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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 7, 2024 1:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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in a complex world that is rapidly changing, we must be self-sufficient and competitive. to open new horizons for russia, as has happened more than once in our history, but it is important for us to remember its lessons, not to forget about the tragic price of internal ones.
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statehood, which is based on interethnic harmony, preserving traditions , strengthening the power of russia, developing our nation of all peoples living in russia, in a country of civilization, united by the russian language of our multinational culture. i will do it. everything you need, everything that is in mine forces, in order to justify your trust, to use for this purpose all the powers of the head of state, which are enshrined in the constitution. at the same time, i would like to emphasize: the results of this work depend decisively on our unity of cohesion, on our common desire to benefit the fatherland, protect it, and work with full dedication. today, in fact, we... are answerable to
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our thousand-year history, to our ancestors, they took seemingly inaccessible heights, because they always put their homeland first, they knew what to achieve for truly great goals, it is only possible to create a world power, our fatherland, together with our country and our people. we have achieved such triumphs that inspire us today, we are confidently looking forward, planning our future, planning and already implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our development even more dynamic, even more powerful. we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles and bring all our plans to life.
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we will win together, another constitutional procedure has just ended, the russian government resigns its powers to the newly elected president of russia. mishustin signed a decree on the resignation of the government, but in the near future we will see a new or updated cabinet, ministerial candidates, candidates for the chairman of the government will be approved by the state duma and the federation council, in accordance with the new constitution, in accordance with the new powers of parliament. we are transported again to the kremlin, all the heads of regions today were at the inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin, ramzan kadyrov is with us. on a straight line communications, head of the chechen republic, ramzan akhmatych, i hope you can hear us, the president has taken office, what are your expectations for the next 6 years, what are the tasks before you, before the republic, before the country? and good afternoon, first of all i want to congratulate all
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citizens of the russian federation, not only all citizens, the world community, the assumption of office by our president on...
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the chechen republic knows what tasks the president sets, first of all, the well-being of the population. ramzan akhaevich, we see reports from our ministry of defense, our valiant troops are advancing every day, we remember your statement, you said that we will win this year, what kind of
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victory do you see, where should our troops reach? well, actually ask me, i gave up talking a long time ago. where are a bunch of shaitans zelensky of his entourage yes he is, well, we have the president he is wise he is far-sighted so he is not like me yes he is well i think that we need to attack more actively , we need to beat him hard, while there is time, this is this month we need to take the nearest one. "well, we definitely need to take odessa to kharkov then we need to put this zelensky in prison and we need to force him to sign all the papers that are necessary for russia, for the security of our state, for citizens, for
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the russian-speaking population who live on the territory of ukraine. ramzan akhmatovich, we hear macron, who threatens to send his troops to the french legion."
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thank you very much, ramzan akhmatovich, we are glad to see you in good health, otherwise they write all sorts of things in telegrams, but nevertheless we see that all this is nonsense. ramzan kadyrov, head of the chechen republic, is in direct contact with us from the malokhitov hall of the kremlin, where the ceremony of inauguration of president vladimir putin ended.
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the footage from the service shows that putin lit a candle, placed it, the patriarch told the president that the russian clergy and all our people were praying strongly for him, and called it the great mercy of god that he is at the head of our country now. an orthodox person who is not ashamed of his faith. the patriarch also emphasized that a huge number of russians see in the president not only a successful politician, but a very smart, kind and a warm-hearted person. according to presidential aide yuri ushakov, all those accredited in moscow and the heads of foreign diplomatic missions received an invitation to the inauguration. reuters reports that seven representatives from eu countries attended the ceremony. agency sources note that
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they officially reported that the white house recognizes the legitimacy of putin as president of russia, with reservations, of course, but it recognizes it, while us representatives in moscow predictably ignored the inauguration ceremony, barel just said, here his quote, lightning literally, i was against the presence of eu representatives at putin’s inauguration, canada and the uk also refused to send their representatives, the british press, but they understood everything correctly. the times writes that putin is heading into his fifth term stronger and more confident than ever before. the publication notes that
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the entire country, the political and religious elite, which considers the president the living embodiment of russia, has rallied around putin. the army is successfully advancing in ukraine and has an advantage on the battlefield, according to article in the uk's main newspaper. correspondent welt christoph wanner reports that putin has chosen a tough course towards confrontation with the west and change. apparently, it is not going to happen. german tv channels and welt broadcast putin's inauguration live . the russian anthem was played on both german channels. analysts from the south korean arirang tv channel noted that putin has been in power since 1999. fox news expressed confidence that if donald trump returns to the white house. putin will do much better with america. president of venezuela. dura called putin one of the greatest world leaders, and also noted that after the collapse of the soviet union,
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putin very quickly ensured an incredibly high level of economic, social, technological and military development in russia. putin was sworn in for the fifth time on tuesday during an inaugural ceremony in moscow. he has been in power since 1999, when he became... acting president after the resignation of former president boris yeltsen. from 2008 to 2012, putin was prime minister. putin won the presidential election in march with over 87% of the vote. russian president vladimir putin will begin his fifth presidential term on tuesday. if you have any comments about this? i understand that the american ambassador tracy is not in the country at the moment. so my question is: will someone from the american embassy attend his inauguration ceremony or will the us
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join the boycott by other countries. no, our representative simply will not be at his inauguration. that is, the usa boycott it? he just won't be at the inauguration. you have the right to draw your own conclusions from this. that is, you don’t think that putin is not a legitimate president. he is the president of russia and will continue to be so. he will hold the highest leadership position in the country for the next 6 years until 2030. on the eve of the inauguration, putin met with members of the russian government
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. putin is one of the greatest leaders of this world, he brought russia to a stage of development that has already made russia one of the new superpowers. after the collapse, disintegration and great conflict, with following the collapse of the soviet union in 1991, he repositioned, reunited the russian federation and brought it to the highest levels of economic, social, technological and military development in record time. the victory in the recent elections suggests that the russian people are on putin's side. i declare to you.
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from the point of view of innovation, new details of the inauguration ceremony, of course, the liturgy, which we saw immediately after the kremlin regiment marched solemnly, and one cannot help but note the technical innovations, motorcycles, auurus, electric, updated aurus, over to you, yes, zhen, greetings, welcome all guests in the studio, of course, there is a special, very special atmosphere here in malachite faye, where we are now, and next to... by the way, st. andrew's hall , where the guests are from, a huge number of people came out here to the malachite foyer and there is simply a particularly perfect energy here, when you understand the historical significance of this moment, even more so since here along the walls of the malachite foyer there are portraits of rurikovich and the romanovs, in fact in fact, one can feel the connection of times, the connection of historical pages, different layers
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of the history of our great homeland, a truly colossal event from an event for the whole world, which has... like historical significance for our country, so we managed to communicate with many here, all invited in one voice they say that what we saw today, this ceremony, the ceremony is very beautiful, bright, this is the answer, this is a clear clear signal to the whole world, and to the part that, for the most part, which, of course, is with us, which supports us and the part that we usually call the collective west, a signal that speaks of...
