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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 7, 2024 11:00am-11:36am MSK

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thank you very much for being with us today, i was also pleased, my friends, today we talked about the myths that are present when we talk about the presence or absence of parasites, and of course, we dwelled in detail on those real methods of prevention that will allow you not contract a parasitic infection. we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, there was a program with you about the most important things. before the main event of the year, the inauguration of the president of russia.
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israel strikes rafah neighborhoods in the south gas sector, ten deaths are reported, will this derail the negotiations? russia's warning about conducting nuclear exercises forced nato leaders to react. macron angered sidinpin, and by trying to antagonize beijing and moscow, the first results of the negotiations in paris. and this did not happen. for at
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least a quarter of a century, central russia has been covered in may snow. so, russia is preparing for the most important political event. the presidential inauguration ceremony will begin very soon. to the position of head vladimir putin will take office for a new term. in the elections that took place in march, he received record high voter support and received more than 87% of the vote. for him, today this will be his fifth inauguration, but in general this is the seventh such ceremony in the history of modern russia. our tv channel will broadcast live, and we will show all the details of this significant event. our tv channels are located along the entire route of the head of state. vladimir putin will arrive at the big kremlin palace by car aurus senate. and it is already known that an updated version of this will be presented for the first time today.
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the elected president will enter the kremlin along the main staircase and, after the commandant’s report , proceed to the place of taking the oath. in general , the script of the ceremony is written down to the smallest detail; it will practically not change. however, this year vladimir putin’s press secretary dmitry peskov promised small nuances. and our correspondents, alexey konopko, will meet the head of state, he is in the st. george hall of the great kremlin palace. alexander khristenko - in alexandrovsky. but alexey petrov works at malachite faye, they are already in direct contact with the studio. colleagues, good morning! and my first question is to alexey konopko. lyosha, what is happening around you now and how will everything go? yes, hello, we are really lucky to work at the point closest to the start of this ceremony, it is here in the st. george’s hall shortly before noon that the doors will open, not the side ones that are open now, but in the front wall the front doors of the st. george’s hall will open and it will be possible consider that the inauguration ceremonies
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have started, and it is through these doors that the banners will be brought in first. standard of the president and the state flag of russia. at the previous inauguration, it took two minutes and 52 seconds for the soldiers to carry these banners to the podium after they took their seats. soldiers will enter these same doors with a special copy of the constitution and the sign of the president, a golden chain, they will also bring all this to the stands, placing it on the right and left hand of the place. president, and after that, go there the chairmen of the federation council, the state duma and the constitutional court will appear at the podium, in this order, at this moment it will be possible to consider that everything is ready, the president will be informed about this, and he will go from his office here. at this moment, by the way, we will see a new product of this ceremony, indeed, the updated aurus, it had its debut at the previous inauguration 6 years ago, and now the updated version will debut. new design, new filling, well, what
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exactly, they really don’t tell us, well, at least it’s really visible from the outside, how fresh it is without the fact that a very new car will be greeted near the front porch. the president is the commandant of the kremlin, then vladimir putin will need to overcome 74 steps in total ; the elected president will enter these same doors of the st. george’s hall in order for the new georgievsky, alexandrovsky in the st. andrew’s hall to pronounce those very 33 words of the president’s oath, then there will be the national anthem and the first address of vladimir putin, who has already taken office as head of state , to the citizens of the country, and then he will send. alexey, thank you, we see that the guests are already gathering, and now we move on to alexander khristenko in the alexander hall. sasha, do you already
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feel the solemnity of the moment? yes, zhenya, of course, this effect is enhanced by the large kremlin palace itself, which is called the decoration and pride of the kremlin, the greatest monument. russian nobility, but part of the large kremlin palace, the alexander hall, where we are, is rightfully considered the most magnificent of the five halls, so we saw when guests came here, of course, they were taken aback breath, the heart sank from the contemplation of such beauty, the hall is called alexander, in honor of the order of st. prince alexander nevsky, this award was established back in 1725 by catherine i. this award for military and civil merits, the motto of the order for labors of the fatherland, and we see these words here now in the hall, they are written on the sign of the order, which is placed within the walls of the hall, but as for the decoration, of course, it is difficult to convey in words how much this hall
