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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 6, 2024 11:30pm-12:31am MSK

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altitude 2 and a half, speed 550, does not increase further, i feel vibration, switch the supercharger stage, zero one, come back, what is the rate of climb misser shmita at an altitude of 2500, about 10-11 m per second, vladlin nikolaevich, vibration is a signal of serious problems, the flight needs to be stopped, i will also be at the state acceptance. we need to catch up with the drivers and beat them, and not trail behind them, let them go into afterburner mode, 01 afterburner mode, control the operating time, it pulls well, but otherwise there is smoke in the cabin, speed 500. 80 fire trofimov, what do you have, zero
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first answer, vasya, jump immediately, do you hear, pull, pull, jump, vasya, leave the plane immediately, do you hear? tomorrow, you are completely rehabilitated, what are you going to do next, i would like to return to my native gender. come on in, here you
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are, holy innocence, i feel a strong vibration, speed 540, robonov jump, do you hear, fighters, battle for crimea, continuation, look at rtr tomorrow, gin sheaf, product of stellor group.
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borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. i i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode of the besagon tv author's program. it will be called when the eyes are larger than the genus. i think you'll understand why we do this. our program, but first, as usual, i want to share with you our results from the previous program, on russia 24, on russia 1, in the ruble, on the telegram channel, on our website, in total, this program was watched by about 12 million people in...
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this number is quite stable, we repeat it, and for us it is very big joy. before we start our program, i want you to listen to a short excerpt from the speech of our president, listen. guys go to war, risking their lives and health. it is because of this category of our citizens, especially young citizens, and there are mostly young people, and i met with students today.
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should happen one way or another, will largely depend on those who will return, god willing with victory, from a special military operation, of course, this will bring new conditions to the people who came with front and received more than 200,000 for their hard work, it turns out that on a salary of 50-60,000 it will be quite difficult, so this , of course, should entail certain changes in the quality of life in general in the country, just remember... the creation of the time of heroes project, that is, the program for the participants of the northern military district, it was also voiced by our president, listen, from march 1 , 2024, veterans of a special military operation, as well as soldier officers who are
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now fighting in active units, will be able submit an application to participate in the first training stream of a special personnel program, let's call it “time of heroes”. the president’s words carry not only hope for many, very many, for the majority, but they also carry danger for a certain part of our elite, who are accustomed to living the way they lived, and prefer to continue to live that way, although, as we perfectly understand, as it was no longer...
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the meaning of the words spoken by the president, here are the theses that are being promoted: for example, people are not interested in this, look at the numbers surveys, or participants of the svo, marginalized, or after the svo need years of rehabilitation and treatment, certain forces, as we perfectly understand, received an order on this topic. agents began to write about this to the media, listen, the new elite will be dangerous for citizens, it is loyal to putin, obviously cruel, class, the new elite, it will be dangerous, to whom? for whom will it be
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dangerous? for the people, for the people? no, it will be dangerous precisely for those who write it. here, for example, is a new newspaper that writes: defending stability is coming. what terrible people from the front line who
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they shed their blood for you, the bastard, while you were lying on the sofa, of course it’s scary, for you, who for 8 years passed by how the donbass was bombed, is now carefully and quietly trying...
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the beast ivan vasilyevich the terrible, it did not arise out of nowhere , it arose in the fight against the oligarchy of that time. an idea of ​​reality, when the eyes became larger than the mouth, i will tell you at the end of the program where this phrase came from, where i heard it, then ivan vasilyevich began to control the functions of the boyars when they lost the real convey to capable, but perhaps not so eminent people, this is what the ideologist writes in this regard.
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xvi century, who initiated the poisoning of the tsar’s beloved wife anastasia romanovna, tried to poison the tsar himself and his sons. by the way, this legend, which was given rise to by repin’s painting, ivan the terrible kills his son, was absolutely not true, because when studying the remains of ivan the terrible’s son , there was no wound or damage to the skull in the remains. traces of arsenic were found, so that was it also the work of the 15th century oligarchy, but this
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was not enough, tsarevich dmitry was unexpectedly completely killed, he died under rather strange circumstances, as it was written, he fell on a knife, which led to the emergence of unrest, the invasion of the poles, the appearance of a false dmitry. the first, the false dmitry the second, only through the enormous efforts of the people, as a result, this unrest was suppressed, this is what an attempt on the power of the oligarchy, that is, the oligarchy of the 15th century, boyars, can lead to, this is also interesting, so if you think about it, a new newspaper mentions these creepy men from the front. yes, who came back from the war in 1945, who became the elite after the war, it was
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all those people who fought, those same men, moreover, they were united by the war, they were surrounded by war. leonid ilievich brezhnev could come to the factory and talk with the carpenter not about how he works, but about where he fought, which was the first ukrainian, no, i was in forty-three, it’s gone, they were surrounded by war.
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and it’s also naive to think that new people will come, with one click, everything will change, no, it seems to me that the economist mikhail khazin made a very subtle remark; i respect this man very much and i want you to listen to his point of view, i can say. only one thing: if we are talking about changing the elite, and if we are talking about the fact that we need economic growth, then this is inevitable disappearance, not even...
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of the deputy minister of defense, especially in wartime, while the war is going on . and this happens when the whole country is collecting rubles and kopecks for drones for equipment, and so on and so forth. but in in general, this is not really what we’re talking about now, because bribes have always been taken, in the ussr they were taken,
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in russia they were taken, this has always been the case. another matter is what exactly is happening with the collapse of the country. is, for the fact that it is an earthen rampart, almost a billion rubles for the fact that the dam is not like what happened in the orenburg province, this is what the minister of construction irek faizolin says about this, the dam that they talk about in orski is actually not a dam, a dam
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of a billion rubles does not cost 10 km, with enormous speed, huge. didn't press the water a dam, on an earthen rampart, but it took 4 years to build from 2010 to 2014, according to the then head of orsk, viktor franz, this dam was supposed to protect the city on both sides and forever solve the problem of flooding during floods, in general, you can imagine,
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someone, using a horizontal drilling machine , drilled and laid some kind of communication for the discharge of wastewater, say, into the urals, but after looking at what place in the filming, in what place the hole was created, this factor disappeared from me, and only the factor of rodents remained, which could cut through this dam, and this a two or three centimeter hole, the hole of a mink, would be enough for water to flow out. in general , it might not even be a matter of punishment, but the fact is that those people went through a terrible, great war, they understood the value of life, the same minister of construction ireg
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fayzulin responds to this remark about grozunov. generally speaking, it's funny, it's technical. the very foundation of security that, as we ourselves see, we still use today, can such a person, for example, be responsible for others? listen to this says ilya denkin, the son of the deputy prime minister of the perm territory, alexei denkin, who , by the way, had to
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resign after these words, some ask me: “ilya, will you return to the lane, guys, this is my saturday morning, why the hell should i, by the way, as journalists found out." ilya demkin’s comfortable and happy life is paid for from the accounts of a large russian developer about the trading house pzsp, where he is the founder, it’s normal, the parents of this young man don’t think about why he doesn’t want to return to his homeland, maybe he because he knows how... his parents are organizing this homeland, because he understands that everything here was not done conscientiously, and so it is everywhere,
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the flooding simply revealed what should have been revealed for decades, now if this flooding had not happened, this terrible flood, then this dam, which is actually an earthen rampart, would have lived, and they would have thought that this billion had gone where it needed to go. until the water destroys this dam along with the rodents. and how do the people who are responsible for this behave? that's when to residents, citizens, compatriots come to the leader to talk, ask what happened. look at how the leadership communicates with people, with citizens, with their compatriots who were flooded and who came to ask.
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i told him: put away the phones, indeed, the phones got everyone, the bloggers got everyone, and the videos got everyone, i understand, i can understand humanly, for example, what the governor experiences when he sees in front of him dozens of phones that he is now recording what he will say and why, he doesn’t want to tell the truth, he doesn’t have an explanation for what happened, or is it also some kind of...
