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tv   Paskha Khristova  RUSSIA1  May 5, 2024 11:30pm-1:05am MSK

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rubak, if he behaves so crazy . confrontation with russia has no boundaries and includes all possible directions. poland has officially requested the deployment of american nuclear weapons, which are based in several european countries. macron voiced his main strategic goal: russia cannot win in ukraine, why? because then there will be missiles in ukraine that threaten france. well, firstly, we can wipe france off the map without any placement.
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yours in africa couldn’t show anything, but you want here, how many of them have already been buried, when you start telling the truth, oh, there are no limits to helping the banderas, of course, you have no limits, we understand that you are not the heir of the great degol, your heroes are dead.
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at the enterprises of our corporation and to the main customer from the ministry of defense in the twenty-third year, new production aircraft su-57, su-35s, su-34, su-30 sm2, il-76 md990a, and yak-130, k- helicopters were delivered 52m, mi-28 nm, t-90 breakthrough tanks. and artillery reconnaissance systems penicillin, another combat vehicles. the production of new models has been mastered, including heavy flamethrower systems, this is tos-2, it is today very involved in the area of ​​​​its engineering system for remote mining of agriculture and guided missiles krasnopol, complexes of control ammunition compartments, aviation guided missiles for unmanned aerial vehicles in comparison. the volume
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of production of overhauls of, say, tanks at our factories has increased by 3 and a half times, lightly armored vehicles by three times, the production of rounds for combat tanks infantry vehicles by almost nine times, shells for cannon artillery by six times, rockets for multiple rocket launchers by eight times, unguided rocket shells for heavy flamethrower systems by three times, in the twenty- third year, compared to the twenty-second year, the production volumes of self-propelled artillery increased 10 times, towed 14 times, mortars 20 times, rczo twice. our specialists from the joint concern tactical missile weapons continue to work on adapting standard aviation ammunition to the module planning and correction, these are flying aerial bombs, which are in great demand today, and such long-range weapons are very necessary today, today there is an increase in the production of aerial bombs of all calibers and... so the west
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may be very nervous, but not the only one, about the deployment of nuclear weapons in poland, iran, iran, iran, yes, yes, and not only iran, probably also dreams of someone. even though they have deployed nuclear weapons, yes, probably, yes, probably, many countries dream that suddenly someone took and deployed nuclear weapons, it’s easy to open this door, but it’s impossible to close it, then you can forget whether it’s the french, honestly guys, macron said, there are no tactical nuclear weapons for us, we are for strategic deterrence, we will hammer with strategic weapons, well, we’ll answer in macron's way, get it if you want, but once again i ask. please show on
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the map the city in france that you least feel sorry for, so as not to accidentally offend others. margaritna. this ukrainian glitch, which you showed, which. he laments that, they say, we left, and the children whom we taught to do camming-aus, that is , to admit their gayness in childhood, they stayed, he regrets this so much, why? well, because you can’t play with these kids anymore, as you would like, and since you might have played, our investigative bodies still have to figure this out, what to do with these kids, that they suddenly realized at that age? themselves as gay and felt the need to publicly admit this, and it’s clear from him why he regrets it so much, but today we are talking about something else, although this has the exact opposite relation to what we are talking about today, the bright holiday of easter, my
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favorite holiday in general , easter and victory day, i was born on orthodox easter, that year, on the day when i was born, it actually coincided with orthodox easter. and here’s what i want to talk about, it’s not about religion at all, a person can be a believer, he can be an unbeliever, although i i really like the phrase that any person is a convinced bachelor before his first big love, any person shares the ideas of communism before his first big money, and any person is an atheist until the first serious shaking and turbulence on an airplane. christ is recognized not only by christians, he is recognized by more or less all major religions. as a person who lived in islam, prophet isa, he is a prophet there, where he is not a prophet, still no one denies that he lived everything that happened, happened, they simply deny that he is the son of god, even the historian tacitus admits all this, however, he considers the christian religion
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to be misanthropic, as was customary at the time when christians were accused of drinking the blood of babies, as they later accused you, in those days they accused christians of poisoning wells. and so on, but the romans did not distinguish us well, at the first stage they did not distinguish us poorly at all, and tiberius, the emperor during whom christ was crucified and executed, learned about this only after the fact, he did not know about it at all, he learned from reports of pontius pilate, well, they say the jews there crucified some kind of christ, before they crucified him, they also tortured him with flagrums. these are ancient roman whips with bone tips made from the bones of wild animals, an experienced executioner could rip off all the skin from a person with these flagrums in four or five blows, this was all to come and happened to our savior, and then, at the same time
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, mary magdalene came and brought him an egg , because you won’t come empty-handed, there wasn’t enough money for anything else, tell him, i brought him the good news, the emperor says, christ is risen, i saw it with my own eyes. and he he says to her: just as this egg cannot turn from white to red, so a dead person cannot become alive, this egg, according to legend , turned red in the hands of mary magdalene, which is why a significant part of our country, all previous days, painted eggs red and other colors , this is how we have been celebrating easter ever since. tiberius, who was not particularly distinguished by anything, was imbued, it must be said, and wanted to officially declare jesus christ one of...
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this analogy: their pagan religion, well, ancient greek mythology, where the most important god, jupiter, is one of the most important debauchees, and all the emperors also live, suddenly people appear who say: no, god is light, god is humility, god is philanthropy, god is humanism, how can they give in or allow them to live next to each other? with... such a religion that does not recognize their saturnalia and many similar holidays that were in ancient rome, their incredible spending on unnecessary luxuries for anyone, their
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feathers with stuffed blackbirds, the humps of camels, that is, with such small animals as dormouse, they are called they keep them in pots, with fruits and nuts, so that they become fat, and then, that means, they eat these dormice, with nightingales’ tongues with their apicia, this is the first cook in the history of mankind, the author is the first cook in the history of mankind. books, who went specifically to africa to taste some kind of sweet shrimp there, spent his entire fortune on it, when he returned he realized that he could now, there was simply no money anymore, he could only eat simple food, he committed suicide because for this society, today's pleasures were the most most importantly, they did not believe in eternal life, it could not exist for them, they wanted to snatch everything here now. this is described amazingly by henryk sienkiewicz, the poles should read it, he
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wrote the nobel prize for this, in an amazing, absolutely powerful way, not even an artistic word, but a historical word of the book kama gredesi, probably everyone has heard the phrase kama gredesi, maybe not everyone the audience knows what this means, this phrase means going somewhere, it was said by jesus christ to the apostle peter. when the apostle peter learned that nero is going to execute him, he quietly left rome and on the way jesus christ met him, he says: where are you going, lord, where are you coming? christ answers, where am i going, singing, am i going to rome to be crucified again? and then peter realized that now it was his turn, returned to rome, asked to be crucified when he was captured, to be executed differently from his teacher jesus christ, and to be executed in the presence. to the joy of the applauding neuron, still upside down, and how it all
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ended, for rome, how it all ended, rome died, there was nothing left, well, some ruined coliseums that tourists go to, litter there, look, i also can’t say what’s particularly impressive, i saw it a couple of times, but it was a great empire, it doesn’t remind us of anything, we are now with this empire, with western empire... poems for our second collection, you know that we have published a collection of poetry from the russian summer,
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front-line, modern front-line poets, absolutely amazing, i believe that they are still underestimated, i will fight for them until they turn out to be in the compulsory school curriculum, they must be compulsory school curriculum, in terms of the power of speech, in internal culture, in the culture of language, in artistic merit, they are no worse than the great front-line poets of the great patriotic war, simonov, tvordovsky and so on, now we are preparing... a second collection, poetry of the russian land, and as in the first collection, it is amazing that out of ten poems , eight, in one way or another, turn to god, turn to religion, with these thoughts, with all this, with the awareness of this ditch, this fiery hyena, into which in no case should we we can’t jump off, but they drag us in there, many fighters, maybe most fighters, go to the front, they...
