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tv   V tesnote da ne v obide  RUSSIA1  May 6, 2024 1:05am-3:04am MSK

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accuse a number of current deputies, one of them of the state duma, of poisoning polonium, which he poisoned, and i invite you to the program, for the first time, and comrade lugovoi comes to me and brings with him a book called the useful aspect of radiation, i thought that a person i have a sense of humor, but please, volodya, well, today is a day for us when from the very beginning, thank you for this conversation, we talk about good and evil, right?
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that is why they are playing with minority groups in order to eliminate the middle class as a class, as a political essence. precisely because of covid, precisely because of the digital concentration camp, because they now understand that this is the breakdown of society, when there will be a huge drop in well-being.
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they will have to forget about the concept of law and order, that is, law is order, and maintain order by lawless methods and...
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well, look that in latin america, in fact, cartels begin to take over one country after another, and all this cash flow turns out to be in fact, on this cash flow there is an alternative statehood, which , again, is very easy to negotiate with, she is outside the law, but she lives by the same monetary laws that the american capitalist elite lives by; you can always agree on money.
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and the united states will again find itself for some time, until it is rebuilt internally, on continents far from all crises, with all the money, with all the people, and we see
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how we are provoked to cross a certain power line, and the war engulfs not only ukrainian.
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what kind of gomorrah and sodom are they preparing for us, and how we need to be very, very, very careful in this world, and i will support. and then it helps a lot, the fire leaves the heavens and goodbye, it’s no coincidence that on the 24th
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of the twenty-second year vladimiri said that if you try to intervene, then the answer will be one that you have never seen, it’s in vain for them not to listen carefully to our president , yeah, it wouldn’t hurt for them to listen very, very carefully; a careful attitude to the words of our president would save europe from ruin, that’s for sure. she, apparently, thanks to her leaders who do not feel any responsibility in front of the population, and will continue to be ruined in favor of the americans, but oh well, today is a good day, a holiday, so rita started with things that are very important for all of us. spoke about humanism and justice, but we
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know that humanism in international relations sounds strange, well, okay, only the strong can afford this, and humanism and a sense of justice, maybe even to the detriment of one’s own interests sometimes, and the desire to change the world, making it better is, of course, the desire of many, but the possibilities only the strong have it, now is a very important moment in the combat zone, i’m all about my own, why it’s important, because the entire military machine of our enemy, i mean the collective west as a whole, is now trying to find at least some opportunity why stop us? like hitler, who after the forty -third year kept trying to come up with some kind of
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weapons system that could return the initiative to fascist germany, that’s how the americans are now, i don’t mean politicians, i mean professionals, military men, europeans, and of course well, ukrainians, are trying. frantically, quickly, something, ah, come up with something, in theoretical terms and maybe in terms of using the forces of means that would allow them to stop us , at the maximum, slow us down at a minimum, we cannot stop at all, and that initiative which was conquered. in difficult conditions, well, over the last year, well, even,
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probably, from the moment our enemy’s offensive failed with the goal of cutting off crimea, cutting off the land corridor to crimea, from that moment we regained the initiative, we returned it, and we cannot now give up under... no circumstances, because in fact, at the cost of quite serious tension, the russian army has achieved a very important state of the enemy, the state is quite alarming, the enemy does not know what to do with us, and the enemy does not very well understand what measures will allow ...
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and now we see that a completely justified problem has been formed in kharkov, and we all know why it was formed, because the kiev regime stubbornly and rather stupidly formed terrorist methods of warfare where it could, and could only in belgorod, in order to protect our people, now this is happening in... this is not some kind of cheap revenge, but some kind of resentment , no, of course, this is a systematic work and at the forefront, which is precisely preventing the death of our people , who should live and live happily, preferably, but we are slowly, well, not like that anymore, by the way, we are slowly moving forward in
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the avdeevka direction, and maybe many people don’t know the names of the settlements very well, but... here vladimir rudolfovich and i were talking in this topic, it is important to look not at the names of the cities and towns that we are liberating, but at what altitude they are located, you need to look at the elevation map, and it becomes clear that we are stubbornly sticking to our line, but implementing the plan that, probably, was originally was in my head and soul. “we are liberating ukraine, we are liberating it not only from foreign destructive influence and the military, first of all, we are liberating it from, as we can now say we understand, from the destructive ideology that
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was directly imposed on us, including directly imposed, i absolutely agree with you, that we have goal setting."
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in society there cannot be a goal of success, something other than profit now, not because no one wants it, but because society, it is this and that , there is still no other goal setting, despite for a special military operation, by the way, but i talked with andrei olegovich, by the way, on this topic, yes, we have no doubt that we will win and we need it now...
