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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 6, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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may 9, the main holiday in russia. exactly at 8 am our holiday channel will begin with the release of news. the victory day telethon starts in the studio of the rossiya tv channel. the whole country honors the heroes of the great war, everyone who fought.
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the whole country is watching the best russian films about the war, the legendary t-34, that the soldiers have run out, that we have enough for a century, for the first time on television there is a big film premiere of “the righteous”. is there no other way to get to this shore? no, just a bridge, let's go, the music of victory will be played on the rossiya tv channel: since you're curly, everyone country we listen to sing, our main songs. where
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a deadly fire and a festive release of the song program awaits us with all my heart. according to tradition, on this great unforgettable day we will sing our most favorite war songs. we are waiting for you at our festive table. the whole country is celebrating. russia notes. victory day, in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, silence does not even breathe, we are leaving defectors. wondering at the love of the sun to
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the depths of your heart and to the depths of your soul. hello, this is our program. the orenburg region experienced the most powerful flood in its history. a destroyed dam, mass evacuations, tens of thousands of houses under water. isn't this a reason to unite and help each other? today in our studio a hero from flooded orenburg will tell a story about caring mutual assistance. just like that, 2,500 kilograms per second fly out. let's all swim now. big water came to the orenburg region on april 5 in the evening. the city in the north of the region was the first to be hit by the elements. orsk. water is rapidly flowing into the old part city ​​of orsk. this is an airmobile group
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of the russian ministry of emergency situations from perm, they are preparing boats for the evacuation of residents. the dam could not withstand the storm of water. in a matter of seconds, thousands of residential buildings were under water. many fled from their homes without even having time to take what they needed. and after a few days , trouble came to orenburg itself. san, unfortunately, this is your home, it’s not there at all. the level of the urals rapidly rose to 12 m. hundreds of people lost everything they had accumulated over the years, let's see how much it is it’s only the beginning of a big process that started the flood, the animals were absolutely defenseless against the onslaught of the flow, let’s go out onto land when you raise them. they
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are shaking, they are scared, they are cold, and as if they understand that they have been betrayed, this is the most terrible thing to see in their eyes, large water swept away everything in its path, some had to rely only on themselves. thus , galina bashkirova, the mother of four children and the spouse of an air force fighter, was left alone with the elements. water began to enter the house with this sides. for several days i didn’t sleep at all. now she is six months pregnant, and her husband is on the front line. there was no one nearby at the time of the disaster. i was afraid that all of a sudden it would all be so bad that we would be left without a jury at all. meanwhile, the flood reached sorochinsk. there's more of everything here. the private sector suffered, buildings went under water, people helped each other in whatever way they could, this is how the stink comes out of our country, even teenagers joined in the rescue, we saved 54 people, eight cats and four dogs, like a common misfortune brought together thousands of people;
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the consequences of the largest flood in the history of the orenburg region will be told by those who were suddenly deprived of everything by a terrible disaster. in our studio we have a resident of orenburg, oksana urenkova. hello oksana. hello. hello, oksana. how did it all start when? water began to approach houses on april 4. but then the residents didn’t think it would be so scary. they didn't warn you about this? they warned, yes, a few days in advance, a week in advance, the car was driving a car equipped through the streets, warned that there would be a flood, precisely along those streets that were there. included in the emergency zone, but, of course, people’s expectations were not met, they thought that it would all pass, that is, you knew, you were warned that there would be trouble, but did not understand its scale, yes, yes, but there were those who understood, immediately, felt and
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reacted correctly, well, the old residents who had already encountered this, yes, they, of course, were already ready. what, what do you need to prepare for, here i am in this flooded territory, i’ve been living quite recently, and for me this, of course, was a shock when you yourself realized that the matter was serious, on the night from the fourth to the fifth, that the water would not stop, that it would not stop, that it was moving on and yes, that it was necessary to save what we had acquired. how much water there was at that time , the water rose to the level of a meter in the house, wow, what floor is your first, first floor, one-story house, private sector, well, that is , we were preparing for one, in advance, of course, we prepared, that’s it, what was in the house,
