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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:47pm MSK

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where have you disappeared to now, who loves you another, black eyes, they will destroy me, they can’t be found anywhere, they burn in front of me, oh these black eyes, who will love you? he will lose peace and peace in his heart forever.
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hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the studio of irin rossius and the main topics for this hour. christ will rise, truly risen, christ will rise, truly. millions of orthodox christians celebrated the bright holiday of easter; a great service was held in the cathedral of christ the savior, where president vladimir putin also came. russian troops liberated another settlement in the dpr is ocheretina. fierce fighting goes on for hours. isu lost yet another nato equipment. 1,150 mercenary soldiers died in the battles. the head of the polish foreign ministry clearly showed how to avoid inconvenient questions. sekorsky kept silent, but will support. another headache, besides
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the fact that kiev has no one to fight with, zelensky also has nothing to pay off his debts, creditors demand interest. israel is ready to suspend hostilities in exchange for hostages, but they are planning an operation in rafah to destroy militants in hamas. students in the usa, germany and france do not stop their pro-palestinian actions. and... a powerful downpour hit sochi, the water level in the rivers is rising, snow fell in the stavropol territory, and in the sverdlovsk region , due to snowfall, 22,000 people remain without electricity. the entire orthodox world today celebrates the most important favorite christian holiday: easter or sunday of christ. symbol of the victory of life. over death,
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vladimir putin congratulated the believers. the president emphasized that easter celebrations in our country have rich spiritual traditions, which are observed by millions of people and passed on from generation to generation. the head of state noted the fruitful work of the russian orthodox church and other faiths, and expressed gratitude to the patriarch for his service to strengthen the fatherland. patriarch kirill also addressed the believers. he wished blessings to russia and its people. the main solemn service took place in the cathedral of christ the savior. according to tradition, vladimir putin attended the festive service, and patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia performed the liturgy. report by dmitry kaestra. the great easter service begins in a few minutes before midnight, a procession with the holy fire, which was delivered on a special flight from jerusalem, and the main words of the holiday, announced by patriarch kirill. christ will rise, truly risen! after
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the religious procession in the church , russian president vladimir putin and moscow mayor sergei sobyanin begin the morning service. christ will rise again. the head of state holds a lit candle in his hands. during the morning the choir sings the easter canon in eight parts. the canon is performed for each song. the priests walk around the temple several times with a codel in their hands, the president prays with the believers on this special bright night. christ is risen, christ is risen. in the decorated temple , all the candles and lamps are lit. patriarch kirill addressed all believers. the holiday of holy easter is important for all of us because it instills confidence and hope. that the lord is with
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us, he has risen, he is present in our history, he is with us, and in order not to lose the path of life, we only need one thing: to maintain faith in him , to establish a connection with him through sincere prayer. may the lord help us all in love, in unanimity, in spiritual purity , strength of spirit and strength, to carry out your earthly procession. orthodoxy is the historical foundation of the unity of our people. during the service, excerpts from the gospel are heard in various languages, including ukrainian. let's talk about light. the holiday of holidays and the triumph of triumphs, this is what orthodox christians call easter. tens of thousands of believers celebrated this bright holiday in temples and churches, monasteries and chapels, throughout the canonical territory of the russian church. on the most important holiday of orthodox christians
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under the arches of the main temple of the russian armed forces, all together, representatives of different branches of the military, prayed for victory for their fatherland. and the military sailors performed a service under the majestic arches of the kronshtat naval cathedral of st. nicholas the wonderworker, which was built, and after decades of desecration, the resources of the sailors themselves were restored, for the glory and greatness of russia. the single easter prayer is not only a liturgical sacrament, but also an expression of national solidarity and spiritual unity in those difficult times when our country...
