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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 6, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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well, stop it, valyusha, well, valyusha, everything will work out, you’ll see, everything will work out, you ’re getting ready to get married, stupid, you’re getting ready to get married, and family life doesn’t happen without tears and without litter, but then it’s so good to make peace, no one no, i don’t need anyone except you, mom, no one understands me, just like we don’t understand, we understand, we understand. “you have love, first love, girls, valka is getting married, nadyukha, look, oh, bride, you are mine, snowflakes are flying in the lilac twilight, pure, grievances and sorrow, human burial, and
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my old love will remain the only one, my distant love calls me, protects me, and my old love will remain the only one. thank you, thank you, here is our tolya rinkov, my distant love calls me, protects me, tolya, i will ask you just one question, why did you receive a military award in peacetime. for
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carrying out a particularly important government task, oh, i wonder where the two of them are now, you went to school together then, either once or twice, but he’s not there, hopefully, or tsvetov died last year. i didn't know how to do something particularly important government assignment, and didn’t know, we didn’t have time to tell you, nadya.
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yulik, maybe we don’t need to talk about this, but no, this is necessary, or it’s definitely necessary, this is our life, even 20 years old, teenager, go ahead, sasha, be careful, grandfather, anton, come here, come, what will i say, well, bend down, stop, sasha, sasha, stop, give me the cap, i gave it to you, why else, yes, we are at war! hold on, but
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to be honest, it won’t sound, it will sound, it will sound, well, you’ll see, well , try, they’re dying, but they give up, guys, don’t throw stones, put up this piece of iron, mash, not this you twist the resistance, this, not this, but i say this, this, dear guys, the writer boris zahager wrote a new fairy tale for you, called chicken, where is it, throw a grenade, hurray!
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why did sashka kill you there?
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son, dear! what are you doing, sashka, sash, what are you doing, and mom, what are you doing, i’m alive, alive, i must be alive. sashka, live christmas tree, okay, okay, christmas tree, well, what are you, christmas tree, grandfather
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anton, dad, died, then i’m on the verge, you have to play for the truth, that’s what, well, take it, guy. you see, i came back from the war, alive, i should be happy, but here you burst into tears. hello, hardware, now we are writing to nadya kruglo, you know who this is, right? yes. thank you. so, my friends, now i give the floor to our, i admit, frankly, everyone’s favorite, former old age, official, so
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to speak, leader of our class, nadyusha kruglova, who disappeared for about 20 years. well, tell me what heights you have reached, well , what heights, i’m sitting here, suffering, i don’t know how to answer the question, but don’t worry, just in a nutshell, well, in a nutshell, i’m a mother, and i’m a dad, well, i i say, our mischievous and cheerful tenth ah, no, it’s true, i’m a mother, you see, of course, we understand, you’re a mother, what do you do, where do you work, well... but i work at home, i work as a mother, it happens, but what does it mean, it happens, why it happens, it doesn’t happen, but it’s very good that nadya fulfills the responsible position of a housewife raising children, and by the way, in one of my studies i categorically insist on every respect for this
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role function, in which there is still no one to replace a woman , i wanted to say, just formulate it, tell me, but here’s how we proved. no, maybe i don’t meet the level of your delegation, then you’ll fire me, well, somehow , well, why do this, no, let’s agree on tea and tea, let’s have tea, well, let’s have tea, whatever, c’est amusant, c’ est amusant tous
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ces vêtements, voilà monsieur dame, pardon, si vous voulez nous pouvons visiter l'appartement et prendre des photos, c'est une très bonne idée, n'est-ce pas? non c'est bien gentil ah ah quelle jolie machine à vous le voyez c'est une singère il me semblei s'' well, okay, please, well, this is the dining room, yeah,
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what should be done to ensure that children are born, and what should also be translated? international problem. i don’t know what to answer, you know, how interesting it is, the state helps us, but probably every family should solve this issue for itself, well, by itself. i don’t know, it seems to me that i need to forget about myself a little, you know? and not
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only physically, but it will not be easy even financially, because for 3 years we lived on the same salary with kirill, the children were small, i was pregnant every year, you know, it was difficult. the most important thing is to be distributed, here i am, me and my older daughters, we are all together, that’s it, we knit, this is what i did myself, we knit for the whole family, you know, and we sew ourselves, yeah, these are some things, you know, yes, this is very good, here is kirill. kirill, he’s a great guy, he makes everything for us with his own hands, this table, he made it himself,
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this is all that we have in the room, these shelves are everything, he did it all, you know, tusana, no, why alone, not alone, the older guys helped him, but in general, now, of course, it’s much easier for us it became, because here is yura, he brought his first salary, well, he is now in our army, there he is,
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goodbye, goodbye, hopefully, and what are you doing? she ran away, maybe she was offended by me, but they’re just supposed to come for me, so i’m waiting for them, listen, hope, are you really stuck in the house, let’s go to my company to work, valera has a lot
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to do at home, so you, wait, don’t be shy, you never know, sometimes life gets boring. i have three myself, yes, yes, you can’t even imagine how difficult it is, so what, one in if, the second in kindergarten, and the third for an after-school program, and my wife for work, this is the solution to the problem, you think this is the solution to the problem, of course, you were the biggest head in our class, you won’t get it yet. well, who is your boy or girl? you know, valer, i won’t talk about this, that’s why, because
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yulik says that you need to remember the most important thing in life, and when i... start to remember, i succeed in everything that’s important, and that’s great, that’s it and great, tell her all about it, but it will be a different program, not about our class, about the round family, bah, there sveta has a brand new tape recorder, good, just not long enough, yeah, go, i already see, go, dad, i’m going to the library and decide to go to the pool, irishka, just dry yourself properly there, little one, hey, where are you going, movie, and the lessons? and the physics and chemistry major and the history major got sick.
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yes, that's it, that's it. well, what's so? this is how our children will someday run away from us. and you and i will be left alone. hmm, not alone , together, the difference, the trees, the difference, of course, the difference, nadyuzh, i love you so much, you love,
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of course, you love, no, i’m serious. if you want , i’ll declare my love, i want, if you want, in poetry, i want, well, if you want, i’ll get on my knees, i really want to, okay, now, i love you. why the pain, yeah, what else can i say, these are women’s poems, yes, women’s ones. tatyana pestaniki, okay, then i didn’t have poetry, i then, in my own words, nadiya, i love you very much, i just
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can’t live without you, yes, i don’t know how i would wake up in the morning without you, you are my most tender, most beloved, best of all in the world, the most, the most, the most unique. nadezhka, why didn’t you tell me about this before, because you never asked, you fool, but a woman never asks, only all her life, you know how they wait, nadyukha, we have been together for so many years, we feel so good. and to talk about this, you know what words are needed, saints, where to get them? well, don’t say,
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i won’t, i won’t, why are you silent, you know, i want you to know that i’m silent because... that i don’t know how to tell you that i love you, that i yearn when you and i separate even for a day, for a whole day, you don’t have to pay for sure, yes, i know that i am the most difficult child for you with mine character, i heard, yeah, dad said, mom, dad,
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so, friends, after you told us what you have already achieved in life, we ask you the second question of our program, what else are you waiting for in life, well, what is it , stop, come on, brothers, i won’t shake you, there’s no way you can stop me, well, you’ve fallen back into your school childhood, well, let’s laugh, hello,
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how did they get here, how did you get here, let’s get out of here, march, quickly, quickly, march, administration, tanya, tanya, why is there an outsider in the frame, quickly leave, you do you hear, go away, well, you are an adult, well, take the children away. yup, everything
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is great, hello! hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, nadyusha, where is the microphone, please give it to me, what took me so long, why did you bring this here, no, come on, i won’t do it? well, why did you do this? well, okay,
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okay, now. and now , indeed, a word from our nadyusha kruglova. i don't know what else to say. tell me one thing, what else are you waiting for in life? what am i waiting in life? i'm expecting a baby.
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poster on the culture tv channel: theatre, music, fine arts on may 6. the museum of music , as part of the cross years of culture between russia and china, presents an exhibition of silk and bamboo, where
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you can see the chinese. instruments, masks of theatrical characters and photographs of scenes from peking opera performances that took place during tours in moscow in the fifties and seventies, as well as artifacts associated with the cultures of both countries. premiere at the maikovsky theater, the play "simon novel, narine abgoryan", the author of the dramatization is irina voskovskaya, the stage director is denis khusneyarov. in the title role is alexey dzyakin. the musical cabaret plays at the nation theater. libretta by joe masteroff based on the play by john van druten and the story. jerusalem continues the exhibition project "master repin "episodes from the life of a teacher of students for the 180th anniversary of the artist’s birth. 2.0 square meters of exhibition space brought together more than 100 works from major russian museum and private collections. dramaturgy the exhibition is based on the intertwining
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of the artistic works of repin and his... numerous and so dissimilar either to the master himself or to each other. it becomes more complicated from the first full-scale class, where we meet still young, so different from ourselves, familiar to us, sirov, somov, kustodiev, to the third hall, where a kaleidoscope of artistic manners and personal relationships awaits us. the memories of repin's students, his young colleagues, become an independent object, an exhibit of our exhibition. the halls present 10 episodes from the life of the master and workshop. these are fragments of memories. i pass it on. theater on the theme pushkin our everything. the exhibition project under the impression continues at the omsk vrubel museum. russian impressionism for the 120th anniversary of the creation of the union of russian artists.
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abram's painting is on display. khipov, philip molyavin, leonard turzhansky, igor grobar, konstantin yuon, apolinary vasnetsov, stanislav zhukovsky and other masters, in total more than 100 works from museum collections in omsk, yekaterinburg, perm and tyumen. in the golden music hall meeting in vienna, the vienna philharmonic orchestra performs beethovin's works under the direction of ricado mutti. the brussels royal theater lamont is broadcasting the play "rivalry of nostalgia" until september 30, in which the author of the libretto and director christian ladov. combines fragments from sixteen operas by giuseppe verdi into a modern story about three friends who lived through the student unrest in paris in 1968 and remember their youth against the backdrop of unrest in modern europe. screenings and video recordings of the performance continue at the barbiconle vanya, which premiered last fall at the duke of york's theatre. directed by simon stevens, based on chekhov's play uncle vanya, all roles are played by andrew scott. a large-scale retrospective of angelika kaufman
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is taking place at the royal. academy of arts in london, the exhibition focuses on the role of the artist, as one of the founders of the royal academy, and allows us to trace the creative path of angelica, from the portraits of representatives of the nobility and royal houses that made her famous, to historical paintings in which she emphasized the role of women in historical events. studying folk traditions, you understand that nature sets the tone for everything. for example, the samara region is the wide volga and endless steppes, where different
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peoples have settled since ancient times, it is this breadth, length and beauty that dictate the uniqueness of the samara costume. samara is one of the most beautiful cities of the volga region, it has retained the charm of the old merchant. there is a lot to see in samara. the city on the banks of the volga has always been built on a scale worthy of the vastness of the main russian river. in the 19th century, samara is an important center of grain trade on the volga. in search of characters for their paintings, artists repin and surikov came to the banks of the volga in the samara region. today samara is a very beautiful modern city with a large number of museums and historical attractions, but the main pride of the city is its original, talented craftsmen. this is the desire,
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yes, for tradition, it, in fact, again, i will go back to childhood, because here is my grandmother... who taught me to knit, she was born in 1906, songs, these are songs, they seemed to enter my soul for the rest of my life, sometimes i was little and fell asleep to them, then in samara, behind this song , a center appeared, the samara center of russian traditional culture, and i came there, probably at that moment i became a real samora woman. natalya khairulina was born in togliatta, in a large friendly family, the girl was only 5 years old when her mother... for the first time gave her a needle and showed her how to sew. little natasha cut up a bunch of her mother's and grandmother's scarves, trying to sew a dress for the dolls. i had this cutting method, i i applied the doll to this and
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cut around the doll. of course, the suit didn’t fit on the doll, everything was tight, but i got my first lesson in how you need a little more than the doll’s body. then one of the main events of childhood happened: she arrived. grandmother, father 's mother, with needlework, she always sewed something, and by the way, she sewed three-piece dolls for me, and i really liked asking how it was before, i was interested, i said, i want it too, this is sewing, this a woman’s first assistant in needlework, well, you can say so, if it’s really rude to say that this is the first sewing the machine, in fact, it works on the principle of a third hand, so that the seam is as even as possible, they attach the fabric and sew, they sit on this, this on the bench, they sit here, they attach the fabric here, they pull it by hand and as it suits, they start sewing, this is how seamstress works, here it is
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collapsible, that is, it can then be folded and removed, and the first, let’s say, ironing device for smoothing the canvas, this is a roller like this, the fabric was wound around it, placed on... like this rolled in this way, the canvas straightened out, so when i was already at school, there were mice there, i really liked doing needlework at school, in fact, i always dreamed of being good at sewing, but as often happens, a dream is a dream, and we acquire another profession. natasha received an engineering education, for many years needlework remained only in plans, the doll seemed to fade into the background, i don’t give up on it at all, but the main activity, the main direction, it turned out to be a costume. it was on ethnographic expeditions around the samara region that natalya met folk costume and fell in love with it.