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there must be pressure from below, and there must be will from above, in in general, a lot must coincide, but at least we are here with you, when we talk about something, we can
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afford to make a certain contribution to this new thing, because we express some thoughts, and often we do it quite clearly, that’s what else is important, this process... we cannot afford in order for this process to happen, it actually lags behind what is happening on the ground, in the war zone, because that part of society that is here and that has not given up its way of life thanks to the people who have sacrificed a lot and are in the zone military operations, this part of society, it bears a certain responsibility, a very serious responsibility to the people who... defend our way of life, who pay with their hands, feet, lives, their time, of course, and that is why this is how, how it would be nice to tie this up
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so that it wouldn’t be artificial, but i ’ll say this: the more proactive and successful our troops act, the more responsible we should be, perhaps, in approaching the issue of goal setting? we think it’s correct, but it’s extremely valuable in the modern world, the right to raise children the way we think they should be raised, and not
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someone in washington, yes, but no matter how strange it may sound, this is the battle for this, and it has exactly that character for us , which barel spoke about today, by the way, not only did he say stupidity, he also said:
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premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the rank, this is us, this is the front line, here you can bring them out, from the director of the liquidation , save this, what is this, remember, we have never lost this even in the worst times, what they do, they pray, they celebrate saturday, well, stop greeting, saturday will come anyway, they have been praying for this for 2 thousand years, but you don’t know what the groom says in jewish? husn, stop, you witch, eyes, stop, talk, i want, i need two who can shoot, i can do everything, just show me how, we
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have a grenade. he wants to throw for his dad, for his older brother, for all the kofmans. film by sergei ursulyak. and the task is to survive and get there, and there is no choice. righteous, and there is a chance. may 9 on rtr. the change of the elite, which must happen one way or another, will largely depend on those who will return, god willing, with a victory, with a special one. military operation, it is naive to think that new people will come and with one click everything will change, no, of course, this launched mechanism brought with it a lot of new things, and not always good, complete confidence in impunity, where does this confidence come from, from experience, there is things that are not immediately visible, they are veiled,
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they are closed. but they exist, live, this those on whom the security of our country and its future depend need to know, don’t they? esagon tv, monday on rtr. this is what, comrades, girls, a good sniper can single-handedly stop an enemy attack. we are now a team,
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the only combat unit, get started, eat, oh, you won’t leave, through the sights, may 10 on rtr, may 9. great victory day, parade! attention! big parade on red square! in memory of the great feat of our people, the descendants of the heroes will march in a solemn march! in parade formation , the valiant defenders of the homeland, the heirs of our great traditions, brave and invincible. those
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who are always ready to go into battle and give their lives for their homeland. we glorify our warrior-liberators, their courage and heroism in our hearts forever. for russia, for victory. hooray. victory parade. may 9 live on rtr. we spit on the front and fly across the sea.
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for himself, that the time has come, he signed a contract with the armed forces and is now defending his homeland in the krasnoye direction, the formation included a registered regiment, bashkarattastan, people from the republic show their patriotism every day and dedication. our army was able to unite people of various nationalities, religions and cultures, as the commander of the army, major general rustam yusupov, told me, we win through faith and understanding. own history, this is where modern russia begins. let's watch the movie and then go back to the studio.
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sight 290 level 2999 yes protractor 58. 82 yes loaded second let's go ready loaded gun mass one long time ago. got here on august 19 , 1923, kdania, lieutenant colonel , how do you feel about standing at the resort, i’m practically at home
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it’s 57 km from home, so it’s normal , pine sand and a resort, we have almost everything the same, we just have more black soil than here, a little bit yes. the main period of action is not going on, there are foreigners or not, many, many from different countries, as you, more or less calmly, but
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conditionally tense, the pilots flew over five times today. to the bashkir regiment, all of them have at least secondary education, some have experience in combat operations in early conflicts, they underwent training, coordination and were sent here we have been working since august, we were
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selected as the most resistant mosquitoes, that’s right, the personnel of the entire division received almost state awards, and some of the awards have already arrived, there are also state and departmental awards.
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what did you do as an award recipient? studied, no one? to the cook and how are you? you, these are talents, we will find an artilleryman, cooks, what are you doing, brother? are cooks needed here too? that’s what i’m talking about, yes, people don’t come to complain about the food here, there’s more than enough of everything, but who cooks?
