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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 6, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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with rage and hatred for the enemy, despising death, i swear to trample the fascist reptile in its own lair, i swear, i swear, i swear, crew, to battle, the legendary t-34 on may 9. on rtr, a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is that the soul sings, the ability to fool someone around one’s finger is an art. he's making a fool of himself because he doesn't sing, which
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is more difficult, to reveal talent or deception, with our experience with an ear for music, but we can approach look into the eyes, the stars are ready to check, we must notice everything, every stroke, wow, they sing beautifully, my opinion is divided, and good, so far we praise everyone very well, brotherly, migins, please, well, what an intrigue crazy, catch me if you can. we can’t wait to start, soon on rtr, excuse me, can i at least accompany you, you are in such a state that you will certainly get hit by a tram, on saturday, let’s create a company, we will help people get acquainted, anastasia vedenskaya, anna banshchikova, evening in tramp's hut, filter bazaar, we are no longer a gang, we are now a serious company, okay? i agree,
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dmitry milner, who i didn’t expect was from you, lyudmila artemyeva, i’m afraid, me too, maybe this isn’t necessary, it’s necessary, mom, well, let’s go, let’s go, love will come exactly according to plan, society with limited liability, angels, no, cupids. premiere on saturday on rtr. rum castro, a product of the stellar group. rest. it's
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leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know about rest is all. anex. mancacher whiskey is a product. good morning, says dr. besyakov, show me, we are starting a program about our health, that is, about the most important thing for us.
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stay with us, you will definitely be interested. we begin. today the program is about the most important thing. new methods of treating hypertension. when will there be a vaccine against this disease, and what kind of surgery can help reduce blood pressure for a long time? they had fewer strokes, they can inject themselves once every 3 months and forget about this bunch of medications. what can it signal?
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i smeared myself with colt cream, they said before i don’t remember, oh, this is a very popular remedy, well, another show. about hypertension, all the time we learn something new and new, and today we will talk about something new, almost half of the adult population has hypertension, the other half is connected with us in one way or another, so look everyone, today we will talk about new approaches to the treatment of hypertension, let's take the first innovative method in the fight against hypertension from scientists from the university of bristol in england, they conducted studies on rats with hypertension, the caratid glomus was removed. this is an organ that is located at the site of the branch of the carotid artery. scientists have found that its active operation increases blood pressure, and after its removal, the blood pressure in rats returned to normal. doctor, what do you say? yes, well, this work is old, in fact, it had its continuation and already has a clinical implication.
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the fact is that our blood pressure is regulated by two organs. these are barreceptors in the carotid arteries, in the carotene sinuses of the kidney. and any pressure fluctuations are first recorded here with these baroreceptors, they do not perceive absolute numbers of pressure, but the main thing for them is that it is stable, high, low, most importantly stable, decreasing, they count bleeding, try to increase it, increase it, try to decrease it, then they send signals to the kidneys, and the kidneys increase the pressure, or they lower it, already... a year there were clinical trials, the first clinical trials of a device that is placed in one of the carotid arteries and produces, as it were, well, if you want, a massage, or something, from the inside, well, in america this method is not allowed, that’s it while the europeans they are already doing it, this is the first on humans, this is on mice, in the seventeenth year they were already the first on
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humans, the method is promising, in the experiment , those 160 people showed a decrease in daily blood pressure, they had fewer strokes, so, in principle, one of... more one way to combat hypertension from american british scientists: they propose lowering blood pressure using a special microchip. it looks like a regular paper clip. it is installed in the upper part of the thigh in the area between the vein and artery, which allows control pressure. scientists conducted studies on people with hypertension. their blood pressure levels actually returned to normal. doctor, how do you like this invention?
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maybe it will turn into something, so i don’t know what else will be there. vaccination against hypertension. she appeared. scientists have developed a special dna vaccine. it aims to block the receptor for a special hormone , angiotensin-2, which causes blood vessels to constrict and thereby increases blood pressure. the vaccine has already been tested on people with hypertension. it turned out that she can reduce blood pressure for six months. doctor, that sounds impressive.
