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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2024 11:28pm-11:55pm MSK

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will work all night. a wave of student protests in support of palestine is spreading to more and more countries, causing an increasingly harsh reaction from the security forces. in the very center of berlin, police detained demonstrators near humbert university. in paris, sarbona students demanded an immediate end to the gas attacks. in response, special forces deployed.
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my colleague dmitry kayster. dmitry, hello, i give you the floor. good bright evening. really expire in the last minutes of holy saturday very soon in the main cathedral of the country, the temple christ the savior, the festive service will begin. according to tradition, it will be headed by the primate of the russian church, patriarch kirill, and very soon we will be able to see this with our own eyes. and indeed, a lot of parishioners and believers gathered today in the cathedral of christ the savior. let's give them the floor. for us this is a very bright, pure holiday that creates goodness, love, mercy, this is the cleansing of the soul, the resurrection of the soul of any orthodox christian, this is life, this is in the full sense of the word, we must live with joy, with harmony in the soul, first turn is, of course, a great tradition and...
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and very soon we will be participants in a grandiose event, and now i propose to move into the very eyes.
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hello, dear tv viewers, on this holy, blessed night, when the entire orthodox world solemnly celebrates the most joyful and... moscow. nikolai derzhavin is at the microphone. cathedral church of christ the savior in the city the easter service here, in the main church of the russian orthodox church, will be performed by his holiness, the most holy patriarch of moscow of all rusiri. they will serve him
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vicar bishops, clergy of the cathedral of christ the savior and the capital's clergy. and you and i have the opportunity, thanks to the live broadcast, to participate in this service, together with the patriarch to pray and glorify the risen lord, to contemplate the beauty and grandeur of the easter celebration. according to established tradition, before the start of the service. with a pastoral word, the primate of the russian orthodox church addresses all of you, dear tv viewers, from the altar of the cathedral of christ the savior. dear brothers and sisters, on the eve of the celebration of st. easter, according to tradition, i address you from the altar of the cathedral of christ the savior. i would like to express my greetings. we're really getting in. on that holiday, which is marked by
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the special presence of god's grace, and god's grace is divine power. and everyone. most of us experience both positive and sometimes very difficult periods throughout our lives. sometimes it seems to us that we are powerless, that there is not enough strength, not enough patience, not enough will in the face of the difficulties that we encounter on the path of life. this makes people disappointment, some even develop panic. christians should stay away from these negative emotions. why? yes, because we believe that the master of history is god himself, the lord himself. he leads us all along this historical path. of course,
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we do not do everything that god wants for us. by our own, our own evil will, we sometimes deviate from this saving trajectory, i think that by doing so. we do better for ourselves, but more often than not, when we deviate from god’s providence, from god’s law, we inflict damage on ourselves harm, that's faith, the christian faith helps people stay on the right course, it's like a compass, of course, no wise sailor will go into difficult things.
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commandments, god's providence for each of us. this is why the christian faith is not just some emotional side of human life. the christian faith and being in church are an indispensable condition for a saving journey through the stormy, often lifelike sea. the holiday of holy easter is important for all of us because it instills confidence and hope. that the lord is with us, he is risen, he is present in our history, he is with us, and in order not to go astray from the path of life, we only need one thing, to maintain faith in him, to establish a connection with him, through sincere prayer, and may
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the lord help us to follow exactly this path in life, in order for our life's navigation to be successful. and was not accompanied by tragedies or accidents. i once again cordially greet you all on the upcoming great holiday of god’s saving easter. may the lord extend his blessing over our people, over the country ours, over all countries where the russian orthodox church carries out its pastoral ministry. and may he help us all in love, in unanimity, by god's law, by listening to the divine voice, which is taught to us through his word, and
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through participation in the life of the holy church. i cordially congratulate you all, my dears, on the upcoming holiday of easter. every year, millions of people come to churches on this blessed night in order to behold with spiritual eyes the miracle of the resurrection of christ, to glorify the lord, the leader of life, the conqueror of death, spend time praying together and sharing easter joy with each other.
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good deeds and helping others, affirms in the hope that the risen christ will illuminate the life path of everyone with the light of his divine love. following the lord and listening to his words. the hymns in the cathedral of christ the savior are performed by the patriarchal choir under the direction of ilya tolkachev, as well as the chamber choir of the cathedral of christ the savior, under the direction of sergei sidorenko.
