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tv   Oshibka  RUSSIA1  May 5, 2024 9:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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all inclusive. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. hotel titanic delux golf belleg, where every moment is an exception. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. 9th may. the main holiday of russia. russia is starting
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a victory day telethon, the whole country is honoring the heroes of the great war, everyone who fought on the front line, everyone who worked in the rear, everyone who brought this day closer, everyone who won, we wholeheartedly congratulate the veterans, their descendants and those , who today... with exclusive interviews and reports at 10 am there is a big parade, live broadcast from red square, the whole country is watching the best russian films about the war.
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the legendary t-34, that the soldiers have run out, what? a century is enough for us. and for the first time on television there is a big film premiere of “the righteous”. is there no other way to get to this shore? no, just a bridge. went. the music of victory will be played on the russia tv channel. rask. the whole country listens to the deciduous green maple and sings this victory day, our main songs: the festive concert concert fire is deadly and the festive release of the song program with all our hearts will give you victory. on this great, unforgettable
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day we will sing our most favorite war songs. we are waiting for you at our festive table. the whole country is celebrating. russia celebrates victory day. so, comrade, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defenses except, the premiere for victory day, but i have only four planes on the move, i received the order, carry out, take off like snow up to your waist, take off, check, commander, engines rise, the temperature is off the charts, if losses are detected, it is inevitable to carry out supplies, fighters, the battle for crimea, from monday on rtr. this is great
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news for sunday, we are continuing the release. several video evidence of russian jewelry work snipers appeared online. this is filming from zaporozhye. a targeted shot at a group of ukrainian militants by a sniper from the 22nd separate guards special purpose brigade. in this footage , akhmat, a sniper from the aida special forces group, is working. two shots, two targets hit. there's a sniper room here. a brave couple disrupts the enemy’s rotation near avdievka. about training in the technical psychological training system for snipers, a report by military correspondent alexander sladkov. donbass, fifth brigade. snipers live separately, supplied and trained separately, constantly on combat duty according to a separate schedule. i can’t show you where, because this
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place is classified, the sniper is a person with a psychotic test. because of his mentality, he must think strategically, be able to make quick decisions, and at the same time he must be diligent, the result is to kill another person, the result is to complete the task that is assigned to you. people are recruited into the sniper unit by commanders and instructors, observing the candidates for a long time, without haste or excitement, giving them an opportunity to discover your abilities. and these are not only shooters, there are exclusive supporting specialties, kids who have passed the selection get into our group, shoot every day, practice every day, day shooting, night shooting, and accordingly we have guys who study in the laboratory, and for reloading ,
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in order for them to make high-quality, high-precision ammunition, high-quality high-precision rifles, this is a laboratory in which specialists prepare sniper cartridges. each under a separate shot, under a separate task, filigree micron work. we need a cartridge case, we need a capsule, we need gunpowder, we need a bullet, so we take these components, thanks to technical capabilities, we assemble a certain cartridge, for accurate shooting we need precise microscopes, tweezers, everything else, if we want to get a result, then for it we need make certain actions, and so half-shot, half-result.
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not to return, but this is of course, danger lurks at every step, but snipers are a priority target, they work on snipers everything, from ortas to birds to snipers, so underestimating the enemy is death, it’s serious, guys, by the way, i didn’t even think that snipers needed such a large number of control and measuring instruments, which they use even before the shot, huh. .. and we use a device to change the speed, which allows us to find out the drop of a bullet at a distance in order to compensate. the range of a direct shot, but no, this is not the range of a direct shot, it turns out to be the speed of the bullet falling relative to the distance, the bullet, when it leaves the barrel, it
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immediately begins to fall and always does this, i’m almost a sniper already, ready, green, falling, i’ll fuck you! at the moment i can say with confidence that at a distance of 250 m, this is a very good result, we are now testing rifles and we are selecting ammunition, so little by little, little by little, where is the person, where did you hit him, forehead to forehead, eye eye to eye, forehead, forehead, eye to eye, there are no questions, an experienced sniper, he understands where and how people are crowded, if his task is to observe, he observes, if his task... there is some kind of moral prohibition for opening fire, a man washes, a man shaves, a man has his back turned, well, if a person is my
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opponent, it doesn’t matter to me what he does, my task is to do that , that i was punished, now he is washing himself, then... he turned around, took a weapon and shot me. this is the night combat work of snipers of the fifth brigade. one shot, record the result, go home. yes, handsome. and thanks to those people who help us in the rear, we were able to purchase such wonderful rifles, made in order according to our technical specifications, which allow us to press targets.
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in last place, yes, because in this case it is the weakest link, the rifle, it is stable, the sight is usually stable, the ammunition is correctly assembled, it is stable, the person himself is not stable when in art. intelligence will replace the sniper, artificial intelligence, it can’t, it doesn’t have spirit, it doesn’t have the sense of feeling that, well , a person has, so in my opinion, in my opinion, at the moment no, alexander sladkov, pavel vydrin, final lead, donbass. almost 80% of the weapons that are currently used on special operations fronts were created at the enterprise. rostec, the russian military-industrial complex , has increased its capacity for the production
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of ammunition equipment and the latest weapons several times in just a year. the head of rostec reported to mikhail mishustin this week about the implementation of tasks related to the state defense order. according to sergei chemizov, in addition to the voluminous tasks of the military-industrial complex, the state corporation does not stop working on civilian research projects. about how under sanctions achieved by industrial and technology. the work of their own hands and another weapons masterpiece:
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the heavy flamethrower system tos-2, it is affectionately called tosochka, one full package, when hit, burns out an area the size of six football fields, i give the coordinates to the gunner, we aim and shoot, the machine works perfectly, we burn it out, runs the rostec corporation , which includes eight hundred scientific and industrial organizations, sergei chemizov, sum up the results of the past year. he was invited by the chairman of the government, you head a large state corporation, which includes hundreds of scientific, industrial enterprises, associations, which, despite unprecedented sanctions, solve the task set by the president, this is the achievement of the technological and industrial sovereignty of the country, and of course, an extremely important area is the implementation of all relevant... tasks related to the state defense order, since the beginning we have significantly expanded production capacity, and most of
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our enterprises have switched to a three-shift operating mode, almost 80% of the weapons that are used today in the zone were created at the enterprises of our corporation. particular emphasis is placed on the production of armored vehicles in the workshops of the ural carriage plant; there is literally no free space; as soon as one tank is completed, the next ones begin to be assembled in its place, so kvar. more and more new t-90 breakthrough vehicles are arriving, essentially only the shape remains of the regular t-90, all communication guidance systems have been modernized, for example, now the tank itself notices when they start aiming at it, when only we’ve aimed, there’s already a moment, these five-7 seconds, we can calmly work towards where the target came from. the aviation plant in komsomolsk-on-amur, part of rostec , regularly supplies fifth-generation fighters to the aerospace forces. su-57 , this machine can do everything in the air, and the new su-35 is already actively used in the skies above
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the nvo zone, now they don’t even need to fly close to hit targets. an aircraft bomb with a planning and correction module, these are the characteristic wings under a landmine, flies into the distance no worse than a rocket, rostec also produces these modules. these are flying aerial bombs, which are in great demand today, and such long-range weapons are very much needed today. the production of aerial bombs of all calibers is being increased. self-propelled guns were already called weapons of the past, but at rostec they were given a new life. the phlox self-propelled gun is a new product that has just entered service with the troops. the gun is designed in such a way that it can fire both as a canopy howitzer and as a direct fire cannon. and the maiwa self-propelled gun can fire seven shells per minute without heavy equipment. modern warfare is still the same. compared to the twenty-second year, the volume of production of overhauls of, say,
