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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 8, 2024 4:41am-5:01am MSK

4:41 am
before 6:30 the apartment was set on an alarm system, alla mikhailovna could return there only after 6:30, at 6:15 she left, at 6:30 she was already back, but why couldn’t the apartment have an alarm with a corpse? she was killed before six and before that they took the alarm code out of her, if it wasn’t someone in the family, yeah, then the killer leaves. sets the apartment alarm, 15 minutes later returns to the apartment, in which, by the way, there is a corpse and does not take anything for a second, we don’t know that, okay, but we’re definitely we know that he didn’t take the collection of paintings, which are getting incredibly expensive, boss, i’m sorry, it’s some kind of nonsense, okay, the second option, klyushina left the apartment at 6:15, they set her alarm on the way, i remembered that i forgot the phone to which this is the time when her son calls, well, let’s say it’s logical, having arrived
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at the apartment, she removed the alarm, at that time an intruder entered the apartment who wants, who knows what he wants, to kill the granovsky housekeeper, why, hello, hello , can you imagine, no one? there is no alebi in the granovsky family, she was walking around stores, naturally, no one will remember her, granovsky himself went to a meeting that did not take place, and his son met with a girl whose name he does not want to name, hmm, and someone from this family has at least a microscopic motive for the murder of his own housekeeper , well, we don’t know how she cooked, but there is such an indistinct motive that we will look for it for years, we need to go a different way, we need to find out who entered and
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left the granovskys’ house, from 5 to 7, track all the activity around the front door, cars, homeless people, janitor, neighbors, easy to say, there is no camera there, there is no concierge, the janitors don’t speak russian at all, yeah, but the homeless people there speak so much russian that you can listen, by the way, there are a lot of them there, the area there is expensive, the people are rich, everyone has a guilt complex, there they throw such humanitarian stuff into the trash heap that not everyone is worth an opera, so there in the basement lives such a pretzel baseboard, in fact he lives no worse than his neighbors on the floor above, eats elite scraps, wears worn hand-cut jackets, well so go ahead, what do you think he saw? yeah, well, i'm not even myself anymore i remember the last time i saw him, but it doesn’t matter, not with him, you’ll talk to someone else, you need to interview people before the file in their memory is erased. well, maybe it
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was the little son who killed what housekeeper? what do you know about him? fedya, that’s it, come on, stomp, stomp, i ’ll tell masha everything myself.
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will you have a beer? what, are you too greedy? wait, there’s some homeless guy over there, he’s piled up a bunch of baseboards, but you have a pinhouse here, and what is this, a historical exhibit, or something, a work uniform. do you understand what this is? hmm, so
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what about you, do you have internet or something, so here? wi-fi in the house, freebie! these people know how to get settled! listen, plinth! i came to you on a serious matter! what are you doing? and i thought you had nowhere to drink! listen to me! yesterday, here in one of the neighboring houses, a woman ... well, in the twenty-seventh, there was pandemonium yesterday, the cops, the ambulance, the local police officer was wandering around, so, tell me, who was wandering around before them all, and for hours, well , five to seven, remember, no, i, i
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wasn’t there at that time, this is not my territory, actually, we have strict rules here, i go there i don’t look in, well, unless... i ’m passing by, otherwise i’m in the second yard. okay, who works there? yes, there’s only one goat there, but he won’t tell you anything, he’s generally kind of retarded, he lives in a hatch. let's do this, let's do this, we 'll deal with the goat braked from the hatch later, but for now with you, just remember, maybe there was something unusual for you, maybe some person was running, maybe some unfamiliar car, maybe on the contrary, an acquaintance, only on...
4:48 am
every night there is a car on duty, i pass by there at night, well, for a week already, the car has been standing there, headlights turned off, the engine is not working, a man is sitting inside, well, it’s dark, you can’t see it right away, i saw him when he lit a cigarette, then i looked closer, i saw him, well... he stood all night, maybe during the day too, so that’s where this car was parked , here at the entrance of the first one into the yard, on my side, what kind of car is it? renault logan, apparently new
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or very fresh, gray, but i didn’t remember the number, no, i wanted it that night, but the car was no longer there, but the face was a person? yes, what a face, i ’m telling you, i just saw the outline, so, that is, for the last two nights the car was parked yard, it wasn’t there that night, it was the day before , so it was the night before the murder, the car was on duty, yes, that means it goes out during the day, well, it turns out like this, hmm, how do you know him?
