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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 8, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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and the girls anti-aircraft gunner boris vasilyev in ozor are quiet here, he completely invented them. at first he conceived of anti-aircraft gunners, but when he decided to exchange characters, one of the girls was sonya gurvich, one and the same as vasilyev’s wife zorya, whose maiden name was polek. i studied in moscow, was preparing for the session, here you have the news, well, you, the parents of the jewish nation, naturally, naturally, would be in moscow, i wouldn’t ask, the hero on the screen. heroes on the pages, heroes in archival documents, reports, maps on city sheets, often posthumously, they are alive in memory and in works of front-line writers, and materials are published by the ministry of defense, the project includes living books about the main thing. ilya filippov, vladimir overin, ekaterina frolova, anastasia zorina, vesti. a special train left balashekhi for moscow today. the new oriole brought together veterans and those who grew up during the war years. the winners are right; along
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the way, songs and poems of the great patriotic war were played for the participants, and the guides of the moscow railway museum told them about the contribution of the railway workers to the victory. ultimate the station on the festive route will be poklonnaya hill, where veterans will lay flowers at the eternal flame. today on our program, nikita pastushok, a participant in the special operation, went to the front from the first days of the north military district. despite his young age, 22 years old, he became a platoon commander, was seriously wounded, but even after that he did not deviate from his path. how nikita recovered, who supported him during this difficult period, how he sees his future, we will find out today at 15 o’clock, we will keep everything by this hour, and in the evening after the big news on our tv channel of a new series military-historical drama fighters battle for crimea. denis polanchukov was with you.
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meeting, in the depths of your heart, purity like a holy baby. the frequency is in some hertz, the silence doesn’t even breathe, we leave as defectors, marveling at the love of the sun to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls. hello, this is our program.
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was lucky enough to march through the main square of the country, and 5 years later nikita pastushok also resolutely went to the wine commissariat and headed for the front line. he dreamed of being a combat commander and achieved his goal already in 22, leading a platoon of attack aircraft. nikita decided to become a military man in memory of his grandfather, who raised him as a child. you can’t imagine what kind of love they had between them; my grandfather didn’t have it. he spent hours
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telling his grandson about the exploits of soviet soldiers, i grew up with all of this, he played a big role in my upbringing, grandfather, a photograph of my dad, nikita’s grandfather, nikita’s favorite books, they fought for their homeland are not on the lists, but my dad read to him then he re-read them, we’ll tell you... guys, proud birds were raised here from chicks, thank you, grandfather always said, nikita, i really wish i was old, and you are so grown up, big, in military uniform, you came and said, grandfather, i finally became a military man, about my decision to go to the north military district, nikita i told my family a couple of hours before departure, i screamed,
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yelled, called names, because well , everything was hysterical, like so, like you, i decided like this, i decided in good conscience, for six months he served in the hottest areas, led soldier and never abandoned his own, once, rescuing the wounded from mortar fire scouts, he himself came under targeted fire, a bell rang and they said that his son had died, i didn’t hear anything at all afterwards, but it was a mistake, nikita survived, he was taken to intensive care, but his condition worsened every minute, the doctors had to put him in artificial coma, told some children...
