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tv   Russkie u Groba Gospodnya  RUSSIA1  May 5, 2024 11:55am-12:31pm MSK

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participants from several regions gathered in the central square of the city to greet each other after the winter break, as ksenia kolchina saw how the first motorcycle rally of this year took place. the bikers are having a roll call, today you can officially growl your engines in chorus right in the city center. leather, chrome and black and red palette. the biker aesthetic attracts many, which is partly why motorcyclists open their season so spectacularly. this.
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i came, probably thanks to my husband. trifon, fedor and yorshik. every motorcycle in the garage victor with his own name and character. for the opening of the season, the biker chose trifon, more suitable for city roads, prepares the motorcycle for the festival and recites poems of his own composition. i wish everyone smooth kilometers, fun festivals and reliable friends. but i ask you only one thing, brothers, fly very, very carefully. in the name of observing traffic rules, victor and like-minded people even launched a campaign. motorists are given stickers asking them to remember to look in their mirrors on the road. everyone must pay attention, bikers must also follow traffic rules on public roads and always make sure that the maneuver is safe. you learn to maneuver deftly here, in moto gymkhana competitions. motorcyclists maneuver between artificial obstacles; there are also those who have not yet turned 10. mentors teach motorcycling to everyone. and at the age of 12, my grandfather, contrary to the opinion of my parents, gave me a motor. onto a
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riga-1 bicycle with a d6 engine, and after that the motorcycle accompanies me throughout my life. there are several motorcycle clubs in vladivostok. bikers from other cities of the primorsky territory, as well as from neighboring khabarovsk and blagoveshchensk, come to the opening of the season. for half an hour, the roads of vladivostok were closed just for them. columns and motorcyclists moved to leave the city. this tradition has been around for many years. and today about 2.0 bikers take part in it. the whole summer and the beginning of autumn are ahead. in october. and the main events of the last seven days in the final news with ernests mackevichams, watch today at 20:00. why do packages take so long to explode in warehouses? post office in odessa? how did the ukrainian armed forces lose 1,100 soldiers in 4 months? why are they now losing thousands
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a day? three settlements have been cleared of nazis over the past 2 weeks. abrams and so many liberated berdychs are already on poklonnaya hill. how captured nato equipment was assessed by foreign otash. where are we going now? here you can clearly see, from here, from above, how far the front has gone from artyomov. unique footage taken by the group of mikhail andronik, who made a combat flight as part of a flight of helicopters. they will never be replaced by artificial intelligence, they live separately, supplied and prepared. i can’t show you where, because this place is classified. they see the enemy and decide his fate at a distance of a thousand meters. unique technologies and unique people. slodkov about what
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russian snipers are preparing for the enemy. verbal intervention. did cameron understand what he said, what britain will find out after possible strikes with british weapons deep into russia. why did the house of the head of the rain metal concern burn down? a fire broke out at a plant in berlin that produces ireste complexes for ukraine. psychologists analyze scholz's nervous laughter. a single standard of protest, following america , eu universities burst into flames. the scenario is familiar to how it ended for europe half a century ago. again a bad mark, but not in the diary, in the colony. work for children and teenagers. the task is to respond to messages using a ready-made text in whatsapp and telegram. salary up to 6.00 rubles per day. who
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makes a child drop, why children's cybercrime has increased 70 times, how it can be stopped. by this time we have all the information, irina rossius and my colleagues were with you, all news is always available on media platform, look in the app or on the website, see you! not enough pressure in your garden hose? tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your own hands! introducing hammer smith's hydroblast, fast! a simple, very convenient pressure washer gun, cordless, rechargeable and absolutely revolutionary. wash your car, motorcycle or bike, wash your house, garden paths, driveway and more. hydroblast uses the same
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blast with its highly efficient 150w motor, powerful lithium battery, five-meter high -pressure hose and high-quality nanofilter and. you will get all this for an incredible 5995, and if you place an order right now, then in as a gift you will receive a container for shampoo and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area, all this is absolutely free, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited. today statins are drugs for lowering cholesterol, who should take them and who