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injection, you have it for some time, i don’t know, and indeed, when they give you this for like six months, but for 3 months the pressure decreases, so it is believed that if this happens, you can give yourself an injection once every 3 months , forget about this bunch of drugs that half of the adult population takes, this is one situation, but this is not exactly a vaccine, and they are also developing:
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for the treatment of some viral infections, well, in general, an interesting class of drugs, in principle, this is not from what i said, the most convenient, just think, an injection, i went for the injection, and after 3 months i injected myself again. someone in six months who was lucky, and you forgot, it would be great, although, here we are talking about a study, a drug, a study, yes, a drug, a study, it is used for a study, a maximum of 3,000 people, and if you have a side effect, one in 10,000 or 1 in 20 thousand, it happens as much as you like, but you are not included in these 30,000, so whenever new medicines are released, it is always an experiment on people only on a broader scale, so medicines often respond. there is another medicine for hypertension, experimental, which acts at the level of the vascular wall with
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a tricky name, which i don’t remember now, but it causes birth defects in the fetus, they are now very seriously warning about it, it is written right on the box that they will recall it, so why should i injections will appear, let's wait and see, otherwise it was smooth on paper, and then you will have two tails will grow out of your ears, so they will tell you a side effect, let's wait, then, another discovery, concluded scientists from johns hopkins university in the usa, they found that we have a special protein receptor that is involved in the perception of odors, but also affects blood pressure. if it works normally, then the pressure does not increase. at least that's the conclusion scientists made after conducting a study on mice, and now they are wondering how this discovery will help them treat hypertension. doctor, what do you think about this? i will answer. in the words of my friend, doctor, one, i don’t treat mice, i treat people, i don’t
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know what mice sniff there and how to do it, but i know something completely different: we are looking for new ways to treat hypertension, but we are not treating hypertension with what we already have, we are not taking the medicine, or we do not understand the wrong medicines, or we are prescribed the wrong medicines, there are a lot. recommendations on what to do here, when the first thing, when you are faced with the fact that despite the medicine, the pressure is rising, it seems like a person is taking it, you should pay attention to his weight, how much salt he consumes, salt is very important, salt is very important , just giving up salt from the salon has an effect, as if you are taking one of the drugs in an average dose of hypertensive, you must move, weight loss, i already said, this is not helping, look at the drug,
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not only the other ones, you give drugs that are antagonists of the same aldosterone, that is, there are a lot of approaches, there are serious ones medications that break any pressure, with side effects, with hersutism, we had this drug in trials called minoxidil, it broke any pressure, and we had to write a review, and we had young girls with lupus, blood pressure is 250, you give medicine, everything seems to be fine, they don’t drink, no matter what they don’t drink, they start to feel damp. i say, you’re a fool, you’ll die, you need to drink, let me die, that i won’t walk myself, and then we noted this in clinical
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trials, what causes facial hair growth, and i went to africa, this was a million years ago, i went to africa , he’s been back there for three decades, more, and he’s been off this medicine for a long time to treat hypertension, suddenly i see it in america as a lotion for hair growth, everything is absolutely serious. and when you smear, you have to make sure that it doesn’t flow, because your hair will grow here where it flows, so this kind of observation, you see, has served as a whole industry, and so on, that is, i mean what, new is good, somewhere it’s real, we have to really do something, people, let’s learn to treat hypertension, we’re all doctors together, i understand doctors, i understand doctors perfectly, for 12 minutes you’ll sleep with 30 people, you just... there is no time, there is no time to even listen, but something needs to be done about it, something needs to be done about it
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to do, because this is why we have strokes, this is why we have crises, not because we are different, but we are not like that, well, this is, well, the car has four flat tires, you pumped up one, you say, go, well, it won’t go, so she doesn’t even drive, but come up with something like a helicopter on the roof, a propeller, well, first inflate the wheels, it’s just a sore subject of mine, okay, let’s be careful. to our health, everything will be fine, what frequent shortness of breath can indicate and how vitamin d deficiency... affects the development of diabetes mellitus type. questions from the doctor. alexander myasnikov asks: do you answer? my head lies there, my hand lies here, and i don’t know what to do.
