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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 5, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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separately, it was later that i of course switched to kefir crumbs, i love everything, but i remember my childhood, oh, you know, i’ve especially loved kvass lately, yes it’s sweet, yes, i understand everything, it tastes, so what’s good crumble , and the fact that you need to crumble a lot of ingredients into it, it turned out thick, now we will cut it up, it’s actually a potato, but i don’t know whether potatoes are required or not, in my opinion, potatoes in okroshka are completely optional, this is a cucumber, this is an onion, respectively, greens, this is definitely a radish, well, for the faint of heart, this is sausage. and for strong spirits
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this is a chicken breast, and of course an egg, here is a radish for you and me, if you don’t take potatoes and sausage, but really just remove the potatoes and replace the sausage with chicken breast, a completely dietary product, especially if it’s not kvass, but it’s high in calories, here how much sugar, by the way, about radishes. an incredibly healthy product, low in calories, a lot of fiber, there is a lot of things to eat, and most importantly, the salad from it simply turns out amazing, we consider ourselves to be people with a weak will, so chicken breast we don’t touch it, this is how they do it, it’s incomprehensible to the mind, you take this. and it
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feels like you died of joy, after all , we’ll add sausages to it, although you know, i ’m starting to dissuade you from sausage, now i’m cutting it and thinking, maybe it really was breast, that’s... how often can you eat okroshka and always look again if there weren’t potatoes there, which i eagerly put in. then
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everything there is very very, so to speak, acceptable, now we will send greens with onions there, if you knew what it smells like, and standing somehow it it’s more fun because you move, you walk, you’re sitting, half the fun is lost, you have to cook while standing, that’s a million percent for any understanding person, a scrounger or a cook, especially if he’s standing and can walk to the refrigerator. take a piece of lard to eat while you prepare yourself a healthy meal, but they forgot, forgot, they forgot the eggs, no, without eggs, okroshka isn’t okroshka, that’s definitely perfect, so, well, in general, we think that we’ve got this thing down, not all , really, well... it’s worn out because i put the painting on it,
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we’ll send the mustards here, we’ll send them here fuck it, we'll salt it all. i won’t bother you yet , we’ll mix it all up, listen, i forgot that i’m filming, seriously, that’s when you get carried away, you completely forget, you completely forget about the camera, you forget about everything, and we ’ll make kefir, you remain, you and the product , in principle, you don’t have to eat it, you can only try it, i often say, oh, it had to be diluted with mineral water, of course, i take either tan, buy it, or
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kefir, dilute it with mineral water, otherwise it’s thick, well, no, now we'll still take... a plate, otherwise we've got some kind of... olivier salad for the little one, so we’ll put some salad here, we’ll add the rest, we ’ll still dilute the kefir by 30% with mineral water, it’s a bit thick. so we’ll get this whole thing sorted out, but now it’s already like,
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questions about the crumbs, the healthier for... well, remove the potatoes from there and don’t eat the sausage, are there any contraindications for okroshka , bad character, cockroaches in the head, and so okroshka, if i have gastrointestinal problems. what gradients are better to remove from the circle, you know, radishes are not very suitable, well, sausage, and the rest is everything will do, gum, yes, maybe change it for something, you can eat okroshka every day, three times a day you will be built like a deer,
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why do okroshka make me swell, because of this, vegetables, a lot of fiber, healthy fiber , they really let her go, and here are cucumbers, here are radishes. there are greens here, everything is fiber, the time will come to let go of nothing, that is, ugh, god forbid, longer is better, well, we are waiting for the next story, our main topic is prostate problems, live questions, we have collected here how much we can manage , nine or something, questions, what’s there i don't know. so, let's go. hello, my name is midrofina oksana, kursk city. my parents were prescribed statins to lower cholesterol. at the same time, the father can calmly take the prescribed medications, but the mother cannot due to the fact that the side effect
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is the fact that severe muscle pain begins, that is, as soon as the intake ends, everything becomes normal. why is there such a side effect in general and... why doesn't it work on everyone? well, thank god it didn’t work on everyone, because if it worked on everyone, it would have been acceptable would be hard, but 10% of people have varying intensities of muscle pain while taking statins, and this depends on the dose, the higher the dose, the greater the likelihood of this side effect, i would advise your mother to check the thyroid gland, because in people who have there is a problem with the thyroid gland, usually we are talking about autoimmune theriiditis, they... have these muscle pains more often, much more pronounced, if there are muscle pains, you need to understand how much you need essences in principle, why they prescribed it to both mother and dad, just because that they are 50 years old, they have high cholesterol, this is one situation, or they had a heart attack
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, either, because if they had a heart attack, whoa, whoa, god forbid, someone, then they need statins, in which case i would i couldn’t get away from them completely, i would reduce the dose. gave not 20 mg, but 10, not 10, but five, would give other drugs that potentiate the effect of statins without increasing their side effects, or switch to a different class of drugs altogether if you have familial hypercholesterolemia, there is no way without this, now yes, expensive, and hard-to-get ones have appeared, but they are still available, i would have already regulated this, so you need to understand how statins are generally indicated, maybe your mother is not indicated, maybe it’s enough for her to go on a diet, move a lot and not bother with it and then she torments herself further. hello, my name is yukina lyudmila, i live in the ramensky urban district, last year i had an ultrasound scan of my veins. and i was diagnosed