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magnificent, the walls are decorated with pink marble, there are sailing vaults spherical dome, but perhaps the most important feature of this hall is the light, there are huge windows, including those decorated with mirrors; now, even for the inauguration ceremony , professional, additional television light has been installed, and of course, when refracted, all this creates such an effect of endless glow, which, by the way, has been celebrated since the construction of this hall back in the 19th century; balls and various special events were held here; today , meetings of the state council are held in the alexander hall of the kremlin. they invite you here ambassadors of foreign states to present their credentials to the president, well, at these moments this sublime, magnificent alexander hall, of course, is an integral part of the solemn ceremony, the inauguration of the president of russia. alexander,
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thank you, well now let’s see what ’s happening in the malachite fai, but it’s very close to the third st. andrew’s hall, where the most important event today will take place, and my colleague alexey petrov, lyosha, works there. the guests of the ceremony, as i see, are taking their places, with whom did you manage to communicate, what's the atmosphere like? yes, zhenya, good morning, indeed, you are right, malachite is very lively here, it is actually nearby, just a little, a little to the left, there is already the st. andrew’s hall, now before entering the st. andrew’s hall, guests are discussing, discussing, this such lively, relaxed, very friendly communication, there are deputies, senators, many famous people, cultural figures, artists, scientists, heads of various companies, banks, the whole room is relatively small, but right now this live communication is happening, we too we managed to talk with some of those who are already here about today’s moment , including its historical significance, a very
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important day for us, a solemn, responsible day, the president takes the oath of office to his citizens. this is done publicly, you see how many people, despite the challenges, our country is becoming stronger, so we can only be glad that we have such a head of state, putin is our advantage, our people support our supreme commander, our president, and the elections really showed this universal support, love, trust in our president, not only the civilian population, the civilian population, but our military personnel, who completely... trust our supreme, and this is a continuation of our policy, the development of our country, given the scale of the events that are happening, and that the role that the figure of vladimir putin plays in these events, we can say that this
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is probably the most important event of the 20th century today, will evoke a variety of emotions depending on the east, west, there, south, and so on. the historical significance is especially felt here and what ella pamfilova spoke about now, but speaking about the ceremony itself, i would like to say a few words about the symbols of presidential power, these are special heraldic signs that will be introduced today, they will be located near the podium where vladimir putin will take the oath, and so this is the russian tricolor standard with a golden image of the state emblem, the banner is bordered by gold. on the shaft there is a silver skaba with the surnames and patronymics of the president and the terms of office. standard
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is traditionally located in the president's office, duplicates, a raid over the dome of the senate palace, and the sign of the president - an equal-armed cross with widening ends, it is covered with ruby ​​enamel in the center there is an applied image of the state coat of arms, on the back there is a medallion with the words benefit, honor, glory, this one cross and there are more and more guests here, and of course, this is a casual conversation, an opportunity
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to discuss once again the significance that today’s event will have, an event that is, of course, of a historical nature. lyosha, thank you, we just saw how deputy chairman of the russian security council, dmitry medvedev, arrived at the large kremlin palace, and before that prime minister mikhail mishustin, the entire government is here. the entire governor's corps, as well as a lot of guests from abroad. colleagues, we will return to you, and there is just over half an hour left before the start of the ceremony. we will return to the kremlin very soon, but for now we will move on to other news. 11 counterattacks, ukrainian neo-nazis were repelled by russian units in the special operation zone over the past 24 hours. seven times the sssu unsuccessfully tested the strength of our positions in the ovdeevsky direction. on this section of the front, the enemy lost more than 350 militants and two dozen vehicles. this is how
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the tankers of the dnepr group destroy strongholds and personnel of the ukrainian armed forces. this is the job of our attack drone operators. they discovered and disabled equipment dugouts of ukrainian formations on the donetsk sector of the front. footage of the destruction has been published. the tank was in motion when he tried to change leopard, our drone overtook the german position, well, this was the work of russian rocket artillery, the crews of the southern group of troops destroyed ukrainian militants in the northern direction, they fired at night, the accuracy of the hits was confirmed by reconnaissance. from the front line in the western direction, a report by our military commander alexander katsuba. our infantry fighting vehicle slowly takes up a firing position under the treetops
