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tv   Istrebiteli  RUSSIA1  May 7, 2024 9:20pm-10:19pm MSK

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may be among the ten coldest in 100 years of observation. the vagaries of the weather are the main theme of the lucky ones. they are assessing the damage after the frosty snow - these are those who have already managed to move the seedlings to the garden bed, but natalya seems to have managed to save the harvest. she has additional heating in the greenhouse, she lights candles. do you feel how warm it is here? i'm sure it's because of the candles. firstly, we don’t waste electricity, we use simple means at hand, cheap and...
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in russia there is an expression: nature has no bad weather, is there something in your countries similar? but it’s not customary for us to be in a bad mood, even in such bad weather, it’s cold, many people joked today that it’s time to redo the words of the classic, i don’t love thunderstorms, but winter at the beginning of may, however, for everyone who froze today, got wet in the rain and snow, like us, the weather forecasters have good news, the coming weekend will bring little. they celebrate bright seventh with a festive ringing of bells; according to tradition , everyone is allowed to ring the bell this week , while professional bell ringers demonstrate their skills at venues of the easter festival, how the bells with a rich history sound, maria temnikova heard, up the narrow...
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easter is probably the most important holiday for the orthodox, the joy is so great that it is impossible to fit it into one day, bright week is the week after the resurrection of christ . every day we have solemn holiday services, like on the first day of easter, a procession of the cross takes place. during lent, we don’t have holiday ringings; despite the weight of the bell, it’s not that difficult to ring. seraphim has been calling for a year and a half now. the bells of the lavra, but speaks now.
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under the guise of police officers of banks , they managed to defraud pensioners of more than 2 million rubles. the suspects convinced elderly people that their accounts were at risk, so the money needed to be urgently cashed and deposited. couriers took bags of cash from the victims, two swindlers were arrested, and the police are now looking for their accomplices. during the holidays, checks of taxi drivers will be intensified in the city, raids by the administrative and road inspection will take place from may 9 to may 12, they will look for those who went out in a flight without a mandatory medical examination and those whose cars did not pass. technical control,
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violators’ cars can be confiscated and sent to a special parking lot. according to the department of transport, more than 9.00 taxis have already been checked since the beginning of the year. a themed train dedicated to the feat of the soviet people during the great patriotic war was launched in the metro. the exhibition created together with the victory museum tells about the defense of the brest fortress, the work of the plant in the rear, the selfless work of doctors, the liberation of europe and the capture of the reist. the composition will be run along the arbatsko-pokrovskaya line for six months. in moscow , hundreds of accidents involving trams occur annually, this especially often happens at intersections where the rails intersect with the road, motorists ignore the advantages that traffic rules provide to rail transport or simply do not know about them, although the popular belief is that the tram is always right, in some situations not applicable, whether it is possible to reduce the probability of an accident to a minimum, sergei samokha tried to find out. the tram does not slow down. and
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it looks like such dangerous driving at the intersection of red streets. mayak and chertanovskaya are in the order of things, it seems that at this intersection they don’t even clean up the parts of broken down cars, here’s someone’s bumper - a broken headlight - all these are the consequences of an accident involving a tram. as a rule, drivers driving recklessly on the tracks are cursed in the back, because everyone knows perfectly well that the tram is always right. do you think, according to the rules, should you always give way to the tram or not? yes, a tram, it has no way to go around anything. so i think by the tram there must be an advantage. it sounds quite logical, but it turns out that most drivers who think so do not know the rules very well. in this place , a circular traffic pattern is organized and those driving along the ring have priority, and a “give way” sign is installed for the tram. the sign is there,