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with cholesterol plaques. at an appointment with a cardiologist , the doctor prescribed me to take statins. question such, how long should i take them? well , probably not the veins, but the arteries, they probably did the carotid arteries, they saw cholesterol plaques there, it’s probably combined with high cholesterol, and the doctor prescribed you correctly... statins, for life, as long as you take statins, everything is fine, that you do everything, you take it honestly, as the doctor prescribed, in six months you go for a blood test, well, i wonder what’s there, but everything is fine, ideal cholesterol, what are you saying next, why should i take it, everything is back to normal for me, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, and it will be fine for another month, and two, three, but then that’s it. will return to normal. go ahead. hello, doctor, my
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name is shvets elena, i am 54 years old, i am from the city of novorossiysk. i have high cholesterol, so doctors prescribed me to take statins. i drank for 3 months, took tests, my cholesterol returned to normal, and then about three months later, when i had already stopped taking statins, i checked again, took tests and it turned out that i had high cholesterol again, then yes, it turns out you need statins. drink all my life, but they have a lot of side effects, i felt lethargic, as if the energy had gone out of me, in general, i felt very bad, i was recommended drugs to thin the blood and so that there were no clots, but i wanted to ask the doctor , after all, there are some medications, analogs of statins, well, so that there are a lot fewer side effects, thank you, no, so that there are a lot less side effects, no, you are doing nonsense, i’ll be honest, you have a reason for...
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a share of success, but if you're elevated cholesterol, initial manifestations, but there were no diseases yet, these analogues do not stop, yes, today there are also drugs that lower cholesterol, but they cost a lot, well, i’ll tell you that even a person with an average salary is not able to afford them, but there are drugs, which are taken together with statins, they increase their potential effect, they even... both drugs are pressed into one tablet, but these are still statins, people, i understand that now everyone
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is prescribed statins, as i once said, let's add into tap water, but not you are making a fool if they are shown to you, and you , because you have something like that there, you have read too much, oh, you see, it says weakness, oh, this probably makes me weak, you are stealing years of your life, what are you you stop taking them if they are indicated for you, i often see, you know, here you are... my mother has been taking statins for many years, she was prescribed it because she had high cholesterol,
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but in this situation she very often began to suffer from viral diseases, and for treatment requires antibiotics; as we were told, statins and antibiotics cannot be combined it is recommended to stop taking statins too, but please tell me what kind of treatment can be carried out with co...
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high cholesterol levels were detected, the doctor prescribed taking statins in a dosage of 5 mg, this dosage was not available at the pharmacy, i had to buy tablets with a dosage of 10 mg , at home i discovered that i had to split the tablets without risk, is it possible to drink this pack, and what if i don’t get a very accurate split? thank you, i’ll tell you,
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now we’ll go, catch up, why with you, because i don’t know how much you like you need statins, but in any case you need to move, i went to do pull-ups, and you do some squats, or what? i don’t know, there’s something else you can do, and then i’ll answer you, and you, if you want to reconsider us, look at this platform, an application or a website, look, ru, next, who needs to take a double dose of statins, and who? high cholesterol, they are not needed at all, what distinguishes a russian doctor from a foreign one and how to understand that this is a good specialist, either statins are not needed, or the dose should be normal, their distribution of drugs may be unequal, they mean the right side on the left will be the same amount of drugs, and assuming that they do not need statins, you will steal real years of life from yourself, the strategy for prescribing statins
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has been changed, we will look at our russian doctor, how to evaluate the doctor accordingly. you can’t look in the mirror and see the reflection of someone else. can our doctor prescribe homeopathy? a big film premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the rank, this is us, this is the front line, bring it here, from the director of the liquidation, save this, what this, remember, this is what we have never lost, even in the worst times, to the exit. what are they doing? they pray, they greet the sabbath, stop greeting it, it’s saturday anyway, they ’ve been praying for this for 2 thousand years, but you don’t know how to say the groom in jewish, stop, i want to talk, i need two who know how to shoot, i’m out of everything i can, just show me how,
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we have a grenade, he wants to throw it for his dad, for his older brother, for all the captains. their task is to survive and get there, and there is no choice, righteous man, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, and use a bulky vacuum cleaner. that fails to clean even the hardest to reach areas is a thing of the past, you can now clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. dipper swipper is impressive with its original triangular design and
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innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on the side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today , the unique, ingenious cordless electric broom limington dipper swiper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from
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if it becomes dirty, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call order a universal bright life photo facade for a fence at a special price, total from 9.95, just choose the appropriate design, create a unique look for your country plot, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, we had a question here, dosage 10 mg, and they wrote to me five, what i advise you, do not inject, firstly, i don’t really understand the dosage, what do you have there, this, but most likely this is...