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this is the cleansing of the soul, the resurrection of the soul of any orthodox christian, this is life, this is in the full sense of the word, we must live with
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joy, with harmony in the soul. easter is a holiday of special internal transformation in the soul of every believer, giving spiritual strength to survive any. tests lundovskaya, olga sukhorukova, vladimir overin, news. a festive service in honor of easter sunday took place at a russian military base in syria. bell ringing. hundreds of military personnel with candles and khorogs marched on the territory of the khmimi airbase. the field temple could not accommodate everyone. believers filled it all. the square in front of it, well, in the special operation zone, the priests brought easter cakes to the residents of the recently liberated avdiivka and the military personnel of the center group. the symbols of easter were baked at the leftover bakery, which is located in one of the rear areas of the northern military district. our military in
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the special operation zone completely liberated the village of ocheretina. the ministry of defense reported this today. a missile weapons warehouse was hit in odessa. also reported. about being hit another american abrams tank, an american armored personnel carrier was destroyed in the arkhangelsk area. this footage shows the moment the lancet hit the bradley infantry fighting vehicle. in the same area. and howitzer m777. the skies above the special operation zone are patrolled by su-30 fighters. the crews do not allow enemy aircraft to even take off from the airfields. motorized riflemen destroyed the bridge over which heavy weapons and ammunition were delivered to the ukrainian armed forces in chas yar. well, in the city itself , tulip mortar crews hit the arsenal and fuel storage facility. a large fire broke out. on on the right bank of the dnieper, air defense crews shot down a polish drone. and today footage of the attack appeared. at the training ground near kharkov, according to preliminary data, over thirty militants were killed there; in just one day
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, the enemy lost 1,150 mercenary soldiers. a report by military correspondent pavel prokopenok about what is happening on the front line now. the missile soars into the sky with lightning speed, in the case of strela 10, one of the most effective anti-aircraft systems, the basis of our air defense. the arrow hits the target, it only takes 10 seconds. now the target will be captured and destroyed. rare footage. this is how an arrow hits an enemy drone. the rocket caught up with the light and maneuverable bird in a matter of seconds. the soviet development was intended to destroy large air targets, airplanes and helicopters, but as it turned out, the complex can capture any object in the air. firing range - 5 km, height 3.5. we have a cursor there if everything is captured.
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obligations, before that the creditors agreed on credit holidays in hopes of ending the conflict in 2024, but this did not happen, now they are ready to write off most of the debt, but are asking in return to start paying interest, we are talking about an amount of about half a billion dollars a year, but the united states and other western allies fear that the money they allocate to kiev will ultimately end up with ukraine's creditors. now negotiations are underway on these issues, and if some kind of compromise is reached. if it fails, then kiev will most likely declare a default in august, writes the wall street journal. the ukrainian
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government currently has outstanding eurobond obligations of approximately 20 billion dollars. the israeli defense minister just announced the clearance of rafah, saying the operation could begin soon. and prime minister netanyahu notes that he is ready for a truce in order to take hostages, and again emphasized that he does not intend to abandon plans for... hamas, and will not refuse a ground operation in rafah either. a situation in which hamas battalions go and retake control of the gaza strip is unacceptable, netanyahu said. also today there were reports of israeli shelling territories from rafah from the southern regions of lebanon. after shelling from gaza, israel closed the kerem shalom checkpoint on the southeastern border of the gaza strip, through which humanitarian supplies were passing. in the united states and other countries, despite harsh police actions, student protests in support of palestine do not stop.
