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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 5, 2024 11:00am-11:56am MSK

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less than 30 seconds, yes, yes, yes. hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in the rina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. christ will rise, he will rise in truth, christ is risen, he will rise in truth. millions of orthodox christians celebrated the bright holiday. the great easter service
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was held in the cathedral of christ the savior, where the president also came. our troops are actively advancing in the vicinity of rabotin. yara's participation destroyed a bridge, an ammunition depot and a fuel storage facility in the city itself. fighters patrol the sky above the special operation zone su-30. macron is trying to find allies to send his soldiers together to ukraine, but so far there are no obvious supporters. the head of the polish ministry of defense, for example, answered the question in a very original way: warsaw is not ready to reveal its plans to moscow, but the hour is certainly no easier for kiev. creditors are demanding payment of interest on government debt already in the twenty-fifth year. in central russia, a sharp cooling will begin tomorrow, frosts are expected at night, and snow is possible. in the chelyabinsk region, snowfall provoked numerous accidents. in in yekaterinburg, a snowstorm forced utility services to work in reverse mode. and also in
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the usa, germany and france , student pro-palestinian protests do not stop. harbin is preparing to host a large exhibition , the russian-chinese expo. and congratulations on the eve of the day of great victory are accepted by veterans throughout the country. and in new york an immortal floor passed. so, the main bright holiday. orthodox christians today celebrate the sunday of christ, the most important joyful day. it marks the victory of life over death, the triumph of light over darkness. vladimir putin congratulated all believers. the president emphasized: easter celebrations in our country have rich spiritual traditions, which are observed by millions of people and passed on from generation to generation. the head of state noted the fruitful work of the russian orthodox church and other faiths, and expressed gratitude to the patriarch for his service to strengthen the fatherland. patriarch
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kirill also addressed the believers, wishing blessings on russia and its people. the main solemn service took place in the cathedral of christ the savior. festive vladimir putin traditionally attended the service. and the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill performed the liturgy. report by dmitry kaestra. the great easter service begins a few minutes before midnight. procession with the holy fire, which was delivered. with a flight from jerusalem and the main words of the holiday, they are announced by patriarch kirill. christ is risen, risen! christ will rise again! after the religious procession in the temple , the morning service begins. at the service , russian president vladimir putin and moscow mayor sergei sobyanin. christ is risen! in the hands of head of state lit candle. during the morning choir. for each song of the canon
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, a code is performed: the clergy walk around the temple several times with a code in their hands, the president prays with the believers on this special bright night. christ will rise, christ is risen, all the candles and lamps are lit in the decorated temple. easter is important for all of us because it instills confidence, hope that the lord is with us, he has risen, he is present in our history, he is with us, and in order not to stray from the path of life, we only need one thing, maintain faith in him, establish contact with him, through sincere prayer, may the lord help everything. we
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must carry out our earthly journey in love, in unanimity, in spiritual purity, fortitude and strength. orthodoxy is the historical foundation of our unity. people at the service hear excerpts from the gospel in different languages, including ukrainian. to celebrate the light, the bright righteous, the holiday of holidays and the triumph of celebrations, as orthodox christians call easter. tens of thousands of believers met this bright a holiday in temples and churches, monasteries and chapels, throughout the canonical territory of the russian church. on the most important holiday of orthodox christians, under the arches of the main temple. and the sailors performed a service under the majestic arches of the kronshtat naval cathedral of st. nicholas the wonderworker, which
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was built, and after decades of desecration , the resources of the sailors themselves were restored. trials, we ask the lord to protect the borders, the sacred borders of our land. but at the same time we must also pray for the authorities for the army, and those who are in a time of peace for us, in fact... they live in a non-peaceful time and lose not only their health, but also their lives, defending the fatherland, may the lord stop this internecine warfare. that night, the service was held in the kazan cathedral of st. petersburg in the churches