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they tried to lift it, household appliances, furniture, clothes, but not everything could withstand the pressure of the water, then that is, it came quickly and... in a flood, everything that was lifted on the structures, these structures were washed away, and that is, the furniture, of course, all the household appliances, everything ended up in the water, and how quickly does it generally come, this water comes, in the morning i i took my son maxim and my mother to friends so that my mother wouldn’t see how quickly she was coming, that is , when i took them away, the water began to come faster and faster. hurry up, it was just a seething stream, it was, well, scary to look at it, so i came back, it was 2:10, and that is, the water was already knee-deep, it’s on the street, it’s already natural, yes, i started to enter the house,
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the street is long, very quickly, yes, about, well, here’s a section of the street, about half a kilometer, and that is, it filled up very quickly, let’s see what condition your house is in now? of course, you can’t walk through our cellar in slippers, you need to change your shoes, the water keeps coming and going, it’s impossible to get further, literally in one morning we woke up and everything was in the water, the water arrived very quickly, absolutely everything was floating here, the house, then it was damaged very badly, the water level is visible, that is, here it is up to the window there were cracks all over the house, along the foundation, it was very, very painful.
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“we are trying to raise normal boys, there must be real men who can and do something not with their tongues on the phone, but can simply come help, lend a shoulder. this is his whole family, i don’t know where we will live, because and an elderly mother, a son, i, i can’t
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imagine. oksana, please imagine the men who appeared in our studio, this is alexey ivanovich, fomenko, who offered his shoulder and did not abandon yours in difficult times. friend, yes, we have known each other for a long time, we worked together, then our children became friends and... we are friends and let’s introduce them too, who is whose? this is my son maxim, very nice, maxim, this is my son alexey ivan, very nice, it turns out that you are heroes, it turns out so, class, without false modesty i will say that there is, that is, yes, how many people you saved, 54 people, even they counted, yes, well , they were still there, and they also saved animals, yes, cats, dogs, we recorded them there, but the police, well, they counted.
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yes, they took us out first, i was at the maxim with an overnight stay, spent the night with him, in the morning water came, we were taken out of there, along with his grandmother, after that, probably closer to lunch, our parents brought us there, well , we said that we would help, on the second day we had no one they didn’t notify us, and they left early in the morning, cold water, guys, very, in general, what the weather was like at that time, how many degrees it was, the first day, more or less, on the very first day, when the water was rising. and then it rained all 2 days, we got wet, terrible rain, yes,
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very heavily on the second day. alexey, here you are, how reacted to the fact that your son, a child, essentially a child, well, let’s be honest, went on such a dangerous event, you know, when the parents, well , a situation happened, the house burned down, so people came, helped, some even know how, well , they carried water in their palms, well, someone tried to help somehow, after that i’m... proud of such children, well, i realized that you know, how the world is not without kind people, someone helps like that, you know how not for money, not for anything like that, but from the bottom of my heart, you know somehow, here i am only after that, probably i saw, guys, what was the worst thing was when they came, well, on a call, we had a call, a call? how does this call happen? well, it turns out that people, that’s who needed help, they called the administration, we
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had a person from the administration, he received calls, he informed us, we took a boat, put on our suits, they told you the address, yes, yes, it’s our first day there was an administration employee, then, an administration employee was aware that minors, young children do such work, it’s just not interesting, or there there was no time at all to choose, to choose, you know, somehow there was no time, of course. it’s the first day there, well, to such an extent there, imagine, they took away one grandmother on a stretcher, she’s paralyzed, there ’s water like that, this is the very first day, before the boys had time to arrive, well, when, where to wait until she drowns or she will choke there, and she has a second granny there, and there are a lot of people there, thousands of people, van, you started talking about what the worst thing was, you got into the boat, started approaching the house, there somewhere near there was some kind of sewer hatch... but we started to get stuck right in it very very, wow, it was, that was the most terrible thing,