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heraldic symbols, in addition, i will once again note what peskov said, that for today's event a special copy of the constitution was printed, where the amendments of the twentieth and twenty the second year, and those amendments that were approved in the referendum, amendments on the inclusion of new regions of russia into the country, so all this is what constituted today’s ceremony, and indeed you are absolutely right they said a huge amount of innovation. the same aurus, yes, which is now more elegant, more modern, but even, well, let’s remember, even 10 years ago, it would seem that this was simply impossible, yes, and let’s remember how our country was called in the west, critics called a country gas station, yes, there were a lot of epithets, now we see, and everyone present here today in
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the kremlin also spoke about this, how rapidly technology is developing, despite sanctions, how our... economy is growing, despite the external background, it was said today that the current doctrine that russia was forced to announce is, in general, an event, an event that is a completely logical , natural response to the actions of the west, so what we saw here in the malachite faye was so huge, well, allow yourself to say brainstorming in some sense, despite the ease of this conversation, a huge number of deputies. senators, heads of companies, banks, in absolutely friendly communication, discussed where we are now, where our country is, and we discussed, of course, what these 6 years will be like, what tasks president putin faces now, before. in total, many recalled today the president’s message, where vladimir putin formulated the most important tasks - the development of the economy, the development of the transport sector, there are a lot of them, and of course the word that
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was heard very, very often today here in the kremlin is the word victory, which is certainly very we need it, well, once again let’s remember what today’s ceremony was like, let’s remember how the president walked through the suite of halls, georgievsky, alexandrovsky, andreevsky halls, georgievsky. hall, the hall of glory of russian weapons, where the names of the knights of st. george, georgievsky are engraved, and the alexander hall, named in honor of the order of st. alexander nevsky and the st. andrew's hall, a very beautiful, throne room, the former throne room, which is actually nearby, we are so into it today we visited several times, now of course it is already empty, but the atmosphere that we felt here, starting in the morning, the atmosphere, a very special atmosphere that gives -
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to take a selfie with him, so today’s ceremony in the kremlin is, on the one hand, a very friendly ceremony, it is a meeting, a joyful meeting, but this meeting is taking place at a historical moment, which , i emphasize once again, symbolizes unity, solidarity, solidarity of the entire country around the figure of the president of russia, how can one not remember, by the way, the eighty-second article of the constitution and the 33-word oath that the president pronounced today, the words of the oath, but where we are talking about protecting the rights of citizens. ensuring the integrity of sovereignty countries, those most important tasks that are especially relevant against the backdrop of today’s challenges, so the ceremony itself has ended, but in
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any case, i would like to emphasize once again that it will be discussed for a long time, it will be discussed for a long time in our country, of course this is a clear signal to brussels and washington, to all the hawks of the west, which they cannot leave, you see, without attention, they simply cannot. thank you very much. petrov, our political observer from the malachite hall of the kremlin, where the inauguration ceremony of the president has just concluded putin, people are, of course, already leaving, for good reason, and you, and, naturally, president putin in his inauguration speech, immediately mentioned thanking those who are right now fighting for our interests, for our freedom, on the front line, on the battle line contacts, the situation there, this is... something that now affects our development and our future. ivanovo paratroopers continue their offensive on chasov yar in the dpr, the kanal microdistrict is already
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well controlled from the air, the enemy is being supplied with ammunition in this sector seriously difficult. any attempts are thwarted by heavy artillery fire , both attack and tactical aircraft are operating at the militants’ positions. drones operate in the lower echelons of the airspace, here the russian loitering munition lancet, planning pubs is one of the main reasons for the decline in the morale of militants. such heavy fragmentation mines along with them.
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according to the new york times, due to the scale of the loss, zelensky's army is unable to account for the dead. it comes to the point that the relatives of the missing, this is exactly how the leadership records most of the dead resorting to the occult sciences, turning to a fortune teller. the british bbc film crew reports on the plight of ukrainian thugs at the front and cites a simple truth as an example. if a year ago ukraine was shouting to the whole world about an imminent counter-offensive, today it is retreating with its tail between its legs.
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it’s far enough for this type, it’s far enough, and they attach the wings to the side, install an antenna for communication and connect it to the control station, this is a ukrainian drone of our production, it is standard for the armed forces, it corrects highmars and stormshadows, as well as long-range artillery of a foreign type, now all that remains is to raise the satellites and launch the bird into the sky, grow the rubber band, board to...
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drive away, since they could have discovered the take-off point. as a journalist working in a war zone, i think you could say that we do quite a lot of things that many people would call irresponsible, but this outing today may be the most irresponsible of all. they're behind me ukrainian paratroopers and we joined them during rotation. the russian army attacks
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everything. forces and we wanted to show what it means to stand in the way of the russians. the war here is extremely loud and intense, and that’s where these sounds are coming from, that’s where we’re heading, we quickly change the car, some guys have just come from there, now they’ll find a way out and we need to do it quickly. the car stops. and we run 300 m across the field past the craters, now we get to the first position, we will call it a shelter, the paratroopers occupy two positions along this road, we let's call it a yard: a shelter for rest, and a yard for observation, from there it is only 600 m to the russians, at 4 in the morning bombs begin to hit the village, the walls shake, debris scatters everywhere, the carpet begins to develop like a flag, warning that
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trouble is coming. after 3 hours of fighting, dawn comes, it's hard to tell what's going on in his head as he walks past a wall stained with his blood, throwing grenades into the opening again and returning to take a sip of water. under the green canopy of the ukrainian spring, an artillery unit awaits the next
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order. some of these people have been fighting for months, if not years. my people know every car, says their commander. it's like a woman with her own characteristics. as russian troops approach, they are hunkering down and waiting for billions of dollars worth of american ammunition to finally arrive. at this time last year, ukraine was preparing for a counter-offensive, but this time everything is different. they are preparing for something terrible to happen. this ammunition will help, but ukraine is also trying to mobilize enough people to replace troops on the front line. kiev is expanding the boundaries of the conscription age, but the native alexander, who works and lives in this bunker, believes. that this is more than just a numbers game. if we all go home, the inexperienced soldiers may be able to hold the line, but most of them will definitely die. the first reports are coming about president putin's plans,
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after taking office, president putin will make his first visit after taking office to china, said his assistant yuri ushakov, then the head of state plans to go to turkey, the timing of this visit has not yet been determined. “vitalich, thank you, well , the time has finally come to ordinary voters, with whose votes putin himself received this position again, deservedly, i’ll note, well, i’ll go through your kidolent, a lot of pathos is produced at such ceremonies, it’s obvious, on the one hand , canonized because part of the text was simply introduced,
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constantly, so it was, is, in this world, and so, alas, or rather not alas, it will apparently be, but in the near future the constant of communism or some other paradise. on earth, so apparently it will be and... to say that putin demonstrated this power, so now, that means the most original thing in this ceremony, which is generally described, written down to detail, this, of course, is something that did not exist before , this is a visit to the annunciation cathedral and a solemn or so, blessing through a special church ceremony.
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church service is also, as a rule, a circle of repeated canonical texts, from which it is impossible to get away. by the way, about being formidable, do you remember what the patriarch said, this i just heard, along with everyone else, that the president of russia needs to make, he said there, and formidable decisions, formidable decisions.