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seeing these neat lines, i don’t know, just like butterflies are starting to fly inside me, i want to repeat it in the same way. women's russian costume in the samara province, sundress complex. with a round sundress, a shirt with poles, poles are shoulder inserts, this is the most common cut in our samara region, the next suit is a couple in blue, consists of: a jacket skirt, a scarf tied with crocheted lace, this suit was wedding, the girl got married in it, the next costume was a sundress, it was with us for a fairly short time and was a transitional element from a round sundress to a dress with sleeves, so it is made of a shirt, a sundress and an apron, and of course a gourmet, here in the samara region we really loved pockets. damask, they were, as a rule, on the apron, not under the apron,
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because there are, well, places where they don’t like to show this pocket, they sort of hide it under the apron, but here we tried, firstly, to make it beautiful and worn on top, well, how could there be no dainty treat, someone could put a toy or candy or paper money in it, and so that the corner would stick out, everyone could see it, the russians embroidered dainty treats with threads, the chuvash decorated them with beads and rhinestones, they made mar-2 everything was decorated with little pieces, some with corners, some with ribbons, they even tried to steal the ends of the apron, the apron was preserved in a suit for a very long time, these little windows, they were quite common... in a woman’s suit, it’s so multi-layered, well, very often decorated
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velvet ribbon, bindweed, some kind of piping, it was sure to be lined, this lower fabric, this lining, in fact, it protected the main fabric, the upper one, from wear and tear, just these folds, they were laid and secured with bread, when the bread... . they baked loaves of bread, so they laid them on these folds, thus securing them. men's costume was not as varied as women's costume. basically it consisted of trousers, sides, with such a wide stride, because you had to get on the horse, jump off. the men's suit, of course, consisted of shirts, here is a men's shirt with a yoke, and along the yoke there are folds, bow folds, this one is very common. there was a pattern
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with stars, black thread, that’s all, a shirt, ports, almost the entire suit, and, of course, a belt, where without a belt, without a belt , you wouldn’t leave the house at all, well, using the example of a suit from kinel, cherkasy region, samara province , let's consider the multi-layered nature of this suit, an underskirt was put on this shirt, skirts were put on over the head in order to be happy in marriage. grandmothers swore when they put it on over their legs, so the underskirt of the stands, the overskirt is put on this underskirt, this homespun, striped, one-yard skirt, they pulled off this lace and placed it at the waist, and here there are smaller pleats, there were more of them in the back, this gave volume to the figure, this gap, then it was covered an apron, on top... already this jacket, from the beginning of the 20th
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century, is of course sewn according to fashion, let’s say, but the corners are slightly rounded, so the sleeve is already sewn in, not like a shirt, and here we have just a belt, no volume were afraid, on the contrary, the girl was considered which has these volumes, the most beautiful, and of course, where would we be without a scarf? in general , a scarf is a decoration for a costume, it’s almost ready, that’s it, you can go outside, many of natalya khairulina’s folk costumes are made from irina korshunova’s fabric, when natalya kharulina, our folk costume craftswoman, made a replica of the costume, this is this, this is that , what’s in the museum, but what natasha sewed, i wove this fabric for the skirt, and in order to weave this fabric, i made samples... so that the expected result would be, for paneva, for example, natasha also wove it
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i made a replica of saratov costumes, this outfit is on me, this is a northern suit, this is this fabric, this is a shirt with a sarrafan, this is all, this is all fabric, this is all woven by me, master irina korshunova has only been confidently calling herself a weaver for the last 10 years, irina i was born and lived for 40 years in sectivkari , only 15 years ago i moved to samara. like this, and i have one, i immediately bought this machine, brought it and began to master it, well, in general, this is where my weaving began, now i am already a master of the samara region in weaving, and have mastered many types of weaving, and i am constantly moving towards development, like a weaver, such a piece of a woven path
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costs nothing, you can throw it away and forget it, but as soon as it reminds you of distant childhood... close people who have been gone for a long time with you, this piece becomes priceless for you, but at our house, when i was a child, there was a very long path, then somehow we did some renovations there and the path just disappeared, then i asked my mother, i said: mom, where from? we have a path, who is this says my or my grandmother, i made a replica of this track, here... well, it looks like a twig, really, and my dad explained to me how it is made, how the weft fabric is prepared to weave this fragment, i ’ll show you directly, as my dad showed me, and this is such a very, very, very beautiful element, i would say that it greatly decorates the path, and of course it was interesting, i don’t remember the conversation, but this,
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as he told me , really sank into my soul , because it was unusual, it’s already clear that the twig, yes, when we weave the fabric, we put another red or white stripe between them... and we get a twig, here it is, the same twig that i showed you on the path, and what else is interesting to me, here is papa vologda, yes, and mama skomi , the element is the same, they made it, which means i was destined to take up weaving after all, to continue immersing myself in this process, i want to show you one more suit, this is an oryol suit, these are the sleeves, so i weaved, then sewed everything by hand , this is special... my pride is this curtain, curtain or local name the curtain, in general, always seemed to be calm about aprons, but when i was weaving, i can’t even explain, something like this was happening, some, some process in my soul was taking place so important and pleasant, in my in their hands is a bandage that the girls wore
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before the wedding, they showed off in it, you see, the feat is made of chopped beads, here is an imitation of gold... chi, in the past the fabric was very valued and cherished, every scrap was used, here it is stitched at the back, very beautiful, yes, and they tied the ribbons, can i tie them for you, on the girl’s head, and the result was a very delicate image. by the way, such an item as a headdress not only decorated the girl, but could tell a lot about her, where she came from and how long ago she was made. this is a headband, one of the first works, a crown, a headdress, girls of the samara region, because there are very few really such old finds, and i wanted, well, to touch the antiquity, try to copy, make at least
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some semblance, irina fillatova from an early age childhood was interested in antique objects, the girl loved to spend the summer with her great-grandmother in... she liked the old house, and like a great-grandmother she would come to the spinning wheel. already as a student, irina went on an expedition to villages, to old people, the same grandparents, where they talked about their lives, took out their costumes from chests, and sang old songs. it was as if such an umbilical cord had been tied, and i really wanted it, and such clothes returned to our lives and told their story. for example, here in my hands, this is... a girl’s headband, which was worn before the wedding, the girls showed off, and of course, similar headbands were worn in nizhny novgorod in the samara province, that’s what ’s interesting about this headdress, the technique of whitewashing is used here, whitewashing means this kind of lace, just
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called linen, on which either beads or pearls are sewn, it is laid out in such even rows in a pattern, not everyone could afford it, but still... that the girls tried to dress up beautifully, and then to meet their future life, their future groom, in order to dress up was really full-fledged, there were decorations, and the fact that people could also make such manista with their own hands, but this is already connected with our multinational samara region, yes, with the fact that many peoples live here, this is, for example, a manista made a copy, but of the chuvash people. this is how it was already attached to strings and of course there used to be these ancient silver coins, for example the tatar manista, and you see how it also rings, imitation coral. coins, homespun, and also here, as you can see, yes, these are different peoples, they definitely used coins,
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by the way, i ’ll take it out of the box for you now, i’ll show you, this is a southern russian version, when such wonderful glass beads were used, here are real silver coins, here i have an unfinished thing, but it this is a bashkir breastplate that is very dear to me, here i tried to use ancient coins as much as possible. antique pendants, from this breastplate you can understand where a person comes from, what region he is from, and of course for a woman it was also protection, a talisman, the beauty, by the way, here is also so small, one might say a necklace, but this is no longer a monasticism with coins and cowrie shells, the chuvash and other peoples could wear this, well, a wedding headdress, when the wedding was already taking place, here such a wreath, a wax one, it was called... flowers, flowers, not flowers, but flowers, here in my hands, this is a replica of a crown found in the samara region, and i even tried
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to convey the color, that is, they are not bright white with greenish tint, maybe they were tinted there, but i tried for a very long time find also technology, as they did there by winding cotton wool on a wire, dipping it several times in wax, then after the wedding they were already put into the frame of the icon and also served as such a talisman... also a rare thing, a girl’s braid is a very important one element, in general, a beautiful braid, beautiful hair, this is both the health and, well, the pride of a girl, and of course the braids were decorated, that is , they were tied to the braid with ribbons, you see, it’s made in the form of a triangle, here beads and sequins are sewn inside, but they used to be metal, buttons and ribbons, they are depicted here in the form of flowers , like this fringe. our traditional russian, it doesn’t matter chuvash, mordovian, yes, bashkir art, real traditional,
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it’s not just cardboard with rhinestones or some modern synthetic fabrics, you know, it’s a noble homespun, which , yes, every thread was woven , yes, it was spun before this, and well, that is, it is so many hands, the homespun keeps the warmth, and we will be proud that this is really a part our culture. here i have such a wonderful scarf with a cube heel, making a pattern in reserve is a real ancient technique, once upon a time craftsmen loved and valued heeling very much, because it took a long time to embroider, heel could quickly decorate the fabric. the young master pavel osipov is in love with his craft and is proud of what he has achieved, he has revived it.
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we begin to illuminate it further with boards of various colors, contour, main, background, and, if we need to, drive in little blue leaves in order to create reserve, which we just fill with a board, in order... when painting in a cube, to retain the dye on the surface of the drawing, we have a special composition called, that is, it is a mixture of vegetable glues, resins, various chemical compounds, cube heel is called due to the fact that dyeing occurs in an indigo cube, the dye solution is called a cube, regardless of what container it is in, it’s just that for us the indigo cube is the most common, we have a peasant environment, it dyed all sundresses, shirts, there were desks, they were blue cube ones. we took a stuffed piece of paper, lowered it into an indigo cube for coloring, well, now you need to hold it a little so that it turns a little blue, and you can do it
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again for an even more intense, bluer color, but here, in principle, a strong cube, but in principle this it is done for about 15-20 minutes, each pass and the same amount of time is left for oxidation, each lowering into the cube is called a pass and as many passes are made as necessary to obtain the strongest color intensity. washed, opened as called eyes, the pattern has appeared, white after washing will be straight out of the ear, straight white-white, we will have a white pattern on a blue background, two-cubes are made the same way, the first pattern is also stamped, painted, dried, and then the remaining parts are hammered in with the same exact reserve so that, as if during sanding , a pattern would still form on top of the white pattern. this effect shows how the reserve protects the filled parts of the pattern from the dye, that is, where we now have a broken pattern, but it
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will remain so white after dyeing. it's also worth it should be noted that the paints that are used in the manufacture of cube fabrics are very durable and the fabric wears out much faster than the paint wears out, using the example of this scarf, that is, the paints are still rich, but the fabric has already weakened and is falling apart, there are holes , loss, in order to find out whether the scarf was made by hand or not, you should pay attention to the rapport of bringing the corners together, often by information. corners you can immediately understand that the scarf is made, here is a corner, here is a corner you can immediately see that they different, since there is a butt part of the border, from the mowing, it was done in such a way that a sheet of paper was taken, a board was applied and beaten, and so all the colors made their way,
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we would pass by such a piece of fabric of a not very cheerful color... without even noticing it, but when you know the master who wove it, the master who made the patterns, the master who dyed it exactly blue, and even the master who will sew a beautiful folk costume from this fabric, then you understand with the warmth of how many hands this fabric was warmed, you start to look closely into it, looking at the patterns, i really love working with ethnographic... material, for example, this wonderful kosoklinnik we have, this is our joint activity with pavel osipov, a printmaker who is our specialist in dyeing fabric, up here we have a handmade one dyeing linen, wallpaper, such a wonderful sundress, this is fabric dyeing, hand-made cube fabric, his work, for example, i have made here, please, that
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is, here is a hand-printed heel, our man is in a very... unknown area, the handkerchiefs are here we wear everything with pleasure, it seems to me that all our ensembles have already been dressed up like this with a heel, scarves, that’s all that concerns the heel. tatyana deis was born and raised in the north of the samara region, in the village of sukhodol. all the women in her family were needlewomen, and the love for sewing, embroidery, and antiquity was passed on to her, as they say, at the genetic level. the first, probably, was an interest in folk costume, a look from inside the costume, the cut of the costume, i was very interested in how it is that such comfortable shapes are made from squares and triangles things, my interest was combined with the look of the seamstress, i looked at how they did it, with what love they did it, what kind of energy comes from these costumes, i couldn’t stop here, and i really liked
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the story of one woman when she started we should describe the sundress, her grandmother... this is how, for example, my parents, the other end of kuban, we have several hats in the alabin museum, here i am wearing the same warrior, so i also imagine him as samara, in our collections he sewn from homespun fabric, so nondescript, here we make bright ones like this, it’s very convenient, practical, it’s very popular with us because the scarf is very beautiful on the head, the filling of this
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roller could have been combed flax or used a willow twig. they stuck it in, then it dried and the base turned out to be hard, this doll is exactly my homeland, sergegievsky district, my great-grandmothers wore such sweaters, i already showed you such a skirt, i also want to show that this doll has a hairstyle, this is how my grandmother tied her braids, and beads, i also want to point out, wooden beads, they are not accidental, according to the stories of one resident, she said that... because there was such poverty, because there was nothing, she says, we picked wild cherries , it has a big bone, they dried it, painted it, drilled it, and made beads out of it , well, highlights, some memories , highlights that make up our history, more than 157 nationalities live in the samara region, namely the spirit of freedom, friendly
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neighbors communication helps not to compete, forgiving each other is great.
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sold with a foreign analogue, when they put it into action, we’ll find out after the news, you’re watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsov studio. army aviation helicopters hit a ukrainian armed forces unit in a special operation zone. an armored personnel carrier with troops
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was destroyed by our drone. the israeli defense forces attacked the hamas headquarters in the gaza strip. the united states has suspended supplies of ammunition to israel for the first time since the start of the operation in the enclave. the sixteenth title in his career andrei rublev became the winner of the prestigious sirimamasters tournament in madrid. at the beginning of a special military operation in the zaporozhye direction, drone crews disrupted the rotation of ukrainian army units. the operator of an attack drone hit armored vehicles moving towards the positions of the nationalists.
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an army aviation strike group attacked a ukrainian armed forces unit in the special operation zone. it included the reconnaissance and attack helicopter k-52m alligator transport and combat mit. 35m and the mi8 multi-purpose vehicle. the pilots successfully hit a strong point and concentrations of manpower enemy in the zone of responsibility of the west group of troops. during the combat mission , the helicopter crew practiced striking s-8 unguided aircraft missiles at the gunner’s coordinates. after completing the task, the pilots carried out an anti-missile maneuver using the on-board defense system and successfully returned to the airfield. 24-hour protection for russians. troops
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are protected from air threats by crews of buk anti-aircraft missile systems, installations capable of hitting any target, from combat aircraft to cruise missiles and drones. the military is on duty in all weather conditions, around the clock. their work was observed by eduard punigov. south donetsk direction. the buk anti-aircraft missile system of the eastern group repels another air attack. protect the sky 24x7, cover army units on the front line and intercept missiles launched by the ukrainian armed forces towards the peaceful cities of donbass. the crew consists of three people, a commander, a senior operator, a driver, there is not much space inside, but in fact the instruments are located very conveniently, everything is at hand, and anti-aircraft gunners can calmly monitor the air situation. the crew can deploy the complex into a combat position in just 3 minutes. the system is completely ready for operation, scanning of the airspace begins.
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the crew of this beech has already hit dozens of aircraft and missiles, anti-aircraft guns are also constantly being fired upon, when the vehicle has full ammunition - this is not a problem, but if the missiles are out, you need to go to shelter as soon as possible, we constantly change positions on the spot and while on duty and during rest, the car is constantly not... stationary, as if places and landings are constantly changing, the parking areas of the car are also camouflaged, various aircraft are also constantly launched towards the enemy, for example, the combat crew of the lancet drone, this kamikaza drone is capable of hitting large targets, which are hidden deep behind enemy lines, tanks, armored personnel carriers, strongholds. the lancet always works in tandem with a reconnaissance drone like this; it can circle over positions for hours. enemy in
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search of a potential target, as soon as the target discovered, its coordinates are immediately transmitted to calculations on the ground. the operator monitors the drone in this mobile command post, when a target is detected, the drone falls down at great speed, right on target. we work in semi-automatic mode up to 30 km, maximum lifting height up to 5 km. we work mainly against more significant targets, enemy artillery, three axes, a tank, a leopard. uav crews are on duty in any weather , day and night. thermal imagers help them see everything that happens on the battlefield. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead south donetsk direction. the israel defense forces attacked the hamas command center in the gaza strip. the military said it was located at a un complex to help palestinian refugees and was used in attacks on the idf. the strike was carried out by fighters based on intelligence data. as a result, the headquarters was put out of action. meanwhile, the united states
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suspended the supply of ammunition to israel for the first time since the beginning of hostilities. the exact reason is not given, but american publications report that the white house is concerned about the plans israeli leadership to carry out an operation in the near future in rafah in the south of the gaza strip. more than 400 people are being evacuated in japan due to the threat of a forest fire spreading. the fire broke out in the central part of the country. rescuers, aviation, police and self-defense forces are fighting it. despite this, the flames. continues to spread, the fire area is approximately 100 hectares, there are fears that residential buildings may be affected, and at least one casualty is known. and in southern brazil, at least 60 people died as a result of more than a hundred large-scale floods remain unaccounted for. about 80 thousand local residents were forced to leave their homes. at one of the hydroelectric power stations , a platinum collapsed due to rains, after which several cities... it is also known about destroyed
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bridges, landslides and washed out roads. in addition, electricity connections were reported, leaving about a million people without water supply. andrey rublev became the winner of the prestigious serimasters tournament in madrid. in the decisive match , the russian beat the canadian in three sets felix already aliassima. the first game went to the canadian 6:4, but then rublev seized the initiative. and won the next two sets with the same score 7:5. the rivals spent almost 3 hours on the court, this is the second tournament won by the athlete this year, with a total of twenty. six-year-old russian tennis player, now 16 victories at major tournaments. further regional news, do not switch. now there is news from the capital
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region, cold weather has arrived in moscow and the region. there were frosts in some areas of the capital tonight, today. will cloudy with clearings, in the second half of the day light rain is possible in places, air temperature no higher than 11°c, atmospheric pressure 744 mm of arterial column, tomorrow in the capital it will be even colder, light snow is possible. chinese apple and cherry trees bloomed in the alexander garden at vdnkh. thousands of citizens come every day to see the trees in full bloom along the kremlin wall. the plants have bright pink inflorescences and... however, their flowering time is short and the flowers will fall within a few days. this night in the sky above the peak of the meteor shower could be observed in the capital. falling stars in the cloudless sky were visible to the naked eye. up to 50 objects could be seen in an hour. the meteor
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shower, which began on april 19, will peak until the end of may. all news is available on the media platform. we look at the application or look at the website. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea. the first coastal one, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and
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luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. making dreams come true, the kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, alexander yatsenko, we have not left them, they are following us, behind us, this is war, we are part of it, in war they don’t choose the width, jews here are not peaceful people , they are killed by enemies, which means they must fight with enemies, their task is to survive and get there. film by sergei ursulyak and there is no choice, righteous man, premiere, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr,
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good morning, hello, well, let’s wake up, recharge ourselves, get ready for work, may 6, it’s time, yes, utrorossiya studios. monday, today vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova. weather anomalies do not always have adverse consequences; extreme heat in the philippines, for example, exposed the ruins of an ancient city. usually these ruins had only the top of the cross visible above the water, but the local reservoir dried up and fragments of the buildings appeared entirely. afraid of missing out on unique sights to the ruins already tourists poured in, and even despite the temperature of about 45°, they explored what remained of the ancient times.