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like in a swamp it turns out, it just sucked you in, yes, yes, and there the depth was like that, like that , we saw them wearing suits, here in the very last house, when they walked, there under the suit, in short, like this, that is, there we taught them to take the boat, hold on to the boat when they walk, well that is, there is always someone adult present there, either there or from the svvo, the cossacks were with us. or there's a police officer, well, that is, someone... he walked anyway, he might just fall through there and if he scoops up water in this suit, that’s it. there is little chance of dragging. maxim, what do you remember most? - do you remember how they started knitting him and when they fell through the hatch? one of the adults fell under the hatch, oh god, he was under water, it was completely open and how - he almost left, and how did you get him out of there? we took hands, there was another adult with us, we managed to catch him, and after
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these situations we experienced, there was no desire to stop and go home. no desires it was because we understood that we needed to help people, let’s see a story about how you saved people while the flood had already receded, but on some, well, there is still water left in the streets, if it works out now, then we’ll probably go somewhere else -maybe we can help someone else, this suit, it’s , as it were, a little holey, there are small holes in it, it was leaking from the boat. they went out, well , in order, as you say, to save more people, one walked in front here, held a rope, like that, there was a long rope, dragging behind him on the sides, we were in the water, starting from 17 in the morning or from 7:00 until late at night, we saved 54 people, eight cats and four dogs, we
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opened the gate, swam there by boat to the steps, first we evacuated the grandmother, then the cat together with my grandfather,
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my legs were moving apart, these are my spagi, i thought, i think, it might collapse, most likely, and then i thought, oh well, there will be one end, here the fingers are climbing, this is the jamb that has risen, on the other side there is up there the wall just burst, it will dry out, the deformation will continue, deformation my foundation, and it will just collapse, and well, i don’t know, well, that means i’m with him, oh, boys, my good ones, hello, hello, hello, my good ones, first place, thank you, just, thank you, i hope that for all your goodness , fate will simply reward you, i absolutely
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agree, guys, everything will be fine with you, better than anyone else, but were there any moments?
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maxim and vanya, we would like to invite you to our academy, where we will show and tell you how fire professionals are trained. we are very happy, these two cadets, mikhail babinkov and amir kulov, it was no coincidence that they became rescuers, at the age of 13 misha, here. from the water of a drowning boy, and the world alone extinguished the neighbor's house, they are waiting for you, go, they will give you a tour, and you will join the friendly ranks of rescuers. of course, during natural disasters it is not only people who need to be saved, but also animals. let's see a story about this. right now they said that the dog needs
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help, the dog is standing on a pole, snt rus, southern urals. 11 minutes turn right. that's it, let's go. the first days of the leash, we went straight out in the morning and there were days that we worked straight until the next morning. i have lived all my life in the orenburg region. i just couldn't stay away. people gave boats, people also gave boat trailers, and food for dogs, cats, without people we wouldn’t have done so much, the whole situation is reminiscent of some horror films, when you only saw it in movies before, you know how to balance it, there we are three little kittens and a mother, and now this is in your hometown, and even one life, it’s worth a lot in any case, we saw closed animals in enclosures, hello my girlfriend. ready to go, we saw animals sitting on chains, people leaving, simply leaving their animals to certain death, when you pick them up, they are shaking, they are scared,
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they are cold, and as if they understand that they have been betrayed, this the worst thing is to see in their eyes, if you look at the building, the water has risen to almost 12 m, when you are on the ground, you understand the scale of the whole disaster, we were driving after the dog and absolutely by accident we heard that there were two goats standing on the porch, the water had risen so strong the goat just plunges, floats up, plunges, floats up, without thinking, i don’t know how deep it is, i jumped into the water, poor thing, life and death, she was right here nearby, hello, sweetie, now we’ll help you, he’s in a wetsuit, in the waders there if you don’t come in, the food is under small food, andrey, look where. i’ve already been eating for a week, it’s all down to his bones, guys, push him, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, and then stare at him and feed him, he doesn’t bother yet, yes, yes, then i see, you asked about