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7 years old, moscow, i suffered a heart attack, there was strentation, well, they prescribed athervostatin , the first year i took 20 mg tablets, the second year 10 mg, skin itching appeared, the shoulder of my right arm hurt very badly, i wanted to wisely, well, get away from statins, i calculated somewhere that i could take fish oil in small quantities.
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i'm not kidding, you will cancel your statins and whatever you give in return, you will steal from yourself real years of life, you just understand, not only you, people, if you had a heart attack, had a stroke, if you have proven coronary disease, stenting, statins are for life, and the dose is 10 mg, i don’t know why you are on, there the doses should be different, 20 mg, this is a small dose, 20, 40, normal, sometimes we give 80, yes, the more, the better. so to speak, a possible side effect, but the question is, life is death, your shoulder hurts, well, my shoulder hurt for 2 years, i couldn’t train fully, so what
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happened, you need omega, you need it, great, take omega three and statins, everything is fine, but don’t even think about going off statins in a bad dream, you’ll just steal years of your life, statins are now more important to you than food, you may not eat or drink, but you have to take statins. and it’s not unimportant that you have pain there, it’s dizzy and itchy, it doesn’t concern you at all. hello, my name is emelina irina, i’m from the city of temryuk, uh, i’ve been taking statins for several years now. recently , a friend of mine went to see a doctor, she also has high cholesterol, but the doctor gave her statins did not appoint. i have a question: perhaps it makes sense for her to see another doctor. thank you, uh-huh, either to her or to you, yes, the strategy for prescribing statins has been changed, before statins were given to everyone simply because
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of high cholesterol, today this is not the case, today statins must be earned, we give statins when cholesterol is high, once, but if isolated high cholesterol, in a 50-year-old woman who has no heredity, early heart attacks before 50, who does not smoke, who does not have arterial hypertension, diabetes, normal weight, i will not give ladies, in order for me to give a statin based on the fact of high cholesterol, she must have high hypertension, she must have high sugar, she must be overweight, then yes, why, if you take statins without taking these factors into account, then take statins for life , you can prevent a heart attack in one person in a thousand. that is, to prevent one heart attack, 990 people will take statins in vain, they have no risk factors, so in order to
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remove these 999 people, we select those who can actually have a heart attack, we calculate risks, if you just have high cholesterol, you will have a heart attack, maybe in 20 years, but most likely not, most likely there will be something else, the risks are very small and why would i give you medications for decades with side effects, so that you just reduce these fractions of a fraction of a percent, it’s another matter if you... didn’t understand, but that’s normal, that’s normal, who knows, heard, let’s move on, so, a section for the soul and body, once we did
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a similar... section our patients hand through the eyes of a doctor, i said, well, someday we still, we will make the opposite answer, we will look at our russian doctor, at his incomprehensible character and soul, how we will see him, what assessments we give him, in fact, you know how, we also have different attitudes towards doctors, who -some people deify them, some don’t like them, complaints, they treat us like lab rats. or with a mouse, it also happens that i will lie, but you know, i myself am a doctor for many, many decades, i once wrote a book on how to use medicine, and there were these lines, i’ll read it now and think about it, listen, but i myself have changed my views on a lot of things, because i’ve now started looking at how to evaluate a doctor accordingly and so to speak,
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i would doubt the doctor’s competence if, if the doctor writes off all your problems for the presence of parasites, he will begin to treat your hypertension with courses, especially if he prescribes a course of drips, he will immediately prescribe antibiotics if the temperature is less than 38, the presence of sneezing and fever in the body, these were the pre-covid times, he will prescribe along with antibiotics an antifungal drug, or will be obligated...
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to prescribe a medicine of questionable effectiveness, vascular, hepatoprotectors, and so on and so on and so on, some, of course, remain to this day, but some, i still wrote this is under the influence of western american medicine, where, in which i worked for many years, you know, when we look in the mirror, we see our reflection, we cannot look. in the mirror and see the reflection of someone else, there are some patients, there are some requirements, we have others, we are still used to averting asking participation, we still want some kind of deception, can our doctor prescribe homeopathy, and why not if it does no harm? and
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this makes a person feel better, is it possible for a doctor to prescribe a medicine with unproven effectiveness, i stood with foam at the mouth, saying: “no, all these immunity drugs, no, i don’t condemn the doctors who condemned me now, the patient needs hope, he needs something , why not give it, the effect has not been proven, there are side effects, no, did you explain to the person?” "what could be better from this, maybe not, explained, maybe it’s necessary to be gentler, our doctor, i always distinguish our doctor, is always abroad, that’s what he recently arrived, and he’s talking to a person, he can put his hand on him not in front of himself to feel the pulse, but simply put his hand on his head, this you can see our doctors.


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