leningradka, then again to vasili. a new building was built in 1967, but it has always remained a vibrant center of cultural social life. director ala surikova first took the stage in a large hall more than 40 years ago. the cinema house is my home. all the premieres of all my films were at the cinema house. i especially remember the premiere, the paintings look for a woman who it took a long time to appear on the screen, but then, when it came out, it became very smart.
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who can you meet here, you won’t meet directors, you won’t meet cameramen, and tamara fedorovna, how did you come here, my manicurist brought me, that same legendary restaurant of the cinema house, where any socialite dreamed of going, in these unsophisticated interiors today one could meet vysotsky and smoktunovsky ryazanov and the gaidai oleg efremov and andrei torkovsky, who received unprecedented nourishment here. for the then moscow tartlets with chicken pate, sandwiches with stellate sturgeon and dumplings according to the recipe of director gerasimov. at these tables, premieres were celebrated, scripts were born and movie stars were approved for the leading role. but besides that,
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they could just, to put it mildly, punch you in the face. and why? the stars are to each other, because one star did not pose against his background from bertolucie and mastroiania to belmando and lalabrigida. today they are working in the cinema house. seminars, film anniversaries and premieres of young filmmakers are still held here. exactly at this hall hosted our two main premieres, the film check of labor and the painting.
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report from the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem , sergei pashkov witnessed the miracle of the descent of the holy fire. to end the war in ukraine, we must stop supplying it with weapons. in europe they know about this and are calling for war. pro-palestinian protests are spreading to more and more european countries. artists in sweden are calling for a boycott of eurovision if an israeli singer takes part.
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volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 am, of course, i should always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday on rtr, rest means leaving yourself alone, rest is not. what not to think about when you are calm and completely switched off. rest
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is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma sheikh. magnificent world class golf resort surrounded. lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and sudes sharma. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelshey. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all- inclusive system. give yourself a break. where elegance and natural beauty merge into
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perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort our swimming pools, relax in the spa. not married, you’re lucky with a man,
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there are no shortcomings, you won’t believe it, it’s true, you’re not afraid that they’ll leave, other people’s happiness haunts you, you’ll have a permanent job, that’s how, what kind of job, where do you get your personal drivers from, stolen happiness is always bitter, this is a very good wine, open it, family happiness, broadcast from the cathedral of christ the savior. today on rtr. for the new executive director. today. yeah, well, you're having an affair with a married man. you are
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amazing, amazing. she is happy i see it. i have some kind of anxiety all the time. you will have to come with us to the investigative committee, why? you are detained on suspicion of setting fire to a company warehouse, it is obvious that it was beneficial for someone to frame you, every mistake has its own price, there will be no culprit, there will be no insurance, that is, you, you want you to take the blame, and a lawyer promises that he will get you a suspended sentence, i trust you and only you, and roman, do you trust him? do you think he is not involved in this story? error: premiere today on rtr,
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there is big news on the air, we continue, they attacked so at least thirty times in the last 24 hours. belgorod region. three civilians were injured. in the village of murom - shibekinsky district, the power line was damaged. during the day , three enemy drones were shot down by air defense forces on duty. about how units covering the state border track and destroy enemy units in the gray zone. report by igor pikhanov. russian intelligence officers are preparing to enter the gray zone. using drones, they survey the territory of a neighboring state. the soldiers are hunting behind the swinging mortar of the ukrainian armed forces. every day , ukrainian militants try to approach our border in order to attack front-line settlements in the belgorod region, while acting covertly so as not to give away their location. their artillery is also not very active, well, some oporniks fire at some with 120 mortars, but