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation. grips your entire body and aligns it optimally so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina swan pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike regular pillows, dremalinost keeps
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the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders. your hands will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina s one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the drimalina cvon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric. it adapts perfectly to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all sleeping positions and provides good ventilation throughout the night. you 'll sleep better than ever. and that's it. most importantly, the dremalina svoon pillow is ideal for those who sleep on their side, back, and also those who sleep on their stomach. the dremaliina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call and order the unique drimalina swan pillow for your best
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sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait if you call directly. then we are especially for you let's reduce the price, the raspberry pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995 and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and valid for a short period of time, the decision on the march to pristina has been approved, the task is to occupy the airport before the allies and allow information leaks to nato, do it, machine the story of the feat. what 's the matter? secretly, we take and hold positions until the peacekeepers arrive. the story of real heroes. morning will give us all the clues, but for now just look, the russian army is in pristina. i don't need you here and i will cut you to the last. i have about 100 people, there are eight of us here. they stood to
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death. but i'm glad we're all together. we will live, fulfilling our duty, in the name. our situation in russia is crap, it’s likely that we’ll survive until the morning, 10 percent, but we ’ve been given the task of holding the airport, which means we’ll run, the balkan line on may 10, on rtr, on victory day, namrikatyush came out, songs of the winners will be played at our festive table, join us come to us, invite your family and friends.
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songs from the bottom of my heart, big holiday release may 9. on rtr, time for the section questions from the doctor, we ask you questions based on previous programs, you answer or not, well, the whole intrigue will revolve around this, who is ready, raise your hands, go, thank you, what is your name? hello, my name is tatyana, i’m from the city of barnaul, altai region, i’m... a sociologist, but i think i can cope here too, because my mother worked all her life in the ambulance, all my relatives are doctors, of course, and i’ll try again, i heard enough, every time she came with a shift and telling. well, by the way, big greetings and
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respect to my mother, because this is how i’ll work , thank you very much, she’s watching your program , i’ll tell you, it’s a big deal, now all the barnaul ambulances will probably be sick for me, god forbid they don’t let me down. “i’m starting to worry, doctor, okay, shortness of breath, why, where did it go, shortness of breath, it only happens when, it only happens when there’s a problem, well, in short, it only happens when there’s a lung disease, but how to talk to her, he immediately drank, i still have to finish i didn’t have time, of course not, that’s tall for you temperature." and under stress, and under stress, panic attacks, and why, by the way, under stress, because we breathe incorrectly, yes, we breathe incorrectly, because we breathe like that, we lose co2, uh,
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accordingly, the body becomes alkalized, so we let the bag breathe in order to breathe back in the same way, that is, there is a head injury, psonic, well, legion, i don’t even know how many can be listed here, so this is an easy question, i specifically chose , chose, vitamin d deficiency, d. sun yes, may increase the risk of developing diabetes the second type, well, the son of the barnaul ambulance regiment, well done, i say, they are sociologists, what kind of people do you tell them, he writes, you say, it’s not like that, well, yes, it increases vitamin d, not vitamin d at all, such an interesting substance , this is the only substance that is produced in our body, under
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the influence of sunlight, skin, liver, kidneys, this is all its transition into an active form, i don’t really understand, but for myself this is absolutely why it is called a vitamin, in fact it's a hormone, it acts like hormone, it is involved in many intimate processes of cellular metabolism. in the production of other hormones, in pathogenesis, probably in any disease, yes, that is, for me it corresponds, fully corresponds to all definitions of a hormone, the most important hormone, without which a person cannot live, muscle pain , vitamin d, bone pain in joints, lack of vitamin d, a lot of diseases, everything, vitamin d is a hormone, especially since it is produced internally, well, that’s how it is. for me, i don’t call a vitamin a vitamin, but the main thing is that the answer is correct, now is it possible to get rid of belly fat only with the help of abdominal exercises,
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alas, alas, and the diet, you are right, great, i say, alas, no, the answer is correct, alas, no, no, that’s it, the answer is correct, but alas, for all of us it’s impossible, no matter what you do, yes, if you don’t, yes you are like that, i’m with you and nothing, but now i don’t know how to get up, sometimes you forget yourself, you look in the mirror, you think that this is , well, in general, i do the exercise on the prest very daily, well, really out of duty, you can stand on me, beat me, what whatever, but...