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of another very important place for russia - the capital of crimea, simferopol. the main service on the peninsula was led by metropolitan tikhon of simferopol and crimea. easter services took place in lugansk, people came to churches to light easter cakes, to pray for peace, for soldiers at the front for great russia. a this is how the festive night took place in the spassky cathedral of pyatigorsk, where the cossack villagers came to serve. they congratulated all the inhabitants of the country on the great event. and i also want to congratulate our cossack brothers who are participating in a special military operation in ukraine, i want to tell them, convey greetings from us, say, cossack brothers, hang in there, we are with you, we are praying for you, and christ is risen, great day easter for every
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believer, for us it is a very bright, pure holiday that personifies goodness, love, mercy, christ's sunday took place at a russian military base in syria. under the ringing of bells , hundreds of military personnel with candles and khorogs marched through the territory of the khmiymim airbase. after the religious procession, the church held an easter night
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service, where the festive message of patriarch kiril was read to the soldiers. the field temple could not accommodate everyone; believers filled the entire area in front of it. more than 300 keys in front. or a participant in a special operation who is undergoing treatment at hospital number two in gorlovka, donetsk people's republic. the action was carried out by activists of the young guard movement of the united russia party. the fighters were congratulated on the easter holiday and wished them a speedy recovery. well, our military destroyed the bridge through which heavy weapons and ammunition for yar watches were delivered to the ukrainian armed forces. the footage shows how ukrainian equipment is burning out near the crossing. in the city itself there are tulip mortar crews. brazil ammunition depot and fuel storage facility, a large fire broke out. an american m-777 howitzer was shot down in the vzeev direction. the same weapon became the target artillerymen in the kherson region. on the right bank of the dnieper, air defense crews shot down polish loitering ammunition, he was trying to attack the positions of the paratroopers. in berislavl
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, drone operators destroyed a truck that was delivering military cargo to ukrainian soldiers. the skies of the above-zone special operation are patrolled by su-30 fighters. the crews do not allow enemy planes to even take off from the airfields; footage of an attack on a training ground near kharkov appeared; according to preliminary data, they were destroyed from above. and literally just received a message about the transfer of the village of rabotina to zaporozhye front into the gray zone, about what is now happening on the front line report by military correspondent pavel prokapenko. the rocket soars into the sky with lightning speed. in fact, strela 10 is one of the most effective anti-aircraft systems, the basis of our air defense. the arrow hits the target, it only takes 10 seconds. now the target will be captured and destroyed. rare footage, this is how an arrow hits an
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enemy drone, the missile caught up with a light and maneuverable bird in a matter of seconds. the soviet development was intended to destroy large air targets, aircraft and helicopters, but as it turned out, the complex can capture any object in the air. firing range - 5 km, height 3.5. we have a cursor there, if it’s captured, everything will fly to the target anyway. the arrow is maneuverable in the sky on the ground. no less mobile, even capable of firing while moving, a tracked platform, a huge advantage over analogues, cross-country ability thanks to the tracks, it’s not a wheeled vehicle, the cross-country ability is very good, that is , we overcome any obstacles very well, the crew depends on the driver, the life of the crew, which when performing combat actions, the task of the combat unit being covered is to deliver the crew, quickly leave in order to...
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and by intercepting the video signal from the flying lens of the picture, we determine the location of the course of movement of the corresponding wing. baba yaga, furies, valkyries, our fighters have long learned to land all these airborne enemy evil spirits. the line of combat contact is close, there are a lot of enemy drones here. we find the target, plant or shoot small arms, and destroy it. the anti-drone gun blocks at the required frequencies. you grab the bird, you press,
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you hold and lead her until she sits down, or we can’t finish her off with a string weapon. how often should it be used? well, as soon as something flies, it happens immediately. our anti-aircraft gunners land 10-20 enemy birds a day, all of them end up, as they say here, on the surgeon’s table, excellent samples for studying what the enemy flies and what he sees, and most importantly - how can you answer him? pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. residents heard a series of powerful explosions last night several regions of ukraine. two waves of loud bangs were reported from dnepropetrovsk; arrivals were also recorded in kharkov and the surrounding area. the sounds of powerful detonation sounded in sumy, temporarily under the control of the kiev regime, kherson. the air raid alert was announced several times in the evening and at night, and sirens were heard. in five regions of ukraine. polish foreign minister radislaw sekorski
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avoided answering the question: does warsaw support the idea of ​​french president emmanul macron to send troops to ukraine? in an interview bbc, sekorsky said that in his opinion, the right thing to do would be to put moscow in a situation where it is not sure what the west will do, rather than knowing in advance certain scenarios. at the same time, he did not give a direct answer to the question, is he considering it?