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they immediately stop throwing two or three shells, because there is now a lot of activity in the sky from our reconnaissance units. the fighters come out. on a mission, the demarcation line resembles the lunar landscape, the ground is covered with holes that were formed after shells exploded. a drone of russian intelligence officers is inspecting every meter of border territory in the kharkov region of ukraine. the soldiers notice camouflaged positions in the ssu. right now i’m conducting a reconnaissance flight, i see how the enemy is moving through the trenches under two or three people at the moment of shooting. information is transmitted to the artillerymen. in the neighboring sector of the front, a 24-hour combat watch is maintained by the d-20 howitzer, due to its range and power. the fighters call the weapon a sniper rifle. just a few minutes of preparation and the artillery opens fire on the enemy. guns, shot. 152 mm shells destroy
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the fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine, while aerial reconnaissance units correct the fire from the air. working together increases task efficiency. military equipment and an ammunition depot hidden in the forest were also destroyed, and the enemy retreated with heavy losses. when working on the front line, you need to be extremely careful; fighters constantly monitor the sky; ukrainian militants also actively use fpv drones. the fighters comply caution. all our positions are well camouflaged, mobile drone suppression detection stations are operating. the group's unit covering the state border not only prevents the enemy from approaching our borders, but also destroys the enemy's. dozens of uavs are shot down every day. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. without arms supplies from the west, ukraine will capitulate in 2 weeks. this is the statement made by the head of european diplomacy, jose barel. but for now it is in the interests of the european union to send as much as possible
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more ukrainians of military age go to the front. within the country, the actions of tc employees are causing more and more irritation. there are relatives in two regions at once. they compare it with the civil war in transcarpathia and it really looked like there were shots and explosions. a group of local gypsies laid siege to the shopping center where their fellow villager was being held, residents set up camp near the building, tell me what to do in the vinograd region, the story is similar in zaporozhye, the military registration and enlistment office. evgeniy yuryevich, where did he go? zelensky’s advisor podalyakh expects that europe will provide ukraine with the necessary mobresources. the eu countries, in his opinion, should come to
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a consensus to expel military-bound ukrainians to their homeland. the topic of ukrainian mobilization, the unfortunate evaders and evaders , is savored with pleasure by the western media. life in ukraine throws up some unusual stories. here is a married couple who fled to an elite area of ​​​​kiev, where ministers and deputies live, and where tetskashniks do not conduct raids. the military doesn't come here. our residential complex is an island of safety; to be poor in ukraine means to be dead. i feel like a slave, life is one, if you choose between life and the flag, i choose life. british journalists report on the streets of kiev that there are almost no men of military age. in special chats, stealers use their own code. the coded messages use meteorological terminology: ttc officers call clouds or rain. a typical exchange of remarks sounds like this: what is the weather like...
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according to maria zakharova, preparations for a possible confrontation are indicated by the largest alliance exercises of the cold war on the russian borders, which have been going on for 3 months. their scenario involves practicing the actions of the western coalition against russia, using hybrid conventional weapons. thus, zakharova commented on the statement of the nato council, which accused moscow of allegedly carrying out hybrid attacks against member countries of the bloc. however. in our opinion, the alliance is engaged in disinformation and whipping up anti-russian hysteria in order to justify the unprecedented scale of militarization of europe.
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it was nato that launched a hybrid war against russia.
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well, it can also damage cylinders and enemy equipment. like this a remote-controlled underwater vehicle with a working depth of up to 300 m, equipped with two video cameras and a manipulator; a large-caliber machine gun successfully hits unmanned boats and boats, often used by enemies in the combat zone. this is
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the fight against unmanned aerial vehicles, the introduction of anti-robot protection. and that is, the boat allows the conduct of all types of protection, security and defense in modern times. marine special forces train and constantly check the waters of the military harbor every day and inspect the underwater parts of ships. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct the kaliningrad region. russian diplomats paid tribute to the memory of prisoners of the mauthausen concentration camp in austria. the anniversary of his liberation will be celebrated tomorrow, but neither russia nor belarus were once again allowed to attend the official celebrations, methodically erasing the memory of who exactly liberated the world from nazism. therefore , representatives of our embassy laid wreaths of flowers today. mouthausen is a huge punitive network created by nazi germany back in 1938 year. the central camp had 49 branches.