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tanks at our factories has increased by 3.5 times, lightly armored vehicles by three times, the production of shots for tanks of infantry fighting vehicles by almost nine times, and many rostec factories are an enterprise with dual technologies, like the lytkarino optical glass factory, from a furnace where the temperature is 1600°, workers take out a red-hot crucible, a bright red mass - this is the future glass that will be used... and civil and defense businesses. and so the workpiece cools in this form, about 3 tons of raw glass with predetermined properties. which ones only specialists know, but then they make them from similar blanks. all russian optics from theater binoculars to telescopes, from glasses for spaceships to optics for military equipment. a specialist can even determine from cast blanks which glass will be used for tank optics and which for radiation protection. our enterprise is unique in its own way, it has a complete closed production cycle, that is, we obtain
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raw glass from a mixture of raw materials, process it ourselves, and manufacture optical parts ourselves. rostec's sphere of competence is extensive from... it is new groundwork and new technologies that should become the prototype for future technological solutions that would be used in all areas, including in equipment that is supplied under state defense orders, including to the civilian sectors of the economy. another achievement of the corporation, the first in modern russia to have its own heavy turbine for power plants. today we have created our own large turbine gtd 10.10m and we are installing it at our shock station, which is being built on the taman peninsula, this is the first production turbine, and now we can say with confidence that we can be very important, very an important milestone, because i know that the corporation has been working on this for a long time to replace all western analogues,
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including turbines from siemens, we can leave neral electric, construction test on the taman peninsula. will provide energy stability in the entire south of the krasnodar territory, and then similar turbines will be produced for power plants throughout the country. alexey glovko, stanislav ponomarenko, alexander feaktistov and egor bushuev. news. in the coming hours, israel plans to launch a military operation in rafah, the last city in the gaza strip that remains under hamas control. an emergency statement was released by the israeli ministry of defense a few hours ago. negotiations with the palestinians, according to tel aviv. reached a dead end. now the idf is transferring motorized rifle units to the suburbs of rafah divisions. artillery preparation has already begun. plumes of smoke rise above the neighborhoods of rafah. several shells exploded in a refugee camp. the city is cut off from food and medicine supplies. another
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sign of unprecedentedly increased tension in the region was the unanimous israeli decision. in the gas sector , tens of thousands of students from leading western universities are now demanding; pro-palestinian actions on campuses are comparable in scope and geography to the youth riots of the sixties, which led to a series of high-profile resignations on both sides of the atlantic, and tough decisions regarding protesters are now often made by those who witnessed the french red may
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american march on the pentagon. about how events are developing this time... at portland state university , police catch up to drizzly stormtroopers in bicycle helmets with abacus from trash cans.
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a wave of anti-israeli or pro-palestinian protests has already covered more than 50 campuses across the country, and after two weeks it shows no sign of abating, tent cities, keffiyeh scarves,
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they are also called arafatki, and unshakable confidence in their provost. america has not seen such anti-war demonstrations at universities for the last half century, and the participants themselves admit that the spirit of these protests comes from the sixties. very likely, the same applies to the fact that the united states is financing this war, although it is not waging it in full. whatever happens there, the american government gives the go-ahead. the us invasion of vietnam in 1965 and the next 10 years of continuous carnage became the first war which ordinary americans saw in all its horror on their television screens. the reports from the distant asian country were stunning. tomorrow military reports will say that one american was wounded in action with enemy forces. the enemy's losses are unknown, but you saw how it all really happened.
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heroism, danger, fear, everything mixed together. words can't describe it. anti-war protests in the united states began in the first year of the war and did not stop until its end. 10 years that became a turning point for america gave birth to their own culture. from music. to the established subcultures, hippies, yapies, political and social movements, everyone protested, from students to feminists, flowers instead of cartridges and music against war, slogans of thousands of anti-war demonstrations of those years. the march to the pentagon in october '67 was the first anti-war march in the united states of this scale, with about 100,000 participants.
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johnson was in many ways a good president who introduced important domestic reforms, but he decided not to run in 1968 due to disagreement with his views on vietnam, the gas war as the fuel for the current demonstrations dictates its own rules, and although in palestine, unlike vietnam. there are no american military personnel, songs about peace and love are not heard at rallies on campuses, just as the protesters themselves are no longer the same as they were in the sixties, one of the striking
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illustrations of the current protest is friday prayer right in the middle of a tent camp at george washington university in the us capital . muslim students were able to pray freely on campus before, but now it is not just a religious ritual, it is part of the protest itself. already more than 80% of young americans are dissatisfied. white house in the war between israel and hamas, but biden has no recipe for solving problems either in the middle east or at home. the storming of hamilton hall at columbia university, the most violent episode yet of the current student protests, began simultaneously with this presidential announcement. we will not protect participants in violent protests, when violence occurs - it is illegal, damage to property, non- peaceful protest - it is illegal. vandalism, trespassing on private property, breaking windows, forcing campus closures, canceling graduations, these are not peaceful protests. emergency measures
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are being prepared in congress, where a bill to combat anti-semitism in universities is being passed by a majority vote. the most vague formulations: attacks on the state of israel are anti-semitism, but criticism of countries, including israel, is not prohibited. where should the protesting students be located now? america is not... this is a wake-up call for our countries, what is happening now is not just a social infection, it is extremely dangerous, and this alliance of the far left and islamists is not something we have seen before. biden is trying to win back student votes by writing off student loan debt and proposing the final legalization of marijuana in the united states, one of the demands of the anti-war rallies of the late sixties; hollywood is also rushing to help the democrats to prepare a strategy.
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donald trump himself is heading to new york. and there, during a break between court sessions, the gathering of our party will take place in melok in just a few months. we are really looking forward to it. you don’t remember the last time biden even showed up at his convention. i don't think so. some say he wandered around the parking lot asking
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where he was. you're in wisconsin, where is it? trump is trying to avoid protests at universities, although he states that he is ready to cancel the visas of foreign students participating in the riots and even use the national guard to disperse them; with the summer holidays ahead , state authorities fear that rallies for rights palestinians can move from university campuses to the streets. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. university protests in the states were picked up by europe instantly, and the rector of leading universities can forget about the calm end of the academic year, threats not to receive diplomas did not work, tents, police on campuses, slogans, we are all children of gas, this is for a long time.
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the elite political university has once again become the center of protests this week. everything is a threat, but we don’t care, because if we can give at least part of our comfort for people who are losing all their comfort, we will do this, because we are for peace, we are for justice and the application of international law, which we study at this institute, also with batons and gas, the police worked out usarbons, two days earlier, students they pushed back quickly and firmly, crushing the broken tent camp as they went.
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a protest also took place in front of the pantheon. hundreds of students demanded a ceasefire in gaza and a severance of all ties with israel until it stops the violence. we are outraged the complicity of our state, which sells weapons to the israeli state, supports it politically, suppresses and intimidates voices opposing this genocide. today, students decided to take to the streets, inspired by the movement in the united states, and we call on all students, high school students and workers. now is the time for demonstrations, now is the time to blockade our schools. now is the time for mass outings. according to the same scenario, everything is developing in berlin. students refuse to remain silent, go out to protest, occupy campuses. the german police also respond harshly to this. this is footage in front of humbalt university. according to local media, other universities and even senior classes of some schools are already participating in the protests. in italy , la sapenza was the first to rise, two weeks
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ago. the students tried to walk down the street. campus with posters and anti-israeli slogans, clashes with the police looked like a real street war. it’s impossible not to see the parallels; in 1968 the scenario was the same: first there was unrest at columbia university, then red may in paris. protests began on the nanterre campus following the arrest of vietnam defense committee activists. in a couple of weeks on the barricades. paris, hundreds of thousands of people on the streets, students joined, trade unions, workers, may sixty-eight changed not only france. protests spread to italy, germany, spain, and the uk. bring a tent with you, university of bologna students who are preparing a protest write on social networks. next week bolonia will be supported by turin and rome. from american universities to arab ones, passing through european ones, students all over the world are raising an unequivocal cry of struggle.