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another clash between students and security forces occurred at the university of virginia. law enforcement officers used them against particularly aggressive people. tear gas, students at harvard staged a large lying-in strike, filling a huge staircase with their bodies, leading to one of the university buildings. in germany , regular rallies of solidarity with gaza were held in berlin, demonstrators marched along the central streets of the german capital, calling for an immediate end to the fighting, a review of the official policy towards this conflict and a stop to the supply of weapons to israel. in france, the pro-palestinian demonstration in paris took place under the slogan “no”. he was supposed to take part in a conference in the french senate and tell what he himself saw in the gas while working there. new details have become known a high-profile case about the crimes of british special forces in afghanistan. this is stated in
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the materials of the british media following the results of the latest investigation into those events. the authors provide evidence. special forces officer, who spoke about the existence of a safe in which a dossier with evidence obtained from special forces soldiers was kept, then the safe disappeared, the information about the deliberate concealment of information was again confirmed, and also that the bodies of dead civilians, including children, were specifically they threw up weapons, which was supposed to show that they were militants? now journalists believe that we can talk about at least eighty killings of afghan civilians. unarmed detainees under suspicious circumstances, so far no one has been held accountable for these crimes. the authors of the material recall that in the years when these crimes were committed, this is the beginning of the 1910s, the british government was headed by david cameron, and he did everything to hush up the matter. let me remind you that this week memeron, who now heads the british foreign ministry, came
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kiev stated that it is not against ukrainian militants using supplied weapons for attacks deep into russian territory. on other topics: after heavy rains that occurred on the black sea coast in sochi and sirius, river levels may reach dangerous levels. the water rises quickly, the streams even carry away heavy equipment. an excavator that was clearing the riverbed was almost carried out to sea; at the last moment the driver managed to catch the parapet with the bucket. well, residents of the private sector are already reporting the first flooding. sadovoe partnership in matsesta.
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this morning it also got colder and it started snowing, which turned into rain 2 hours later. a storm warning in the region will remain in effect for at least another day. in the sverdlovsk region, after the passage of a powerful snow cyclone, 22.00 people remain without electricity in the city of dektyarsk, which suffered the most, the authorities introduced a state of emergency. due to bad weather , schools and kindergartens will not be open tomorrow . kirill bortnikov learned how to deal with the consequences of snowfall when the may snowdrifts melt. after. snowfall, which literally within a day, winter returned to the urals over yekaterinburg, the sun finally set, but the consequences of the rampant elements will have to be eliminated for some time. dozens of trees have been knocked down in the city and are being cut down to make way for sidewalks and roads. it was the heaviest may snowfall in recent decades, with up to 30 mm of precipitation falling across the region. it's completely unusual to see this. well,
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it’s generally a great happiness for the child, of course, he can play in the snow again. it arrived after the night frosts. therefore, yesterday's snowdrifts slowly but surely began to melt, if on the roads, instead of snow porridge, there is already asphalt, then on the sidewalks there is still a bare layer, some paths have been cleared, and some paths have not been cleared, so you walk, trample, slip, fall, this one, by the way, is a descent, well, at most they will sprinkle sand, but it is very dangerous, city streets in some places have turned into a real skating rink, public utilities are trying to fight ice, sprinkle reagents, here in revda, and this city...
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the busy season continues for power engineers due to bad weather, residents of several populated areas points remain without power for more than a day; emergency crews are restoring broken power lines around the clock. on this section of the line we replace supports and reupholster. we have four teams doing the work, from the chelyabinsk region, from the sverlovsk region. the group involved at the moment is about 450 people and more than 120 units of special equipment. we plan to complete all emergency restoration work today. all restrictions on heavy-duty buses have already been lifted on the region’s highways. roads were closed due to icy conditions and poor visibility.
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pavel zarubin promises to tell in detail about the new car of the head of state in the moscow kremlin putin program today immediately after the final release of the news. in our program we have repeatedly shown you the presidential aurus, and now for the first time aurus after the deep one.
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the most important change is the appearance, we changed the front part of the entire car, that is, the front optics have changed, the grille has changed, the bumper has changed, the hood has changed, the wings have changed. only at we have the opportunity to compare the auurus, which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago, with the updated car, just like the first car, the second one was completely designed by our guys, our designers and... and the headlights became narrower, yes, but it generally looks like the whole photo , like a person’s face, just as you can’t talk about the eyes separately, you can’t talk about the headlights, but
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besides, besides just the appearance, this car is more modern, there will be surprises at the upcoming inauguration, which we can only hint at for now. and the aurus project has in general, there are still many innovations ahead. the next stage is the twenty-sixth year, when a more in-depth, modified design of the platform itself will appear, but the next stage is the thirtieth year, this is not tied, in fact, there are specific significant dates, we are following the planned schedule that was originally formed. on may 7, the country begins the next page of its history, the president of russia
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will take office, faithfully serving the people. this is news, this is what will happen next in our program: on the easter holiday, ukrainian militants committed a new terrorist attack in berdyansk. ukrainian military commissars catch conscripts in churches, huh. in kiev , marijuana was covered with disdain, a dress rehearsal for the victory parade took place in moscow today, and khargin is preparing to host a large russian-chinese expo. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live
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stream. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything when you are calm and complete. switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex.
