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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:21pm MSK

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everything else falls away, yes, there is me and you, and everything that is easy to settle with the help of a lock, there is me and you, everything that is threesome can be easily settled with the help of a lock, friends, thank you very much for ... with us, have a good evening everyone, take care of yourself and your loved ones, write letters, dreams come true, goodbye, on the russia tv channel, big sunday news in... hello, the main events
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of this day of the outgoing week are in our issue. ocheretina is completely under the control of the russian armed forces. what kind of packages are taking so long to explode in postal warehouses in odessa? like the ukrainian armed forces in 4 months they lost 11. military people, why are they now losing thousands a day? three settlements have been cleared. nazis in the last 2 weeks. abrams and so many liberated berdychs are already on poklonnaya hill. how did foreign otash evaluate the captured nato equipment? where are we going now? here you can clearly see, from above, how far the front has gone from artyomovsk. unique footage filmed by the group of mikhail andronik, who committed.
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combat mission as part of a flight of helicopters, they will never be replaced by artificial intelligence, they live separately, are supplied and trained, i can’t show where, because this place is classified, they see the enemy and decide his fate at a distance of a thousand meters, unique technologies, unique people, alexander sladkov, about what russian snipers are preparing for the enemy. verbal intervention. did cameron understand what he said? what will britain learn after possible strikes with british weapons deep into russia? why did the house of the head of the rain metal concern burn down? a fire broke out at a plant in berlin that produces iriste complexes for ukraine. psychologists analyze scholz's nervous laughter. auruus new version. how will it change car of the head of state after he took office? and now, for the first time
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, aurus after a deep restyling, every detail of vladimir putin’s inaugural car. exclusive details and footage from pavel zarumin. bologna process 2:0. unified standard of protest. following america , eu universities burst into flames. the scenario is familiar, how it ended for europe. half a century ago, my name is puyi, in 1908 i became the emperor of china, why did he serve japan, what sensational data was discovered by the soviet landing force that captured his plane in august forty-fifth, alexey denisov about the secrets of the last chinese emperor, again a deuce, but not in the diary, in the colony. work for children and teenagers, the task is to answer...
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germany. i died, no, she hid for a while, the main songs about the great patriotic war are performed by foreign artists in the very heart of russia, why aren’t they afraid? the entire orthodox world today
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celebrates the most important and beloved christian holiday - easter. hundreds of millions of parishioners are 325 dioceses on all continents at night. jesus christ. this event is the basis christian faith, a symbol of victory over death and hope for eternal life. on the bright easter night in moscow, in the cathedral of christ the savior, patriarch kirill performed a procession of the cross, easter, morning and divine liturgy. vladimir putin celebrated the holiday together with believers in the main cathedral . the president congratulated everyone on easter sunday and noted that easter celebrations have in our... sent to the primate of the russian orthodox church, about how russians celebrated the holiday about traditions and meanings, my a congratulatory telegram from the head of state , colleague dmitry kaistra. the great easter
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service begins a few minutes before midnight, a procession with the holy fire, which is delivered. sings the easter canon in eight parts. an encoding is performed for each song of the canon. the clergy walk around the temple several times with a codel in their hands. the president prays with believers on this special bright night.
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christ will rise again. christ of the resurrection. resurrect, rise again. in the decorated temple , all the candles and lamps are lit. patriarch kirill addressed all believers. the holiday of holy easter is so important for all of us that it instills confidence, hope that the lord is with us, he has risen, he is present in our history, he is with us. and in order not to go astray from the path of life, we only need one thing: to maintain faith in him , to establish a connection with him through sincere prayer. orthodoxy historically. the foundation of the unity of our people. during the service , excerpts from the gospel are heard in various languages, including ukrainian. holiday of holidays and celebration of celebrations. this is what orthodox christians call easter. tens of thousands
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of believers celebrated this bright holiday in temples and churches, monasteries and chapels, throughout the canonical territory of the russian church. on the most important holiday of orthodox christians. with the waters of the main temple of the russian armed forces, all together, representatives of different branches of the military, prayed for victory for their fatherland. and the sailors performed a service under the majestic arches of the kronshtat naval cathedral of st. nicholas the wonderworker, which was built, and after decades of desecration, the means of the sailors themselves were restored, for the glory and greatness of russia. christ will rise again! prayers for russia, the president and the army, are offered up in all churches
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of the russian church on these funeral days. we pray today especially for our russian country, which is going through difficult, perhaps in some sense fateful, times.
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mercy, this is the cleansing of the soul, the resurrection of the soul of any orthodox christian, this is
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life, this is in the full sense of the word, we must live with joy, with harmony in the soul. easter is a holiday of special inner transformation, giving spiritual strength to survive any trials that more than once befell our ancestors, who defended the fatherland, as the militia heroes minin and pozharsky did in the 17th century, in the days of severe trials. in the militia of the defenders there was a kazan icon of the mother of god, and today on easter patriarch kirill donated the moscow copy of this revered icon to the cathedral of christ the savior, which is also dedicated to the defenders of the country from the european invaders of napoleon and it is not by chance that this temple stands in the very heart of moscow, in the very center of russia, as a symbol of the fact that from time immemorial our fatherland has rested on the exploits of its defenders. please accept this image.
