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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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strength, patience, life will definitely get better, and just say thank you so much, thank you for what you do, what a cool carp, look, i can’t tear myself away, his life, he’s his own life absolutely, absolutely, and galina, so everything was resolved safely for you, have a drink, thank you very much, yes, peace to your home, thank you, thank you, this was our program. real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you, hello on the russia vesti channel, in studio denis polanchukov and most importantly by this hour. signal for western countries. russia
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will conduct an exercise of missile formations with tactical nuclear weapons. the death toll in the attack of ukrainian drones on the belgorod region has increased to seven people, more than forty were injured. russian troops liberated two more settlements in the donetsk and kharkov directions. two ukrainian enterprises producing attack drones were destroyed. and a new batch of t-90m breakthrough tanks was sent to our soldiers in the special operation zone. joe biden may refuse the fight for the us presidency in favor of michelle obama. the state duma adopted a bill that prohibits foreign agents from participating in elections, becoming candidates, and acting as observers and proxies. shipbuilding is also being revived in moscow, and modern pleasure and cruise ships will be launched at the shipyard. and the northern lights in the sky over central
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russia, we will show bright shots. and at the beginning of the release of the footage that we just received , vladimir putin holds a final meeting with the current government, head state arrived to sum up the work of the cabinet of ministers. tomorrow after the inauguration of the president of the government. i came today to thank you for your joint work over the past years, we remember how it all began, i mean, your work began in this composition, in this team, it began just on the eve of events that were unpleasant for all of us related to the pandemic.
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coronavirus infection, literally a few weeks before the government was formed, after which questions began related to the fight against coronavirus infection, it was a very difficult, i would say even a difficult test for the country, for all of us, well, for the whole world, in fact, i must answer that together with you we passed this test with dignity, and it was ... is connected - with the mobilization of all our resources in the field of healthcare, the entire social sphere, but not only, but also industry and the production of everything that was needed for the country, for organizing the fight against this coronavirus coronavirus, and in general, i repeat once again, overall we passed this is worthy, a lot was done by the government to... organize
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appropriate work in the economic sphere, because in addition to specific production it was necessary, then it was necessary to make decisions that affected the economy as a whole, well, what to close, what not to close, i remember well , how we resolved issues there regarding, well, let’s say, construction projects, yes, road construction, closing it, not closing it, how to do it, what to do with teams, including creative teams,
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the president paid special attention to the work government during a special military operation. the second year, other problems began, because...
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problems in labor collectives, causing massive unemployment in the country, leading to the closure of enterprises and entire industries, as we know, nothing worked out for our opponents, the result turned out to be exactly the opposite of what was expected, last year our russian economy grew at a rate higher than the world’s, so we were ahead of the indicator. not only the leading countries of the european union, but all the so -called states, the so-called big seven. together we searched for worthy answers to the most complex historical challenges, generally successfully overcame them, and what is
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fundamentally important, continued to solve current problems, actively and consistently worked on the development agenda within the framework of key national goals. and priorities. russia will soon conduct an exercise on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the supreme commander-in-chief gave the corresponding instructions. this will be the response to the provocative statements of the west’s threat, in particular the intention to send nato troops to ukraine. the purpose of the exercise is to ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our state. preparations for the maneuvers have already begun. sergey samokha will tell you more. and the military personnel began to move immediately after the instructions of the supreme commander-in-chief. formations of the southern military district and naval forces began preparing for the exercises. this means that the full potential of tactical missile weapons will be used. during training,
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practical skills in using non-strategic nuclear weapons. the range of such weapons in the russian army is quite extensive. otrk can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. hypersonic complexes kinzhal and zircon, as well as caliber cruise missiles. the exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of army units to use non-strategic nuclear weapons, which may be necessary to ensure the unconditional territorial integrity of the state. practicing combat maneuvers began in response to provocative statements and threats from individual western officials to the russian federation. we. you and i just recently witnessed an unprecedented new round of tension, which was initiated by the president of france, the british foreign secretary, it
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was all very, very dangerous, dangerous rhetoric, just over the past week representatives of western countries have made a lot of provocative statements, the president... of france emmanuel macron did not rule out sending french soldiers to ukraine, which threatens a direct clash with nato forces with all the ensuing consequences. the leader of the democratic minority in the us house of representatives, hakim jefferies, blocked the intervention not just with money, but also with the military. the head of the british foreign office, james cameron , considers ukraine’s right to use the provided british weapons to strike targets on russian territory. the very fact of the event.
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and even non-nuclear powers, such as germany, are engaged in internal dialogue about the creation of such weapons systems. accept american nuclear warheads on its territory, the head of poland, anzhey, expressed his readiness. duda, and lithuania, latvia and estonia are ready to host a large contingent of nato troops, and of course ukraine, in which case it will not interfere with the entry of the american-european army into its territory. any of these steps poses a direct threat to the russian federation, however, while all this is aggressive rhetoric, the upcoming exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons are quite real and should once again prove that in the event of a threat to territorial integrity states.