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official inauguration of the president, the point, in my opinion, is not only that putin himself, a believer, is not shy. with his faith, the patriarch also spoke about this, but the fact is that i see, again, knowing patriarch kirill and respecting him, among other things, as a political thinker orator, he spoke, himself, this ceremony itself, brief, religious, it would seem, it would seem very intimate, there was no public there, but television allows it. demonstrates, or i would like
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it to demonstrate, that russia remains an orthodox civilization, that under the new government and under subsequent governments, we will inherit the orthodox faith as a moral doctrine in the presence of all other faiths, and as a political doctrine, political orthodoxy, as a successful ... russia, i would say, even population growth,
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population growth, i hope that i comply with the decision, including in the formation of a new cabinet, a new presidential government will be adopted, yes, right now all the ministers, including the acting prime minister , literally 15 minutes ago, mr. mishustin signed a decree on resigning from the cabinet of ministers, powers, we know. that in the coming days, after putin presents the candidacy of a new prime minister, a vote will take place in the state duma, this is important, because this is the constitutional responsibility of the new parliament, the power ministers will be confirmed in the federation council, in general, there will be something interesting and important and new for the modern russia, cabinet approval procedure. in this vein, of course, now political scientists
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are wondering who will take what positions, mr. chesnakov, well, it actually seems to me that it is extremely important not to guess, but to know, and i also agree with vitalitoevich, not many people are given such a privilege to know the question, yes, it is necessary treat everything calmly, they say that putin is very calm about a number of things, but if you look at the results of the tsioma polls that were published yesterday, voters note exactly that. the president's calmness, and 90% celebrate it will and determination, which is extremely important, when today kadyrov and others were talking about maduro, talking about the growth of putin’s influence in the world, i myself, in my experience, have just returned from abroad, i’ve been to several countries, everywhere you go to taxi, where are you from russia, oh putin, putin, well done, a real warrior, that is, a spontaneous reaction. in this sense, it seems to me that in unfriendly countries,
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including in unfriendly countries, by the way, yes, this is good, so, returning, but in a taxi, yes, but i, as they say, will leave this story, it is important that, that, correspondent petrov, alexey, spoke about unity, too, yes, including, continuing the logic that putin noted in his speech, we have already talked about consolidation around many times. president, if you look at the election results, 76 million voters is an absolute number, this is an absolute record for the first time, they say 87%, this is important, but it is also important that 76 million people voted with a record turnout of 77%. this has never happened before, this is an important indicator of consolidation, an important indicator of unity, on which is worth paying attention to, and this is consolidation around that same strong-willed and decisive leader. around putin, who in the eyes of voters personifies russia,
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its character, and its future, the president today spoke about stability and development, so we say all the time that two things are extremely important for the authorities in russia today: maintaining stability and progressive development, how this development will be ensured, putin says the same thing, he talks about this in his message: new people, who have gone through the crucible of a special... there will be a special project of personnel that will be implemented, as far as i understand, even the government will be actively involved in this, these are new generations, this is training, this is preparation, these are completely new for...
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officially, protocol, inauguration , the beginning of the term of office is also the most important event, probably the second after these very elections, when we all go in unison and vote for the head of state, so it seems to me that it is extremely important to pay attention to the fact that during this very event the president said, what you said next, evgeniy, we will see a new cabinet, a new one, because new people will obviously appear, i think that some... representatives of the regions, governors will go there, i think there will be new ministries , you said that the government is now - in an acting capacity, yes, it is working, but by and large they are saying that there will be new ministries, and from now on it is working - in an acting capacity, because lightning has come, putin
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signed a decree laying out his powers government, while it continues to perform its duties, yes, well, i think that is very important. there is also the formation of the administration, which is usually completed within a month, and this is a huge headquarters under the president, which forms the very directions of strategic development, i think it is fundamentally important to pay attention to those very lines of development, which i remind you of again , the president spoke in his message, and it seems to me that we are beginning a new interesting political season, absolutely exactly, in this sense, you said, know or guessing what the new cabinet will be like, now to what extent... it’s even pointless, because putin is an absolutely non-linear politician, from the point of view of the decisions they make, they always, at least very often, turn out to be unexpected for the elites, in this good, but nevertheless they have a good impact on the well-being
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of the people. after the inauguration, medvedev said that he was waiting for the victory of russia and the prosperity of the country under the leadership of putin, and we... on may 9, the main holiday of russia, at exactly 8 a.m. our holiday will begin with the release of vesti channel. the victory day telethon starts in the studio of the rossiya tv channel. the whole country honors the heroes of the great war, everyone who fought on the front line, everyone who worked. in the rear of everyone who brought this day closer, everyone who won. we wholeheartedly congratulate the veterans, their descendants and those who continue our glorious military traditions today. the whole country is watching live broadcasts, exclusive interviews and
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reports. at 10 am there is a big parade, live broadcast from red square. the whole country is watching the best russian films about the war the legendary t-34 has run out of money, there's enough for us all, for the first time on television there's a big movie premiere of "the righteous." is there no other way to get to this shore? no. russia will sound the music of victory once the curly green maple is carved throughout the whole country, we listen and sing this victory day, our
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let's run away, why do you need such a life, sona filich, that i'm happy, farmer, on saturday on rtr, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, everyone evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today. on rtr, immediately after
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the inauguration of putin, the russian government, and the presidential administration. rate, officials will continue to perform their duties as io until the appointment of new compositions of the cabinet of ministers and the administration of the head of state. speaker of the federation council matvienko expressed confidence that ministerial nominations will be submitted and considered before may 15. the prime minister's candidacy will be approved by the lower house of parliament after the president's nomination. today i consider such a special day, solemn, festive. president, elected by the will of the people, vladimir vladimirovich putin took office, this event is very significant for our country, the ceremony is so solemn, sovereign, i would say, emotional, at the same time with a sense of proportion, i really liked how calmly and confidently the president spoke today, once again
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emphasizing that...
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our value system, worldview, that , what everything the president says, the country’s development strategy, of course, technological sovereignty occupies an important place in this strategy, here’s the news that just came about this, pre-orders for electric motorcycles. aurus merlon is already open, they will arrive in the sale in the twenty-fifth year, said the acting deputy prime minister and minister of industry and trade, denis mantarov, today we saw. for the first time, these motorcycles and the updated aurus car, from the point of view of economics and technological sovereignty, it is important to mention that it is 90% localized, that is, 90% of this car was made by our industry, our engineers, our factories, please konstantin vasilyevich, well , after all, aurus itself on traditional fuel,
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so here the energy carriers are traditional they are not...
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territories by a country, but it never set out to occupy the entire space of the world, we are talking about security guarantees, and we talked about this many times, this is where it began, when putin persistently asked for these guarantees, did not receive any answer, this is actually what we are talking about, putin today speaks on behalf of the global majority, these are the countries that actually have one requirement, that there be fair, equal rules for everyone, this is not the situation. and some are, indeed, when all countries are equal - and are subject to some truly general rules of the game that apply to all states, including the united states, including
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the european union. again, an important thesis, putin says that we are ready for dialogue with the west, we do not perceive this situation as a zero-sum game, when we must stay, and they must disappear.
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capable of leading the country through a constant series of various challenges and turbulences, without this, unfortunately, development is impossible, world politics a modern one is also impossible, but the construction of this long-lasting state and... the changes that are taking place in domestic politics are aimed at, well, the last thing, you talked a lot about the new government, not closer, by the way, is your evgeniy, the image of the renewed government, let's really see how , how fundamentally new it will be, but i would remind you that we have one important institution - this is the inaugural decree, it was in the eighteenth year, this decree will probably appear now, i re-read the decree yesterday eighteenth. there are a lot of interesting things going on this year, because this decree sets the goals, including for the new government, and in many ways, first of all, for the new government, since there are quite a large number of economic tasks.
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actually, i think that we will soon receive this inaugural decree, we will read it, in fact, based on the things that will be spelled out there, we will see a new government, which, again, as rightly noted in this studio, will really be for the first time. .. form according to the new scheme, that is, yes, the state duma has already participated in the appointment of a number of deputy prime ministers and ministers, but now the entire government according to the new constitutional scheme will be formed now; these, by the way, are also elements of this very long state that we are talking about, an element of democracy, too, of course, so today putin took office as president of russia for the fifth time, the ceremony traditionally took place in st. andrew’s hall. after which he addressed the nation with an appeal. putin thanked all russian citizens, including from our historical lands, which defended
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the right to be together with their homeland. this is obviously how the president named the new regions of russia. with special gratitude, putin addressed those who are fighting for the fatherland. having taken office, the president of russia assured that henceforth, as before, the interests and safety of the people will be above all for him, expressed confidence that our country will worthily pass through the current milestone period and will only become stronger in the international... arena. moscow will continue to work with partners in formation of a multipolar world order, but does not refuse dialogue with the west. putin concluded his speech with the words “ we will win together.” after this, in the st. andrew's hall , the glory was played to glinka's music from the final scene of the opera ivan susan. since 2000, the patriotic song has been the official tune for the inauguration of the russian president. at the same time , artillery thundered near the kremlin walls. fireworks of 30 salvos
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- the maximum possible number in the hierarchy of military units, since the position is assumed not only by the president, but also by the supreme commander-in-chief of the russian armed forces. it was in this status that putin received the parade of the presidential regiment on cathedral square, then went to the annunciation cathedral of the kremlin, for the thanksgiving malebin, which was performed by the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill. the president lit the stage. comrade president of the russian federation, commandant of the moscow kremlin, general, i wish you good health.