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emotions, well, what do you see in the eyes of dogs, first of all, the dog’s fear is visible, then you can see gratitude, now the clinic, plenty of drink, warmth, the dog will be fine, i have loved animals since childhood, we always had cats in the house, when i became an independent adult, i got myself dogs, sometimes things are difficult for me now. and i also have a mongrel, coming home at night, she meets me, i took her, hugged her tightly and simply told her that you have no idea what is happening around, how happy you are a dog, in our studio, a resident of orenburg, roman grunin, hello, hello, roman, hello, how did the flood begin for you, with information about a large discharge from irekla, and in the first days i understood that there would be... a lot of water, the first thing i did was i announced a call on people on my social networks so that they, here are those who are in the flood zone, so that they are saved, it was april 4,
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april 5 i worked, and also on social networks i saw a call from people that one of the shelters, dogs, began to drown, and it was necessary to transfer this shelter to another shelter, i went there, i had an ordinary rubber rowing boat, i pumped her up. went to the place, and we transported these dogs, how many dogs can fit in the boat, there were dogs that were not entirely calm, i guess, so there were two of us in the boat, we put one dog in the boat, one person on the oars, one holding the dog, that is they took out one dog at a time, there were about 40 dogs in that shelter, and it was such a rather complicated, difficult operation to save them, but nevertheless, the first day right before nightfall, well, the whole shelter managed. brought, then you decided to save other animals, like me on my social networks i show that i went to rescue, i help, and people began to donate to me where
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help is needed, the next day they sent a lot of requests, and we have a husky kennel, and he just started to drown, and these huskies howled, and we the next day we went there, there were already a lot of people there, but nevertheless i went there too, and after... there were a lot of calls, and i understood that if i didn’t go, then a lot of animals would remain in trouble, they will simply die, not only nurseries, but they were exported, there are also there are many animals that you somehow found and rescued, like the same thing on social networks, orenburg was already screaming, just screaming, they came to me, well, without exaggeration, hundreds of messages that somewhere they needed help, and somewhere this there were animal owners, somewhere they were neighbors. somewhere these were simply caring people who, when leaving their home, saw that the animal was in danger, they sent all this to me on my personal page,
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they were already created. we arrived, they tell us that there are dogs in an enclosure, we drive up, and it’s flooded roof, you realize that there are dogs there, it’s some kind of horror, it’s scary, it’s scary, this is not an isolated incident, a lot of dogs were left on chains, yes, well, we won’t go into the reasons now why this happened, but some- some of the most memorable cases, all the cases, i can say that they... because
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all this is painful to watch, but there is a video, when we were asked to take a person out, there was a dog in the neighboring house, that is, we approached, she was already right up to our necks in water, it was shaking, we crossed through the gate and well they took her away, that is, well, there are many such cases, well, this is every day, that is, for 8 days we did this without...
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takes it as aggression, but there is no such moment here for you to choose how to approach you, then there is something in you, you need to grab her by the withers, throw her, they bit, they growled, but then, when she is in the boat, the most aggressive dog rides calmly, because she understands where she is in danger, further in the program, orenburg resident galina bashkirova had to alone to save the children's property, i was afraid that... suddenly in general, all this will be very much, we will be left without any fat at all, an unexpected surprise, tears of happiness of the bashkirov family. so, comrade, our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening his defenses indoors, the premiere is for
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victory day, yes, i have... only four aircraft on the move, i received the order, carry out, take off as fast as the snow flies, check, commander, the engines will stop , the temperature is off the charts, if losses are detected, it cannot be avoided, perform touches, fighters, the battle for crimea, today on rtr, cleaning floors is tedious and dirty process. rotating is torture for you, your back and arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the brand new livington
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bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence , wooden, stone or metal, when contamination appears, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call from... night, this holiday is good because it unites generations, songs from the bottom of our hearts, a big holiday release on may 9 on rtr.