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there is no fear, in the past i was a military man, and also a sapper, so
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they looked for a singer among the choir boys for a long time, they did not find anyone willing, in the end maria went to the banks of the dnieper, this is support for soldiers, and they need this support, and even more so for christians, easter is the most important holiday, the easter service is a very important service. before the start of the divine liturgy, everyone waited for the fasting command aerial surveillance, the sky is clear and almost... combat so that enemy drones cannot cause harm. after the divine liturgy
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, the sacraments of confession and communion. as a farewell, father hilarion gave the artillerymen of the dnepr group icons, small ones, only 5x7 cm in size, so that they could carry them with them. such miniature or, as they are also called, road horses, were painted by nizhny novgorod craftswomen for the holiday. the technologies are the same as for large icons, natural paints, applied in layers. only more work painstaking, our samples are most often large, we need to somehow choose what to emphasize, so that the icon does not run away, so that the attention of the worshiper is present. for the past 2 years , the pokrov training center for church specialists has been sending icons to the special operation zone for our military, the most popular images being st. george the victorious and st. nicholas the wonderworker. and of course, he was saved by someone not made by hands. for many centuries, it is with this face on the banners that russian
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troops go on the attack. we can kind of help like this, that is, we can, well, increase grace, to increase the light so that maybe somehow victory would be closer. all military bakers were busy preparing the holiday for the soldiers from the front line; here, inside the field bakeries throughout holy week, for baking for the holiday of easter, for personal diversity in the diet, we bake baked goods and bake easter cakes so that every soldier has such an easter cake. a baker with the call sign rostov is preparing another batch of easter cakes: flour, eggs, milk and a dozen other ingredients, adding raisins for taste. the recipe is simple, but time-tested. i have had this since childhood, since my grandmother was a baker herself. early in the morning , she and i got up and started preparing the dough, and i became interested. and after all this
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, i decided to become a chef. after 8 hours, first knead the dough from a diesel army stove. finally the ruddy bags come out, they are covered with glaze, decorated and sent to the front line, they will illuminate the dugout churches, christ will rise again, even after the end of the service the artillery does not immediately leave the dugout church, they are left alone, to pray a little more, others write notes, for the health of those colleagues who are nearby and for the repose of those who died fulfilling their military duty, since here we are all...
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ukrainian believers today also celebrated easter, despite warnings from military administrations, thousands people came to churches. there were long queues at the churches in kiev and odessa, however, even this holiday was supported by supporters.
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arseny without the right to post bail. the priest allegedly announced the location of ukrainian armed forces checkpoints near kramatorsk right during the liturgy, although in fact, the metropolitan simply reported discrimination against parishioners, whom the authorities prevented
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from entering the monastery by placing an armed checkpoint on the road, which checked the documents of pilgrims. according to the ukrainian union of orthodox journalists, the sbu is deliberately discrediting and eliminating the synod participants so that those remaining agree to transfer to the ocu controlled by the kiev regime. russian troops in the donetsk direction have completely liberated the village of ocheretina. the ministry of defense announced this today. promotion news comes now from four directions at once. after breaking through the avdievka trap, russian units launch flank attacks. leveling the line of combat contact, nova-bakhmutovka, semyonovka and berdyche were liberated, parts of the southern group of troops entered the enemy’s defenses at kleshchievka and chasov yar, one of the largest fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction, a brick factory in krasnohorivka, was taken under control, the tactical situation in area of ​​the village of arkhangelskoye and the village of keramik,
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most importantly from the special operation zone near andrey grigorieva. near avdievka , russian t-80s are marching singly in pairs, firing at the forest belt where the enemy is still hiding. we go first , followed by infantry. here they are, the assault troops jumping off the armored vehicles. and in a matter of minutes they occupy enemy positions in the trenches. this footage shows the flight of the unit to the ssu from the village of arkhangelskoye. today the father is completely freed. in the avdeevsky direction , our army advanced towards novopokrovsky, sokol and novoalleksandrovka. eastern forces clear the area around novokalinov and ceramics, from berdycheya and semyonovka, russian armed forces on target.