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gun shot, target hit, yes accepted, the target is hit, in place, aleksandrevich, you are a rare person whom i will meet in the army, who will be older than me. how it happened,
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they returned, exactly when, yes, in the month of december, they took over the battalion, how many were out of the army, so in the tenth year, for retirement, so exactly, according to length of service, yes, what did they do in civilian life, worked in the ministry of emergency situations , well, that is, yes, one thing, another, please tell me, what did they decide? the adversaries came to take revenge on us a lot, here they threw phosphorus last, there was such a fire, the day before yesterday it was it was, that is, it was smoking for the second day, but there was a strong fire, that is, you can’t put out phosphorus until nothing burns out, there is still dryness here, then there is peat litter, it all goes, goes, goes, my guys fought all night, extinguished, and how to extinguish such a disaster, they dug in, dug up. well, that is, everything is according to the classics, so the experience of the ministry of emergency situations
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definitely came in handy here, so it’s good that you can hear the arrow guns, and these are drones flying, drones, that is , we shoot them with arrow guns, yes, that’s right, they served when before in the tenth year they served miraculously, what they did, well, yes, this title, position, which means the head of the emergency department of the city of ufa resigned, well, he served in the ministry of emergency situations, this is in the ministry of emergency situations. so the rank of chesov was transferred to the army , yes, that’s right, well, you’re luckier than the policemen, and even they, well, we are military personnel for artillery correction, so it’s better that attention goes away. we’re leaving quickly, we’re leaving quickly, it’s a spotter, that
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’s right, it can start now, this is our new position, we’ve prepared it for shooting at night, now we’ll study and practice at night, that means the driver, frol... i tried everything in life, how did you get there,
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it’s very nice, in the know, doesn’t know the difficulties at home, they haven’t even changed their face yet and haven’t put it on and don’t say, health, tell me, frol, how you failed a woman in the yoke, free time from the tank, there are such moments, we don’t sleep at night, that is, we have to look after the military equipment, what did they carry? studied, sat, remembered, i studied 64,
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seventy-second, eighty, that is, you and i understand what the song was about, the tanks rumbled across the field, because there were four people there, yes, that’s right, i when in tank, well, during my studies, i ’m a military registration major, commander of a platoon of light medium tanks, we had four people in the tank, and the commander sat on the left, on top, that’s right, now it’s the other way around, oh well... on the right and frol , how old are your children, and your youngest son is 2 years old? that is, he was leaving for another year only he was, he still couldn’t even walk, that’s what i’m talking about too, now, god willing, 29 i’m going on vacation, if he goes, well, if they invite, then of course we’ll be present, we’re going to the parade , on the parade, here people are going, that is, the caller of the cube,
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the moscow gunner, the operator, moscow, yes, this is in moscow, no, he’s just going to be present, the guy was also a hero. we helped the infantry directly with the aim, jumped out, shot, everything went well, when we started to turn around and leave, then the fun began, well, they blew me up, saved me, the crew is completely alive, so i would like to thank the designer of the t-90 tank, what we lost tanks, let's say the first tank is evacuated, it can be pulled out and repaired, they remain, and the crew is alive. well that's the most important thing that's right, because sheitan, no, kukurus, is a very good specialist, he studied the tank, he just studies the tank himself, he knows it all inside and out, he is one of the best specialists in the battalion, that is, you also repair them, we
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service them, tuning we have everything that is welded on top, that is, we scald it with the help of the crew, supplement it, that is, taking into account... the battles that have already passed, nothing extra, there’s nothing superfluous there, well, it’s already flown into the tank, something these body kits have already helped , well, in the sense that the body kit helps even kamaz urals, which already talking about there, he would try too, so that the pony would work, that is , it would bounce off, thanks to this mesh, it would throw back the mine, that is, if it doesn’t touch the armor, it doesn’t hit, it doesn’t go off, that is, the fuse flies off all of it, and it just like , half a buck. it turns out like a trampoline, like a trampoline, he jumps out, as if that’s it, who’s in the crew is the chief commander, a mechanic , it turns out, that is, every chief and amazing things for tank crews is a commander , let’s say a company commander, he’s a gunner-operator, and the tank commander is the tank commander, i have the same thing
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the tank commander is the one i am the gunner operator , you just like to hunt. well done, 8 second shot, look.
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germanisms, it’s not for nothing that the emblem of azov is essentially a swastika, a re-faced swastika, that is, the enemy has been studied, that’s right, judging by the moss
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, it’s also bashkir, no, svan region, to lead your unit as a dowry, nothing, boys, guys, nothing, well, everyone does i had to train my task as best i could, the army is young, so i had to train, the army is young, but the fighters are adults, the fighters are adults, everything is ready for anything, yes, probably ready for anything. what’s working for you guys now 219 152 mm, yeah, tulip 240, here smalka 203, diacind 150. with the small gun you have with the barrels i work fine, that is, you change the wear, it works, we get it, everything
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is fine, it works, well, at long distances , yes.
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i taught that system for 11 years, people who came as citizens, who have mastered some basics, and now i’m helping them
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figure it out, as if yes, i’m helping them, understanding that i’m needed and my experience and what the current position is here, chief of staff, but myself i’m an artilleryman, i’m a rocket scientist by training and after college, people are trained well, and there seems to be an aspiration. desires are the main thing, well, war in this regard teaches quickly, it has been working with calculations for a long time, 7 months already, yes, almost a year already, well, yes, the first reward will be, yes, well, i got it from them, they got 2s3, 2s1, they clicked here in a week, the enemy, all the volunteers are personnel, well, the army was being formed. then i decided to go for a contract, we signed a pump, contracts, well, they came to zero, now the two of you had to
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take a professional, send a curly rue, healthy, normal weights, but where is the little one, the little one, no, the little one is the smartest of the married ones? not yet, married, has two before him, so far there are children, that’s right, children, yes, two boys, his wife has a card at home, of course, they still have a task, at least three, they fulfill the task of the president, yeah, that’s why, well, since it’s necessary from vacation then, yes, that is, somehow it’s necessary, we defeated everyone, commander.
