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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 6, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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the specialists were not always able to get to the site of the damage right away, the water was running into the city, the light was working, but intermittently, you yourself understand that the trees are still falling again, there are gusts again somewhere, restoration work is going on again while restoration work continues works, kindergartens and schools in dektyarsko are closed, as the heating in the city has also been turned off; the heating system is planned to be launched today. kirill bortnikov, maksata pargeldyev, dmitry komakh lenkolyaeva, conduct dektyarsk, sverdlovsk region. sky over central russia was once again illuminated this night by the northern lights, which can usually only be seen above the arctic circle. bright flashes were captured by residents of the moscow, leningrad, kaluga, and tver regions. a rare natural phenomenon for these places caused a series of solar flares and a magnetic storm, the third most powerful since the beginning of the year and the strongest in several years, will continue. storm until the end of the week. today on
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our channel there is a premiere, an old military-historical drama - fighters of the battle for crimea. forty-fourth year. air regiment commander alexandra romanov, his the role is played by igor petrenko, transferred to anapa before the attack on crimea. in an air battle, you manage to capture a valuable trophy. german aircraft of a new modification. the enemy vehicle is sent to one of the design bureaus near moscow, where a modern soviet one is created. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello! live your
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favorite program 60 minutes hot on the heels, we have a special episode, starting with the news urgent and extremely important. so, putin instructed the general staff to conduct an exercise in the near future to test the use of non- strategic nuclear weapons. as confirmed by the military department, the maneuvers will be aimed at protecting the sovereignty of the russian federation in response to irresponsible provocative statements by the collective. west. we are listening to the official statement of the ministry of defense. on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, in order to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces for fulfillment of combat missions, the general staff has begun preparations for holding exercises in the near future with missile formations of the southern military district with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. during the exercises, a set of activities will be carried out to practice the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the exercises are aimed at maintaining
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the readiness of personnel and equipment of units for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons to respond in order to unconditionally ensure territorial integrity and sovereignty of the russian state, in response to provocative statements of threats by certain western officials against the russian federation. we will definitely return to this topic today, there will be new details. more urgent news: kiev militants launched another cannibalistic attack on the civilian population in the area of ​​the village of berezovka in belgorodskaya.
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continues to develop operational success north of this settlement. the day before , the assault detachments of the 132nd brigade completely entered the eastern edge of novoalleksandrovka and took under the control of arkhangelsk. footage of the boys fleeing on your screens: the retreating ukrainian armed forces are covered by russian artillery, those who covered the retreat to the ukrainian armed forces, such as atak group on the american btrm-113, were destroyed by the advanced units of our army. at the same time, without encountering strong resistance from the ukrainian armed forces, the soldiers of our army expanded the zone of control in the direction of the settlements of sokol and novopokrovskoye, south and west of ocheretin, and also expanded the zone of control in nitaylov. positive news comes from the mariinsky direction. on these in the footage, russian army soldiers raise the country’s flag over the krasnogorovsky refractory plant, which was a key point of defense of the ukrainian armed forces. the rest.
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on the border of the dpr and the zaporozhye region , battles for the harvest continue, and there are also reports of the flight of the ukrainian armed forces from rabotin.
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through which heavy weapons were imported for defense no longer exist, emergency attempts in the ssu to build an embankment did not help, after the fall of chachovo yar, the ukrainian armed forces will face a catastrophe much more critical than after avdievka, in fact, the russian army will have a direct road to the last major cities in the dpr occupied by ukraine, slavyansk and kramotors, were convinced by french propagandists that the fall of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense was inevitable.
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the ukrainians are still holding it, let's go, quickly go to cover, keep your distance, the sounds of artillery are constantly heard, the russians are 3 km from here, once 12 thousand people lived in chasyar, now there are only a few dozen left, the russians are using guided bombs to capture this city and drones, do you hear this sound, these are drones constantly flying over the city, the battle for hours is going on in air and in particular right at this moment at... this soldier told us about this, hiding in the basement of a residential building, which was converted into a headquarters. the fatigue from the battle is visible on his face. and this former engineer turned field medic said
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he was increasingly faced with powerlessness. they are using many more kamika fpv drones than in previous battles. they fly all over our heads, making it difficult to complete.
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ovdeevskoe direction, one of the most hellish on the front lines, the flaming horizon is getting closer it is moving towards the seemingly relatively calm rear cities, rear cities, the axis of power is on the horizon. this is already the front line, we are now on the konstantinovka -mirnograd highway, this is where the russians are trying to break through. if they succeed, they will have two directions of attack: on the left is pokrovsk, on the right is konstantinovka, druzhkovka. for the russians, this is the highway, the direction of the main attack, having broken through our defenses in the ocheretin area, the enemy is tirelessly approaching the transport artery. we have to enter the village on foot, there are a lot of drones in the sky, and
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the car is a priority target for them, drones, drones, drones, drones everywhere, buzzing here, buzzing there, like that, like that.
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stabilization point near chacha yar, military doctors go on night shifts, wounded soldiers arrive here after being evacuated from the battlefield, all the wounded received their injuries as a result of a drone attack. more than 90% of the injuries, it seems to me, were received after an attack by fpv drones. 90. most of these people are here. there is also a sixth destroyed abrams, an american miracle of technology. first they knocked out corrected artillery ammunition of the red field, then added to the ftv drone. the crew, apparently, fled towards the american bratley who had arrived in pittrimka. but this b was also destroyed by a well-aimed hit from a barrage. so we are waiting for the replenishment of exhibits at the exhibition in moscow on poklonnaya gora, where for a whole month
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they will be showing samples of western equipment captured from the armed forces of ukraine. currently there are 32 types of pmp tanks and armored vehicles. it is separately stated that for employees of nato embassies there is no queue entry, and look, the queues are long. the site in victory park included an american abrams and a german leopard. who had to specially bend the barrel so that it would not look up, at the ground. other exhibits include the american bmp brad for the m113 armored personnel carrier, the maxpro armored vehicle, the british mastif armored vehicle and the turkish kirpi armored vehicle. also presented are samples of ukrainian armored vehicles t-72, t-64 armored car cossack. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said that nato rejects the exhibition of the trophy. western technology on worship mountain in moscow and does not recognize its existence. probably the reason for this
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idiotic demarche, to say the least, is that the alliance simply cannot or does not want to believe that techno-rope, extolled for decades in its advantages over rusty russian iron, has now found itself in the role of a mutilated trophy. the exhibition of nato equipment in moscow haunts the western media; the washington post writes that the exhibition is on poklonnaya hill. quote: reflects growing optimism in russia that the war in ukraine is being resolved in its favor. i am in moscow victory park, a memorial complex dating back to the second world war. they let the russian public in as much as you can
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, and today the russian military displays their military trophies for everyone to see and look at them, for example, this tactical support vehicle for the british army husky, equipment that russia captured at the front, see, the windshield was shot through, they are standing opposite and tanks, the german american leopard... abrams: the exhibition generated a huge stir, all this equipment clearly makes an impression on the russian public. amazing, even incredible, breathtaking . it’s just wonderful that our guys were able to capture such equipment. so why was all this put on public display? i think the authorities here have two main goals. the first is to strengthen the kremlin narrative, to show that ukraine, nato and the west as a whole are waging a war against russia. the russians are increasingly confident that the war in ukraine will end, their main message
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is written on that stand over there, it says: “our victory is inevitable.” "we are approaching date 9 may, the most important holiday here in russia, the day of victory over nazi germany, and of course, a large military parade will take place here, but the day before another event began here, an exhibition of captured military equipment from ukraine. i myself visited the victory park and was surprised how many people gathered to look at the spoils of war, it all seemed like a place of pilgrimage."