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an air threat regime is in effect, air defense systems on duty shot down three enemy drones around the world, the village of beryozovka was subjected to two raids, attack drones attacked civilian cars and buses from high above, seven people were killed, more than forty were injured, including children, reporting from the scene by alexander revunov : the roof is twisted, the windshield, the body is pierced by shrapnel , there are traces of blood inside. it was these two minibuses that transported employees today. agricultural enterprises, they were attacked by a ukrainian fpv drone, seven people were killed on the spot, 42 are in hospitals in belgorod.
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two children were also injured. they were passengers following the gazelles of a passenger car. they were also taken to the belgorod hospital. soon the regional governor, vyacheslav glodkov, arrived at the scene. he talked with the terrestrial defense fighters, they explained that there were only four attacks by ukrainian drones on civilian transport, and they targeted civilians. from 250 to 500,000 rub. in addition, traffic is now limited here along this
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border section of the highway, where today this terrorist attack by ukrainian drones was carried out. it is still unsafe to be there; ukrainian quadcopters equipped with explosives may still appear in the air. the authorities recommended that the local population and local motorists avoid moving through this area for now, tomorrow. by order of the governor, there are restrictions on the movement of large-scale equipment in the seven border districts of the belgorod region, a more specific list of points will be indicated a little later, in addition, the governor recommended that industrial agricultural enterprises think about equipping equipment and publications with electronic warfare equipment. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. news: belgorod region. now the latest data from the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation, russian troops have liberated two more. in the area of ​​the crimean
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peninsula, the forces of the black sea fleet repelled an attempted terrorist attack and destroyed five ukrainian unmanned boats. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery struck 122 areas in the special operation zone. strongholds, as well as places with large concentrations of manpower and equipment, were hit. dozens are reflected per day. air defense showed excellent results, our units shot down a su-27 aircraft, 23 enemy drones and seven rockets for the haimers missile system, including a german leopard tank destroyed by western equipment, six american howitzers, a paladin self-propelled artillery mount and... several polish crabs. individual means of transportation for participants
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in a special military operation. the state duma adopted a law whose task is to support soldiers who have been seriously injured. additional social protection measures will make it possible to provide veterans with manually driven cars. to support, with the support of the president , the state fund defenders of the fatherland came to the russian parliament with this initiative. this concerns. those who are participating in a special military operation today and those who have received a disability when they themselves cannot move and such...
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also today, deputies approved a ban on the participation of foreign agents in the elections of all levels. the document was adopted immediately in the second and third readings. new quality award winners were awarded today at government house. the winners of the competition, which is held annually, are 12 companies from tatarstan and the tomsk region, altai territory, mordovia, sakhalin, moscow, and st. petersburg. effective management methods. the awards were presented to the laureates by deputy prime minister of the ministry of industry and trade denis mantorov. the collection of the central museum of the great patriotic war was replenished with archives of soviet military intelligence. broadcast
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materials on which grif had previously been kept secret, took place at the initiative of the ministry of defense. they talk about the contribution to the victory of the soldiers of the invisible front, this is a report confirming the plans of hitler’s germany to attack the soviet union, reports about the decline in the enemy’s morale due to failures on the eastern front in the first months of fighting. guitars in formation in the samara region sum up the results of the second international anti-fascist forum in support of a special military operation. it ended with a grandiose holoconcert. problems of modern world order. like-minded people, musicians, political scientists, journalists, historians, and leaders of youth organizations from europe, asia, north and south america came to the banks of the volga to discuss. the event was broadcast on the internet by hundreds of thousands of viewers around the world. a new shipbuilding center is being created in moscow. a plant for
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the production of environmentally friendly electric ships will be built in nagatinsky zaton. as sergei sabyanin reported, in the year since '. tapel of the capital's shipyard will ship about twenty of the modern ships. thus , an industry that dates back almost a century is being revived in moscow. instead of an outdated enterprise , a powerful cluster is being created, this will allow updating the pleasure cruise fleet not only in moscow, but also in other cities of russia. you look at the news, that’s what we’ll talk about next. stay tuned, we'll be back right after the commercial. the inauguration ceremony
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of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time on rtr. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suds & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. service and exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable rixa with premium magavish suits & villas the holiday you dreamed of allow yourself a first-class holiday with luxury, elegant details, a celebration of refined
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tastes, a variety of entertainment. golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. welcome to the newest rix hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh - an ideal place for a family rest, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life. into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixcas radomis sharmelshej. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary
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delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshery collection both. “we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on the air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, and love, also unhappy, let’s tell, on saturday she fell in love with a basketball player and that she is your daughter, so you can expect anything from her, she is your granddaughter, so you can expect anything from her, you need to somehow introduce them to them. somehow we talked to each other, listen, boss, just without the crap, fuck it, me,