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there is a battle going on strelkov, well, thanks to you, your work here, work, work, guys, you are for infantry, infantry for victory, and we are doing one common cause, our cause is right, victory must be ours, it will be so, it cannot be any other way, and thanks to your work, yes, today the state awards you deserve came, guys , thank you very much, i know how hard it is for you. far from home, from relatives, as they say, life for the homeland is not an honor for anyone, boys, for the courage
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and selflessness shown in the performance of military duty, they were awarded. we have the hardest job for our homeland to get victories , i serve in russia, we really need it here to work, to liberate our land, this is our land, on this land our grandfathers in forty -one, forty-two, forty-third fought, knocked out, defended, our military work does not stop, not day or night, our guys there are moving forward, guys , we need to help them. why do we still grind? probably due to faith, faith in god, faith in themselves, faith in the country, the most important thing is that our people do not forget their history, remember, do not
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try to rewrite it, like... in the manner of their foreign masters, there is a history, there is a country , there is memory, there is faith, in fact, what is happening in ukraine now, the west is killing people’s religiosity, faith in god, in its own way, we have the great honor of stopping all this, there is a simple concept, the spirit of a warrior, but ours... you look at the soldier, every day, every in battle, he is this, he has this warrior’s spirit growing, growing, growing stronger, that is , our spirits will be, spirited, but use some tricks, there is your own experience such that here is my signature, invisible people, no,
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invisible people no, but... in principle, our most important trick is our soldier, then there is to show ingenuity, to go out clearly, no matter how hard it is, he goes and carries out the task, but everyone knows his own maneuver, yes i know, that is , that is why before sending the guys they carry out the task there of assaults, consolidating there any, how long does it take here is the explanation each of his maneuvers, we have before the start of offensive actions. actions somewhere on a piece of paper, somewhere maybe
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simply on the ground, there were even cases when i approached one assault unit, they made figures, made trenches, so the commander stood, explained to whom with what sides to enter, who should shoot where, who is covering whom, and in principle, using modern means of aerial reconnaissance, before each action we film the area, for upcoming actions, we show the area to each soldier.
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just now will the guys support the interpreters? well, this is already in the depths of the reserve, isolating the area of ​​combat operations. in the morning, after inflicting fire damage , the guys, the assault groups, went, the enemy
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simply did not expect the onslaught, as far as they found resistance, the guys were great, they didn’t flinch, they passed forward, completed the task, knocked out two strong points, now at one strong point, one formation continues to conduct an offensive. we work along the entire front slowly every day, the task is to knock out, knock out, fight, well , what is it intended for, well, to protect our own, to protect our own, of course, where i come from, i am a chechen myself, no, also a chechen - i see that, but what i hear in my ear, i hear that i didn’t live in chechnya for long, no, well, i’m hereditary, my father graduated from there.
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these are two walkie-talkies, no, if you take up the arrow gun, it means something went wrong, no, no, everything goes like this, it’s just that when the guys see the commander next to them, it’s to encourage them, well, the army we got is not
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simple, it’s young, it’s just building its reputation, there are a lot of servicemen who have returned, the army is young, there’s only one idea, beat the enemy, well and... the lieutenant generals, well done, he prepared him in such a way, that is , i got a good army, well, he put his soul into me, commander, it’s always a psychologist, you read it yourself, you understand it yourself, and he teaches the army how to command and obey , that is, they develop all human qualities, and to be a psychologist it’s not difficult, but it was hard for people to look up to you, to follow you, that’s hard to achieve. commanders, when a soldier sees that the commander is coming, the soldier follows his commander, this has always been the case in russia.
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that's all, see you tomorrow.
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anton, anya, wake up, anya, well, mom, a little more, anton, i haven’t even changed the alarm clock yet.
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kotya, kotya, what, what, come into the house, talk, you need it, okay, now, now,
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hello, kostyan, hello, gleb radionovich, well, you are punctual as always, how are you, otherwise, well, show me what from the past the game, we managed to carry it out in divine style, so that’s it, damn it, kostyan, are you just a master? meteor, yours, your hands have no price, here you go, every work requires payment, come on, thank you, gleb prodenovich, thank you, come on, come on, wait, gleb radyonovich, wait, but there’s less here than we agreed on, kostyan, well, no it turned out more, you know, our client is not rich, open the door, so, well, how can it be, little glipon, well, yes, what will i tell marinka, but nothing, well, next time i’ll throw it in, if you do everything like a fly, here hold it. bye, come on, new
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goods, come on, come on, come on, no time, come on , come on, hurry up, backbone, come on, come on, money, well, in the end, come on quickly, marin, good morning, i’ll lend you some sugar, take yours, mine’s gone, you feel sorry or something, just imagine how sorry you are. i feel sorry for the bee in the traffic jam, what am i saying, you wanted to talk about what? so what you don’t see are exchange options, so what? and the fact that it is impossible to exchange our serf for two apartments, only with a large surcharge, we don’t have it, otherwise i didn’t know. hey, marin, i
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understand, i’m annoying you, so we’ll have to have a little patience with each other, what can you do, well, the application has been filed, we will all be divorced soon, not very soon, i mean, well, we’ll have to wait 3 months because of the children, but just don’t tell the children anything, it ’s like they themselves they understand, yes, little one, i’m the first to go to the bathroom, why is that? because i’m older and i need to go to school earlier, don’t, you don’t go to school anyway, you’re stuck in that car dump of yours all day, it’s none of your business, i said, i’m the first, well, let it go, you have to give in to the girls , i have a matinee at school today, i’ll be a fairy, yes, yes, that’s how it is you don’t even have a magic wand, here you are, yes, yes, show me, anton, let me go, aboltus,