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what is history doing to us, to ourselves, to our russian world, when we turned away from this in our history . let's remember 1812, when the peasants, having prayed, took pitchforks and went to drive the frenchman, and also after praying, kutuz went to drive the frenchman, everyone else went to bagration, and a miracle happened, we drove the frenchman away, we drove away the army that conquered.
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well, according to the results of which we should have got constantinople for a second basfordanely had already remained there for six months a year before winning this war.
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this bill is money to help the red army. stalin not only allowed this, but he also considered, well, stalin, who came from the bolsheviks, from this very theology, from people blowing up churches, from his once comrade-in-arms trotsky, who sviyazhsky erected a monument to judas, mocking christ and christianity and over the foundation of russian life, and he considered it necessary to also publish a note about this and... gratitude on his own behalf that the red army is grateful russian orthodox church for this. and you, look how the war turned, look, this letter was published in january 1943, and what happened next in 1943, the battle of stalingrad, after which the war completely turned upside down. we have returned to christ, we have returned to religion. i
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don’t want to offend non-believers or people of other faiths now. the values ​​of humanism, they are united in any normal religion, and we have returned to these values, where they are moving, they are moving towards the values ​​of nero, and not by chance, nero during his reign by christians was considered the antichrist, moreover, everything he did, he killed his mother, he killed both of his wives, one of them was his beloved, he kicked her in the stomach , she lost the child too, it turns out, he also killed his own, and she herself died, well, everyone around the perimeter. also his full name, if you take the first letters and translate them into numbers, it adds up to the very same number that i don’t want to repeat, and that’s why he was considered the antichrist, but they are his followers, let’s try to fantasize, where is this world moving, separated from us by the ditch into which they are sliding, into this fiery gene, when you watch, and i so often
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have fun, read the news about what they are doing, and you understand that now it is fashionable to refuse nature , if you want by the lord of the sex given to you, this has been elevated to the character of religion, because this awakening, which from america , already with the missionary nature characteristic of the western world , is gradually conquering more and more, ukraine already, you look, yes, this religion, now it’s fashionable to change your gender, what will happen tomorrow, tomorrow they... give up your biological species, you’ll see, it will be announced that if a person does not consider himself a human, he has the right not to be a human, if if you do not consider yourself as a boy, you have the right to undergo surgery and become a girl, and if you do not consider yourself a homenid, a primate, as is the case in biology, then you can, please, legally
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change into a baby elephant, into the mistress of the sea, into a goldfish, into a trough. this is how it will be. a movement begins in their religion, for which i came up with the name "autocompromises". if you remember, there was such a novel “hugo”, a man who laughs, then there was a film based on it, there were such compromisers, evil merchants who stole children, mutilated them in every possible way, disfigured them, so that they would grow up, these freaks were then sent to the amusement of the public in the middle ages was considered to be very fun to show for a lot of money, but in this religion of theirs, which was the dawn of awakening. they woke up, it’s unclear to what light, they woke up by night, it’s now accepted mutilate yourself, auto-komborchikosy, this means joyle shooting or whatever her name is, who decided that she was blind, although she is not blind, persuaded the doctor to pour liquid for washing glasses into her eyes so that she would go blind, the movement of people who
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with medical help is already expanding , with the permission of the state, they break their spines in order to be... doomed to paralysis, life in a wheelchair, because it seems to them that they are paralyzed, what unthinkable heresy, nonsense and god forgive me, satanism is coming, they will become me again to say that i am baptized in the wrong direction, i remind you that i am an armenian, i am baptized, as in the armenian apostolic church, i just pronounce the word, i have to cross myself, what does this religion of theirs come to, the problem is that... it would be a joke they would have been, if this religion, like any young religion, had not set its main goal to win as many supporters as possible, we had a choice: either resist or slide into this ditch, into this fiery hyena, i am absolutely in this i'm convinced. more signs of this religions: hyperconsumption, intentional
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hyperconsumption, pollution of the world, the earth in which we live, no one has ever wondered why chargers for gadgets are always different, why can’t we make sure that the chargers are the same, and they buy more for headphones the course, the connector is always different, and what we have, we have the famous pacific... unity, which, unfortunately, the military operation evoked in us, well, somehow other operations for so many years for some reason did not evoke such a unique thing in us, and thanks to everything
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we can already see the light of this shining city on a hill, promised to us, and i am sure that we will become the country where those normal people, stunned by this new religion, will simply rush to, who will certainly remain in these countries. in any circumstances, normal people remain, they will come to us, they will consider us the very reserved paradise, they will settle somewhere on the nightingales, for example, and what about global warming, it will be warm there, in other places it will be hot, but there it will be warm , and this thought fills the soul with light, my soul is very light today, and i remember the gospel of john, where it says, for god so loved the world that he sent his son,
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i didn’t know whether to tell this story or not, yesterday i was in melitopol with the military police, with the leadership and then we went through the territories , we stop by a small settlement. and the guys say: a family lives here, we provide them with patronage, military police, i ’m talking to a woman, over 70, her whole life in medicine, she raised two grandchildren, her son died four years ago, and her mother, her mother, sold the rights to picnic for small money, bottles vodka. she abandoned these children, well, just like she plucked out the kittens, she ran away, she is in odessa,
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it is not known what she is doing, on the other side, it is her choice, the children were born with aids, with a severe set of diseases, one boy already died a few months ago, the second is 6 years, it’s impossible, every day the guys from our military police are trying to turn it into a holiday, and this elderly woman is happy that she speaks russian, she says i’ve always been russian, and that her grandson is with her and that at least...
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how it’s good that russia came, but this was such a choice, the mother, who betrayed her children, fled to odessa, and the grandmother, who carried the cross, remained. and they are doing everything possible, and our military police are helping her. now advertising, then we will continue. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live
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broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on rrt. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest, but you need to rest. where there is sun and sea. on the first coastal, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know about the holiday that's it, relax, anex, allow yourself a first-class holiday with lioreorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes,
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a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio resorts. we are here for you. a hotel for an unforgettable experience - rixsus sharma sheikh. only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world. and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharma sheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. rixas premium cigate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty
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of coral reefs. and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium sea gate. rixas premium seagate. 9th may. day of great victory. parat. big parade on red square. the deeds of our people will be solemnly marched by the descendants of the heroes, in the parade formation the valiant defenders of the homeland, the heirs of our great traditions, the brave and invincible, those who are always ready to go into battle. and give your life for your homeland. we glorify our warrior-liberators, their courage and heroism in our hearts forever. for russia, for. victory,
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cheers, victory parade, may 9 live on rtr. there were several days off, and thanks to the embassy of the people's republic of china in russia and nikolai nikolaevich vavilov, i was for the first time in mainland china, beijing, shanghai, i’ll tell you directly the impression, it’s very, it’s very serious, it was the first time, i was the first time on the mainland china, and i will tell you that i did not regret it, beijing, of course, is a city
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colossal power, shanghai. shanghai, of course, has a level of development. i just really want the head of our central bank to go there for a short time, not on an official visit, but just to see how real life works. because the chinese central bank does not use the dogmas that guide our central bank, and therefore does not slow down the development of chinese industry, the chinese national economy and... the results, well, are absolutely amazing, somehow i even had to think seriously, well, then i looked at a number of interesting ones there products, and i can tell you that americans and europeans have to worry a lot, that is , there is something to worry about when you carefully travel on a magnetic levitation train in shanghai, which quietly and calmly goes only 300 km, maybe faster, well, only 300 , then you understand that distances can be completely
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different. the program is enough as regards events, well , firstly, today is a really bright holiday, and here i would like to say that well, i visited the church, i think, like many of those present and television viewers, and of course, the sincere desire of our
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people to give back to this holiday is impressive, well, it’s impossible to describe in words, you’re just proud of the country, for the fact that we were able to maintain relations, including with religion. of course, the event of the inauguration on the seventh, this event is extremely important for russia, because it is an event that will draw the attention of the whole world to what is happening, but we must understand that this event affects not only the fate of our country, but it will really influence on what is happening all over the world, we started with a very important topic, and you know, despite the craving that i would like to talk about economic issues, today i would still like to talk or offer... some general view of what is happening, look, we are talking about import substitution, but it seems to me that import substitution is generally the most important import substitution as a process, it is the replacement of the imported meaning of life in our country, and this is where
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margaret simonov very correctly said about this, we must understand that for many years we have not moved quite the way our country and our people probably deserve, and today thanks to, among other things, we are finally gaining a completely different vision of our country, because what do i mean, no not profit, not financial results, should be the meaning of the economy, and the economy itself is only a mechanism for achieving universally important essential human goals, but without goal setting nothing happens at all, and if we are talking about what our country needs today, then to her i need sovereign goal setting, what do i have? that is, this is the goal that our country can formulate for itself independently, through its own efforts, its own resources, and realize it; if this does not happen, if this is someone else’s goal, we must pay tribute to the liberals, over the last 30 years we
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have seen, if not complete domination, the presence of foreign goals in the consciousness of our people, and we understand today that this must be overcome, namely the fight against this or the exit of our own goals, formulated and conscious ones will allow...