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it is valid, respectively, for drivers of unmanned vehicles, in this case of an accident it is the tram driver who should formally be found guilty at the entrance, but as practice shows, most often in... such an accident they are automatically found guilty driver of the car, but the fact that he was driving according to the rules then takes a long time to prove in court. the myth about the absolute superiority of the tram on the road has developed because, according to the rules of the road, it is actually entitled to more than others, for example, at an equivalent intersection , the right-hand rule does not apply to it. well, why is it that we are an obstacle on his right? no, the tram doesn’t work like that, when the intersection is not regulated, then... the tram has priority by default. the tram will lose its privileges only in three cases when leaving a secondary road to the main one, when turning under an arrow and when leaving the depot, but relying on its weight and dimensions, as a rule, it continues to consider itself the main one on the rails for everything around them, with this, that
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it's called, you can't argue with it. maybe the tram drivers don’t know about this, they think that i really am big and iron, everyone should yield to me, in fact in life, well, yes. be careful with them, due to the ambiguous interpretation of the road situation and banal ignorance of the rules, only in moscow every year hundreds of accidents occur with rail transport, to avoid discrepancies, many experts propose to officially enshrine in the traffic rules the unwritten law, the tram is always right. sergey samokh, evgeny turchak, alexey aksenov and oleg dobin, news! in the vicinity of vidnoye, local residents volunteers are looking for a husky puppy who... from arkhangelsk to france. a dog with a rare white color for this breed was bought via the internet by a family living in lille. however, during a stop in the moscow region, the four-legged traveler escaped. whose fault is it happened and is there a chance to find an expensive fugitive - anna balan was looking into it. snow
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-white huskies are actually a very rare color for them. the five-month-old puppy has been put on the international wanted list. the animal transport company was supposed to deliver. named kuma from the arkhangelsk nursery for permanent residence in the french lisle, but during a transplant in a prominent kuma ran away. she ran from there in the dark, there were dogs, these are the ones who are now resting, she ran away from the side of the lep, there is a forest, tatyana is a zoo courier, she had to deliver the puppy to a foster care center near moscow, from there in a car with foreign license plates, they planned to send the fugitive to france, the husband takes him in his arms. dog, she bites him on the face, wriggles out, with this collar she wriggled out very easily, i received a message from the breeder that the godfather ran away and our dream turned into a nightmare, i stopped sleeping, the children are crying all the time asking when
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their dog will arrive, a siberian husky puppy of a rare snow-white color, the cochefer family found on the internet, the french were not scared at all difficulties with transportation, or paperwork, because you cannot transport an animal to another country without a microchip and a medical passport. i really wanted a white husky. there are not many of them in france. on social networks i came across a kuma breeder, and we decided to buy a puppy. white huskies, they are rare, as this is a really rare color, its red is, well, difficult to get. that's why people abroad asked. by the way, on the french side, a guest from russia will find a large country house, a soft bed with a panoramic view and, apparently, loving owners, who already have a dog. breed, we even bought special food for the puppies, the children bought her toys, but the godmother, apparently, chose to stay in russia. go eat, godfather, godfather, godfather, godfather! volunteers from neighboring villages have already joined the search in the forest near moscow and looked for the godfather in
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the nearest shelter. i flew to moscow, searched myself personally, there was an option that she would respond to my voice, come to my smell, survive, it seems to me that the chances are not very big plus. now is the tick season in moscow, we don’t have that, you see, we have snow, you understand, and there a huge number of dangers, although the breeder herself is considered to be to blame for what happened, who... was preparing the animal for a long journey, in these shots kuma's sister is handed over to new owners from belarus, the owner can barely hold on to the lively puppy. dogs must be transported with restraint, and the dog must be in a harness, this is an address card on a separate one, a cord must be on a separate one, and separately, preferably an anatomical harness. there is a version that someone found a rare puppy and took it for themselves. the cost of a siberian husky reaches several hundred thousand rubles. what if the dog is never found, who will be held responsible for the unauthorized escape? it's not clear yet. anna balan, timofey falileev, oleg dobin and olga gribina. news. this concludes our release.
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all news is always available on the media platform , look in the app or on the website, right now on the channel of a new series of military-historical fighter drama, the battle of crimea. fighters battle for crimea. in previous episodes. according to this intelligence, the luftwaf transferred its best aces to crimea. and after kuban we have only young people in our regiments fired at. 1944 everyone, attention, this is worse. on the eve of the offensive, major romanov's fighter regiment is transferred to crimea.