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may, that's what to say, when the month is may, the weather is not may, and this is just about russia, let's go tell you, in the south of russia the background atmospheric pressure will be increased, so sunny weather will prevail in the region, only on some days in some places it can there will be heavy rains, the temperature regime will be moderately warm in the midday hours until +17:22, over the middle volga there will be... frontal cloud fields and time will shift rain is expected from time to time, in the north it is possible in some places with snow, daytime temperature is + 7-12°, only in the middle... of the period short-term warming is possible, in the north-west of the country significant precipitation
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is unlikely on monday, but from tuesday cloudiness will appear along the cyclone line carpenter it will rain in places turning into sleet. daytime temperatures in the north range from -2 to +3°, in the southern half up to +6.11°. in central russia, weather is expected to suit every taste. mostly rainless on monday, starting tuesday. rain will begin in places turning into snow, and thunderstorms are not excluded in the black earth region. daytime temperature +8-13°. in the chernozem region up to +13-18, in the middle of the period the temperature drops by an average of 4-5°. warmer air masses will begin to arrive in the urals, so snowfalls here will be replaced by rains. daytime temperatures will rise to +7-12°, possibly in the middle of the period. short-term warming and up to +15-20.
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air that has been well warmed up in the steppes of kazakhstan will begin to flow into southern siberia. therefore, despite local showers, temperatures in the region will begin to rise. in the second half of the working week until +17:22, and in some places the thermometers may rise a few degrees higher. the asian one will form in the southern part of the far east. a cyclone, so significant precipitation is unlikely here, only at the beginning of the week rains are expected in the south of primorye, daytime temperatures in the amur region and continental areas of primorye are +19-24°, on the coast of the sea of ​​japan up to +11/16. thank you, thank you, vadim, but this is the final wave of frost; you can already plant tomatoes in the ground, well, in the ground, of course, in the middle zone tomatoes are not allowed.
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large iron devices with shells do not move quickly using a caterpillar
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mechanism with built-in magnets, they allow the bots to connect with each other and overcome obstacles. well, for example, create a chain in order to climb or cross somewhere. in the future, they plan to use them to search for survivors of disasters, conduct reconnaissance in dangerous conditions, or even explore other planets. all ideas are in nature. russian engineers in progress. creation of the first domestic wind generator, in terms of characteristics, it should not be inferior to the best foreign models, but developed by andrei negro. the kola ves, that is, a wind power plant, the most powerful in the world among those built beyond the arctic circle, provides so much energy that it is possible to power an entire city, like yaroslavl or ryazan. there are 57 giant turbines operating here. each one is as tall as a thirty-story building, so that they spin enough for a wind of 3 m/s. but here it’s not like that. there is almost always. the most key, distinctive feature characterizing wind power station is -
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the indicator kium is the coefficient of utilization of installed capacity. well, on average, here’s a good kium for a five, yes, that’s 35%, for example. the efficiency at the kola wind farm, recorded by us, at points in time exceeds 50%. and all thanks to the geographical location, here is literally the edge of the earth, and behind it is the barintsev sea, from which the wind blows in a constant... direction, however, we have many such places, here is a map of the wind potential of russia, if you use it in its entirety, then this will block ours electricity needs by 14 times, but since sws could not have happened, initially a large foreign company was engaged in its construction and creation of equipment, in the twenty-second year it left the russian market, it’s good that our engineers were not at a loss and were able to finish everything on their own, and today they decided to develop the first large domestic wind turbine in modern history, and one that can operate even in the arctic zone. this requires electronics and
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materials that are not afraid of severe frosts. we we propose to consider a concrete tower as a promising direction. reinforced with basalt fiber, the use of this technology will significantly reduce the cost of a wind power plant and ensure its necessary parameters for operation at -50. and this is just one of the ideas: today they are creating a mathematical model of the turbine and a so-called digital twin, this will allow all preliminary tests to be carried out in a virtual environment, after which, using such 3d models, it will be possible to easily scale and change the layout of wind turbines, taking into account where they will serve and... most importantly, with classical methods it takes 10 years to develop such equipment, the use of modern digital tools speeds up the process many times over, so the engineer promises to present a finished project for wind generators next year. help your neighbor. the cautionary tale went viral online. a nine-year-old schoolboy from louisiana received a dollar from his parents for good grades, but did not
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put it in his pocket or piggy bank, but gave it to what he thought was a beggar. in fact. to a local millionaire who accidentally walked into the same cafe in a disheveled state. as a result , the businessman was so amazed by the child’s act that he allowed calvin to buy whatever he wanted in his store, albeit with a time limit of 40 seconds for shopping, but this was enough for the guy to take his main prize - a bicycle. i could increase the purchase limit. well, in the meantime, we have more and more people wanting to get the job of a secret shopper. they are usually hired. enterprises, who can become a secret client and how much they pay for it, found out kristina sorokina. i passed the interview, completed training, and in general, this is an interesting job now. an interesting vacancy for a mystery shopper immediately attracted sergei nasetkin. a couple of years ago, a man got a part-time job with a flexible schedule and was able to combine it with his main job. the result
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suits me, about 10 thousand additional income per month, and this is for less than 3 days of work per week. i'm coming. to the store, i look at the availability of the goods, i check, then they match the prices, the display, the work of the sellers, i ask them what questions, i answer, then i draw up a report and write down everything i saw and heard. attentiveness, by the way, is one of the main requirements for secret shoppers, experts say, and the applicant also needs to be quite sociable, punctual, honest and have a good memory in order to help business owners check the quality of products, services or services, this is often enough. after selection, scouts undergo training, they are given a task and a questionnaire to fill out after visiting a store or cafe. most often you need to visit the establishment in daytime, so those who have a couple of free hours during daylight hours respond to vacancies faster. students, pensioners, mothers on maternity leave and those temporarily unemployed. on average, this can start from 100 rubles. for one test purchase that you make as a mystery
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shopper, and then this cost can increase depending on the complexity. and sometimes it can reach 3,000 rubles for one purchase, it depends on the customer and the amount of work experience. on average, the payment of a straw buyer is 3,600 rubles. for one revision, that is, if at least perform two checks a day three times a week, you can earn about 12,000 per month, however, some large companies promise to pay up to 30-40,000 per month with full employment, but there is a nuance: the employer cannot send the same anonymous client to one point more often than once every 3 months, so it is quite difficult to organize a permanent one. and it is better to consider such employment as a part-time job in your free time; first of all, you should carefully study all the terms of the contract. often employers do not pay the cost of purchase and they don’t pay for travel to the place of inspection, and therefore if, again, you don’t need this product and you don’t intend to use it later, for example, the average person should be at least 2.0, you
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will be paid 300-400 for this work there rub, well then, accordingly, you really need to analyze it. in addition to the financial component, experts advise assessing your time and labor costs, whether it is worth traveling to the other end of the city every day if they pay only 300 rubles for it. next, the sky is calling, a new national unmanned project has been launched in russia aviation system. we will soon find out what its prospects are and how many companies are already operating. attention everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone. premiere for victory day. liberate the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered the transfer of paton to the 267th regiment, major roman, what would you do, come on, you are comrade romanov, whom mister imprisoned, then a special thank you from me personally, let’s go pile, barlin nikolaevich, i’m not dancing, doesn’t dance, doesn’t drink, what a specimen she is , your officer’s shoulder straps
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look like the last one, welcome to the ranks stumbled. your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt. only penalty prisoners go into battle. the task is not easy; you will have to act in the enemy’s operational area. fighters, battle for crimea. thanks to all the veterans, thanks to the heroes of the front and rear, thanks to the great generation of winners, let’s bow to those great years.
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victory, a big festive concert dedicated to victory day on may 9 on rt. the sun high above will warm this world. even to lose everything, the sun rises, my night comes to a bright day. the hour has come when we
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waited for many years, with rage and hatred for the enemy, despising death, i swear to trample the fascist reptile in its own lair? i swear! crew for battle of the legendary t-34 on may 9 on rtr, this is uisilyov’s report on how the withdrawal of jews from the beleysk region to the soviet rear took place, the task is to survive and get there, and there is no choice, the true story of the righteous. “i was the most ordinary soviet person, there are simply circumstances in which character is revealed. a man without
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a leg was walking with us, his crutch broke, so kishilev gave him horse, it was very difficult for my mother to walk. kiselev took me in his arms, we thought together, this compassion and desire to help people led to the fact that he really accomplished such a feat. this has never been known in history." nikolai kiselev, the path of the righteous, that’s why it is written on the medal of the righteous, the one who saved one soul is as if he saved the whole world. the documentary premieres on may 9 on rtr. 700 generations and six weeks for one video. the experimental director put together the first music video created using neural networks. a three-minute video took almost 2 months, completing each excerpt took neurocity from 15 minutes to an hour, then the artist had to select the 55 best parts and
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put them together. the author noted that during this time it was possible to shoot a regular music video, but it would have cost more. now we are waiting for artificially intelligent hollywood films. for now we are looking into the future, which has already arrived almost 3 weeks after the premiere. the fantastic film remains a confident leader at the box office 100 years ago. kiluchev’s legendary story in its new incarnation appealed to both adult children and children. what makes the story about alisa selizneva a truly family film? now we'll tell you. in general, this is a gosya from the future, what is it? alice, show me. holy shit, yes, dude, who among today’s adults doesn’t remember the story about the time traveler alisa seleznyova, once upon a time, probably every
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soviet boy dreamed of her, and every girl dreamed of being like her, now finally alice is back, meeting her favorite heroine the russians were given a film 100 years ago, not just an adaptation of the story of the same name by kir balychev, but a completely new film interpretation of it, when you read, you imagine a thousand different ones...
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so you definitely need to go to baikal, go to sakhalin and it’s a stone’s throw to kamchatka there, but weren’t we dreaming too much for 2 weeks here, well, where then, well, where, judging by the wind, it flies to the south, and well then you definitely need to make a stop in dagestan and rostov, we don’t have any frost anywhere, you can have a good rest everywhere, it’s such a huge country, well then in next year to baikal and about holidays in russia. we'll talk to the expert very soon, vera, the valve needs to be opened with the right one, where is it, why to turn it, why, let it fly on its own, let's go to altai, along putin, the broadcast continues to work live, in the studio andrey shevtsov, hello, at the beginning of the episode about the progress of a special military operation on...
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we work for an hour, the shells are brought in, we destroy the nazis, i, the loader, drag the shells, we send them into the bore, then they run up from the cartridge case, they also send them, they run up, they send them to the end, we move away from the gun, preparing the next one shell, then command fire, shoot and also reload, deputy minister of defense andrei bulygo awarded the military personnel who participated in the special military operation in the branch of the main military clinical hospital
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named after burdenka, lieutenant general ... thanked the military personnel undergoing treatment and rehabilitation for the courage, heroism and bravery shown in battle, and also presented them with three orders of courage and four medals for courage. the merits are not only mine, because here in the assault battalion, uh, group work, after rehabilitation i want to retrain, get a new profession, new knowledge, and how to continue to live, strive for something, in our country all doors are always open. i would like to become an instructor in any part of russia, so that the young people who go there, so that they are tuned to some more positive aspects, so that they are mentally prepared, so that they can perform clearly, calmly, firmly, and be confident in yourself, because this is the key to success ; the barrier, good, takes the barrier, good. and in
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one of the rear areas, military special operations dog handlers provide daily training and training for dogs. they develop special skills in animals to perform combat missions. practical classes are held twice a day. after completing an intensive training course at the canine center, canine instructors with service dogs are sent to serve at a particularly important facility. israel plans to launch an operation in rafah in the south of the strip. for soon. this was stated by the country's ministry of defense. the day before , the eastern and central districts of the city. more than twenty people are reported to have died. such data is provided by the qatari tv channel al-jazeera, whose broadcasting on its territory was banned by israel on sunday. the government accused the channel of inciting hatred against israeli soldiers and called its activities provocative. the channel's office in jerusalem was closed, searches were carried out there and
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equipment was confiscated. the un human rights office criticized the decision, calling for the ban to be lifted. joe biden may withdraw from the presidential race in favor of the former first. lady michelle obama. the german publication spiegel writes about this , citing sources in the democratic party. the possibility is being discussed so seriously in washington that the party has included it in its polls of potential candidates. at the same time , the obama spouses' office reported that they fully support the current head of state. the publication notes that 2/3 of americans consider biden too old to lead the country, many are afraid of the next one. the coming to power of trump, who not younger. today in berlin they plan to begin demolition of the remains of a metalworking plant that has been burning for the third day. the plant belongs to one of the defense companies, which also supplies weapons to
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ukraine. rescuers reported that work at the site continues, but everything that can burn will burn. the fire engulfed all four floors and part of the building collapsed. firefighters warned. about the risk of spreading toxic smoke, local residents were advised not to go outside or open windows. in the area of ​​the incident, closed schools and shops. next, news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. news from the capital region: cold weather has arrived in moscow and the region. there were frosts in some areas of the capital tonight. today will be partly cloudy. light rain is possible in places in the afternoon. the air temperature is not higher than 11°c. atmospheric
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pressure 744 mmhg. tomorrow it will be even colder in the capital, with some snow possible. the moscow easter festival opened in the charging hall. combined the symphony orchestra of the mariinsky bolshoi theater conducted by valery gergiev performed shestakovich's festive overture, works by rachmaninov and shestakovich's sixth symphony. also as part of the festival , the famous bass eldar abdrazakov performed romances accompanied by a piano. the overture fantasia by tchaikovsky, romeo and juliet, petrushka by strovinsky and...