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china, and india, and russia claim not just in theory, but in practice that they are becoming macro-civilizations, each of them offers the world something of its own, so let's see what the destruction of this world is, which means , we are struggling with what they are scaring us with today, what? well, all this can lead to. that rapid growth is impossible, that the victory of one means the loss of another, this is all a liberal ideology, which is based on the imposition of a completely different view on us, which we should strive for,
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club of rome, all its forecasts did not come true, but they are the basis of ideology, not only economic, political, and here they promote all this, hence all these models of sustainable growth and so on. we stand on something completely different, we understand that resources are limitless, the only question is whether today's competence, knowledge and competencies can match the level. level of possibility of using all these resources, and we are moving forward, we just don’t know something today, tomorrow we will know and we will have more of it use, there is no limitation of resources, look what xi says, in 2012 he proclaimed one belt, one road, yes, but this is not only an economic process, it is a process of proposing the chinese view of connecting the peoples of the world there, what mr. modi says, he says that one land, one family, one future, moreover, he says that resources, he just like that... i quote verbatim, he says that today there are enough resources in the world to
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ensure a normal standard of living for everyone living on earth, what does this mean, these are people who, not only for themselves, for the whole world, offer a completely different view, but what our country offers is all the same, only according to their own vision, look, vladimirovich said, today , for example, speaking about having many children, he says that this should be a philosophy, a philosophy of our life, it is not just a social task, but a philosophy of life for our country, with... russia not only deserves, it is able to formulate its view and offer this look to the whole world, why can she do this, look at how developing countries in africa treat us, there is latin america, yes they... are waiting for this statement from russia, why? yes, because they
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have never seen a colonizer or oppressor in russia, they, they understand that it is russia with its potential that can offer a new vision, our desire, maybe not a monopoly, but together with our colleagues, the chinese there, the indians and others there participants in the process to formulate this new future, why? yes, because this is the new future, it is not in opposition, not in destruction, margarina said about this, what they bear, yes, what they can bear, if their future is destroyed. what they do not have an understanding of childhood to offer to their own country, our country they do not have children, they do not understand that they can offer a decent future not only for themselves, but also for others, from here it is possible, and this will also become part of the new proposal, we can offer , for example, security, security in a broad sense, and russia is capable, it is demonstrating, today it has thrown down a challenge, look what we are talking about literally, this may not correspond with the general theme, but this is a very, very important fact, because in fact the world oligarchy... it used the financial mission of money as
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an influence on the economies of many countries, and there lies the main reason for the socio-economic difficulties that many countries are experiencing, and we saw this just a few days ago, trump himself, in general, american leaders there said that it would be necessary to think about legislative punishment of those countries and those structures that they are fighting against de-dolarization, which means they are doing great.
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i am very glad that today russia is able to formulate its vision, it not only can, it must formulate this vision and offer it to all humanity. by the way, speaking about vision, about something going wrong in the world, barel also talked about it. the international system to which we were accustomed after the cold war has ceased to exist. america has lost its hegemonic status, and the world order has collapsed. after 1945, loses ground. the world has become much more
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more multipolar. yes it's true. we europeans wanted to create a circle of friends in our neighborhood. instead, we have a ring of fire today. the ring of fire is moving from the sahel to the middle east and the caucasus. and now to the battlefields in ukraine. what do we need to do? first, we need a clear one. russia's threat assessment. russia is seen as europe's most existential threat. not everyone in the european council may agree with this, but the majority support the idea. russia represents for us
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existential threat, and we must soberly assess this risk. secondly. we must work on principles, cooperation and strength. there is nothing that authoritarian regimes admire more than strength. they like strength, and there is nothing they respect less than weakness. if they perceive you as a weak actor, they will act accordingly. so let's try to demonstrate strength when talking to authoritarian people. this is a lesson that we in europe have forgotten. we came up with this problem anyway. and we have a strong sense of responsibility for how to solve this problem. the existence of ukraine depends on
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us. i know how to end the war in ukraine, but i cannot finish it. it turned out to be a ring of flame, but the question lies precisely in the european approach to those whom they considered friends. the second point is why he decided that when he talks about authoritarian leaders, meaning our country, china, he generally understands hungary what he is talking about, power, no, power is in truth, he
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never once used the word that for us is fundamentally important.
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you came to us, and not we to you, we do not threaten any nato country, you are trying to gobble up the ancestral russian lands, well , guys, sorry, it means something is going wrong in your life. by the way, so stupid, the president of the democratic republic of the congo, felix chassikidi, explained very well why people in africa love russia. how do you understand that china or russia, which are not.
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not always as dominant over dominant over dominant, that is, the french, pretend to be french, yes karyn
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georievich, well, about barel, no, i think he’s not that stupid, but he’s very deceitful, very deceitful, which in my opinion is even worse when he, he’s being talked about... existential, that is, existential from the word existence, yes, yes, the threat to the existence of europe emanating from russia. listen, this is funny to listen to for any person who has read at least two pages of history. over the past 200 years, the west has invaded russia four times, be it the russian empire, napoleon's crimean war and... the soviet union, intervention in the time of the civil war, and of course, this is a gigantic invasion, the victory over which
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we will celebrate in 2 days, and so to speak, and russia always came to europe after that, as a response to aggression. i remember, once i was alone, i gave an interview to a french journalist, he said: well, you occupied eastern europe after the war, i say that... that means we occupied, you came, all these countries participated, by the way, in war against russia, everyone, including those who are trying to pretend that they are not participants, such as the czech republic, who, by the way, were czechs who served in the wehrmacht, the entire economy of the czech republic, by the way, the most powerful worked for germany, all, all these countries, all these countries that later joined the soviet bloc, they are so or else in...
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everything is just like this interviewer is lying to this interviewer, that he doesn’t know why africans don’t trust
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europe, what kind of kindergarten is it, what kind of kindergarten, what to talk about this, how can you talk about it when europe destroyed africa, african historians count losses europe, the loss of africa as a result of the slave trade of up to 100 million people, by the way, you...
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rise, and he was like such an image of the bourgeoisie, the bourgeoisie, here he has, i remember this phrase, i say, in his works, he says: life is nothing more than a machine that is controlled with the help of money, this is the essence, this is ideology, and we are talking about values, but they don’t give a damn about values, no matter what they say... they were talking about authoritarian democracy, lgbt, by the way, this is all, this is all, this is all what marx
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called the superstructure, the base, this money. money, money, they are waging a war against russia because of money, because of personal monetary interests, because if they manage to defeat russia, they will provide for themselves for a long, long time, so the war is not for ukraine, why the hell do they need this ukraine, that this ukraine is for them, the war is going on for russia, our people understand this in their guts, although it hasn’t been fully explained to them yet, but in their guts... they understand, we have generally wise people, these guys at the front, they are wonderful they understand that the war is being fought for our country, because if they achieve our defeat, it is clear that our defeat, in their understanding, will lead to the collapse of the country, taking control of this gigantic resource, which is what they
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have been living off of for the last 30 years, due to the collapse of the ussr, when we...