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let not the hearts of those who cannot be in church today be troubled or sad, for for prayer has no boundaries, no distances, and no one and nothing, according to the word of the apostle paul, can distinguish us from the love of god; we are truly together, although we are in different places.
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and this unity stems from the fact that the church spiritually unites all believers, regardless of their social status, education, nationality or political views. for god is the father of all. moreover, while in church, people are in prayerful communion not only with god, but in a special, fraternal, spiritually close relationship with each other.
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o evidence of the true unity of the faithful in christ. let us remember the words of the lord, captured in the gospel. where two or three are gathered in my name, there i am in the midst of them. this is the theanthropic essence of the church, founded by our lord and savior himself. burial. this year, the russian
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orthodox church, together with other local orthodox churches, following the eastern paschal, the principle of annually calculating the day of easter, celebrate the sunday of christ on the night of may 4-5. believers of other christian churches celebrated easter earlier, march 31, since eastern and western easter holidays do not coincide this year. you and i see in the middle of the temple a cloister, an image of christ laid in the tomb, the canon continues to sound like a wave of the sea, opening to glory.
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great lent, which since ancient times precedes the onset of easter, is behind us; holy week with its special sorrowful services has passed; the last hours of great saturday are coming, the saturday of rest, on which the lord jesus christ rested in the tomb, having completed the work of redemption of the human race. by the way, word. saturday in greek shabbat means peace.
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he walked the earth for another 40 days, appearing to his disciples and revealing to them the secrets of the kingdom of god. the royal doors are closed, the last prayer is now being said. half-shoes. glory to thee,
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christ, god, our hope, glory to thee. glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. lord have mercy. lord have mercy. lord have mercy. your holiness, bless. christ, our true god, through prayers.
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memories of the exodus of the people of israel from the name of the holiday established in egypt and the liberation of the jews from egypt slavery, in the new testament church a sign that the son of god himself freed us from the slavery of death, from the slavery of sin and the devil. the risen lord brought the souls of the righteous out of hell and gave eternal life to those who believe in him. the entire service of holy easter is especially solemn and imbued with jubilant joy about the risen lord, the trembling and last minutes of anticipation for easter, everyone froze in anticipation of the joy of the coming celebration, all the sanctuaries are extinguished, the patriarch performs
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the coronation of the throne in the altar. a little more and the blessed light of easter will illuminate us all. according to the practice that developed in russia by the end of the 19th century. it is customary to begin the easter morning service around midnight local time, with the clergy singing the stichera in the altar, now it will sound, i saved, he led mine
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in heaven. there is peace on us on earth, with a pure heart, let me tell you,
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we ask the lord that he has vouchsafed us to glorify him with a pure heart. and finally, this is the third time it sounds, this is the stichera. the lights turn on and they turn on.
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having already established a tradition on easter night, through the diligence of the st. andrew the first-called foundation and its leader vladimir ivanovich ikunin, from of the holy sepulcher , holy fire is brought to the cathedral of christ the savior, burned into the edicule of the holy sepulcher. on easter night, we accept this shrine with a special feeling, because with the holy sepulcher, with the place
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where the great miracle of delivering people from sin, the curse of death took place, with that place special feelings and relationships connect each of us, and this fire is a visible sign connecting our... church, our people with the holy land with the holy sepulcher. i thank you for bringing the shrine, and i ask you to burn the lamps from this shrine. on for many years, the st. andrew the first-called foundation has been carrying out this wonderful mission, bringing the holy fire from the holy land to russia and not only to russia, to many of our cities.
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it symbolizes the light of christ, which enlightens everyone. then come the participants of the religious procession, carrying the choirs. cross
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for the throne image and kharugvi. the cross is a sign of the victory of life over death. harugvi, reminiscent of military banners, symbolize christ the victorious and the church, militant, wandering on earth and triumphant on heaven. the clergy follow the kharugven-bearers, starting with the younger ones. the host of clergy is headed by his holiness patriarch kirill. he walks surrounded by subdeacons, ministers without rank. at this time, the easter trill rings from the bell, as if from heaven, announcing
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the arrival. the bell ringers of all moscow churches and monasteries listened to his powerful voice, and only when they heard him did they begin to ring loudly.


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