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earlier in the program, the destruction of the dam became a real tragedy for thousands of people from the orenburg region. tears, tears is not the right word, i just want to fall asleep and not wake up. young residents of sorochinsk maxim urenkov and ivan fomenko evacuated 54 people, eight cats and four dogs during the flood. so, are you heroes? it turns out this way, i’ll say it without false modesty. an entrepreneur from orenburg, roman grunin left his business to devote all his time to saving animals. the goat just dips, floats, dips, floats. without hesitation, not knowing how deep it was, i jumped into the water and, poor thing. life death she was right here nearby, we have a story for you about the beast you saved, let 's see, let's go, let's go, let's go, waiter, waiter, let's go, here it is, here it is, hello, hello, my dear, we've been through enough ,
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you've had enough, miss you, miss you, go home soon, let's go back, our house was flooded up to the second floor, the dog was with friends in foster care, he ran away from the foster care and ran to look for his... home, i believed, i waited for him to return, finally, i cried a lot for him, that he could be there drown, he doesn’t know how to swim, we went to three places where rescuers go for animals, we were refused, and just then a boat with roman was coming, and my husband said: well, our dog is drowning there, please take it, romash says , well, let's go, the village of dubovy plyos, one of the first to completely go under water, there was a water, but near the house we chose him, he... stood on some kind of pile of garbage, on some branches, boards, walter, come here, come to us, hello, he doesn’t understand what’s happening, the dog just comes back home, she 's watching there, she's waiting, she's guarding her home to the last, that's it, that's it, land, well, sushi, we
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escaped, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, the dog escaped from the water on a tree, absolutely all the paws were cut so that he was covered in blood, the child was drowning, the dog was saved on... a drowning man's hill garbage, in general we were shocked, of course, when we found out and saw that he had run in to look for the house, he almost reached the house and swam. roman is very good, he saves his stomach. because roman has a good heart, that's why they do it. roman, you are very good. you have a good heart. thank you, that's true. but are such cases when a rescued dog finds its owners common? yes, it has often happened that we go to rescue dogs, there, knowing who their owners are, yes, we pick them up and simply hand them over to the owners, but here there was a case, it was a coincidence. we're like taken out once. this dog, which i just told about from neighbors, that is
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, they were taking out a person, we swim up to the shore with this dog, people come up to us, and they say that they saw there, there is a dog, help, we say, show the way, we’ll go, that is, we went and took her, it was so lucky that people told you after the worst was over, there were a lot of kind words, words of support, they said that i was a hero there, we are heroes, our whole team, and what about parents mine raised a worthy person, it was very nice to hear without being involved in social networks, these are thousands of messages, i open my direct message, i scroll through, there is no end or edge, when people write words of gratitude and i still haven’t been able to read all the messages, i would like to i answered with pleasure, but it is simply impossible to do, well, now everyone has been answered, i say thank you very much for your support, because without such support i could not have done it, without the support
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of people, without the support of the team that joined me, i want to say thank you to the people, who were with me in the boat, the people who supported us financially, morally, and just with a kind word, this gives us a lot of strength, there is a reason for it, yes, we also really want to support you, just say a big human thank you for you and your team pulled it all off, well, few people can do this with...