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trump is the same, as they say, there was no character from them, and he shut up, because companies are like all of them, so all this is understandable, but i think that alexander mikhailovich at the same time raised a very important topic about what we need so that, well, okay, here we are winning, we will win, and that we will have the same society, here we are,
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which we have been building for 30 years. formulated by the soviets, they still remember it, you know, so why don’t they return to this, especially since this is a formulation that is close to our chinese comrades, you said, you were in china, i was in china for the first time in 1987 year of the last century, the first week of soviet cinema was after a long pause, if you remember, there was a warming there after damansky, so
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they sent us, i’m with the film winter evening... that, but it was, it was an absolutely poor country where there were no cars it was, there were all these crowds of people riding bicycles, dressed in a uniform, so to speak, half-uniform, some kind of, i don’t know, these blue jackets, this, this was the whole country, people there didn’t see tv, it was eighty- seven a year, that’s how long 30 years have passed,
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40, well, what 37. for some reason i can’t learn from them, and this topic has been around for a long time, by the way, i already talked about this then, well, it’s clear who was listening to me there, who needs me there, we have a general tendency, well, you are this china, what do we need
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this china, we have the united states, the west, that’s where we are from, and what, what, what are they, who are they there, this, this is also arrogance, which, by the way, is inherent in russians, sometimes completely inappropriate, we have it, we need to get rid of it.
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this image of the future should, in my opinion, it should not be like this, otherwise for the sake of what, for the sake of what, and this image of the future, by the way, needs to be offered to the ukrainians, they also need
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to be offered something so that we don’t talk there, don’t they were arguing, there was lenin, there were the bolsheviks, all that, but in general, they still resolved the issue from ukraine quite quickly, quite quickly they resolved the issue because they suggested.
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and it seems to me that we generally need to somehow listen to such people and to such programs that raise these questions, because well, on the one hand, we really have a military operation going on, on the other hand, i watch all the time, on these film channels , so i watched for several days, i’m sitting, clicking, then an american film will be shown about the evil russian mafia, then a film about a terrible one...
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how, you know, anyway, so to speak, you watch football clubs there, okay, the first league, the second league, foreign coaches,
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it is necessary, in this sense it is necessary, and it correctly says that we need to create it, but probably a lot can be taken from our history and returned to our context, not everything , but a lot can be taken, corporations will of course be offended by me, but i regularly hear questions at the front, why the hell are you dragging this traitor onto television, fortunately not on ours, not our channel, but where does this one come from? appeared, and this is what you show, and this is why it hasn’t yet a foreign agent, and that sobchak can ask people, in fact, it is often quite difficult to answer, but the guys’ questions are so fair, very fair, evgeniy petrovich, yes, but still returning to our affairs, so to speak, which are happening, well, rather not on...
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for the first time macron said that russia, for france and germany, and for europe in general, has always been, remains, well, will remain, an enemy, a threat that must be constantly fought. well, of course, he said a lot of nonsense about the minsk agreements, for a long time they germany, france and germany for a diplomatic solution.
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in order to create, so to speak, strategic uncertainty, macron says, what it is, that putin must clearly understand that he, macron, and europe can go so far that putin can’t even imagine, all putin’s threats about that he will use nuclear weapons there, you won’t scare france, we don’t need her to be afraid, she will simply disappear, me too.
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scared, not scared, what difference does it make to us, why do we need their fear, i really liked the passage, when macron, i don’t know whether it was on purpose or just, so to speak, he was carried away, said that you know, despite the insignificant role that france played in the victory over fascism, the allies, however, he did not say that it was joseph vassilionovich stalin who was the initiator , the allies recognized us as the winner, and we found ourselves in this campaign and... it gave such an impetus that now france, wow, has everything, economically, politically, militarily, and nuclear weapons after that.
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attacks on ukraine along with heavy equipment, it’s clear that a contingent of this size, it’s not heavy equipment - these will be leklers, well , obviously leklers for lifting equipment, heavy, there are no leklers on poklonnaya gora yet, simply because, that is,
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wheeled tanks are just right for a collection, so they gave it to the ukrainians so to speak, which needed to be disposed of, but they haven’t gotten to the leclercs yet, of course... they will need air cover, now many in europe are starting to say that yes, macron, in principle, some are going over a little bit, so say the devil, but first you need to use aviation, first you need to create the notorious no-fly zone, and then introduce a ground contingent, so i think that the purpose of introducing a french contingent, if this happens, is not... on the belarusian border , in western ukraine, on the border with transnistria. the goal, i think, is this, and not some kind of strategic uncertainty, but the goal is to feel or
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try what russia’s reaction will be, that’s what it’s like, state duma deputy, mr. tolstoy said, we will kill them all. here. if there is a reaction, so to speak , even excessive, so that all of them are united, excessively, they come to the enemy army, we will kill them all, this is not enough, using the example of leopards and abrams, the french must understand, they will be the number one goal for our army , a competition will begin among the fighters to see who can kill the french the most, but macron is counting on the fact that the reaction may not be the same, but the reaction, well, okay, don’t go to the front, stay there in the west. and we penetrate any point on the territory of ukraine, well, in western europe too, if it is delivered, therefore, i also believe that the reaction should be extremely tough if it appears there, because if not, then everyone, the poles, and these baltic tigers with their two tanks will all flock there, macron already
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believes that he is so to speak, yes not everyone supports, but countries like the uk there, there just should be 2.0 widows who should... and i would also like one more thing, in the magazine sweak, also on the 2nd, there appeared such an interesting article about these missiles attacking ms, this is referred to to the pentagon's analysis,
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that the pentagon believes that, firstly, these deliveries were carried out exclusively for striking the crimea, we discussed this on your last broadcast, there are airfields there... these missiles can be used most effectively and what our, so to speak, intelligence notes , firstly, an increase in the intensity of... so to speak
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, the intensification of the use of these drones of decoy targets 160, which open the air defense system and transmit, that is , collect information, these reconnaissance drones, drones, something is clearly being prepared, the americans are pushing zelensky to start launching... so to speak, with these missiles, plus there is storm shadow, which cameron announced that they are also about to come to launch massive strikes on crimea, we need to be prepared for this, i will launch a preventive strike on the banking sector and begin ordering government institutions of ukraine located in kiev, odessa, and all temporarily unliberated cities to begin to shoot down these, so to speak, to declare airspace.
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immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about
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time off the coast of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection. welcome to the newest rixsus hotel in sharmalsheikh. riks. rodomis charmel sheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for
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the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents, escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas rodomis sharmelshaih. a hotel for an unforgettable rix experience. sharmelsheikh is only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharma. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. flying, flying across the sky, clinus. songs coming from the heart, at the end of the day,
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songs over which time has no power, songs of victory, ildar abdrazakov’s festive concert on may 10 on rtr, new russian cinema, i'm looking for my brother, now i have to find him... find, love, as proof of life, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray wife, go, i'll come back for you, do you hear, call sign passenger , may 10 at рrt. here, comrade, in america everything is still bad, bad, here people counted how many times biden
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misspoke, but i don’t think he misspoke, he just can’t speak normally, with him...