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come here, what is it, anya, what is this, what is this hysteria in the morning, i broke, broke my magic wand, bald, anya, what is that expression, how do you talk about your brother, and why can’t i say that, you talk like that about him. daughter, daughter, yes, wait, don’t worry, i’ll fix your magic wand, it will be like new, well, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, but you’re ruining everything, what a fairy i am now, babaega,
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anton, what kind of kostya, kostya , do it at least something, anton, lord, what, anton, anton, anton, yes, yes, what is it, anton, come back, no one allowed you to leave the table, and i don’t need your permission, anton, come back quickly , what kind of behavior is this, who would talk about behavior, among yourselves, figure it out first, this is all your fur-bodied upbringing, children need to respect the individual, by the way, not only in children, with your humiliation and training, but this is the only result... you can achieve, the result, but you can at least decide something in life, a man is called, kind morning, youth, hello, dikan grigorievich, oh, sorry, for god’s sake, phew, good morning, if i may say so, good, good, marinochka, kostya, well, you’re right,
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why quarrel like that, and even in front of the children , my god, if you had told me 20 years ago that i would see and hear this between... tell me, kostya, why do you quarrel all the time, huh? i don’t know, i, tikhar grigorievich. konstantin, you are a man, a gentleman? yes, you can fix everything,
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even things that no one else can. is it really impossible to restore order in your own family. unfortunately, tikhon grigorievich, there are some things that cannot be repaired. i’ll go happily, you too, kostya, ah, ah, mom, i’ve finished everything, well done, go get dressed, i still have to do your hair, listen, kostya, you can’t live like this, we’re torturing ourselves, we ’re torturing our children, we urgently need to look for options to separate, what are the options, marin, well, what are
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the options, how the plant closed, that’s it, we are without work, well, i mean, but still there are no prospects, no circumstances. but why do you always blame the circumstances and not yourself? in any situation you can find a way out. you think, is it easier for me? i was a leading accountant, and now i sell vegetables at the market. but at least i'm doing something. i do that too, i do that too, i make money doing repairs as best i can. isn’t it just old stuff that the trash heap cries for, and then you rejoice at the pitiful crumbs that this juggernaut zhorik throws at you for poverty, so what should i do? tell me, please, take this wand and swing it so that everything is fine, i can, please, so that everything is fine, is there anyone at home? wait, is there a postman there? hello,
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hello, smirnov here’s a telegram for you, receive it, sign it. hold on, something unpleasant, no, no, thank you, please, goodbye, marina, we have a problem. there was no need to wave a magic wand, no, listen, are you serious, by the way, i’m coming on may 13th, tychak, no need to meet tychak, aunt vasya. who is aunt vasya, and what is this? no, no, that’s her name, vasilisa
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kuzminichna, my aunt, cousin, but everyone called her aunt vasya, well, or the witch, that’s the aunt who was married to the uncle atache, whoa, yes, yes, she the most, why her called witches? ha, well, you see, her character was like that, she swore all the time. built everyone up, so she remembered about us after so many years, well, i don’t know, she was always wandering around abroad with her uncle, now, probably, when he was gone, she decided to come back, she’s an old witch, but we just missed her, yes , this is a rare case when i absolutely agree with you, thank you, let her know that we are leaving and will not be able to receive her, marine, so this is a telegram here... there is no return address, well, i don’t know, well, call relatives, find out how to contact her so that she doesn’t set foot here, okay, i
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’ll try, don’t you try, do something, i’ll take anya to school, then to the market to the stall, pick her up in the evening, yeah, and so that by this time the aunt would know that she was not welcome here. not everyone clapped like that, they clapped like that, one boy said that i am the most beautiful, of course, you are my most beautiful, dad, thank you for my wand, it works miracles, miracles don’t happen, daughter, hello, mommy, do you want, i’ll tell you about the performance, but no, there’s no need, then, i’m tired, where’s anton, yes, he hasn’t come yet, do you want me to put something in for you to eat? no need, i'll do it myself. oh well,
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i hope the threat of intruders has been eliminated. marin, well, in general, nothing worked out. i called sashka’s second cousin, he told me that his aunt actually came to see him 2 months ago. in just 2 days she blew his mind, basically put him at odds with his mistress, what with the woman he loved, taught him about life there, and then she got ready and left abruptly, and before leaving, you know what she said, i don’t know, well what is he looking for an ideal family that would like to pass on an inheritance, there is an apartment in moscow, there is something else, but i don’t remember, so sasha is very much her. disappointed, something like this, you
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say, she’s looking for an ideal family, well , he said so terribly, uh-huh, you ’re of no use anyway, maybe at least... and your aunt will be of some use, so marin, you’re up to something, i don’t understand, my aunt wants to leave an inheritance to an ideal family, yes, so we will give her such a family, but where will we find an ideal family? anton, what's on your head? is there something you don’t like again? we will have to
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try very hard, so, children, our beloved aunt, what’s her name, vasilisa kuzminichna, comes to us, yes, vasilisa kuzminichna, we are all very happy about her visit. “we will communicate with her kindly and respectfully, we will fool auntie, why on earth, i have never even seen her, how she surrendered to me, anton, you will be a polite boy and eliminate this disgrace on your head and will not utter a single rude word in front of auntie, and dad will buy you a moped for this, that’s where you should have started, but what do you mean, forget that adult word?” well just be kind and polite and obedient to your aunt, and in return for that, what if i’m
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a dumbass, and we’ll buy you a new doll, only on the condition that you don’t talk about everything that goes to your head and not... so we’ll do it tomorrow there's still some general cleaning to do, we 'll put auntie in my bedroom, so you, kostya, will sleep in your workshop, and i'll be in your room with anyuta, and now everyone's off to sleep, yeah, go ahead, whatever you think, like this it’s easy to portray an ideal family, yes, but we were like that once, it’s okay, we’ll cope, we’ll be communicate with you gently, uh-huh, uh-huh, without reproaches, accusations, you will again become the leading engineer of the shipbuilding plant, and
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i will be the chief accountant there, you think it will work out. absolutely, we just have to try really hard, and then we’ll calmly divorce and go off to different lives in different living spaces. marin, don't forget the ring.