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should not, what to do if you have side effects from statins? our main topic is about statins, they have these muscle pains much more often, much more pronounced, and in this case i wouldn’t be able to. completely get away from them, i would reduce the dose, but why would i take it, everything has returned to normal for me, or statins are not needed, or the dose should be normal, you will steal real years of life, microbiome or intestinal microflora, how to keep them healthy? how to properly take care of our microbiome, we were surprised to find that it controls our morbidity, it’s not i who loves the cutlet, it’s the microbiome that loves the cutlet, we declared war on its microbiome, they will grow up and have strokes. hearts, we cook okroshka with useful pleasure, and today we will cook okroshka, i live, i rest, when i cook, what ’s good about okroshka, it feels like you’re from joy died, the healthier it is to season okroshka, kvass or kefiro, okroshka is a childish dish, you can eat okroshka every
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day, good morning, says dr. myasnyakov, you are in my clinic in belarusian on the russia-1 channel, i am without a bag today, but today we will talk about how... cooking helps our health, physical and moral, we will talk about the most common mistakes when using statins, we will talk about the character of a russian doctor, so they will help us talk about the role of the microbiome in our life, how to take care of it , by the way, i tell you i brought your friend, yes, i brought it home for you, it’s worse to come here, come on, by the way, they are terribly smart, right? wait, how are you holding up ? do your paws have velcro or something? now, baby, wait, wait, don’t rush, don’t rush, so look, there will be a lot of
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interesting things, we’ll start with the section about the microbiome, the section, how to do it right, how to do it right. taking care of our microbiome, you know how many bacteria we have living everywhere, in every hole in our lungs, i’m not talking about the intestines, the urogenital tract skin and so on, since there are 100 trillion bacteria, i can’t imagine what 100 trillion is, but if we translate them, how much is weighed in grams, one and a half, 2 kg of bacteria, and also mushrooms, there are parasites, there are viruses, all this lives in our body. and as it turned out,
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they are not for us, not only do you know, well , this is how they live with us, and we are so kind, so warm, we are comfortable there, they live just like that, and we are this cage, this is what we are this is us, this plastic house has a microbiome in its belly, and how are we today? we were surprised that... controls our morbidity, that the main risk factor for oncology is not even smoking at all, but the microbiome, for the heart there is also a microbiome, for the mass of infections the microbiome, for diabetes the microbiome, for obesity the microbiome, even for your osteochondrosis , it’s still a microbiome, let’s move on, we see more and more works, it turns out that our food preferences are micro...
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in fact, in humans there are 30 thousand gene variants, the total gene mechanism of the microbiome is 3 million genes, that is, from the point of view of genetics we feces, i apologize, well, basically the microbiome, where the large intestine is, well, i tried to talk about the role of the microbiome in three words, so that you understand how important it is to treat it correctly. now how to treat it, but we don’t know how, we are the only thing that we know 100% about the dangers
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of antibiotics, especially in childhood, when in childhood we just like that, a child sneezed, coughed, was given an antibiotic, we declared war on his microbiome, these are the remaining bacteria will never forget this, they will take revenge, they will accelerate, they will be there again a lot, they will never forget this to us, these children... will get cancer more often, they will get infections more often, they will grow up, they will have strokes, heart attacks and so on, this is closely related to nutrition, to the process of life in general, still complicates the fact that bacteria, they do not really like each other, those that are closer to the wall do not like those that are closer to the lumen, the fact is that in our body, not only in our mammal, there are always two mechanisms, one that... suppresses in various ways growth of bacteria, and the other where, on the contrary , it is more favorable, so they do
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not live evenly in the intestines, one state, another state, a third state, everyone does not like each other, when we start with all kinds of antibiotics, some strange dietary supplements, some with incomprehensible probiotics it only makes things worse, look when... years it went like this, here we began to widely use antibiotics, we discovered them here, tested them for the first time on a constable in 1943, i think, in england, he by the way, later... he died, then they began to use it widely, yes, we defeated infections for
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a while, from which we now don’t know how to protect ourselves, because the antibiotics stopped working, but we completely confused the microbiome, and it responded to us with the growth of oncology, heart attacks, strokes and what we have now, i started about probiotics, why, because doctors have gone from completely denying probiotics, to understanding that they can be useful and in any case effective, but any action has a positive, negative side , somebody concentrates only on the positive side, she really does.
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and there are more bacteria that increase the removal of toxins, more bacteria whose vital activity reduces weight, and so on and so forth, they love it when we move, well, it’s just that humans are simply designed to move, apparently, but we don’t know much, we are now we are trying to create a microbiome map for a child, at birth we collect the microbiome, we make a map of what was birth, so that we can then understand when you started poisoning her with antibiotics, which is incorrect nutrition, some artificial...