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i swear, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to comply with and to protect the constitution of the russian federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state. live for the people. vladimir vladimirovich putin took office as president of russia. russia, sacred, our power, beloved russia, our country. god's will, great glory. ladies and gentlemen, dear
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friends, in these solemn and responsible moments of assuming the office of the president, i would like to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all regions of our country, the residents of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with their homeland. bow to our heroes, to the participants of the special military operation, to everyone who is fighting for the fatherland, i thank you once again for the trust and support shown to me, now i am addressing every citizen of russia, i have just pronounced the words of the presidential oath, its text contains the essence of the highest mission of the head of state, to protect. russia to serve our people.
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i understand that this is a huge honor, a sacred duty. this is what determined the meaning and content of my work in previous years. i assure you that henceforth the interests the safety of the people of russia will be paramount to me. the consolidated will of millions. people are a colossal force, evidence of our common firm belief that we will determine the fate of russia only ourselves, for the sake of today and future generations. you, citizens of russia, have confirmed the correctness of the country's course, this is of great importance, right now, when we are faced with serious trials, i see in this a deep... understanding of our common
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historical goals, determination to adamantly defend our choice, our values, freedom russia's national interests. i am confident that we will pass through this difficult, milestone period with dignity, we will become even stronger, we have been and will be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner. and this is truly the global majority. we do not refuse dialogue with western states. the choice is theirs whether they intend to continue trying to contain it.
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with other sovereign development centers, we will continue to work to form a multipolar world order, equal and indivisible security system. in a complex world that is rapidly changing, we must be self-sufficient and competitive. to open new horizons for russia, as has happened more than once in our history, but it is important for us to remember its lessons, not to forget about the tragic price of internal ones. turmoil of upheavals, therefore our state, public political system must be strong and absolutely resistant to any challenges and threats. dear friends, i will do everything necessary, everything in my power to justify your trust,
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to use for this purpose all the powers of the head of state, which are enshrined in the constitution. at the same time, i would like to emphasize that the results of this work are decisive. depends on our unity of cohesion, on the common desire to benefit the fatherland, to protect it, to work with full dedication, we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will realize everything we have planned, we will win together. of course, attention was riveted to the inauguration of the president of russia around the world, dozens of tv channels broadcast the ceremony live. in great britain the inauguration was shown by sky news, as well as the newspapers daily mail, times, independent, in france
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bfmtv, in germany ntv and welt followed putin's speech in the east in allied iran, the ceremony was broadcast by the arna news agency. press tv and gostelero arib. putin's inauguration was also shown online in saudi arabia, qatar and the uae. the western media are unhappy that the russian president is too calmly confident in himself. your post writes about the triumphant inauguration of putin, who is filled with optimism and is confident in russia’s victory. the associated press notes that putin begins his fifth presidential term with more control over russia. ever, spanish lavender is amazed by the splendor of the inauguration ceremony of the russian leader. the indian response is that putin is encouraged by successes on the battlefield and sustained economic growth despite a barrage of western sanctions.
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not without jokes, british blogger john carter published a photo of putin climbing the main staircase of the large kremlin. the kremlin is simply huge, it is located in the kremlin just like us, but we are in different parts of it, now he is leaving his office, it is a very long way along this red carpet , through long corridors, into the large kremlin palace, he goes to one of the main halls, to st. andrew's , where the inauguration ceremony will take place, it is
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quite a long walk, we see a luxury car made in russia, until 2012 or until 2018, it was western luxury cars that carried him from his office. a poll conducted in april showed that eight out of ten russians support putin, so we can talk about an eighty percent support rating, which is higher than a few years ago when the war began. vladimir putin, who has ruled russia throughout the 21st century, was sworn in for a fifth presidential term amid a renewed nuclear war between the west and... putin begins a new six-year term after winning a record 87% of the vote. the inauguration ceremony took place the day after putin ordered the military to combat.
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at the same time, the us state department stated that it did not regard the maneuvers of our armed forces as a threat and emphasized that washington would not adjust the readiness of its nuclear forces. russia has announced an exercise to simulate the use of tactical nuclear weapons against
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the backdrop of the war in ukraine. this followed the french talking of sending their own troops into ukraine and the united kingdom allowing british weapons to be used for strikes inside russia. as stated in moscow, we hope that this event will cool the hot heads in western capitals. the russian ministry of defense says the exercises are aimed at strengthening the combat readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces for... this is the first time russia has publicly announced an exercise to use them. details about where exactly these exercises will be held are not yet known. we have heard a statement from the official representative. kremlin dmitry peskov, who said at his daily briefing on monday that the escalation between
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western countries and russia had reached an unprecedented level. it is not yet clear whether there will be whether the exercises involve missiles with nuclear warheads. here you can see, for example, the iskander missile system, which can also be equipped with a special charge. missile units of the southern military district on the border with ukraine should participate in the maneuvers, and the russian aerospace forces and navy will also be involved. what’s special is that this is the first time moscow has publicly announced such exercises, although its strategic nuclear forces regularly practice various scenarios. the president of poland recently said that it is quite can imagine the deployment of nato nuclear weapons on polish territory. poland borders, for example, with russian kaliningrad, and the kremlin, of course, took note of this statement. moreover, the government in london has now announced that it wants to allow ukraine, in the future, to attack russian territory with british weapons. which has always been considered taboo, we remember the statement of chancellor scholz, who still does not want to
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supply taurus cruise missiles to ukraine, precisely for this reason. russia says it will carry out nuclear teaching in response to this provocative threat voiced in the west. we are talking about increasing the importance and strength of russia. this is a new level of how russia gives signals. nuclear exercises are not something unusual, which is clearly linked to the statements made last week by macron and cameron. this is a new signal level. this is
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aimed at raising the temperature. for days we heard moscow threatening to carry out strikes. on british military installations, as well as a simulated nuclear exercise amid rising tensions. first, i would say that it is simply recklessly irresponsible for the leader of a major nuclear power to commit weapons in such a way as to the potential use of nuclear weapons. of course, we are monitoring this and will continue to monitor this closely. i can tell you that we do not see anything forcing us to change the balance of forces of our strategic deterrence, even in spite of it.