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well, i got carried away, the road was disgusting, i ’m afraid that my hats were shaken on your potholes, be healthy, be healthy, vasilisa kuzmichna, thank you, pay the taxi driver, it seems to me that i have a claim on him allergies, but i understand, commander, so how much is from us, strictly count, ah... well go, then, i suppose this is your family, yes, let me introduce you to vasilitsa kuzminchina, this is my wife, marina, this is anton, respectively and anya, hello, marina, good name,
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i had a manicurist, marina. and the young man, i think, should wear a more fashionable hairstyle, yes, anna, anyuta, what a good girl, how old are you, why are you silent, but she knows how to speak, yes , of course she can, she’s just brought up in modesty, anyuta is eight. i welcome good upbringing, but it seems to me that excessive modesty is the path to disgrace, why do you have so many hats, you have only one head, and what are we worth? vasilisa kuzminichna, let us show you our
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modest home, you are welcome, thank you, children, come here, anton. of course, but the main thing is not the setting, but the family atmosphere, as they say, in cramped conditions and no offense, where, this is the kitchen, well, there’s convenience, put it, this is the living room, wait, there’s the children’s room, this is for you, this is the bedroom, stop, sit, and... the linen is fresh, view from the window it’s picturesque, and you want to give me your marital bed, yes, yes, and this is
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the most comfortable place in the house, marinochka can sleep in the nursery, and i have a workshop, well, i mean, i can spend the night in the workshop, when one day my vasechka decided to sleep in the living room on the sofa, i did everything to return him to our bed, it’s not suitable for spouses to sleep separately. so divorce is not far, oh, come on, this is not our case, we just thought it would be more convenient for you, and you know, i could sleep with anyuta, in her room, the young man should give workshop, and husband and wife should sleep together, anyuta is tired, wants to sleep already, needs to be put to bed, let me put the girl to bed, but i ’ve always dreamed of this, i’ll tell you soon, well, vasilisa kuzminichna, marinochka can handle it, konstantin, i can’t do it a burden, or you don’t trust me with your child, what are you,
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vasilisa kuzmichna, if you want, then of course, well, let’s go, alutka, go, well, i’m off to my workshop, uh, why are you grinning like that? , it’s okay, smirnov, but what, it’s her fault that she herself wanted us to sleep together, it’s scary to even imagine, whatever else i can think of, i hope she has a decent apartment, thank you. attention, everyone is entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered the transfer of
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the 267th regiment major roman to patonap, what would you do, give ramanov, who mr. imprisoned, then a special thank you from me personally, let's go vote, badley nikolaevich, i don't dance, doesn't dance and doesn't pour, here's a copy of it... on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone.