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take antibiotics just like that, be especially careful when giving antibiotics to children, you can lay a mine under their health, don’t overeat, eat right, more fiber, the microbiome loves fiber, it’s an inert thing, it would seem that it doesn’t exist anywhere absorb, they have enzymes that can process some polysaccharides, less drugs, more proper food more movement, this will be good and... we move on, it's time to answer your questions, let's see i'm picked up editors here today, so, hello, doctor, my name is ksenia alekseeva, i’m 40 years old, i’m from nizhny novgorod, here’s my question: when i visit a doctor, my heartbeat always increases, not my blood pressure, it’s
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my pulse that rises to 120-140 beats in a minute. when a cardiologist sees such indicators , he prescribes adrenergic blockers. should i take them or should i just stop worrying before going to the doctor? is the doctor nice? no, well, you answer the question yourself: just stop worrying, you have emotions, you heartbeat, as a reflection of emotion, hormonal release, well, why do you need these blockers, it’s temporary, it’s your pulse...
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you say it’s permanent, but why do you go to the doctor so often? if you once came to the doctor, the doctor there worried you or the situation was overwhelming, your pulse is 141, but you say, when i go to the doctor, my pulse is always 120-130, and at the same time another doctor even wants to give me beta blockers, this means that you go to the doctor quite regularly, not once or twice, but at least once a month, yes, otherwise you wouldn’t i was worried, why are you going to him? it means you have some kind of medical problem that entails constant monitoring by a doctor, and maybe your tachycardia is related to that problem that you didn’t tell me about, that’s it, we’ll move on. hello, my name is skripkina oksana, i am from the city of volgograd, i have a question for the doctor, about six months ago, a person close to me, she is 84 years old, was
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seriously diagnosed with dementia, after prescribed therapy, and after some time there was a clear improvement in her state of health and condition, so suppose an uninitiated person...
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other problems, then dementia develops and it is enough to give a few doses of this vitamin , everything returns to normal, in principle, you just monitor the level, if it falls again, just give it more, or it is a problem of the thyroid gland, when its function drops very strongly, and all these things happen, dementia in older people is often associated with insufficient function of the thyroid gland, these are reversible, among the risk factors for dementia. this is untreated hypertension, the most common dementia, is vascular as a result of untreated arterial hypertension, high blood pressure, this is atherosclerosis, all those risk factors
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that lead to atherosclerosis and hypertension, this is high cholesterol, especially high sugar, this is overweight, absolutely unacceptable smoking, chronic kidney disease , that's how we move on, hello, my name is olga syuzbina, i... after that, dark spots appeared in my eyes, that is, when i look at the light, i see dark floating spots that are so blurry, a constant ringing appeared in my head, mm, as if after a disco, that is, constantly, excuse me, during this time i have never been in silence, i have not heard silence, there is always this loud annoying ringing, it drives me crazy sometimes, and... the flies don’t affect my quality of life in any way, but the ringing is very disturbing, and well, i’m telling you how it drives me crazy from time to time, when you want silence or are very tired, and my examinations and visits to
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doctors did not give any results, everyone shrugs can you help me with this help? well, i understand, well, firstly, as for moshes, this is normal, this is the norm, i don’t know why you haven’t observed them before, this is considered normal, high-frequency ringing in the ears, squeaking, like you... from the same aspirin , i don’t know what you took for the flu, what you say, well, i understand very well, 40% of people have it, you’re just young for this, with age it
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increases sharply, sharply increases, these 40% of people, well, this happened earlier for you, so what can i say, i know one thing, the doctors told you correctly, there’s nothing to be done, drives you crazy, there is such a method, you put on headphones, and for days, weeks a different noise, a different tone, is driving you, then you take off the headphones, for your happiness, it seems, we move on, hello, doctor, my name is evgenia fodeeva, i am from the city of novorossiysk , once such a situation happened to me, early in the morning i woke up and realized that i simply couldn’t feel my hands, i got to the doctor. my fingers were swollen, they just doubled in size, they were blue, so i took a lot of different