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here the fastas were brutally killed and tortured. more than 32 thousand soviet citizens, almost 1000 prisoners from other countries, in neighboring germany, west berlin today battened down the windows, the cause of a fire at a military enterprise that could not be extinguished for the second day. there are various chemicals that were stored inside and they say there is a risk of hydrogen ionide being released into the atmosphere, which is extremely toxic, so local residents were... warned to keep their doors closed and turn off their air conditioners. during the live correspondents wearing protective masks have alarm in their voices: a cloud of toxic smoke has already covered several districts of the german capital, but the true scale of the man-made disaster is still unknown. environmentalists were the first to talk about the consequences, but in particular they had concerns that water from fire trucks would mix with chemicals and end up in water bodies and
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sewers. as a result, specialists... still managed to avoid this by installing tanks. however, as the emergency services said, among the wreckage there is constantly new fires flare up, and in order to get to the sources of the fire, rescuers decide to demolish the remaining part of the collapsed building. the plant's management claims that there are no risks to human health, but local authorities are in no hurry to cancel recommendations for residents and have not named the reason for this emergency. raise nato defense spending to 3%, present a plan for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine, and direct money to strengthening our own borders, not kiev. the british newspaper telegram, citing sources, writes about donald's first steps trump if elected president of the united states. this policy appears to be increasingly acceptable to ordinary americans. according to the latest support polls, trump
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is already 10% ahead of the current head. white house, our denis davidov on how biden is trying to stay afloat, who is he betting on now? in the usa there is no award higher than the presidential medal of freedom,
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i’m confused, although 7 years ago i received the same medal from obama’s hands, he then called biden the best vice president in history, he’s the only one who’s a bad president, failure for failure on all fronts, journalists remind the white house press secretary. some congressmen and senators believe that the war between israel and hamas is the president's war, it could... become a repeat of vietnam for biden, what do you say to that? joe biden, ending the longest war in us history, has just managed to convince both parties in congress to invest in our national security in ukraine
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to ensure we don't get drawn into conflict in europe. this characterizes him as a leader. that's right, he could never do it unite nato. americans from afghanistan are a stigma rather than an achievement for biden. force nato members to help. ukraine can’t either, trump would force it,” the telegraph writes. the newspapers learned that the presidential candidate, if he wins, is going to raise the minimum level of membership fees for participating countries, from two to 3% of gdp. a source close to mr. trump said he had developed a detailed plan to end the war peacefully but would not reveal it until after the election. instead he will focus on simple message that he would end the war in an attempt to win over american voters hoping for peace. both the company and the presidency itself, if trump wins, will be more aggressive than his last arrival in the white house, journalists are sure. the republican candidate is already saying he will fight the illegal immigrants who
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have flooded the country under biden. he plans to expel 11 million people, calling for help from the police and the national guard. president trump told me he would be willing to deploy american military forces inside the country to carry out this operation. when i said that us law prohibits the use of the military against civilians, trump replied that he does not consider illegal immigrants civilians because they are invading the country. the campaign headquarters of democrat biden is also making beasts out of the republican candidate. in touching videos, women tell how scared they are that trump, once in power, will ban abortion. he's a real sicko, i'm tired of calling him names, he just shouldn't approaching the presidential chair.
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and today launched a new airstrike on the city. there is no information about casualties or deaths yet, but the situation continues to escalate. according to the wall street journal, tel aviv gave hamas exactly one week to accept the supposedly generous ceasefire offer, otherwise the idf will begin a purge. washington, in turn, hopes that the radical movement will give a positive response and will exchange for. the us secretary of state spoke about this while speaking at a forum at the mccain institute. according to blinken, white home will not support a large-scale invasion without a guarantee of security for the palestinians.
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however, according to the politika newspaper, a plan to resettle local residents is already on the table in the biden administration. the population is going to be taken to the evacuation zone on the coast of the enclave. against this background , negotiations are currently underway in cairo, as reported by middle eastern television channels. a few hours ago, the parties to the conflict finally reached a consensus on many controversial issues, but there are no concrete results yet. against a backdrop of uncertainty. under lock and key in a hotel room, without permission to go out. at the same time , additional security forces from neighboring countries are being pulled into sweden, fearing mass protests; hundreds of european artists are demanding a boycott of the music competition. about who ... supports them in europe, report by daria
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grigorova. in the very center of berlin on unterden lindon boulevard near humbalt university, police detain participants in a rally in support of palestine. amid shouts of shame, law enforcement officers literally drag the protesters one after another from the university grounds. as a result, hundreds of students, many of whom came in arafat scarves as a sign of protest, were forced out of the campus by police.
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took everyone out of the building, the dean’s office expects to continue classes on monday. now , the university where emmanuel macron is a graduate will have police on duty to prevent further anti-government protests. but many students did not disperse and the rally continued next to the pantheon and the buildings of sarbona university. we are outraged by the complicity of our state, which sells weapons the israeli state.