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. the crew of the motorized rifle brigade of the guards tank army of the western forces group operates as secretly as possible. automatic twin cannon, caliber 100 mm and 30 mm. we are now preparing to strike at the stronghold of the ukrainian neo-nazis, who are in close proximity. the operator of our reconnaissance drone is coordinating the strike; the enemy is in a nearby forest belt. we hit the enemy along a hinged trajectory, each salvo of a 100-millimeter bmp three cannon hits the target. the shells fall very closely. at some point, the cover group notices an enemy attack drone. we urgently need to change our position. prepared lines, unmanned aircraft
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i see that we are getting out of the attack on parathas in advance, in general they are the most difficult task, they are used a lot, so yes, yes, a lot, the comics fly in, yeah, practically the only thing that saves us is this barbecue, a metal structure with a mesh around the turret of a combat vehicle , which is called a brazier here, is the most effective means of protection against enemy birds in the event of an explosion of an attack drone. remains intact, moving from firing line to firing line at maximum speed is one of the elements of protection against enemy communications drones, which are here... here on this sector of the front, the enemy uses a lot of minutes to prepare, our infantry needs fire support and a new blow. in this square there is a machine gun point of the armed forces of ukraine, the militants are hitting so hard that you can’t raise your head, the crew of our bmp-3 made all the adjustments, they ran, they took the coordinates of the target, they aimed,
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the copters helped us, and accordingly, they took aim in a few shots and completely suppressed it. now we can again see a picture from the kremlin, how preparations are going on for the inauguration of the elected president of russia vladimir putin, we see... now a picture from the large kremlin palace, from all three halls, georgievsky, aleksandrovsky and andreevsky, guests, and these are several thousand people, almost everyone is already in place, we see how their number is increasing, people are standing and waiting for the ceremony to begin,
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there will be many foreign guests. also , the governor's corps, famous artists, the deputy corps will be several thousand trusted representatives of vladimir putin, who worked all this time during his election campaign, traveled around the country and talked about how our country will develop over the next at least 6 years. we see how people's artist of russia larisa dolina is now. we will return to the kremlin again, but for now. let's move on to other news: a forced response to the aggressive policy of the west and the threat to the security of russians, this is how russian ambassador to washington anatoly antonov commented on the exercises of tactical nuclear forces announced by the president. how serious is vladimir putin in his intentions , the american agency wonders bloomberg, recalling
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russia's unequivocal warnings to both the united states and europe, as soon as the idea of ​​direct participation was heard. nato in the ukrainian conflict. what else do they say and write in the west? anastasia popova will tell you everything. the signal reached the addressee. russian exercises and testing of the readiness of non-strategic nuclear weapons have excited europe and at the same time cooled the ardor. one after another, the leaders began to disavow their earlier statements. they started talking about the reluctance to fight with russia in italy. we will help ukraine defend itself. but we don't let's send not a single italian soldier there. it’s one thing to help ukraine with weapons, and another thing to fight with russia, and we are not in a state of war with russia. french president emmanuel macron also adjusted his provocative statements about the possibility of sending french troops. we are not in a state of war either with russia or with the russian people, we have no desire to change power in moscow. however, experts
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note that the statement was made in the presence of the chinese leader at the height of his visit to france, perhaps to throw dust on eyes. played an important role in de-escalating the irresponsible nuclear threat from russia and i am confident that he will continue to do so amid the current nuclear threats from russia. german chancellor scholz on social networks declared the inadmissibility of using nuclear weapons, while he himself went to lithuania, where 35... thousand german soldiers are stationed, another step in escalation, a demonstrative ride on armored vehicles at the russian borders, a promise to cover the baltic countries, what will happen? anastasia popovya bernatsky, polina fedorova, european bureau news. despite the generally friendly atmosphere of the meeting between sidden ping and emmanuel macron, criticism of russian-chinese relations angered and outraged the