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are they going? they are afraid for their property, for their houses, you don’t get enough sleep there and you sincerely try to help people, but why don’t people need to believe that everything will be reliably provided. and here is another person who is dissatisfied with bloggers, a difficult person, this is gennady yuryevich semigin, state duma deputy, chairman of the state duma committee on... nationality affairs since october 12, 2021. september 29 on the website of the organization headed simigin, a post came out with his signature, where
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it was stated that the akhmat battalion had to kick the soldiers of the armed forces of the russian federation onto the battlefield, a normal statement, but for a deputy, this text... sat down on the site until the morning of monday, october 2, for these weekend there was a huge uproar, a huge wave of indignation, just indignation of citizens who read this, on october 2, mr. simegin finally answered: the site was hacked, the attackers posted fake messages with provocative assessments participation of a russian soldier. special military operation, but nevertheless a serious scandal broke out, why? because many noticed that
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no one paid attention to the hacking of the site for two days, and simegin himself reported that there was no access to this site for two days, although the text was somehow miraculously removed, well, who are you treating, and the devil is in the details, because the text itself was removed, but the announcement was left, and it is quite natural that the largest media and bloggers wrote about it,
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in response to what rakazov wrote, semigin filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity. on april 15, the court partially satisfied semigin’s claim, obliging blogger raskazov to pay 5,000 rubles. of the amount requested by mr. semegin, 6,351. i don’t want to give a moral assessment of this whole, so to speak, conflict, this is a matter for the court, the prosecutor’s office, anyone, but the lawful actions of an offended, insulted deputy, well, of course, i fully admit this, but isn’t this the same rightness as the leader.
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satisfied mr. semigin's request, the blogger died, then the payment due for this death would not be enough to satisfy the moral damage of deputy simekin. i don’t want to take anyone’s side, this is not my task, i’m just trying to analyze the relationship between an act and punishment, and rights. conversations
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between the boss and ordinary people, this is the ratio, how legitimate it is. and now about something else, i want to return to the topic of migration. the recent murder of a russian guy, kiril kovalev, by illegal immigrants from azerbaijan. twenty-four-year-old kirill reprimanded the camry driver named shahin for parking on sidewalk. in response, shahin hit him. with a knife, and why he later died, hot blood, they had a fight, one hit the other and it ended in death, terrible, of course, but what she revealed, that’s what’s interesting, the killer’s father, a migrant from azerbaijan, received citizenship through a fictitious marriage, he does not speak russian, and even for interrogation he needed a translator, his son,
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the shahi killer... was in russia illegally, his registration was expired, a makarov pistol was found in his car, this is illegal carrying of weapons, his car is registered more than 100 unpaid fines, maybe this is a poor family, there is no money, no such luck, there is money, 70 million in cash was found in their apartment, when they took out this money in bags, the neighbor... was shocked, why at home this money was, why not in a bank, not in a savings bank, maybe because it was illegal money, that is, not only that, this cash was not burdened with tax, that is, it did not benefit the state in which these people lived, but the subtlety of the situation is different, look, shadow business,
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violation. quietly, live quietly, don’t bother anyone, everything is fine with you, everything is fine, but no, why? because there is complete confidence in impunity, where does this confidence come from? from experience, how many trials, investigations, and so on, end in nothing, why? think for yourself, this is a trend when for 1,500 a person who does not speak russian can get a document stating that he speaks russian, and for 70,000 you can make a fictitious marriage to become a citizen of the russian federation, but this is not
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can continue indefinitely, or rather, it can continue indefinitely, and this will be the end for our country, for russia, isn’t that so, and besides, repression and humiliation are not required. countries? and it is very important to understand that this is , how other citizens should treat this , an accident, and this is not the tragedy of one
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person who was killed. one stab with a knife becomes an event and a tragedy for a very large number of people, mother, father, brothers, sisters, comrades, and so on, you understand how the energy of denial accumulates, disgust, vindictiveness in a huge number of people, when just like that, just like that, for no reason, a twenty-four-year-old young athletic guy who was going to get married was killed, because if you don’t accept the world in a civilized manner... at the state level, if there is no political will, a negative force that will accumulate among the people, it will result in lynching, when they will not sort out who
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came here to work, who came here to sell drugs, commit terrorist attacks, i don’t teach, i’m not an expert, i don’t know how, but i absolutely ... i'm sure there is methods, they cannot but exist, but 15,000 multiplied by the number of visitors who do not speak russian, or 70,000 for formalizing a fictitious marriage, turns out to be more important, just as it is more important to pass off an earthen rampart as a dam, in the hope that it somehow it will resolve, something like this, listen, what help, why did my husband die, because you covered your ass here, didn’t stand, blushed, of course, i feel bad, i feel bad, because i can’t get through on the phone, nothing can't be done,
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no one answers, and you sit, everything is fine with you, just have a conscience already, you're in white shirt, and we go for 2 weeks without money, without everything, the upper classes can’t, but the lower classes don’t want to, this is the very case when those same lower classes, like this woman, don’t want to, but he can’t, then why should he deal with it if he can’t, but
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it’s not just that, this problem exists, but it’s not the only one, for example, what’s happening inside, very deep, in the depths, like, look, there’s such an organization. the people's labor union of russian solidarists, it was created by russian emigrants in france in 1930 for the purpose of... the ussr. later nts collaborated with the nazi regime, participated in the creation of the russian liberation army of vlasov. collaborating with traitors, generals andrei vlasov and fyodor trukhin, he participated in the implementation of the experiment to create the lokot republic in the bryansk region. and so on. this is already enough to understand what kind of organization it is. and then.
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everything collapsed, the wall was broken, peace, friendship,
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jeans, chewing gum, everything is fine, ntssty could have been disbanded, but that was not the case. the west continues to pin its hopes on nts, moreover, the closest connection between the nts and ukraine is revealed. now compare the symbols of the nts with the modern coat of arms of ukraine. symbolism. vlasov's army with the emblem of the russian freedom legion, in addition, we learn that a member of the nts is a former russian lawyer, mark fagan. we talked about him in the last issue. i suggest to you, dear friends, if anyone is watching me now, and about 86,500 people are watching us now, from russia. now i will show you the address on the screen where you can write. exactly those, write from you who are ready
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act, they will contact you, they will talk to you, this is political work that is converted into any other, if you have decided for yourself that you have given up on yourself, you will perish anyway, then do it with benefit, that is, you will think about it , what mr. fen suggests, if you have no reason to live if you are disappointed. if you want to give up your life, come to us, we will help you, and you will fulfill your desire, you will give up your life, and you will do a good deed for us, you will go to the crucus, or try to blow up railway track, but it turns out that in addition to the escaped fegin, we now have people in russia who admire... nts and the ideas that promote it.
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this is the material we came across. this is alexander sungurov, professor of political science, higher school of economics in st. petersburg. he is a democrat, he is a liberal, he took part in the collapse of the ussr, was one of the leaders of the perestroika club along with anatoly chubais and yegor gaidar. in 1993, he established the commonwealth fund in st. petersburg, subsequently the center for strategy, activities which is aimed at the development of a civil society, democratic thought of everything connected with this, we know this very well. the work of his center was paid for from the funds of the macarthur, naumann, bell, ebert, and rozolux foundations.