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he was supposed to take part in a conference in the french senate and tell what he himself saw in the gas while working there. different regions of the world are experiencing the consequences of the rampant water disaster in brazil, in the southern state, on the border with uruguay, the number of victims the flood reached 56 people, another 74 were injured, and 67 were
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missing. the worst floods in a decade affected 400 thousand residents in one way or another. the administrative center of the state, the city of porto allegri, is completely under water. experts are still finding it difficult to say when the water will begin to subside. in turkey, the city of jizra, with a population of one hundred and fifty thousand, near the border of syria, was flooded. stormy streams mixed with mud flow through the streets, demolishing cars, garages and small structures. at the same time, drivers of high-clearance cars continue to drive along business, despite the bad weather. in the united states , there is a rise in water levels in a number of areas of texas that were previously flooded due to torrential events. rain underwater a large part of houston, the largest city in the state. local authorities declared a state of emergency in 88 counties, about a third of the entire texas territory. residents are urged to evacuate in advance, and those who did not have time are rescued by boats. only more rain is forecast for the state in the coming days. in central russia,
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an ultrapolar invasion will begin tomorrow with anomalously low temperatures, night frosts, and even snow. a cold front is already passing over the capital region. the weather in moscow today will be cloudy and rainy. the air will warm up to a maximum of 12°. in kabardi in balkaria, rescuers during a snowstorm on ilbrus found tourists who had not registered their route with the ministry of emergency situations. at an altitude of 500 m, they were caught in snowfall, visibility dropped to almost zero. in the chelyabinsk region, snow and ice caused congestion on the m5 federal highway. at the scene of the accident, state traffic inspectors drive reverse movement. vehicles in the sverdlovsk region are eliminating the consequences of a severe cyclone; there are many accidents on the roads, dozens of trees have fallen under the weight of snow, and all public utilities are working in increased mode. the only people who are happy about this winter weather are the skiers who opened the season again and skied through the streets of yekaterinburg. latest data on the situation in the region, report by kiril bortnikov. after the snowfall, which literally
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brought winter back to the urals in just a day, it finally set over yekaterinburg. the sun, but a consequence of the rampant elements. it will take some time to fix it. dozens of trees have been knocked down in the city and are being cut down to make way for sidewalks and roads. it was the heaviest may snowfall in decades. up to 30 mm of precipitation fell across the region. we woke up yesterday morning and there were just such snowdrifts. it's completely unusual to see this. well, it’s a great happiness for a child, of course, to be able to play in the snow one more time. after the night frosts, warming came, so yesterday's snowdrifts slowly but surely began to melt, if... on on the roads, instead of snow porridge, there is already asphalt, then there is still ice on the sidewalks, some paths have been cleared, and some paths have not been cleared, so you walk, trample, slip, fall, this here, by the way, is a descent, well, at most they will sprinkle sand, but it is very dangerous, here it turns out to be wild, the city streets in some places have turned into a real skating rink, utility
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services are trying to fight the ice , they are sprinkling reagents, here in revda, and this city has taken itself, perhaps, the main blow of the elements, they are still clearing the rubble from the fallen trees. restoration work went on all night and continues now; revda firefighters came to the aid of the utility workers; they are sawing down the branches that blocked the road to the village. this is how they came to save us, now this tree will be pulled, in the summer we put out fires, in the winter we warm up the forest, the busy season continues for power engineers, due to bad weather, residents of several settlements at once are left without...