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what happened to your son? the wound was on march 17, 24th, the phone rang in the evening, his colleague with the call sign lezgen called and asked, anna gennadievna, i answered: yes, your son left your phone number and asked you call if it’s the 200th or 300th, i’m telling you that my son is wounded, we have the latest information that he and... the collection have been sent to moscow to one of the hospitals, well, i haven’t heard much at all in this moment, i began to find out what had happened, what had happened, and he explained to me that nikita and the company commander were carrying out another combat mission and came under
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mortar fire, and that he had serious wounds, he had serious wounds to the head, legs, last there is no information, that is, whether he was taken to the hospital or not... and he wanted to clarify with me, and i didn’t know anything, i immediately started calling my husband to tell him that they were looking for him in hospitals, so, probably, within half an hour my husband called back and said that he was in the intensive care unit of the main burdenko hospital, knowing , that i was not in moscow, did not tell me specifically what my son’s condition was, a day later i flew to moscow, so i went to the burdenko hospital in the intensive care unit, before entering the intensive care unit , the doctor on duty came out, it was sunday and she explained about his condition, what he has a very serious wound, severe head injuries, at that time he had undergone a craniotomy, he had serious injuries
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to his eyes, arms, legs, abdomen, and i understood that it was indeed a very serious injury, she gave me some time to prepare go into the intensive care unit, so... when i went into the intensive care unit and they showed me the intensive care bed where my son was lying, i , of course, recognized him immediately, that it was him, that it was my son, but he absolutely did not look like himself, pressed down, thin, the doctors started asking me formal questions, height, weight, when i she said that he couldn’t be 90 meters tall, you ’re probably just in that state right now, i said, no, he’s 90 meters tall, they can’t be, because he absolutely looks... like a fourteen-year-old teenager, from his height of 90 meters there was practically nothing left, that’s when they opened it just to show what was wrong with him, well, i just fell into hysterics, i couldn’t accept my son like that, there were practically no legs, there were no soft tissues, there were multiple fractures,
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that is, these were the bones he had medical devices that fixed his legs, his head, torso, face were bandaged, everything was wounded, but his legs were especially damaged, and how much time he spent in the special operation zone, he left voluntarily, signed a contract for 6 months, then there he was from september to march. was there a connection with him? there was, but sometimes there was no communication for two or three weeks, a month, i waited, i knew that he would call, i always hoped that one of these days there would definitely be a call, and it... it was, probably in about a month before i was injured i had a dream that i was looking for him in the hospital, it was a temporary hospital in the forest, i was with my youngest children, it was winter, impenetrable snowdrifts, and we
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came to the hospital, and i ask the doctors, i give my son’s last name, i ask, that i need to see him, the doctors, well, in a dream they say that yes, now, now they will take him out, in general they are taking out the gurney. i see that my son is missing both legs, i wake up hysterical, so in the morning i called my mother and said, mom, i had such a bad dream, my mother recommended that i go to church, i... to church, i explained to the priest my dream that my son was a member of the svo, he told me that sadness is not a sin, you need to believe, you need to hope, you need to wait for your son alive, i felt better, i somehow let go it seemed like i was in control of the situation, but the anxiety still remained in my soul, it was about a month before the injury, just on the day of the injury, i woke up at night, my legs just hurt terribly, i just twisted them. i had a terrible withdrawal, i started having a panic attack, and then after the injury, when he was in
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rehabilitation, i compared this day, i i realized that it was on this day that he was wounded, please tell me how long he stayed in a coma, he was in a coma for about a month and a half, when he came to his senses, you were nearby, i was nearby, the doctors prepared us for this, that they would bring him out of the coma, they warned that he would not be in quite an adequate state. that is, don’t pay attention, they took him out of a coma, invited me to the intensive care unit, i took his hand, hugged him, he looked at me, tears flowed, and i began to explain to him that everything was fine, that everything was fine, and he was lifting an amputee he showed his leg, like, well, is this good, and i said, nikita, everything is fine, everything is great, we’ll talk about this later, the amputation happened when he was already in a coma? yes, the amputation took place when he was in a coma, every day we
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were near the intensive care unit from morning to evening, we checked with the doctors, because everything was very difficult, his health condition changed every day, the doctors did not give positive prognoses, he i had an obsess in my head, they prescribed a new group of antibiotics, but i just know, i’m still she kept saying that don’t touch his legs, i ask you don’t touch his legs, save his legs.
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we are at the level of gestures, well, i asked him questions, everything is fine, he nodded, everything is fine, i love you, you love me, he, i love you too, yes, then, when he could already say that he said the first thing, i missed him, he was always very reserved, he was always afraid, probably, to show some kind of weakness, but at that moment he simply did not let go of my hand. always asked to sit with me, to stay with me, always hugged me, i missed you, i miss you, we have a story about what he’s doing now, nikita, let’s see, today nikita is studying at the university of the ministry of defense, studying the legal support of national security, classification, please, it turned out that roughly speaking, i just moved from one barracks in another, but in the other you just need to learn. this is my room, this is my bed,