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sergei shaigu awards the stars of heroes of russia, the highest state award, to those who have distinguished themselves the most, in the ranks are members of assault units, such as senior sergeant buyan kular, who personally participated in the liberation of populated areas. they approached unnoticed, destroyed a larger section of the enemy's retaliation, and secured a foothold in the main direction. and even engineering troops, a pontoon crossing across one of the rivers in the zone of a special military operation, organized under... fairly short deadlines allowed us to evacuate civilians
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and quickly transfer the association's troops from one direction to another. this week , the minister of defense was shown new means of combating enemy drones, and he also inspected anti-aircraft machine guns. look, if we are here somewhere in this place. at first, ukrainian propaganda habitually tried to pass it off as a strike on a civilian object, but the fire was so strong that even when it was extinguished, repeated
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explosions were still heard that it was necessary to admit that it was in the containers british long-range storm shadow missiles were stored, the new post office has long been used to deliver weapons to the armed forces of ukraine, and in its trucks there are brand new armored vehicles, it is important that in the middle of the country. so that inside the country the places where stormshadow and other types of weapons are stored are not drained, russian missiles do not fly there and destroy our replenishment of ammunition for high-precision long-range weapons. exactly the same thing happens with any ukrainian ammunition depot, here is a hit in a camouflaged field, small at first explosion, and then detonation, flames bursting to the skies. the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 25 group strikes with precision weapons. unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which objects of the energy transport infrastructure of ukraine and an enterprise of the military-industrial complex were hit. in the deep
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rear near the village of ostroverkhovka, a russian missile destroyed the western airisti air defense complex, and control vehicles and launchers immediately burned and charges detonated. two american soldiers were shot down on the march near kharkov. hymers, here they are going to the border with russia, obviously to open fire on the cities of the belgorod region, but... they were noticed in time , hit, the first with a ballistic iskander, the second, it is clear that the explosion was much smaller from our tornados system, russian fighters drove under avdeevka into a trap and drones, and then destroyed another abrams with artillery. artillery preparation continues on the southern donetsk front, the main task of which is to prevent the ukrainian armed forces from drawing up reserves. they hit a convoy of pickup trucks with manpower there, they hit them. our troops are entrenched on the outskirts urozhayny and staromaisky continue their offensive along the mokrye yely river, the bridge connecting vremevka bolshaya
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novosyolka has been destroyed, and this allows us to say that the supply of the ugledar group of the armed forces of ukraine is now virtually cut off, its defeat is only a matter of time. we took the settlement of kotlyarovka, kharkov region, we continue to liberate our land further, and this is the north, kharkov region, tanks and barracks of the armed forces of ukraine are burning, here. the enemy’s firing point is visible through the window, and a second later kaze drones fly in there. ukrainian armed forces soldiers are coming in the trenches, now they are covered from above by a uav attack, from such attacks the russian troops are reliably covered by the tor system. one shot, one hit. there are usually no misses. you are responsible not only for yourself, for your own calculations, but for the civilians who are under the object that we are covering. they even learned to shoot down shiraka. the highly advertised american atak ms missiles, which have just entered service with the ukrainian armed forces. in this video, the work of our unmanned units was omitted. by
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hidden warehouse, by location. the weapons arsenal control center in an abandoned private house is methodically destroying everything that comes into the field of view of russian intelligence along the line of combat contact. andrey grigoriev, alexander ivankov, lead. over the past 24 hours, russian troops destroyed a warehouse of western missiles in odessa and a radar station in the kharkov region. warehouses and workshops for the production of rocket fuel and weapons for drones were hit. the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 1,100 servicemen. another abrams tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, including bradley and 25 field artillery guns from the donetsk front, reports from military correspondents, news: mikhail andronik made a combat flight together with a flight of helicopters from the uchasor army aviation, and pavel prokopenko went on duty along with anti-aircraft gunners. approaching the target, launching missiles, evasive maneuvers, and only then the forward air controller
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will report that he will call the army. aviation group of forces south recorded a launch from a stinger man-portable anti-aircraft missile system. the missile passed by, but it was precisely for such a case that combat helicopters are always accompanied by a mi-8 search and rescue team. if something happens , i contact our crew commander and sit down if, say, one of our helicopters was shot down. the task of the search group specialists is to constantly observe combat helicopters; the mi-8 crew is busy piloting a heavy machine. rescuers are closely monitoring the environment. we are flying along the line of contact, the k-52 and mi-28 helicopters are now working, it is clearly visible from here, from above, how far the front has gone from artyomovsk. the city itself is still unsafe here the enemy's artillery and kamikaze drones are working, but the enemy's attention is mainly focused on the line of combat contact. for an unfamiliar person, a flight over the western outskirts of artyomovsk in a helicopter is breathtaking and