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the urals warming to +8° is expected, so soon the may snowdrifts will be gone trace. kirill bortnikov, makssa pargeldyev, dmitry komovlyaeva, conduct the sverlovsk region. shellfish dumplings, fish paste and squid cutlets. new recipes are being developed by fish processing plants in the magadan region. it's starting soon in the region. kolyma enterprises are preparing for this today. details in the report by lyudmila cherbakova. silt, halibut, salmon, squid, whelks, crabs. on each table for the largest. processing plant in the magadan region, the preparation process is now underway, the technology has been developed over the years and time-tested. the products are cut, salted,
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smoked; they mainly use proven old recipes that are more than half a century old, although the company experiments a lot. recently they started producing sausages, dumplings and seafood cutlets; for this they purchased special automatic refrigeration equipment, developed their own unique recipe, so now the dumplings are as big as a pipe. you won’t be surprised by anything or squid in the composition of the inhabitants of the region, they changed the recipe of pelemeni a lot, pelemeni sausages, cutlets, semi-finished products, yes, this is all, they are testing, on new products, yes, now we want to produce pates, from seafood and salmon, we are also testing, the enterprise processes about three tons of raw materials per day, produces 5.00 packages of various products, now they are testing new equipment for preservation, most likely it will be launched at full capacity, rolls up the product with negative pressure, that is , oxygen is pumped out, and this jar of product
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is under vacuum, this equipment completely rolls up the lid, pumps out vacuum, well, at the exit it goes further and marks the products with the production date, now here they are already starting to prepare for the main fishing event of the year, the salmon catch 2020. it starts in early july at this time all the work of the enterprise will be aimed at receiving pink salmon, chum salmon and coho salmon and caviar processing. if there is a good supply of red fish, the workshops are closed for a month, but if there is not a lot of it, the plant produces products several times a week, on the so-called passing days, when salmon are not caught, allowing it to pass through spawning. of course, we grow it to put it in refrigerators so that there is no need for fish. there are passing days when... there are mondays, tuesdays, well, depending on how many passing days there are, then the workshop starts up, and we produce products, when the passing days pass, we
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receive fish. now the company supplies its products not only to stores in the region, but to neighboring yakutia, as well as to the cities of siberia and central russia. the busy season will begin in june, when the workshops will be preparing to close. to the enterprise will return to normal operation after the completion of industrial salmon fishing. already in august. lyudmila shcherbakova rustam akhmetov, host of magadan. a unique hockey match was held in chukotka. on nalda of the anador estuary, world-class legends from the district team met. to take part in the game, olympic champions vyacheslav fetisov, alexey kotasonov and vyacheslav butsaev flew to the easternmost region of the country. the place for the competition was not chosen by chance. the fragile nature of the arctic requires special attention. report by alena ragozina. where the onadr river flows into the bering sea, the junction of two hemispheres, the blue red teams are preparing for a friendly confrontation. two-time
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olympic champion vyacheslav fetisov with the legends of soviet hockey, a vanadar specially flew in. young hockey players came from all over chukotka to help the guests; the boys traveled on an all-terrain vehicle, off-road, for 12 hours. there were bumps, snow, and we got stuck there a couple of times. and this is all for the sake of hockey, yes, i want to play with the legends, the blue team plays for the region, a fire teacher and 18 amateurs, captain, governor, and this is a friendly match, victories, victories in a friendly match, absolutely, throwing the puck in, the intensity of passions is incredible, a goal was scored, in fact, the match brought together people from all over the country, frost, wind and distance are no obstacle. chukka is actually not a harsh region, but a very hospitable, very hot one. a sporting event of this magnitude is not only for chukotka, for any arctic region, it is a challenge to organize, fly, and ensure
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safety in salty, frozen water; world hockey stars are also playing for the first time in their lives. super, right, for the first time, because this sports festival has a very young face, families with children, the average age of residents of the district is 36 years old, schools and kindergartens are being built . education centers and sports clubs are opening, there are many more events for young people than there were, now chukotka is only developing forward, of course, there is a future. the puck is in the reds' goal, the tension of the match is growing, sport is a powerful tool for achieving any goals in life. this is truly what builds character, what teaches a person concentrate, concentrate on the goal, we do everything truly great and valuable together in... between halves, the players discuss how to preserve the fragile arctic nature and at the same time, with the help of advanced technologies, develop our northern territories. the arctic is
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an amazing region here. great potential will open up for the planet, this is what will give us an advantage over everyone and will guide our youth towards the development of new technologies related to environmental conservation, the green economy, the energy transition, and the search for the future is connected with new solutions. one of the most important goals of the game is to draw attention to environmental issues, the preservation of the polar bear population, the degradation of permafrost , and the growing shortage of water throughout the world.