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another proof that the kremlin is only interested in further escalating the situation that was caused by its illegal invasion of ukraine. of course, we call on russia to stop the escalation, irresponsible rhetoric, irresponsible behavior, and stop aggression towards ukraine. the kremlin is again flexing its muscles with the use of nuclear weapons, that is
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, tactical nuclear weapons, which the command in the southern military district of russia in rostov-on-don will carry out in the near future. such a hot. could protect the european part of russia and its southern part, and of course, this is directed against ukraine, as well as against the countries of the european union. why such an order? now? because with this we need to threaten the supporters of ukraine, because the russian offensive is only gaining momentum, and moscow wants to show the west that if you react even more harshly, for example, as the french president suggested, with troops, then we can use tactical nuclear weapons, and such a possible use the russians will just work it out, that’s the case. ukrainian troops lost more than one and a half thousand soldiers in one day, the ministry of defense has just been informed. in addition, the troops of the west group destroyed a german leopard tank, and group center, another american abrams, two american bradley infantry fighting vehicles. the russian army continues to improve its position and occupy more advantageous positions,
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the ministry of defense reported. in the zaporozhye direction, the russian army continues to actively advance in rabotinoe and north-west of verbov. ukrainian militants are losing important strongholds . in the kupinsky direction, our fighters are expanding the bridgehead around kislovka kotlerovka, the liberation of which was announced by the ministry of defense the day before. this is how the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region are being destroyed by ours mortar men. the footage shows that mina flies directly into the trench with the militants. heavy fighting is taking place on the eastern outskirts of chasoy yar. the positions of ukrainian militants in the city are equal to the ground of our aviation. they give nightmares to the dry people. installation of ukrainian forces. after a powerful explosion, pieces of armor scatter tens of meters. the vsushniki tried to hide the gun itself in the landing, to no avail, they were unable to hide in the greenery and
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this american bmp bradley, it was also destroyed by ours. the car stops, we run 300 m across the field, going around the craters, we take a position number one, we'll call it cover, marine. occupies two positions along this road, the other we will call the yard, the shelter is for rest, the yard is for observation, from there the russian is only 600 m away.
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after a brief introduction by some units that were already here, we got a couple of hours of much needed sleep, because, as you just heard, it's quite noisy here, the village is under constant attack a couple of minutes ago, flash bombs fell somewhere nearby. the russian military destroyed another one near avdeevka. the eighth american abrams tank, the third in a week. thus, kiev has already lost a quarter of the armored vehicles supplied by washington. the goal of the russian offensive is to reach kurakhovo and pokrovsk, said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general 200 syrsky. in this footage , attack aircraft clear ukrainian dugouts on the northern outskirts of ocheretin. there is a shooting battle going on. give it up, give it up.
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most likely, the enemy is planning and preparing for further attacks. we
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cannot know for sure their strategic plan, but it is most likely that now the enemy is analyzing the results he has inflicted on our energy sector in recent months. he probably believes that certain of his goals have been achieved, which is why we see such a certain lull now, but the use of fabs remains an even more serious problem. in this footage, drone operators are attacking a ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle, here the target is an ammunition supply vehicle, in this video a kamikaze drone flies into ukrainian trenches, the militants are worried about the superiority of the russian army in the air. at the control point, the control point are working two pilots, several computers, communication via starling allows us to transmit on-board images to our artillery and battalion commanders. as soon as the eye of the drone shows us a truck, probably with fuel for the equipment.
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the french flag is visible on the sleeve of the armed forces chevron. oh, i see. paris did not send soldiers to ukraine, the french foreign ministry officially stated.
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the foreign ministry calls the report about the presence of the french contingent in ukraine a disinformation campaign. poland will also not send troops to ukraine, the minister said. national defense of the republic of kosenyak-kamysh. the head of the italian foreign ministry, tajani, also backed down. we are not in a state of war with russia, not a single italian soldier will go to fight in ukraine, because it is one thing to defend international law, and another to wage a war with russia, we only ask to respect russia. expected effect, the west itself overestimated its own and stated that western sanctions had no impact in the world. at the same time, the european union promises to support ukraine in all possible ways and will ask allies deliver more weapons and faster. this is stated in a statement by the european external action service. in these shots
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there is a train of american bradley infantry fighting vehicles, which... war neither with russia nor with the russian people, unexpectedly, macron said. war is the worst thing that can happen to a people and a country, and i am amazed at the ease in which emmanuel macron talks about it, when, with a glass of whiskey in his hands, during a conversation with a kevet at 3:00 in the morning, they say: i will have to send the guys to odessa . yes, i’m talking about ease, because we’re talking about the lives of our soldier. he wants to send troops for the sake of his own ego, personal image. and lightning
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slend news agencies, the president of the united arab emirates congratulated putin on the inauguration of abu dhabi, and is committed to cooperation with international partners for the common good, the uae president said in a statement. the president of cuba has just arrived in moscow, his plane landed at one of the capital's airports. putin will now use the new one.
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but for now just look, the russian army is in pristina, i don’t need you here, and i will cut you down to the last, there are about 100 people in the world, there are eight of us here, they stood to death, but i’m glad that we will all live together, fulfilling our duty in the name of russia, our situation is shitty, the probability that we will live until the morning is 10 percent, but we have been given the task of holding the airport, so we will hold it. balkan frontier on may 10 on rtr, may 9, the day of the great victory,
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a large parade on red square, in memory of the great feat of our people. the descendants of the heroes will march in a solemn march, the valiant defenders of the homeland, the heirs of our great traditions, the brave and invincible, those who are always ready to go into battle. and give your life for your homeland. we glorify our warrior-liberators, their courage and heroism in our hearts forever. for russia, for victory. the victory parade on may 9 is broadcast live on rtr, this
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is what the website of the russian government now looks like, which resigned after the inauguration of the president: the prime minister, deputy prime minister and ministers, now all with the prefix acting . and about. we are waiting for the formation of a new cabinet of ministers. the sensitive issue of the presence of representatives of eu countries at the inauguration of president putin led to a split in europe, writes the german spiegel. according to the magazine, only france, hungary, and slovakia sent their representatives to the ceremony, wishing to keep the channels of dialogue open. a landmark event for the modern history of russia at these moments is on the covers of all world magazines. for example, the rupardem party and the us washington post. seems to evaluate the russian president's speech with envy, noting that seventy-one-year-old putin is filled with optimism, puts the country's security above all else, and promised that russia... will win the ukrainian conflict.
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let's read it. in the gilded st. andrew's hall of the large kremlin palace, where russian tsars were once crowned, vladimir putin took the oath of allegiance to the russian constitution. during his inauguration for a fifth presidential term. the traditional, colorful ceremony demonstrated his power as russia's supreme and undisputed leader for the past quarter century. seventy-one-year-old putin is a brimming optimist. stated that he would put russia's security above all else and promised that the country would win the ukrainian conflict. he criticized the aggression from western sides, emphasizing that negotiations on security and strategic stability can only take place if the west changes its views. the state duma has a difficult week ahead, because president putin, after his inauguration, is likely to nominate candidates for prime minister, ministers, deputy prime ministers and... under the new constitution,
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it is the lower house of parliament that will consider these candidates, but what as for the security forces, this is the federation council. yuri vyacheslavevich. well look, i remember a month and a half ago we were discussing the results of the presidential election here in the studio. a month and a half has passed, today is the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, i am taking part in the inauguration for the fourth time, but i can say that for the first time the inauguration of the president of the russian federation took place in conditions of actual war, which.
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sufficient years of the soviet union, because they understood that the confrontation between the usa and the west would last for a long time, it was a confrontation between the systems of the socialist system, the capitalist system, and we must do a lot in order to restore the self-sufficiency of our country, but on the other hand, speaking about self-sufficiency, we must say that we are not alone in the world, and in recent years our country has done a lot for this , in order to unite around ourselves those... people who and those countries that are ready to fight
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for a multipolar world, when, that means, well , in fact, there was an attempt, despite the invitation of ours, that is, the ministry of foreign affairs, representatives of all states of the world to take part in introduction to the post of president, someone ignored it, but i can say that today, when i was at events, i met quite a lot of representatives of diplomatic missions from africa, asia and countries. cis and it even seemed to me that some were representatives of europe, perhaps from a conversation, or the serbs, well, most likely, yes, that is, they were there too, so even today’s most important event in the life of our country showed that we are not in any isolation , how the west tried to do it, well, another very important point, speaking of self-sufficiency, of course, the development of trade relations, political relations, where is it... strengthening defense capabilities with those countries that
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are our allies is very important, there is a lot of talk now about sizempina’s visit to paris. yes, that means, discussions of issues, i can say, if you remember the nineties, the beginning of the nineties, there were, you know, very difficult events in china, the end of the eighties, nineties, in fact, also an attempt at a coup d'etat, which was brutally suppressed in the square, but in many ways modern china has developed precisely on the basis of sovereignty and self-sufficiency, because the concept of the international division of labor as...