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tickles your nerves; everything around you is on fire. shells are falling every now and then, the situation is tense, now there are tough assault operations taking place there, just like i was part of the 98th guards division, they are really great guys, they work there under pressure, they are under pressure, under pressure and - the enemy just doesn’t have time come to your senses all of ours are operating, working in a precise manner, now they are being pressed from three sides; the paratroopers are supported by a mass of other units of the group of forces in the south; those militants who did not have time to surrender remain. only documents. passports of liquidated militants in usa , born between 98 and 2000, women, youth, the west has achieved amazing success in exterminating the ukrainian population. shot. at a minimum distance from the line of combat contact, the advancing infantry is supported by the mortars of the torch detachment. this is a unit of the volunteer corps in composition of the southern group of troops. most of those who serve here have
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solid combat experience behind them, including business trips. some part of the lives of the children of everyone else, all the old people, women, men, all social workers who come under their shelling, a gun, a shot, the guns here do not stop for days, there are enough targets for everyone, mortars and rocket artillery and howitzer crews, the latter is ours there was a self-propelled defeat. mortar crews also had defeats, well, in general, we try to move along the front, volunteers torch squads are trying on atvs, so there is a better chance of dodging the kamikata drone behind the enemy, attention, air, ubiquitous air surveillance posts, flying squads to combat enemy drones, mobile
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electronic equipment. this is a reality that very quickly came to the battlefield of a special military operation, this is such a small bird, as we call it here, but it brings damage, but we have already learned to fight with them, even in the old grandfather’s way, this is a double-barreled shotgun, the old proven one, double-barreled shotgun, shot, we already have many cases when we shot down directly with these double-barreled shotguns, no matter what kiev did... whatever nato weapons appear on the battlefield, our defenders will find a way to outwit the enemy. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, magomed bashir aliyev, andrey ostashev, donetsk people's republic. bright flashes in the night sky, the anti-aircraft division of the first army corps of the southern group of forces finds and destroys targets even in pitch darkness. beard 400-400 meters to inspect. but the main work, of course, is during the day, anti-aircraft
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installation. the numbers in the name indicate the caliber, this is still a soviet development, designed to destroy large air targets, including airplanes and helicopters, but our anti-aircraft gunners have learned to destroy them. with the help of enemy drones, it ’s very difficult, there’s a collimator, there’s optics on it, so we’re aiming approximately, now we’re already trying to shoot it down with light guns, we have an observer on the ground, he says approximately the square where he’s flying, it works on the drone, it creates an explosive cloud , each bullet explodes, the drying shoots very much, there are 100 in the tape, shooting comes from two barrels, here are the trophies, all this was shot down by anti-aircraft gunners of the first army corps fpv drones vampires women and gas suspension from other drones. lately , cases have become more frequent that the komikaze
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carries two or three of these drones on himself, respectively, he makes a reset, if for reset, he throws it out, respectively, why is it bad to work on finishing moves. in the first building everyone is from donetsk, many of those who have been at the front since 2014 are different. 18 that i am sitting and the young guys are fighting, waited until he was 18 years old, a month later he immediately went to serve, because here, now we are defending our homeland, his artillery crew is pushing the enemy away from donetsk, constant rolls, that is, a change in the position of the d-20 gun, indicate
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that the front is on the move, shrapnel, land mines , a complete arsenal, everything needed for a cannon, all this will now go to the other side of the front. another irreplaceable member of the zenidchikov crew. there is a squirrel in the car, the dog has an honorary command place, it’s no coincidence, you say, guard it, it won’t let anyone in, what place does it have, next to it, passenger, not driving, the crew returns from combat work to the set table, there’s a lot of meat, half a cow, to say that it’s there, well, well, that is, this is not a canteen option, after lunch it would be nice to rest, but no, back to combat task, anti-aircraft gunners, as they themselves say, plant from a thousand to 2000 rounds of ammunition that survived...
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captured equipment is represented by those who knocked it out, what we now know about nato tanks and what else is waiting on poklonnaya hill, why the head’s house burned down. of the rhein metal concern , a fire broke out at the berlin plant, producing irista complexes for ukraine. psychologists dismantle the nerve of scholz's laughter. zelensky vs. bohdan khmelnytsky. why the main symbol of ukraine has become dangerous to the kiev authorities. aurus - new version. how the car of the head of state will change after he takes office. and now for the first time, aurus after a deep restyling, every detail is inaugural. vladimir putin's car. exclusive details and footage from pavel zarubin. for the first time aurus after a deep
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restyling. a completely new look for the car. let's find out what will surprise you. only here opportunity to compare. which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago with an updated car and what other surprises await on the day of the inauguration the driver needs partronics , it is important how high-class president putin’s driver now works in what situations a very good car i like putin’s car has been in over the past 6 years. on wheels, get ready to learn to see, like never before, moscow, the kremlin, putin, look today at rtr. kalinon belek
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is a place where time stops. immerse yourself. sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true perfection, embodying... you into reality, hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection. welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharmalsheikh. rixsas radomis sharmel-sheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's a town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. pixos radomis sharmelsheikh. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharmelsheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. riksos sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is
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a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. discover a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment! welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic bodrum. on the day of victory. they took the seventh grade school and went to the front. it's in my throat. dark night.