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uh-huh, well, you have no risk, your hands are shaking, yes, oh, the first time, well done, close it, why is there a mug without my picture, they won’t take one, oh well, take the mugs too, oh, three i answered correctly, i opened it from the first key, and most importantly, mom, the emergency room doctor, of course, she will be happy, thank
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you, doctor, that we have you, so my motret is gone, it’s me, well, youth, super, sit down, if you want to review us, look at the platform, application or website, and we move on. well here we have another section dedicated to female beauty, skin care issues, we have an expert in the studio, natalya nikolaeva, natasha, come here, our permanent expert tells how to quickly and effectively bring beauty, tell us, this time we will collect a cosmetic bag, but not just as we usually do, we often collect cosmetic bags, this time we
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will be scientific. in accordance with modern theories of aging, it seems to me that this is more interesting and correct. i'll start with this last stand, and why? because not long ago i came across an interesting one scientific article that research has been carried out to date, it has practically been proven that there are bacteria, and because of which, so to speak, the microbiome of the skin, its condition, and, accordingly, the state of the microbiome and depends on... functions such as the ability to retain skin moisture, as i understand it, we need to remove the bad ones and populate the good ones, well, by the way, i remembered our ilya ilvich mechnikov, he had a theory that because of the intestinal microbiome , a person does not live long enough , and more moreover, he even went even more radically, he said that the intestines are too long, part of it needs to be removed altogether, then the person will live longer and, accordingly, his quality of life will be better, well, again, there are at
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least, probably 10 theories. aging is why we grow old, so we’ll put a little bit of everything into our cosmetics bag, you’ll do what to smear with kefir, my mother used to smear herself with kefir, well, there are certain bacteria there, a number of bacteria that promote youthful skin and, as a rule, they live on the skin of which a good water-lipid mantle, in simple terms , is sweat, the remains of horn cells and sebum, which comes from our pores, and it is this that provides that acidic environment on which those correct bacteria live perfectly... which do not allow us to age so quickly as you would like, please, is this good or bad? we specifically put it here in order to explain how to find in cosmetic products what we have in our natural water-lipid mantle, which , unfortunately, is often destroyed. the best the probably well-known analogue of our water-lipid mantle is the good old cold cream , or our grandmothers called it cold cream, why cold cold cream, you know,
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i smeared myself with cold cream, they said before. i don’t remember it, oh, this is a very popular remedy, it was invented by galen in the second century ad, and he mixed oil, he mixed wax and added rose water, he mixed it all up and said that you will be happy, you will smear everything skin where the surface is damaged, it will heal faster and better, in general it has survived to this day, and i want to say that it has been undeservedly forgotten why it is good, while scientists there figure out how to introduce these bacteria, smear it with kefir or something else, research has just begun. and we don’t know how exactly to make the skin microbiome using bacteria better, but we know how to do it by restoring the water-lipid mantle, this is using the right products that will acidify the skin a little after washing, for example, here we have washing, because any washing is, of course, wonderful, but it removes a wonderful mantle, so we need to restore it, so here we have a facial tonic, there are also various sprays,
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thermal water, this will all help. to somewhat restore that very acidic environment that we lose when we wash our face and apply the right caring products; if it is dry or normal skin, then some analogues of this good old and undeservedly forgotten cold cream will be just right for us, you bored, i'm waiting for an answer to my question, i bought this some time ago oil, and i drip it on my face, then i smear it like this, then i got tired of it, it just lies there, i did the right thing, maybe i need it again for this... well, if we’re talking about naho now, and i answer , look, you still need to mix it, because the aqueous lipid mantle is not just oil, here you need to have oil, wax, and some kind of moisturizing liquid, of course, how many cosmetologists have the same opinion, i am against the use of pure oil for the face as a treatment, it seems to me that this is too much it’s hard for the skin and doesn’t allow it to be used; in short , clean and smear and smear with ointment, wax as
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an option. we will have a recipe on how to make your own personal cream at home. so, the recipe for colt face cream against aging skin. you will need coconut. oil, rosehip oil, beeswax, chamomile decoction, glycerin and rose essential oil, melt the wax in a water bath, add coconut oil and rosehip oil, heat the glycerin and chamomile decoction in a separate container, carefully mix with wax and oils, mix thoroughly, when the mixture has cooled a little, add rose essential oil, the cold face cream is ready, store in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks. next, how effective are home gadgets against wrinkles and how to prepare an anti-aging cream at home. the best device for the forest is an ice cube from the refrigerator.