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immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at viksas golf villas and seúds sharmal, a stunning world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of the rooms. and luxury villas ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits, sharma sheikh. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharm el shaigh, the first swiss hotel in the world to operate according to the system, all inclusive. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create
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memories. that will remain forever in your heart. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. hotel titanic deluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every number is... a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday - your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, that means, comrade, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defenses, to cover, the premiere for victory day, but i only have four planes on the move, i received the order, carry out, take off like snow up to your waist, flies, check , commander, the engines will stop.
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the temperature is off the charts, if detected, losses cannot be avoided, perform touches, fighters, the battle for crimea, from monday on rtr, flies, flies across the sky, songs coming from the heart, in the fog at the end of the day, songs over which you have no control there is time. songs of victory, festive concert of ildar abdrazav, may 10 on rtr. new russian cinema. your brother is there in the donbass, in the aurora battalion. so he’s alive, no one will know anything. alexander mikhailov. in short,
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you need to go there. and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakel, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, the call sign is a passenger, a militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion, on may 10 on rtr, this is news, we continue the release, on the
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ukrainian easter holiday. carried out a new terrorist attack in berdyansk, today a correctional officer was killed there. powerful explosions were heard today in the toll areas of ukraine, where military installations are located. now columns of smoke are rising into the sky, and explosions have also been recorded in poltava. polish foreign minister radislaw sekorski avoided answering the question: does warsaw support the idea of ​​french president emmanuel macron, and he gave a direct answer to the question: is poland considering the possibility of sending its troops. macron himself again spoke in a similar vein. by in french words. leader, his words about his intention to send french troops to ukraine are an attempt to create strategic ambiguity for russia. russia, as a strategic power, no longer gives us any transparency regarding its plans, and we should not give any specifics,
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macron said. at the same time, some french military experts refer to the former assistant to the us deputy secretary of defense stephen bryan, who writes that in fact macron has already sent about a hundred french soldiers foreign legion to participate in hostilities . forced mobilization in ukraine does not stop even on easter, tcc patrols do not hesitate to use the main orthodox holiday for the administration, kiev residents attend services en masse, and huge queues form outside churches. it doesn't work out for everyone. representatives of the ocu kicked out the parishioners who came from the willow, accusing them of russian propaganda. elderly women who cannot stand up for themselves are targeted. easter in ukraine under the zelensky regime has turned into a real demonic holiday.
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the final rehearsal for the victory parade took place. over 9.00 people marched solemnly along the paving stones of red square. these are representatives of all genera and species. troops, cadets of the suvorov and nakhimov cadet schools. as part of a mechanized column , 70 units of equipment drove along the stands. in the final part , aviation groups flew over the city. veterans across the country are receiving congratulations on the eve of the great victory day. in yekaterinburg , personal parades were held for front-line soldiers. solemn the soldiers of the company, the guard of honor, marched. the orchestra performed songs from the war years. a flash game took place on theater square in moscow.