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it’s all just fun, of course, trump lives great-grandfather biden, and we must understand that in fact, they are no different from each other, but karen georgivich, as a great director, will confirm, in my opinion, one actor could play both one and the other, it was nelson, yes, in my opinion, the name that is in the naked played with a pistol, that is, well , seriously speaking, these are two sides of the same person, well, look at how trump mocks biden, it’s good to have a president who doesn’t need a body. imagine, i would read my teleprompter, everything was going well, look, due to the weak economy, i would like to apologize, pause, pause, pause,
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whatever it is, it's incredible. pause, you know, i looked at it and said, how strange, you know, on my teleprompter there is no pause, there are empty spaces, because you see if there is a reaction, if there is no reaction, then you continue, and unnecessary pauses, that is you understand, yes, that if trump doesn’t dye his hair, then it will be the same person, nilson was the last name of this actor, yes nelson is with one eye, nilson with two, sorry, a cruel joke. by the way, there are 6 months left of this strategic uncertainty, one or the other, exactly 6 months, because to place your bets on who will win on november 5th, i think that one of them will not live, there is an option that both, well, yes, there is also an option, who is someone, one of them may not to live, that’s why i’m wondering here, who can take over this? don’t contact me, i wasn’t born there, but i
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understand, by law i can’t, so even if my homeland orders me to lead, i won’t be able to. "it’s better not to contact you, but i’m very glad that you went to china, now you probably understand why americans have existential adversary is an acute threat, that is, between china, which is an adversary, here is a threat to the united states, long-term, and is considered until the end of this century, the current century, an acute threat that can be eliminated, something else can be done, can i i will be unpopular, and after spending 5 days in china i will not pretend to be an expert on..." on china, because in the united states the number of publications and the number of studies on china have not decreased, despite the fact that on russia since the 2000s years, well, since 2000 it has increased almost 10 times, that is, somewhere up to 20%, the main
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half goes to china, precisely because they consider it this way, it’s very... that everyone in europe should understand that authoritarian powers there use force, and the fact that in the diplomatic courses of the united states they say that the most important position in any negotiations is a position of force, this is what has been brought up there since the beginning, since the beginning of the last century, since the 19th century, as only the united states since the 20th century,
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once the united states entered the world stage, every decision on any issue must be approached from a position of strength. therefore, power there is put at the forefront of any diplomatic issue. barel is just like an atlanticist, he’s here, it doesn’t matter to him, everyone should understand this, except him. there are 5 months left, 6 months to also remain in this post, he needs to hold out for this, it is difficult for him to explain why they could not create, after all, he started with the fact that they created this ring of friends, there was an alliance mediterranean, there was such an idea in 2008, there was the eastern partnership, that’s what he participated in, suddenly this arose, it arose because there were selfish interests of european leaders, the same nikolai sarkozy, who torpedoed this idea of ​​the mediterranean...
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mariana, i i don’t mean anything in this case, but this is a lady so young, a young lady in an afrigian cap with a spear, yes, who, who carries on herself this symbol of the renewal of everything, she was adopted in 1792 , as far as i remember, by the national meeting, exactly as a symbol, that’s why macron is now introducing himself, as it were, trying to present himself to that europe that is not atlantic, yes, there will be there, there will be a meeting with ursuloien, it seems like such a meeting is planned , it seems, to introduce himself ,
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is not the one that allegedly has some kind of interests, but from the three countries that were the support of the main, the main, so to speak, supporting structure and nato, the same european, or maybe sidin pin just wants to say, dear, i i already went to see you, is that why i won’t go to the olympics? no, i do n’t think he will go to the olympics anyway, he won’t go to the olympics there anyway, and i don’t know who will go there, because, judging by the fact that the program has not been drawn up, as if to the end, so it’s not clear whether they will be open there, maybe then it’s not too late to transfer to moscow, i think it’s worthy, others are possible, we already have a very beautiful park on poklonnaya hill, we’re already preparing, we’re already preparing.
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forces everything else, that is, from european leaders, despite the fact that macron, if compare him with the same leaders, literally before our eyes, 20 years later, 20 years ago, 20 years ago, like when sherak, schroedr and so on were there, even compare with them, this is the grinding down of european leadership, yes it’s impossible to compare macron even with sarkozy, yes, yes, that ’s right, with him even, well, i would compare him with aland, well, you can compare him with aland.
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it is impossible for a space to be built here that can challenge hegemony, then hegemony ends, this is a point of view that has yet to be substantiated on...
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trump and therefore they cannot forgive trump for europe, we need to solve two things now , how to scare russia in order to.
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stopped, well, we will bring in troops, how to scare russia, and what are they going to do if they already said that they had already spent all the weapons that they had, well, they are leading the troops where, you see what’s the matter, macron inflates the rates, he believes that how many warheads do they have there, 300 or 280 or something, this , this, this will be an umbrella for everything for the whole of europe, what kind of umbrella is this, full of holes, oh needless to say, it may not have holes, it’s small. a great summit is also being prepared there, in my opinion, from which now the summit that should be held in switzerland, this is the copenhagen format, this is the completion of the copenhagen format, the first summit where russia should offer some kind of formula, but we don’t care about them, that’s it they don’t give a damn, you know, they will demand that
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we... china and india, does not depend on anyone other than the interests of our people, the president has already said all macron’s fabrications about the fact that france has no red lines in relation to ukraine; in an interview, i think, with dmitry kiselev, he said that we will not have red lines in relation to such countries. there is
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a fundamental point that these people cannot understand, they cannot understand russia, they cannot understand simple, clear things, we are not doing this because china or india tells us something, if they want to help, thank you very much, but russian people always count in the end only on themselves, only on themselves, and this must be understood, this may be for them, this is necessary macron is not capable do nothing yourself without looking around. they sincerely they believe that if they get together now, they believe that they are the rulers of thoughts, all these heirs of the evil idiots whom we have been chasing for centuries, i’m not talking about that, i’m saying that this is the whole plan that was.
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turned off, collapsed, no, now we ’ll bring in troops, but here’s the question, i don’t even have a question of what the troops are leading, let’s enter into a bet, etovich, oh, with evgeniy petrovich, excuse me, we discussed it. considering that this contingent must be hit, the question is precisely about friend: if france sends in its troops, then we strike at the headquarters of the contingent, strike ours, now they are all trying
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to find one thing in international law: the introduction of troops is not under international law, allegedly a violation of all these conventions according to which we we can strike , we can’t understand, we don’t care about their interpretation of international law. we interpret international law differently. they have international rules, that they have rules there and we have rights, they are now trying to enforce that since 1945 years - it is their right to do what they are trying to do, we still have nuclear capabilities to convince anyone, the nuclear capability is so powerful, beautiful, that’s all. well , i would leave the strategic uncertainty with nuclear weapons for now, but i think that it is in vain, you are in vain, my friends , underestimating, and why lay out the seconds? i told you, i told you a long time ago, after the famous story, when a number of current deputies began to be accused, one of
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them state duma in polonium poisoning, what he poisoned, i invite you to transmission, for the first time comrade lugovoi comes to me, brings with him a book called.
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here was republican rome, just like there was the united states, which once brought something good to the world, now they have passed the period when they brought something good and they are moving into the imperial period, when their task
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is to crucify christ and crush the provinces who behave differently and so on. and the same thing is happening inside, this discord is happening within society, and now from a strategic point of view, they are going into a new cycle, they are going into a crisis, they are going into a deep economic, deep economic redistribution of society, they understand that huge assets, huge debts will be reset to zero, and the main blow will not be on them, this is the elite that is black rock, that political elite , which is behind him.
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on the other side, because there is crime on the streets,
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because these southern cartels have come in, with which, by the way, all the special services have excellent agreements; in latin america and inside the united states, on the other hand, there are terrorists, and we already see how a power structure is being built in order for america to scream. from what will happen in this crisis , to keep, on the one hand by digital means, on the other hand by force, the americans from the outside understand that now they cannot control the world in any way, they need to retreat to the american continent, and retreat to the american continent - this means crushing latin america. to use its resources,
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latin america is becoming chaotized, there is, in fact, tacit support for the cartels, there is, well, look what in latin america, in fact, cartels begin to take over one country after another, and all this cash flow turns out to be, in fact, an alternative statehood based on this cash flow.