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the temperature is off the charts, if losses are detected, it is impossible to avoid, carry out orders, fighters, the battle for crimea, today on rtr. you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely broken and stressed, now that 's over, we present the dremaliina swan pillow, a comfortable pillow for relaxation. that wraps around your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina svon pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and
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feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremaliina swan keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. in addition, the dremalina pillow with one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other. it provides soothing relief to the lower back, legs and feet. the dremaliina svon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric. it adapts perfectly to any body shape and size, supports your posture in all sleeping positions and ensures good ventilation throughout the night. you 'll sleep better than ever. and the most most importantly, the dremaliina swan pillow is ideal for those who sleep on their side, back, and also those who sleep on their stomach. the drimalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone, which is what makes it so unique.
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experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call and order the unique dremaliina swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait if you call.
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i kiss your kolya, let's go home, the legendary t-34, may 9 on rtr, this is kiselyov's report on how the withdrawal of jews from velei took place regions in soviet.
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of the righteous it is written: he who saves one soul is as if he had saved the whole world. premiere of the documentary on may 9 on rtr. the program about the most important things continues. we are talking about skin care rules. antioxidant creams and serums? what is it? ah, well, here comes another theory of aging, the free-radical theory of aging, that we do not age. so that we can understand that we rust, that the process of rusting with this oxygen, yes, radical,
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that aging is, roughly speaking, rusting of the body, yes, today a huge number of products that contain antioxidants, which prevents us from using any of them daily, vitamin c, please, creams, serums with ascorbic acid, excellent antioxidants, vitamin e is also very often found in creams, especially day creams, kenzyme q10, excellent antioxidant, very effective active, simple. inexpensive, but always present, always works, and vitamin a, we all know that it provides excellent skin regeneration, but in addition to regeneration, it is also an antioxidant, it protects cell membranes, so one of these antioxidants is always good to have in your cosmetic bag, because it's a small step, but it will prevent aging. so what else do we have left? the most important thing, of course, is the free radical theory of aging, the very first thing is protection, of course, sunscreen. because it’s solar , that’s why it’s radiation, even the word radiation itself says
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that it damages cell membranes, and so that these free radicals don’t damage our skin, don’t damage our cells, the most important barrier to aging is sunscreen, and of course, well, we are getting old, here are the two biggest factors for facial aging, the sun and cigarettes, absolutely... good morning, there are a lot of different homemade products on sale now gadgets, such as various massagers, some devices with microcurrents, that’s how effective they are...
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in terms of their effectiveness in terms of the fact that they improve blood circulation, and microcirculation, lymph flow is better, this is good, the rest, it’s hard to say, there are really a lot of them , even i saw that rf lifts are sold, that is, well, here i would of course say that this is not something you should buy for home use, but soft ones are acceptable, versanval, why not, especially for people who have problem skin, why no, that is, on your own at home, if you know, or you have already had it done there before and with a specialist in the beginning. a specialist, let’s say, yes, i’m about right, it’s better, natasha taught a long time ago that
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the best device for the face is an ice cube from the refrigerator and here’s my favorite recipe, thank you, yes, hello, hello, i always use day cream for the face, but in addition to the day cream for the face, i also use cream around the eyes, in the area around the eyes, and a friend recently... told me that it is very expensive and that it it’s ineffective, it’s as if day cream for the face can be used for the eyes, please tell me, this is kind of crazy, i have the same question, i once heard a long time ago that this is an eye cream, he says something like this they said it was nonsense, and i thought, well, since it’s far from me, here i am i remember this and i keep forgetting to ask you, is eye cream necessary or is it nonsense? you know, well that's the question. i would say for self-love, that is, in general, very much, well, in