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we don’t need to get up, we don’t need to act, we will proceed from our own interests, and the russian federation must act in this direction, we there are interests of the inhabitants of our country, and we must develop our economy and political sphere precisely on the basis of these postulates of principles. it’s very good that you mentioned to china shizenpin’s visit to france, serbia, hungary, a new automobile plant will be opened in hungary by sidzon and orbán, but leaks are already coming. regarding the details of the negotiations with ursula fondelein with macron, your post writes that xiding ping was infuriated by the statement and attempts to pressure the chinese leader so that he influenced russia, moreover, following the leaks, until beijing accepted the invitation to
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the so-called peace conference in switzerland, instead, the people's republic of china said that it would be satisfied with a conference on a settlement in ukraine, which would be recognized by both moscow and kiev. in general, a completely reasonable natural statement for a modern politician. let's see how the visit went and what the accents were. french president emmanul macron hosted chinese president shizen ping, who arrived in the country on a two-day visit. to begin with, the heads of state discussed trade relations together with the head of the european commission,
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ursula vonderleen. president macron said neither china nor the us follows international trade rules, adding that the eu model simply cannot compete with them.
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completely unaware of the level of fear what europeans are experiencing against the backdrop of russian aggression against ukraine, as well as how decisively europeans want to resist and fight this. during his two-day visit to france, chinese president xiding ping took a strong stand against criticism of his country for its close ties with russia amid the war in ukraine. we are against using the crisis to blame a third country, tarnishing its image and provoking, but... a cold war, xi said. surrounded by french president emmanuel macron, with which he held several rounds of talks on monday, xi coolly defended china's actions, recalling that beijing was not the origin of this crisis, was not a party to it and is not a participant. in general, the atmosphere between sizenpin and macron was friendly. the leaders congratulated each other
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on the sixtieth anniversary of diplomatic relations. mr. macron noted the common gastronomic preferences of the two countries and offered his colleague a couple of bottles of cognac. you know how china is skillful.
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china will be inducted into office, it will take place in the next few days. please, dmitry gich. nearest, nearest. kstaira the second visit
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may be to turkey. ushakov has already stated this. yes, but he didn't say the date. here. and we will also help, like last time. here. eh, this will become clear in more detail in the next, maybe 2 days. here, it is being coordinated, including in terms of the economy. as a matter of fact , the entire cabinet of ministers is prepared for this. so, accordingly, we have a prime minister on the tenth, then, respectively, deputy prime ministers-ministers on the thirteenth, fourteenth, and that’s the whole new one the composition, as a matter of fact, will go on this trip, that is, according to your data, the entire cabinet will be formed by may 14, this is not our data, this is already a well-known fact, because on the tenth before lunch there will be a meeting with the prime minister, accordingly faction, and accordingly it will be approved on the tenth, so... then accordingly, and before, maybe you know the name, everyone already knows it, its apparatus has already been fully approved, if anyone doesn’t know, it’s the same
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as whatever it will be, but especially news a little, so, accordingly, you assume that it will be mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, yes, i assume, that’s it, and accordingly, this would have ended like this, before this, well , the powers of the deputy prime minister were expanded and ministers are now being confirmed, by the way , for the first time , ministers will be confirmed, because two deputy prime ministers have already been confirmed, so. and the ministers will be confirmed, accordingly, this is for this on the 13th-14th, in fact, all these transfers took place there, on the 12th at 2 o’clock the main movement will be there the thirteenth and fourteenth, so it’s clear, plus or minus, that is, as if the cabinet of ministers, plus or minus, will be assembled in the near future, relatively speaking, in the near future next week, and accordingly, in fact, it will return to itself right now the guarantor will fly there, this will be the first visit, in fact, the guarantor is our president, well, we have only one guarantor of the constitution, that’s not it. i didn’t specify this one, well, sort of, that’s why a visit to france is important, because it
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a very important mainline visit, by the way, the fund’s ursuna was sitting there for a reason, i remind you that before that there was a well-known story that they were going to demolish it, in fact , representatives of precisely france and italy, and this visit is an attempt to hug before, if you want to push someone, you first need to hug him properly, this is a classic example of this to show unity, in fact, are they really playing against her and butching? and not charles michel, she is more important, well, because she is the head of the ivercommission, charles michel is the head and the versional council, these are different comrades, she will be re-assembled this year, she will be reappointed, they are going to replace her in principle, that’s why, most likely, that’s why she represents germany, accordingly, she’s from the cabinet, she should have been merkel’s heir in general, if someone doesn’t remember this, here’s how to put it, in fact, after that they moved her to the position of the european commission, this is germany itself. scholz went to germany and
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representatives of italy will go to germany, and accordingly he came to france, this there is a fundamental difference, and he came with a very large delegation, so this is just an attempt by france to shift its position, to strengthen its capabilities, taking into account the fact that germany , of course, has been sagging lately, this is exactly what is new. actually familiar with it, it looks like this in principle, this is what concerns the economy, this is a very important component, in general, in terms of numbers, trade turnover with france is less than 80, well, about 80 billion with germany, the largest trading partner, this is about 200, it was 248, that is, in fact already now the trade turnover of the srf has overtaken the trade turnover with germany, and this was the main industrial partner, and it was abruptly cut off in the twenty-third year, that is, as if this happened, because the european partners themselves began to supply less, there is a trade deficit there, that is, as if there china supplies more than europe supplies to china, but if from
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an economic point of view it is necessary to keep it out. such sharp deficits, because otherwise you will begin to depend very much, as it were, directly on exports, and in order to completely replace the flow of goods from china, which is now being discussed, it will require such an amount of labor that the european union cannot even imagine where to get physically, even purely hypothetically, so china, the european union, of course, are countries that e country and e union, which in many ways are very dependent on each other, so from this point of view, of course, relations will be built, plus everyone, of course, everyone has learned the statement that macron advocates this sort of equidistance , plus or minus, because everyone understands perfectly well that they are afraid of the coming of trump, that now large, economic trade wars will begin, against this background, europe will have to take a tough position, choose a chair, so to speak, and this is very unprofitable for europe from this point of view, therefore macron is trying to show that he is at the center of this process, plus i remind you that in a few weeks there will be elections to the european parliament, so macron is softening his position, we assumed this, in fact
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saying, he did it because he was right in the person of the mistress. sat down on this topic and began to actively promote this story, so a softening of the position is, so to speak, a trend that is being presented, as for the general component, then of course in the near future we will have an intensification of the middle east, we have basically seen all of this, as if all these negotiations that were supposed to take place are connected with this, including the united arab emirates, which is one of the first to congratulate, because that it’s like... by the way, xi took a pro-palestinian position, i remind you in the conflict, that is, he declared that it is necessary to recognize two states, this is his position, most countries of the world recognize two states, well, they officially they are not recognized, they want, so europe wants to make it official, movement towards two, well in this direction, yes, that is, most likely, by the way, now, as part of the pressure on netanyahu , there will most likely be a security council meeting at which make a decision official recognition of palestine as a member
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of the un, then there will be a joint vote. it’s high time - the council of the best will vote there who spoke against the united states, i have such suspicions, judging by the movements that are taking place, they can, as it were, lift their own restrictions, then they will vote at the general assembly, this is a tool of pressure now in order for there not to be such a tough rule , there should be a unanimous vote or there should be no vote against, in the general assembly there is a majority of votes, here in the general assembly majority of votes, that is, the united states may not vote, that is, take a kind of position, why is this important, because now it’s like a transition in the rough, it will already become troops, that is, it’s like an operation is being prepared, that is, everything is already pulled together there , that is, from a military point of view, everything is being prepared there, and for biden this is a very serious, big problem, that’s why we basically discussed everything, plus or minus, so from this point of view, the situation is clear, here in this background such turbulence occurs these important visits, here are the timings in principle for this, as for the military component, then in principle, plus or minus , everything is also clear, as if some escalation is being prepared for this escalation , no one wants anyone else to come there ,