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"well, here are the works of granovsky, he then exhibited with the group new wild, uh-huh, and this is abstract art, well, it doesn’t matter, they called themselves new fauvists, what? fauvists, this is favism - this was such a movement in france at the beginning of the 20th century, uh-huh, matiz i started with them, well, they called and called them, the fact is that their painting didn’t make much noise, they hung out
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a lot, and as a result there was little excitement they called, for two years granovsky was promising, granovsky, by the way, i heard this name. yes, in fact, many have heard, yes, this is where granovsky met olya, his wife, a glimpse of success. formed, it must be said, a very profitable party, because granovsky’s fame passed rather quickly, but family values ​​remained, olin’s dad worked in the mayor’s office under sapchak, later with his colleagues he ended up in moscow, as they say, in the highest echelons of power, yes, that’s it father-in-law gave granovsky the gallery when he i finally became disillusioned with painting, of course, granovsky became fascinated by the gallery. tries to discover new names, organizes personal exhibitions, including
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abroad, travels to workshops himself, selects paintings for the gallery, yeah, and that he is a successful gallery owner, not bad, yeah, he understands painting, unlike many other art dealers, yeah , can i ask a strange question, but in general, are these all abstractionists, fauvists? they know how to draw, they’ll just draw a dog, but not all of them, some can’t, especially western idols, they are not taught this, but as for granovsky, he has a brilliant academic school, he will draw a dog, uh-huh, thank you, listen, well, i looked around, it’s not here, and frankly, it seems to me that this car is not from our history at all , well, it’s suspicious, of course, that she’s been on duty around the house for 24 hours, it’s very suspicious, but you understand that
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in addition to the granovskys, hundreds of people live in this house, but this car disappeared immediately after the murder of the housekeeper, but we can’t exclude the possibility, that the killer's goal was collection, and he will return there, but we can’t wait for him to return, but as you wanted, wait, i’ll be there now. well, hello, listen, if they had killed her not under the paintings, for half a million each, but somewhere in the kitchen of her communal apartment, then her son would have been sitting in a pre-trial detention center a long time ago, so would they have killed her? under the paintings, come on, you saw it,
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do you understand that it is taking over the front door? “well, this is not a fact yet, now we’ll check, if you press it again, i’ll tear off your hands, i understand, it’s a nice little place, zanevsko rvd, the department for combating rudeness, and what, listen, sheep, what are you hurry up, come on, he has a grenade in his car." stop! and there, in addition to
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the underground casino, these handsome guys also have a mess with elements of a drug den, but i think half of them are wanted, there are such harrys, but you’re the only one who’s definitely robbed, well all that remains is to apply for and receive the bonus, the plan fell out in 2 months , is there a recording from the camera? oh, listen, there is a recording, but the goronovsky front door is a bit far away, only part of the sidewalk is visible there, and the parked cars, well. but purely theoretically she could see the surveillance machine, theoretically she could, yes the car is on the recording, renault logan, there is a person sitting in the car, the number is visible, not yet, okay, keep me informed that you, in general,
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come to me, come, i’ll come in now, but not now, i’ll go now, maryaevna, i owe you one more time... to my own family, rich bastards liquidate their housekeepers on payday, oh, please, and the granovsky family is shitted, from head to toe, well, it wasn’t me who wrote that, well, i think that’s it they wrote from your words, this is already an accusation, you have evidence,
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so, here’s the name of the village elder, something for you he says, well... he says the same to me, this is the husband of your friend zoya, i’m not her only friend, like staroseltsev, so, okay, the last name is alexander yuryevich protasov, protasova, that tells you something, well, so, so, yes, this is actually an official of the presidential staff, this is a major government official, yes, honey, part-time, this is... me, olga granovskaya’s dad, now something is merging like that, well, in general terms.
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well, where are you anyway, i asked, boss, listen, i was carried away by the film, they show something like this, you know who just got into this...
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marya sergeevna, what a mystery of the investigation, what a mystery of the investigation, what do you think, i only heard about the granovskys for the first time in my life yesterday, when did you hear about them for the first time, mash, did you come to our city from the village? no, well, excuse me, uh-huh, these are the granovskys, this is the daughter of the sprinkler’s right hand, you know, the owners. the largest, promising art gallery of our city, this is the elite of our city, they wash their bones every single day, and you understand that the murder of the granovsky housekeeper is by the way, secular news, all i did was just comment on the secular news in my article and that’s it, no, you tell me, that’s where the crime is, well , okay, so what do they say about this family, well,
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what do they say, how usually they write all sorts of nasty things. it is possible to go into more detail, but they say that goronovsky lives supported by his wife, but rather by his father, they say that she cheats on him from left to right, the family also has a son, such a little bastard, who shows great promise, but in short, that’s all, and they say good things about them, mash, good things about them it’s not customary for people to talk. because people are not interested in hearing good things, well, it’s true that she’s cheating on him, but i don’t know, no, that is, i think yes, but he’s cheating on her, she has to take revenge somehow, and he’s with by whom, well, at least with his own gallery.


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