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traps, more than 32 thousand photographs were taken, more than 15 thousand video materials were collected at this stand; through such lenses you can literally look into the wild nature, for example, there are bears here. the visitor center was built thanks to the national project tourism and hospitality industry, we can already say that this is another new center attraction for residents and guests of ossetia. this is very important, first of all, for the development
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of an ecologist. educational activities for the education of all generations of our population, this is also important for the development of tourism activities, you look at what interactive things are presented here, talking about our nature, telling about our culture, about our history, in the center there is a huge amount of useful information for both children and for adults, novice tourists can choose the best travel routes here, even the stairs are used here for information, as you rise you can see everything... the ridges of the caucasian massif, wooded, grassland, rocky large watershed. the visitor center is already open to visitors and can accommodate up to 500 guests per day. alexander kunduk, valan margoev, stanislav khuddiev, news, north ossetia. this is news, this is what will happen next in our program: ukraine may default in order not to pay interest on its debts to western creditors. veterans across
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the country, in new york, are receiving congratulations on the eve of the great victory. immortal regiment the russian-chinese expo will be held in harbin in 2 weeks and the roads of vladivostok were blocked for several hours for the sake of bikers, the capital by the sea opened the motorcycle season on a large scale. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on rtr.
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welcome to riksos premium magavish suites & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach.
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an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything created for the happiness and comfort of their parents' children. slip away. into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world-exciting! adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic lakshery collection bodrum. we invite you to
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the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in your heart. swissotel charmel sheikh, your ideal place in the heart of the city. new russian cinema, i'm after my brother, now i have to find him. love is proof of life. happiness has resurrected me, she loves me. in a couple days you will go there, to the gray pit. go, i 'll come back for you, do you hear, call sign posashi, may 10 on rtr, wife, this is a cook, dishwasher,
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technician, educator, teacher, seamstress, and the husband is tired at work, enough is enough, this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is kiwi, honor of my grandfather,
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welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt. children of the belgorod region will finish the school year in bashkiria. the schoolchildren were taken out of the danger zone and placed in the southern urals. despite the forced relocation. they will be able to master on par with peers. in addition to lessons , recreational conditions were organized for them. report by murat zaripov. as soon as
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the school finishes lessons for the first shift, classes for the second immediately begin. there have never been so many students here, with almost 250 new students arriving just recently. schoolchildren from belgorod began this school year at home, and are finishing it in the southern urals. however, thanks to uniform educational standards, this will not affect the quality of education, teachers say.
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camp birch we all met on the train, that is, we walked between the carriages, getting to know everyone at once, so that here it would be much nicer to treat each other. many schoolchildren were not prepared for the vagaries of the ural weather, where the april heat gave way to a may cold snap, so they were given warm clothes. both our managers and my colleagues are in contact with parents; we constantly talk to them, find out what they want. how they feel, that is, the connection with their parents is not interrupted, connections with their parents
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and the children themselves, who, although happy with their vacation, but they are already noticeably homesick. thank you very much to the people of belgorod, thank you very much to the governor who arranged this wonderful holiday for us, it’s incredible, a very, very big hello to all my family, hello mom, hello dad, i say hello to everyone, i say hello to the whole of belgorod, to all my friends, i miss everyone very much in total, the republic is now accepting almost 500 this year, but this did not happen. now they are ready to write off most of the debt, but
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ask in return to start paying interest. we are talking about an amount of approximately half a billion dollars per year. but the united states and other western allies fear that the money they give to kiev will ultimately end up with ukraine's creditors. negotiations are currently underway on these issues, and if it is not possible to reach some kind of compromise, then kiev will most likely declare a default in august, writes the wall street journal. the ukrainian government currently has outstanding euro obligations. the russian ministry of internal affairs has put the current president of ukraine on the wanted list . the department’s website reports that vladimir zelensky is wanted under an article of the criminal code, no other details are provided. previously, the investigative committee reported on studying zelensky’s interviews with western media, in which he stated that ukraine was preparing in advance for a war with russia and reaching an agreement on the supply of weapons from western countries. well, in addition, the ex-president of ukraine has been put on the wanted list. petro poroshenko and other current and former ukrainian officials, including
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nsdc secretary litvinenko and representative-chairman of the sbu nalyvaichenko. the administrative center of china's northernmost province is preparing host a large russian-chinese expo. it will open its doors in harbin in 2 weeks. the city has always been one of the centers of cooperation between the two countries. there is even an orthodox church open here, the only one in china that does not consider the one on the territory of the embassy. a report by alexander baletsky about a chinese city with a rich russian history. every year before easter, khin often introduces herself as lyuba and comes to a russian bakery to bake prosphora. here is the blessed virgin mary and two angels, this is what is written, i don’t know this anymore, i don’t know it in russian i say. a descendant of the albazin cossacks, who came to china under the kangxi emperor, she observes all orthodox canons. it’s true that you can’t do it without the help of a russian baker, but very...