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this case, you can use both, eye cream, face cream, of course, if it’s a matter of saving money, then in general a day cream for the face, what’s the difference? from eye cream, you get stains in your eyes and it’s normal, well, look, those corporations that make eyelid cosmetics, of course, they try to make it a little lighter, the base of this cream is a little lighter, less fat, because so as not to irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, it is natural that what you apply directly next to it matters the texture, it is not heavy, it is light, as a rule, anti-edematous components are put there to improve the outflow of lymph, at least they say so. that is, if, of course, it’s a question of self-love, it’s not just moisturizing the skin, but understanding that you are doing complete care in accordance with all the rules, and even more so if there is some kind of problem, because there are a lot of creams for eyelids according to problems, for example, puffiness there, dark circles under the eyes, now there are peptides that really work, which actually remove this quite quickly,
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then why not, if we are just talking about hydration, just moisturize, then you can use a regular cream, that’s because i’m like a doctor, i’m so to speak, too, but i understand not... a specialist, but it seems to me that the difference between the creams, that the cream, roughly speaking, is moisturizing for shaving, that, well, daytime , of course, there is at least protection, that for the eyes, in principle there is a difference something like zero, only more expensive marketing, and so, well, a little, a little, for the sake of it, let’s say, let’s say, some kind of shaving, aftershave lotion, they also contain some kind of anti-inflammatory, there will be a lot of dexoponthenol, but although this is good for the rest of the skin, again, thank you very much, okay, thank you. you are always interested, there is always something very useful, because sora never says: go to the pharmacy, buy black caviar cream with diamonds there, and it will work, on the contrary, she says, listen, everything is around us, everything that, lord, everything can be bought at the grocery store, and the nearest pharmacy, let's be attentive to our health, then we will still be beautiful, well, then everything will definitely be
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fine with us, i will answer your questions, so raise your hands , who has these questions, good morning, alexander leonidovich, i have the following question: i periodically suffer from attacks of sleep paralysis, how can i explain this condition from a medical point of view, and is there anything i can pay attention to? you know, i haven’t encountered this problem for a long time, such a problem really exists, i i think you just need to contact a specialist, i know that there are special somnologists who deal with this, the same problem, here... you live, everything is fine, i am a very active person, it happens to me that i feel, that i 'm going to fall asleep now, i stop the car, i barely close it, i manage to close my eyes, if i don't do this, i can still get over it, i just either crash, follow, i still don't, i still it's pointless, you you must not resist, you must surrender to it,
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fall asleep for at least 10 minutes, but this it’s really paralysis, because you, you can’t even move anything, so i understand well what it is, but... i always chalk it up to fatigue, because we keep running, running, running, when there’s no time, and sometimes when you sit down and something just falls on you, but there are all sorts of pills somewhere else, honestly i just don’t know, hello, alexander, my friend’s daughter is in the nizhny novgorod hospital, her tests seem to be all normal , but they discovered calcification in her lymph node, they said that they will treat it somewhere around.
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according to our custom, you can’t take her out of this in any way, this needs to be decided at another level and so to speak strategically, like how we treat tuberculosis and so on, so what can i do, although she doesn’t even have any symptoms at all. it may not be, but they probably found a positive test for tuberculosis, did a computed tomography scan, i don’t know what’s there, i just don’t know if she’s actually clean, then i don’t understand what they’re talking about, but not i’ll lie, it all looks cloudy and incomprehensible to me, but for me, honestly, thank you,
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good morning, my question is a little strange, because at the age of 28 the doctors told me: that you will no longer be able to walk normally only on crutches or with a cane, but now i walk in the mountains, you can say i run for a month or even a month and a half, the doctors said, they kept injecting there in this same knee, arthrosis, everything there that i, that’s the question, yes, that’s the question , i’m always actively moving, so i ’m moving, but the fracture came just when i did something, as everyone now says, was wrong, that is... they told me: well doctors, since they refused you, try some non-standard methods, what? here is fasting, i say, well, what kind of nonsense is this, what is this fasting? just try, i fasted for 10 days, 20, 30. 40 on the water, on the water, my knees got better, i really really couldn’t walk, i walked as if on crutches,
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somehow everything changed, then every year i a year or two a year i began to fast, look, pay attention, pay attention, everyone looks at themselves, thinks, that girl turned to you, she’s also intermittent fasting, they’re, you’re kindred spirits, you know, you’re crazy too, excuse me, well, probably, well... well, it somehow helped, because it seems like, or not, or it’s not something else at all, or it’s something else, what’s the matter, first of all, i don’t know , what was your diagnosis, and why were you unable to walk for 28 years, this is clearly not osteoarthritis, there was probably some kind of inflammatory disease, maybe rheumatoid portritis, i don’t know, probably the doctors diagnosed rheumatism based on our age, i understand what it is it was in those days when there was a lot of rheumatism, or rheumatoid polyarthritis, they said get out of here, the fact that you decided to starve, don’t give a damn about everything and live your own way, it could have come out in two