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in the coming days, festival participants will tour throughout russia; the route of the joint symphony orchestra of the mariinsky and the bolshoi theater will include 24 cities. unique historical finds were discovered by residents during preparations for subbotnik in the village of manikhin, istorinsky district. first , traces of a brick factory were found; the first solid buildings were erected from local bricks in the thirties of the 19th century. ancient ones have also been discovered. century, the documents found suggest that it existed more than 100 years earlier. presumably we
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are right in the very furnace in which the bricks were fired, you can see that there is such a volume here, there are bricks and even there you can see a brick in the tree.
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chinese cherry apple trees have bloomed in the alexander garden at vdnkh; thousands of citizens come every day to see the blossoming trees. the plants have bright pink inflorescences, but their flowering time is short; the flowers will fall off within a few days. all news is available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, see you. in almost 20 minutes. the decision on the march to prishno was approved. the task is to occupy the airport before the allies, to prevent information leakage to nato. do it. car. the story of the feat. what's the matter? secret. we take and hold positions until the peacekeeper arrives. the story of real heroes. morning will give us all the clues. then just look, the russian army is in pristina, i don’t
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need you here, and i will slaughter you to the last, there are about 100 people in the world, there are eight of us here, they fought to the death, but i’m glad that we are all together, we will live, fulfilling our duty, in the name of russia, our situation is crap, the probability that we will survive until the morning is 10 percent, but we are given the task of holding the airport, which means we will run. balkan the milestone of may 10 at rtr, on victory day, there were no seventh -grade schools left of the heroes of bygone days, they took the school and went to the front in the throat of a worthwhile night of celebration. songs from the bottom of my heart,
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big holiday release on may 9 on rtr, good morning, hello, morning of russia, back on the air after a break, vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov, with you, in fact, as planned. once you make a wish, your wishes are forgotten; by the way, the guests of the water lantern festival, which has been taking place in st. petersburg for several years now, believe in this. everyone who has visited the yusupov garden says that this is one of the most romantic events in the northern capital; you can make a wish for something cherished. visitors light candles, put them in lanterns, float them on the water, everything around is transformed, and the fiery pyrotechnic performance and laser show only add to the magic. in general, a new tourist season has started in st. petersburg, what else does the city on
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the neva promise to surprise guests with, sergei egorov found out. the sound of a trumpet from the window of the chapel accompanied by drum accompaniment announced the opening of the summer tourist season. the tradition of holding public concerts appeared back in peter's times. it was revived a couple of years ago. now a similar event, called imperial noon, will take place every sunday until the end of september. such theatrical performances, combined with symphonic music, can create instantaneous sensations. immerse tourists in historical st. petersburg, which it is impossible not to fall in love with, coming here, i feel that people here are charged with this atmosphere, they are more creative than anywhere else in russia, for me st. petersburg is definitely one of the best cities in the world, it is not put into words, you need to love st. petersburg, you need to feel st. petersburg, st. petersburg is a state of mind, st. petersburg becomes no less interesting for fans of modernity, a new tourist geography project has been launched in the city, these are updated routes that offer a look at st. petersburg through the eyes of an architect or ... engineer, the attractions here are often
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high-tech sports arenas, modern football, colorful art spaces and majestic skyscrapers, when you learn about how it was built, these are real miracles of the world, this really, in fact, echoes the idea of ​​​​peter i, peter wanted everything to be here for the first time in st. petersburg and the best, the most beautiful, by the way, more than 500 guides have already been trained as part of the project new geography and are now ready to introduce guests to modern wonders. however, you can learn about interesting places not only from them. an information point for tourists has appeared at the moscow train station. here they will help you navigate the calendar of events taking place in the city and will tell you about the main attractions. such points, scattered throughout the city, are part of a larger hospitality ecosystem, designed to help understand the variety of new tourism offers. 2 years ago, the new tourist geography had only 12 routes. now tour operators for groups offer more for their guests. 70 routes of a new tourist geography.
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a real highlight of any route this season will certainly be a visit to the battleship poltava. this is an exact copy of the first linear steamboat of the baltic fleet, essentially a huge interactive museum. on the water, everything is recreated in the way the ship lived, that is, here, for example, if you go to the cambus, there are models of rats, that is, here you are immersed in the life of the crew of a large battleship, here even the decks emit a characteristic creak, they were built from special ship's oak, which was collected all over russia, restorers from the hermitage were involved in creating furniture, the dishes are distinguished by historical accuracy, including the interior design of the cabins, for to recreate the interior, we used , among other things, sketches of the ship made by peter i himself. this, by the way, is his admiral's salon. the most luxurious will be produced. even the compass above the table is in the shape of a crown. by the way, it was possible to get here only by the personal invitation of the admiral. but modern tourists, in order to sit at the same table with the emperor, only need to come to the port of smolenko, where the battleship is located.
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it is planned to launch visits to poltava for organized excursions in the current summer season. since the beginning of the year, tourists have booked to the third. there are more trips around the country in the summer than last year, the most popular destinations are still the krasnodar region, st. petersburg, moscow, but there are changes. where you can go this summer for impressions, we will find out from our guest in the studio, director of non-economy, sustainable tourism development management, christopher constantinedi. christopher, good morning, hello, people want to travel around the country, in may it’s natural, let’s go, dagestan is incredibly in demand.
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there is also an opportunity for sea relaxation, in addition, the mountains call, they fill you with energy, well, it’s hiking, it’s health improvement, and sankur, and cuisine, and national flavor and much more. kaliningrad has also been developing very actively in recent years, the baltic beaches are being developed, cultural and educational tourism here is really at a high level. new placements have appeared, objects appear in new and different categories, fours, fives , threes. but not always in sufficient quantities, for now, of course, in the caucasus there is a shortage of funds, but not only where stop, but it’s also important how to get there, and logistics here in some places are difficult, that’s what is being done now so that tourists can choose different ways to get to their vacation spot, maybe some charter
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programs for popular destinations, if not a plane, then a train is additional, this is where what is being solved, what problems, and really, well, if, for example, again we take the example of the south. then to a greater extent today it is road and rail transport during the russian railways season that usually increases and the number of cars in the trains and , accordingly, despite this , demand still exceeds supply. the modern tourist votes with his ruble for decent service, people want this, and moreover, many who previously tried it abroad and appreciated it, want to find hotels here with an all-inclusive program. how is it developing? this direction, at one time back in the sixteenth and seventeenth years we launched standards in the krasnodar region, all inclusive, and this made it possible to increase from 30 at that time to 70, then to 100 objects that they work according to the system, all inclusive, there are such hotels in the krasnodar region, in the crimea, there are some examples in other regions,
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there are some in sochi, in gelendzhuk, but most of all such facilities are in anapa, somehow it’s worth it for tourists maybe protect yourself, prepare yourself? insurer, at least, well, insurance, it’s more of a kind of economic compensation mechanism, and there is capacity for this, that is, insurance is more about protecting the interests of tourists, in a sense, and if we talk directly about safety, then of course it is important to monitor the water temperature there; when it is above 27°, then here some sanitary conditions should be observed, it is better to choose. legal means of accommodation, so that you don’t have to sleep in a chicken coop, we went through this as a child, experimented with our own health for a ruble bed, remember, it was like this, in general, a regime with hygiene is our everything, thank you, thank you, a comfortable stay within the country, they talked to me with the director economics of management of sustainable tourism development, christopher constantinedi, i do not
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ok, call an ambulance, i just don’t have a phone, call an ambulance. there are normal people here, in general, you’re from where 100 years ago, forward, the front line, we fly over the sea, we approach the bridge, the frieze opens up, opens fire, fighters will also use us as a bait for the germans, the battle for crimea premiere today at 21:20 unmanned aerial systems new national projects launched this year in russia will create 48 research and production centers and will develop drones and train personnel there. and the national project is small and medium entrepreneurship will support aspiring entrepreneurs in the uav sector with government grants. well, i have our new model in my hands, here it is,
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it unfolds easily, not just a copter, but a whole complex for video monitoring, the development of a young technology company from st. petersburg, literally imbued with innovation, on board are modern cameras for shooting in 4k resolution, as well as thermal imaging and professional optics. you never know if we are looking for a person, for example, in the forest at night, but this device will allow us to effectively do this solve the problem. also this drone. they are not afraid of either heat or frost; they can withstand temperatures from -20 to +40. the task can be performed by different ones, such as monitoring territories, creating a 3d model for fence building, or geological exploration. i unscrew the so-called bano board, which is responsible for the light on the motors at the bottom of the copter. this miracle of domestic aviation thought is being designed and assembled here in the northern capital. now, as part of a new national project on unmanned aircraft systems, the company is expecting grants in the form of government orders and preparing to enter a new one. horizons of the domestic market. the national project covers five main areas of development - personnel, technology, infrastructure, stimulating demand and
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actual development and production. this market was measured there, say, in the sixteenth year in units of billions of rubles. today it is almost 19.8 billion rubles. and this is just the beginning, experts assure, to create a strong and competitive unmanned aerial aircraft in russia , four dozen research and production facilities will be built centers from kaliningrad to vladivostok. so far the bottleneck. there is a shortage of personnel in this industry, modules will be developed, the fetproekt personnel provides for the development , in my opinion, of about 140 modules by the thirtieth year. another national project, small and medium-sized enterprises, is a good help in solving the personnel shortage. those who are just at the beginning of their career can receive from 100,000 to 1 million rubles to open their own business, including one related to drones. to a safe distance. alexey titetov from barnaul has two specialized education: engineer, mechanic, agricultural and pilot citizen. aviation a year ago, i decided to complete the drone operator course and went into the agricultural sector, we enter the field, take off with a small drone,
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it’s a multispectral drone, it photographs the surface, we build a plan on the computer from above, now after building the plan we can, we enter a map this drone is large, the farm has an aircraft for larger areas, but smart drones capable of carrying a payload weighing up to 30 kg are much better suited for solving jewelry tasks, maybe... pollinate in a good situation , a drone can pollinate up to 100 hectares, which means that an airplane can pollinate - well, about 500, 600-700 hectares per shift, the use of drones in conjunction with an airplane gives an additional effect. now altai entrepreneurs are planning to enlist government support to expand their aircraft fleet with new models of agricultural drones. in total , within the framework of the national project, small and medium-sized businesses for the past. more than 100,000 legal entities and individual entrepreneurs received 1.7 trillion rubles in in the form of financial support,
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the number of newly created companies increased by 17%. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. vixas golf villa. sharměh is a magnificent world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmal shake. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury. collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation.
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immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodroom. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with lioreor. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden!
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everything will change, no, of course, this launched mechanism brought with it a lot of new things, and not always good, complete confidence in impunity, where did this confidence comes from experience, there are things that are not immediately visible, they are veiled, they are closed, but they exist, they live, those on whom... the security of our country and its future depend, don’t they? esagon tv today on rtr. so, comrade, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defenses indoors. premiere for victory day. yes, i only have four planes on the move. i received the order, carry it out. how to take off? the snow
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is flying waist-deep. check it out. commander, the engines will stop. the temperature goes through the roof, in case detection, losses cannot be avoided, carry out orders, fighters, battle for crimea, today on rtr, wild animals are engaged in healing like people, scientists in indonesia for the first time witnessed how a sumatran orangutan used listilians to heal a wound, zoologists observed a monkey named .
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car classes. about one of these ivan zenkevich. how to revive sales of the hatchback class, which is losing popularity. raise the car a little, add a body kit made of unpainted plastic all around. such a model, of course, will not be suitable for suvs, but it will accept kind of pseudo-crossover. today we’ll talk about such cross-class innovations. crosochback citroen ds3 is called a hybrid modification. the power plant consists of a three-cylinder turbo engine. with a volume of 1.2 liters, a power of 136 horsepower and an electric motor of 28 horsepower, it is built into a six-speed selective robot, the electric motor turns on only during acceleration, helping the internal combustion engine, the battery capacity does not allow driving on a pure electric boat, as there is no way to recharge from an outlet. but the hybrid version is 20% petrol is more economical and a little more dynamic. in
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our market, many people know the compact crossover toyota chr. which is essentially also a cross-hatchback, and it seems that the company has decided that this segment is worth actively developing. the brand showed the urban cruiser tacer cross-hatchback, which is a redesigned and elevated suzuki fronks model. the new product has original bumpers, radiator grille, and optical wheels. the tecer base is equipped with a 1.2 liter naturally aspirated engine with a capacity of 90 horsepower. the unit works in tandem with mechanics or a robot. with one clutch, there are more powerful versions: a turbo-three with 100 horsepower with a classic automatic, toyota has also released a modification with natural gas, front-wheel drive only, orders for the urbancruiser tacer are already being accepted. the dacha company has decided to update its electric hatchback sprint. the electric car has angular features. this geometricity continues in the interior decoration. but the power plant remains the same. there are two
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electric motors to choose from, with a power of 45 or... five horsepower, with a full charge of the traction battery enough for 220 km, from the fast terminal you can charge up to 80% in 45 minutes from a socket in 11 hours, as before, the spring will be assembled in china, and from there supplied to other markets, sales should begin in the summer. in our country, cross-hatchbacks are also quite in demand, the most popular of them was the kiia rio x. by the way, it recently returned to our market under the name solar. with krx, all that’s left is to get used to the new abbreviations, then it’s more fun in company, why did you wake me up, i could still go and lose weight, i need a couple of kilos here... don’t make noise, and you’ll wake up the rest of the weight loss people, my weight loss machine is broken, well, what have i got to do with it, well , what does it have to do with it, it’s boring not to lose weight alone, well, i should go to the gym, eat something useful,
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that’s why i actually woke you up, that it’s more fun to diet together, oh, okay, i’m just hungry, the expert will tell us about mass weight loss very soon, and maybe then we’ll wake up the trainer and the cook, let’s go to sleep? dead asleep, nothing, it's time to get up, you're watching the news on the channel russia, good morning, in the studio andrey shevtsov, army aviation helicopters hit units of the ukrainian armed forces in the special operation zone. armored personnel carrier with troops. destroyed by our attack drones. the israeli defense forces attacked the hamas headquarters in the gaza strip. the united states has suspended supplies of ammunition to israel for the first time since the start
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of the operation in the enclave. the sixteenth title in his career, andrei rublev won the prestigious serimas tournament in madrid. at the beginning of the special military operation in the zaporozhye direction, drone crews disrupted the rotation of units of the ukrainian army. the attack drone operators hit an armored personnel carrier with troops moving towards the nationalist positions and thereby prevented the ukrainian armed forces group from changing personnel . the longest distance i had was 15 km, bradley i did it. we begin to break through different roads. we succeed and we destroy the enemy every day, and no matter how anyone helps ukraine, we will still win, victory will be ours.