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the trophy of the russian army is probably intended to create the impression that even western military assistance cannot prevent the russian army from winning the war against ukraine, obviously this is a message for everyone.
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i felt the strength of russia, i saw its power, i have no doubt that we will win. another highlight of the exhibition is the captured american abrams battle tank. the exhibition in moscow opened just days after the us approved a $61 billion aid package for kiev. i'm very proud of our guys for standing up in this tough battle, protecting us so we can all feel safe. no better from different countries in europe and america, it says that russia is not fighting against ukraine, on the contrary, the entire west, the entire nato is fighting against russia and they are simply using ukraine before this war. well, while the abrantsy leopard and a bunch of other western scrap metal, the invincibility
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of which zelensky made a legend, are gathering tens of thousands of people on poklonnaya hill, a new set of tanks is in full swing in ukraine. pushing a man onto a bus. the lyudolovs are not even embarrassed by the fact that a man is shouting all over the street and has an unattended small child at home. wild, brave, new world ukraine
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reminds me more and more. dnepropetrovsk residents were sent to court for videos on tiktok with summonses. the man posted 10 episodes of the work of military commissars on his page. the prosecutor's office considered that this was the publication of data on movement in the ssu. the phone was taken away, as specified, in favor of the state. just like that, a couple of military commissars with kalashnikovs at the ready look out at helyants right in front of the temple, where a huge number of people came to serve. zev vyshevanke made an appeal against the backdrop of the church of st. sophia in kiev . the deaf sectarian declared that god attention, he wears a chevron with a ukrainian flag, what a little thing in his blasphemy, tell me right away what is on his shoulder... an lgbt flag or a flag with a swastika, what else is ukraine fighting for, however, even in ukrainian madness there are exceptions, attempts at forced
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mobilization began to be resisted in transcarpathia, in the city of grapes, a crowd of angry gypsies tried to break into the military registration and enlistment office when it became clear that their brothers were being mobilized. the rioters broke windows and doors, demanding to let their friends out; the security forces ended up shooting in the air. to calm down the violent ones the roma filed criminal cases and they, in turn, accused the military commissars of kidnapping.
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carrier, then he is suitable, but here it is possible
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that the person is unfit, and if he is an asymptomatic subjective approach, infectious disease specialists believe, and this is a field for corruption, people with severe mental illnesses are unfit for service, with mild mental manifestations they are suitable for work, for example, in military support units . it is this piece of paper that many ukrainian men of military age are afraid of, the requirement to appear at one of the military commissariats and provide data, including a military id for military registration. these pieces of paper are handed out by soldiers like lilia. she herself is a combat veteran and doesn’t really understand those who want to avoid service. i believe that mobilization is necessary, my friends have been on the front line for almost 3 years, there is no one to replace them.
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here from the very beginning of the war, that is, more than 2 years. how difficult it is to convince people to join the army is evident, in part, because ukrainian streets are paved with posters on which soldiers advertise themselves for
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joining various brigades. it means, that brigades that have suffered heavy losses recruit recruits on their own because they consider the state mobilization system ineffective. the situation of the armed forces of ukraine against the background is dramatic, we see that russia is moving further and further, and because... even if not all of them act in this way, such records, however, are quickly disseminated and reinforce the impression that the state is acting illegally. this is the third
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year, ukraine urgently needs new soldiers, because the enemy is advancing, we are accompanying the recruits who were recently mobilized for basic fire training, in ukraine the recruitment of men aged 25 to 60 years is now intensifying, a month of basic training, then to the front. alexander, an instructor who has been working here for a year, is not a professional military man himself. combat coordination between the guys is still, so to speak, difficult; the fighters don’t know their strong and weak points. each other, they do not yet know what they are capable of, but in 4 weeks these soldiers should be on the front line, defending positions from the russian advance. i have no idea what's going on at the front, i i only know what i saw on tv and what the guys talked about what was happening, you just can’t imagine it until you find yourself there. these young and no longer young people should become much-needed reinforcements on the front lines. for thirty-eight-year-old oleg, this is not a very
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tempting prospect. lines, the crossing of which will entail direct intervention of alliances in the war. in particular, the first red line is associated with a possible breakthrough of russian troops through the kiev defense line, also direct or even indirect participation in the war by a third party, which means primarily in belarus. another red line, according to the publication , assumes a russian military provocation against the baltic countries or poland, as well as a targeted attack on moldova.
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directly in conflict. in ukraine , the american army may intervene; in any case, the leader of the democratic minority in the us congress, hakeem jeffers, does not exclude such a possibility. in an interview with cbs, jeffries said that soon military aid to ukraine may not be enough. american soldiers will have to save square from collapse. in an interview with the tribune , emmanuel macron said that russia will win in ukraine. will mean a loss of security for the whole of europe, so macron does not abandon his idea of ​​sending the french legion to ukraine. the french president once again stated that he does not rule out sending ground troops to ukraine and also voiced two conditions for this. the first is in case the russian army breaks through the front line, the second entry of french troops is possible after an appeal from kiev. news from the front, breakthrough
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what’s happening in russia right now, emmanuel macron’s loyal comrade-in-arms, the mayor of the french city, robert menac, directly says that europe is worth defending, while the french are scared to fight russia alone, so macron called on other western countries not to discard the option with the sending of their contingents to ukraine, they say, back in the summer of twenty-two, western countries excluded from...
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sending soldiers to ukraine, he told the economist that this would be a legitimate action if russia breaks through ukrainian front line, and kiev will ask for it. first of all, macron said that russia has violated all the rules and does not respect international treaties. that is why he is responsible for the words spoken earlier that soldiers could be sent to ukraine. you can see in the quote behind me, he said, "like i said before, i'm not ruling anything
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out." because we are faced with someone who also does not exclude anything. without a doubt, we hesitated too much to define boundaries in front of someone who already had those boundaries. no, who is the aggressor. european countries, adding that it was a brave act. speaking about sending he said that he had received support from some foreign troops to ukraine, emmanuel macron said in an interview that he did not rule anything out. do you agree with this? i think it's right that putin doesn't know what we're going to do, and we certainly won't tell him that we're going to do certain things. i like president macron's strategic courage. will you consider sending polish troops? we won't reveal our cards. i think it would be right to force president putin to think about what we will do. britain again officially
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distanced itself from such a position. lord cameron said in kiev that this was too much. it is worth noting that former british minister of the armed forces james heapy, who held his post several years ago, said: in one of his first interviews that he supports the idea of ​​​​sending western forces to ukraine, in particular british forces to the western ukraine, perhaps to train soldiers or lead ukrainian forces to advance in the east of the country. the time has come for the european union, and all of europe, to start acting together, which is why french troops can go to ukraine, but only if the ukrainian authorities ask for it. they most likely will not go to the front line, but will train ukrainian forces, or will be involved in military supplies. it seems to me that the french president talks too much about topics when a series of contradictory statements can be passed off as ambiguity. in this case,
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it's not strategic ambiguity, it's nonsense. he is right, people ask me if i am ready to send young frenchmen to die for ukraine. yes, i'm ready. there are many people in the past who were killed for important things. very openly published its service profile, that is, what the army, in particular the ground army, is capable of doing outside the country’s borders and what forces it is capable of deploying. we are talking about two brigades of 5,600 ground forces soldiers each. bad the news is that these forces
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are not enough against the backdrop of half a million russian troops; in addition, the problem is that as soon as these forces are deployed outside france, they fall under the control of the nato general staff in accordance with the mandate, therefore. that ukraine cannot stop putin on its own, i think it is absolutely possible that we can ask, and i think europe should do it, because it is easier to stop putin with ukrainian weapons than to stop putin after he takes over ukraine. as you understand, france will enter the war
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by sending its troops there. this will be a war between france and russia. moreover, we risk drawing all the countries of europe into the third world war, which will be destructive and deadly for all the peoples of europe. if there are european or american soldiers in ukraine, this will mean that we have crossed the red line drawn by nato. if even one nato member country sends its troops to ukraine, this will mean a direct conflict with russia, and this means a third world war. do any of us want this? i, no, this is not our war, because no one attacked europe. the escalation of this conflict is very dangerous. 5 years ago he went on a tour of europe to discuss with country leaders the attractiveness of economic cooperation with china rather than with the united states. as bloomberg writes, comrade xi intends to drive a wedge between europe and america. the day before , shizen pin arrived in france at
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charles de gaulle airport and was met by french prime minister gabriel authal. sizen peen said that during the visit he will discuss relations with macron two countries, as well as important regional and international issues. that is, he will explain to macron that the idea of ​​sending a foreign legion to ukraine, to put it mildly, is unsuccessful. however, according to a statement from macron’s office, the main topic of the meeting with sizenpin will be ukraine.