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rest means not thinking about anything. when you calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. welcome to rixa with premium magavish suits & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixa with premium. magavish with yuts and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming about. rixas premium sea gate. family fun
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exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic laksary collection bodrum. aunt vasya, can you do magic? why did you decide so? because your parents said that you are a witch, and they also said that you are a natural disaster and always build everyone up, and why are you telling me this, because you are not a stupid girl, because i want you to leave and i don’t need any doll, i want my parents not to get divorced, and if they fool you and get what they want, they will definitely divorce, frown, curiously, so
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you... “you’ll leave, yes, and i won’t think so, anyusa, don’t cry, anya, don’t cry, everything will be fine, i give you my word, well, well, leave it to me, let it be our secret, you know how to keep secrets, i fell asleep, thank you , that you put anyuta to bed, she was probably happy, and now i ask you to come to the table, yes, yes, and this is my vassenka, my beloved and unforgettable, do you mind if he joins us, we don’t mind, well, vassenka,
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we’ve arrived. we'll stay here for a couple of days. where's anton? why isn't he at the table? and he has already eaten. he probably does his homework and studies a lot. no, this is wrong, family and guests should gather at the same table. vasenka and i had it that way. i understand that anyuta is already asleep, but the young man needs to be invited. “well, kostya, dear, go get antosha, oh, how glad we are that you visited us, but please tell me what made you go through so many years to remember us, well, i’m
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an old woman and...” i don’t know how much time i have left, so i decided to see my relatives, well , i need to bequeath what i’ve acquired to someone , alas, i don’t have direct heirs, but they’ve already seen it, a couple of families, they disappointed me very much, but they don’t live the way vasenka and i are accustomed to respect, so you are my last hope, here’s anton... “sit down, tell me, young man, how are things going with you at school , yes , it’s normal, it seems like a salad, but he’s a great student, yes, there’s no construction, he’s still he goes in for sports in the okido section, and what
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foreign language are you studying? thank you, where are you going, i’ll go study my lessons after all, well done, yes, go, son, study, you’re so
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responsible, yeah. where do you work? at a large shipbuilding enterprise. kostya is a leading engineer, and i am a chief accountant, how interesting it would be to watch, you know? what time does your work start? early, but that's not the point. 17 years since kostya and i’s wedding, this is very important for us date, and kostya and i are going to celebrate it, and you are our main guest, how i love holidays, thank you again for this
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wonderful meal, so this is it, now i would like to get some fresh air, and then i’ll come back, take a shower and go to bed, that's right, but calm. wow! good evening, beautiful stranger, you scared me, scared my muse, and i forgot the sound of the word false,
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forgive me, generously, forgive me, but if you allow me, i can be a co-author of your future creation, you said which word rhyme, false. it’s nice, vasilitsa kuzminichna, you decorate our monastery with your presence, forgive me for the indiscretion, you will be in our region for a long time, time will tell, in general, you don’t feel like
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an idol, let’s lie down, and where, so i thought that... on the pillow and lie down on the floor, you seem to have survived the first day, yes, you’ve already survived, everything seems to have worked out well, without any complications, almost, you need to be patient a little more, play along with her, but the freedom is worth it. listen, marin, i don’t want to make a joke, listen, just don’t try to ruin everything if you i don’t care about myself, then think about the children, they should live in normal conditions, i just ask you, do everything as i say, okay, marin, okay, okay, but
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i don’t like your cynicism, you know, i'm cynical, who did this to me? there must be at least someone in this house, excuse me, can i come in, i’m literally on one, yes, yes, aunt, come in, forgive me for my intrusion, but why are you okay, you know, i sometimes have heart rhythm disturbances , here's the medicine i need to give, i'll give it to you i’ll leave it in the kitchen, on the table, of course, don’t worry about anything, can you help us? trust, thank you very much, good night,
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good night, vasilisa kuzminishna, so, let’s pretend to go to work, so you put on a jacket, tie, i’m on parade, and i’ll take work clothes, work clothes for the market with me, you, anton, in an emergency ok. french, if you suddenly have a couple
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in time so as not to lose face, so where can i wander around in ties all day, wherever you want to wander, the main thing is that she doesn’t see you, marin, wait, so zhorikov brought me a new one part, now i ’m taking her all day in the workshop, think about what you’re saying, you feel like zhorik’s pennies are worth more than your aunt’s inheritance, and you’re talking like that, as if she’s already ready for the next world, honestly, that’s what i see? a woman works, trying to feed her gluttonous family. oh, my vasenko always helped me with the housework. come on, quickly, men, the whole family got down to business.
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well, notice how delicious everything is, my vasenka always said that collective creativity gives much greater results than singles. uh-huh, and by the way, marinochka, what are we having for the festive dinner today? and the duck with apples, as usual, well, great, pamper me with this dish, yes, of course, in honor of the holiday, why don’t you have photographs, konstantin, photographs, or not? that we have them, we do, but no, i won’t point them out, we were just
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about to rip them off and hang them up, really , dear, yes, yes, dear, that means, tonight, i would really like to see your wedding photographs, you have them yes, don’t worry, aunty, we’ll show you everything, everything, well ok, we were just about to leave soon. and while we’re away, would you like to take a walk around our town, it ’s picturesque, and we have good weather, purkupa, of course, i’ll be happy to take a walk, i have to divert, i’m in a hurry for french lessons, orevoir, antoine, orevoir, yeah, here , like everything, it’s delicious, i’d rather have ducks, yes,
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they ordered kurmans in the foodfagra, oh, hush, it’s coming, stuffed duck, a modest spring gift, ask for the insolence from
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my own garden, oh, lily of the valley, how cute, thank you, hush, grigorievich, you you know, i am today. i was sleeping, thinking about you all the time, imagining in what headdress you would shine today in our little town, which has rarely seen such beauty, but reality exceeded all expectations, you are very polite, it’s a pleasure to talk to you, you will allow me to accompany you for a walk around our city, our town is small, but there is something to see, well, keep me company with great pleasure. so i ask you, today i ’ll show you the house where anton pavlovich chekhov himself stayed, beyond my imagination, where did these damn photographs go, well, they were there, they were definitely there, they were given to her where we hadn’t looked yet, but it seemed like
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we had rummaged through everything, but no, look, look, we haven’t noticed the box yet, look, well, there well, a nightmare, huh... and why did we have a wedding in winter, all the photographs were winter, well, well, yes, yes, i was still carrying you in my arms through the snowdrifts so that you wouldn’t get your feet wet, but on the shoe was just an excuse, i just liked it when you carry me in your arms, look, look, here we are without fur coats, and you can’t see the snow, so, so, here, here, oh, look, look, look, look, look, look, and here you are, toshka is pregnant, so curvy, funny, look, toshka is at a matinee, he looks like an angel, not like now, but he is now okay, well, it ’s just such a transitional age, nothing, so, wait, so, let’s take, so, let’s take these three, this one, this one, this one, yes, these ones, these ones,
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i still have to run to the market, in the evening stand in the kitchen, cook your duck, maybe you shouldn’t try so hard for our sake? yes, i’m not trying for your sake, but for the sake of my aunt’s apartment, and i i see you’re already ready for everything, maybe we’ll kill your aunt and that’s the end of it, listen, kostya, don’t piss me off, i’m going to the market, and you buy a cake, yeah, and flowers for your aunt, yeah, that’s it, off
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everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground. in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixsas radomis sharmel-sheikh. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. on the day of victory there were heroes.