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an army aviation strike group attacked a ukrainian armed forces unit in the special operation zone, it included the k-52m reconnaissance attack helicopter, an alligator, a mi-35m combat transport and a multi-purpose one. direction, the buk anti-aircraft missile system of the eastern group repels another air attack, these installations protect the sky 24x7, cover army
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units on the front line and intercept missiles that the ukrainian armed forces launch towards the peaceful cities of donbass. the crew consists of three people, a commander, a senior operator, a driver, there is not much space inside, but in fact, the devices are located very conveniently, everything is at hand and anti-aircraft gunners can. calmly monitor the air situation. the crew can deploy the complex into a combat position in just 3 minutes. the system is completely ready for operation, scanning the surrounding airspace begins. altitude indicators, each line corresponds to a certain horizon, this is accordingly my radar, where i detect, bring, correct. the crew of this beech has already hit dozens of aircraft and missiles. anti-aircraft guns are also constantly being fired upon when in the car full. ammunition is not a problem, but if you run out of missiles, you need to go to shelter as soon as possible. we constantly change positions on the spot, both during duty and during rest, the car is not constantly parked, as if the places and landings are constantly changing, and
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the parking places of the car are also masked. various aircraft are also constantly launched towards the enemy, for example, the combat crew of the lance drone, this camikaza drone is capable of hitting large targets that... it can fly in circles for hours over enemy positions in search of a potential target, as soon as the target is detected, its coordinates are immediately transmitted to calculations on the ground. the operator monitors the drone in this mobile command post, when a target is detected, the drone falls down at great speed, right on target, we work in semi-automatic mode up to 30 km, the maximum lift height is up to 5 km, everything that happens
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on the battlefield. eduard poniagov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the israeli defense forces attacked the hamas command center in the gaza strip. the military said it was located at a un complex to help palestinian refugees and was used in attacks on tsehal. the strike was carried out by fighters based on intelligence data. as a result, the headquarters was put out of action. meanwhile, the united states suspended hostilities for the first time since the beginning. supply of ammunition to israel, does not name the exact reason, but american publications report that the white house is concerned about the plans of the israeli leadership to carry out an operation in the near future in rafah in the south of the gaza strip. japan is being evacuated more than 400 people due to the threat of a forest fire spreading. the fire broke out in the central part of the country. rescuers, aviation, police, and self-defense forces are fighting it. despite this, the flames continue to spread across the fire area. amounted to approximately 100 hectares, there are
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fears that residential buildings may be affected, and at least one casualty is known. and in southern brazil, at least 60 people have died as a result of widespread flooding. more than a hundred are still missing. about 80 thousand local residents were forced to leave their homes. a platinum collapsed at one of the hydroelectric power stations due to rains, after which several cities were flooded. also known from... destroyed bridges, landslides and washed out roads. in addition, power outages have been reported, and nearly a million people have been left without water supplies. andrey rublev became the winner of the prestigious masters series tournament in madrid. in the decisive match , the russian beat canadian felix ojealle sim in three sets. the first batch remains the canadian was 6:4 behind, but then rublev seized the initiative and won the next two sets with the same score. 7:5. the opponents spent
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almost 3 hours on the courts. this is the second tournament won by the athlete this year. and in total, the twenty-six-year-old russian tennis player now has 16 victories in major tournaments. next, regional news. don't switch. now news from the capital region, cold weather has arrived in moscow and the region, there were frosts in some areas of the capital tonight, today it will be cloudy with clearings in the afternoon light rain is possible in places, the air temperature is not higher than 11° celsius, the atmospheric pressure is 744 mm of the work column, tomorrow it will be even colder in the capital, light snow is possible. in the alexander garden at vdnkh there are flowers. chinese apple and cherry trees,
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thousands of people come every day to see the blossoming trees. the plants have bright pink inflorescences, but their flowering time is short and the flowers will fall within a few days. that night , the peak of the meteor shower could be observed in the sky over the capital. falling stars in a cloudless sky were visible to the naked eye. up to 50 objects could be seen in an hour. peak meteor shower. which began on april 19, will last until the end of may. all news is available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, stay with us.
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titanic luxury collection titanic delux golf belleg hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation - your rules. titanic delux, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time on rtr. good morning. good morning, may 6, monday, the body does not understand what to tune in to, either a continuation of rest, or a working day. well, yes, the work week is short ahead. time. eating bread for breakfast is a big deal, especially from the freezer; such storage affects the glycemic index product, experts explain this: it turns out that when cooled, the starch contained in bread becomes resistant, that is, resistant, for example, to glucose, its level in the blood does not increase so much, but
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in addition, defrosted bread is digested more slowly and nourishes the intestinal microbiota, the main thing store the product in closed containers made of natural materials, and not in a package. where , due to increased humidity , bacteria and fungus develop faster. well, the information is especially relevant for those who are overweight, and almost every second person has it. russian. the lose fat program is designed to make the country's residents slimmer and healthier. well, so far it has started in three regions, in yamal, ulyanovsk, svertlovsk regions, how is it working? let's find out. we are removing vasochka, yes, yes, because we saw from your diary there that... sometimes they ate it there only once , pavel makes excuses, so it is very difficult for a man to completely give up his favorite sausage right away, especially since his diet has already changed significantly, a change from chaotic eating with a lot of fatty foods, sweets and soda came in balance. if this meat is a lean type of meat,
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the fish is also correspondingly lean, and , accordingly, a large amount of vegetables and fruits. doctor pavlo records the result; in 2 weeks without diets and strict restrictions, he said goodbye to the extra two. grams and a centimeter in the waist, and yet his weight loss experiment had just begun, the man became one of the 100 participants in the project lose excess weight in yamal. we really hope that all project participants will reduce their excess body weight by 5-10%, some more, and how the consequence will reduce the likelihood of developing such serious chronic diseases as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. natalya took part in a similar project only in the ulyanovsk region last year; she says that thanks to the program, her life changed completely. i started playing sports, started going to the gym, doing yoga, plus i completely changed my diet, lost 15 kg. doctors are helping participants of the lose it project lose extra pounds. it all starts with
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initial visit to the medical prevention center. the patient receives scales, a tanometer and access to a special application into which he must enter certain indicators. body weight in kilograms. this is the number of steps, that is, physical activity, every 3 days, blood pressure, every 3 days, and once a week your food diary. the doctor checks and gives feedback, the fact that weight loss is carried out under the supervision of specialists is what attracted anna, thanks to the program after her third birth, a resident of the sverdlovsk region i lost 16 kg in six months, then became pregnant again, gave birth to baby katya, now she is going to return to the project, especially since in terms of healthy food and physical activity, the whole family supports her, since i have four girls, and they are also interested in proper nutrition, they are also athletes, so we can go for a run around our locality, well, in our home arsenal we also have some exercise equipment,
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regular sports, healthy eating habits, daily routine, good health, all this is what the participants of the project lose excess gain instead of the lost kilograms, it is not surprising that volunteers for the program, which now operates in three regions, have already been gained and judging by the number of people who want to become slimmer and the results that the participants achieve, the project needs to be expanded throughout the country. other details of the program were told in an interview with andrey petrov by the director of the national medical, research center for therapy and preventive medicine of the ministry of health, honored doctor of russia, oksana drabkina. alexan mikhailovna, thank you for coming, let’s figure it out, tell us, please. here, absolutely anyone can go anywhere, say that i feel that i am overweight, i want help for me, a person comes to a medical examination, to a clinic, this is an office of the department of medical prevention, there is one in every clinic, and accordingly,
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during the clinical examination at the first stage, it is already possible to clearly determine whether there is an increased body mass index, that is, there are extra pounds, or is it already obesity? further this risk factor, and this is a clear risk factor for obesity of any chronic non-infectious diseases are taken under control, this is where such joint work begins, for specialists and now the patient himself, they will work carefully with them for six months, they will develop some kind of special diet for each, and they will select an appropriate sport, and that is, at the expense of these two factors or will there be something else? a new technology is being proposed, technology, let’s say, digital, support technology, which is always with our patient or person there, that is, in addition to scales, a tanometer is also issued.
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who will not abandon them under any circumstances, well, we actually support everyone , this application will remain if they like it, we all support these people, because they really took a big step, they decided to work on their health, federal program it would help us to advertise this and set some kind of fashion , that is, so that it would not just be some piece of paper hanging in the clinic, but so that it would actually become some kind of way of life of the country, but it seems to me that there are a lot of people here already done because...
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the collection of green tea and azirchay is the tenderness and subtlety of the bright flavors of the aromas, classic jasmine, thyme, ginger, start the day with a positive, morning is the time to brew ozerchay, on victory day, his adjutant came to my father, so i don’t remember them sitting and they grieved, how terrible it was, they laughed, the fire was deadly. big holiday episode
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on may 9 on the russia channel. a bee specialist has become the main character of a baseball game in the united states. a swarm of thousands of insects took a fancy to the net a few minutes before the start of the match, separating spectators from the field. the competition had to be stopped. urgently look for a beekeeper, well, among the spectators there was such an expert, he was dressed in a protective suit, and to applause on the lift he was sent to lure insects into a special container, the process took 2 hours, you never know when and where your experience will come in handy, and the experience of masters from the internet will come in handy , if you want to have fun with your children, they will teach you how to assemble multi-level parking lots from cardboard, wood and metal, which many people lack so much car enthusiasts in big cities, watch and get inspired. that’s great, just be careful, don’t rush, the markings should be even, especially when it comes to parking, by the way,
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not everyone will agree with me, because for many, making parking lots, well, toy ones, is their favorite hobby, they are ready to give up work, family and business and completely immerse yourself in the world of glue and cardboard in order to end up with such an almost monumental structure. by the way, cardboard can be used to make an excellent garage for one cars, add automatic gates and you won’t be able to distinguish a whole parking lot from the real thing. cities, usually fathers say that they make similar play complexes for their children, but then you can’t drag them by the ears from their new toy, where have you seen a city parking lot, in which there are always as many free spaces as you want, but if you add all sorts of obstacles or slides, or
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you can even build a whole world, the diorama of the parking lot seems to freeze a moment, beautiful flowering trees, expensive models car and detailed markings, you can admire the miniature endlessly, but if you need a lot of likes, you will have to try, this luxury garage with a brick wall and illuminated roof has delighted thousands of people online, if only it were the same life size, by the way, remember, some they argue that visuals are needed. your dreams, well, let’s try it with cardboard. so, well, we assembled the car out of cardboard, now we also need to make a garage, which, by the way, can also be made out of cardboard, but the hardest thing, you know what, is to imagine that this is all real. a next, dream jobs, secret shopper.
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we’ll soon tell you why up to 70% of applicants are looking for it, and that you need to know how much they pay for it. attention everyone, we are entering the zone. german patrol, premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered paton to be transferred to the 267th regiment, major romanov, why don’t you, come on, you’re tired of romanov, who put the mayor in jail, then a special thank you from me personally, let’s go dance , thank nikolaevich, i don’t dance, i don’t dance, i don’t drink, here’s a copy, what kind of officer's shoulder straps do you behave like after... welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, only penalty soldiers go into battle, the tasks are not easy, you will have to act in the operational rear of the enemy, fighters, the battle for the crimea, everything will get ready for the fight, are you out of your mind, let them go beyond that, he said to accept the fight, today on rtr on may 9th. on
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the day of the great victory, a big parade on red square, in memory of the great feat of our people, the descendants of the heroes will march in a solemn march, the valiant defenders will march in parade formation homeland, heirs of our great traditions, brave and...
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big film premiere, if you bring the jews out of here, we will introduce you to the rank, this is us, this is the front line, this is where you should be brought, from the director of the liquidation, this is keeping this, remember this , we have never lost this, even in the worst times, what they do, they pray, they greet saturday, stop greeting, saturday will come anyway, they pray about it.
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may 9 on rtr. on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing. the true history of world war ii. ui appeared on the northeast is not accidental. all this was planned in advance by the japanese. he was a real japanese puppet. the story began 2 years before the events in europe, massacres of civilians then occurred throughout nanjing. the real story of victory, it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right. don't let history be rewritten. unique archival footage in alexei denisov's film emperor without an empire. throne on bayonets. this newsreel was captured by the soviets
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soldiers in august 1945. premiere. may 10 on rtr. a night alone with paintings. there is a unique opportunity to book. overnight in one of the best galleries in the world, the rse museum in paris. only a couple of lucky people will have the opportunity to be alone with the works of rinoir, raden, manet and vangogue, only on july 26, the day of the opening ceremony of the olympic games. especially for this occasion , designer matthew lioner created a luxurious bedroom with a view of the seine in the famous hall with the clock. dinner is served there, before or after you can stroll through the empty exhibition halls. spaces, reservations will open twenty. may the cost has not been announced, but it will clearly match the masterpiece, and visitors to the exhibition in russia were able to see for free how our morning was filmed,
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look at it too, andrey shevtsov collected the best moments, there should be more good and kind meetings, according to such mottos morning russia is holding a second meeting with its live stream viewers today.
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and a real weekend broadcast, that is , practically what we usually broadcast on saturdays, only it will all be in front of spectators, no cuts, everything is for real in the studio. today, our favorite authors and presenters of columns, maria lyagina, shares the secrets of what you need to do to start cooking like in the movies, while turning the whole process into fun entertainment. the main secret of the culinary section is that it’s not just cooking, it’s creativity, and if you treat it with love, if at the same time you... feel inspired, then everything will work out for you. svetlana abramova and andrei smirnov today managed to play the role of a wizard in one of the favorite viewers of the dacha column. today, with
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the light, we will work in improvised beds, sow all sorts of things and plant goodies so that we can take them home at any time. the guests and viewers of the stream were literally fascinated by the hats of our secular observer anna aksenova. this is the canvas that i cut at the edges. in a few hours we managed to answer all the questions and draw gifts and become even closer. when the presenters present some section on the screen, we do not see the presenters what they are doing there are engaged, we don’t know, but here, when we were watching some sections, you could watch us off the air, you can’t hide behind this one. this kitchen is always the most interesting. we prepare all the most interesting things for you every day. hot topics , scientific and educational reports, conversations about the most important things with leading experts in the studio,
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a whole range of such favorite and useful sections, don’t miss the main thing. well, then a frost-resistant wind generator. a domestic installation that is not inferior to foreign analogues, when they are launched into action, we’ll find out after the news. the news continues to work live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. at the beginning of the issue , there is a special military operation in the kherson direction during the counter-battery fight. the crew of the gecent b installation destroyed the self-propelled gun howitzer of the armed forces of ukraine of western production on the right bank of the dnieper. russian artillery paratroopers fire from indirect firing positions from a distance of up to 20 km. after completing the combat work, the military camouflaged the gun and promptly abandoned it. firing positions, having taken refuge in pre-prepared defensive structures, fire and work
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often bring in shells. we destroy the nazis, i, the loader, drag the shells, send them into the bore, then they run up with the cartridge case, also send them, run up, finish filling them to the end, move away from the gun, prepare the next shell, then fire command, fire and also load again, deputy minister of defense andrei bulygo awarded military personnel who participated in a special military operation in a branch of the main military clinical hospital named after burdenka, the lieutenant general thanked the military personnel undergoing treatment. and rehabilitation for courage, heroism and courage shown in battle, and also presented them with three orders of courage and four medals for courage. the merits are not only mine, because in the assault battalion we have group work. after rehabilitation, i want to retrain, get a new profession, new knowledge and, as it were, continue to live, strive for something, in our country all doors are always open, i would like to become
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an instructor. in any part of russia, so that young people who go there, so that they were tuned in to some more positive moments, so that they were mentally prepared, so that they could perform clearly, calmly, firmly, and be confident in themselves, because this is the key to success. and in one of the rear areas there is a special military operation... tenologists conduct daily training and training for dogs, they develop special skills in animals to perform combat missions, practical classes are held every day. after completing an intensive training course at the canine center, dog trainers with service dogs are sent to serve at a particularly important facility. israel plans to launch an operation in rafah in the south of the gaza strip in the near future,
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the country's ministry of defense announced. the day before. the eastern and central areas of the city were shelled, and more than 20 people were reported killed. this data is provided by the kator tv channel al-jazeera, whose broadcasting on its territory was banned by israel on sunday. the government accused the channel of inciting hatred against israeli soldiers. his activities were called provocative. office tv channel in jerusalem was closed, searches were carried out and equipment was confiscated. the un human rights office confirmed and criticized this decision.