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the phone number of our studio, we will help you find each other. many rescued people have found new homes, but what happens? you can’t imagine how much people responded and what, well, let’s call it a grid, as it is was distributed throughout our city, that is , we pull out this animal, we are met on the shore by our teams, these are girls who further distribute these animals, food is brought to us, food is brought to us, the animals are distributed to someone for... care , someone to a shelter, if we realized that the animal was simply
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ownerless, we rescued some puppies there from some abandoned house, we tried to immediately find them a home, that is, not just send them to foster care, but were already looking for their owners. romance, with a goat, that's what to do, for example, with the goat had an interesting situation, when they got her out, one goat was more or less normal, the second had already swallowed some water, she was just in such a semi-conscious state, and she... was pulled out, put in a boat, taken to the shore, there was an ambulance, girls from the ambulance they came up and asked if she needed some help, we said, well, most likely she swallowed, took in some water, and well, probably yes, she needs help, they said, put her in the ambulance, we put her in into the ambulance, they pumped out her water, gave her some kind of injection, and this kaza, she had already recovered in our presence, when she was sent for foster care, they sent us a video that everything was fine with the goat, she... was standing, eating, drinking, everything was fine with her, and the donkey,
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the donkey was there, the donkey was also there, this another story, another story, it was interesting with donkey, everything is fine with him, they just left him at the recreation center, people started sending in the same way, hundreds of applications for this little donkey, what are they guys, help save him, but we took out only dogs there, that’s it on the same day we had this valtar, a shepherd dog, and some other dogs were taken out, already when got free, went after this donkey, they... were there with the goat, they arrived, they were standing, knee-deep in the water, waiting, we didn’t doubt much, weren’t worried about what to do with him, we had previously taken two people out in one small boat alabaev. one, probably, these were able to cope with one donkey from one goat, more flexible, yes, yes, that is, i understood that we had dealt with two allabais, there was nothing complicated, we bandaged his legs, put him in a boat, one held his head, the other legs, the other sits on the engine, steers, we the three of us were already in the boat, did it all without any problems, the second in the boat, not counting, not counting
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the donkey, these are stories, we have a story about a large family... a mother who took not only children, but also four-legged animals from a flooded house his friends. let 's see, i never thought that this would affect us, but it was literally all in one night, everything was in the water, this is our house that got into this trouble, i didn’t know where, what, my husband wasn’t around, i'm alone in a situation with four children, i haven't slept at all for days because i was afraid that suddenly all this would be very serious, we would be left without housing at all, my husband would be nearby, i would have been able to bear it all easier, of course, otherwise you worry about him, you worry about everything here, the water is still in
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it’s worth it in the cellar, you can even see that the water was standing like that, it was very painful, scary, there was such a moment that i was already... sitting in this puddle and crying, can you, can you lift me, my legs hurt, my muscles hurt, dad ours, we miss you very much, it’s very difficult without him, i hope this war will end soon, and he will come home to his family, to his boys, are the children crazy? new year's gifts for us, we love you all, thank you for not forgetting us, you are with us, thank you again, victory will be ours, boys, let's go remove the doors, okay, here when the water stood, all the soil fell , fell through, our door came off, while
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our house was standing in the water, we had to wander around a little, people who also got into such trouble helped, at least... where to spend the night, now we are huddled in cramped conditions, but no offense, here we are my eldest two are sleeping, here i sleep with the youngest two, my sister sleeps in the next room, in addition to this we also had two dogs, two puppies, a cat with five kittens, then kind people still helped, they built my sun, my little bead, like this so we run into things all day... we get confused, and then we sleep sweetly. in such trouble, yes, everyone should be for each other, help, there is no other way. in our studio we have the wife of a svo participant, mother of many children, galina bashkirova. hello. hello. we can't even imagine that you
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what have you experienced, what have you been through, and what strength do you have? well, alone. with four children, the fifth is about to happen, your husband’s, well, everything you could think of, it all came together, that’s what was the hardest thing about this for you, the hardest thing is that you’ll wake up , everything around is in the water and i’m alone, what ’s more, how can i cope? i didn’t even think or imagine, but thank god, we somehow had this water just on our street, when it started to come up, you were very scared, very much, you didn’t expect this, well, i i went, i watched how other areas were flooded, that is, i saw it all, as