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and if at home, who? yes, there’s no one, let’s go, i answer, my parents went to work, and the half-smart woman decided to give her hat an excursion arrange around the city, what a hat, you’ll see now, come on, give it, give it.
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no, gray, don’t touch it, i’m just looking, it’s more of a nonsense, it’s light weight, this is the thing, i suggest the old woman borrow it, she won’t be offended anyway, and she won’t even notice, she’ll decide that it’s the onset of sclerosis, put it in its place, can you imagine , as far as this viryulka pulls, we have to work at the car wash for a year for such money, even if we divide it into three, the aunt returns and is not alone with some stump. this is our neighbor, we have to get out, come on quickly, let's go through the window, otherwise they won't notice us,
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come in, tikhon grigorievich, my god, i haven’t been here for a long time, thank you for the invitation to have tea with you, you were so kind during our walk around the city, i couldn’t help but thank you, besides... i have i have a few questions for you, i’m glad, glad to be useful, forgive me for my curiosity, and what interesting questions, but tell me, how long have you known marina and konstantin? oh, since school, i taught literature there, yes, but tell me what they were like before, oh, you have no idea what it was like love! oh-oh-oh-oh, at first glance, you know, like in novels, well, now, then
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everyone already knew that they would definitely get married, it happened like that, you know, and then, and then everything is like everyone else, oh , even worse, oh, what happened, what happened, damned life, he hasn’t cooled down such feelings yet, first kostya’s work. lost, got laid off, marina still somehow held on, carried everything on herself, and then the plant was closed, you know, so they both get by as best they can, and kostya, a good man, a jack of all trades, can do anything do everything, but you see, the man broke down, stopped believing in himself, and marina was tired, tired of carrying everything on herself, oh, well...
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you ask, how are the children? anton is rebelling, abandoned school, got involved with some punks, hangs out there at the car wash. you can only imagine what they are doing there, anechka, anechka, angel, such a girl, such a smart girl, she understands everything, you know. everything, i think, when she grows up, she won’t be able to forgive her parents for their guilt, she won’t be able to, but you don’t remember what song they loved when they danced, for example, vasilisa kuzminichna, you you don’t know me well yet, of course, i remember,
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katya semyonova wrote: a song: snow is falling, he proposed to her, marina, in the winter, in the winter they had a wedding, right here on the street, if only they knew what kind of wedding it was, oh, a sight for sore eyes, by god, look, who is this man in the photo, such an impressive man, this is vasenka, my... husband, yeah, i’ve been staying here too long, it’s time, it’s time for me, excuse me, excuse me, all of you, all of you good luck to you, say all the best to you, goodbye, oh, and tea,
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hello, this is a helpline, and the phone number radio station then holding? oops, thin guy,
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why two bouquets? well, one for your aunt, a second for you, happy anniversary after all, listen, why this farce, my aunt still doesn’t see, oh, she’s walking here in the garden, why can’t i give my wife flowers, you’re still my wife , for now, for now, ah, let me, listen, so that she can come up with something like this so that she doesn’t guess that i don’t know how to cook duck, ninochka, this is for you, auntie, oh, what a delight, dear kostya, dear auntie, i can see i'll have to cook the duck another time, in about eight months, but these smells make me sick,
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the thing is... that i, that the child, what magical news, the wedding directly says, miracles don’t happen, yes, come on, let’s quickly kiss my wife, what, well, is this a kiss, my vassenka kissed me wrong, come on , come on, come on, come on, this is our wedding, look how much greenery there is, and this is you, little one, even more wacky than now, and this is us, yes, here, take the pansy, look, look, and this is dad and mom, what beautiful, look, they are still beautiful, especially today, oh,
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by the way, i have them. a bottle of wine and i think it's time.


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