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notes that 2/3 of americans consider biden too old to lead the country, many are afraid of another trump coming to power, who are not much younger. today in berlin they plan to begin demolition of the remains of a metalworking plant that has been burning for the third day. the plant belongs to one of the defense companies, which also supplies weapons to ukraine. rescuers reported that work at the site was continuing, but everything that could burn would burn, the fire engulfed all four floors, part of the building collapsed, firefighters warned of the risk of toxic smoke spreading, local residents were advised not to go outside and not open windows in the area of ​​the incident schools and shops are closed, further news from your region with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now to the news
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from the capital region. cold weather has arrived in moscow and the region. there were frosts in some areas of the capital tonight. today will be partly cloudy. light rain is possible in places in the afternoon. the air temperature is not higher than 11°c. atmospheric pressure 744 mm of arterial column. tomorrow it will be even colder in the capital, with some snow possible. means of protection and camouflage. in the near future, important cargo will be sent to the special operation zone, as well as to residents of new territories. oksana maksimova with details. there are t-shirts, khaki t-shirts, easter bags, books, cargo weighing more than 100 kg from activists in the north-eastern district of moscow. small pavilion or whatever it is called, the house of goodness in medvedkovo is filled to capacity with holiday packages for svo participants and
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residents of new regions. we remove products from donors, sort them into categories, pack them and send them, thermal underwear, toys, dishes, sweets accept absolutely everything, but... parcels are formed in accordance with the wishes of the recipient. the list is large, the only thing volunteers ask for is that things must be new. socks, personal hygiene products, there’s a store nearby, every day there’s almost one and a half, two they bring the package. i want people to be happy, in general, of course, it’s very difficult. reception points for correspondence and parcels for the front line are open at 25 festival sites during the moscow seasons. anyone can participate. helping has become essentially nationwide, muscovites, more than 1 million people participate in this action, help constantly, we are in constant contact with new territories, we receive all the necessary information on the needs that exist in specific
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regions in specific settlements, and of course, we are trying to satisfy these needs. moscow is helped by a volunteer campaign, thanks to which in 2 years it was possible to send almost one and a half million tons of payload to the front, in addition to the sites that open from holiday to holiday. there are 13 more permanent public collection points operating throughout the city; those who care are welcome here from 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. oksana maksimova, evgeny oreshnikov, dmitry sorokin and ada adamova, lead. the moscow easter festival opened in the zaryadiya hall. united symphony orchestra mriinsky bolshoi theater under the direction of valery gergiev. performed shastakovich's festive overture, works by rachmaninov and shastakovich's sixth symphony. also as part of the festival, the famous bass eldar abdrazzakov performed romances accompanied by a piano. the overture fantasia by chikovsky rameu juliet, petrushka
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by stravinsky and prokofiev's fifth symphony were performed. i was lucky enough to perform at almost every festival, at every easter festival, and this is a great happiness for me. in the patriot park near moscow took place all-russian shooting competitions for the moscow region governor's cup, 32 teams took part in them, representing the ministry of defense, the ministry of internal affairs, the fsb, the russian guard, the fso, vsin, as well as civilian
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departments. shooting was carried out from sniper rifles, machine guns, carbines and pistols, both during the day and at night. our news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website bye bye, welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with golden sandy beach 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will do.
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there are circumstances in which character is manifested, a man without a leg was walking with us, his crutch broke, so kiselev gave him a horse, it was very difficult for my mother to walk, kiselev took me in his arms, we walked together, it was this compassion and desire to help people that led to , that he really accomplished such a feat, history has never known such a thing, nikolai kiselev, the path of the righteous, so they hinted. the righteous is written, the one who saved one soul, as if he saved the whole world, the premiere of the documentary on may 9 on rtr, good
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morning, hello, we wake up, recharge ourselves, get ready for work, it’s time for may 6, and in the morning of russia studio this monday, today is vladislav zavyalov and. .. weather anomalies do not always lead to adverse consequences, extreme heat in the philippines, for example, exposed the ruins of an ancient city, usually only the top of the cross was visible at these ruins... but the local reservoir dried up and fragments of buildings appeared entirely, afraid to miss the unique sights ; tourists have already poured into the ruins and even despite the temperature of about 45°, they are exploring what remains of ancient architecture, but for local residents, bringing travelers here is an excellent opportunity to earn extra money. i don’t know who will be surprised by frosts on our soil in early may ; rather, they will force summer residents to make adjustments to their plans. well, we invited vadim. there is
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such an established expression that the month is not may, that’s what to say, when the month is may, that’s the weather not may, and this is just about russia, let’s go tell you, in the south of russia there is a background of atmospheric pressure. will be elevated, so sunny weather will prevail in the region, only on some days there may be showers in some places, the temperature regime will be moderately warm in the midday hours up to +17-22, but fields of frontal clouds will shift over the middle volga, rain is expected from time to time, in the north it is possible in some places with snow, daytime temperatures are +7-12° only in the middle of the period short-term is possible... warming, on in the north-west of the country on monday
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, significant precipitation is unlikely, but from tuesday, due to the cyclone, cloudiness will thicken and it will rain, in some places turning into sleet. daytime temperatures in the north range from -2 to +3°, in the southern half up to +6.11°. in central russia, weather is expected to suit every taste. on monday there will be mostly no precipitation; on tuesday it will begin to rain, with some rain in places. in the snow, thunderstorms are not excluded in the black earth region. daytime temperature +8-13°. in the chernozem region up to +13-18, in the middle of the period the temperature drops by an average of 4-5°. they will go to the urals warmer air masses will arrive, so snowfalls here will be replaced by rains. daytime temperatures will rise to +7-12°, in the middle of the period short-term warming is possible and up to... from 15-20.
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air that has been well warmed up in the steppes of kazakhstan will begin to flow into southern siberia. therefore, despite local showers, temperatures in the region will begin to rise. in the second half of the working week it will reach +17.22, and in some places the thermometers may rise a few degrees higher. in the southern part of the far east there will be the asian anticyclone is forming, so it is significant here. precipitation is unlikely and only at the beginning of the week in the south of primorye rains are expected, daytime temperatures in the amur region and continental regions of primorye are +19-24° on the coast of the sea of ​​japan up to +16. thank you, thank you, vadim, but this is the final wave of frosts; you can already plant tomatoes in the ground, well, of course, you can’t plant tomatoes in the ground in the middle zone, in fact, these are the night frosts. with us they will last until the end of this current
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week; next week it will be more may, then it will be possible to do some farming, where else can i find a weekend? thank you, vadim, thank you, vadim zavodchenko told me about the weather during the week, on victory day, his adjutant came to see him, i don’t remember them sitting and grieving, how scary it was, they were laughing. slow but extremely useful, chinese engineers have created robotic snails that can act together individually, small iron devices with a shell. do not move quickly using a crawler
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mechanism with built-in magnets, they allow bots to connect with each other and overcome obstacles, for example, create a chain in order to climb or cross somewhere; in the future they are planned to be used to search for survivors during disasters, conduct reconnaissance in dangerous conditions, or even for research other planets, all ideas in nature. russian engineers are in the process of creating the first domestic... view generator; in terms of characteristics, it should not be inferior to the best foreign models, but to the development of andrei negru. kola ves, then there is a wind power plant, the most powerful in the world that has been built. arctic circle, provides so much energy that you can power an entire city, like yaroslavl or ryazan. there are 57 gigantic turbines operating here, each as tall as a thirty-story building; for them to spin, a wind of 3 m/s is enough, and here there is almost always something less than that. the most key distinguishing feature characterizing a wind power station is
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the kiuma indicator, this is the installed capacity utilization rate. well, on average, this is a good kyum for a five, yes, it is 35%. at moments of time exceeds 50%, all thanks to the geographical location, here is literally the edge of the earth, and behind it is the barintsev sea, from which the wind blows in a constant direction, however, we have many such places, here is a map of the wind potential of russia, if you use it entirely, then this will cover our needs for electricity 14 times, but the power supply might not have happened, initially it... the construction and creation of equipment was carried out by a large foreign company. in the twenty-second year she left the russian market. it’s good that our engineers were not at a loss and were able to finish everything on their own. and today they decided to develop the first large domestic wind turbine in modern history, and one that can operate even in the arctic zone. this requires electronics and
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materials that are not afraid of severe frosts. we propose to consider a concrete tower reinforced with basalt fiber as a promising direction. application. this technology will significantly reduce the cost of a wind power plant provide its necessary parameters for operation at -50. and this is just one of the ideas: today they are creating a mathematical model of a turbine and a so-called digital twin. this will allow all preliminary testing to be carried out in a virtual environment. afterwards, with the help of such 3d models , it will be possible to easily scale and change the layout of wind turbines, taking into account where they will serve. and most importantly, with classical methods.
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act of a child that he allowed calvin to buy whatever he wanted in his store. as a result, the businessman was so amazed true, with a time limit of 40 seconds for shopping, but this was enough for the guy to take his main prize - a bicycle, he could increase the limit on purchases, well, in the meantime , we have more and more people wanting to get the job of a secret buyer, they are usually hired by the enterprises themselves, who can become? with secret clients, how much they pay for it - kristina sorokina found out. passed the interview, completed the training. well, in general, this is an interesting job now. an interesting vacancy for a mystery shopper immediately attracted sergei nasetkin. a couple of years ago, a man got a part-time job with a flexible schedule and was able to combine it with his main job. the result
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is satisfactory. about 10 thousand additional income comes out per month, and this is for less than 3 days of work per week. i come to the store and check the availability there. i check, then it matches the prices, the display, the work of the sellers, i ask them what questions, i answer, then i draw up a report and write down everything i saw and heard. attentiveness, by the way, is one of the main requirements for secret shoppers, experts say, and the applicant also needs to be quite sociable, punctual, honest and have a good memory, to help the business owner check the quality of the product, service or service, this is often enough, after the selection the scouts go through... the vacancies are responded to by those who have a couple of free hours during daylight hours: students, pensioners, mothers on maternity leave and temporarily unemployed, on average this is needed during the daytime, so it can quickly start from 100 rubles for one test purchase, which you make
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as a secret shopper, and then this cost can grow depending on the complexity and sometimes can reach 3. for one purchase, it depends on the customer, the amount of work experience, on average, the payment of a front buyer is 300-600 rubles for one audit, that is, if they carry out at least three times a week two checks per day, you can earn about 12 thousand per month, however, some large companies promise to pay up to 30-40 thousand per month with full employment, but there is a nuance: the employer cannot send the same anonymous client to one point more often than once every 3 months, so it is quite difficult to organize permanent employment, and such employment is better.
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fighters, the battle for crimea, today on rtr,
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thank you, while our memory lives on, thank you to all the veterans, thank you to the heroes of the front and rear, thank you to the great generation of winners, let’s bow to the great years while they sound... these songs are dark, but we are invincible, only bullets sweep across the steppe, katyusha went ashore, to a high bank on a steep bank, happy holiday, dear friends, happy victory day, victory day, victory day.
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i'm not what you think. valyusha, on saturday and sunday on rtr. on victory day, i went out to the great. the songs of the winners will be played at our festive table. join us, invite your family and friends, sing with us.
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songs from the bottom of my heart, big holiday release on may 9 on rtr, your brother is there. in the donbass, a calling passenger, premiere, i'm not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him, may 10 on rtr, 700 generations and six weeks for one video, the experimental director put together the first music video created with the help neural networks. the four-minute video took almost 2 months to complete. completing each passage took the neural network from 15 minutes to an hour, then the artist had to select the 55 best
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parts and put them together. the author noted that during this time it was possible to shoot a regular music video, but it would have cost more. now we are waiting for artificially intelligent hollywood films. while we are looking into the future, which has already arrived almost 3 weeks after the premiere. fantastic picture of 100 years. holy shit, yeah, dude! which of today's adults don’t remember the story about the time traveler alisa seleznyova;
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once upon a time, probably every soviet boy dreamed of her, every girl dreamed of being like her. and finally, alice returned. the meeting with the beloved heroine was given to russians by the film 100 years ago. not just an adaptation of the story of the same name by kir bulychev, but a completely new film interpretation of it. when you read, you imagine a thousand different options, and this is the coolest option. i remember these characters, i remember alice in different productions, i wanted to do it again feel like a child. parents have the opportunity to feel nostalgic, and children get to know a new movie. one of the main values ​​for the heroes of a science fiction blockbuster. in moscow in
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2024, alice is trying to find her mother and save her at the same time. humanity from space pirates, what do you want, to conquer your underdeveloped planet, proposal, objection, no, something else. the villainous duet of glot, performed by yuri borisov and veselchik u, played by alexander petrov, is a separate pearl of the plot. glot is infernal, emotionless truly scary. veselchak, on the contrary , gives the impression of a hooligan-humorist, cruel, but sometimes ridiculous, very lively, it is not surprising that he has many fans. alexander petrov, an incomparable fellow. it seems to me that he’s a villain, a villain, i liked alexander petrov, he played his role very well, all sorts of crazy, funny things were very good, his fun, it’s all the negativity that he carries, it blocked it, that is, for me i really liked the game, appreciate the acting, as well as twisted plots, impressive special effects can be seen in russian cinemas, the film is still in theaters 100 years ago,
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then the native expanses, so it’s a must on baikal. we can go to sakhalin and kamchatka is just a stone’s throw away, but weren’t we really dreaming of a 2-week vacation, but where then? well, judging by the wind, it’s flying to the south, but then you definitely need to make a stop in dagestan and rostov, we don’t go anywhere at all, you can have a good rest everywhere, what a huge country it is, well then next year we’ll go to lake baikal, about holidays in russia, we'll talk to an expert, absolutely.
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the israeli defense forces attacked the hamas headquarters in the gaza strip. the united states suspended the supply of ammunition to israel for the first time since the start of the operation in england. the sixteenth title in andrey’s career. became the winner of the prestigious seri masters tournament in madrid. at the beginning of a special military operation in the zaporozhye direction , the drone crews disrupted the rotation of a ukrainian army unit. the operator of an attack drone hit the nationalist positions moving towards the side, an armored personnel carrier with troops and thereby preventing the ukrainian armed forces group from changing
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personnel. the longest distance i had was 15 km, it was a bradley, i’ll take it, we start breaking through different roads, we succeed, and we destroy our opponents every day, and no matter how anyone helps ukraine, we will still win, victory will be ours , an army aviation strike group attacked a ukrainian armed forces unit in the special operation zone. the composition included the k-52m alligator reconnaissance and attack helicopter, the mi-35m transport and combat helicopter and the mi8 multi-purpose vehicle. pilots successfully hit a strong point and concentrations of enemy manpower in the zone of responsibility of the west troops grouping. 24-hour protection of russian troops from airborne threats is provided by crews of buk anti-aircraft missile systems. the installations are capable of hitting any target, from combat aircraft to cruise
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missiles and drones. the military is on duty. in any weather conditions around the clock, eduard punigov watched their work. crew for battle, south donetsk direction. the buk anti-aircraft missile system of the eastern group reflects. another air strike attack. these installations protect the sky 24x7. they cover army units on the front line and intercept missiles that the ukrainian armed forces launch towards peaceful cities of donbass. the crew consists of three people, a commander, a senior operator, and a driver. there is not much space inside, but in fact the instruments are located very conveniently, everything is at hand, and the anti-aircraft gunners can calmly monitor the air situation. deploy the complex into a combat position.