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we will play, we are watching the continuation right now, there are eight of them, there are two of us, the alignment before the battle is not ours, but we seryozha, hold on, we have no chance with you, but we must equal the trump cards, i did not leave this heavenly square, i need the numbers. are not important now, today my friend is protecting my back, which means
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the chances are equal, the gentleman came after me, but then he began to smoke, the propellers howled sadly, they don’t even need crosses on the graves, they’ll go to there are crosses on the wings, i am the first, i am the first, they are under you, i went out to them...res, put out the flames, go into the cloud, i will cover you, in singing, there are no miracles, why didn’t we teach, what suggestions are there, comrade , comrade beri regrets the tragedy that occurred, but... state acceptance of the new fighter model must take place within the previously established deadline. until
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the cause of the incident is clarified, it is necessary to cancel the flights and return to bench tests. at another time, alexander sergeevich, i would agree with you, but now the front desperately needs a new fighter. the front needs aircraft whose pilots can not only defeat the enemy, but return from flights alive, so i... insist on new bench tests, as far as i know, there was no ignition bench, yes, in the afterburner the engine got hot, but it worked normally and showed good results , it means we didn’t take something into account, and we have no right to risk another experimental machine and the life of a new test pilot. what would an engine engineer say? elena sergeevna? i believe that bench tests do not work.
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let's listen to comrade romanov. is it true, at the last meeting you criticized our planes. what do you say now? elena sergeevna is right? "the earth is the earth, the sky is the sky, i am ready to simulate a situation in which the plane went into a tailspin, taking into account the altitude reserve, unfortunately, which the deceased pilot did not have, it is possible, vasya trafimov knew the car inside out, and you the faster comrade romanov masters the new machine, the
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better, alexander sergeevich." boris fedorich, familiarize comrade romanov with all the documentation. okay, alexander sergeevich. if vasya trafimov had not crashed, he was imprisoned plane, we would know what the cause of the accident was. and now everything is first on your shoulders, and not only on mine, but where you were put up in the hostel, i really haven’t been there yet, it’s not far here, everyone is ours there, and you also don’t have time to travel to moscow, great, we’ll neighbors, accompany me while boris
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fedorovich prepares the documentation, with pleasure. comrade general, wait, can you explain why romanov, that we have no other pilots? more reliable than the pilot romanov, i don’t know, his actions are incompatible with the rank of officer, i myself was witnessing his indecent behavior, he was forced to write a report to the military prosecutor's office. yes, yes, i know that it was on your initiative that the hero of the soviet union, major romanov, ended up in the penal battalion. in which penal battalion am i hearing this for the first time? first time? although this is probably correct, then i still don’t understand why romanov is there. here, but because he has already atoned for his guilt, he has atoned, at the state reception there will be party and government officials, ambassadors and military leaders of the allies, you never know what will come into his head nikolaevich again, major romanov’s participation in a demonstration battle is a prerequisite for the german pilot scholbi, comrade general,
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there will be no romanov, there will be no battle, i hope you will not disrupt such an important event, of course not, well, very good, vitya, how did ustinovsky find out where romanov was? i can’t know, vladlen nikolaevich, i did everything as you ordered, tomorrow, everything that... we have in naromanov’s department to be on my desk, that’s right, help, no, thank you, i myself, that's all... i'm taking it with me
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a photograph of my parents, it reminds me of houses before wartime, i understand, where is your house? i don’t know, i don’t have a home, but does it happen, it happens, the sky is my home, sasha. sit down, thank you, an omelette made from powdered eggs, but it's better than nothing, but how much better?
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sasha, i feel terrible. blame for what happened, no need, i did what i had to do, and nothing else, let's not remember this, okay, let's not. very tasty elena sergeevna. thank you, and let's go without the middle name. okay, valena.
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here are the instructions. if you don't understand, ask. you take it, what's what? engine check, since he is a yak, so the whole point is in him, well, study it, channel two took 3,000, speed 450, oil temperature and other parameters are normal, allow the afterburner to begin, authorize, 02, exit in vertical take-off mode , i authorize, turn on direct fuel
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injection, altitude 4,000, speed. 550, the oil temperature is rising, the cooling flaps are open to maximum, the speed is 580, alexander sergeevich, by this time trofimov had already had a fire, i feel a strong vibration, speed, speed 590. stop immediately mode, as i understand it, but the second one, i bet,
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i slow down, the oil pressure drops sharply, there is smoke in the cabin, romanov, jump, do you hear? he won’t jump, he’ll try to land the plane, but where should he land, he can’t see a damn thing right now, if he doesn’t leave the plane, he’ll burn alive, if he’s even still conscious, wait, just like me.