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chinese president. the new york times wrote about the results of the negotiations in paris when the leaders sat down. at the table at the state banquet, even the sparkling chandeliers of the elysee palace could not hide the blur on the ukrainian issue. xidin pien said that western attempts to hold beijing responsible for another country are unacceptable. china is not a country in this conflict and was not at its origins. as a result , no progress was made. the head of the prc said that he would be ready to support a peace summit on the situation in ukraine, which both moscow and kiev recognize. and the speech is clearly not. about the swiss forum, which will be held in june and where russia was simply not invited, but on issues of the middle east conflict, beijing and paris are like-minded. both countries opposed the attack. israel narafah, as well as for the creation of an independent palestinian state within the 1967 borders . israel attacked fifty this morning
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facilities in rafah, which until recently, by the way, was considered a safe place in the enclave. it was there that residents of other gas regions fled to the south. at least 10 people were killed by massive shelling. moreover , even the day before, tel aviv gave a day to evacuate people. idf tanks. they also took control of the checkpoint on the border with egypt. prime minister netanyahu's office said the israeli military cabinet unanimously approved the operation to force hamas to release the hostages. the latest data from the middle east conflict zone from our staff correspondents in region. sergei pashkov and alexander bilibov. as the military-political leadership of israel promised the day before. this night tsahal, the country's defense army began a targeted limited. in any case, this is what the army press service said in a statement about the operation in the area of ​​the palestinian city of rafah. now the 162nd division of
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the israel defense forces was fighting, breaking through to the southern part of the city, occupying the checkpoint leading to egyptian territory from gaza. the israeli flag is now raised there and israeli armored vehicles are based there. experts believe that israel is literally one step away. from occupying the philadelphia corridor, a strip of land separating the gaza strip and egypt. by the way, the egyptian authorities were categorically against this kind of action by the israeli army. the israeli military is also active in the east and north of rafah. armored vehicles come into contact with militants from the zadim al-qassam brigades. the israeli army is operating in the city, hoping to force hamas to make concessions on the exchange deal, negotiations on which are currently being conducted with the help of egyptian mediators.
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the israeli government's press service stated that the operation in rafah will continue to put pressure on hamas and free the israeli hostages abducted by terrorists on october 7. now several dozen people are on the territory. gas sector. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. israeli merkava tanks entered the palestinian part of the rafah checkpoint this morning. it was through this checkpoint that all the humanitarian aid. now this path is blocked. instead of food trucks , israeli soldiers and armored vehicles were stationed at the border terminal. now, according to estimates from international humanitarian organizations, there are about. millions of refugees from all over the enclave. on monday, israeli aircraft dropped leaflets over the city demanding residents evacuate immediately. they are offered to go north to hanyunis to the west to the mediterranean
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sea, but are destroyed by the israeli army settlements and deserted beaches are unlikely to become a new home for refugees from across the enclave who now remain in rafah and its environs. those who can are trying to escape; lines of cars have already stretched from rafah to the north, but the majority have no opportunity to leave easily. no, because it is extremely difficult to obtain transport fuel. palestinian sources are already reporting civilian casualties as a result of israeli army strikes. according to al-jazeera tv channel, just the day before the bombings in rafah killed as many as minimum 20 people. so far, israeli units have reportedly not entered the city, but if, or rather, when this happens, the gas sector is facing another humanitarian catastrophe, which could surpass in scale everything that happened before this day. israel. despite protests from the international community and its main ally the united states, it nevertheless launched a military operation in rafah and the seizure of the checkpoint of the same name on the border with egypt, this is most likely just
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the beginning, now the whole question is to what extent tel aviv will go far in its quest to wipe hamas off the face of the earth; collateral damage in the form of the death of civilians has, however, never stopped it. alexander bilibov and dmitry cherbakov, lead the middle east. and now we see it in big. numerous guests continue to gather at the krivlev palace, the list of invitees is compiled by the presidential protocol service, the ceremonies are attended by members of the government, the federal assembly, representatives of the constitutional court, the election commission, diplomats, in the footage from the kremlin we we see the governor of the kaliningrad region anton alikhanov, the deputy chairman of the government, the head of the ministry of industry and trade denis mantarov, has also already arrived, this is the deputy chairman of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko. the head of the chechen republic ramzan kadyrov is also here, among the guests is the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill. we also see in the hall.