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stop agreements with israel, stop genocide. the oppression and genocide of the palestinian people was made possible by the complicity of western government academic institutions, its companies and its capital. on may 5th, we will connect the threads of the transnational network that will connect italian and palestinian students with the rebellious american campuses. europe busy with european parliament elections a lot will have to change in the coming weeks. the students' voices are getting louder. and how this can end is written in all history books. the state university of milan has canceled a conference on israel scheduled for may 7. according to police headquarters, the risk of incidents is too high. there is still time before the elections.
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provocations are being prepared, according to the country's ministry of internal affairs , the organizers are buying up police uniforms to distribute them to hired activists. disguised provocateurs must beat protesters in front of television cameras and use weapons, although the protesters are already behaving like rioters, throwing stones and smoke bombs at the cordon. the security forces have to use water cannons and tear gas in response. as if illustrating. arguments of the ruling georgian dream in defense of the bill on foreign agents, chairman of the european commission fondern and head of the european council michel said that the adoption of the document would put an end to georgia’s aspirations to become a member of the eu. they were afraid of the law that limits
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the possibilities for outside manipulation of georgian public opinion in washington. we are deeply concerned about this bill in the georgian parliament. anti-western rhetoric of the leadership of the georgian dream party. puts georgia on a dangerous path and undermines relations with the united states and georgia. having received such an ultimatum, georgian prime minister irakli kabakhidze canceled his planned trip to the united states. the ruling party promised that the law on foreign agents would be considered in due course, despite pressure from the west. and georgian dream activists held their own rally in tbilisi, where in support the founder of the party, the country's largest businessman, bidzina ivanishvili, spoke from the rostrum about the bill. georgia has to fight an uphill battle to avoid war and maintain peace, despite the promise of the bucharest summit in 2008, georgia and ukraine never became nato members. all such decisions are made by the global war party, which has enormous influence on
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the european union and nato; it views both georgia and ukraine only as cannon fodder. this party brought russia and georgia into conflict back in 2008, and in 2014 and 22 put ukraine in even more.
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in france, therefore, despite everything, on may 1, georgian deputies approved the bill on the transparency of foreign influence in the second reading, the third reading will take place in 2 weeks. all his books are a complex story of his own life: childhood without parents, the front, injury, working youth, life in the siberian outback. russia is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding master of words, world -class writer, viktor ostafiev. his books have been published in dozens of languages, his stories are included in the school curriculum, vocabulary the siberian classic is so rich that scientists and philologists have compiled more than one dictionary from his epithets. don’t forget your native language - this was one of viktor
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ostafiev’s last parting words. about how he should be today, including in the writer’s small homeland, in the quiet siberian oatmeal, my colleague ilya kanavin. i was terribly afraid of tanks, he had armor. train compiler, these are needed in the rear. one day, he, a young railway worker, was burying the children of besieged leningrad who died on the train on the way to evacuation. and after that he left volunteers. we were deceived, very much soldiers from the schbert regiment, they didn’t change our clothes, so most of us wore tunics with a seam on the belly, that is, instead of a new uniform, they gave us one taken from those who had already been killed, the seams were where there were mortal wounds, and this is an insignificant part of the monstrous injustice, monstrous wars, dirt, horror, which he will describe only 40 years after the victory, my book will be merciless - ostafiev warned. before the publication of the cheerful soldier, this is already
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tribugal, socialism, so that it tears not only the meat, but also the soul, strengthen, restore order, merciless control, personal responsibility of each fighter, you can be kind and merciless, you can in truthful literature, prose, stories, stories victor... petrovich this truth screams from heartache, not from condemnation, from pain from grief, what are you doing? , after all, after all, somehow we fought through this life, stretching out a bololayka string, viti was seven when his father was arrested and his mother drowned, she was sailing on a date with her husband, the boat capsized, she went sideways... then it caught on , when my father returned
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from the camps, he married for the second time, my daddy he gave birth to five children from a young mother , the same age, which means galya and volodya, so he was always a very strong strong guy, about how he was sent to an orphanage due to an overabundance of children, he is written in the book theft, stern, merciless, and his brother volodya, here they are hugging, will make akim, the hero of one of his most outstanding works. lord, ask all of us, who have my great-grandfather , grandfather lying here somewhere, many relatives of all kinds, forgive them, but they are buried without communion, without everything, buried, died from the tsonga, forgive us all, lord, he was baptized twice, the baby was baptized the first time, but the whole village had a party, the family was a party, everyone was walking ... in the morning, my mother came out, asked the godfather who, no one could remember, and she had to
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baptize her a second time, you his name was twice baptized. he loved all these riotous, sinful, bright, suffering, rushing, invincible people; he was part of them and had the right to tell them the truth, which they do not trust to strangers. his heroes, salted with grief, trembling over every grain of happiness, sometimes so simple. i came back one day writer. from fishing, he didn’t catch anything, he comes back here to this house, the house was closed, he hung oatmeal on the doorknob, viktor petrovich opens it, and there is still a living fish, and dace and horyuzok it is written, to the author the king of fish from the fisherman, like this , he left his friendship with his fellow villagers as well as his friendship with rubtsov, belov, after all, his relationship with georgiem...
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i completely unloaded the van, they immediately took me away, led me into the tent, i’m sitting on a bench, half an hour later, probably, vanya is mine, picks it out in a hug with his sister, give it to me to give this very pen, some kind of bag of pressed walnuts, take it, and the first pen is three-color, german, ostafyev wrote all his books with a fountain pen.
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perhaps letting myself go, this is precisely the ground on which everything stands for me. ilya kanavin, rasul fitkulin, olga allenkina, anastasia zorina, pyotr pankratov. news: krasnoyarsk, ovsyanka. this is the big sunday news, this is what will happen next in our program. the eu wants to shock china
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with electricity. chinese electric cars have long been ahead of european ones. how will beijing respond? and why sidinpin is starting a trip to europe; he has already flown to paris, what the war photos on the french contestant’s business card mean, the main songs about the great patriotic war performed by foreign artists in the very heart of russia. why aren't they afraid? again a bad mark, but not in the diary, in the colony. work for children and teenagers. the task is to respond to messages using a ready-made text in whatsapp and telegram. salary up to 6,000 rubles per day. who makes a child drop? why children's cybercrime has increased 70 times. like this can it be stopped? first. aurus after
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a deep restyling. a completely new look for the car. let's find out what will surprise you. only we have the opportunity to compare the aurus, which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago, with the updated car. and what other surprises await on the day of the inauguration? the driver needs protronics. it is important how well the driver performs now. president putin, in what situations, a very good car, i like it, putin’s car, visited over the past 6 years, oh, headquarters on wheels, get ready to find out to see how never, more than others. moscow, the kremlin,
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putin, look at rtr today. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless
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horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. rest. comfort and style riksos golf villas and sutes sharma. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh - an ideal place for a family rest, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region. and an unforgettable vacation. rixas radomis sharmel sheikh. we invite you to the swiz hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create
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memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel sharm el sheikh, yours. an ideal location in the heart of the city. a change in the elite, which must happen one way or another, in many ways. will depend on those who will return, god willing with victory, from a special military operation, it is naive to think
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that new people will come and with one click everything will change, no, of course, this launched mechanism has brought with it a lot of new things, and not always good , complete confidence in impunity, where does this confidence come from... experience there are things that are not immediately visible, they are veiled, they are closed, but they exist, they live, those on whom the security of our country and its future depend need to know this, don’t they? esagon tv monday on rtr.