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songs from the bottom of my heart, a big holiday release on may 9th on rtr. attention everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone. premiere for victory day. we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans. i ordered the transfer of the pathan to the 267th regiment, major roman. so what? you? “come on, romanov, who mr. imprisoned, then you from me personally, special thanks, let’s go dance, nikolaevich, i don’t dance, don’t dance and don’t drink, here she is an example of what kind of officer you have, she behaves like the last one, welcome to ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, only penalty soldiers are going into battle, the tasks are not easy , you will have to fight in the enemy’s operational tuna, the battle for the crimea, let
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’s all get ready for the battle. go. i said, take the fight. monday on rtr. big sunday news is on the air, we continue the broadcast. today new footage of successful strikes by our troops against the opposition came from the northern military district zone. and enemy equipment. in the kharkov region, intelligence officers discovered a militant unit at a training ground, after which it was immediately struck, and near arkhangelsk, russian fighters knocked out an american m113 armored personnel carrier. and footage of another leopard being killed. first, the tank was hit by artillery, and then it was finished off by a lancet drone. several days earlier, the ssu had already lost one leopard. one cat is missing. also this week, our uberdyche fighters neutralized
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the abrams, this is how they inspect the tank, and under an hour of light after a successful defeat by an fpv drone, the ukrainian t-64 was simply torn apart due to the detonation of the ammunition. the czech dana self-propelled gun and the german fh70 howitzer had a similar fate. samples of destroyed nato equipment can be seen on poklonnaya hill in moscow until the end of may. from the special operation zone, material evidence was delivered there that it was the west that was trying to use the hands of ukraine to fight with russia, the guides, soldiers of the russian army, and this equipment came from there. knocked out, the exhibition immediately caused a stir among russians and foreigners. my colleague grigory vdovin talks about why it is so important and needed right now. if bochina, then of course in the bc, but if i see him, only his forehead, then most likely under the tower. the ministry
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of defense promised that they would talk about the damaged equipment in an informative and vivid manner, but the storytellers really came right up. in donbass awards on the chest of our interlocutor although not much, but what a hero of russia, an order of courage, for services to the fatherland, with swords and a medal for courage, all ignited with such foreign iron. his bc is located in the back of the tower. i have a large collection, ranging from some pickup trucks, some hummers, to weapons such as leopard and bradley. and they already had abrams and leopards in their crosshairs, even the british challenger, they are also waiting for it on poklonnaya hill, it will arrive, apparently later, who else but the anti-tank gun operator knows about the enemy armored vehicles are larger and better than others, abrams has a lot of weak points, starting right between the turret and the hull, anyone,
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like an rpg, immediately flies in, can even knock it out, attracts the most attention to itself, of course, whole vyvokrams, there are them here... a mine clearing machine , oh, how much hope there was for it on the eve of the ukrainian counter-offensive, the evacuation vehicle, it was supposed to take a damaged tank away from the battlefield, here is footage of how it was unloaded on the contrary, well, the highlight of the program, the abrams tank itself, apparently , it was blown up first on mine, this is the one abrams itself from near berdych, this is a village outside avdeevka, after the tank was immobilized, it was most likely finished off with fpv drones, here was one of the hits, after which the tank burned,
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80 military attaches from 52 countries accepted the invitation and visited the exhibition , the usa and nato countries chose to abstain, it seemed that there was a representative from turkey and italy, but neither one nor
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the other could be identified, even the turkish kirpi armored vehicle, visible from all sides, by the way, has a flag attached to each piece of equipment. countries of production, there are quite exotic, for example, a strange-looking mamba car from distant south africa, went to the nazis from the kharkov kraken, judging by the emblem, we tried to find out an opinion from a representative of yura on this matter, it didn’t work out, passed by the car itself, she walked quickly and without looking , in the end, her boss, the south african brigadier general, still had to take the rap for mamba. here we see your mamba from south africa, how can you explain this?
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they also showed enemy hardware, now it’s possible and true, all this is more clear it would look opposite those diplomatic missions whose countries started everything that is happening, trying to fight with someone else’s hands.
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removed from the road, as we see, a little trick was used here, we can probably already reveal it, mines are wrapped in some old things, lights, jackets, sweaters, robes, so that they are dark in color and in the heat of battle the driver-mechanic simply didn’t notice them, that’s what let him down, well, that same m113 is already here at the exhibition, well, of course, it’s not exactly her, but it’s exactly the same as us we see the right side, side and tracks of this vehicle, unlike the one from avdeevka, intact, of course. those specimens that were better preserved were selected for participation in the exhibition. the exhibition will run throughout may,
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the organizers seem to emphasize that the exhibition may well expand, there is a lot of space on poklonnaya hill, as they say, send more. grigory vdovina and nikolai koskin, lead. the heroes of the special operation, who are currently conducting excursions at the exhibition of captured equipment on poklonnaya hill, will take part in the parade in a few days victory on red square. this morning a dress rehearsal for the upcoming procession took place in moscow; columns of military personnel from the suvorov, nakhimov, cadet and music schools marched through the main square of the country. also in the ranks are the young army soldiers, the cossacks, a combined military orchestra, more than 9 thousand people in total, they arrived in the center of the capital and... to the legendary t-34 tank. the final
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chord was the aviation part of the parade. despite the gusty wind in moscow, our pilots, including the famous air group the swifts clearly kept the time intervals in order. group of foreign creditors of ukraine. intend to seek from kiev the payment of interest on ukrainian obligations, the woll street journal writes about this today. before this, there was an agreement on credit holidays in the expectation that the conflict would end in 2024. however, peace negotiations are far away, and therefore the wall street journal believes that the kiev regime is threatened with default in just 3 months. recently, ukraine has issued bonds totaling almost $100 billion, and has never repaid any of it. today, the hong kong newspaper ajjah times published an article by former assistant to the deputy head of the pentagon, stephen bryan, which states that macron has already