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the us is the number one warmonger in the world. america started 80% of the wars after world war ii. the united states has had a hand in more than 50 coups d'état, interfered with elections in other countries 30 times, and tried to assassinate more than 50 heads of foreign powers. nato and the united states, responsible for wars in afghanistan, iraq and syria that have left nearly a million civilians and 37 million refugees dead. well, finally, as long as us hegemony remains, there will be no peace. the us state department, in
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response to this statement, announced that 20 chinese companies would immediately fall under united states sanctions for supporting russia.
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this is one of the cheeses from our region; against the backdrop of such a state visit, it will be able to promote the image of france to foreign guests. first of all, sidinpin will try to divide europe. it's no secret that a divided europe is beneficial to any of its competitors or opponents. it turns out whether he has it or not is unknown. in order to demonstrate the unity of europe, president macron invited. to meet president xi, european commission chief ursula vonderleen, he
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had also just had lunch with german chancellor olaf scholz, and chairman xi decided to make a stop in budapest to meet the pariah of european politics, viktor orban. the stops in serbia and hungary serve to deflect criticism of beijing for warming relations with moscow, macron is expected to again warn president xi against supporting the russian military machine, from the point of view.
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in terms of trade, several european countries intend to reduce the eu trade deficit with china, but europe is divided, some countries have refused to retaliate as china is a key partner for them, among these countries are hungary and serbia. the fii chairman will also visit these two countries during his visit. chinese leader. carefully selected three countries: france, serbia and hungary. to what extent is this reflects china's desire to establish a new world order, could there be a connection here and what could this have to do with the ukrainian-russian war? these countries are friendly towards china,
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at least this is true for hungary and serbia, primarily due to their own economic interests. in the case of serbia, both sides talk about the ironclad friendship between the two countries.
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israeli pro-palestinian protests in the united states, educational institutions in which the police barred students are marked in orange, as at least 2,300 people were detained on 49 us campuses over the past 2 weeks. special attention to the arrests at columbia and california universities. they have roiled dozens of other campuses across the united states, from public schools in the southern midwest to ivy league institutions in the northeast. america, the hill is distributing advice, it’s time for joe biden’s team to sound the alarm; the ratings of the already not very popular president will now decline among progressive youth, on whom the democrats have always relied. not all students are ready support trump, but no one canceled the protest vote. us senator bernie sanders
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drew a direct parallel. this could turn into vietnam for biden, who risks losing the votes of more than just young people. voters, but also the traditional electorate of the democratic party. the scale of the protests, of course, is not yet the same, but the authorities are acting as they did then, with brute force and arrests. another precedent is that washington’s unconditional support for israel’s actions for the first time in history causes serious, socially significant resistance within the united states. and the sheer number of arrests shows how quickly the pro-palestinian camps and police response are taking place.
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at the university of michigan, they are protesting on the ground in the sky, with pro-palestinian protesters waving flags, chanting slogans and even whistling during. president's speech. and in the sky, supporters of israel are flying in an airplane with
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a banner on which it is written: “we are together with israel.” at least 2,300 protesters have been detained at forty-six universities over the past 3 weeks. the demonstrations grew into tent camps, and university officials do not know how to satisfy the demands of the protesters, who are asking the educational institution to sever all ties with israel and stop collaborating with companies that, according to them, are profiting.
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is putting himself in a position where not only young people, but most of the democratic party's core voters will be opposed to him because of his views on
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israel and this war. these are students from university college in london who gathered for a round-the-clock protest, the camp is just one of many emerging in british universities. a day after the students set up a pro-palestinian camp here, they invited people to come and show their solidarity, they came, but the security service did not let them through. now the number of those involved in this action is limited, but those who participate in it hope that this is just the beginning. our spirit is on the rise and the number of participants is growing every day, every hour another student comes and says that he wants to participate, to join us. i don't think it's will end in the foreseeable future, until the college hears their demands.
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demands like this camp at the throne university in southwest england include ceasing cooperation with companies linked to the israeli military. with the people of the whole world, because he gives billions to netanyahu, he also gives billions to continue the brutal war that is being waged in eastern europe in ukraine.
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let's go to the front, vladimir razin, military correspondent on direct line. vladimir, hello, i’m glad to welcome you. so, the italian press, another western press writes that a breakthrough by the russian army in ocheretina could lead to the collapse of the front. on... how realistic is this? evgeniy, good afternoon, this is quite realistic, i think this will happen in the foreseeable future, the most important thing is that yes, we took ocheretin, this is the main height in this direction, now after ocheretin, literally in all directions, our advance continues in all directions , as to the north-west, this is in the novoalleksandrovka area, as well as just to the west, there is a line from solovyov. populated point progress, falcon, and so on, plus the movement there is in height, yes, which gives our military personnel the opportunity to bypass
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and close the entire group that is located. movement also continues from ocheretin to the north towards the settlement of new york, in principle there to gorlovskoe on... towards dzerzhinsk, also, in principle , movement from ocheretin, it goes along the heights, it goes along the railway towards settlement of progress and right at the entrance to the red army route from konstantinovka, which is very painful, let’s say so for the enemy, this route is located there about 10 km now from our positions, this
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already provides enough opportunity. to target it with artillery, plus reconnaissance, to constantly observe all the movements that take place there, so yes, of course, the defense in the ssu is developing, no matter how they say that we have a second, third line, tenth line of defense there after avdievka, but in fact we see, yes, that one by one settlements are being liberated, the state of the enemy and the units that are there the personnel are absolutely in a depressed state , yes, because they throw them into, continue to use the tactics of such local assaults, trying to somehow recapture the positions that we, where we are advancing and which we are liberating, but this success is on several fronts , operational, tactical, strategic, how do the military assess it? no, of course, this is, firstly,
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access to a route, say, krasnoarmeysk, this is a strategic route, yes, along which a fairly large group on the front line is supplied, starting there from donetsk directions ending with the artmovsk direction in the chasyar area, in general liberation, well, in the near future, i ’m sure krasnoarmeysk, konstantinovka, from konstantinovka up there to kramatorsk and slavyansk, these are essentially the main cities that are now. logistics centers, cluster centers in the ssu, yes, after them, after this line, in fact, this is, let's say, such a center of the donetsk region, yes, and the donetsk people's republic, and after them the armed forces of ukraine do not have enough such large cities, where they could accumulate and somehow, uh, equip your defense, especially in cities, after that small settlements, villages, towns begin,
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and in general there until liberation... western assistance at the front, because after all, 61 billion have been allocated, some... then, according to the new york times, deliveries have already been made, has western aid reached the front? so far there are no large quantities, perhaps infantry fighting vehicles arrive there in small quantities, perhaps shells are delivered to the artillery, but at the moment this in no way
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changes the situation in any way. not reflects the situation on the front line, there has been a noticeable increase in attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to fire long-range missiles, but our air defense, as we said earlier, is absolutely ready for these attempts, and we absolutely understand, yes, that the ukrainian armed forces will now use precisely this western assistance , long-range missiles in order to somehow prevent us from doing something, yes, but the air defense is constantly on guard, constantly working, and if we talk specifically on the ground, yes, then... of this assistance, the main part is infantry fighting vehicles , yes, these are defensive vehicles, engineering vehicles, and these are shells for artillery, but in large numbers they do not have the opportunity to get close to the front line, regardless of direction, yes, because reconnaissance works, it works constantly, the destruction on our part of any accumulations, and in small groups they do not
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pose any particular danger, they are just, let’s say so, they increase the term, thank you very much, vladimir razin, voenkor in direct communication from the zone of the special and military operation. the main geopolitical news of the day, the statement of the ministry of defense on holding exercises in the southern military district using non-strategic nuclear weapons, that’s what peskov said about it. obviously, we are talking naturally about the statement of mr. macron, about the statement of british representatives, you know, they also added a representative of the us senate, who... in fact, they spoke about the readiness and even intention to send armed contingents to ukraine, that is, to actually send soldiers nato in front of
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the russian military, this is a completely new round, an escalation of tension, it is unprecedented, and of course it requires special attention measures, indeed , democratically joined this chorus of threats, as we heard the day before. minority in the senate, let's listen to the statement of the american congressman. we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if that happens, there is a significant likelihood that america will have to intervene in the conflict not only with our money, but with our military personnel. or we will stop russia in ukraine. by continuing our military and economic assistance.