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with participants of a round table on mediation at perm state national research university on october 29, 2022. what can you do now? the second topic is what can be done if a split in the elite begins or
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some kind of turn for the better begins? well, the third task is that what are the challenges in another 10-15 years, no matter how funny it is. after this, if everything succeeds . to return again as much as possible to the civilized world, then there is a high probability that in another 10-15 years, this scares me most of all, the people will want putin 2 again and he will appear, because the people will want someone in whom they can believe , and so on and so on and so on, here we are, we can’t change the people, but this is not our method, but what is possible, here i have an idea, as we discussed, targeted civil education, you can use modern technologies under the name targeted, you know, there is campaigning there for brexit for trump. for trump was successful because people agitated specific groups of the population, agitated in such a way that they understood it, this agitation. what's the point of removing putin if we can't decate the economy? i have experience, i was lucky, i met and
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became friends in novosibirsk at a youth forum, and then even further in frankfort with vladimir dmitrovich from parensky, this is the chairman of the 106th. there's an end there the sixties, a molecular one of the creators of the nts in the thirties, but who decided that something still needed to be done for future freedom. paremsky, as you know, proposed a molecular theory of the structure of the nts, so that people sharing the ideology of the nts in the soviet union would not try to contact the center in frankfurt, but would find partners for each other, just as atoms meet an atom to form molecules, thanks to this the organization lived to perestroika, well, actually mr. navalny together with his colleagues. all these years we were engaged in establishing this kind of political commission structures throughout the country in the regions, because one of our missions is to work with students, because in my opinion it is a sacred idea to sow, where it will germinate, it will germinate there, where it will not germinate, well what can you do, let ’s just catch them with seeds, there won’t be enough seeds
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, you understand, no, there won’t be enough, that’s the first, second, i’m talking a little about... how those gathered here, look, i understand you, because you’re really not into academics , maybe this is a specificity of the tower, maybe what we organized, but we spent 3 days leading up to this conference on the intersection of politics and law, we touched upon, well, we didn’t say there, what putin gave, understandably, because there were smart people, but
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the rest of the discussion was very serious and well, i understand that this is the roof of a tower, this is not possible in every university, but somewhere...
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i’m not going to put any labels on anyone, i just want to understand, well, how can it be that in one of the best universities in the country quite calmly discussed how you can attract students to this completely anti-russian, sabotage activity in russia, how you can discuss lustration lists,
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physical influence, such as, for example, the story with the dam, which turned out to be an earthen rampart, but they exist, live, advance and are waiting for their time, this exists in all areas, for example, it is offered in physical education classes in schools as a sport, golf, normal, or, for example, extremely useful...
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its own business, but knowing your business is one thing, but how do you apply this knowledge , this another thing, we see this material, these are fragments of an investigation by the political scientist and publicist sergei karnaukh, listen, experts note that with the advent of the trigolovaya, the permanent exhibition, the new tretyakov gallery, the fourth floor, changed towards experimental non-traditional art. at the time of the arrival of the experimental director, visual art was one room, not included
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in the permanent exhibition, which emphasized the narrowness of the public, the elite for whom the exhibition was intended and did not evoke irritation of the rest of the people. with the appointment of trigolov, with the direct support of mikhalavich shvidkov, the process began. full-scale reforms, works by representatives of protest underground soviet art, actionists, oleg kulyak, the family of the future, art group blue noses, lenin spinning in his grave, artist vladislav mamyshev munro, valentin matvienko from the pitersky series, artist photographer boris mikhailov from the series: “if if i were german and others."
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which causes great dissatisfaction permyakov about 5 million rubles. wooden art object sphere near the ural hotel for the white nights festival. 241,200 rub. letters of power in the legislative assembly, 102,300 rubles each. for each of the trashmen, a person with a trash can, the design of a trash can, by and large, if we talk seriously. 481.800 rub. on walking men, banner on the fence of the northern dam, 948,300 rub. for an apple at the
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gorky library, 112 million rubles. allocated the city of perm for the white nights festival, for comparison to increase the salaries of municipal public sector employees, and during this time 68 million rubles were allocated. and 112 means 35 million rubles for the construction of an art object, a wall. the drama theater has a lattice structure made of laminated timber 9-12 m high across the entire area diagonally, here is another letter p, which is knocked together from spruce logs for 8 million rubles. but the most amazing and most interesting thing is that the art objects created at public expense do not belong to the city. and nikrai, to the same perm museum of contemporary art. moreover, after 11
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months from the moment the objects were are put on public display, according to the contracts, please note, according to the contracts, they are subject to dismantling, the scheme of art, spending money to cover up tracks, as we see, is simple to the point of disgrace. and in order not to be unfounded, i will give you the words of marat gelman himself, who says that he plans to return to russia in 2027, since he has an agreement with a third party to open a hall. named after him, we cannot now talk about what the likelihood is that what is happening now with russia, that this it will end quickly, yes, but there is a chance for it , that means i have my own number in my head, the twenty-seventh year, this figure is not based on an analysis of the situation, on what
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i had, i gave in the nineteenth year i gave three... how good it is that you didn’t live to see the opening of the hall named after marat gelman, honestly, it seems like... something is happening, yes, for example, trigolova resigned as director of tetikovka, marina loshak resigned from the post of director of the gmi, and what has changed, what has nothing, from may 17 to 19 in my favorite nizhny novgorod will host the second contour graphics fair. the organizers of the exhibition are the director of the garage museum, anton belov, and
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the collector, dmitry volodin, that’s right, the same volodin who... said: your svo works, but mine doesn’t, remember, you are an artist, yes, yes, tell me, and how do you feel about a special military operation, i don’t know what you’re talking about, just as you don’t know, now we have a special military operation, it works for you, it doesn’t work for me, and they work very competently, there is no such impracticality typical of an artist , such supraworldliness, no, everything is clear, everything is written out.
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a beautiful huge banner, it’s not that there, please, let’s think about how to do this, do everything, and a person calls me, a person, a normal person with whom we worked, a technical director, and who, we, as it were, as they say , they don’t ask, yes, but he doesn’t need it, i don’t need it, just give me the dimensions, give me the dimensions of that banner of yours, that’s all, i say, wait a second, i’m the director, i don’t know the size of my
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banner, wait second, this by the way gives you a pause to think and exhale, not fall into a situation of emotional, yes overlap, then i connect him with my manager, who turns out it was possible, but he says: you know, our banner costs 136. rubles, plus you need to pay the installers, plus you need to organize admission with all the technical personnel , who will go to do this on the roof, so please.
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rossov, a member of the svo on april 5, 2024 at the presentation of his own book in a moscow store. look how fun it is. what's going on here anyway? why are you running from me, why did you shed blood for you, are you running away from me? you’re running, i can’t understand, i’ve been standing here with my foot on for 3 hours, where there’s no one there, like there’s no one, before our eyes people came in through the back door, zelbira ismailovna, why are you running from the people, let me ask you just one question . they don’t like my voice, i was sitting in the trenches, i think i liked sitting there in the trenches, well, you see, they are afraid of the truth, one
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truthful question, and then they want to be asked, there are a huge number of people who want to accuse us of some kind of intolerance, i want answer them with the words of a writer whom we are pleased we often quote roman nosikov, this is what he writes: recently in russia a strange fashion has arisen to replace images of orthodox crosses with balls, for example, a tactile model of the cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary in vladimir, here is a model of the assumption cathedral and the cathedral belfry, in rostov the great, too most of us are in suzdal, uglich. they tried to explain this as something like safety for the visually impaired, so as not to get scratched, but who could get scratched, and the sign of st. petersburg university, this is what the logo used to be,
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this is how they made it now, in general, not because of the blind, that’s all, it’s because of the sighted, and these sighted people for some reason decided that crosses have no place in public space, the removal of the cross... symbols without a doubt will be presented to us as an act of some kind of politeness towards those of our compatriots and guests who profess other religions. they do not know the respect that people who profess different beliefs have for each other, if these beliefs are truly paid for by victims, the cross interferes with them, and not...