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separated. stop, pull him out, alive, that's it, oops,
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sasha, you're like, i'm fine, judging. here is the report of the penal squadron commander fedotov, romanov redeemed himself in battle, everything is like required, i see, as well as a petition from the main headquarters of the air force, to the military tribunal of the front, signed by ustinovsky, yes, quickly completed. that is, i read everything, that’s for sure, nikolayevich didn’t find anything, which means he didn’t read well, it’s his fault. here you are, holy
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innocence, well, apparently something has happened, the engine has spoken, in the dust, this is more a consequence than a cause. the vibration started immediately after the afterburner was given, then it intensified many times over, so yes, that’s right, it could have arisen due to problems with the damping of the engine mount, it is unlikely that the engine caught fire from vibration, shine it here.
9:47 pm
and there is no choice, right, premiere, but there is a chance on may 9 on rtr, welcome to rixsas premium magavish suds & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach,
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1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suds and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. rum. castro, a product of the stellar group. a hotel for unforgettable experiences. rixsus sharmalshey. only for adults 18+. here you are. there is entertainment throughout the day: year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group.
9:49 pm
cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into
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a fairy tale. immerse yourself in a world of luxury at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma shei, a stunning world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. on victory day , katyushka benefited us at our festive table, songs of the winners will be heard, join us, call your family and friends, sing with us, sing from all over the country, when we were at war, from the heroes of bygone times, from the seventh grade school and went to the front. dark night, this holiday
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is good because it unites generations, songs from the bottom of my heart, a big holiday release, may 9 on rtr, well, a girl, an aircraft engineer is unusual, but it’s simple, at school there was an aircraft modeling club, all the girls are in amateur performances, and the boys and i covered the airplanes with glue with percale, but what about amateur performances, but with the boys it’s more interesting, of course, further, grizodubova, raskova. an intercontinental flight, i dreamed of being like them, so i had to go there, then you see, the dream would come true, i tried,
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i didn’t pass the medical examination, they blocked me for my eyesight, honestly, i’m still embarrassed, wait, that is, you’ve been doing it all my life.
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sashenka sashenkoto. what are you going to do here, how did you find me, who cares, i’m so glad to see you, i returned from the front, i didn’t say a word to my wife, you and i have a lot to discuss, listen, well, now is not the place or time, i have it's very hard for me to pour out tomorrow i need to get some sleep, come back, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow i will find a way to contact you by phone, i can’t, i ’ve been waiting for you for so long, it’s the last one. romanov, let's go, i'm so cold, do you have any documents?
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romanov, why such difficulties, somewhere, somewhere, in the same bed you and i always felt good, then what happened, i have already forgotten, but
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i don’t believe it, dator. why did you come to us, just don’t tell me about your lingering feelings, oh, romanov, you never understood me, that ’s why you separated, why are you here, let’s go cleanliness sanechka, i still live in this terrible communal apartment, with these paromonovs, they either drink, or fight among themselves, or they don’t allow passage, even if
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they took someone to the front, but no, everything is like water, well, let’s say, further what, you are now a hero of the soviet union, you were a hero, soon everything will be returned to you, awards. romanov, do you have someone, good night.
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lena, we're about to rain the car to the city. i’ll catch up with you, okay, let’s go, the car has arrived, romanov, you know, i thought, i guess i ’ll stay, i’m a wife, i have the right, officially we’re you haven’t been divorced yet, as you wanted, listen, your rights remain only on paper. let's go, you're wasting your time, romanov, you
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don't know me well, natasha, what do you want, promise to submit an application, i'll leave, and we won't see each other until you return to moscow, damn it, let's go. great, everything will work out for you and me, romanov. if comrade romanov had not saved the plane, we would still be in the dark, but i can confidently say that...