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go to shelter, constantly change positions on the spot both during duty and during rest, the car is not parked all the time, as if places and landings are constantly changing, the parking areas of the car are also camouflaged, various aircraft are also constantly launched towards the enemy, for example, the combat crew of the lance drone, this kamikaza drone is capable of hitting large targets that are hidden deep in behind enemy lines, tanks, armored personnel carriers, strong points. lansett always works in tandem with a reconnaissance drone like this; it can spend hours circling over enemy positions in search of a potential target, as soon as the target discovered, its coordinates are immediately transmitted to calculations on the ground. the operator monitors the drone in
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this mobile command post, when a target is detected, the drone falls down at great speed right on target. we work in semi-automatic mode up to 30 km, maximum lifting height up to 5 km. we work mainly against such more significant targets as enemy artillery. the crews are on duty in any weather , day or night, thermal imagers help them see everything that is happening on the battlefield. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. defense army israel attacked the hamas command center in the gaza strip. the military said it was located at a un complex to help palestinian refugees and was used to attack the compound. the blow was delivered. for the first time since the start of hostilities, the united states suspended the supply of ammunition to israel. he does not name the exact reason, but american publications report that the white
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house is concerned about the plans of the israeli leadership to carry out an operation in the near future in rafah in the southern gaza strip. more than 400 people are being evacuated in japan due to the spread threat forest fire. the fire broke out in the central part of the country. with rescue, aviation, police and self-defense forces. despite this, the flames continue to spread. the area of ​​the fire was approximately 100 hectares, there is concern that residential buildings may be affected, and at least one casualty is known. and in southern brazil, at least 60 people have died as a result of widespread flooding. more than a hundred are listed as missing. about 80 thousand local residents were forced to leave their homes. at one of the hydroelectric power stations...
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four, but then rublev seized the initiative and won the next two sets with the same score 7:5. the opponents spent almost 3 hours on the court. this is the second tournament won by the athlete this year; in total , the twenty-six-year-old russian tennis player now has 16 victories at major tournaments. further, regional news, stay with us. now there is news from the capital region:
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cold weather has arrived in moscow and the region. there were frosts in some areas of the capital tonight. today will be partly cloudy. in the afternoon in some places light rain possible. the air temperature is not higher than 11°c. atmospheric pressure 744 mmhg. tomorrow in the capital. even colder, light snow is possible. chinese apple and cherry trees bloomed in the alexander garden at vdnkh. thousands of citizens come every day to see the trees in full bloom. the plants have bright pink inflorescences, but their flowering time is short and the flowers will fall off within a few days. that night in the sky above the capital one could observe the peak of the meteor shower, falling stars in cloudless sky were visible to the naked eye. you can see up to 50 objects in an hour. the meteor shower, which began on april 19, will peak until the end of may. all news is available on... ru. good luck.
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immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits, sharmasha.
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alexander yatsenka, we did not leave them, they are following us, behind us, this is war, we are part of it, in war shiringa is not chosen, and the jews here are not peaceful people, they are killed by enemies, which means they must fight with enemies. their task is to survive and get there, a film by sergei orsulyak, and there is no choice, the righteous man is premiering, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr, good morning, hello, morning of russia is on the air again after. with you, in fact, as
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we planned, as we made wishes, and wishes come true, by the way, the guests of the water lantern festival, which is no longer the first year takes place in st. petersburg. everyone who has visited the yusupov garden says that this is one of the most romantic events in the northern capital. can i make a wish for something cherished? visitors light candles, put them in lanterns, float them on the water, everything around them is transformed, and there is a fiery pyrotechnic performance. and the laser show only adds to the magic. in general, a new tourist season has started in st. petersburg. what else does the city on the neva promise to surprise guests with, sergei egorov found out. the sound of a trumpet from the chapel window accompanied by drums the accompaniment heralded the opening of the summer tourist season. the tradition of holding public concerts dates back to the times of peter the great. it was revived a couple of years ago. now a similar event, called imperial noon, will take place every sunday until the end of september. such
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theatrical performances, combined with symphonic music, can instantly immerse tourists in historical st. petersburg, which it is impossible not to fall in love with. coming here, i feel that the people here are charged by this atmosphere , they are more creative than anywhere else in russia. for me , st. petersburg is definitely one of the best cities in the world. this cannot be put into words, you need to love st. petersburg, you need to feel st. petersburg. peter is a state of mind. st. petersburg becomes no less interesting for fans of modernity. a new tourist geography project has been launched in the city. this. the attractions here are often high-tech sports arenas, modern football, colorful art scene and majestic skyscrapers. when you find out about the way it was built, these are real wonders of the world, it really resonates with the idea of ​​​​peter i. peter wanted everything here in st. petersburg to be for the first time and the best, the most beautiful. by the way, more than 500 guides have already been trained. as part of the new geography project and
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are now ready to introduce guests to modern wonders of the world. however, you can learn about interesting places not only from them. an information point for tourists has appeared at the moscow train station. here they will help you navigate calendar of events taking place in the city and tell you about the main attractions. such points, scattered throughout the city, are part of a larger hospitality ecosystem, designed to help understand the variety of new tourism offers. 2 years ago - the new tourist geography had only 12 routes. now a tour operator. for groups, they offer more than 370 routes of a new tourist geography for their guests. the real highlight of any route this season will certainly be a visit to the battleship poltava, that's for sure. the first linear steamboat of the baltic fleet, essentially a huge interactive museum on the water. everything is recreated in the way the ship lived, that is, here, for example, if you go to the cambus, there are models of rats, that is, here you are immersed in the life of the crew of a large battleship. here even the decks emit a characteristic creaking sound; they were built
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from special ship’s oak, which was collected throughout russia. restorers from the hermitage were brought in to create the furniture. historical accuracy differs including dishes interior decoration of cabins. to recreate the interior, they also used sketches of the ship made by peter i himself. this, by the way, is his admiral's salon. they look for the most luxurious ones, even the compass above the table and that one in the shape of a crown. by the way, it was possible to get here only by the personal invitation of the admiral. but modern tourists, in order to sit at the same table with the emperor, only need to come to the port of smolenko, where the battleship is located. a visit to poltava for organized excursions is planned to launch this summer season. since the beginning of the year, tourists have booked a third more trips around the country in the summer than last year. the most popular destinations are still krasnodar region, st. petersburg, moscow, but there are changes. where you can go this summer for impressions, we’ll find out from our guest in the studio, director
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of economics, sustainable tourism development management, christopher konstantin, good morning, people want to travel around the country in may.
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kaliningrad has also been developing very actively in recent years, developing baltic beaches, cultural and educational tourism here is really at a high level. new placements have appeared, objects are appearing. new and different categories, fours, fives , threes, but not always in sufficient quantities, while, of course, there is a shortage in the caucasus, but not only where to stay, but it’s also important how to get there, and logistics here in some places is difficult, that’s what is now being done so that tourists can choose different ways to get to their holiday destination, maybe there will be some charter programs for popular ones directions, if not a plane, then an additional train, what do you decide here? yes , indeed, well, if, for example, again we take the example of the south, then today it is mostly road and rail transport, the russian railways season, as a rule, increases the number of cars in the trains, and accordingly, despite this, demand still exceeds supply . a modern tourist votes with his ruble for decent
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service, people want this, and moreover, many who have previously tried it abroad and appreciated it, although... here at these hotels all-inclusive program, how is this area developing? at one time, back in the sixteenth and seventeenth years, we launched all-inclusive standards in the krasnodar region and this made it possible to increase from thirty at that time to 70, then to 100 objects that operate on an all-inclusive system, there are such hotels in the krasnodar region in crimea, separate there are examples in other regions, partly there are some in sochi, in gelendzhuk, but most of all such objects are in anapa. somehow tourists should protect themselves, perhaps, prepare an insurer, at least, well, insurance is more of a kind of compensation mechanism, economic, and there is capacity for this there, that is, insurance is more about protecting the interests
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of tourists in a sense, but if we talk directly about safety, then of course it is important monitor the water temperature already there, when it is above 27°, then here it is already with... behind us, this is a war, we are part of it, in a war shiringa is not chosen, the jews here are not peaceful people, they are killed by enemies, which means they must fight with enemies, their task is... you survive to get there, film by sergei ursulyak, and choice no, righteous man, premiere, but there is a chance, may 9
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on the russia channel, unmanned aerial systems, a new national project started this year, 48 research and production centers will be created in russia and they will develop drones and train personnel, the national project will support small and medium-sized businesses budding entrepreneurs in the field. vpla with government grants. so, well, in my hands, our new model, here it is, it unfolds easily. not just a copter, but a whole complex for video monitoring. development of a young technology company from st. petersburg, literally saturated with innovation, on board modern cameras for shooting in 4k resolution, as well as a thermal imager and professional optics. you never know if we are looking for a person, for example, at night in the forest, then this is the device. will allow us to effectively solve this problem; this drone is also not afraid of heat or frost, and can withstand temperatures from -20
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to +40. can perform different tasks, including monitoring territories, creating 3d models for fence building, and geologists doing reconnaissance. i unscrew the so-called bano board, which is responsible for the light on the motors at the bottom of the copter. they design and assemble this miracle of domestic aviation thought here in the northern capital, now, as part of a new national project, unmanned aircraft... systems , the company is awaiting grants in the form of government orders and is preparing to enter new horizons of the domestic market. the national project covers five main areas of development, this is personnel, this is technology, this is infrastructure, this is stimulation of demand and this is the actual development and production, this market was measured there, say, in in the sixteenth year in units of billions of rubles, today it is almost 19.8 billion rubles, and this is just the beginning, experts assure that four dozen will be built in russia to create a strong competitive unmanned aerial aircraft.
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naoly has two specialized educations: engineer, mechanic, agricultural production and civil aviation pilot. a year ago i decided to complete the drone operator course and went into the agricultural sector. we enter the field, take off with a small drone, it is a multispectral drone, it photographs the surface, we build a plan from above computer, after building a plan, we can now enter the map into this large drone. the farm has an aircraft for larger areas, but smart drones are capable of carrying payload weight. up to 30 kg is it much better suited for solving jewelry problems? a drone can pollinate, in a good
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situation, it can pollinate up to 100 hectares, which means that an airplane can pollinate, well, approximately 500, 600, 700 hectares - per shift, the use of drones in conjunction with an airplane gives an additional effect. now altai entrepreneurs are planning to secure with state support, expand your aircraft fleet with new types of agrodrones. in total, within the framework of the national project small and medium enterprises, over the past year more than 100,000 legal entities and individual entrepreneurs received 1.7 trillion rubles in the form of financial support, and the number of newly created companies increased by 17%. attention, everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone. premiere for victory day. liberate the sky of crimea from the germans, i ordered paton to be transferred to the 267th regiment, major roman, so you, give
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romanov, which mr. planted, then you from a special thank you to me personally, let’s go dance, nikolaevich, i don’t dance, i don’t dance and i don’t drink, here it is, you have an officer’s shoulder strap, you look like the last braid, welcome to the ranks, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, go into battle there are only penalty boxes, the task is not an easy one, you will have to act in the operational rear of the enemy, fighters, the battle for the crimea, at the moment everything will be prepared for battle, are you out of your mind, you are going beyond, i said to accept the battle, today on rtr, may 9, on the great day.
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the descendants of the heroes will march in the same manner. in in parade formation, valiant defenders of the homeland, heirs of our great traditions. brave and invincible, those who are always ready to go into battle and give their lives for their homeland. we glorify our warrior-liberators, their courage and heroism in our hearts forever. for russia, for victory. hooray! victory parade on may 9 live on rtr. the sun will rise high and warm this world with its beer. even lose everything and win.
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the bright ones are coming. the hour has come for which we have been waiting for many years, with rage and hatred of the enemy, despising death, i swear to trample a fascist reptile in her own lair? i swear! i swear, i swear, the crew, ready for battle, the legendary t-34 on may 9 on rtr, this is kiselyov’s report on how the withdrawal of jews from the veleisk region to the soviet rear took place, the tasks are to
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survive and get there, and there is no choice, the true story about...
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scientists in indonesia for the first time witnessed how sumatran, so... drivers in pursuit of buyers, for example, invent new subclasses of cars. about one of these ivan zenkevich. how to revive sales of the hatchback class, which is losing popularity, a little raise the car, add a body kit made of unpainted plastic all around. such a model, of course, will not become an suv, but will take the form of a pseudo-crossover. and
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today we’ll tell you about such cross-class novelties. the citroën ds3 crossbuck has acquired a hybrid modifier. the power plant consists of a 1.2-liter three-cylinder turbo engine with a capacity of 136 horsepower and an electric motor with 28 horsepower, it is built into a six-speed selective robot, the electric motor is turned on only during acceleration and the internal combustion engine assists. capacity the battery does not allow you to travel on a pure electric vehicle, as there is no way to recharge from an outlet, but the hybrid version is 20% more economical than the gasoline version and is a little more dynamic. in our market, many people know the compact crossover toyota chr, which is essentially also a cross-hatchback. and it seems that the company has decided that this segment is worth actively developing. the brand showed the urban cruiser tacer crossback, which is a restyled and raised suzuki fronks model. the new product has original bumpers, radiator grille, and optical wheels. in the tacer database
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equipped with a 1.2 liter naturally aspirated engine with a power of 90 horsepower. the unit works in tandem with mechanics or a robot with one clutch. there are more powerful versions: a turbo three with 100 horsepower with a classic automatic transmission. toyota has also released a modification running on natural gas. front-wheel drive only, orders for the urban cruiser taser are already being accepted. the dacha company has decided to update its electric hatchback sprint. the electric car has angular features. this geometricity continues in the interior decoration. but the power plant remains former. there are two electric motors to choose from, with 45 or 65 horsepower . a full charge of the traction battery lasts for 220 km. from the fast terminal you can charge up to 80% for. 45 minutes from the socket in 11 hours, as before, spring will be assembled in china, and from there supplied to other markets, sales should begin in the summer.