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if i was praying that this would not affect us, i took the children in advance, collected documents, animals... night, there is a connection with my husband, he i know? with my husband, yes, there is a connection, he no, no, it turns out, well, i don’t advertise much, i don’t say that it’s hard and the like, because that is, you don’t tell him the whole truth, how hard it is, no, because he will worry, and he is somewhere for me. someone doesn't finish speaking, doesn't say, we're talking to each other we take care in this way, who helped you evacuate, we managed it ourselves, we did it ourselves, we didn’t wait for evacuation. where did you move? first we moved to my sister ’s one-room apartment, she rented it with her daughter, then it turned out that the owner
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who was renting out the apartment, she also got into this trouble, she also had nowhere to go, she also visited her friends , then there for a day, then here, that’s all, then she said, she said, she says, masha says, look for some fat, because she tells me, there’s nowhere to go, now... her sector is flooded, that’s it we started looking for housing with her, we also found a one-room apartment, a little more square meters, there were 30, and here 44, how much for a one-room apartment, and how many you have there, seven, seven people in a one-room apartment, on top of each other or something , well , she’s not, she’s working, the children seem to be studying, we just - as they say, ate and went to bed, but there are people and animals there too, now? animals, a woman took a dog, a cat and five kittens from me, my sister
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only has one cat, but how old are the kids? the eldest son is 16, the second son is 15, the third is 12, the fourth is 2 years old, the fifth is expected, also a boy, also a boy, a football team, but those who are older, they somehow supported you. helps very well, everyone absolutely helps, who supported whom more, and not you, the eldest son supported, yes more, that is, he saw it all, he feels it all as if on himself, sometimes you don’t say anything, but he , mom, let me pour you some sweets, calm down, that is , he’s somehow affectionate here, so, let’s call your men?
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with an apple, you will say hello, well, wave your hand to everyone, hello, hello, hello, next in the program, an unexpected meeting that moved the whole bashkirov family to tears, may 9. great victory day is ceremonial, a big parade on red square. in memory of the great
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feat of our people, the descendants of the heroes will march in a solemn march. in parade formation, valiant defenders of the homeland, heirs of our great traditions. brave and invincible, those who are always ready. go into battle and give your life for the fatherland, we glorify our liberator soldiers, their courage and heroism are in our hearts forever, for russia, for victory, hurray, victory parade on may 9 live on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about
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not a fighter, i came for my brother, i owe him on... may 10 on rtr, the whole country knows them, because they are the voices of the era, but sometimes no one had any idea what personal dramas were hidden behind their joy on the air. after 50 long years, all the secrets of the legends of the all-union radio are the most unexpected encounters. live broadcast today on rtr. previously in the program. thousands of houses were destroyed as a result of a dam break in the orenburg region, it will dry out, the deformation will continue, it will simply collapse, and well, i don’t know, well, that means i’m with him, teenagers from sorochensk risked their lives to save people and animals, there you can again fail and if he scoops up this suit of water, then there is little chance of getting everything out, while
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galina bashkirova’s husband is fighting for his homeland in the northern military district, protecting their home and children from the elements at night, we miss him very much, it is very difficult without him, ivan, it was difficult for my mother, yes , we helped, you help, continue, listen, well, in general, in this flooded city for you it is more fear or adventure, at the same time, yes, this has never happened in your life, but yours, no, there has never been anything like this. how scary it was at first, probably initially yes, it was it’s scary, behind the house, when the water started to come, it was scary, then we kind of got used to it, here you live in a rented apartment, now in a one-room apartment and how you all fit in there, you’re not cramped, but you’re not offended, in principle, everything is fine, galin, what are the prospects for when you can return to your home? let’s start with the fact that we don’t have