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this plane will be at the front, the faster we will take the vertical lines from the germans. boris
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fedorovich, what if we replace the standard shock absorbers with engine mounts and move the oil cooler further? and here we can put gaskets to eliminate friction, technically it’s not difficult, but it’s a solution. we still won’t have time to test a promising aircraft, so that means it must be tested during state acceptance. don’t waste time, lena, len,
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wait, i’m sorry, yesterday everything somehow ended so badly, there’s no need to apologize, i’m a grown girl, i understand everything, but you don’t understand anything, i don’t have any wife, well, no, that is, she is there, but well, it’s not like that, we didn’t have time to settle down before the war, i send her military ones, she sends them. make it easier, but i have no one else, so, sash, that’s it, stop, i don’t care at all whether you have a wife or not, wait, lena, let’s go where, i want to fix it.
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how am i feeling, i can’t believe it, take control, no, i’m letting go of my hands. no, what are you doing? that's it, you've got everything, you're flying, well done, feel the plane, try smoothly turning the stick to the right, left, good,
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it works. well, the eyes are completely different, what, happy, you too, me yes. didn’t fly, it all started with him.
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romanov, i have been ordered to deliver you to moscow, general ustinovsky, let's take a walk. the rules of your fight with frinz have already been approved; it has been decided to consider the conditions of victory to be a minute of being in the rear hemisphere of the enemy. a minute might not be enough, in
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real conditions it would take seconds to decide. the decision has already been made, the enemy has a minute on his tail and that’s it. here we have another problem, where is it? well, this fritz will be in uniform, with shoulder straps, orders, and why are you looking like a poor person? relative? we also found something to worry about, ivan georgievich, don’t tell me, sasha, don’t tell me, the whole press will stare at you, the british, the americans, the allied military officers, the commander of the french normandy squadron, but we can’t lose face. and i conveyed this idea where it should be, and the process accelerated, you are completely rehabilitated, and should be at the parade, here you go, thank you, ivan kirovich, premiere, you
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10:07 pm
cognac! old barrel is a product of the stellor group. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmal sheikh. rixas radomis sharmel sheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday.
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currents, golden beach and azure waves.
10:09 pm
liu rezerts, we are here for you! hotel titanic delux golf belek, where every moment is exclusive! wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy the gourmet cuisine of the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. the decision on the forced march to pristina has been approved. the task is to occupy the airport before the allies and allow information to leak to nato. do it. car. the story of the feat. what's the matter? secret. we take and hold positions until the peacekeepers arrive. the story of real heroes. morning will give us all the clues, but for now just
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look, the russian army is in pristina. you to me are not needed here, and i will cut you to the last. about 100 people were killed, there were eight of us here, they fought to the death. but i'm glad we're all together. we will know, fulfilling our duty, in the name of russia. our situation is crap. the probability that we will survive until the morning is 10 percent, but we have been given the task of holding the airport, which means we will survive, the balkan border on may 10 at rtr, comrade romanov, should i whip up a new shock absorber for you, thank you, but thank you, everything is at your own peril and risk, will it stand?
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got it,
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comrade officers, hello, comrade. lived, lived, snapshot, please, thank you, you have everything ready, everything is ready, rug, let's start, let's start, let's start.
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so stop the fight, it’s clear that mr. shmita doesn’t intervene in anything, let him continue, comrade general, we must understand who is the winner in whatever world we are,
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if we don’t stop the fight now, we will all be in the next world. stop, wait, 30 seconds, 45. 50, 55, there is a minute, go for landing, you lost the fight, damn it, sasha, go for landing, you won, i took it,
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as comrade stalin says, we have a lot of caviar, there is not enough bread, comrade narco in internal affairs, here is our hero, give him a binary, well, go ahead, comrade romanov, don’t be shy, you have won another victory over this. german ace, so i will also burn out this holiday of yours, i raise this glass to everyone who was involved in the victory of the soviet aircraft industry, for you, comrades, for your knowledge, golden hands, warm hearts, wings for victory over the enemy, hurray, hurray, hurray , cheers, what are you going to do next? i would like to return to my native polovitch.
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stationed near anapa and preparing for the start operations to liberate crimea. amazing. i propose to conduct military tests there.


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