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residents of the liberated city placed portraits of relatives who fought at the front, as well as russian and soviet flags, on the windows of educational institutions. the immortal regiment is marching across the planet. a few hours ago , hundreds of people gathered at the russian embassy in ankara. these are employees of the diplomatic mission, our compatriots living in turkey. participants of the action unfurled the st. george ribbon and brought portraits of their relatives, front-line soldiers and concentration camp prisoners. because of the big one. the number of people wishing to join the procession around the diplomatic mission has strengthened security measures. the action has already been held in several cities of argentina in buenos aires, participants gathered at the monument to the fighter for independence in latin america, josé do san m martin. about 80
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people marched in columns; they brought with them not only portraits of veterans, but also a copy of the victory banner. a procession in memory of veterans was held in new york, the most famous crossing megapolis, brooklyn bridge. dozens of people carried portraits of participants in the second world war to the songs of victory day and katyusha, and then laid flowers at the monument to the fallen soldiers. as the russian youth society of america said, there were attempts to prevent the protest from taking place, but in the end they managed to come to an agreement with the police. the immortal regiment has already marched in frankfurt, the participants carried russian tricolors through the streets of the city, and after the procession they staged an impromptu concert and sang songs from the war years. to other topics: various regions of the world are experiencing the consequences of the rampant water disaster in brazil in the south, on the border with uruguay the number of flood victims has reached 56 people, another 74 were injured, 67 are listed as missing, the worst
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flood in 80 years has somehow affected 400,000 residents. the administrative center of the state, the city of porto allegri, is completely under water. experts are still finding it difficult to say when the water will begin to subside. in turkey, the city of jizra, with a population of one hundred and fifty thousand, on the borders of syria, was flooded. stormy streams mixed with mud flow through the streets, demolishing cars and garages and small structures. at the same time, drivers of cars with... clearance continue to travel on business, despite the bad weather. in the united states, there is a rise in water levels in several areas of texas that were flooded due to heavy rains. much of houston, the largest city in the state, is underwater. local authorities declared a state of emergency in eighty- eight counties - that's about a third of the entire texas territory. residents are urged to evacuate in advance, and those who did not have time are rescued by boats. in only more rain is forecast for the state over the next few days. the administrative center of the northernmost
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province of china is preparing to host a large russian-chinese expo, it will open its doors in harbin in 2 weeks, the city has always been one of the centers of cooperation between the two countries, there is even an orthodox church open here, the only one in china that is not considered the one on embassy premises. about a chinese city with a rich russian history, report by alexander baletsky. every year before easter hin, more often she appears as lyuba comes to russian. bakery to bake prosphora. here is the blessed virgin mary and two angels, that’s what’s written, i don’t know that anymore, i don’t speak russian. a descendant of the albazin cossacks, who ended up in china during the reign of the emperor, she observes all orthodox canons, with easter cakes she can’t do without the help of a russian baker, but heyin tries very hard, for jumenfey, he has russian blood from his grandmother, easter cakes are also from childhood, when my grandmother cooked, there was flour and plum. in their family, the russian
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orthodox tradition was not forgotten even in the cultural revolution, when it was not customary to talk about russianness in china, and eggs were painted and then beaten with them, the chinese still like red ones most of all. the intercession church in harbin, the only one functioning in china, the assumption church in beijing is still on the territory of the russian embassy, ​​here it is the chinese orthodox church. everyone knows him, but mostly the parishioners are chinese, descendants of russian emigrants. harbin was called eastern moscow. saint sophia, business card. st. sophia cathedral, here, however, has long been a defunct temple, museum, the main symbol of the city founded by the russians as a station of the chinese eastern railway, being here today before the chinese is like visiting. russia, harbin is where residents of the middle kingdom
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often begin their acquaintance with russian history and russian culture. the famous katyusha on the main pedestrian street jun dadze, also known as arbat, shops lure tourists with motreshkas and sausage, but the longest queues here are already in the morning for bread. nowadays cream is often added to bread and milk, and it doesn’t have the same taste at all, but that’s all as it should, this is russian bread, harbin people. this is exactly what we are used to. in harbin they even pronounce it in the russian manner of daleb and bake it from russian flour. simpler, products and a lot of things, yes, they are sensitive, sensitive, ecological, real. this winter, harbin generally turned out to be the most popular tourist destination in china, 3 million guests in the first 3 days of the new year alone, and the chinese came here precisely for the russian flavor, it is everywhere. legendary modern hotel, restaurant. vertinsky and chaliapin once dined and performed, or so
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right opposite the monument to the red army soldiers who liberated manjuri from the japanese in 1945 and another restaurant. here, they say in china, they prepare the best borscht in the middle kingdom. every day we eat 200-300 plates of borscht. in 2 weeks the city will be overwhelmed again by a wave of guests. harbin is hosting the russian-chinese expo, which will bring together hundreds of companies. the city with russian history will once again become the center of russian-chinese relations. and today patriarch kirill held a communication session
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with the iss, the head of the russian orthodox church noted that the astronauts have an important task and goals, they work for science and the good of the country, all this arouses gratitude and admiration among people. the patriarch wished the astronauts strength, health and blessed them for their flight. in response, the crew thanked the representatives of the russian orthodox church and congratulated all russians. unfortunately, we cannot be away from our families on this day. try the easter cake, but our hearts and souls, of course, are on earth, thank you for the warm words, the procession and easter services took place in the northernmost orthodox monastery in the world, you...