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that our symbols offend muslims or jews, that means he believes jews and muslims to be people deprived of the ability to respect, hammas and chavenists. i think this is a very accurate essay by roman nosikov. well, now i’ll decipher this phrase for you, where it came from, which we called our program. relatives in dnepropetrovsk arrived after filming, tired, went into the restaurant, the restaurant is empty, there’s one waiter, gen, he’s so sad, there’s no one, he’s bored, i say, gen,
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feed me, i’ll feed you, nikita serge, i say, well, give me borscht and 150 g of vodka, he brought it, put it down, i said, sit down, sit down, you ’re bored, he sat down opposite me, i’m eating borscht. and without looking at him, i ask, well, are you stealing? i steal, nikita sergeevich, and you’re not afraid, no, nikita sergeevich, why, nikita sergeevich, the most important thing is that the eyes are not larger than the mouth, that’s where the name of our program came from, remembering once again the words of vladimirovich lenin, when the top can’t , but the lower classes don’t want it. it may end in a revolution, or it may end with these lower classes simply taking matters into their own hands, not giving a damn about officials, as happened in
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the orenburg or tyumen regions, people will take the problem into their own hands and solve it with their own hands, if the officials could not do this, who, by the way, threatened them for this work and arbitrariness, but i hope that this initiative, it will not only not be punished, but will also be encouraged. well, after these uplifting shots, i think it’s not a sin to fulfill our tradition. and, as always
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, raise a glass to victory, to our victory, but i was late again, our midshipman. krivorochka came and said: we’ll leave one by one, if anything happens, we, who, correctly, are geologists of all the best, really hope that god will give us a new meeting.
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it’s cool in moscow today, the weather is so cool, and the kremlin is really hot. the news is such that i can just feel how western leaders are starting to jump. ursula funder suddenly decided to jump out with something new. ursula, no help. already go buy iodine, but why iodine will become clear a little later, by the way, iodine won’t help either, so don’t worry, dmitry anatolyevich is certainly burning today, he wrote so well, so it’s clear, so the phrase from the already classic russian film, that we’re going to burn, we’re definitely going to crush the whole world into dust, that’s part of the truth, but not now, it’s already starting to raise certain doubts, you might ask, why am i so funny about this topic, well, first of all , because we have long...
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with whom we are dealing, everything that the president of the russian federation, supreme commander vladimirovich putin, spoke about, the whole west had to listen very carefully to understand that this is not a joke, but now we are just a little, literally after a pause about let's talk about this, and today vladimir vladimirovich held a final meeting with members of the current government, according to our constitution, tomorrow immediately after the inauguration of the head of state, the government.
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serves powers, the president drew attention to the huge number of problems that the current cabinet of ministers had to solve, and thanked those gathered for their work. good afternoon, dear colleagues, i came today to thank you for your joint work over the previous years. we remember how - it all started, i mean, your work began in... this composition, in this team, it began just on the eve of the unpleasant events associated with the coronavirus pandemic for all of us . in the twenty-second year , other problems began, because we were convinced that after 8 years of mockery of the people who lived and live in the donbass, we were unable to solve... the problems in this
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region, the problems of the people whom we always considered ours, and they considered russia their historical homeland, it was not possible to solve it by peaceful means, a little later it became clear that we were simply led for us, we had to take extraordinary measures to protect these people by armed means, but what started from the point of view, from the point of view of the economy, you and i know well, began literally in the most literal sense of the word economic... aggression against russia, the endless number of sanctions that we faced were aimed at one thing, and you and i know this well, what the goal was: to destroy russia from the inside. and not only politically, but above all economically, create problems in labor collectives, cause mass unemployment aside, lead to the closure of enterprises and entire industries, as we know, our opponents did not succeed, the result
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turned out to be exactly the opposite of what was expected, our russian economy grew at a faster rate last year. global, in modern conditions everything is important, there are no trifles, the price of our actions in this undoubtedly historical time for our country is extremely high, your experience, your knowledge, personal authority and business qualities will certainly be in demand. thank you very much, dear colleagues, for hard, fruitful work. this government showed itself brilliantly in the most difficult time for the country. the russian federation sends an unequivocal response to those who seriously contemplate challenging its existence. on instructions from the supreme commander-in-chief, the general staff began preparations for exercises during
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which the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will be practiced. it was also stated once again by our foreign minister that the f-16. not only across the territory of ukraine, but where and when we deem it necessary. it was also said that in response to
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the americans’ statement on the rsnd about the deployment of their missiles, we have the opportunity, in the shortest possible time, to develop similar, if not superior ones. according to the technical characteristics of the weapons and place them where we consider necessary. why did we have to say this, well, because many western representatives have gone completely crazy. here the leader of the democratic minority in congress declared de facto that after the fall of ukraine, in the event of the fall of ukraine, an american soldier would have to intervene in fighting. in parallel with this. there was macron’s statement that he was ready for the landing of a french expeditionary force, and he offered us strategic uncertainty, now he has strategic uncertainty, which i will repeat again, macron wants to see anto or paris destroyed, such strategic uncertainty, yes, of course,
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tactical nuclear weapons are unlikely to be suitable for this purpose, but i want to remind you that tactical nuclear weapons, but here mikhail mikhailovich will explain to us, maybe installed, installed on a variety of... and the equivalent of relatively modest tnts is still several times greater than the fat one that was dropped on kheroshim. shmygal is a nonentity, indistinguishable from his twin brother in europe, which michel, yes, they look absolutely identical, i’m sure he would be happy, he said that he greeted him. if foreign troops were in ukraine , they would help expel the russians, protect democracy, in general, ukraine, democracy, this is already anecdotal, considering that they took place in ireland speeches by ukrainian men shouting: ukraine is not a democracy, we are not cannon fodder, don’t touch us, europe wants to be
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destroyed, so be it, especially when duda advocates placing nuclear weapons on the american side. finland is going to build a plant for the production of explosives, surprisingly, finland, whose territory is completely covered by our weapons, and this plant will obviously become target number one if such a decision is made. lithuania asks once again for the daughter to be posted in order to once again get off the german owner’s ass, as has happened more than once in the history of this... before the country, you are playing with fire, bastards, you are playing with fire, just don’t say that you weren’t warned if?.. . someone made a decision to destroy russia,
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then we have the legal right to answer, yes, for humanity it will be a global catastrophe, for the world there will be a global global catastrophe, but still, as a citizen of russia and the head of the russian state, then i want to ask a question. , why do we need such a world if there is no will it be russia? february 24, twenty-two, a few important, very important words for those who
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may be tempted from the outside to intervene in the events taking place, whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so create threats for our country, for our people, should know, that russia's response will be immediate, and will lead you to consequences that you have never encountered in your history... we have never encountered, we are ready for any development of events, all the necessary decisions in this regard have been made, i hope that i i will be heard, apparently, they didn’t understand the first time, so in his message to the federal assembly on february 29 of this year, the president once again reminded: the west provoked the conflict in ukraine, the middle east, and other regions of the world. continues to lie, now without any embarrassment they declare that russia
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allegedly intends to attack europe, well , simply, you and i understand, they are just talking nonsense, and at the same time they themselves choose targets for striking our territory, choose the most effective, as they think, means of destruction, they started talking about the possibility of sending nato... military contingents to ukraine, but we remember the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic, they, they must eventually understand , that we also have weapons, and they know about it, just now i said, there are also weapons that can... hit targets on their territory, and that they are coming up with everything now,
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which scares the whole world, that all this really threatens conflict involving nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization, why don’t they understand this, or what? these are people, you know, these are people who have not gone through difficult trials, they have already forgotten. what is war, here we are, even our current generation went through such difficult trials during the fight against international terrorism in the caucasus, now in the context of the conflict in ukraine the same thing is happening, do they think that for them these are all some kind of cartoons? for them these are definitely not cartoons, so that they understand how quickly it can turn into not cartoons at all, i want remind you, the first launch of the zircon hypersonic missile from the frigate admiral, pots on october 6, 2020, and, if i
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understand correctly, then nothing interferes if the warhead is also mounted on the zircon, there is some special term, somehow special, but combat, the military usually call nuclear ammunition special combat units, but special combat units may well be there, or cruise missiles like the iskander m rka, which we showed at the kapusti training ground. the navy launched four cruise missiles caliber missiles from a ship and a caliber submarine at
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isis targets in the polmira area, this was back in may of 1917. it became clear that we are no longer independent of the satellite constellations of the west, in order to use them for guidance systems, that our glanas copes with the set goal, but beauty, and for the west this beauty is close to a heart attack, and this came from a submarine, goes well. it’s going well, or testing a new hybrid missile in the sea of ​​japan, carrying a torpedo to hit underwater targets, is the answer. it was december 15th twenty-first year. and for now i am only listing to you what was officially shown, they already have their own names that
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have been announced, our defense industry does not stand still. and more. something that is not yet known to the general public, but is well known to those who, by the nature of their activities, should know, and if necessary, apply, they often say, here you are, russians, talk about red lines, but putin never spoke about red lines, putin does not use such terminology at all. and without using such terminology, then it suddenly turns out that, well let me remind you that vladimirovich was prime minister for the eighth year, that is, not the president, here is the crimean spring, the fourteenth year, syria, the 15th
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year, this was without any red lines, for a long time they thought that...