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may 9 on rtr. big sunday news is on the air, we continue the broadcast. china is giving the old world a chance to escape from the suffocating tutelage of the united states. this is how the chinese press writes about sidenpino's european tour that began today. 5 hours ago, the president of the people's republic of china was greeted with honors in paris. his trip program also includes visits to belgrade and budapest. china's largest english-language newspaper global the times notes that the tours are chaired. for the prc demonstrates to europe beijing's readiness to cooperate. zhiminzhibao writes about what prospects the transition to a multi-vector policy opens up for europe.
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beijing helped serbia revive metallurgical industry, supported hungary in creating a regional transport hub, and increased trade turnover with france 800 times over the past decades. the manufacturing superpower has long learned to compete with developed countries in their domestic markets. in 2019, when... i went to the european union last time, the economies of china and the eu were comparable. over these 5 years, according to bloomberg, the chinese market grew by 15%. by 2030 , this gap will at least double. it will no longer be possible to reduce it using the protectionism of artificial restrictions. but it is possible to lose chinese investments and slow down your own growth. about what proposals european leaders have prepared for beijing, why the tours. dingping is so concerned about washington in a report by our european correspondent anastasia popova. the chinese leader's plane arrived at
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orly airport exactly on schedule at 16:00 his death was met by prime minister gabriel ottal. sidin ping listened to his welcoming words with a slight smile. the first visit in 5 years, and therefore so important for europeans , is officially timed to coincide with the six-year anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with france. on the route of the motorcade, a chinese dragon appears. then chinese students with the flags of both countries, a rich program, a solemn welcoming ceremony for the disabled, a banquet at the elysee palace, a meeting with vonderleen and scholz, then an attempt to get away from officialdom, macron and his wife will take the chinese the couple in perenei, having lunch at the tourmalet culde, where as a child he spent holidays with his grandmother, in 2017, at the height of the first election campaign, he sang with the owners of the establishment. close trusting relationship to talk about ukraine, macron's task, the chinese leader, who will, among other things, attend
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the franco-chinese economic forum, will try to soften trade disputes with the european union, which remains the world's second largest market for the sale of electric cars, every second produced in china car now exports to the eu. european electric cars are far behind chinese ones in terms of equipment, and most importantly, they are too expensive. all this greatly irritates the head of the european commission. so, today i can announce that the commission is launching an investigation into combating the sale of electric vehicles from china. europe is not open to competition in order to go to the bottom. since october, several such investigations against chinese goods have been ongoing in different areas, the rules against the chinese clothing retailer have been tightened, and the social network tiktok has launched an investigation. european commissioner on trade, valdis dombrovskikh, also promises to introduce increased duties on chinese batteries by the summer. beijing responds.
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paris supported the idea of ​​duties; in response, beijing promised to increase fees on european brandy. the dependence is mutual, china needs a european sales market, europeans need resources. however, paris loves to show off. with great fanfare, in the presence of the minister, last year they opened their own production of components for car batteries. this gigantic enterprise was built through the efforts of european companies in just 17 months. every day they planned to produce 56,000 battery parts.
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decision to limit access to graphite, and i want to remind you that china processes 93% of the world's graphite, 93%, and if you want to produce anot, you need graphite, if china decides to limit access, we have a problem. a possible quarrel between paris and beijing could paralyze the french automobile industry, but for the chinese the european market will remain open, they have another front door, hungary. we are proud that now hungary is the main destination for chinese. business investment in central europe, we thank president xi for this. in the twenty-first year, hungary occupied third place in the world in the market for the production of electric batteries; according to prime minister szijart, it intends to overtake the americans, they are second. the country will soon have 36 factories, the volume of chinese investments last year exceeded 10 billion euros, and orban’s policy in his opposition
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to brussels appeals to the chinese leader. budapest is another point of his. orbán is not only turned his country into a chinese intelligence outpost, but made hungary the first european country to sign a cooperation agreement under the path initiative. china is funding the budapest-belgrade high-speed railway, the initiative's most important project in europe, and the government recently announced a new oil pipeline project between hungary and serbia. serbia is also on sidinpin’s agenda, a working visit with historical overtones. exactly a quarter of a century ago, when the american planes were bombed. slavia shells fell on the chinese embassy in belgrade, killing three chinese journalists and injuring 20 people. in response, nato simply announced that the strike on the diplomatic mission was carried out by mistake, allegedly the whole point was in outdated maps, which for some reason they decided to use when striking the capital of yugoslavia. now the alliance is doing everything to quickly forget about this incident, but beijing and belgrade have already
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made it very clear that this will not be possible. the president of the people's republic of china will take part in funeral ceremony. in fact, there was an attack on china, because the embassy is the sovereign territory of china; it was bombed in 1999 at the height of nato aggression against serbia. and when you add it all up, you see that in sorrow and joy we have something in common. this is what is the basis of our relationship. china doesn't see us as a small country, it sees us as an important country, not only for the western balkans region, but for the whole of europe. chinese activity in europe is annoying. usa, provoked by brussels to continue the trade war. adding fuel to the fire was macron's statement during his april visit to beijing that france would not follow the united states on the issue of independence for taiwan. however, this time the french leader, judging by leaks in the media, intends to follow the agreed path and will try to persuade the chinese leader to abandon cooperation with russia. ursula fondelien will come to help him in paris, and the german
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chancellor is also invited to join. schultz would like to make amends. attempts follow one after another, but it is obvious that the europeans will not be able to impose their own rules of the game on china. beijing is ready to participate only in an equal dialogue. anastasia bernadsky, news, france. moscow and beijing remember very well how japan’s attempt to force the ussr to abandon aid to china and expand the occupation of manchuria ended 85 years ago. on may 11
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, 1939, the japanese cavalry crossed over. was defeated, it was there that the military leadership talent of georgy zhukov was first revealed. komkor zhukov, the future the commander of the great patriotic war was then still known only in narrow military circles. many years later, marshal of victory, in a conversation with konstantin simonov, would name khalkingol as his favorite operation. for the soviet union, it became a dress rehearsal for world war ii. for tokyo. a painful lesson that forced me to abandon plans to advance towards baikal, but did not go into prog. japan will soon strike pearl harbor. well, the soviet union will continue
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to increase military assistance to china. the total cost of soviet supplies in those years exceeded $50 million, a huge amount at that time. the ussr reduced it only with the beginning of the great patriotic war.
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unique footage was included in his film the emperor without an empire, a throne on bayonets, here is a fragment of this story: in august 1946 , the last chinese emperor pu-yi appeared before an international military tribunal as a witness. he was brought to tokyo from khabarovsk, accompanied by soviet guards. i was born in beijing, my name is puyi, my real manjoran surname is aisinghiero, that is, aisinghiero puyi. in 1908 i became
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emperor of china. for more than 13 years, puyi headed the puppet state of manjougo, created by the japanese occupiers in northeastern china. his residence was in the city of changchun, which under the japanese was renamed... the new capital. on august 11, 1945, at 9:00 pm, emperor puyi, along with his two wives , left chinchuni palace forever to flee to japan. before this, he burned more than 100 personal notebooks. these were diaries that puyi kept for 13 years. august 19, 1945 , the airfield where the emperor was waiting flights to japan, was suddenly attacked and captured. soviet paratroopers, then he did not yet know that after the collapse of manjo, hugo would spend 5 years in soviet captivity and 9 years in re-education in a chinese prison. after this, pui will be pardoned by the chinese authorities and
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will become an employee of the beijing botanical garden. there are still many people in japan who do not recognize the decision of the international military tribunal. in 1960 , this ominous memorial appeared near the city of nagoya. it was erected quietly in honor of seven war criminals executed under the verdict of the tribunal. here they are called warriors who died for their country. there is not a word on the monument that japan started a war in asia and committed heinous crimes against humanity. before you are the remains of the secret laboratories of the japanese detachment 731. in this room there were refrigeration machines.