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partially fulfilled his promise to send troops to ukraine. we are talking about the first 100 soldiers of the foreign legion who arrived in the area of ​​​​slavyansk and kramatorsk. in total , it is allegedly planned to send 1,500 legionnaires there. foreign legion units involved in many regional conflicts only. the officers there are citizens of france, the rest of the military personnel, foreigners, are considered by paris as expendable. the news about the transfer of legionnaires to donbass has already spread widely across world news agencies, but there is no confirmation of this information from other sources yet. but it is absolutely obvious that the kiev regime is in critical need of manpower, and some eu countries are preparing to conduct an audit of ukrainian male refugees, aged 18 to... according to brussels estimates , there are now almost 9,000 in the eu countries potential soldiers. poland stated that
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it was ready to return them to their homeland at zelensky’s request. we, of course, are not going to help draft dodgers, we don’t yet know what ukraine needs from us in this regard, but in principle the country has every right to draft its citizens. the czech republic and lithuania agree with sekorski. in velnius they even hinted that a pan-european plan was being prepared that would allow the deportation of age-appropriate ukrainian men in the thousands. in kiev they are eagerly awaiting such a decision; there is an understaffing in some units in the eastern front reaches. the head of our european bureau, mikhail antonov, talks about how long it will be possible to prolong the agony. when the ukrainian elite needs to present some successes to society, a carousel of unannounced visits begins to spin in kiev. the first person of the week to materialize at the bank was the nato secretary general. he had two news for his ukrainian charges: stoltenberg, of course, tried to smooth out the bad news. it turns out that ukraine
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is expected to join nato in the foreseeable future. "i truly believe that ukraine has a rightful place in the alliance, so i am working hard to so that ukraine becomes a member, but we need consensus, and i do not expect that we will achieve it by the july summit. for the sake of it, the guest from brussels did his best to praise the new law on mobilization, saying that with its help the armed forces of ukraine will receive as much manpower as they need, people, plus weapons plus money, the arithmetic of war until the last ukrainian. the second, supposedly good news, which soltenberg brought to kiev, was that nato is considering the option of five-year financing of the armed forces of ukraine through a specialized fund in the amount of 100 billion dollars, a decision on this may be made at the july summit in washington, but there is no clarity yet, we still need to work with our allies, some do not consider this good news. on tuesday we received a proposal on how the nato secretary general wants to collect these 100 billion dollars from member countries, this means that nato is counting
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on prolonging the war for another 5 years, and we know what risks this carries. as soon as stoltenberg left, duchess sophia of edinburgh, sister of king charles, appeared in kiev. for the first time someone from the british dynasty came look at what there is so much fuss about, wander through the museums, take a possessive look at what you can profit from here, what else zelensky’s gang hasn’t stolen, after all , the women of the saxon-coburg-goth family, they are also winzers, have a rich tradition of wearing other people’s diamonds , purchased on occasion for next to nothing. this is a sign for ukrainians, a powerful sign of support from great britain. after sophie, the head of the foreign exchange office, cameron, landed on the kiev pyron, who managed to puzzle the whole world, especially the agency reuters, which first posted the news that london, in the person of cameron , was giving permission for attacks on russian territory with british weapons outside the nwo zone, then removed it with a promise to clarify the wording, and finally returned it
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almost in its original form. it seems. cameron's statement at first caused some doubts in london itself, but in the end they decided that the word is not the sparrow itself, the culprit of the trouble in a somewhat blurred form, but repeated the same idea. ukraine has every right to strike back at russia. in number in the depths of russia. but this decision will be up to ukraine, but ukraine has the right to this. kemeren also brought to kiev, no, not 100 billion, but a hundred-year partnership between britain and ukraine, how about that. this week , the conservatives ruling the island suffered a humiliating defeat in the municipal elections, a failure that has not happened for 40 years; the prime minister can now only set the date for the general elections. however, there is no point in declaring the project of a century-long partnership between london and kiev stillborn in advance; maybe it will live. in
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regarding russia, labor is more likely to try to ensure. orban obviously too. europe is playing with fire at this moment. we are balancing on the border of war and peace. hungary has the unfortunate experience of participating in two world wars and budapest will not
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allow itself to be drawn into conflict a third time. the problem is that europe, as a single political organism, is with increasing difficulty resisting being drawn into a full-fledged war with russia, to which washington is pushing it; for the united states, problems are overseas - after all, europe was the beneficiary of the american dominance, she enjoyed the protection of the united states and could afford everything, arbitrariness against the weak, the notorious european socialism, economic expansion, and the price of this seemed to them 3 kopecks, just a complete
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surrender of sovereignty to the americans, as a result of which politicians such as barel, fonderlein, michel and others. now it's time for reckoning, the realization of how precious a thing sovereignty is, although this does not stop them from continuing. this means that ukraine must fight until it ends. everything is logical, the european union here the position completely coincides with nato. new batches of atgms and manpads will go to ukraine, as well as bradley infantry fighting vehicles and
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atakms tactical systems. 155 caliber shells will be sent. by the end of june, germany will ship another 20 leopard tanks to kiev, however, we are most likely talking about its oldest modification. but with the abrams, everything is from thirty american tanks. the ukrainian armed forces lost at least six in battles, the rest are said to be withdrawn from the front line in order to avoid further reputational losses for equipment produced by general dynamics. the situation with the supply of f-16 fighters is unclear. there is information in the western press that there should be underground shelters for them in ukraine during the summer, but the problem will not only be the placement of this equipment at airfields. for the f-16, this will be without a doubt the most difficult scenario with which. fighters collided. russian s-300, ultra-modern s-400 and a powerful fleet of su-35 and mig-31 with long-range missiles. and the f-16 will also have long-range
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reconnaissance aircraft capable of detecting targets hundreds of kilometers away. counter-measures in the west they are actively looking for air defense systems for ukraine. this week there was news that israel wants to abandon the use of old patriots in favor of its iron dome. no indication of intention to transfer decommissioned equipment. what a week without the traditional question to scholz, where are the taurus, why the wings of this missile are still not in ukraine, however, this time it was not asked by allies or political opponents, at a meeting with voters, in the so-called burgherdialogue.