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why should we believe that with such consistent aggression he will stop at ukraine? of course not, you don’t need to believe his words, you need to believe his actions, and his actions indicate that he wants to recreate the soviet union. madmen, please, amazing cynicism, there is no other way to say it, because in such statements the primary thing is always missing, that in the beginning the americans started it, and we answered, we didn’t start it. the war in ukraine, it was the americans who sponsored and carried out all this, we are ending it, and now they are afraid, of course, their statement is belligerent, so we need to put a little on their
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pour out a tub of cold water, such a tub is precisely these exercises of non-strategic nuclear weapons, these include tactical nuclear ammunition , operational-tactical nuclear ammunition, tactical - these are shells. these are mines - for example 203 mm - these are shells like a seedling with tactical nuclear ammunition up to 3 mines 240 mm, which can be launched by a self-propelled mortar - a tulip installation and this is the castor bean so it is called so conventionally this is what they were called in soviet times, but it is clear that any arsenal is needed to update, well... cooperative-tactical means missile weapons, it’s not for nothing that the statement of the ministry of defense included the word missile forces, yes, that is , operational-tactical complexes,
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such as iskander, possibly sea- based, will be used, that is, for all this time - russia updated its nuclear arsenal, they made nuclear weapons, there were so many tactical nuclear weapons that there was nowhere to store them, so they took them to belarus, they opened another warehouse there. well, everything doesn’t fit on our territory, so foreign estimates specialists, how many of these tactical nuclear weapons we have, they always vary, some say few, some say there are 6,000, well, we won’t reveal it, because this is actually the only type of nuclear weapon that is not burdened with any laws on restrictions, that is our strategic offensive weapons are limited by various treaties, although we suspended our participation in the start treaty because there were not...
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foreign french, there were a lot of mercenaries, yes, yes, that is, there were a lot of them, that's if you need to understand that macron can dispose of these foreign french legions without asking himself. parliament, in order to send troops, the parliament there needs to make a decision, the ministry of defense, this is a whole, there are a huge number of loopholes in order to use the armed forces without any parliament, how he carried out pension reform without asking parliament, western democracy implies options for direct, tough presidential rule, yes, including, as they say, according to rules that no one has seen. that is
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, it is clear that such rhetoric must be stopped, because, apparently, in the west they have completely lost fear, because the generation that knows what a nuclear war is and what nuclear weapons are is either long retired or already at peace in other words, this young generation, as macron called it, some kind of fresh wind, a fresh windy bonopard, yes, yes, yes, this is an offended croissant who... all the time changes its points of view, then they will direct, then don’t direct, then they are the strongest, why are they like that food associations with european leaders, then liverwurst, then kraassan, you know, they will eat them anyway, they still understand that these are people who are fickle, today he is the president, tomorrow he will climb into some european union, and like ursola funderley he will also throw around words irresponsibly, but this kind of rhetoric, of course, leads to dangerous consequences. and in order to
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stop this, to make some people understand, we need to take steps: on the one hand, warn, on the other hand, check how our updated the arsenal is working, and we are not limited by any test conventions, tests are possible, what does this term mean , exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons, it doesn’t mean that we will explode nuclear weapons in the southern military district, it doesn’t mean, it doesn’t mean, because well, look , the southern military district is... there are so-called training nuclear weapons without nuclear filling, by the way, when we test missiles during strategic nuclear wars, the warheads that fly are not nuclear, but in the field of nuclear technology we don’t need check whether it will explode or not, you know, we are conducting exercises in the southern military district, so there may be launch points there. it
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can fly to any other military district, yes, maybe, maybe, so i ask, do these exercises imply a nuclear explosion or not, no, i most likely think that there will not be a nuclear explosion, because even strategic nuclear exercises we do not we carry out nuclear explosions, our technology for the production of thermonuclear ammunition has gone so far ahead that we don’t have to carry it out, because we can do it in the field of thermonuclear charges - a charge, for example, of the megaton class, the americans cannot, not to mention the french, so here it is simply necessary, there are certain rules for handling such ammunition, with a special warhead, as they write in some instructions, you just need to know how, where, from what, well, as they say, further along the course of the exercises, what specific complexes will be used, participate in these exercises, i think our ministry of defense will inform the forest for the sake of it, as they say, wariness with that
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sides of the west, so that they understand that we , even any soviet tractor, as they said, will sooner turn it into a strategic offensive or defensive weapon, so we need to cut off the west, because lately the west has so connected itself with the topic of ukraine that it has completely lost reality, they remain completely in another reality , and we need to get them out of this state, otherwise it will be excruciatingly painful, they will...
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no matter what short-term victories he has in ukraine. your order captain of the triden strategic missile submarine.
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please, dmitry sanch. it was very accurately said by dmitryevich peskov that we are entering a new round of the spiral. spiral - this is due to the fact that we see at the front an operational-tactical advance with possible access to strategic depth. because that same summer-spring offensive that everyone is waiting for, this could be the exit to this strategic depth, well, the westerners understand this well and are very afraid. uh, realizing that the ukrainian army in its current state, is not able to contain this blow, even despite this 61 billion, even despite the technology that is now being beautifully shown in moscow, and you can bring it there as much as you like, as one german journalist said, describing
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the exhibition in victory park, maybe we you shouldn’t invest so much money in decorating moscow with trophies, this is a very good maxim, in my opinion, but... that’s why we are now hearing more and more active statements that the troops of nato countries, not yet nato as a whole, but the troops of countries nato must appear at the front, or somewhere nearby, in one form or another, in the form of the french foreign legion, for example, it is important to emphasize here that the french foreign region is not a private company, it is not a pmc, it is part of the ground forces of the french republic, the armed forces, subordinates directly.