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tests, did... genes, pictures, based on which the doctor diagnosed me with arthrosis deformans, i am on pills, i did various lotions, but they told me that this cannot be cured, that it can simply be pushed back so that there are no major complications, i would like to know what can still be done in this situation , because my hand still hurts, thank you, well, i don’t quite understand the situation, you woke up with numbness in your hands, thick fingers, somehow it all started overnight for you, that is, in any case, even if there, but there, apparently , it is confirmed, as you said, deforming arthrosis, we are talking about an inflammatory disease of the joints, not osteoarthritis, when it wears out for years, years, years, but something that has arisen quite acutely, so you have had it for a long time, respectively. it
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belongs to inflammatory diseases, it could be psoriatic, if you don’t have psoriosis, and this is rheumatoid arthritis, if it is more than three joints, hands, stiffness in the morning for more than half an hour, the diagnosis is suspicious, but i think doctors should diagnose you with all these diagnoses were you giving a lot of blood tests, something, because arthrosis deformans is not a diagnosis, it is a statement of an emfact, but a diagnosis of what, it is acute, it is rheumatic, rheumatoid arthritis. these are diseases of the joint of a different origin, this is reactive arthritis, what kind of arthritis is this, well then you need to treat what has been identified, you of course need to deal with this, because your treatment may even include hormones, if this is rheumatoid arthritis and other medications don’t help, okay, let’s go do some stretching, we’re on a physical training break, would you like us to review this app or website,
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look, so the horizontal bar, then, we prepare okroshka with useful pleasure, statins, medications for lowering cholesterol, who needs to take them and who doesn’t, what to do if you have side effects from statins, and today we will prepare okroshka, i live, i rest , when i cook, what is good about okro? and it feels like you died of joy, what is healthier to season okroshka, kvass or kefir? okroshka is a dietary dish, if there is a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, what gradients are best to remove from okroshka, you can eat okroshka every day. the main issue for us is prostatitis, they have these muscle pains much more often, much more pronounced, and in this case i would not be able to get away from them completely, i would reduce the dose, but why would i take it, everything has returned to normal for me, everything is fine for me fine. attention
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everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of the crimea from the germans, i ordered the transfer of the pathan to the 267th regiment, major roman, but what would you do, come on romanov, who mr. imprisoned, then you will have a separate one from me personally thank you, let's go vote nikolayevich, i don't dance, i don't dance, i don't drink, here she is, like... an officer's shoulder straps behave like the last scythe, welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, they are going into battle only penalty boxes, the task is not easy, you will have to act in the operational environment of the enemy, fighters, the battle for the crimea, let's all get ready for battle, are you out of your mind, let them go beyond that, he said to accept the battle, from
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you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. sandals palermo is your step to beauty and comfort. this is a cook, a dishwasher, a technician, a teacher, a teacher, and a husband gets tired of... enough, enough, enough, this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is kiwi, honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor, part of the twentieth olympic games, at the den there were no children, the father had no children, and where are you from, i’m from minsk, ismailovsky park, the premiere today on rtr, thank you for staying. with us, thank you for watching russia-1, and we’ll go straight to the table, there’s time, and today we’ll prepare okroshka, now i’ll quickly wash my hands, so i’ll talk about the benefits of cooking with your own
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hands, nothing calms a man more, in any case, i don’t know, women, like you, but i, for example, live, relax, when i cook, i come, i just really don’t like doing it while sitting , i have a large counter, i start cutting, cooking, i already calm down, naturally, when i cook, i try, i eat, but i no longer care where the money went, it seems like there was a lot, i don’t care about any quarrels, problems, and i forget about it, remember, like brought in by the wind, i’ll think about this tomorrow. basically, what is a crumb? crumb - this is probably an ordinary salad, which is filled with either kefir, by the way, as a child i didn’t like crumbs, i said, please, salad separately, kvass separately, then
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, of course, i switched to crumbs with kefir, i’m done i love it, but i remember my childhood, oh, you know, i’ve especially loved kvass lately, it’s sweet, yes, i understand everything. the taste, so, what’s good about the crumbs, and the fact that you need to crumble a lot of ingredients in there, if we fried potatoes, i would now cut them and fry them that’s it, while you’re cutting everything, while you ’re preparing all these ingredients, it’s kind of thick, now we’ll cut it up, it’s actually a potato, but i don’t know, does it have to be a potato? or not, in my opinion , potatoes in okroshka are completely optional, this is a cucumber, this is, respectively, onions, greens, this is necessarily a radish, well, for the faint of heart, this is sausage.


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