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everyone will run away, china will isolate itself, leave russia, leave, stop thinking about this belt and road, how can it be then what to do with this nuclear garbage dump, and the united states will again find itself for a while until it rebuilds itself internally, in the distant from all the crises on the continents, with all the money, all the people, and we see how we are provoked
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so that we cross a certain limit of power and...
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thinking, and the lord of sodom and gomorrah sorted it out carelessly, fire came down from heaven, oops, that's why we need to be careful up to a certain limit, and then it helps a lot, fire comes down from heaven and goodbye,
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it’s no coincidence that on the 24th of the twenty-second year , vladimir vladimirovali said that if you try to intervene, then the answer will be one that you haven’t even seen, in general it’s in vain that they don’t listen attentively to our president, yeah, it wouldn’t hurt for them to listen very- very attentively. careful attention to the words of our president would have saved europe from ruin, that’s for sure. apparently, thanks to its leaders who do not feel any responsibility to the population, it will continue to go bankrupt in favor of the americans. well, okay, today is a good day, a holiday, so rita started with things that are very important for all of us, and she spoke about humanism and justice, but we
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know that humanism in international relations is strange. sounds, okay, so, you can only afford a strong one, and humanism and a sense of justice, maybe even to the detriment of one’s own interests sometimes, and the desire to change the world, to make it better, this is certainly the desire of many, but only the strong have the opportunity, now is a very important moment in the war zone, i everything about his own, why is he important? the fact that the entire military machine of our enemy, i mean the collective west as a whole, is now trying to find at least some opportunity to stop us, like hitler, who after forty-three tried to come up with everything
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some kind of weapons system that could return the initiative to fascist germany, so... now the americans, i do n’t mean politicians, i mean professionals, military men, europeans, and of course, ukrainians, are trying frantically quickly to - then, ah, come up with something theoretically and maybe in terms of using the forces of means, which... would allow them to stop us at the maximum and slow us down at a minimum, we cannot stop at all, and the initiative that was conquered under difficult conditions, well, over the last year, well
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even, probably, from the moment our enemy’s offensive to cut off crimea failed. cut off the land corridor to crimea, from that moment we returned the initiative, we returned it. and we cannot give it up now under any circumstances, because in fact, at the cost of quite serious tension, the russian army has achieved a very important state of the enemy, the state is quite alarming, the enemy does not know what to do with us, and the enemy does not very well understand what measures . will allow you to prolong even such an uncomfortable
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the state as it is now, i mean extending the days of the kiev regime, i’m not talking about the fact that victory has somehow become very close, no, it seems to me that victory is still measured by the state of the top, yes, of this criminal regime, perhaps proximity... in terms of the restrictions that arise as a result of our fire defeat, this is not
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some kind of blow and a baton to make everyone feel bad, necessarily, no, but we now see that a well-founded problem has formed in kharkov, yes and we all know why she formed because the kiev regime is stubborn. and quite stupidly, he formed terrorist methods of warfare where he could, and he could only in belgorod, in order to protect our people, now this is happening in kharkov, this is not some kind of revenge, some kind of cheap insult, but no, of course, this is a systematic work, at the forefront of which is precisely preventing the death of our people who must live. and live happily, preferably, we are slowly, well not so much, by the way, slowly, we are moving in the avdeevsky direction, and
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maybe many people don’t know the names of the settlements, but here vladimir rudolfovich and i talked about this topic, it’s important to look not at the names of the cities and towns that we liberate, but at what altitude they are located, you need to look at the elevation map . and it becomes clear that we are stubbornly pursuing our line, ah, realizing the plan that was probably originally in the head and soul of vladimir vladimovich putin, and we are liberating ukraine, liberating it not only from foreign, destructive influence, and the military, first of all, we release, and i...
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do this, and so that, by the way, foreign paintings don’t appear here like that, yes, and also, by the way, i’m scrolling through some services, so with surprise, well, wow, such a converter, in general, is quite cheap western propaganda, yes, we still have it, but probably for this something more needs to happen than, you know, like calls simply, education is very...
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but everyone should refuse this, because people still buy real estate from us for money, which, for example, is not available, yes, no one wants to live on the street in any system. strictly speaking, in order to earn money for this real estate, we need to earn it, since we live in a capitalist society, well , we probably need to come up with some new system again, if we are not going to abandon capitalism, yes, but we want to be ideologically different, this is a very serious issue, unfortunately, unfortunately,
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the military personnel who are now fighting, we have received a unique historical chance to consolidate and change, and we only now we are starting, in fact, to use it there, i really hope that we will use it, because, for example, we somehow let the return of crimea slip through our fingers, although then it seemed to me, in fact, that such a chance would no longer exist, but this is a battle for ourselves, for our country. for our children, who, it seems, should be raised a little differently than, for example, the generation that was brought up 10 years ago, this fight for ourselves, it is just beginning, and here there should be pressure from below, yes, from above there must be a will in in general, a lot should coincide, but at least you and i here, when
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we talk about something, we can afford to contribute. a significant contribution to this new thing, because we present some thoughts, and often we do it quite clearly, that’s what’s also important, this process, we can’t afford for this process to actually lag behind what’s happening in land, in a war zone , because that part of society that is here and that has not given up its... way of life, thanks to the people who sacrificed a lot and are in a combat zone, this part of society, it bears a certain responsibility, a very serious responsibility to the people who defend this way of life, who pay with their hands, feet, lives, their time, of course, that’s why, here how to tie this up
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so that it doesn’t become artificial, but i will say this, the more proactive and successful our troops act, the more responsible we must be, perhaps, in approaching the issue of goal setting, where we are going, how we let's go, what song we go with at the same time, this is very important, and i usually say that what is much more important is the summary of military operations every day and... how we manage to beat the enemy, of course, i still insist on this, but at the same time, this parallel process is a battle for for for for ideas for ours, for what we consider correct, and on the other hand , the extremely valuable in the modern world is the right to raise children the way we believe they should be raised, and not someone else in washington there,
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yes, no matter how strange it may sound, here... the battle for this is what it means for us that character that barel spoke about today, by the way, not only did he say stupidity, he also said a certain amount of truth in this stupidity, i have to go back, he said that the existential threat from russia is the idea of ​​europe, too he didn’t say that this is a... that this is something that can be consumed, this is an idea, and barel carries this idea, well, like many , in fact, and liberal globalists, yes. they want this idea to become self-dividing, self-developing, so that it will capture new generations, that’s the same in fact, the battle is now and even a special military
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operation, this is a battle of ideas, a battle of our truth with untruth, the great easter is today, and the truth will definitely win, advertising, we will not continue after. big film premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the rank, this is us, this is the front line, this is where we bring you out, from the director of the liquidation, this is what you keep, what is this, remember, this is what we never lost even in the worst times , what are they doing, they pray, they greet saturdays, well , stop greeting them, saturday will come anyway, they they have been praying about this for 2 thousand years, but how will it be... groom in hebrew, you don’t know, huson, stop , you’re in the eye, stop, talk, i want, i need two who know how to shoot, i can do everything , just show me how, we
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have a grenade, he wants to throw it for his dad, for his older brother, for all the kofmans, a film by sergei ursulyak, the task is to survive and get there, and there is no choice, righteous man, but there is a chance, may 9 on... good, complete confidence in impunity, where does this confidence come from experience, there are such things which are not immediately visible, they are veiled,
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they are closed, but they exist, they live, those on whom the security of our country and its future depend need to know, isn’t it, essagon tv on monday on rtr. this is what, comrades, girls, a good sniper can single-handedly stop an enemy attack. we are now a team, we must become one in order to prove that we are snipers. i see the enemy. shoot, klimenko, fire, that's an order. and if the germans have a new sniper, he could easily slap you all the way. why are you worried about me? there is a task from this detachment, allow me to take it with me abandoned, to complete this task i
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need a second sniper, klimenko is the only combat unit, proceed, eat, ainakh, you won’t leave, through the sight may 10 on rtr may 9 is the day of the great victory, a big parade on the red.