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i asked how you would feel, i are ready to do this, she will feel dead, because our answer will arrive before they can do something, well, because we have hypersound, and they don’t, that’s what the fantastic cretin hakim jeffreys, the leader
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of the democrats, said in the house of representatives of congress usa. we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if it does, there is a significant likelihood that america will have to intervene in the conflict, not only with our money, but with our military personnel. either we stop russia in ukraine by continuing our military and economic assistance, or we face a difficult situation where vladimir putin and russia are able to take over ukraine.
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the united states, those who want to convince the american people that there were ukrainian efforts. there that there are certain requirements for iq should be negative, because how did they manage to recruit so many idiots and place them all in positions, somehow
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i’m downright surprised. dmitry, i can’t help but say this, i always wanted to ask this guy, but he will find ukraine on the map, just if you don’t write it down, yes, just give him, like at school we have an outline.
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very dangerous, but i still relate to the two things that you talked about at the beginning of the program, but really, let's just not go over too many things, let's let's remember what the reaction was to the phrase of the supreme commander-in-chief about why we need peace if there is no russia in it and how many people who considered themselves calling themselves and presenting themselves...
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if you accept a world in which there is no russia, you need to give very simple answers: do you consider it normal, accessible, yes or no, and if yes, then you are there on the other side of the barricades, and if no, you are with us, this was such a watershed, i must say that this simplest test, which the supreme commander put it on the table...
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and the united states, this was a statement regarding great britain, france, should not be under the illusion that today’s presidential decision, here in such matters, and about nuclear weapons, especially no, only the president decides here, and if the president has already made so at such a moment, as such decisions are now, this means that he had reinforced concrete. confidence that the coalition of the willing from among the satellites of the united states of america is ready for
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a big european war, it is almost sure that we will not respond, that we will not go to escalation, so i think that what happened today is a cold shower, i don’t know whether it will be enough, because in general these... they can’t get out of the squid game, but i’ll tell you two things that i seems very important, as a moral, firstly, you should never increase, you cannot increase the degree of tension, the degree of political aggression indefinitely, as the west did.
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half a step back, but you can’t merge ahead of time, this is a lesson for us for many decades to come, and the last thing i want to say, but today is very interesting, they summoned the ambassador of france and the ambassador of great britain, but the ambassador of the united states was not summoned, and you know why, but in front of the united states, today’s actions, so...
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you just walk around the world, show off, but if you are the world hegemons, then you will calm down london , and paris, and some others, and the canadians, the poles, because they are dragging you into the fire of a nuclear war, it’s understandable, but... if you are still the hegemons of the western world, well , come on, solve the issues, as they said in circles to which i was not close in the nineties, decide the issue according to sunak, according to boris johnson, for these clowns
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who... are playing for promotion, who are behind so many destabilizing actions, and if you cannot decide, if you cannot calm down your allies, then what kind of hegemons are you, as they said, as they said in one post-soviet film, this is not a thief, this is an orange, did you buy your hegemony with money, and with borrowed money? there are people in the world who have countries and powers, who have their own money, so, in my opinion, today a proposal was made to washington, well prove your dominance, take your jackals away from the brink of nuclear war, you can, we’ll talk, but if you can’t, that’s a disaster. by the way, they say snow will fall. “well, in
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moscow it’s normal, we’re used to it, this is the kind of snow that can fall somewhere in europe, and how will running there be, it’s a geiger counter knocking, this is, as they say, unknown for now, these are not crickets, these are geiger counters , yes, a very important point, look, macron expected that he would talk with the leader of china , xidinping, in particular about how everything was going. to arrange in ukraine in order to force russia to stop, including nuclear blackmail, many here in the studio said: “no, don’t you understand, it’s impossible.”
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what is now observed in our area, they involved, yes, indeed, they staged a war for another global power, russia, a regional war, in which they take an indirect part, receive a lot of dividends from this, they themselves do not fight, they
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supply weapons, they are there they are going to launch their military-industrial complex on this, they are arming europe, the europeans are fighting instead of them, so to speak, so now, in fact, for...
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it bears the name, you can, some there are already saying, this is a private military, this is not a private military organization, it carries the french flag, the french chevron, it is called the french foreign region, yes, the officers are french,
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citizens france, the rest are generally recruited from other citizens, so, by the way, there are quite a lot of ukrainians themselves, i wouldn’t be surprised that there, so to speak, just these were sent there, but they were given the opportunity... with my point of view is direct participation the armed forces of another country, france, in this
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conflict, and there should be how many of them, how many of these people with chevrons, and it doesn’t matter, at least one, then at least one from the very beginning, at least one, they are chevron’s military advisers do not wear this. they are fundamentally there from the very beginning, the americans said that their people are there, that’s what she said, they are official military personnel now, that we are now finding out whether they are really there or not, well, what they write is me counted the war correspondents, they believe that they are already yes, they suffered losses and they participate in battles, clashes, they are not sitting there at repair bases somewhere, but the fact that they are participating in the hours of the war.
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we don’t care what they think, we think so, we should assume that it’s us, we didn’t think, we didn’t think that this was participation in the conference, today’s foreign ministry statement addressed to great britain is also transferred to france, that we are now this is one of the stages, a new stage, from today a new stage of this conflict begins, which is already accepting, beginning to accept outlines of the european one, and i emphasize once again that... despite the statement, listen, in the american congress
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there are basically lawyers, in the house of representatives are people who protect their districts, so this idiot, his main task is this comrade, keep the line, that is, keep your faction in the fact that they voted correctly, that is, is he a hodar, or something, but in general, yes, no, he’s a good guy, no , no, no, no, wait, here you are talking about a thief, a swindler and a murderer, the khodorkovsky bear, yes?
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and there is no other road to the other side, no, only a bridge, you have to have time to cross the bridge, righteous man, premiere, may 9 on rtr, immerse yourself in the world of luxury and comfort, at riksus golf villas and sute. sharmelsheikh, a stunning world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first in the world swiss hotel working. all inclusive, treat yourself to a holiday where
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a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, that’s what, comrades, girls, good a sniper can. stop the enemy's attack, we are
1:14 am
now a team, we must become one in order to prove that we are snipers, i see the enemy. shoot! klimenko, fire, this is an order! and if the germans have a new sniper, he could easily slap you all the way. captain? and you are so, not tiredly worried. there is a task for that squad. would you allow me to take the abandoned one with you? to complete this task i need a second sniper. and klimenka is the only combat unit. get started. you won’t escape through the sight on may 10 on rtr on victory day
1:15 am
, katyushka came out with us. with all my heart, a big holiday issue on may 9 on rtr, you are completely rehabilitated, here you go, the premiere for victory day, what are you going to do next, i would like to return to my native half-cro, come on in, here
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you are, holy innocence, i feel a strong vibration, speed 540, novels, jump, do you hear? fighters, the battle for crimea, tomorrow on rtr. please, so the escalation is following a certain path, the current statement especially impressed me, we held an exercise at the end of last year, russia conducted strategic nuclear forces, now they will conduct exercises, they started today, and exercises with so...