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so to speak, that’s why, from this point of view , there seems to be such a... military exercise, it should be noted that this military exercise usually does not come to us in the southern military district, so by the way, i would like to note lightly, it usually takes place in the western , that's why it's of course, it’s a signal, the western nobles are fighting now and so, no, it’s just that the western military district is certain territories in which such military actions usually take place, and accordingly, we have a southern military district there , so to speak, until recently until in the twenty-second year , no serious risks of military escalation were expected, well, nuclear. let's just say that whoever is there can escalate accordingly, turkey, in principle, is not a nuclear power, so from this point of view, how would it be it’s clear, this whole escalation that they talked about towards the end of may, that’s how it actually appears, plus or minus, that ’s why from this point of view the timings are clear, then the most interesting thing is what will happen in the summer , there kadyrov has already stated on this occasion that he is there, what should be taken there, what should not be taken, that’s why, in principle , a negotiation terge is being set up,
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as for the event in switzerland, it will be june 6, many different delegates are invited there, question, in fact, they will come whether there are representatives of southeast asia, well , the indo-pacific region, these are, first of all , large players - these are india, china, indonesia, the united emirate, they will go according to the average option, that is, there will be no high representatives, but there will be diplomats, the question is friend will conclude, they will sign the declaration, they will not sign the declaration, that is , there will be a declaration as a result, it will need to be signed, the question is who will sign under what conditions, this is the main component, because it is this declaration that will be the instrument that it will strengthen the negotiating positions of the parties, well, we actually, of course, do not recognize that international conference, because it is hardly possible to make any decisions there that would affect the course of a special military operation, but... and quite rightly, it is difficult here i don’t agree with mr. xi that negotiations are needed that will be recognized by both moscow and kiev,
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only there can some common ground be found, but here, you know, come there to scold russia, so what? listen, rhetoric, it has never led to victory on the line of contact, on the front line. let us... move right now to the zone of a special military operation, our legendary military correspondent nikolai dolgachev works in the lugansk region, nikolai, every day we see that new settlements are being liberated, in this sense, here is the latest message from the ministry of defense, ukrainian troops were lost in day in total up to 1,540 people, wow, destroyed.
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unexpected for the enemy, i very quickly, changing different methods of combat operations, different equipment, this is including small vehicles, for example, transport, and fairly large tanks, for example, with additional armor, but depending on what the enemy has in terms of forces on a particular section of the front, depending on this, different tactics are used battle on... units and this brings success, of course we don’t know, it’s difficult to predict the timing there, but we understand that yes, now the enemy
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is swinging at the front, which is why he is trying to beg funds from western sponsors technical and even personnel, because even in this sense, something that the neo-nazi kiev regime did not have for a long time. deficit is with people driven to the front, so now there is this deficit, because the quality of training of those units of the ukrainian formations that are currently at the front is very low, the morale is low, they suffer huge losses every day, but we do not we less understand that today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow , the 61 billion dollars allocated to support the kiev regime will be spent, we see message of a leak from... enter that some supplies of weapons and missiles have already been transferred to the territory of the odessa region, the location of these ammunitions is even being clarified, how soon how massive
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these deliveries will be, whether they will be able to influence what is happening now on the line combat contact, well , i won’t say about the number of supplies, i don’t have such information, but it is clear that any... means - uh, serious ones for conducting intense combat operations, now there are such means, these are drones, yes, and missiles, so these supplies, they, of course, delay the introduction of combat... actions, they prolong
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the agony of the neo-nazi kiev regime, but they cannot fundamentally, fundamentally save it in any case, yes, because the volumes of forces now are the means that the russian army use, they are in any case more, in our country here and logistics in terms of proximity to the main industrial regions of our country are really on our side, so by the way, also an important factor, the conviction of our... soldiers that they are right, it helps , helps carry out combat missions, and we now have a fairly large number of volunteers at the front, so yes, it is possible to prolong the agony with these supplies to the neo-nazi kiev regime, but the final result will still be inevitable, and despite any technical innovations, the tanks are american or british , the same long-range guns there, they are still all destroyed by our fighters, our... units, and the result in
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this sense is, well, quite obvious. kolya, what can we say about what westerners write? media, about our inevitable offensive in the direction of kharkov, kiev, at the end of may, kharkov and sumy, at the end of may, i got a little ahead of myself, at the end of may, at the beginning of june, because, in principle, it’s as if these are encryptions from the russian general staff all the western media received, as if... now their fears, fears, the russians are coming, you know, this was enough, an expression firmly driven into the head of the western man in the street, but in terms of directions, i won’t say, well, it’s clear that yes, our army is now conducts combat operations of an offensive nature and taking into account that the enemy’s front line is being held with...
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increasing difficulty, a breakthrough of this front line is really inevitable, it’s difficult to say what time frame, but nevertheless it will definitely happen, in which direction, well, i wo n’t say either, and i don’t have such secret information, however it is no less clear that yes, i liberate kharkov and sumy, this is a completely, quite realistic task from a certain historical perspective, but here , let’s say, the enemy is still voicing his fears. they are trying, maybe, to somehow influence the decision of our general headquarters, but i am sure that we, our commanders, have a cool head and a decision will be made to attack at that time in the direction that will be strategically advantageous, the most promising from the point of view of exactly the conduct of combat operations, the enemy will be in any case defeated kharkov, like many other cities, will be liberated. brilliant got out. and
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our legendary military correspondent nikolai dolgachov, by the way, the head of the lugansk state television and radio broadcasting company, avoided a direct answer. thank you very much kohl for the comprehensive information. berlin police banned may 8-9 russian symbols on soviet memorials. the rules are spelled out in the official bulletin of the land administrative department of the capital of germany, in particular we are talking about st. george's ribbons, russian flags, marching and military songs, as well. as for supplies to the ukrainian forces, then, of course, the greatest hope of the ukrainian armed forces, zelensky, that part of the ukrainian society that is angry and does not understand, in fact, what is happening, is placed on f-16 aircraft, several countries have formed the so-called fighter coalition, but no less, despite...
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usa and other countries, and if we manage to hold out. on this path, and for ukraine everything will work, of course, in their own country, then the first aircraft will be delivered by denmark this summer, and we hope to take part in deliveries from the fall with our f-16s, so that after the summer and beyond their they will be transferred in batches to ukraine. we expect to receive fighter jets in the summer.
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this plane is really very cool to fly, but don’t think that the moment i flew on before was somehow terrible, just the f16 is definitely more maneuverable, it is a very agile aircraft, just think about it and it already does it. ukrainian pilots are training to fly the f-16 fighter in denmark. i feel proud not only of myself, but of the other guys. what we're doing, i know how much work has gone into making it all happen. denmark is set to provide ukraine with f-16 aircraft, along with nato allies belgium, the netherlands and norway, to help ukrainian pilots defend the skies from russian aggression. airplane modified several times, in fact,
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now it is a very modern aircraft, it is capable of competing with the best western fighters, and i am sure that they will be useful for the ukrainian air force. the biggest incentive is.