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victory parade on may 9th live on rtr, the front line, we fly across the sea, we approach the bridge, the fris comes loose, opens fire, this is what we will use as a mount for the germans, fighters, the battle of the edge, premiere, from monday on rtr . twenty the fifth combined arms army is the youngest formation in the russian armed forces, formed in the twenty-third year. everyone who is there. his army decided for
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itself that the time had come, signed a contract with the armed forces and is now defending its homeland in the krasno-liman direction. the formation included a registered regiment , bashkarattastan, who left the republic every day to show their patriotism and dedication. our army was able to unite people of different nationalities, religions and cultures. how the commander of the general army, major general rustam yusupov, told me, we are winning. due to the faith of understanding one’s own history, this is where the core of modern russia lies. let's watch the movie and then go back to the studio.
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sight 290, level 299, yes, protractor 5882, yes, loaded, the second one is on. ready, loaded, gun, look at it alone, i’ve been fighting for a long time, i got here on august 19, 2023, who is the building, under the colonel, how do you stand at the resort? i’m almost home, it’s 57 km
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straight to home, so it’s ok, pine weight, yes, it’s a resort, we have almost everything the same, we just have a little more black soil than here, drones provide it, the main problem is drones, and they themselves have drones, yes they use them, i was recently in the thirty- first regiment, checked and accordingly saw...
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five-sheli each, i was already a military pensioner and in 2022 i returned, left as a captain, got a major here, a muslim, okay, bro, look, you have shakvit written, well, i i’ll tell you this, don’t rush, i assure you, you know, it’s easy to die, it’s difficult to win, so shahit, he’s a warrior for the faith, yes, he’s considered a righteous man, yes, he died for his country. as if he chose his call sign -
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due to the fact that a lot of acquaintances and friends died, well, as it were, to take revenge , let alone take revenge. there's no point in complaining about the food here. enough, but whoever cooks it themselves, well, of course, that is, you don’t trust the young man, well , the young man, he can fry pancakes, about the battles, it’s great when it’s ready, 299, aimed,
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ready, weapon, weapon. gun, shot, target hit, yes, accepted, the target is hit in place. alexandrevich, you are a rare person, whom i will meet in the army, who will be older than me, how it happened,
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they returned, exactly when, yes, in the month of december, they took over the battalion, how many were outside the army, so in the tenth year. to retire, that ’s right, based on length of service, yes, what did they do in civilian life, worked in the ministry of emergency situations, but that is, yes, from one to the other, please tell us what kind of adversaries decided to take revenge on us, there were a lot of arrivals, here they threw phosphorus last, there was such a fire, the day before yesterday it was, that is, the second day it’s going to be done, well, there was a big fire, that is, you can’t put out phosphorus until nothing burns out. yes, there ’s still dryness here, then there’s a peat bed, all this goes, goes, goes, goes, my guys fought all night, extinguished, and how to extinguish such a disaster, dug in, dug up everything, but that is, everything is according to the classics, so
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the experience of the ministry of emergency situations was also useful here, for sure, so it’s good that you can hear the shooter, and these are drones flying, drones, that is, we’re filming them with the shooter, yes, that’s right from... the emergency management department of the city of ufa resigned, well, that’s in the ministry of emergency situations served, this is in the ministry of emergency situations, in the army, in army up to commander roth, that’s it, then the nineties, well, yes, so i got a personal job, so the mchesov rank was transferred to the army, yes, that’s right, but were you luckier?
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this is a new position for us, we have prepared it for shooting at night, now we will study and practice at night, which means that the driver mechanic, frol, caller, has been nominated for a medal for courage, he has four baba yagas to his name, but two are proven, the rest are somewhere... then they fell, but he brought two, he goes out hunting at night, an amateur, a sniper, he... so, i i’ll be on duty from two to four, this is my time, yes, they’re flying, six children, all these guys, i’ve tried everything in life, how
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did you get there, it’s very nice, i know, but the layer doesn’t know you either, they haven’t even changed and not according to his age, he is healthy, tell me, frol, how you killed the woman, free time from the tank, there are such moments, we don’t sleep at night, that is, we have to keep watch. climbed into the tank and come on, studied, sat, remembered, i studied 64, seventy-second,
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eighty, that is, you and i understand what the song was about, the tanks rumbled across the field, because there were four people there, that’s right, when i was in the tank, well, during my studies, i’m a military registration commander of a platoon of light medium tanks, we had four people in the tank, and the commander sat on the left, on top, right?
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with the help of the crew, we scald it, supplement it, then
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we have everything that is welded on top, that is, taking into account the battles that have already passed, there is nothing extra, there is nothing superfluous there, but the tank has already flown in, something these body kits have already helped, well, in the sense that the obes helps even kamaz and urals, to say nothing of the tank. well, i i also tried to work on it, that is , it bounced off, thanks to this mesh, it threw back the mine, that is, if it doesn’t touch the armor, it doesn’t hit, it doesn’t go off, that is, the fuse all flies off, and it’s just such a trampoline, yes, like a trampoline, he jumps out, as if everything is on this, who is in charge of the crew, that is, every chief, and amazing things for the tanker, the commander.
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that means bashkir names, yes, they are dismantling the azov people, the unpraised azov people from... they are dismantling them right away, ours became about two weeks ago, azov is standing here, well, from the very beginning,
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that is, more than a year, and 2 weeks, in 2 weeks of fighting, the registered bashkarat regiment showed itself in such a way that they marched one and a half kilometers forward, seriously, the vaunted radish is here, the radish is here, the radish, prokopenko. uh uh student of the linguistic department of the kiev university uh german philology, he didn’t finish his studies... he’s a lover of germanisms, it’s not for nothing that the emblem of azov is essentially a swastika, a re-faced swastika, that is, they studied the enemy, that’s right, judging by the moss
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, it’s also bashkir, no , and what?
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san, how old is i, i’m 62, again older than me, what is it, today is an old colonel, already older than me, how long have you been retired? i was retired for 11 years, served for 28 years, that is , i volunteered, it turns out, well , it turns out, yes, i volunteered, why? well, as it were, a professional military man, especially i know this system, i taught for 11 years, people who came to become citizens, who have mastered some basics for this, now i’m helping them
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figure it out, as if yes, i’m showing them, i understand that i’m needed , and my experience and what is the current position for... the position, chief of staff, but an artilleryman himself, i am a rocket scientist by, as it were, education and after college, people study well, yes, there seems to be an aspiration, a desire, the main thing, well, war in this regard teaches quickly, it has been working with calculations for a long time, 7 months somewhere already and almost a year, well, yes.
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yes, the weights there are normal, but the little one, why are you tormenting the little one, no, the little one, the smartest one among us, navochik, the fastest one, a newcomer, yes, yes, married, not yet, married, two and two, so far , there are children, that’s right, children, yes, two boys, the wife’s house card, of course, they still have the task, at least three, fulfill the task of the president, yeah, that is why, well , somehow from vacation, then, that is, somehow it is necessary, we defeated everyone.