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i mean the existence of everything, as the president said. they understand what will happen next, because they expected, now we will send a little bit of the french, then the poles, then the romanians, the germans will come, the americans will come, and this is a proxy war little by little, here we say, it’s all over, guys the topic is over, they say, we will deliver the f16, we say, it’s not a question which airfield will be the first
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to accept our tactical nuclear weapons, we perceive the f16 as a carrier, and this means that we will destroy them, based on the fact that they can carry a nuclear payload. therefore, they will begin to use the airfield and moldova, so as not to immediately put nato countries at risk, romania, then nato there they are discussing two red lines for us, i don’t care, excuse me, we are generally half and half about what they are discussing about our red lines, then what macron said nonsense that if they break through the front line, manyuu has two problems of his own, nato has other problems. i’m telling you that you are dividing, now nato is also leaving, as if it wants to withdraw aside, because there are americans there, the americans say, there are french, there are poles, they can fight anywhere in their national capacity, no, but stoltenberg says, everything that ukraine has, for god’s sake, berg can give away his pens and pieces of paper, he is
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a secretary and toilet paper, when macron says, i will send a corps, where will he get the corps from, he doesn’t have a corps, he is nato. the president has already said 10 times: why the hell do we need you, no one will attack anywhere, there is one person in russia who wants to get to pereneev, even quiet, why alone, there are many of us, there are many of you, yes, no,
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i think that this ladder of escalation
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in the west, it has a lot of steps, so they are thrown over one, we have big steps, that is, when they sorry, the first red line revolves around the possibility of russian penetration through the defense line of kiev, oh, lyukiev, or lyakiev, or rather, excuse me, it is now spelled and pronounced differently. kiev, no, it’s even worse there, because now, as it turns out, it was founded by someone else, well, based on how they pronounce it now, but they write and pronounce it like that now, yes, and indeed the town has become much worse, therefore, in my opinion, the current announcement, just before the inauguration, very well emphasizes the stronger position that it occupies russia, and this gives us the opportunity now not to rush with your i...
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normal people, i mean the chief of koensh, who they called, a good rank, it’s an honor, kudativnikana, yes, pagi, so pak,
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pag, so pagi and sagas, pyag, yes, opponents and supporters think that we have very good prospects right now, when we can take our time, but show them what we are, and what it means to rush or not to rush, well, everything is clear, listen, well, let's go even further, but again - this is absolutely true. speculation why this is appearing now, well, we understand that on the seventh and ninth, yes, ukraine will try to do everything possible to strike at the crimean bridge, to which we explain to them very simply, if there is such an attempt, the answer will be that you can't imagine what this will lead to consequences, well, you know, for ukraine it’s no use explaining this, but the americans, i think they understand this, i’m not sure there’s no point in explaining this to them, because when they understand this in europe to a european, this is not a country, because europe. means that they are
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a legitimate target for us, as accomplices, supporters and leaders of terrorism, well, they haven’t been declared, there are some articles, but this doesn’t need to be declared, it is important that they are wanted, well, wanted, and this means , what, no, how we have long arms, during detention, oh, during attempts to detain them with a cruise missile, yes, but excuse me, i want to remind you that the way we fought international terrorism is another matter, this is military destruction, the military liquidation of a military commander, the pentagon says, we did not mix it up. any changes in the deployment of strategic forces, obviously we will continue to observe the situation, this, this, this charles brown said, no, this was said by patrick ryder, but he’s the same cretin, and he understands that he was told that we are not we are using strategic forces, he didn’t notice no, but patrick ryder simply, it means that ours are working very well, no, it means that the task is not to answer the question
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that was put to him, of course, as always, this is such an american practice. say, but for musa this is outside his area of ​​competence, why? because no, we will punish the mus, no, if he does, let us tell him what to do with the mus, and if it is, we do not participate in it, we do not recognize him, but we will punish him, well after that, of course, when it comes out a man with a boring face blinks and argues that everyone wants american hegemanism, blinkin wants to say, well, you ’re really a cretin, well, they just
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don’t consider you anything anymore, blinky, well, you’re a cretin, be proud, understand, change your pants already, you’re a cretin, blinkin, biden and even less of a cretin, than blinken, because biden has a different disease, he can’t even understand that blincon is a cretin, what to do, age, age, dementia, such an amazing disease, he’ll be the next president, then we’ll see who biden is, biden, and he and won’t understand that he became the next president, that’s the beauty, that’s the beauty, yes, with that, having become president, he will continue to believe that he is obama's vice president, what about? you don’t rush home, then he will degrade into a senator, maybe, by the way, yes, he will remember his youth in the year seventy-two, the road down, please, after february of the fourteenth year, when the crimean spring began, there is an impression that history is being written before our eyes, for some reason today this feeling has become especially strong, but in fact today we are witnessing the formation of a new russian
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nuclear diplomacy, and we are in a new... voice or with new confidence we are talking about our interests and this is a very, very important stage for the next six years of our russian history, and on this occasion i would like to say several important things: firstly, a truly new nuclear diplomacy of russia, i would especially emphasize the word diplomacy here, the point is that we have some experience in taking into account the nuclear factor in international ones.
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still bilateral soviet-american, but some are broader, for example, the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which proceeded from the fact that nuclear weapons are a threat, this is a danger, it is necessary to limit the possibilities of its use as much as possible, this tendency, this is all correct, of course, but this tendency led to the fact that at some point this conviction was established that nuclear weapons are such clothes from couture, yes, everyone looks at it, but no one is going to wear it. because it is expensive and inconvenient, now, as it turns out, nuclear weapons should, from russia’s point of view, return as an instrument of our foreign policy, and here i would especially like to draw attention to the fact that this is your position vladimir rudolfovich, the firm position
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of the experts in your program is that nuclear weapons are a factor in foreign policy, they cannot in any case be presented as something decorative, in the scientific world there sergei aleksandrovich koraganov published a series of articles, this is the position , it sharpens a stone like a drop of stone, it is gradually becoming a real instrument of russian foreign policy, the other day a bbc documentary was released called the history of nuclear weapons, where your program is quoted, here is andrei gurulev’s statement here about what exactly will happen to great britain if it plays these games, and how correctly, according to the laws of the genre , it is done at the beginning of the program, in the middle, at the end , the author of the document.
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as a person who argued for a long time with the club of rome about whether people would die or not, from lack of food, as a result of the population explosion, but in reality, of course, for international affairs, he is, first of all, the author of a book written with such a big swing, which is called from thermonuclear war, he wanted to write something similar about clausewitz's war, it didn’t turn out very well, but in any case, over the next 30 years, millions of copies of his book were published, so it became a textbook, we’ll translate it...