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bacteria and viruses, their work was supervised by a graduate of the imperial university of kyoto, doctor of medicine shii, in 1945 he managed to escape to japan, where he was detained by the americans to obtain data experiments, important information about bacteriological developments, the united states hid the facts of the crimes of unit 731 during the war, so sero ishii and other members of the unit he led escaped punishment. the main owner of japanese military secrets was the bacteriological center of the us army fort.
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it is customary to do as required. in 1934 , the occupiers erected the jun ling pagoda of the faithful souls in changchun. it was dedicated to japanese soldiers who died in china. these images capture the annual spring ritual held on may 30th. on this day, puyi had to personally bow to his enslavers. homeland on july 29, 1937, japanese
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troops captured beijing; on the posters that the japanese occupiers hung throughout the city on that day, they declared that they had brought a new order here. for the chinese people it meant only death, enslavement and terror. in the state film fund of russia we managed to find footage of the procession of japanese troops along tsan-men street. the japanese presented these shots. a great triumph for his war machine. the next target of the aggressors was the capital of the chinese republic, the city of nanjing. the walls and towers of nanjing were built in the 14th century during the ming dynasty. in december 1937, they witnessed one of the most terrible crimes of the 20th century. it will go down in history as the nanking massacre. today , one of the last witnesses to the monstrous massacre lives in nanjing. xiashu ting. she was born in the southern
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capital on may 5, 1929. she has three children, two daughters and a son. in 1937, in front of xiashu tsen's eyes, japanese soldiers brutally killed almost all of her loved ones. in 1937 i was 8 years old. december 13th to our house.
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in repelling japanese aggression. arms deliveries began already in october 1937. these were planes, tanks, guns, machine guns, ammunition and various equipment. in addition, the soviet union sent more than 3,500 military specialists and advisers to china. in the early forties, the main military adviser to the chinese army was the future legendary soviet marshal, defender of stalingrad, vasily. chuikov, the son of maodzedong, mao an, and the famous chinese pilot tando fought against the germans as part of the red army. the puppet state of manzho-hugo will disappear along with the kwantung army defeated by soviet troops in august 1945. watch the entire film by alexei denisov, an emperor without an empire, a throne on bayonets, on our channel on may 10 at 12:00. do not miss. today
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new details have become known in the case of a ukrainian intelligence agent who was liquidated in the leningrad region this week. according to media sources in law enforcement agencies, the saboteur, russian citizen nikolai surnov, was the chairman of the strela-2 garage cooperative in korolev, moscow region. the film crew of vitaly karmazin went there. he managed to find the criminal’s former garage and communicate with neighbors. dangers surnov even installed his personal video surveillance system, with the help of which he helped his neighbors fight thieves who opened local garages at night, it turned out that... he worked as a car mechanic for quite a long time, but after the start of the special operation he suddenly gave up everything and went to lithuania, he disappeared crash after the fact, then his deputy pasha told me that kolya had disappeared and how would they be now well, look for someone else to choose, they said that he just abruptly left for permanent residence, but why, why
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, i don’t know, he was mainly involved in electronics, that’s what i heard from the stories, but what do you mean by electronics? well... electronics in the car, car electronics. it is possible that it was surnov’s ability to handle electronics that attracted foreign recruiters. in lithuania, according to the fsb, the agent was trained in mine explosives and small arms to participate in hostilities, as well as to commit sabotage on russian territory. and in march this year, surnov, on instructions from his curators, returned to the moscow region, but was almost caught by our special services while trying to take away an explosive device and a stash. a few days ago, a ukrainian agent was neutralized in the gachchinsky district of the leningrad region while trying to resist, where he planned to blow up a fuel terminal. among the targets of the saboteur were military targets. all this is confirmed by
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the agent’s correspondence with his handlers, as well as the weapons and ammunition found on him. investigators are now establishing the saboteur’s social circle. surnovo in order to identify persons who may be involved in the preparation of terrorist attacks. they study the agent's financing scheme in detail. this scheme, by the way, is widely used by scammers who actively use the personal data of teenagers who provide their bank cards for a reward to cash out criminal money. traces of such multi-million dollar frauds lead to the organizers of the terrorist attack in crocus. about how people are turned into drops. vitaly's investigation. at the doors of the closed crypto exchange beribit moscow city, former clients discuss their troubles, which began after investigators raided the area as part of the crocus terrorist financing case. trading was stopped and accounts were frozen. this week the exchanger began checking all transactions carried out
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a month before the terrorist attack. in case of a transaction between february 22 and march 22, please provide detailed information about the origin and legality. and it won’t, because most of the clients of this office cashed out their accounts through the so -called drops, dummies who gave your bank cards to strangers, the drop receives a small reward, the buyer of the card receives anonymity for shady transactions, fill out the drop's data, first name, surname, patronymic, then fill out the passport information in... berebito quickly found out that among the drops there are many schoolchildren who gave away their cards. who worked with savings banks as minors, what to say to the department at the block in order to withdraw funds. thus, the cryptocurrency of online wall transactions passes through the accounts of schoolchildren; they are used in a variety of criminal schemes. financing, including
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including terrorist organizations in any type of theft, when it is necessary to legalize stolen funds, drug trafficking, respectively.
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30 schoolchildren were involved in a cunning scheme, in 2 days, in three, all the atms in the city of vladimir were emptied, they were all empty, it soon became clear that the money was from credit and now multimillion-dollar debts hang on the grown-up teenagers, everything is broken for the children, they even live haven’t started yet, they didn’t have the age of majority, there’s no easy money, don’t screw around like me, the developers of the scheme worked online remained in the shadows, crime is transforming, it has all gone virtually to the internet, where it is also located... and children, in the general structure of crime, crimes committed in the field of information and intelligence technologies, currently occupy more than 25%. children are lured into creating accounts in prohibited areas.
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teenagers are convinced that thanks to fraud with cryptocurrency or binary options, they can buy a luxury car, phones, watches, even children leave their parents’ money there, i’ll throw money and money into the binomial cards, the same techniques are used in advertising of other illegal activities, here is one of these advertisements, work for children and teenagers for... per day, recruitment until may 15. according to experts, with the help of such advertisements , criminals are looking for either assistants in fraud on marketplaces, or online operators who supervise those who pawn drugs. the life expectancy of a pawnbroker rarely exceeds a month, that is , if you set foot on this path, then in a month with... a very high degree of probability, you will end up in a pre-trial detention center dragged into fraud, this
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fifteen-year-old schoolboy from almetyevsko worked as a courier for telephone scammers, took 100,000 rubles from a deceived pensioner. these two teenagers from achinsk took 800. i kept 10% for myself. novice hackers stand apart. novosibirsk high school student vladimir zhoglik hacked the school network in 2017 and began editing the grades of his friends. the guy didn't need to correct himself. i personally studied, a funny experience almost ended in a bad grade, not in a diary at all, in a colony. after a series of trials, zhoglik remained on freedom, but still suffers from the consequences of his own stupidity. this story ruined my life for several years to come. because of this story, i was unable to enter a university in st. petersburg, which i really dreamed of going to, and even now i’m having great difficulty trying to somehow fix my life after this whole story. . leonid bezvershenko plunged into the world of it technologies in the sixth grade, when... his peers were hacking local networks, he studied programming languages ​​at the age of 18, became an analyst
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at kaspersky lab, and is now identifying cyber threats, he says, it’s easy to drag a teenager into the world of hacking, he downloads some program or solution that allows him to perform powerful actions, often he himself does not understand what’s going on under the hood, that is, we call such guys scripts, that is, they just there they try to somehow realize themselves, they use such people to assert themselves in society. and not understanding, firstly, what they are doing, and secondly, not understanding what consequences can await them. scripts, literally children who work according to someone else's a script written, as a rule, by professional swindlers who are hiding abroad, looking for schoolchildren on the internet and would rather put a child at risk than themselves. the number of workers who work for them from these ordinary, grassroots scammers is colossal, even if several thousand people are detained every month, he himself... firstly, the security organizers, and secondly, the scheme itself does not suffer, because that due to advertising , new bad things are constantly coming, not mammon will not
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die out, so that children do not fall for tricks scammers, experts advise their parents to be more attentive, firstly, take an interest in their child’s hobbies and not leave them alone online, explain that there is no legitimate easy money, and secondly, install parental control programs on the computer and antispam on the phone, such services are now provided by all cellular and internet communication providers. this week the final of the international music competition of the road to yalta festival took place in moscow. musicians from 15 countries of the planet flew to the capital russia, in order to perform the best songs about the great patriotic war in their native languages ​​on the eve of victory day. many people did the translation themselves. applications were submitted by 55 states, including those where our country is in power. strike by the main enemy, but despite the large-scale pressure and streams of poison in the mainstream media,
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the interest in the festival, which has been taking place for the sixth year in a row, is enormous, and the artists who came to moscow understand that the war they are singing about is, unfortunately, not over, but that’s why their voice, the voice of normal people, is especially important today. they have memories, live shrinkage. again, there is a high, high probability that everything will happen again, so i think that it
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is necessary to remind about this, who said it. that the earth died, no, it hid for a while, having flown to moscow from germany to fulfill.