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our boys went forward, completed the task, knocked out the enemy in three directions, the advance was good today, three strong points, two regiments went on the attack, two brigades. one brigade is still fighting now, fighting with the rifle brigade, well, thanks to you, your work here, work, work, guys, you are for the infantry, the infantry is for victory, and we are doing one common cause, our cause is just, victory must be ours, it will be so, it cannot be any other way, and thanks to your work, yes, today the state awards you deserve have arrived, guys. thank you very much, i know how hard it is for you, away from home, from your family, as they say, life for the homeland, honor to no one, boys, for the courage and
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selflessness shown in the performance of military duty, we were awarded, we have the hardest work for the homeland, victory, i serve russia , we really need to work here, liberate our land, this is our land. on this earth our grandfathers at forty the first, the second, the forty-third they fought back, knocked out, defended, our combat work does not stop, yes, day and night, our guys are moving forward there, guys, we need to help them, due to which we are still grinding, probably through faith, faith in god, faith in yourself. faith of the country, the most important thing is that our people do not forget their history, they remember, they do not try
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to rewrite it in a foreign way, there is history, there is a country, there is memory, there is faith, in fact, what is happening now in ukraine , west, kills religiosity people, faith in god, in our own way, we had the great honor of stopping all this, there is a simple concept, the spirit of a warrior, you look at our soldiers every day, with every battle this spirit of a warrior grows, grows, grows stronger, that is our spirits will be better, but use some tricks, that’s it. the experience is such that here is my signature, invisible people,
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there are no invisible people, in principle, the most important trick we have is our soldier, that is, to be smart, to come out clearly, no matter how hard it is, he he goes on a mission, but everyone knows his own maneuver, yes i know. interacts with his subordinate commanders and already junior commanders draw a diagram of tactical actions somewhere on a piece of paper somewhere, maybe as simple as that
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on the ground, there was even a case when they approached one assault unit, they made figures, made trenches, the commander stood explaining to whom with what sides to go where to shoot, who is covering whom. in principle, using modern aerial reconnaissance means, we film before each action the area of ​​upcoming actions, we show the area to each soldier, we show him from which tree to which tree to run, well, the commander sees him from above, also leads him and sometimes through communication can stop him somewhere or hurry him up somewhere or somewhere say there with the enemy on the right, look there fire contact on the right.
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to use, well, there were no specialists, but now well done, the guys are working, that is , they have learned, they have learned, of course, the enemy is trying to suppress them with electronic warfare, well, that’s okay, people are going around, we have some volunteers doctor of technical...
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changes in tactics, in understanding, in plans, but no, there won’t be a gunderwaf, no, there won’t be, just now. the guys are supporting the talkers, well, this is in the depths of the reserve, the isolation of the combat area, in the morning after inflicting fire damage , the guys of the assault groups went, the enemy
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simply did not expect the mateska, how she... they didn’t persist, the guys were great, they didn’t flinch, they went forward, completed the task, knocked out two strong points, now at one strong point, one formation continues to conduct offensive actions, well, everyone was in a fighting mood, that is , the razovites were given, but i don’t rush, we work along the entire front slowly every day, the task is to knock out, knock out, fight, well, what is it intended for, well, take care of your own... take care of your take care, of course, where i’m from, i’m a chechen myself, no, also a chechen - i see that, but what i hear in my ear, i hear that i didn’t live in chechnya for long, no, well, i’m hereditary, my father graduated from the chershiy tank school, in 1977 year, as in balti was born in military garrisons, garrisons, so the ear it didn’t let me down, but that’s not for sure, 12 schools,
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my father rose to what level, my father became a colonel, alive, no, in 2003 he died in the chechen republic during the conduct of this deputy commandant was in the city of agon, the sixth and eternal memory, yes , eternal memory in ours died, so i didn’t see the general’s son, no, i didn’t see, unfortunately, no, why didn’t i see, everyone sees everything from above, everything is visible from above, yes, he was proud, yes, but he scolded, yes, he scolds sometimes, of course, i feel the same way, well , because the general, who is in front with a night vision device, also with the right one a weapon that usually only special forces walk around with, it says a lot, well, sometimes you have to pass quietly, the commander is two walkie-talkies, if he took up the arrow, it means something went wrong, everything goes like this, it’s just really when the guys see the commander nearby with yourself, this is to encourage, well, the army
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was not easy. young, just building its reputation, many servicemen who have returned, the army is young, there is only one idea, to beat the enemy, well, the lieutenant general, well done, he prepared, that is, he got a good army, well, he put his soul into it, commander, this is always a psychologist, you read it yourself, you understand it yourself. and he teaches the army both to command and to obey, that is, they develop all human qualities, but it’s not difficult to be a psychologist, it was hard to be an example, to be looked up to, to follow you, it’s hard to achieve a commander, when a soldier sees that the commander is coming, the soldier follows his commander, this has always been the case in russia.
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that's all, see you tomorrow.
2:07 am
anton, anya, get up! anya! well, mom, a little more. anton, i haven’t even replaced the alarm clock yet. it's because you didn't turn it on
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let's speed up, it's time for you to go to school. come on, come on. kotya, kotya, why, why, come into the house, we need to talk. okay, now, now, quiet, quiet,
2:09 am
great, kostyan! hello, gleb radionovich, well, as always, you are punctual, as you are, otherwise, well, show me that i managed to perform like a god from the last game, that’s all, well, damn it, kostyant, you’re just a meteoric master, your hands have no value , here you go, every work requires payment, come on, thank you, thank you, come on, come on, wait, wait, but here there is less than agreed, kostyan, well, i didn’t get it. more, you know, our client is not rich, open the door, so, well, how can it be, gleb, little radio, yes, what will i tell marinka, but nothing, well, next time i’ll throw it, if you do everything like a fly, here you go , so come on, new product, come on, come on,
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come on, no time, come on, come on, faster, bones, come on, come on, money, well, in the end , come on quickly. marin, good morning, i’ll lend you some sugar, take yours, mine’s gone, you feel sorry for something, imagine it’s a pity, it’s a pity for a bee in her ass, what i ’m saying, you wanted to talk about what, but here, what are you doing? you see, these are exchange options, so what? and the fact that it’s impossible to exchange our slave for two apartments, only with a large surcharge, we don’t have it, otherwise i didn’t know, ah, marin, i understand, i’m
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annoying you, well, we’ll have to be patient with each other a little, well there's nothing to be done, well , we've filed an application, we'll all be divorced soon, not very soon, i mean? but you have to wait 3 months because of the children, and just don’t tell the children anything, it’s like they themselves don’t understand, but it’s so small. i'm the first to go to the bathroom, why is that? because i'm older and i go to school earlier it’s necessary, it’s not necessary, you don’t go to school anyway, you’re stuck in this car wash all day, it’s none of your business, i said, i’m the first, well, let me go, i have to give in to the girls, i have a matinee at school today, i i’ll be a fairy, yes, yes, but you don’t even have a magic wand, so here you have it, yes, yes, show me. anton, let me go, aboltus, come here,
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what is this, anya, what is this, what is this hysteria in the morning, i broke, broke my magic wand, aboltus, anya, what is this expression, how are you talking about your brother, well, you can’t say, that's what you say about him, daughter, daughter, wait, yes don’t worry, i’ll fix your magic wand, it will be like new, well, quiet, quiet, quiet, when you ruin everything, what kind of fairy am i now, fairy babaega, anton, how do you talk to your sister at the end of the end, and what does she have to do with me you can talk like that, but i can’t talk to her, but everyone is silent, it’s impossible to spend a single morning normally, and i still have to stand in the market talking to the same insane people quickly at the table, no, eat it yourself, chao, go, i
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’ll get more, anya, shut up already, anton, sit down, i know what to do, you don’t help me point, what the hell, kostya, do at least something, anton, lord, what, anton, anton, anton, yes, what is it, anton, come back, no one allowed you to leave the table, but i’m yours permission.
2:14 am
well, you’re right, well, why quarrel like that, and even in front of the children, my god, if they told me 20 years ago that i would see and hear this between you, i wouldn’t believe my ears, my god, you’re at school were the most beautiful couple in love, i know you are completely different, the lives of all of me. this is tikhon grigorievich, unfortunately, not for the best side, listen, kostya, kostya, come here, tell me, kostya, why you quarrel all the time, but i don’t know, tikhan grigorievich, konstantin, you’re a man, yes.
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you can fix everything, even things that no one else can, is it really impossible to restore order in your own family, and unfortunately, tikhon grigorievich, there are some things that cannot be repaired, i’ll go, happily, you too, kostya, ah, ah, ah, ah. mom, i finished everything, well done, go get dressed, i still have to do your hair, uh-huh, listen, kostya, you can’t live like that.


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