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in our country, crosshatchbacks are also quite in demand, the most popular of them was the kiia rio x. by the way, it recently returned to our market under the name solaris krx. all that remains is to get used to the new abbreviations. a then in company it’s more fun in company, why do you need me? woke me up, i would still lose weight and lose weight, i definitely have a couple of kilos left, don’t make noise, and you’ll wake up the rest of the weight loss people, my weight loss machine is broken, well, what have i got to do with it, well, what has it got to do with it, it’s boring not to lose weight alone, well, i’d go to the gym, eat something healthy, that’s why i actually woke you up, that it’s more fun to diet together, oh, okay, i ’m just hungry, an expert will tell us about mass weight loss very soon, maybe maybe we'll wake up the trainer and the cook, let's sleep soundly, there's no point, it's time to get up,
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they continue to work live, in the studio andrey shevtsov, hello, at the beginning of the release during a special military operation in the kherson direction during the counter-battery fight, the calculation of the geocent b installation destroyed a western-made self-propelled howitzer of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper. russian artillery paratroopers fire from indirect firing positions from a distance of up to 20 km. after completing the combat work, the military camouflaged the guns quickly left the firing positions, taking refuge in pre-prepared defensive structures. we often work with shells and destroy the nazis. i, the loader, drag the shells and put them into the barrel. then they run up with the cartridge case , they also send it, they run up, they send it to the end, we move away from the gun, prepare the next projectile, then the fire command, we shoot and also reload, deputy minister
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of defense andrei bulygo awarded the military personnel who participated in the special military operation in the branch of the main military clinical hospital named after burdenka, the lieutenant general thanked the military men undergoing treatment and rehabilitation for the courage, heroism and bravery shown in battle, and also presented them with three... orders of courage and four medals for courage, merits not only mine, because we in an assault battalion, group work, after rehabilitation i want to retrain, get a new profession, new knowledge and how to continue living, strive for something, in our country all doors are always open, i would like to become an instructor with any of parts of russia, so that the young people who travel... yes, so that they are tuned in to some more positive aspects, so that they are morally prepared, so that they can carry out clearly, calmly, firmly, and are
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confident in themselves, because this recipe for success. and in one of the rear areas of the special operation, military dog ​​handlers conduct daily training and training for dogs; they develop special skills in the animals. to perform combat missions, practical training is conducted every day, after completing an intensive training course on the basis of the canine center, instructors, handlers with service dogs are sent to serve at a particularly important facility. israel plans to launch an operation in rafah in the south of the gaza strip in the near future, the country's ministry of defense announced. the day before , the eastern and central areas of the city came under fire. more than 20 people are reported to have died. this data is provided by the qatari tv channel al-jazeera, whose broadcasting on its territory was banned by israel on sunday. the government accused the channel of inciting hatred towards israeli soldiers.
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his activities were called provocative. the channel's office in jerusalem was closed, searches were carried out and equipment was confiscated. the un human rights office criticized the decision, calling for the ban to be lifted. joe biden may abandon participation in the presidential race in favor of the former. many are afraid of the next coming to power of trump, who is not much younger. today in berlin they plan to begin demolition of the remains of a metalworking plant that has been burning
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for the third day. the plant belongs to. area, see you in a few seconds. now to the news from the capital region, cold weather has arrived in moscow and the region. there were frosts in some areas of the capital tonight. today it will be cloudy with clearings, in the afternoon, light rain is possible in places, the air temperature
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will not exceed 11°. heat. atmospheric pressure 744 mm of arterial column. tomorrow it will be even colder in the capital, with some snow possible. volunteer activists collected protective and masking equipment, medicines, and food. in the near future, important cargo will be sent to the zone special operations, as well as residents of new territories. oksana maksimova with details. there are t-shirts here. khaki-colored t-shirts, easter cakes, books, cargo weighing more than 100 kg from activists. north-eastern district of moscow, a small pavilion or, as it is also called, the house of goodness in medvedkovo, is filled to the roof with holiday packages for svo participants and residents of new regions. we accept products from donors, sort them into categories, pack them and send them; thermal underwear, toys, dishes, sweets accept absolutely everything, but the parcels are formed according to the wishes of the recipient. the list is large, the only thing
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volunteers ask for is things. advanced collection points for correspondence and parcels are open at 25 festival sites during moscow seasons, anyone can participate . the slogan moscow helps has essentially become popular; more than 1 million muscovites are participating in this action. helps constantly, we are in constant contact with new territories, we receive all the necessary information on the needs that specific areas have regions, in specific localities, and of course we are trying to satisfy these needs. moscow is being helped by a volunteer campaign, thanks to which in 2 years it was possible to send almost 1.5 million tons of payload to the front. in addition to the sites that open from holiday to holiday, there are 13 more permanent public collection points operating in the city, and those who care are
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welcome here from ten. moscow easter festival. united symphony orchestra of the mariinsky bolshoi theater conducted by valery gergiev performed shastakovich's festive overture, works by rachmaninov and shastakovich's sixth symphony. also as part of the festival , the famous bass ildar abdrazzakov performed romances accompanied by a piano. the overture, chikovsky's fantasy, romeo juliet, stravinsky's petrushka , prokofiev's fifth symphony were performed. i was lucky enough to perform at almost every festival, at every easter festival, and it is a great happiness for me to be with the master of the stage and make beautiful music, because well, when
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is the master of the stage. in the next few days festival participants will conduct a tour throughout russia; the route of the joint symphony orchestra of the mariinsky and the bolshoi theater will include 24 cities. all-russian shooting competitions for the governor's cup took place in patriot park near moscow. 32 teams took part in them, representing the ministry of defense, the ministry of internal affairs, the fsb, the russian guard, the fso, vsina, as well as civilian departments. the shooting was carried out from sniper rifles. look in the application or on the website see you. decision on the march to pristina
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approved. the task is to occupy the airport before the allies and allow information to leak to nato. car. the story of the feat. what's the matter? secretly, we take and hold positions until the peacekeepers arrive, the story of real heroes, the morning will give us all the clues, but for now just look, the russian army is in pristina, i don’t need you here, and i will cut you down to the last, there are about 100 people in the world , there are eight of us here, they fought to the death, but i’m glad that we’re all together, we’ll live, i’m doing my duty, the name of russia , our situation is crap, the likelihood is that we will survive until the morning, 10 percent, but we have been given the task of holding the airport, which means we will hold the balkan border on may 10 on
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rtr, on victory day, from the heroes of bygone times. good morning, good morning, may 6, monday, the body does not understand what to tune in to, either continued rest, or a working day, well , yes, the work week is short ahead, it’s time to have breakfast, bread is everything, especially from
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the freezer, such storage affects on the glycemic index of the product, experts explain this. it turns out that upon cooling, the starch contained in bread becomes resistant, that is, resistant, for example, to glucose in the blood. its level increases so much. well, besides, defrosted bread is digested more slowly and nourishes the intestinal microbiota. the main thing is to protect the product in closed containers made of natural materials, and not in bags, where bacteria and fungus develop faster due to high humidity. well, the information is especially relevant for those who are overweight, and almost every second russian has it. make residents countries are slimmer and healthier, the program is designed to lose excess weight. so far it has started in three regions, in yamal, in the ulyanovsk, sverdlovsk regions, how it works, let’s find out, we remove the sausage, yes, yes, because we saw from your diary, so you sometimes ate it there,
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pavel justifies himself only once , it is very difficult for a man to completely give up his favorite sausage right away, especially since his diet has already changed significantly, a chaotic diet with a lot of fatty, sweet and soda has been replaced balanced. if we touch this meat. lean varieties of meat, fish are also correspondingly lean, and, accordingly, a large amount of vegetables and fruits. doctor pavlo records the result. in 2 weeks without diets and strict restrictions, he said goodbye to two extra kilograms of a centimeter at the waist, and yet his weight loss experiment had just begun, the man became one of 100 participants in the project “lose the extra weight” in yamal. we really hope that all project participants will reduce their excess body weight by 5-10%, some more. and as a consequence. will reduce the likelihood the development of such serious chronic diseases as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. natalya took part in a similar project only in the ulyanovsk region last year; she says that thanks to the program, her life changed
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completely. i started playing sports, started going to the gym, doing yoga, plus i completely changed my diet and lost 15 kg. project participants lose extra pounds. doctors help you get rid of the excess. it all starts with the initial visit to center for medical prevention. the patient receives scales, a tonometer and access to a special application into which he must enter certain indicators. body weight in kilograms is the number of steps, that is , physical activity, every 3 days. blood pressure, every 3 days. and once a week, your food diary. the doctor checks and gives feedback. the fact that weight loss takes place under the supervision of a specialist. this is exactly what attracted anna; thanks to the program, after her third birth, a resident of the sverdlovsk region lost 16 kg in six months, then again got pregnant, gave birth to baby katya, and is now planning to return to the project, especially since in terms of healthy food and... physical activity, the whole family supports her, since
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i have four girls, and they are also interested in proper nutrition, they are also athletes, so we can go for a run around our locality, well, in our home arsenal we also have some exercise equipment, regular sports, healthy eating habits, daily routine, good health, all this is acquired by participants in the project to lose excess weight instead of the lost kilograms, it is not surprising that volunteers for the program, which now operates in three regions, have already been recruited. and, judging by the number of people who want to become slimmer and the results that the participants achieve, the project needs to be expanded throughout the country. other details of the program were told in an interview with andrey petrov by the director of the national medical, research center for therapy and preventive medicine of the ministry of health, honored doctor of russia, oksana drabkina. alexan mikhailovna, thank you for coming, let’s figure it out, tell us. please, absolutely anyone
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can go anywhere, say that i feel that i am overweight, i want help, a person comes to a medical examination, to a clinic, this is an office of the medical prevention department, there is one in every clinic, and accordingly, during the clinical examination at the first stage, it is already quite clearly possible to determine whether there is an increased body mass index, that is, there are extra pounds, or is it already...
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look, they will always be there, well, not under
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control, let’s say, in collaboration with doctors, of course, in health centers, these are our preventive doctors, what will happen next to these people, they will leave the risk zone, that’s when they reduce their body mass index, or they will still remain, because at any moment the weight may return if they stop following all the recommendations, well , look what will happen in any case, every year i... i hope they will still come for medical examination, they remain under observation, this is called clinical observation of the second health group in the centers health, so to speak, naturally , by choice, no one will abandon them under any circumstances, yes, well, we actually support everyone, they will stay the same application if they like it, we all support these people, because they really went big step, they decided to work on their health, the federal program would help us and advertise this and set some kind of fashion... that is, so that it would not just be some piece of paper
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hanging in the clinic, but so that it would really be something -that has already become the norm in the country's way of life, but it seems to me that a lot has already been done here, because being really obese is inconvenient, not healthy, not fashionable, if you want, in general, the personal example of many people shows that you can reduce, can keep your weight under control, and accordingly all this contributes to the preservation of health. golden words, thank you very much, the director of the national medical research center for therapy and preventive medicine of the ministry of health of russia, honored doctor of russia oksandra rabkina answered the question. the collection of green tea and ozerchaya is the tenderness and subtlety of the bright flavors of the aromas. classic jasmine, thyme, ginger, start the day with positivity. morning, time to brew azerchai. we fly over the front line across the sea. we approach the bridge, fritz clears his checks, opens fire, why
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are fighter jets using us as a target for the germans, battle for crimea, premiere, today at 21:2 a bee specialist has become the main character of a baseball match in the usa. a few minutes before the start of the match, a swarm of thousands of insects took a fancy to the net separating the spectators from the field. the competition had to be stopped urgently to look for a beekeeper. there was such an expert among the spectators; he was dressed in a protective suit and sent to the ski lifts to lure insects into a special container amid applause. the process took 2 hours, you never know when and where your experience will come in handy. and the experience of craftsmen from the internet will come in handy if you want to have fun with your children, they will teach you how to assemble multi-level parking lots from cardboard, wood and metal, which are so lacking for many car enthusiasts in big cities, watch and get inspired, here great, just be careful, don’t rush, the markings should be even, especially when it comes
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to parking, by the way, not everyone will agree with me, because for many, making parking lots, well, toy ones really, is their favorite... hobby, they are ready abandon work, family and affairs and completely immerse yourself in the world of glue and cardboard in order to end up with such an almost monumental structure. by the way, you can make an excellent garage for one car out of cardboard; add automatic gates and it will be indistinguishable from the real thing. and entire parking cities. usually fathers say that... they will erase such play complexes for their children, but then you can’t drag them by the ears from their new toy, where have you seen a city parking lot, in which there are always as many free spaces as you want, but if you also add all sorts of obstacles or slides, or
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you can even build a whole world, a diorama of a parking lot seems to freeze a moment, beautiful flowering trees, expensive car models and detailed markings, love... you can endlessly create a miniature, but if you need a lot of likes, you have to try, this luxury garage with a brick wall and an illuminated roof has delighted thousands of people online, if only it was the same in life-size, by the way, remember, some argue that he needs to visualize his dreams, so let’s try just that... with cardboard like that , well, the car was assembled from cardboard, now we also need to make a garage, by the way, it can also be made from cardboard, but the most difficult thing, you know, is to imagine that this is all real, the morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing is vodka veda, product steller group.
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titanic luxury collection romcastra product stellar group, discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lucshery collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in
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world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance. and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. visky mancatcher is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday at sle reorts. elegant details. holiday exquisite tastes. variety of entertainment. beach and azure waves. lio reorts. we are here for you. cognac monte shococa is a product of stellor group. on the day of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, we want to tell you
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about a man of amazing purity of heart and broad soul, about whom legends were made during his lifetime. archimandrite methodius, whom vladimir putin met more than once. i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign, go, i’ll come back for you, do you hear, on may 10 on rtr, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov
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today on rtr. a night alone with paintings, a unique opportunity has arisen to book a day at one of the best galleries in the world, the pc museum in paris, to be alone with the works. only on july 26, the day of the opening ceremony of the olympic games. especially for this occasion, designer matthew lioner created in the famous hall with a clock a luxurious bedroom overlooking the seine will serve dinner there, before or after you can stroll through the empty exhibition spaces, reservations open on may 21. the cost is not reported, but it will clearly be a masterpiece. visitors to the russia exhibition were able to see how our morning was filmed completely free of charge. take a look and
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andrey shevtsov collected the best moments. there should be more good and kind meetings. according to these mottos, mornings of russia is holding a second meeting with its live stream viewers today. place it’s still the same russia exhibition at vdnkh, so many more people came today, even visually. a charge of good mood to the guests. they admit that it is impossible not to smile while looking at the cheerful presenters, but touching the television kitchen and feeling like part of the process is the dream of the most devoted viewers. each of our working mornings begins with your tv channel, we came specially from the libed region, it’s morning in russia, i’m making coffee, getting ready to go to work. how does the day of the program participants themselves begin? exercises in the case of our most athletic denis stoiky, with him everyone can do a workout. muscles achieve stunning results. andrey petrov will listen for himself and tell us all about the most incredible musical numbers. and all this
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live: working with a live audience while simultaneously streaming online does not forgive mistakes or glitches. however, for morning of russia such meetings are only a joy. i proposed on my own to conduct a real weekend broadcast. that is, this is practically what we usually publish on saturdays, but that’s all. favorite among viewers of the dacha section. today , in the role of a wizard, within the framework of one of the lights, we will work on improvised beds to sow
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all sorts of things and plant goodies so that they can be taken home at any time. the guests and viewers of the stream were literally fascinated by the hats of our secular observer anna aksenova. this is a fabric that i cut, painted, attached sparkles to it and here it is, a hat. looks like it in the frame. great, in just a few hours we managed to answer all the questions, give away gifts and to become even closer, when the presenters present some section on the screen, we don’t see the presenters, what they are doing there, we don’t know, but here, when we were watching some sections, we could watch us off the air, you can’t hide behind this one, this kitchen, it’s always the most interesting, we prepare all the most interesting things for you every day, hot topics, scientific knowledge. reports, conversations about the most important things with leading experts in the studio, a whole series of such favorite and useful sections, don’t miss the main thing. on
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that’s all, we are waiting for you tomorrow on our professional holiday, radio day, the day of workers in all communications industries, and don’t forget to look into our telegram channel, there during the day, everything that was in the frame, what was left behind the scenes, we, of course well, we will too, and see you until tomorrow, have a good day. come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel. hello, andrey shevtsov is in the studio.


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