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the church of the intercession in harbin is the only one functioning in china, the assumption church in beijing is still on the territory of the russian embassy, ​​there is a chinese orthodox and easter service in two languages. father yalishanda, that is , alexander, among the russian harbin residents, everyone knows him, but mostly the parishioners are chinese, descendants of russian emigrants. harbin after all, they called it eastern moscow. hagia sophia is a visiting card. the st. sophia cathedral, here, however, has long been no longer a functioning temple, but a museum, the main symbol of the city founded
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by the russians as a station on the chinese eastern railway. to be here today for the chinese is the same as going to russia, namely from harbin. residents of the middle kingdom often begin to get acquainted with russian history and russian culture, the famous katyusha on the main pedestrian street jun dadze, also known as arbat, shops lure tourists with motreshkas and sausage, but the most there are long queues here already in the morning for bread. nowadays, milk is often added to bread , and this is not the same taste, but here everything is as it should be, this is russian bread, the people of harbbin are accustomed to this. in harbin. it is even pronounced in the russian manner, daleb and baked from russian flour, in russia there are products and a lot of something, they are sensitive, sensitive, ecological, real, this winter horbin generally seemed to be the most popular tourist destination in china 3 million guests in the first 3 days of the new year, and
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the chinese came here precisely for the russian flavor, it is everywhere, the legendary art nouveau hotel, in the restaurant of which they once dined and performed, companies, a city with russian history again , the expo, in which hundreds will take part , will become the center of russian-chinese relations, and business cultural. nikolai petrov, news from harbin, china. the religious procession and easter service took place in the northernmost orthodox monastery in the world. tryphon in the pechensky monastery of the murmansk region. in this amazing place, the arctic is strictly kept centuries-old traditions. about its history and the life of monks today. report by oleg posobin.
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the religious procession begins in the holy trinity cathedral of tryphon of the pechensky monastery. the participants in the service slowly circle around the temple, then pick it up. all 14 monks painstakingly prepared for this holiday in the monastery. the day before, the service continued from the evening until 6:00 in the morning, they listened to the gospel, prayed, repented of their sins, the monks had 7 weeks of strict fasting behind them, in the refectory they prepared easter cakes for the brethren, colored eggs, as well as olivier instead of meat in the crab salad sticks, okroshka, there will be okroshka. well , of course, yes, from crab sticks, we don’t eat meat in monasteries. on the walls of the refectory there is a photograph with the history of the abode monastery at the end of the 19th century, there are several buildings in the frame, and these are the twenties of the next century, the brothers mastered automobile transport in the fortieth year, the last portrait of hieromonk paisius, was arrested and shot in december.
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the country's northernmost monastery struggled to survive for centuries in the 15th century. the swedes dealt with the monks and... parishioners died 116 people, the monastery was ravaged and destroyed many times, but today they say christ is risen in it, celebrating the main holiday of the orthodox. so, an hour before the festive service, father gury added pallets to the cathedral’s heating system. guri took his monastic name in honor of one of the martyrs killed by the swedes, according to legend; the founder of the monastery , the like-minded tryphon, predicted the massacre several years before the events themselves. in principle they could.