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central water in our private house. this is a well, this is all the groundwater, it all went underground, i come home every time, draining the water into the garden. that is, there is water all day long it will go down anyway, it will be red in color, and even so, to be honest, it’s scary to return home, because it was all standing in the water, our house is old, the foundation has already started to crack somewhere there, i don’t know, i’m afraid , i’d rather rent an apartment for now, but i will know that we will be alive and well, you will definitely be alive and well. our program decided to give you a gift, we are renting an apartment for you until you can return to your home, so it will be larger than this apartment, this is ours a gift to you, here she is on the screen now,
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look, there is enough for everyone, and then normal conditions will appear, galilin, everything will be fine, you just need to wait a little, guys, i like the apartment, but everything will take a long time to dry, because everything is moldy there now, what has just begun to be covered is needed now. open the basement when it’s just summer, you now if only the bones dry out, god willing, well, sooner or later it will dry out, dry out, and god willing, and you will return to your home. galina, your husband is very worried about you, he sent us a video from the front, let's take a look. hello, my dear, beloved ones, i take this opportunity. we’re shooting a video, a letter, here’s an appeal, i miss you, i love you, that’s it, but everything is fine with us,
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we live in this small basement, we go, we’re on duty, we work, we come back, we go, we rest, i learned from the news that what is it about our arenburg. flooded, you wrote that the house was damaged, i’m worried about you, how you’re coping there, so in general , don’t worry about us, everything is fine with us, i say hello to you, i love you again, i miss you, i love kissing the golchon, kiss the boys for me too, that’s it! bye-bye, bye-bye, kirill, how long have you seen dad? yes, for a very long time, we really missed him very much, but how long have we had him
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? signed a contract for six months, then mobilization began, he volunteered, when he left, sasha was 3 months old, in august he was wounded by shrapnel, was at first. in rostov, then in the clouds in the hospital, then he was sent for rehabilitation here to us in orenburg, in november he left, and in a couple of days we find out that we will have a new addition, i say, you left me a gift, just like that, that is, you haven’t seen each other since november, yes , guys, what is your father like, tell us about him, he is kind, but sometimes strict , but i think this is... yes, the educational process, you love him, you are waiting for him, you are very proud of him, yes, well it’s hard without him, tell me, it’s hard, but we’re coping, i wish he were closer, well, now he’ll be closer,
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let’s call him, let’s call yours father, dmitry, please come in, sit, sit. that the folder has arrived, don’t be shy, let’s go , thank you, dima, do you understand how much
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your loved ones love you, your children, your wife, yes, yes, they miss you, you grew up, you became small, became big, a hero? in our studio, we have a member of the svo, the father of a huge family, dmitry bashkirov, for a long time, well, for now there is a 15-day vacation, the management agreed, yes. as if it’s helping now due to the flood, they’re letting you go longer no way gal and you didn’t expect it, no, well, at least it’s a nice surprise, it’s better if it’s a little bit i would at least a little bit dmitry, well, firstly , we are very glad to see you, and secondly , we saw the apartment, well, i haven’t seen the apartment yet, but i’ve heard.
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you can get settled in, the amount of work you have to do now is enormous, tell us how it is behind the tape, to be honest, i didn’t want to tell you anything, i just wanted to say hello, you can say hello, you need it, well then, the entire personnel of the seventy-second separate modular rifle brigade - hello to the iron character, they work miracles at the front, and a special greeting to their squad that maloy, grandfather sanych, chip, a huge hello to you, you are pleased to hear that kiril and ivan actually took care of galina on their shoulders, men, men are growing, real, yes, of course, of course, i am very happy, and i would also like to say a huge thank you people who do not remain indifferent and continue to help us, arrenburg volunteers, who helped. with the evacuation, who have been helping us
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at the front for such a long time throughout our participation, thank them very much, thank you, dmitry, thank you so much from all of us, this is life an interesting thing throws us challenges, and then we look back and say to ourselves, wow, it always worked out, we were able to, we overcame it. and of course, all this is thanks to the courage that either our parents , or our homeland, or the lord god instilled in us, of course, i would like to wish you health, strength, patience, life will definitely get better, and just say thank you so much, thank you for that , what are you doing, what a cool carp, i say, i can’t tear myself away, he has his own life, he generally lives his own life completely. absolutely and galina, so that you
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everything was resolved safely, to mom to dad, thank you very much, and peace to your home, thank you, thank you, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour.


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