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in italian cities including turin, pisa, bologna and rome, student groups have been demanding for weeks that universities end cooperation with israel, sparking clashes with police on several campuses. students at lasapienza university in rome have already announced a protest on may 7th. leaflets are being distributed around the university of bologna encouraging people to set up tents. the promotion starts this sunday. oppression and genocide of the palestinian people. made possible
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thanks to the complicity of government academic institutions of the west, its companies and its capital. on may 5th, we will weave the threads of a transnational network that will connect italian and palestinian students to the revolting american campuses. and on american campuses the student revolt continues, the american media are still looking for hidden meaning in it. according to the wall street journal, the palestinian protests at universities were preceded by months of preparation. consultations at the university of portland , students defending their camp put a dozen to flight armed police. law enforcement officers were pelted with eggs. but the police returned with reinforcements and still recaptured the university library. inside the building there are barricades made of furniture and homemade weapons. not all students managed to escape from the encirclement. in chicago, the students refused. disperse until president
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biden changes his point of view on the situation in gas. our president couldn’t even admit that all the universities in gaza were bombed, he said that there are different points of view, i tell everyone who thinks the same, you you're wrong. european universities now fear that the chaos on their campuses will also last for a long time, as in the united states. such graffiti in support of palestine is far from uncommon in europe. and the longer the war in the gas sector goes on, the more. europeans support the ceasefire. the student protests and the main reaction of the european authorities to them only fuel pro-palestinian sentiments. daria grigorova, vladislav chernov, european bureau of news. at least 56 people were killed, another 74 injured and 68 missing in brazil, which was overwhelmed by... the worst flood since the beginning of the century. on
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live local news, disasters are demolishing bridges and destroying highways. in some cities, water levels are at their highest levels in 150 years. livne in the south. countries have been in the disaster zone since the beginning of the week, almost three hundred municipalities with a population of about 10 million people, the agglomeration of the port of allegri has left hundreds of thousands of residents without housing, aviation along with military units has been sent to the flooded areas, not only people need help, in these shots a horse is stuck v stable, and although the boat's engine was damaged and the steering wheel was broken, the rescuer managed to bring the animal to safety. today is the big anniversary of 120 years since the opening of a real miracle of engineering, the panama canal, through which a huge mass of cargo flows from the atlantic to the pacific ocean, vice versa. and tomorrow in the latin american republic, through which this channel is dug, there will be very unusual presidential elections.
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our sergei brilev, his new friend, the leader of the indian tribe embira, talks about why it is necessary to follow politics in such distant countries. city by name. the locals will really say panama, this is where it smells like a lot of money, but just an hour and a half from here, instead of a real concrete jungle, our next stopover is already on the way, a completely indian world, our next captain is an indian, crocodiles, that’s what this river is teeming with , now it’s really great, shallow, just as we saw in this river , there’s nowhere for the crocodile to escape, it’s become so shallow: what can’t be brought out, can’t be pushed, can’t swim, further beyond the rapids, through the jungle to that indian village, where they’ll explain it to you in a surprisingly modern way , why pale-faced arouse suspicion on the eve of elections, you participate, well, now we also vote,
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especially in presidential elections, in this we are the same panamanians, but then whoever wins forgets about everything, well, that’s the reality. including from the usa, the supreme court confirmed his sentence of more than 10 years for corruption, and accordingly deprived him of the opportunity to be re-elected, but despite this. this is the name of the one who replaced martinelli as a candidate for head of state, before that he was a candidate for vice president, and was the leader in the polls all last week races, his loudest slogan concerns those panamanian jungles, which are on the border with colombia, it is from there that the trails along
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which migrants wander through panamanians to the united states come. the proposal of the party of the leader of the race is to block this jungle, but only in such a way that the united states, which complains about migrants most of all, but whose help in this... well, the big question is, who or what led to such an unprecedented zazug? the cause of drought, cooling, the pacific ocean, the laninya effect, but then what about the theory of global warming it seems like exclusively from industrial emissions, why
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didn’t at least environmentally friendly industrial technologies come from the north, where this theory came from? they say all sorts of things about these mass protests that preceded the election campaign, including that they were inspired by those who wanted to return to power, but the fact is that the panamanians protested so en masse against, as they believed, a colonial contract for the extraction of panamanian copper, which north americans like canadians had here. our forests turned out to be without life, there wasn’t even grass there. grows, pollution of lakes begins and, as a result, all sorts of diseases spread.