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in my opinion, now the foreign legion is headed by a ukrainian, in my opinion, one of the generals, just a ukrainian, of the foreign legion, with a ukrainian surname, well, with a ukrainian surname, it happened by chance, but in parallel, in parallel, there is a second one process, which means the process of rocking the next round of russophobia, because all these actions, including the entry of western troops into ukraine, need to be justified to our own population, for this we hear all these stories about putin creating the soviet union again.
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until the very end, silvio berlusconi remained on the side of vladimir putin, which indicates a twenty-year relationship that never deteriorated, or almost, because there was a moment when cavaliera doubted him, this happened during a joint vacation at the dacha, it was an episode which shook the gentleman's confidence, because vladimir showed me a cruel nature that i could not imagine in such a kind and rational person. this was the reason why berlusconi, as soon as he returned to italy, told the story to his press secretary paolo banaiti. and fabrizio ciccio, who at that time was the leader of the faction in the chamber of deputies, it remains to say the main thing. putin told me: silvio, let's go hunting. i thought: hunting, i had never touched a rifle, but he insisted and i went with him. when we we arrived in the forest, he gave me a rifle, i felt anxious. as we walked through the snow, he
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saw two roe deer and told me to aim at one of them. it's yours, shoot. i let him know that i would not shoot. then he shot both of them and killed them. he looked at me with satisfaction. today i will propose. unusual food, he walked down the slope to the animals, holding a knife in his hands, he quartered the animal and cut out the heart, then he asked the person accompanying him to give him a wooden tray and handed it to me, put a bleeding piece of meat on it, this there will be unusual food, i was seized with shock, i hid behind a tree and vomited, the silence after this story lasted for several endlessly long seconds, until berlusconi concluded, maybe it’s just a hunter’s habit, it’s like reading the script for a new woodialin film. it is important here that this is not an interview with berlusconi, this is dalas’s career, one grandmother told another grandmother that it was like this, that is, there is a long chain of information transfer, which apparently became quartered in detail. roe deer with a knife, yes, well you never know, yes, that’s why, but by the way, laugh
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with laughter, but this is precisely the thread that once again dehumanizes our leader to further justify his steps, at some stage they suppressed this matter in europe and in america, because resistance had already developed in society, it was impossible to constantly demonize russia, but now with the introduction of troops, possible, i emphasize the introduction of troops...
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a hotel for an unforgettable experience rixos sharmashey only for adults 18 plus, here you will be entertained throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma is not just a vacation. this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created for you.
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look in the app. on the day of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, we want
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to tell you about a man of amazing purity of heart and broad soul, about whom legends were made during his lifetime. archimandrite methodius, with whom vladimir putin met more than once during his annual trips to valaan. malakhov, tomorrow on rtr. that's it, comrades, girls. a good sniper can single-handedly stop an enemy attack, we are now a team, we must become one, and to prove that we are snipers, i see the enemy, shoot, klimenko, fire, this is an order, and if the germans have a new sniper, he would easily slap you, why are you worried about me, come on, kuktan, you ’re so worried for no reason, okay, partika, baranda? there is a task from this squad, allow me to take it with me,
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i need a second one to complete this task sniper, klimenko is the only combat unit, get started, there is, you won’t escape through the sight on may 10 at rtr. on july 29, 1937 , japanese troops captured beijing, the true story of world war ii. ui appeared in the northeast not by chance, all this was planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet. the story began 2 years before the events in europe, massacres of civilians then occurred throughout nanjing. the real story. victory, it was russia, it was china that paid the greatest price for this common victory
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humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give. unique archival footage in the film by alexei denisov emperor without an empire, a throne on bayonets, this film chronicle was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. premiere, may 10 on rtr. new russian cinema. your brother is there in donbasselion.
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alexey shevchenkov becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. may 10 on rtr. dress rehearsal for the victory parade, unique footage of the flight over the kremlin from the cockpit of a su-30 cm fighter aircraft performed by the russian knights aerobatic team on your screens, along with the knights , 3g mik-29 and su-25 attack aircraft flew over moscow, which painted the sky the color of the russian flag. today the strizhi aerobatics team celebrates its thirty-third anniversary of
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its formation; the whole world knows its original white and blue coloring. actively preparing. chekkaniya shagka performed victor's blood type and suddenly listen. serial number on the sleeve. wish me luck in battle. wish it for me.
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the country was waiting for changes, yes, those same changes, really, you know, somehow these changes it dragged on very long, yes, and somehow it develops in a completely different way from what we expected, but i want to start with this terrible plot, i have the feeling that i was, you know, in a cinema to see some movie horror, but described in an italian newspaper, although i don’t know the italian man in the street, what would be more interesting, how putin eats the hearts of roe deer or how berlosscone burps somewhere behind the christmas tree, i don’t know, to be honest. well, let's get back to serious issues, yes, let's get back to strategic macron’s courage, which sekorsky admires so much, i will remind you that this is the same sekorsky who signed guarantees to yanukovych and did not show strategic courage to follow through with his guarantees and prevent the development of a scenario that was actually implemented in ukraine, and we would
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not be discussing now no loss of cities, no war, no 1000 losses, no wounded or killed,
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i see, i see him in the fact that he has a great desire, in the twenty-seventh year his presidential term ends , he has a great desire somewhere to continue his work in some european... structures, or international organizations, yes, he, he is actually now at the end of his presidential term deciding the issue of his political future, that is, this direction to ukraine there, relatively speaking , there is a foreign legion there, this is not connected with changing the situation to a war, this is a political decision that macron needs directly, that there are french mercenaries there, well, we witnessed just a couple of months ago. their they covered it in kharkov and the coffins went to france, yes, that is, they are there, he just needed to dress it up in such a political wrapper, yes, to declare that
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it was the foreign french legion that would be present, this is just, well, purely political a decision that has nothing to do with an attempt to somehow change the situation on the front line, in general, as for mercenaries, poland certainly sent the largest number of mercenaries there, at the very beginning of the conflict, if... remember, polish statistics regarding the military, yes showed that you know, because at one point more than 9.00 people suddenly quit the polish army, well, that’s where they just went and quit, yes, that’s what we’re talking about, we ’re talking about somehow avoiding political responsibility , they simply fire part of their military; they, like mercenaries, go to fight on the territory of ukraine, all other european countries do the same, which one way or another, let’s say, support. support ukraine, now regarding the front, you know, if there was a stable situation at the front, then they don’t need would be to make such political decisions,
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to send there, be it a foreign legion or an american senator there, to declare the need for direct intervention by the united states of america, including with its soldiers on the territory of ukraine, this is what, in fact, the conversation is about, the conversation is about they already have an understanding. all of russia’s opponents have an understanding that it is impossible to inflict a strategic defeat on the battlefield on russia, that is, why then send nato troops, well, by force it is impossible for the ukrainian side to solve this problem; strategically it is important for them not to enter into a direct conflict with the russian federation, in which case they endanger not the territory of ukraine, but their own territories. of one's own citizens politically to make such a decision is suicide in fact in relation to possible negotiations, of course, at some point these negotiations will take place, we say, he flew
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to macron, yes, he will meet there with macron and ursula vonlein , well, which is already at the exit, yes, that’s it, the door is open, it’s not today, tomorrow he will leave, of course, her position has not changed, by the way, she voiced it when she met with... in beijing, yes, i think her position has not changed, as for china, pay attention, it is actually trying to rebuild europe by and large, yes, china has excellent strategic, partnership relations with russia, it has excellent relations with belarus, and the main visit is not the visit of the chinese leader to paris, i think he is more interested, after all, orban and vucic, this is who he will meet, that is, he is trying. line up some kind of alternative to europe, which is under the heel of the americans, he is trying to somehow build it, so all attempts to convince china of something, it seems to me,
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will be absolutely unsuccessful, they have already developed this strategy hundreds of years in advance, yes, they understand what their interests are, and most importantly, they know how to build partnerships, friendly, let’s say, equal relations, despite their advantages, economically this is clear. dmitry trenin, scientific director of the institute of world military economics and strategies of the higher school of economics, let's