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russian security council, dmitry medvedev, irina vinnar, our wonderful rhythmic gymnastics coach, is also in the hall today, in the large kremlin palace. there are many famous, recognizable faces today, all the governor's corps, as i already said, as well as many deputies, almost the entire deputy corps, senators, members of the federation council of the russian federation, this is footage of how the presidential regiment is preparing to take the oath and hold the first parade in front of the already elected president, in front of
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the president. .. who will take the oath, or rather take the oath and take the oath of the presidential regiment. this year, for the first time , war correspondents, our colleagues. we now see minister of defense sergei shaiga, and this is the mayor of moscow, sergei sobyanin, arriving together with sergei kiriyenko , deputy head of the administration, first deputy head of the russian administration. we will return to the ceremony again, but for now to other news. this year in russia, the traditional immortal regiment event will be held in the memory gallery format for security reasons. portraits of front-line soldiers of the great patriotic war, participants in a special military operation, are placed in city squares and streets. tribute to memory and gratitude to those who liberated the world from fascism and liberates from neo-nazism. and now they give it to
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these. abroad from india. evgenia. tropical heat, palm trees and kupi, victory banner, all together, it looks, of course, unusual. the feat of our ancestors is remembered not only in every family in russia, but also honored abroad; today the immortal regiment marches through the streets of newdeli. under katya from a russian house in the center of an indian one.
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tell children about our history, about our homeland. in one line are soldiers and generals, concentration camp prisoners and home front workers. on the eve of the 79th anniversary of the great victory, we everyone is very happy, proud, everyone responded as one person to our offer to march as an immortal regiment, and we see that everyone really came, from young to old. front-line songs familiar to everyone are heard in indian calcutta. there our compatriots and local residents who received an education joined the procession.
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british colonies and many indians fought against fascism as part of the allies, some were awarded high soviet awards. the immortal regiment today was joined by indian students and schoolchildren studying russian. joint photographs at the monument to leo tolstoy on the street of the same name in new delhi, of course, words of gratitude for saving all humanity from fascism. evgenia davidov and vladislav dadonov, news from india. residents of central russia have a picture outside their window today. which in these numbers is observed once every quarter of a century, snow flakes against the background of may greenery. by the end of the day, a month's worth of precipitation is forecast. the north atlantic cyclone gula brought with it an unusual cold spell. traffic police warned oriska drivers of icy conditions. moscow authorities promised to return heating to homes. true, according to forecasts, after may 12 the cold weather will recede; the second half of the month
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will more than compensate for the current temperature. pit. so, there is about half an hour left before the start of the solemn event. the historical interiors of the kremlin halls create a special, solemn atmosphere. alexander khristenko in alexandrovsky alexey, the beginning of a question for you, the approach of the solemn moment, as i understand it, is already fully felt, but as i see, everything is already in places. yes, absolutely right, indeed, there is even less than half an hour left until the solemn moment, and you see
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what a huge number of people are here, we see heroes of a special military operation, heroes of russia, holders of the highest orders of our country, we see fellow military officers, of course, here a huge number of outstanding ones. figures of culture, art, sports, doctors, the most famous, we talked here with all these people, in general, according to the law , representatives of the state duma of the federation council and judges must be present at the ceremony constitutional court, everything else is at the discretion of the protocol service, but last time at the last inauguration the etiresal accommodated 3,500 people, now, judging by the density, well, it will probably be no less, all these people, of course, are trying to take seats closer to. .. the path that vladimir putin will follow, the fact is that everyone has a personal invitation, it indicates the hall where the guest should be, but the place is not indicated, so now they are trying to find better places for themselves, of course, communicating with
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those people who are now with us are waiting for the ceremony to begin, we asked what they expect from the next six-year period, and from the president’s speech, the fact is that after taking the oath, after the national anthem, vladimir putin...
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his leader, and of course, no matter what, only one thing awaits us ahead: victory, it is inevitable, to be here today is very significant for us, because we have full consciousness, full understanding and full confidence why, because to lead the largest country, to be responsible for a multi-million dollar, multinational, multi-confessional people,
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thank you, lyosha, now to the alexander khristenko hall, the alexander hall is next to st. george’s. it’s generally a great honor for sasha to be invited to a ceremony, especially to one like this. who did you manage to communicate with? yes, evgeny, of course, it is a special honor to be invited to the kremlin, on this day, now i am seeing more and more guests, despite the impressive size of the alexander hall, it is becoming more and more crowded here, the guests are already standing in several rows, and of course, those who, who managed to get here before everyone else, they immediately took places at the center of the hall, at the fence, in order to be as close as possible to the center, where vladimir putin will take place, this
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ceremony is taking place, of course, against the backdrop of an acute geopolitical situation, a turbulent situation in the world , here among the guests there are foreign invitees, including representatives of the diplomatic mission from these. and also, of course, business representatives, they also have their own expectations from the inauguration and from the new presidential term, let's see what the guests say: collective the west is not united in its perception of this event and...


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