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to the songs: victory day and katyusha brought portraits of participants in the second world war patriotic war, and then laid flowers at the monument to the fallen soldiers. as told in the russian youth society of america.
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96 participant of the great patriotic war , vladimir aleksandrovich bachkaryov, was concentrated and concentrated in a military way. today he
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is hosting a victory parade near his home for the first time. in '42, as a fifteen-year-old boy, he worked assembling tank motors and guides for katyushas. in the spring of '45, he was sent for an internship to an attack air regiment, which was based in east prussia. podkönikberg met with victory. hurray for vladimir alexandrovich! hooray! hooray! hooray! the servicemen of the honor guard company marched in a solemn march. we are very proud of him. he makes us so positive. in the neighboring district of yekaterinburg , viktor mikhailovich startsev, a prisoner of fascist concentration camps, was congratulated to the sounds of an orchestra. on may 3 he turned 87. students joined in the congratulations. lyceum, thank you, a personal parade was held for fyodor ivanovich volkov, at the age of 17 he went to the front, first served in the infantry,
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then in the air defense forces, was awarded medals for military merits and for the victory over germany in the great patriotic war. the veteran was greeted by cadets and young army soldiers, and the ninety- nine-year-old veteran was honored with poems and military songs in the krasnoyarsk territory. received the first medal for courage, the second for the battle in january 1945, when, noticing a killed fellow machine gunner, he replaced him and eliminated three fascists. alexey grigorievich will remember victory day for the rest of his life. in my opinion, we were greeted well, we were greeted everywhere, we were seen through everywhere. grigorievich is the only veteran in the village, he is alive a bearer of history and getting to know him is a real pride for fellow villagers. flag-fighter
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and flag-hero, red flag of the native country. after a solemn procession and songs, cadets and students of a local school hoisted the russian flag and the red banner on the veteran’s house, as a symbol of memory of the great victory over fascism. the all-russian event, the parade at the veteran’s house , is being held for the fifth time, young army soldiers, cadets and cadets throughout the country. the russian guard failed and the victory cup tournament
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was attended by over 60 servicemen from the derzhinsky division. the victory was won by the soldiers of the special forces center vites. world sports stars came to congratulate the winners, including olympic boxing champion alexander lebzyak and champion denis lebedev. an exhibition of weapon uniforms was organized for visitors. the tournament determined the composition of s'. this is a victory, a victory of the great patriotic war, an indicator of national unity. one of
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the largest swimming pools in novosibirsk, where dozens of national champions grew up. world opened after reconstruction, for more than 15 years the facility was in disrepair, so now it is a state-of-the-art sports complex with movable sides, stands for 250 seats, and a gym and games room. the pool will become a base for athletes from the regional olympic reserve school, but amateurs will also be able to swim here. report by ksenia klimina. novosibirsk swimmers, some with freestyle and some with breaststroke, cut through the paths of the new ska pool. the city was waiting for its opening.
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national and world champions in scuba diving, but for the last 10 years the building of the sports complex was in disrepair, as part of the national demography project, it can be considered to have been built anew; during construction, even the foundation was demolished, a new one... the sports complex now houses not only a swimming pool, a gym, a games room, it will become the main platform for swimmers of the regional school of the olympic reserve. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander gganov, elena goleeva, conduct novosibirsk. the roads of vladivostok were blocked for several hours for the sake of bikers. in the capital of primorye, according to a long-standing tradition, the large-scale yark opened the motorcycle season. almost 2.0 participants from several regions
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gathered in the central square of the city, to greet each other. after the winter break, ksenia kolchina saw how the first motorcycle rally of this year took place. bikers are having a roll call, and today you can officially growl your engines in unison right in the city center. leather, chrome and black and red palette. the biker aesthetic attracts many, which is partly why motorcyclists open their season so spectacularly. we no longer need this, the residents of the far east need this. uh, so that they can see that there is such a movement, what they can look at, what they can admire, uh, what can be accepted in this participation, you can join this culture. she is recognized by the fox ear on her helmet. elena podlesnaya, today red fox. in motorcyclists, it is customary to address each other by call sign. a motorcycle is a soul, it is a flight, it is a fantasy, it is freedom.


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