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the best thing in the world. and this character is felt and understood, of course, not only in france. one of the most poignant performances. tiro turnib from indonesia. he sang a song about a russian soldier to the verses of front-line poet semyon gudzenko from the film gypsy together with today’s russian soldier, svo member alexander orlov, who was wounded near makeevka. this is our destiny! it was with her that we swore and sang, rose to the attack and tore bridges over the arc, there is no need to feel sorry for us, because we wouldn’t feel sorry for anyone, we stand before our russia, in difficult
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times, pure, with our mouths muttering money. the crimean orchestra plays directly from yalta in real time. the audience stands up already at the first chords of this great work. the jury members are standing, the veterans who came to the concert, despite their illnesses, are standing. hymn song, prayer song, symbol song our victory."
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the full version of the finale of the road to yalta can be seen on the eve of victory day on may 8 on the culture channel at exactly 19:45. this concludes our episode, ernest motskevichus was with you, right now moscow,
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the kremlin-putin, right after sunday evening with vladimir solovyov. for those who did not have time for our live broadcast, watch the replay on the russia24 channel at 23:00, as well as on the media platform watch in the app or on the website i say goodbye, all the best for the first time aurus . after deep restyling. a completely new look for the car. let's find out what will surprise you? only we have the opportunity to compare the auurus, which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago, with the updated car. and what other surprises. are waiting on the day of the inauguration , it is important how well the driver of president putin will work now, in what situations a very good car, i like it,
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putin’s car, visited over the past 6 years, headquarters on wheels, get ready to find out , see more than ever, more than others, good evening, today about... orthodox christians all over the world celebrate easter, holy sunday. vladimir putin , together with moscow mayor sergei sobyanin , attended the night easter service in the cathedral of christ the savior. the solemn prayer service was performed by patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill. christ is risen. christ is risen. christ is risen. in the morning, the president congratulated all orthodox christians and russian citizens
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celebrating easter sunday. it was a short but intense work week. the president's schedule includes a meeting, meeting, telephone conversations, preparations for the inauguration were in full swing in the kremlin itself. on may 7 , vladimir putin will take the oath and officially take office as head of state. spectators around the world will watch the ceremony, which will begin a new chapter in the work of the president and the history of the country, and although the event follows standard protocol, each inauguration is always unique in its own way. and now we have a unique opportunity to see the updated aurus car, which was made for the president, find out other interesting details of the upcoming inauguration. let's see. i drive such cars,
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i’ve been behind the wheel many times, it’s a really worthy, high-quality car that meets all world standards, a whole line of luxury cars was created from scratch , thousands of specialists, engineers, designers, designers from all over the country, with the task they set... . successfully coped, our russian companies, exactly 6 years ago, the inauguration of vladimir putin, the country and the world, then for the first time, saw a completely new russian car, carefully. every second, every frame is examined; in a couple of months, the international premiere of putin on aurus in the capital of finland for negotiations with us president trump. numerous european capitals, visits to turkey, the reflection of the vatican buildings in
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a car shining with obsessive well-groomed, the greeting russian leader then put on white gloves before opening the doors of the aurus. comes straight to the greenhouse where tomatoes are grown, 6 years after the first presentation
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, nami automotive research institute represents to surprise the whole country, and once again we, the ministry of industry and all our creators are preparing for may 7 in order to show the restyled aura, in our opinion it will be a very modern, interesting new product. which will surprise both outside and inside. in our program, we have shown you the presidential aurus many times, now for the first time, the aurus after a deep restyling, every detail of the inaugural car. this is a completely new look for the car, modern, fashionable and daring, updated aurus senate, here's any a person, the average person will say, so here is the same aurus, he is already so beautiful, but he is really very beautiful, he has been impressing everyone all these years, he is much more beautiful, what changed then, that’s the main thing, so to speak, the changes, the most important change
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is the appearance, we changed the front part. the mask of the entire car, that is , the front optics have changed, the grille has changed, the bumper has changed, the hood has changed, the wings have changed. only we have the opportunity to compare the auurus, which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago, with the updated one by car. like the first car, the second one was completely designed by our guys, our designers, and the headlights became narrower, yes, but that’s it. in general, it looks like the whole photograph, like a person’s face, just as you can’t talk about the eyes separately, you can’t talk about the headlights, but besides, besides just the appearance, this is a more modern car, i see the wheels are also completely different, yes, the wheels are steel we also think that this is a very good solution, it also gives the car a modern and beautiful look. we have 90%
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of electronics designed and manufactured in we are talking about electronics, which is very important, which is very important, yes, we believe that a restyled car is much higher than an import-protected one, and not so long ago even people came to the inauguration of the russian president in foreign cars, this is what it looked like. in an updated car, this is what turning on the turn signal looks like, and even this alone will fascinate many. there will be surprises at the upcoming inauguration, which
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we can only hint at for now, but the aurus project as a whole still has many innovations ahead. the next stage is the twenty-sixth year, when a more in-depth modified design of the platform itself will appear, but the next stage is the thirtieth year, this is not tied, in fact there are specific landmark dates, we are following the planned schedule that... was originally formed, we need to buckle down, otherwise we will have to pay a fine later , putin tested the new tavrida highway in crimea while driving an aurus, it’s impressive, a beautiful, modern object, and he also drove along the new moscow -st. petersburg road. over the past 6 years, the car
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has become so famous that residents of different regions... which the president visited, they recognized and understood from afar, putin is coming, he won’t, he will, he will, vladimir vladimirovich, come out, please, please, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, just like that, absolutely recently, our program became an eyewitness to such a remarkable moment, how far i’ve traveled, look, now the president’s card has even been turned back. alive, they say, alive, i told you that he will approach the people and wave his hand. at the same time, we noticed the director of a local museum in the passenger seat, with whom putin was discussing in detail reconstruction of the object, and if you carefully examine many of the frames. it will become clear that aurus is a whole headquarters on wheels, when
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putin is on the road, then... he can listen to the governor’s report or talk with assistants, and sometimes in the car, apparently , entire meetings are held, so the door opened, our program saw. putin is always clear from the right side, but there are also such situations: the president of russia and the united arab emirates, i will go with you from the other side. the united arab emirates met the transfer from the other side the russian president with cars with the inscription dps, in aurus, look carefully at what numbers appeared, it’s a very good car, i like it. not only do some of our arab friends like it, they are already expressing a desire to buy. all these years, putin himself quite regularly arranged real test drives for his colleagues. the presidents of egypt
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even invited me to the formula 1 circuit in sochi. we drove several more in the same line. base sedan sedan. the aurus presidential motorcade speeds along the formula 1 tracks. as far as we know, in 6 seconds this the car accelerates to 100 km/h. in the speeding car, many paid attention to the translator's face. and what happened with the cameraman’s hairstyle. there have been some wishes from the presidential drivers over the years, of course, that is, we have a very close job with gon and at the design stage gon takes part as the main customer of this project. gon, we repeat once again, a special-purpose garage. and