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third, at the peak of inflation, he was amused by a pensioner’s question about compensation for rising prices from side of the state. scholz often laughs out of place, but psychologists are more likely to be on his side. they say this is how the chancellor reacts to stress.
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there are plenty of reasons for stress, partners are putting pressure, the economy is sagging, business is running out, the alternative rating for germany is growing, and then ukraine ’s own bundeswehr needs to be reformed and re-equipped. a tangle of plot problems is not at all for tiktok. last week, left-wing extremists burned down the country house of the head of the arms concern rhein metal, it was the chip of the week, but only until friday morning, when in the south of berlin the car warehouse caught fire. construction concern dil. it caught fire so much that by 14:00 the forward fire crews had to request reinforcements. the area is cordoned off. in some places , quite large pieces of melted roofing felt are lying around on the streets adjacent to the plant. there are still probably 500 meters to the source of the fire, but this indicates how strong the flame was. the exact cause of the fire is still unknown. a fire broke out on the first floor of the factory building and the fire spread. quickly
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onto the roof, causing part of it to collapse building. the problem is that we cannot get inside the building to the source of the fire, because rubble is in the way. the wind carries the smoke north, towards the city. the berlin fire department issues sms alerts regarding the threat of chemical poisoning. people are asked to avoid going out into the streets if possible and to close the windows in their houses. the warehouse that caught fire contained supplies of sulfuric acid and copper cionide. and this whole situation was seriously aggravated by what happened during the fire. risk of hydrogen cyanide, better known as hydrocyanic acid, which the basis for many combat gases, all this chemistry can end up in the sewer or in the spree flowing next to the plant, the situation is extremely unpleasant, but this happens regularly. the main nuance is that the diehl concern is a manufacturer of german irst anti-aircraft missile systems, which germany supplies to ukraine. the burned enterprise is perhaps one of the related companies in this... technological chain, and now
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i wonder what will happen next, apparently, it’s a matter of time before someone starts looking for a russian trace in this fire, against the backdrop of the spy mania manifesting itself in europe, this certainly won’t be surprising. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, inna koshkina and andrey putro. news berlin, germany. by the end of this week, the kiev authorities, with some effort , completed the destruction of one of the iconic landmarks of the ukrainian capital. arches of friendship of peoples. the monument was dedicated to the reunification of ukraine with russia and stood in the city for more than 40 years. naturally, this could not suit the maidan regime, and in recent years it has been abusing the monument as best it can. in 2017, the mark was repainted rainbow colors in support of lgbt. a year later , they glued an image of a huge crack to it, wanting to show that no unity was anymore possible. in the twenty-second year the monument
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was renamed the arch of freedom of the ukrainian people. at the same time, they demolished her symbol of friendship, a bronze sculpture of two workers. and finally, the sculptural group depicting the pereyaslav rada, which made that very historical decision on the transition of the zaporozhye cossacks to the russian kingdom, that is, was destroyed. freedom of the ukrainian people looks like this now: what’s striking is not even the barbarity with which the regime destroys more and more monuments, what’s puzzling is the selective attitude towards its own history, the sculptural composition next to the tsar’s ambassador vasily buturlin stands hetman bohdan khmelnytsky, not just an important figure for ukraine, one of the symbols.