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the twenties of the next century, the brothers mastered road transport, the fortieth year, the last portrait of hieromonk paisius, arrested and shot in december. the northernmost monastery of the country had to struggle for existence for centuries in the 15th century, the swedes dealt with the monks and parishioners, 116 people died,
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the monastery was ravaged and destroyed many times, but today they say christ is risen in it, celebrating the main holiday. glorious , so an hour before the festive service, father gury added pallets to the heating system cathedral, gure took his monastic name in honor of one of the martyrs, he predicted the massacre several years before the events themselves, they, in principle, could give some kind of battle, that is , yes there, because there were such brothers, that is, like warriors there were many former robbers, the abbot, so guri he said that we would, as it were , accept death, because our elder bequeathed to us, that is, we must fulfill the will of god, everyone is happy, like who comes to our monastery, who comes to worship , of course we are waiting for people, and there is no doubt, that in the polar monastery people find spiritual light and their support. oleg pasobin, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvostnyuk, lead the mormon region. about the main events
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of the last seven days in the final news with ernest mackeyuchis. watch today at 20:00. what kind of packages take so long to explode in postal warehouses in odessa? why are 11 military people now losing thousands a day? three settlements have been cleared of nazis over the past 2 weeks. abrams from so many liberated berdychs is already on poklonnaya hill. how was captured nato equipment assessed? foreign otash? where we are heading now, they will never be replaced by artificial intelligence, they live separately, are supplied and prepared. i can’t show you where, because this place is classified, they see the enemy and decide his fate at a distance of thousands of meters,
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unique technologies and unique people. alexander sladkov about what the russians are preparing for the enemy. in the colony. work for children and teenagers. the task is to respond to messages using a ready-made text in whatsapp and telegram. salary up to 6,000 rubles per day. who makes a child drop? why children's cybercrime has increased 70 times. how can this be stopped? learn about
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tourist routes in north ossetia and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of protected areas. even walk among wild animals. a new museum space has opened in the camp, where, with the help of augmented reality technologies, you can truly feel unity with nature. well, the museum is ready to receive up to 500 guests daily , alexander kundukhov met with the interactive exhibition. this unique facility was built in just 3 months. visitor center the north ossetian state nature reserve was established at the entrance to the olagir gorge. there are nine halls in which the museum itself is assembled. interesting material from several decades. here we present an interactive multimedia map, this map corresponds to the relief of the north caucasus mountains and protected areas. that we present, we present them thanks to three avatars corresponding to each territory. this room will display
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the animals and plants most commonly found in the protected area. in all halls use non-standard digital solutions, for example, this interactive red book. you turn the page, your tour of the red book begins. this is a hall of paleontology, the stands contain real artifacts, from the era to this is an interactive showcase, there are real samples, but if we click on the window, we get more detailed information about each exhibit. in recent years , more than 32 photographs have been taken on the camera trap, more than 15 thousand video materials have been collected at this stand the best. through such lenses you can literally look into the wild, for example, there are bears here.


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