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work is underway both with the garage managers and with the direct drivers; all these cars were accepted by drivers who carry out transportation of our first person. thousands of glances, cameras, smartphones are directed not only at the president, but at his car. this was a very important technical aspect, both in the vatican and here, in the palace of the prime minister of italy, you see
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that the very wide aurust car that the russian president got in, the gates in the palace, they are not so wide and, of course, very important , how high-quality the driver of president putin will work now, because. that the distance between the car and the gate is literally a few centimeters, let’s see how a motorcade will leave now, but we see that everything works out, the car carefully drives out of the gate, not a single scratch, now we will see, it’s not just because of the size of the car, vladimir putin enters the elysee palace,
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but how much does it cost? yes, it costs, because they produce little, it will go into serial production for real, everything will be half the price, yes, it takes time, but it will be its own development, allow me to give a start, the beginning of mass production, i allow it,
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when everyone thought that that teleconference is over, our program witnessed such a moment, we ask you to stay on stage. the flag of uzbekistan on the aurus, next to the flag of turkmenistan on the aurus, here is tajikistan, almost all the leaders of the cis countries came to the summit on the aurus, and so on... the question arose: whose car? turkmenistan, the president
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of turkmenistan now has his own sparkling white aurus, putin continues to introduce his colleagues to the new products of the aurus line. here is a new suv with the president of uzbekistan. soon the leader of kazakhstan arrived, we’ll also take it for a ride, showing off our new car, great, i want to invite you to paint the car from your motorcade. what color? which one would you like? this is not my personal property, but state property, so we need to approach this responsibly, but i will think about what can be done to attract you to serious work. this is an unscheduled stop. vladimir putin shows kimchenyn the russian aurus car. we now see that kimchinin got into the car, vladimir putin took a seat next to him, apparently, they will now also go by car, let me remind you that kimchen came here.
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inside they spoke one on one, even the translator did not immediately get into the car, it is possible that now... there is a conversation going on here about key political things. kimchin obviously liked the car, because now auurus is the official car of the leader of the dprk. the updated aurus will also, of course, arouse enormous global interest. our program studied literally everything that can be seen from the outside. this is for flagstaffs; for official delegations, a flagstaff is placed here and a flag is attached. and for some reason i thought it was a camera, no. no, this, this is for special ones
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cars for the delegation. two flags, russian and chinese, putin and sidinpin will ride in this car together. quite often, there are flags of russia and belarus on the car, and recently putin and lukashenko got stuck in a traffic jam on one of the highways in st. petersburg. bus passengers were quite surprised. because putin had just boarded the tu-160m ​​and soon flew away, fast, maneuverable, having experienced both the severe siberian frosts and the southern sun, today under the walls of the ancient fortress the presidential motorcade, vladimir putin in dagestan in the narrow streets of derbent, here , of course, all cars have to maneuver carefully. to get to our destination at the door of auras, our program
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several years ago recorded an interview with the president about the future of russia, we must always look only forward, then we will be successful. on may 7, the country begins the following: a page in its history, the president of russia will take office, faithfully serve the people, i will do everything in my power for this, this is always a very colorful ceremony, hello comrades, but everyone the point of this ceremony determines key and
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sometimes fateful events for the country. after the inauguration, the president receives all the attributes of power, including again a nuclear briefcase. there are three such devices in total: the head of state, the minister of defense, and the chief of the general staff. only upon receipt of a coded signal with three confirmations can the system be activated. according to the constitution, on the day the new president takes office, the government resigns its powers. further, according to the law... "we will think about everything together, calmly, in a working manner,
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in a friendly manner, we will make these decisions. there is no need to fuss, the most important stage of forming a new composition
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of the russian government is ahead." parliament, as well as ministers, and the president does not have the right
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to reject them, this is a significant part of the powers given to parliament, and the council the federation does not approve security ministers. but still, the president must hold consultations, this means that these people must come out into the light of god, speak in the federation council, talk about themselves, talk about how they propose to organize their work, come to the federation council to report on this work, this is also one step forward towards the democratization of our society, gradually without jerks, but it was in this direction, then, when constitutional updates were discussed, opinions were voiced that the consultation...
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the modern world is complex, we see how rapidly, sometimes unpredictably it changes, which is why it is all the more important that despite significant changes in the political system, the main thing remains unchanged. a strong presidential vertical is absolutely necessary for our country, for russia. the updated constitution provides enough time for the approval of the new cabinet of ministers, but as the practice of recent years shows, such important personnel issues are the leadership. countries prefer to discuss and decide very promptly. at a meeting on economic issues, vladimir putin defined a new horizon for budget planning until 2030. when the economy shows steady growth, you can safely make long-term plans, despite the flow of, as putin once put it, insane, thoughtless sanctions. for 10 years now
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, russia has been living under unprecedented sanctions pressure from the west and during this time it has become one of the top five largest economies. world ahead of european countries. it's time to draw conclusions. yes, because the first large-scale anti-russian sanctions were introduced in the spring of the fourteenth year, that is , now exactly 10 years. and exactly 10 years ago, you and i heard the famous phrase of the american president, which went down in history. the russian economy is torn to shreds, the current american president blames putin’s inflation for rising prices in his country. these are the breakdowns based on the results of these years. for what? it was not possible to contain russia and will never be possible . a few minutes before the meeting with the president seems close to me, but you can watch the high spirits of governor dyumin clearly became even better after the first putin's words about the situation in the tula region.
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there is impressive growth in industrial production, construction is growing there, good indicators overall. one way or another, but the indicators are practically similar. across the country, the president is starting a new meeting on the economy to continue discussing budget plans, not only for the next three years, but for the long term until 2030. fundamentally important. maintain responsible, balanced, extremely realistic approaches to budget policy. this is, of course, a very peculiar anniversary, yes word this is hardly appropriate, but these days it is exactly 10 years since the first large-scale economic sanctions were introduced against russia. are we ready to live under sanctions for decades? well, in fact, the history of russia shows that we , as a rule, lived under sanctions, starting from the moment when russia began to get on its feet and feel itself. firmly in the fourteenth year, the world was extremely surprised that russia did not accept and swallow another humiliation, this time a coup
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in ukraine with a demonstrably anti-russian bias, warmly supported by the west. those who are going to introduce them should first of all think about the consequences of these sanctions. in the modern world, when everything, everything is interconnected, everyone depends on each other, one way or another. of course, you can cause some damage to each other, but it will be mutual damage, and that’s about it too.
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why punish them then? and if this is not annexation, but the results of the vote, then we must admit that it is democracy to leave them alone. now, 10 years later, it is very appropriate to remember what was proclaimed even then. the russian economy is in tatters. it is obvious that the sanctions will definitely affect vladimir putin and russia. then, for the first time , russia was promised total isolation. yes, they don’t have enough gasoline to drive around all our borders. what kind of insulation?