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he said that russia has nothing against dialogue with the west, but russia's interests must be protected. he added that he will work for the stability and development of the country. he is faced with the task of ensuring the future of russia at a time when the country faces threats, both internal and external. on monday, the russian president ordered a tactical nuclear weapon test near
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ukraine for the first time, sending a clear signal to western leaders who have said they would not rule out sending troops to ukraine to defeat russia, a red line for vladimir putin. , and his threats with nuclear weapons are at an all-time high, given that the war in ukraine is now in its third year, the russians are quite adamant in their desire to continue.
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literally, he told the west the following: if you don’t want to cooperate, it’s your business. he also practically did not talk about ukraine, except for a few sentences regarding the special operation, in which he promised victory. please, nikolaich. today , the end has been reached in the west’s attempts to change power in russia and or interrupt its legitimacy? well, let's just remember. that the commission for the protection of state sovereignty under the council under soffed
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made a report back in december 2021, in which it listed a huge number of facts of interference in elections, attempts to discredit the results of the elections to the state duma, financing of all kinds of anti-state movements and those who today are called foreign agents fled somewhere abroad, all this before the start of a special military operation, that is, everything... that the west did, it did everything for in order to interrupt the legitimacy of power, in order to change power in russia, well, look, a special military operation has begun, a huge amount of money for weapons to russia’s opponents, the very preparation of the kiev regime, and the coup d’etat in ukraine itself, but because in its roots, in its idea, this is an attempt to influence russia in order to change power in russia, in the economy, an attempt to destroy the russian economy, to deprive people. work on a click to force western companies to abandon their billion-dollar investments and leave, constant information
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attacks, attacks through sanctions on our partners in the economy, all this, all this was done, please, in another area, instead of financing foreign agents, today the west directly finances vlass anti-state terrorist formations, although they are located in territory so far only controlled by the kiev regime, but that’s all... foreign agents travel to all the rest, the west does not notice the terrorist acts that the kiev regime, or the sign of the kiev regime, carries out in russia, while the device, the money , training, everything for this is provided by the west itself, why is it doing this, it tried to change power in russia or interrupt its legitimacy, presidential elections, attempts to reduce turnout, convince people...
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germany, well, russia has nothing to do, party servers to attack, that is, we see a split in the european community, we see that... they are trying to somehow steer in their attempts to simultaneously recognize, but not recognize the results of the russian elections, and today’s statement, including from the state department, is evidence of this: you recognize putin as a legitimate president, we recognize that he was the president and remains the president of russia, we do not recognize the elections as free and
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legitimate, but putin is the president, so they always don’t know where to insert this comma, it’s impossible to recognize. don't admit it, that's it where is the comma, that’s what they have, there’s nothing, you can already say, yes, they’re doing everything, nothing worked, the huge support of the people, which the president spoke about today, in this situation, the speech, the president’s speech, with regards to part of the west, that he says: we are ready, we do not refuse dialogue with those who did all this, why? well, because there is such a word: diplomacy, there is such a word: neighbors on the planet.
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they bring in a deceased politician who, during berlusconi’s lifetime, said, “are you crazy, what?” of course, who cannot challenge everything, all this nonsense, so let's nikolaykovich, let's listen to what it's about, a really remarkable article, career, you continue, until the very end silva berlusconi
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remained on the side of vladimir putin, which indicates a twenty-year relationship that never deteriorated, or almost, because that there was a moment... when cavaliere doubted him, it happened during a joint vacation at the dacha, it was an episode that shook cavaliere’s confidence, because vladimer showed me a cruel nature that i could not imagine in such a kind and rational person. this was the origin with which berlusconi, as soon as he returned to italy, told the story to his press secretary paolo banaiti and fabrizio chichito, who at that time was the leader of the faction in the chamber of deputies. and now it remains to say about the main thing. putin told me, silvio, let's go hunting. i thought, hunting, i've never... touched a rifle, but he insisted and i went with him. when we arrived in the forest, he gave me a rifle, i felt anxious, when we walked through the snow, he saw two roe deer and showed me that i took aim at one of them, this is yours, shoot, i made it clear to him that i would not shoot, then he shot at both of them and killed them, he looked at me with satisfaction: today i will offer you unusual food, he walked down the slope towards the animals , holding a knife in his hands, he
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quartered the beast and pulled out the heart, then he asked the person accompanying him to give him a wooden tray and handed it to me and put a bleeding piece of meat on it. this will be an unusual meal. i was in shock. i hid behind a tree and vomited. silence after this story lasted several interminably long seconds until berlusconi concluded. maybe it's just a hunter's habit. he quartered the beast and cut out the heart. legitimacy is very important. that 's why they're trying to interrupt her. and today , in his speech, the president once again recalled that this is exactly how there was turmoil, chaos and dire consequences in our country. exactly the same recipe: there is a legitimate president, he is overthrown, one center of power is immediately created, the people of donbass create a second center of power, civil the war, the chaos and the tragedy that we are witnessing. well, in conclusion, i would like to say that
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in addition to legitimacy, it seems to me that the second word that embodies performance today. president - this is the word service, he himself said that he will and must serve the constitution, the people, the preservation of sovereignty, i quote: i will do everything so that those who serve russia today defend it, risk their lives and health, so that they enter the administrative the country's elite, well, this is really so, because several programs were immediately initiated by the president involving participants in a special military operation at all levels of power. and now , along with the leaders of russia competition, there will be competitions that will train specialists for the russian government, including participants in the special military.
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approval, meeting with factions, and then in committees, then approval or non -core ministers will meet with state duma committees, already, apparently, at the beginning of next week, judging by the stated schedules, the government will be formed, because indeed, yes, the first foreign the visit is just around the corner, it has already been announced by presidential aide ushakov and... should probably take place after the cabinet of ministers has been approved. returning to today's ceremony, very important,
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intimate, solemn words were spoken by putin in the kremlin palace. let's listen to the fragment. i would like to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all regions of our country, the residents of our historical lands who defended. the right to be with our homeland, i want to bow to our heroes, all participants in the special military operation, who is fighting for the fatherland, i thank you once again for the trust and support shown to me, now i am addressing every citizen of russia, i have just pronounced the words of the presidential oath, its text contains the essence of the highest...
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and of course, probably the most secret procedure and part of today’s the inauguration ceremony of russian president vladimir putin, his visit to the annunciation cathedral, this ceremony goes beyond the scope of constitutional duties, from the point of view of the fact that there are procedures prescribed in the constitution, but here is the instruction the patriarch, his prayer service, which was served in the annunciation cathedral, is also heartbreaking .
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today is a historic day for our country. putin took office as president of russia for the fifth time. the ceremony traditionally took place in the st. andrew's hall of the large kremlin palace, after taking the oath on a printed copy of the constitution , the head of state who took office addressed the citizens. he noted that the interests and safety of the peoples of russia will be above all for him, and specially thanked our heroes, participants in the special military operations that fight for the fatherland. putin emphasized that the fate of russia will be determined for the sake of today's and future generations. our country must be self-sufficient and competitive, and
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its state and political systems must be resistant to any threats. closing words, speeches of the president: we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will realize everything we have planned together. all the details of today's inauguration ceremony for president putin are in the news right now, and it was 60 minutes, all the best and goodbye. the information service of the russia tv channel continues. work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello! vladimir putin officially took the oath of office and became president of russia for
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the fifth time. take care of russia, serve ours.


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