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listen to what dmitry vitalievich told us. the exercise on the use of strategic nuclear weapons is a strong signal to russia's adversaries that moscow will not passively watch the escalation of western participation in a proxy war against russia. now after macron’s statements about the possible dispatch of regular troops. ukraine, moscow decided to break this escalatory strategy of the west by sharply raising the stakes. it is very important. if we continue to leave nato actions without answer, the conflict will inevitably lead to a head-on collision between russia and nato. that is, to nuclear war. to prevent such a development of events, moscow is now sending a signal. the danger is that western politicians, having lost their sense of reality, will consider the russian warning a bluff and will continue their crazy but extremely dangerous game. so, having taken the step of the escalation ladder, russia may need to climb even higher to avoid the worst- case scenario. westerners may think that russia is preparing to strike
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ukraine with nuclear weapons. this, in my opinion, is a misconception. and... if russian warnings do not help at some stage to prevent general destruction, the actual use of nuclear weapons may be necessary against targets on the territory of european nato countries, this is the last means of preventing a nuclear war, or already the beginning of a nuclear war, although you can’t argue with dmitry trenin, a really deep statement and understanding of the current events, but still the main thing is that now what's happening is the front. there are obvious successes, what they look like, look at the road, machine gunner, up the road, pilot, pilot, let's brag, three, five, four, machine gunner, machine gunner,
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the crews of man-portable missile systems are out of action, the special forces are cleaning up, and that's how it works tsar mangyal, the tank is sheathed on all sides with sheets of metal, as well as a mesh for protection against cumulative projectiles from drones. the vehicle is also equipped with an electronic warfare system, the so- called jammer, in front of which is a demining device, a vehicle modified by hand
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has already successfully proven itself in... in these footage , our military destroys another american abrams tank in the red army direction, the tank travels only 500 m, after which it becomes the target of russian artillery, it is hit by high-precision ammunition krasnopol, the crew flees, the ukrainian armed forces are sent to help abrams crew of the bradley infantry fighting vehicle, the vehicle also encounters hurricane fire from the russian army, later. just a few hours later, having given in to the girl, lancet was attacked by another aborist, his ukrainian formations were hiding in a forest belt. if compare with the beginning of the war, when we fired up to 100 shells a day, now we fire only 30, this is at best. we will know how many shells we have only when we see the daily list of targets and the box of ammunition, if it happens that a little more is released, then we shoot more, if
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the volume is small, then we... not so many, this is what the clock looks like now, russian artillery hits ukrainian fortifications in abandoned houses, it is reported that the bridge over which militants were transported to a strategically important city for weapons was destroyed ammunition. in these frames, the target of our military is a column of armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. in this video there is a direct hit on a tank, here is the moment of the liquidation of another combat vehicle, the fall of the chasvayar will open the way for the russian army to attack other populated areas of donbass, he is worried. german propagandist wild christoph winner. chasofier is located a little to the north in the donetsk region. this is a strategically important small city, from which the ukrainians made a fortification. on the outskirts of the city there is a small microdistrict called the channel. there on in the south the russians had apparently made a breakthrough. chasovyar is strategically well-organized due to the fact that if you conquer it, you can develop attacks from there in the direction of the west, and there are
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large cities of the donetsk region, such as... footage of the flight of ukrainian formations under artillery fire from arkhangelsk, a flag is now flying in the village russia, the surviving militants surrender, in the kharkov region our military liberated kotlyarovka, a unit of the forty-seventh tank division of the 272nd motorized rifle regiment under the command of kirov, the sixth. assault company and roto, you took the village of katlyarovka, kharkov region, we continue to liberate our land further, glory to russia, glory to russia, too many countries are sitting idly by while ukraine suffers. the superiority of russia at the front was recognized by the commander of the ukrainian ground forces, pavlyuk. according to him , in the near future russian units will develop an offensive against kharkov and sumy. in the kharkov region, a lancet
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was knocked out by a ukrainian tractor that was transporting militants to positions. in the same area, the target of the russian military was a station electronic warfare, with the help of which the militants revealed the location of our crews. the vaughns are preparing for a new stage. according to him, the capture of chasovo yar, a key settlement, for the liberation of the entire donbass is a matter of time. fierce fighting is taking place right now on the zaporozhye front, and serious advances are being reported by our military in the rabotin area. the russian military
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thwarted an attempt by ukrainian forces to cross the seversky donetsk river. in these frames, heavy flamethrowers from the sun are covering the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in a populated area. indisputable. russia has begun to use the new dragon flamethrower system, the tv channel velik states. russia is demonstrating new weapons there at the front, bringing in all the new weapons that we see here again. this is a flamethrower or rocket launcher that fires thermobaric bombs so it can create a shock wave and then a vacuum. and now it is being used more and more often. production of tos-1 and tos-2 increased by 250%.
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continues to slip. barel made a proposal to produce weapons and ammunition for the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of ukraine. this happened after a massive fire at the plant. dale in berlin. the company, in particular, produces
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arist air defense systems, which germany supplies to the fsu. the fire at the plant started on friday and has not yet been extinguished. firefighters recognize that if they are helpless, everything that can still burn will burn. a fire is accompanied by the release of toxic substances. a toxic cloud has enveloped areas of berlin. classes have been canceled at schools. the authorities recommend that people do not open the windows of their houses or go out. outside unless absolutely necessary. this is the third such incident at nato military-industrial complex enterprises in the past month. in mid-april , an explosion occurred at a large military plant of the bae systems company in wales. at the same time, a fire broke out at the general dynamics plant in scranton, america. both affected factories specialize in 15mm artillery shells, which...
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over extinguishing the fire, however, according to the representative, the fire can only be controlled from the outside of the factory, not from the inside, while it is not yet clear how the fire started. according to the fire service recorded the burning of sulfuric acid and hydrogen cyanide. the fire occurred on the second floor of a metal processing plant owned by the diehl technology group. the company has a weapons division, which company officials say does not produce such products within the city. according to media reports , there is no indication that the fire broke out from outside. the fire in the building
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of the diehl technology group caused an international outcry, since some of the companies produce military equipment for ukraine. according to german media, the fire did not affect the production of the air defense system and rist and will not in any way affect the supply of air defense systems and rist components to ukraine. the berlin plant is a galvanizing plant for the automotive sector, the company said in response to a query from journalists. chinese leader shizen continues his european tour. negotiations today. in an expanded composition , ursulla fondern is sitting at the table with macron, it has already been stated that they are discussing ukraine and the middle east. please, vladimirich. let me start with i’ll start right away from the end, and then i’ll continue in the middle. well, what did comrade xi come with, he came with a round number, the volume of external ones. trade between the european union and china, which
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today is equal to $800 billion, of which $400 billion is a deficit on the part of the european union. and this deficit has grown in 10 years from 40 billion to 400. can you imagine, if it goes further, this is a slope, into what? then it will turn into europe, that’s why the trade deficit, that is , china doesn’t need anything european, yes, that’s why the giant arrived, and what will happen now fonden declares at the negotiating table, defending the interests of the eu, naturally, this will be like small jabs at china for promoting chinese cars on the european market, for the fact that china... protects european high technologies, and so on and
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so forth. now i come to the end, what will happen after this visit? and after this visit there will be a report from macron to the european union; a preliminary report has already taken place during his recent meeting with scholz. here is a report to american president biden, in about a month, when he visits france. from the point of view of china, from the point of view of continuation, from the point of view of this amplitude of chinese and chinese positioning in the world, this will naturally be a visit of our president to china in may, then there will be a summit of the sco member states in astana, and most importantly, this is natural also the brix summit. in kazan, so now
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you can extrapolate both diplomatically and politically, as you want, that’s what each of the closest parties will say. that china is a closed market for the european union, that the european union is going to further limit chinese penetration of europe and so on and so forth, but naturally, it will also depend on what will be said between macron and sidempin during their pyrenean dinner in the pyrenees, which is why it is absolutely clear, clearly important to predict that from the outside naturally, it is important for china, the emphasis
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on the continuation of bilateral trade, economic, pragmatic relations with europe is important, protect it. chinese interests, here is the continuation of comprehensive cooperation with the european union and so on further, will this perenean meeting soften, will soften sidzenpin’s position, because there is such a romantic area around it, yes, macron visited there with his grandmother, this place means a lot to him, all european newspapers are now writing about macro’s grandmother , as for the newspaper. his statement of french troops in ukraine and
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so on, and naturally he must take on the responsibility, which...