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will never succeed, can we contain russia in cyberspace? i think that russia cannot be contained anywhere, but we need
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to understand this, well, listen, you cannot contain north korea, what are you talking about, why do this, that’s why you should restrain each other, to attack, to suspect something, we offer to cooperate, but since they did not want to cooperate, then western agricultural products, then 10 years ago, access to the russian market, producers were banned. response measures and provided our agriculture with additional opportunities to work in its own fairly capacious russian market. russia has become a leader in grain exports, but in wheat exports, this has never happened before. it's a phenomenon, to be honest . voices increasingly began to be heard from the west calling for the return of their manufacturers to the russian market. fuck them, moreover, we
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are now looking for markets. i agreed with our chinese friends that they open a market, the chinese market for our producers, there is pork and meat and poultry, sometimes there are calls to make peace with everyone, but if you imagine that russia has complied with all the demands of the west, it completely agreed, will this give something to our economy? well, first of all, what does it mean to make peace, we didn’t quarrel with anyone, and there is no such desire, we don’t have to quarrel with anyone, in the mid-nineties we were. everyone liked it when they sent us potatoes through humanitarian aid. look, the people's republic of china has nothing to do with crimea or donbass, that's right, tariffs on its goods, consider the sanctions increasing, increasing, which means now there is an attack on haavey, where did it come from, what's the point? there is only one point: restraining the development of china,
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which has become a global competitor of another global power.
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solving problems, everything seems to fall into place, so in the end this is politics does not make any sense, it is obvious to me that the confrontation in the international economic arena will continue, but this will affect us, but i am sure not in a fundamental way, why, because we have huge potential for internal growth, after the start of a special operation in ukraine, a wave of sanctions were brought down on russia. those sanctions that are being introduced are akin to a declaration of war, they banned, canceled, closed everything for russians, direct quote: make them suffer, make them suffer, such humanists, all the same words that the world has already heard, russian industry is torn to shreds, who and how sanctions are being torn apart in russia were also warned long ago, they usually have
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such a boomerang effect, besides, my name is... they call inflation, and we this has absolutely nothing to do with it, they achieved the opposite of the expected result. sanctions then began to be imposed even against those who defend children's rights. schizophrenia. it seems to me that they simply no longer understand what they are doing. and the largest gas pipelines were simply blown up. but sanctions are no longer enough for the anglo-saxons; they have turned to sabotage. it would seem that after this, the russian economy definitely should not have recovered. recession, failure, collapse, that under the pressure of sanctions we... will join, surrender, fall apart, i want to show a well-known gesture, i won’t do this, there are a lot of girls here, nothing will work out for them, but we won’t collapse, everything is already clear, everything, and they all understand, no, they climbed into this rut ​​along this rut ​​and continue to make noise, without any analysis of the events taking place, tell the conductor, i will buy a ticket and not go, many people in our country, i know that many people abroad are simply surprised
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by what is happening in the russian economy, such agility from us. it seems that no one expected, despite the enemy’s expectations , nothing has collapsed, everything works, and the world map works, and the financial system is functioning, banks are increasing their capabilities, there are other modern systems, in the fourteenth year there is nothing like that, the payment system, payments in plastic, master, let’s say a visa within the russian federation has more than 90 percent of the market, we gave it to them voluntarily calculation.
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at the beginning of 2024, in the united states in russia, they discussed the trips of the world famous journalist tucker carloson to russian cafe stores and his open surprise. over the past year, russia has become the first economy in europe, despite all the sanctions and restrictions. this is fine? sanctions, restrictions, impossibility of paying in dollars, disconnection from swift, that means. transporting oil, sanctions on aircraft, sanctions on everything, everywhere, the very sanctions on our ships , a large number of sanctions in the world that are applied are applied against russia, and we became the first economy in europe during this
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time, people who are guided by their neocolonial ideas, and there are idiots, but in a competition of idiots they would take second place, why only second, because they are idiots. ban the import of screwdrivers, needles, and so on into russia, but the less junk, the better, perhaps, the less chance that bed bugs will be exported to us from large european cities; economic objectives for the future are formulated so that everything was fine for us, but they were sad, so they had to it’s impossible to work around the clock, it’s impossible to do otherwise. busy weeks, what details of the president's schedule are already known? some details are already generally known, but now we’ll tell you some things for the first time. on may 7, the whole country, of course,
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and the whole world, will definitely be glued to the screens, the elected president of russia vladimir putin will take the oath of office on the constitution and take office to defend. sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state. from the moment the president takes office, other serious political events will automatically follow: the formation of the new government, the presidential administration, even before the inauguration, the president will hold a final meeting with the cabinet of ministers. the government of mikhail mishustin , almost immediately from the moment of its formation, was forced to work in conditions of unprecedented crises on a global scale. since the beginning of the pandemic, it has disrupted the entire global... on may 8 , the summit of the eurasian economic union will be held in moscow, which means that the
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russian president will receive his foreign colleagues. even in conditions of economic and international turbulence, success awaits us. may 9 is a sacred victory day, now filled with new meanings for russians. i greet everyone who is fighting for russia. on the battlefield, there is no more important thing now than your combat work. the presidential week will be extremely intense, earlier than the rest; we will show you more about the most interesting events in zarubino’s telegram channel on sunday in our program. thank you pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week, and i’ll see you with the audience after a short break in the sunday evening studio.
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christ is risen, it's so big it’s a holiday that people congratulated me on it today. of very different beliefs, convictions, they were offended only by the fact that they were all russian. orthodoxy has become so important, so decisive, in the war that questions all the time return to understanding what is happening from completely different positions. this is no longer geopolitics, this is no longer strategy, this is no longer national interest. these are completely different questions, these are essential questions, today i will show a film, the twenty-fifth army knows very well, this is the youngest army, by no means composition, because in the composition as... just
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there, it was that rare case when i met over and over again colonels who were older than me in age, they were all forced to part with the army during the serdyukov reform, well, let's be fair , serdyukov and terai makarov, because makarov was the chief of the general staff, and he had not yet answered for everything that he had done then, and people decided to return, so they returned, fulfilling their duty, warrior... they felt how the highest justice was being done , that's why that there were people who went into the army consciously, then cruel fate did not give them the opportunity to continue, now they have returned, they are fighting, this army was commanded at some time by lieutenant general tavcharov, now you will get to know each other and did an excellent job, now you will get to know each other with a new commander, he is a chechen and...
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and in many ways this is why he cannot understand the west, but you must admit, zelensky is speaking today, he looks like a clown, he suddenly says in full that god has a ukrainian chevron on his shoulder, completely beyond the bounds, i saw him for no, well, basically, when zelensky talks about god, i have only one question, he figured it out, he recently stated that he is an atheist, he not so long ago said that he is a human being.
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for 8 years we built the tyu platform in mariupol, brought donor funds there, helped children come out, then we left, but the children remained, according to russian law, this is now being persecuted, where programs for the removal of lgbt children with their parents from mariupol today. there are none, well, that is, either
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or or you are talking about god, or you are talking lgbt. zelensky also does not understand that all his words that he uttered for barel, for macron, for scholz, for sunak, sound terrifying, because they are not about god at all, they are all anti, they are about anything, but definitely not about ... no longer reason from a position of pragmatism, for them, in fact, this war also becomes a war, essentially anti, a war of their values, absolutely satanic in nature, on russia it is precisely the terrible religious border of russia that the largest rashes of essence pass through, they can't understand her, they've been around for a long time cold war, nato exercises.
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at the same time, it got to the point that some idiot in finland says that moscow must be deprived of access to kaliningrad, well, we will deprive, okay, we will deprive finland of access anywhere, i always felt that the finns want to go back to the russian empire, so i had this feeling that they, like abandoned ones, are constantly trying to somehow attract attention to themselves, the dream of the russian empire, that’s somehow in the heart of the finnish... while it’s so strong, we
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’ll help the finnish rubak if he will act so crazy. confrontations with russia has no borders and includes all possible directions. poland.


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