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ways, 90 percent was that you were about to ruin it, and 10 percent was that the body, the body, this stress of hunger, overcoming pain and so on, she mobilizes, well, it’s like people after a concentration camp, if someone survived, here i have aunt lyuba, she survived the blockade, you know, she writes to me the other day: she went skiing, crashed into a fence, broke her arm again such a photo, it means she has a broken arm, she still skis, she says: during the war , my body gave me an order to survive, i still don’t get sick, i don’t worry, i live, that’s how long my every day, you gave, you set the body when it had to either survive or die, and you gave yourself the order survive, and you live, you talk to you, it’s nice, this energy rushes through you, you know, this. this is colossal, well , yes, you’re great, well, that is, this is my personal one, yes, i won’t recommend it to anyone, you know, it’s like roulette, you’re
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lucky, well, apparently you’re just like that, well, i’m all the time now, i’m moving very fortified positive, oh well, thank you very much, i have already answered your questions, i wish you all good health, further in the program. health intrauterine device, is it possible to forget about it? is there no other way to get to this shore? no, just a bridge, you have to have time to cross the bridge! righteous man, premiere, may 9 on rtr, you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely broken and... tense, now that's over, we present the dremalina сvon pillow, a comfortable pillow for relaxing that embraces everything
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your right hand like this. dad, tell me, wouldn’t it be too arrogant to ask for your phone number, let’s look at the weekend, you’re no match for a hack i can open my eyes like that, it was you who was driving, she deceived me, and i trusted her children, it’s not valya’s fault, i feel it, i’m not what you thought, valya, on saturday and sunday on rtr 9 may. great victory day, big parade on red square. in memory of the great feat of our people, the descendants of the heroes will march in a solemn march. in parade formation, valiant defenders of the homeland, heirs of our great
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traditions. brave and invincible. yes, i am ready to go into battle and give my life for my fatherland. we glorify our warrior-liberators, their courage and heroism are in our hearts forever. for russia, for victory. hooray! victory parade. may 9 live on rtr. good morning, and we continue to talk about the most important things on the russia tv channel. hello, today we will discuss a topic that every woman has encountered, this is the topic of contraception. specifically, today we will talk about such a convenient type of contraception as the intrauterine device. the intrauterine device appeared more than 100 years ago, and indeed, to
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this day it is the method of choice for many women. this is the absence of side effects effects, this is the absence of any inconvenience, it seems that i forgot about all the problems for quite a long time, but as with any method of contraception, as with any foreign body that is introduced into our body, here we need to follow certain rules, because unfortunately, if these rules are violated , very serious problems and complications can arise, that’s all.
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initially, everything was fine, wonderful, no prerequisites for feeling unwell, but a few months ago changes began that began to worry me, this cycle failure, poor health, mood changes, yellowish, orange, even bloody discharge, i began to be very afraid and worried, they say that the spiral can grow, tell me, is it
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true, thank you, today in our studio, come to us via... good morning, good morning, yana, the spiral has been in place for almost 5 years, please tell me, during this time you have been seen by a doctor, yes, of course, every year. yanta, why did you choose the spiral? the test was a contraceptive, they make you feel very bad on the same day you take them, the condition for 2 days is simply unsettling. what products did you use before? classical contraception. are you planning another pregnancy or not? not yet, but i don’t rule it out. was the spiral comfortable for you at first? the first time is generally great, from the day it was staged, and completely until the last few months. and the doctor warned you that the iud is placed for... this is a certain time, yes, before it was placed, they gave me the choice of 3 or 5 years, well, that is, you have just reached the time when you actually speaking, we need to think about either changing or removing, it’s time to call a doctor and an expert, ekaterina nikolaevna zhumanova,
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gynecologist, doctor of medical sciences, head of the center of gynecology, reproductive and aesthetic medicine, professional experience, more than 20 years, good morning, ekaterina, good morning. good morning, ekaterina nikolaevna, please tell me how the spiral works in general, what it is, because the feeling that it’s magic, it’s partly come on magic, in fact they prevent it from happening implantation and fertilized egg, earlier in tsarist times, a coin was placed in women’s uterus, such a privilege for people of high society, they did not get pregnant, that’s why not everyone had 10 children, that’s where the spiral was born, but if we look at it , this is just this...