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the position of china and the position of macron are absolutely clear, which is one way or another under american pressure and under pressure naturally other european countries. this is approximately the situation today. another interesting thing, of course, is the reaction of this trio of negotiations, which is meeting right now in paris to the message from our ministry of defense about holding exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces. which will take place in the near future, because it is clear that this is a step, as dmitry said, training on the escalation ladder. we'll be back. may 9, the main holiday in russia.
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exactly at 8 am, our holiday channel will begin with the release of news. in the studio of the russia tv channel the telethon starts. victory, the whole country honors the heroes of the great war, everyone who fought on the front line, everyone who worked in the rear, everyone who brought this day closer, everyone who won. we wholeheartedly congratulate the veterans, their descendants and those who continue our glorious military traditions today. the whole country is watching the live broadcasts. exclusive interviews and reports at 10:00 am there is a big parade, live broadcast from red square, the whole country is watching the best russian films about
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the war, the legendary t-34, that the soldiers are running out, what's on us? enough for the first time on television there is a big film premiere of “the righteous”, but there is no other road to this shore, no, only a bridge. on the air of the russia tv channel , victory music will be heard, since the curly maple and green leaf are carved throughout the country, we listen to our main songs on victory day.
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isselev’s report on how the withdrawal of jews from the villeisk region to the soviet rear took place. their task is to survive and get there, and there is no choice. the true story of a righteous man.
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western politicians who supply extremely missile weapons are calling for irresponsible scoundrels to use them throughout russia. this statement was made by deputy chairman of the russian security council medved. he emphasized that the total degradation of the ruling class in west could lead to world war iii. the head of the russian foreign ministry, lavrov, noted that his british counterpart cameron clearly did not repent of his words.
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russophobia, cave russophobia, which macron is now simply breathing, it is necessary in order to try to become a leader in europe, riding this topic, please complete, in this regard, i would like to once again give two examples on the ukrainian plot, this is first how will sidinping’s negotiations with macron regarding the possible or impossible participation of china, the so-called conference on ukraine in switzerland, it seems to me that in principle the chinese side is unlikely to agree to participate, the only question is that if it agrees, at what level it will do so. and the second point, very
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important, and the so-called formula that he put forward.
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slavia and hungary will continue to follow, hungary must show which path europe should take in contacts with china and so on, taking into account chinese interest and hungarian interest in large-scale cooperation, primarily investment in areas of trade and economic relations between the two countries. xi and orban will open an automobile plant. in general, the automotive topic, electric cars have already occupied 25% of the european market, of course, this infuriates automakers in both germany and france, as well as other european countries, there is nothing to be done except patronage.
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nuclear weapons, which are intended to cool the consciousness of western politicians, they completely forgot about the lessons of many decades when humanity had nuclear weapons. its essence is that that nuclear powers should not fight each other, and nuclear weapons from this point of view, they can destroy humanity, but they can also prevent big wars, in fact... which is what it has been doing for all these decades, how many contradictions we have had with americans, westerners for decades, but there was no direct military clash due to the fact that the politicians
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had more intelligence and less of the reckless irresponsibility that western politicians have now, so sober up a little macron, and the team of biden and cameron and others, and these... teachings are called upon, i think that he will also tell him about this, of course, in such a very gentle manner characteristic of china, but he will tell him something like this: get over yourself, macron, don’t drag humanity nowhere, this is the first, one of the most important, i think, this will be the perenean meeting, and now about their actual negotiations, here i will tell you what the logic of these relations is with china. a big strategic task, perhaps for several decades, he needs for development of high technologies, and he decided to take the americans, it doesn’t work out, let’s take these high technologies, we and the goods, we give you,
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so to speak, this money, we invest in the european economy, we begin to jointly develop infrastructure, almost all the ports in europe have already been bought the chinese, yes, we are investing money in european infrastructure, that’s absolutely right, this is the proposal, you said the deficit, that’s right, i think the conversation there will be something like this, which means that xi says, well, let’s, no, first he says, let’s reduce the number of chinese of goods going to europe, so that there won’t be such a shortage, he tells him, on the contrary, let’s increase the quantity.
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no strategic alliance will work out, this will be one of the main results of the axis, they may be happy for the europeans, secretly from the americans, but you can’t hide from the americans, guys, they will get you everywhere, because they are sitting inside you everywhere, their agents, half of your governments, this is kind of the drama of this development, but one more thing, it is of course connected with the ukrainian, what macron says, which means i, frankly speaking, i can, as you know, reconstruct a little, well, what will macron
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say, because from what he says publicly, let russia give up everything and go to these territories, so that she will forget that she is advancing, that she can win, and you... the leaders of the world, so i think the supply of the majority of f-16 aircraft to ukraine by the chinese leadership also once looked like a crazy idea, yes. i think that
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macron will offer him something else, which means, and i think, you know, the chinese proposal is that the most important thing is that stop hostilities, along the line of current military contact, and then begin negotiations, but at the same time, the chinese, of course, would like russian interests to be taken into account in the sense that ukraine was not anti-russian and did not turn into a land plot for a future war, oh as putin clearly and clearly said, we are ready. for peace, but it should be peace, and not a truce, for the time when you rearm the ukrainian army, the war will begin again to an even greater extent, but i think that the negotiations will be on the ukrainian plot, around this plot, well and of course, macron will try to persuade him to have china take part in the swiss conference, but frankly speaking, the conference in switzerland is not a peace conference, it is a war conference. and deception, western leaders want
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to drag the leaders of the global south into use as fools in the interests, so to speak, of their program of eternal war. let’s go back, alexander yatsenko, we didn’t leave them, they are coming after us, behind us, this is a war, and we are part of it, in a war you don’t choose your division, and the jews are here. not peaceful people, they are killed by enemies, which means they must fight enemies, their task is to survive and get there, film by sergei orsulyak, and there is no choice, righteous man, premiere, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr.
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always good ones, complete confidence in impunity, where this confidence comes from, from experience. there are things that are not immediately visible, they are veiled, they are closed, but they exist, they live, those on whom the security of our country and its future depend need to know, since there is no esagon tv today on rtr, attention to everyone, we are entering the zone german patrol, premiere for victory day.