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well, as he thought for good purposes, so, the americans sincerely believed that everything will be like this, it means that there are nuclear weapons, there are stages of conflict escalation, the parties will exchange signals, and thus a nuclear conflict can be managed, when the soviet union collapsed in the nineties, we learned something about soviet nuclear planning, here is the presence of the mikha, to speak this is inconvenient, i will refer to what became known, it became known that ... the soviet model of using nuclear weapons was quite simple, as soon as our commanders learned that nato was becoming our enemy, without any forty-five steps, the first a strike in the fulsky corridor, and
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the movement of our tank divisions towards luxembourg, paris and so on, that’s the whole escalation, we are tankers, the whole world will see, that’s why what happened today is a more complex system of escalation, of course, today russia. took a step along this ladder, this is our signal, which we of course expect that our opponents will read or will have to read, but in the end we show that we still consider this phenomenon as a diplomatic one, but it is very important that our western opponents they weren’t interested in this, in general sometimes it feels like they didn’t read anything at all on nuclear strategy except for germanokan’s textbook, because the impression that you are communicating with illiterate people is quite strong, so well here to convince them that i can guarantee you that they didn’t read this textbook, but in any case, now you
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’ve read it, there’s a generation of people in power who, well, what macron is talking about, salivaan read it, we we're talking about those who, and that's for sure. absolutely, there they have it in the recommended literature, but macron doesn’t know how to read at all, and who hasn’t finished talking about macron? macron, here ’s a little again, i ’ll stay in the space of diplomacy for now, and sometimes our western opponents need to explain that russia has its own diplomatic political style, if today’s statement says that we are not talking about exercises, about preparations for conducting exercises, this is just a step up... a step up the ladder, because if the exercises were announced, then one could remember 2008, when the exercises caucasus 208, 2008, i beg your pardon,
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smoothly developed into the defense of south ossetia from georgian aggression, the special military operation was also preceded by certain exercises, so the signal is quite diplomatic, the only problem is whether our western partners will understand... the meaning this signal that we are really, as was said, telling washington, calm down your exploding comrades in europe, or we will act completely differently, by the way, i still believe that the united states has in relation to this the conflict has a double strategy, on the one hand they are of course holding back russia, on the other hand they really want there to be some kind of long, long war in europe. which would be better if it spread from ukraine somewhere else, then europe will be even larger will be dependent on the united states, will purchase even more weapons, which europe doesn’t have much of anyway.
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china is bringing russia to the negotiating table, on the other hand, supposedly, in the negotiations with wang, it was said that we are not starting some kind of huge trade war, but we have a list of sensitive technologies that we will hit right now, so china will feel these sanctions painful quite quickly, and again we will not overestimate blinkin’s intellectual characteristics or abilities, imagine that someone can... it is impossible to blackmail or put pressure on the president of china, but when i looked at the modest comments today, a very strange meeting in format, yes, princepin, the president of france and ursula fonderen, otherwise the girl should have been invited, then with one on the one hand, she was probably crying about electric vehicles or solar panels, on the other hand, i think that this was another attempt to exert pressure, she was just being rude.
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like these barbarians, you still need to be able to observe politeness, you invited a person to guests, and you behave like this, well, it’s simply indecent. mikhail mikhailovich, tell us what we can expect? first, a few words about the upcoming exercise, which will focus on the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
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exercises, they are not very impressive outwardly, but outwardly, they are not very impressive and spectacular, for example, the passage of signals for use and unlocking. well , it doesn’t seem to look very impressive if, say, they shoot a video about it, or, for example, the work of a group, planning fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy, well, they bowed down officer-operators are on the map, developing the first nuclear strike, the objects, the height of the detonation, the power of the ammunition, what will be the effectiveness of hitting this object, well, this cannot be voiced either. seems to be outwardly ineffective, for example, the very issues of issuance, delivery, security, nuclear ammunition, or, for example, even such issues are being worked out, this is a very large list of issues that are being worked out in such exercises, even, for example, if an imminent threat arises - capture
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nuclear weapons by the enemy, that too or maybe during combat operations, it is necessary to work out the issues of eliminating our own nuclear weapons. for example, at one time, for example, i even had to complete demolition courses in order to blow up everything that i had at my disposal myself if there was a threat of their capture, that is, somehow this is purely external, well, ineffective, it cannot to make an impression on the enemy, but what, and what in the end can make an impression, well, here’s the further reasoning, again i’ll emphasize exclusively from headings, if i were the director, that is , such a teaching should demonstrate that nuclear... already exists, it is operational, it is combat-ready, it should still end in the practical practical use of these weapons, as it seems to me, for example, well, so that this really has the effect that yes, we are ready
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to take such extreme steps, that is, this is either a long-range aviation flight tactical exercise with the practical use of nuclear weapons at a test site on the peninsula, a dry nose, training... d2, for example, or, for example, this is the relocation of several missile divisions, iskander m, for example, to the same new land and practical launches of missiles, again with nuclear weapons, explosions, so that all this is recorded, the navy can launch rk-55 type missiles there, there is no need for many nuclear explosions; three or four will, in my opinion, be quite enough. there were such exercises, in fact there were similar precedents in the history of our armed forces, for example, in 1961 , operation rosa was carried out, when missiles were launched from the salekhard area r-12 with real nuclear warheads
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that were blown up at the novaya zemlya test site, in the sixty-second year, operation tulip from transbaikalia from the position area of ​​the fourth missile division - this is a populated area , it is very blurred by and large, as they say, it depends on which side look, today the person is official, tomorrow she’s not official, remember, remember this scene, that’s it, so here this question is very vague, because in general there is no such gradation, like 50 kilotons is
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tactical, and 100 is strategic, no such gradations, that’s why this line here is so very, very fluid, again, why, for example, they will tell me, well, my friend, equs. tests in three environments, what are you pushing us into, are you an honorary member of the club of nuclear maniacs, no, gentlemen, well, in this case, like when the united states needs it, they withdraw from any agreements and treaties, from any, practically, that’s it. ..
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the outcome of the armed confrontation in ukraine will determine the general position of our country in the world for the next 40-50 years, this is the price of the issue. in this regard, here again personally, for example, i would go for certain violations, so to speak, in the plan , here we have mikhailovich, we were once read number one. yes, in terms of tactical charges, we have them, well, just a mass of the most diverse, very diverse - this, this is, if you list only the navy, there are not enough fingers on both hands to just list all the types of nuclear weapons that it has, how deep and the area will be heavily contaminated, will it be possible to conduct military operations, or did the great soviet union foresee this, our technology provides for the possibility of use in conditions...
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no one remembers for a long time, but they also do not lead to great destruction of objects; there are also neutron ammunition, about them in the area, but only to the defeat of personnel, but at this stage again i’m only talking about the exercises, because what is the task of these exercises, again , exclusively in my opinion, in my opinion, well, to demonstrate nuclear weapons, they are in good condition, and the armed forces of the russian federation in accordance with the decrees political leadership of the country at...
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for example, or there he can use a projectile with a nuclear filling, let’s say, it can also be considered as a nuclear carrier, and if the mit separately declares such a pf-16, does this mean that we reserve the right to carry nuclear strikes on home airfields, mit for that and mit, to put it in such a way as to provide for several options for the development of events, let’s say, this is not in terms of criticism of our foreign policy department, but those... the transition from teaching to
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real application, that is, the deployment and the delivery of tactical nuclear weapons and their appearance at the front is a matter of months, weeks, days, hours, yes, it’s a matter of hours, it’s a matter of hours, because during strategic command and staff training, on-site training, crew training, everything after all, all these procedures are being worked out. they generally take minutes to become automatic, but i judge this from my personal experience, well, everything has been worked out repeatedly, so it’s not a matter of days, days, weeks, months, this is strategic nuclear the forces are generally located, strategically 7 -9 minutes deadline operational deadline for operational readiness to launch inter-coal makes a decision on tactics? according to the opinion of tactical nuclear weapons, the strategic one is clear, there are certain procedures, but for the tactical
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one there is such a misconception that somewhere there is some kind of red button the size of a meter by a meter, the president presses it, a simultaneous launch of inter-mounted ballistic missiles is carried out there , ballistic missile submarines, in fact the president supreme commander gives only the first, permission to use nuclear weapons and - a command to unlock nuclear warheads, these are, in fact , the functions of the supreme commander-in-chief, and already, especially tactical nuclear weapons, they are already used by a specific decision of the commander in accordance with the current situation, at what level of commanders? everything, if allowed, then it no longer depends on the level, well, that is, the level up to the division inclusive, but if the command to use nuclear weapons was passed on all so to speak, this is at the stages, then, for example , the direct decision to launch, for example, the same iskandir missile, it is already taken by the commander of the missile division, because
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it is impossible in a war to give something like this, when, for example, the engineering troops there use nuclear mines, when the commander of a submarine decides to launch a torpedo from a nuclear warhead, he already decides for himself, depending on the situation, he already decides for himself, since he received the signal, everything is allowed and unlocked, he already applies the rest based on the specific ones. to that what is needed to understand that we have tactical nuclear weapons, yes, that is , special ones, starting from 152 mm, yes, starting from 152. that is, starting from conventional artillery and up to a variety of carriers, both under water, on water, on the ground and in the air, absolutely absolutely right, i think that today, at least, this part of our program will be translated into all languages ​​of the world, advertising.