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the spiral is placed as follows, this is a conductor, it is placed here in the tube in order to push the spiral out, and through the vagina, cervix, here the spiral is inserted into the uterine cavity like this using this she is the conductor is pushed out, that is , only this little thing remains in the uterine cavity, that remains. these are the mustaches, they are naturally trimmed a little so as not to interfere, they, by the way, do not interfere, they often ask that women absolutely don’t feel them, their sexual partner doesn’t feel them either, so there’s nothing wrong with that, she just
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stays like that, this spiral is in the uterine cavity. many people ask whether the iud is placed under anesthesia? well, in principle, why not, there is no need for this, because, in principle, the cervix is ​​deprived quite a large number of nervous ones. in the end, it may be a slightly uncomfortable, but not painful moment, but why then only for three or 5 years, because unfortunately for the most part it’s all the same, but the people’s body consists of certain materials from which it is made, it causes such a thing around itself what is called ingrowth in particular and causes such an inflammatory reaction around itself, at first aseptic, then the following story happens, so they need to be changed, if we are close to the deadline, we didn’t pull it out on one's own.
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in general, some factors have come into play here, since you and i still have antennae, you remember this, yes, then microorganisms are fine and good, they can move through the cervical canal and get into the fallopian tubes, in fact, all the inflammation arises there first, yes , it lives there for a long time and already causes all these symptoms, temperature, pain, but this really occurs if we forget about the iud, or if you and i did not pass a certain number of tests before the placement. didn't look to see if we had initial inflammation or changes in microflora, infertility, if we wear the iud for a really long time , some inflammatory changes occur and synechiae can form, for example, that
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is, adhesions in the uterine cavities, this all leads, of course, ultimately to the fact that women it’s difficult to get pregnant, well, among other things, i must say that now there is a hormonal iud that can be installed in women who have not given birth, but in principle, in all recommendations, we only install iuds in women who have given birth. in parting of the spiral? well, in parting, of course, this is not a medical term, you understand, yes, but when you have to perform a certain operation, insert a camera into the uterine cavity, and then remove it from there if it has been standing for a long time. it can even fall apart, indeed, sometimes the spiral changes its position directly into the wall of the uterus and gets stuck, this really happens, but again in case of violations, either due to some kind of unsuccessful placement, or indeed due to inflammation, but as a rule, unfortunately, called ingrowth it is precisely the process when a certain inflammatory conglomerate forms around the spiral, hypertrophied endothelial tissue of the lining of the uterine cavity grows, and such a growth is formed that is.
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source of a deeper inflammatory process. peritonitis sepsis. well, if you do nothing and don’t pay attention there, for example, to some nagging pain in the lower abdomen, a little, maybe a fever, then, of course, any inflammation leads to purulent inflammation of the appendages, we will already have a systemic inflammatory reaction. spiral - this is an excellent method of contraception, an excellent method of treating many problems when installing a hormonal iud, it just requires... in principle, it is no different from a basic gynecological examination, which every woman undergoes once a year during a medical examination, well, the thesis is relevant here, that the newer the better, the main thing is that it is the latest generation intrauterine device and the main thing is that the doctor chooses which device is right for you, because, for example, hormonal devices are also suitable for...
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spiral, it also comes to a certain logical conclusion, and as soon as it starts to work worse, you have all these symptoms, in fact, that’s all, she just needs to change the spiral in time, thank you, jaana, thank you very much for they came to us, i hope that you will quickly change the spiral, everything will be absolutely fine, you will continue to feel great, thank you for sure, ekaterina nikolaevna, thank you for being with us.
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my friends, today we started with the terrible complications that happen if you forget about that you have an intrauterine device as a method of contraception, and of course they told you that this is an excellent method of contraception, which, like any other, requires observation by a gynecologist. and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, we had a program with you about the most important things. the rossiya tv channel broadcasts news to all viewers, i welcome maria sittel. hello.


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