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timofey, sasha, cupits, premiere on saturday on rtr, may 9, the day of the great victory, it’s time! cheese. big parade on red square. in memory of the great deeds of our people, the descendants of the heroes will march in a solemn march. in parade formation, valiant defenders of the homeland, heirs of our great traditions. brave and invincible, those who are always ready to go into battle and give their lives for their homeland. we praise ours. soldiers-liberators, their courage and heroism are in our hearts forever, for russia, for victory, hurray, victory parade,
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may 9 live on rtr, the front line, we fly across the sea, approach the bridge, the fritz uncovers, opens fire, what are we going to use as a mount for the germans, fighters? the battle for crimea, premiere, today on rtr. you are watching the news, and we continue the release, now we are returning to the first topic. vladimir putin held a final meeting with the government. tomorrow, after the inauguration of the president, the cabinet of ministers will resign. the president thanked the head government instructed the entire staff to continue to perform their duties. until the time, in accordance with the constitution , the formation of a new cabinet. the procedure for forming a new government will take place in the near future in the russian federation. and
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during this period, we need to do everything necessary to ensure that the implementation of plans actively continues, so that there are no pauses in our work. therefore, i expect concentration and composure from colleagues at all levels of executive power. and work for results, we need continuity in working to achieve goals national development, i am sure that all this will be unconditionally ensured, i want to once again thank mikhail vladimirovich meshvystin, all of you, dear colleagues, for your professionalism, for your dedication to the cause and interests of russia, for understanding your enormous responsibility to people, responsibility. literally for every step, for every word and decision made, in modern conditions everything is important,
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there are no trifles, the price of our actions in this certainly historical time for our country is extremely high, your experience, your knowledge, personal authority and business qualities will certainly be in demand. thank you very much, dear. colleagues for your hard, fruitful work, and of course, i want to congratulate you on the upcoming great holiday, victory day. i am absolutely sure, and members of the cabinet of ministers, uh, many told me about this, that uh, no matter what position our colleagues find themselves in, they will be clearly committed to fulfilling the national development goals of the country, will do everything for their state and for their citizens. thank you. for attention and for trust, one a political cycle ends, another political cycle begins, but work in the interests of russia, russian, russian, everyone
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else... was greeted as a dear guest: a red carpet, a guard of honor, a gala reception with strong handshakes at the elysee palace. first, the chinese leader was greeted by french president emmanul macron, and then by the head of the european commission, ursula vonderlein. despite the apparent warm welcome, brussels’ rhetoric is quite harsh; they demand guarantees from shizenpin that beijing
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will not supply.
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there is not enough fuel for cars, and the upcoming offensive will be devastating for the nearly 1.5 million palestinians who live in rafah or have previously fled there from other areas, the un warns. the day before , another round of negotiations on a ceasefire in gaza ended unsuccessfully in cairo. a state of emergency was introduced in the city of dektyarsk after a snowfall that covered the sverdlovsk region over the weekend, hundreds of trees were knocked down, power grids were damaged, and residents spent 2 days. were without heat and water, only this morning we managed to restore the water supply, but the heating was light still not. school classes have been cancelled, and kindergartens have suspended operations. emergency teams work around the clock. in total , 20,000 people remain without electricity in the sverdlovsk region. a state of emergency has been introduced in the bratsk district of the irkutsk region, where several gardening partnerships are on fire. more than thirty houses were destroyed by fire.
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evacuation is underway. details in anna's report. brow, oh-oh-oh, how scary, you 're on fire, buddy, no, thank god, who knows whose car it is, standing in the parking lot, back there it’s burning, everything is about to catch fire, natural fires have spread to residential buildings, the private sector and gardening partnerships are burning, here a woman was very badly injured in the vikhorevka fire, her condition is extremely serious, now she is being prepared to be transferred to bratsk, local residents are trying to save her property are leaving from the fire. as far as possible in my cars, i took people, their house is on fire, here , in short, the forest is on fire, i didn’t drive any further, all the houses there are on fire, bright flames have engulfed the forests, black smoke is billowing everywhere, the authorities are calling on residents to evacuate, there’s a big traffic jam, they’re not letting anyone in, i don’t know, we’ll have to break through, it’s dangerous to break through, the forest, the grass, buildings are burning along the entire highway, smoke has enveloped everything for tens of kilometers, a forest
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fire has reached bratsk, a timber warehouse has caught fire in the right-bank area. the fire has already spread to production facilities, garages and cars. plumes of black smoke are visible from the city center. the authorities introduced a state of emergency in the bratsk region. a temporary accommodation center will be set up at the vikhorevsk city hospital for the possible reception of victims. anna bobrova, vladislav gusev, bratsky district, irkutsk region. today on our tv channel the premiere of the action-packed military-historical drama fighter battle. for crimea, 1944, air force commander alexandra romanova, played by igor petrenko, is transferred to anapa before the attack on crimea. in an air battle, they manage to capture a valuable trophy, a german aircraft of a new modification. the enemy car is sent to one of the design bureaus near moscow, where they create a modern soviet fighter. the news continues monitor the development of the event. stay with us.


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