1:51 am
the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. tomorrow at 11:40 moscow time time on rts. kalinon belek is a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come
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1:53 am
provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you care, continuation . conversations in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation , the first podcasts we watch, the decision to march to pristina has been approved, the task is to occupy the airport before the allies, to prevent leakage of information to nato, do it, machine,
1:54 am
history of the feat, but what kind of business? the story of real heroes, the morning will give us all the clues, but for now just look, the russian army is in pristina, i don’t need you here, and i will cut you to the last, there are about 100 people, there are eight of us here, they fought to the death, but i i’m glad that we will all live together, fulfilling our duty, in the name of russia. our situation is crap, the probability that we will survive until the morning is 10 percent, but we have been given the task of holding the airport, which means we'll keep it. balkan frontier, may 10 on rtr. on the day of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, we want to tell you about a man of amazing purity of heart and broad soul, about whom legends were made during his lifetime.
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archimandrite methodius, with whom vladimir putin met more than once during his annual trips. navala malakhov tomorrow on rtr, take the rod in your right hand like this , hop, tell him, he won’t be very arrogant to ask for your phone number, we look at the weekend, you’re unevenly bashing the suvin, so i can open their eyes, it was you who was driving , she she deceived me, and i trusted her with my children. it’s not my fault, i feel it, i’m not what you thought. valyusha, on saturday and sunday, this is a report,
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emmanuel macron, once again formulated a thought, formulated, formulated, formulated and could not
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formulate, we are not in a state of war with russia or the russian people, we have no desire for regime change in moscow , we respect the ancient ties between china and russia, and the efforts made over the decades to stabilize these relations, given this complex history, we welcome obligations of the chinese authorities to abstain. or on the territory of the country 404, we will kill you all, state duma deputy, tolstoy, i strictly comply, please, yes, okay,
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let's talk about escalations, by the way, stop supporting the ukranazis, in general it would be nice for macron, but he doesn’t maybe when we talk about european leaders, it would be good for them to see the light, it would be good to be forgiven, maryamirovna zakharova has already said what state the french president is in then.
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such an important thing, well, this is the speech, so to say that in this case it does not apply to europeans, when we say that they will understand something, they will not understand anything, in this sense, macron’s visit, so to speak, will not be understood there in beijing, not because there is no reason, just macron a person with a good education, that’s it, but the problem is different, that these are managers, they are makhronov beijing or vice versa now, ugh, sorry, all daypinov paris, of course, no, it was just this and that, i say, no, that’s it this visit, this particular visit, yes, it’s like... a return visit, really, but yes, this is a conversation this is a very strange thing they do, macron , according to his role, so to speak, calculation, had to persuade xidin ping to commit
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suicide, well, that is, the chinese people to commit suicide, that is, to put them in the west, so to speak, to participate in the isolation of russia, to persuade russia that - there is nothing to do there, and at the same time endure everything, so to speak, it is understandable the technological restrictions that washington is now imposing, and europe is imposing because it was ordered to do so. and at the same time sidin pinto is just probably tried to persuade macron not to commit suicide, so to speak, that is, fonderne was present there, it’s clear why, but she represented the rest of europe, well, macron here is such a bonaparte, and fondeline is like, well, he represents the rest of europe, so this whole rest of europe should sidin pin, in theory, should have told europe not to commit this suicide, but excuse me, the decision has already been made, unfortunately, probably for macron, and for pin fonderley , it doesn’t matter at all when she has a contract there ends. i remember, but soon she just has a problem that she feels that she can be given a ride, but the point is not even that she will get a ride, most likely the contract simply will not be renewed, we need it in our own names, but there is nowhere to go, but oh well nowhere, well, what
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's the return, excuse me , at first, so to speak, it is clear that this periphery, that is, europe, will feel the effects, europe will simply cease to be what it, so to speak, was, this happened several times in the history of europe, no big deal, the people will survive, everything will be rebuilt again, as after the collapse of rome, but in fact, unfortunately, comrade pin ekron discussed completely unimportant things, that’s why it would be nice to do something else, well, that’s okay, this is like my personal opinion, though i agree with him, now as for, hello
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about this very thing. that’s the truth, so now regarding the escalation, it means that for some reason everyone remembers the escalation of the sixty-second year, the caribbean crisis or the cuban missile crisis, the berlin crisis, well, there’s the berlin crisis, yes, that’s very accurate, that’s of course the crisis of the year eighty-three, which was much more terrible, then the problem is this: in the first case, that is, in the year sixty-two, well, you know, all the documents that relate to the behavior of president john f. gerald kennedy, so to speak, are crisis, they are all fake, which was actually already half recognized, because president kennedy. according to even the declassified part of the doctors’ reports , she was simply in a deranged state, by the way, everything that journalists wrote about this crisis, they wrote mainly referring to the kennedy brothers, that is, referring to robert fugerald kennedy, so to speak, the cocktail that kennedy took then, of course, was terrible, so in general it was so difficult to resolve this crisis, all this they explained that the telegraph, so to speak, was not like that,
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there was no hot telephone or some kind of telex, but in fact there was. the state is that the president of the united states was in a deranged state, just some kind of biden, but at the same time not, biden has another problem, i ’ll tell you about it now, not a cocktail, but just not a little, yes, but as if he was young, it’s just that his trauma from the war led to the abuse, so to speak, of a whole series of drugs that led to others illness, as a result, his body very often had antipsychotic substances in a cocktail with apiates, imagine what state the man was in, so all these stories are so sad, but this is such a myth in general about all these mafia and they killed him for exactly that what he got into usa in this crisis, there was not a single person for three years who loved him, including his wife jacqueline, by the way, who was suspected of being involved in this, but god bless him, then this was the situation, especially no less, it was possible to resolve
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an eighth third... the situation was the opposite, the thing is that it all started, of course, not with the nato exercises themselves, the skilled archer archer, who just related to the use of nato, as if combined, as far as i i remember the use of both tactical and strategic nuclear weapons with connection of the united states, by the way, a lot has been written about this, both documentary and artistic works, but the point is that later reagan and his advisers recalled in several monographs it was written that they said that they did not think that the soviet union would really accept this at face value will bring the troops into, so to speak, strategic troops into a combat-ready state, because the soviet union directly thought, at least various parts of the then soviet elite thought, that perhaps under the guise of a training they were preparing a real blow to the soviet union, because let me remind you that in 1981, reagan began to curtail the so-called understandable détente; the problem for the americans then in 1983, when they realized, so to speak, what edge humanity had actually walked along, was that
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the soviet leadership is no longer... if we are now talking about the beginning of escalation, we are about now having a certain mixture from our country, if we look at the united states of what is happening there, well, because, you know, really, firstly, the fight, so to speak, of bulldogs under the carpet, it’s very kind of like this, it’s not very clear who to talk to, well, really, that is, look, let’s say, even we want to make them an offer that they will really like, someone should do it, there is not a single entrance gateway that could...


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