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its statehood, his image is on banknotes, the monument erected to him back in the 19th century actually became the emblem of kiev. this monument has not yet been demolished, but the first touches on the symbol have already begun. in in chernigov, for example, in 2017 khmelnitsky was specifically turned with his back to moscow. there is also a monument in kiev to another no less significant historical figure, which the regime also cannot... manage to fit into the framework of its anti-russian ideology, this is the holy equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir. on the one hand, the authorities proclaimed him the creator of the self-invented state of rus -ukraine, on the other hand, they do not know what to do with the fact that vladimir belonged to the rurik family, the novgorod princes who came to kiev, expanding their possessions. so thus, with the continuation of the current policy of the regime regarding its own history, for the famous monument... the work of klott, by the way
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the oldest in kiev, there is every reason to fear for the monument to the legendary hetman, who radically changed the fate of his people when he led them out of -under polish oppression under the tutelage of moscow. direct declaration of war on poland. and boyar budurlin went to pereyaslov. why pereyaslov? kiev was completely slaughtered by the poles. there were no people left there. that's why. pereyaslo, pereyaslovsky times the town of pereyasl, where bogdan made a speech that, unfortunately, we ourselves cannot do anything, we can unite with our brothers. by faith, do you want this? the people answered: what we want and 350 years, 350 years, we are together, this was the official annexation of this part of our land to us, so when the ukrainians
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say that we are doing something there ourselves, you yourself, i have been for almost 30 years lived in kiev, 28, my friends, kiev...
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the coming week will be rich in important political events: on may 7 the presidential inauguration will take place in the kremlin. vladimir putin, who won the elections in mid-march with a historical result of more than 87%. votes will take office for a second six-year term, and a day later there will be a parade on red square and other ceremonial events in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. foreign leaders will come to moscow. in addition, it became known that an updated
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version of the presidential aurus car will be presented on inauguration day. we learn all the nuances and details from a fragment of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, my colleague pavel zarubin. exactly 6 years ago, inauguration vladimir putin, the country and the world, then for the first time, saw a completely new russian car, carefully examined every second, every frame, 6 years after the first presentation, the scientific research automobile and automotive engine institute of us presents itself to surprise the whole country, yes... once again the ministry of industry and all our creators are preparing for may 7 in order to show the restyled aura. in our opinion, it will be a very modern, interesting new product that will surprise both outside and inside. in our program we repeatedly showed you the presidential aurus,
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now for the first time, aurus after a deep restyling, every detail of vladimir putin’s inaugural car. this is a completely new look for a car, modern, fashionable and daring, an updated aurus senate, any person, the average person will tell you, this is the same aurus, it’s already so beautiful, but it’s really very beautiful, it’s been impressing everyone all these years, where it’s more beautiful, what changed then, that’s the main thing, so to speak, the change, the most important change is the appearance, we changed the front part, the mask is completely car, that is, the front optics have changed.
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talk about the headlights, but besides, besides just the appearance, this is a more modern car, at the upcoming inauguration they will talk separately about the eyes, there are no surprises, which we can only hint at for now, and the aurus project as a whole still has many innovations ahead, next stage 20'. year, when a more in-depth, modified design of the platform itself will appear, but the next stage is the thirtieth year, this is not tied.
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on may 7, the country begins the next page history, the president of russia will take office, faithfully serve the people, i will do everything in my power for this... this is always a very colorful ceremony, hello, comrades, but every point of this ceremony determines key and sometimes fateful events for the country . according to the constitution, on the day the new president takes office, the government resigns. further, according to the law, the president has 14 days to submit it to the state duma. candidacy of the prime minister on what the new one could be cabinet of ministers, putin was asked in
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march on the night after the elections, the president urged not to fuss. the question is now to determine who will work most effectively in what position so that the overall result and teamwork is maximized. i, together with my colleagues from the government, with the administration, with the leadership of the central bank, we will think about everything together, calmly in... part of the very significant powers, if today, today the president himself
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approves the chairman of the government, with consent of the state duma, and then, but he himself approves it finally, and then, without any consent of the parliament of the party, appoints ministers, in fact, the situation changes radically, now the final decision on the chairman of the government is made by the parliament itself, as well as on ministers, and the president does not have the right to make them reject. this is a significant part of the powers given to parliament, yes, the federation council does not approve security ministers, but still the president must hold consultations, this means that these people must come into the light of day, speak in the federation council, talk about themselves, talk about how they propose to organize their work, come to the federation council, report on this work, this is another step forward, gradually without jerks, but precisely in this direction . and therefore it is all the more important that
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despite significant changes in the political system, the main thing remains unchanged. a strong presidential vertical is absolutely necessary for our country, for russia. you will learn the details of all these events from the telegram channel of pavel zarubin, and also from the moscow kremlin-putin program immediately after our graduation. and then, the most important thing that happened during the week will be discussed in the studio of the sunday evening program with vladimir solovyov. this is the big sunday news, this is what will happen next in our program. they will never be replaced by artificial intelligence; they live, supply and prepare separately. i can’t show you where, because this place is classified. they see the enemy and decide his fate on...
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a single standard of protest, following america , eu universities burst into flames. the scenario is more familiar than this ended for europe half a century ago? my name is puyi in 1908. i became the emperor of china, why he served japan, what sensational data was discovered by the soviet landing force that captured his plane in august 1945. alexey denisov, about the secrets of the last chinese emperor.
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solemn. ceremony of inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest. it's not thinking about anything when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. welcome to rixa with premium magavish suds
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