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development throughout the world, said chinese president xidin ping at a trilateral meeting with perhaps the main eu hawks. the head of the european commission, ursula vonderlein, and french president macron. ursula called on asi to help stop the russian special operation. macron will continue to urge the chinese leader to support
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the west's approach to the ukrainian conflict this evening at a round table with the participation of the french and chinese delegations, as well as at a gala dinner at the elysee palace. the international situation, more than ever, requires this dialogue between china and europe. speaking of our europe, i want to say that we are experiencing a turning point in our history that requires us to overcome. china and the european union should adhere to the positions of partnership, dialogue and cooperation and strategic communication, promote healthy china-
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eu relations, and continuously contribute to world peace and development. both china and the eu have common interests in peace and security, as well as the protection of peace. rules-based order, we intend to stop russia's war of aggression in ukraine and establish a just peace. our european subcorrespondent daria grigorova is communicating directly from belgrade, where, by the way, sidin pin will arrive tomorrow. daria, hello, of course, this meeting is taking place against the backdrop of incredible escalation, macron promises a foreign legion or other french armed forces in ukraine, we hear from the leader. minorities in congress that america can supply its armed forces, we are in answer today we announce the holding of nuclear, tactical exercises, while forces, giving you the floor, yes, evgeny, good afternoon,
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indeed, shizen pin is already in paris, this is the first trip of the president of the people's republic of china to an eu country in the last 5 years, yesterday he was at arly airport . we were greeted very solemnly. shizen ping is accompanied on the trip by his wife pen liuan. the french media have already discussed her image today. the wife of the chinese leader chose an elegant burgundy color for her arrival in rainy paris. coat, together they went down the plane, met them prime minister gabriel ottal and also a member of the standing committee of the politburo of the communist party of china, tsaiqi, and foreign minister wang, also arrived in europe as part of the chinese delegation, all this speaks of the level of this visit for both the french side and the chinese side. this morning, at the elsey palace, sedzinpin was officially received by french president macron, and an official ceremony took place. negotiations are currently underway at the nursing home, and not only bilateral, the president
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macron is trying to show a united european front here and invited the chairman, as you have already said, invited the president of the european commission ursula von derleen to join the negotiations in paris. at the same time, fonderlia has repeatedly accused china of seeking global hegemony and warned that relations between europe and beijing will depend on which relations. what actions china will take in relation to ukraine and russia, footage has now appeared from this meeting, where president macron convinces the chairman the prc will support the eu in its approach to ukraine. he said that the international situation obviously requires european-chinese dialogue more than ever, but here we see that the french president clearly wants to show himself as the leader of all of europe, but here his statement is difficult to call. followers, consistent, because the day before, on the one hand, he told the newspaper la tribune that
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he would discuss with the president of the people's republic of china the conclusion of the olympic truce in all theaters of military operations in the world, including ukraine, on the other hand, macron again raises the topic possible sending of the french contingent to ukraine, in his last interview, literally on friday, to the west france newspaper, he said that he explained in what case he could send troops, and such a pretext he called the breakthrough of the front by russian troops, receiving an official request from side of the kiev regime. in fact, these words are another step in preparing french public opinion to be drawn into the ukrainian conflict. military experts say parallel efforts are underway to support the potential deployment, and it is worth noting here an article by one of the former american military officials for the asia times. in it, the author claims that the supposed dispatch
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of foreign legion soldiers to the slavs has already taken place. france has not yet officially commented on this information, perhaps there is simply no time now , in connection with the visit of the chinese leader, but for now it rather looks like another action to prepare public opinion, but the fact is that advisers, instructors, technical specialists , yes mercenaries from france, may have been present for a long time, the war continued there,
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in fact, hostilities, that is , what other option do you see cessation directly signs on behalf of the diplomacy of the european union, yes, we europe are for the bloodshed to continue, as long as it takes, that is in fact, as ... boris johnson said until the last drop of blood, here, here is the whole cynical policy, like 25 years ago, humanitarian bombings, so now humanitarian supplies of weapons so that more ukrainians there really died, that's when they talk now, there is a big panic, in fact there is in the western media about the statement about, well, training of the russian armed forces, and testing - strikes with nuclear weapons, so...
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presents, well, in any case, let they really know that russia has such opportunities, has such abilities, now, say, the european press with the financial times.
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we will destroy these objects and don’t doubt it, well, well, there’s no need to doubt it, definitely, but, but to the europeans it’s better not to know about this, just as not to know that in russia they are showing really captured western military equipment, of course, for the whole first year of the north military district they generally tried, so they cleared information from everywhere about the three to seven captured there, armored vehicles and so on, in general, well now it’s just difficult to hide, the resonance from this exhibition on poklonnaya hill is too great. well, and yet they are still trying to somehow say there: no, i don’t see anything of this, i don’t know anything of this, it’s kind of like stoltenberg, yes, it seems like this is this - an exhibition of weapons for trophy, but it seems like it’s not there, don’t look there, as you remember the famous film, don’t look up, and here they call for it, what also interested me is zelensky’s speech on easter, notice,
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suddenly he changed the color of his embroidery, suddenly he performed in... in white, which you already know, it’s strange, by the way, it’s surprising that he still celebrates easter according to the orthodox calendar, although it seems that everything has already been translated into catholic ones, yes, but what else i pay attention to is that he missed congratulating everyone on easter, yes, his grandfather’s centenary the truly famous warrior-liberator semyon zelensky, on whom he promoted himself when he was running for president, remember, yes, before the elections he posed with... he turned 100 years old on may 5th, just on the day of this easter, i didn’t notice at all and everything is no longer interesting the current bandera ukraine does not fit into this concept, but
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it is necessary to send fighters under other slogans and fighters to the front in order to provide the formula. for women, yes, it describes how they work as prostitutes, by the way, i’m not joking, they describe how granny is doing there sixty-year-old ukrainians are suddenly in demand among young africans, well, they are there, which means they arrange fictitious marriages in order to secure residence permits thanks to these refugees, and the men need to go to the front, again , this very thing must be provided to the last
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drop of blood, all ukrainian men they don’t want to see it in europe, we’ll come back. new russian cinema, i'm after my brother, now i have to find her, love is proof of life, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, in a couple of days you'll go there, to the gray wife, i i'll come back for you, do you hear, call sign passenger. may 10 on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, and use a bulky vacuum cleaner
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time has no power, songs of victory, ildar abdrazakov’s festive concert on may 10 on rtr. so, comrade, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defenses in the crimea, the premiere for victory day, but i only have four planes on the move, i received the order, carry out, take off like snow up to the waist, flies, check, commander, the engines will stop , the temperature is off the charts, if losses are detected, it is unavoidable, carry out supplies, fighters, the battle for crimea, today on rtr. winter does not want to go on vacation, heavy snowfalls in tatarstan, persky
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krai, chuvash and sverdlovsk region. the perm-ekaterinburg federal highway is stopped. the cars cannot move. the road is getting more and more swept away. gas stations do not work due to lack of electricity. in the sverdlovsk city of dektyarsko, a state of emergency has been declared due to heavy snowfall. mayor of the city vadim pilnik. canceled classes in schools and kindergartens on may 6. it will probably be snowy this week in moscow and st. petersburg. the hydrometeorological center said: that the cold will be brought by air masses that come from the barin sea. tomorrow the temperature will drop below zero. this is for now, this is for yekaterinburg. half a pile of snow fell. knee, that's how much snow has piled up, friends,
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look, and the urals, check out what the weather is like here, probably 15 centimeters of snow fell, it looks like it's not going to stop, today it's going to be a long time, apparently it's snowing, it's very cool, look at the news, there were 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, hello, on the russia tv channel, in the denis planchukov studio, and most importantly, to this o'clock. signal for western countries russia holding.


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