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and again to one of the main topics of the issue: the entire orthodox world froze in anticipation of the biggest bright holiday, christ's sunday. just a few hours ago , a miracle happened in the church of the holy sepulcher in jerusalem, the holy fire descended. millions of viewers watched this sacrament live on our tv channel, and thousands of believers came to jerusalem from all over the world. report by sergei pashkov. easter floats over ancient jerusalem the festive good news, the light shining from the open tomb, seen in this very place by the wives, the myrrh-bearers, began more than 2,000 years ago.
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is strict according to the status quo, signed a century and a half ago, which determined the order of the ceremony, so that the christian churches represented in the basilica of the resurrection would live in peace among themselves; for the same purpose, the keys to the temple have been kept since the middle ages by the influential muslim family, revered in jerusalem , hussein, the eldest a representative of the adib judah clan, seals the doors of the kuvukli every year, in which at this moment the candles and lamps have already been extinguished. at 12:00 we go into the edicule with the greek and armenian bishops to
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make sure there is no fire inside. then the greek priest closes the door, and i put a seal on the cart. the war in gaza, skirmishes on the northern lebanese border, and terrorist attacks in eastern jerusalem could not but affect the scale and tone of the ceremony for the consecration of the holy fire. it was impossible to simply enter the temple from the street; each participant in the ceremony received special permission. jerusalem societies, young christian arabs, without whom it is believed here that the fire will definitely not go down, this saturday did not parade around the coffin chapel on each other’s shoulders, but chanted loudly. but the main goals, the main desire of those who come to the holy land is to be in church on sunday on holy saturday, to see the holy fire with their own eyes, to light their lamp or candle from it. this is an incredible feeling, look at this, we are so excited , feeling love, respect, happiness,
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this is jesus, this is jerusalem. traditionally, special permission was received by russian pilgrims of the st. andrew the first-called foundation, their annual mission has also become a tradition. since 2003 , the foundation has been delivering a lamp lit from the holy fire to the patriarchal service in the moscow cathedral of christ the savior. after the jerusalem temple ceremony, the car with the lompad left for the airport, where a special flight to the russian capital was already waiting for it. the anxious wait ends at the moment when the first lit candle appears from the slot in the wall of kubukli, a second later there are already a thousand of them, and now everything is blazing with lights under the arches of the temple holy fire. a stream, a human stream, a fiery river bursts into the streets of the old city. jerusalem, anticipating the miracle of the resurrection of christ, first in the ancient
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city, and then everywhere, sounds festive. christ is risen. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia dimyanets, news from jerusalem. at these moments, a particle of the holy fire in a special lamp on the way to moscow, from the capital, the shrine, will then scatter throughout the country, well, it will be delivered to the cathedral of christ the savior at the beginning of the patriarchal easter. we will broadcast live on our channel we'll start at 11:25 p.m. with a special news release. about the main events of the last seven days in the final news with ernest matskevichus. watch on sunday at 20:00. what kind of packages are taking so long to explode in postal warehouses in odessa? how the ukrainian armed forces were lost in 4 months. why are 11 thousand military personnel now losing a thousand a day? three
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settlements have been cleared of nazis over the past 2 weeks. abrams, from so many liberated berdychs, is already on poklonnaya hill. how captured nato equipment was assessed by foreign otash. where are we going now? it's good here, you can see from here, from above, how far the front has gone from artyomovsk. unique footage taken by the group of mikhail andronik, who made a combat flight as part of a flight of helicopters. artificial intelligence, they live separately, are supplied and prepared, i can’t show you where, because this place is classified, they see the enemy and decide his fate at a distance of thousands of meters, unique technologies, unique people, alexander sladkov about what russian snipers are preparing for the enemy. what do
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the military photos on the french contestant's business card mean? what they sang about together in the kremlin musician from germany and military correspondent nikolai dolgachev. who said that the earth is dead? no, she hid for a while. the main songs about the great patriotic war are performed by foreign artists in the very heart of russia. why aren't they afraid? again a bad mark, but not in the diary, in the colony. work for children and teenagers, the task is to respond to messages using ready-made texts on whatsapp and telegram, salary up to 6.00 rubles per day. who makes a child drop, why has children's cybercrime increased 70 times, how can this be stopped? all news
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always available. on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, but that’s all for now, see you at 23:25.


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