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here we rest, get ready for tomorrow, at 6:30 we get up every day, then we do exercises, we come from exercises, wash, put ourselves in order, iron uniform, let's go for breakfast, chicken, pork, beef, chicken and a little gravy, something that doesn't apply to me as a disabled person, let's call a spade a spade, that is, there was no such thing as there, oh, let me tell you i’ll help, oh, let me bring it for you, this never happened, it’s delicious for you, it’s crazy, the main thing is to stop it, all the girls dream of beautiful tall officers, so let’s follow the marked path. in our studio
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, svo member nikita pastushok, hello, hello, i wish you health, nikita, i wish you health, nikita, when did you come out of the coma, when you remembered that you spent six months in the zone of a special military operation, initially, when i came out of a coma, that day, that battle, i don’t remember, all the months before that were in my memory, tell me about it, how many have you... there were 45 people under his command, and how old were you then? 22, the age of your subordinates was somewhere around thirty and above, they were 50. who is it with such a difference in age to lead so many people? in principle, i never had any doubts that i could do something wrong, i wouldn’t give it away those teams, i was confident in myself from the very beginning, because the experience of my cadet years also makes itself felt, i was ready to perform
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the duties of a commander of, in principle, any level, from a squad to a company. are these the fruits of your character or upbringing, education, how to achieve such confidence? everything came together, i can’t say that one thing prevailed, what age are you in the cadet corps? from fifth to eleventh grade? did you already understand in the fifth grade that you wanted to be a military man? i probably even understood this before, because my eyes are a military officer, and in principle i always followed his example, my grandfather said. about my great-grandfather, who went through the great patriotic war, was also an officer, somehow all this started from childhood, this seed began to sprout, and i decided that i would go to the kozhetsky corps. nikita, always, when you meet people who have been there, served there, you ask this question, how is it, tell me how scary, dirty, bloody it is, the smell that
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cannot be described, this specific for... probably death , and what are men like in war? men in war are real russians, this is actually true, as president vladimir vladimirovich putin said, that all this has been ingrained in the russian people for centuries, starting with the campaigns of our princes in the war with napoleon, in the great patriotic war, now these are the people who are fighting in the area of ​​​​their own - these are , by and large... the heirs of our ancestors, the successors of this military work and work, tell us what kind of battle it was, in which you received these wounds, stood in one of the villages of the kupyansky district and two left uncleared houses, on the edge of the village, and i decided to storm them, approached
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the company commander, i said, it’s dawn, so and so, there are two houses left, my... squad is ready to enter in two groups, knock out the enemy, well, occupy the houses, we’ve thought about everything plan on how we will act, the assault began and they began to knock the enemy out of the houses, mortar shelling began, the guys of the 300th went and the unit commander and i began to get them out of the fire, began to take them to the evacuation zone and at that moment we were covered with a shell. commander ota, unfortunately, is immediately on the spot i died, i’m heavy 300, you were conscious, yes, throughout the evacuation, yes, i was conscious, but i don’t remember it, when they took me out of the coma, i had traumatic amnesia, i began to remember all this only later, according to the stories of the guys who directly me they evacuated me, then
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they found out that i was alive, they contacted me, i was conscious throughout the evacuation, the guys ... threw me on a stretcher, bandaged me and carried me to the evacuation point to hand it over to another group - i still had my radio station on my bulletproof vest , i went out to mine the purity of his platoon and said, guys, everything is in order, we will continue to storm, that is, you were still giving orders, being in this state, when i was evacuated, i found the strength to say the last words to the boys, the evacuation began further to russia. please tell me, nikita, when you realized that you had no leg, how did you accept it when you came out of the coma, the first days, they are remembered in fragments, when you came out of the coma, you immediately saw your mother, yes, yes, yes, you recognized her, i recognized her immediately, the only thing i didn’t understand was that
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is happening around me, the last thing i remember is that i was going to bed in the basement, i opened my eyes, i was already in some kind of hospital, but i didn’t immediately understand that, in principle , there was no leg, my parents and doctors began to explain this later they began to explain that you were at the northern military district, were injured, had to have your leg amputated, honestly, i somehow calmly reacted to this, when i went there, i understood what could happen, i was ready for this, that i could two hundred, maybe... there could be various injuries, that is, no panic there, that everything, life is over, continue to live, there is no leg, this did not happen initially, your attending physician came to our studio,
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nikita can survive this condition? we are already a hospital of the last order, and still , patients with mild cases are not admitted to our intensive care unit; they are admitted to us with severe, extremely severe cases. i would like to say a big thank you to the guys, these are his colleagues, our orderlies evacuated him to the first stage of evacuation, he came to us at the end, so to speak, stabilized and brought to mind for transportation, and he came to us, he had a head wound, a shrapnel in the orbit and his lower limbs were very badly cut, they don’t show this on tv, everything was very, very bad there, we... began to stabilize his condition, the most severe antibiotic therapy, which could only be possible, he had unstable hemodynamics, drugs supporting blood pressure and artificial
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ventilation of the lungs and an artificial coma, too, so that he could survive this critical condition that he had, but he could. sorry for asking this question, did you ever have a moment when you lost hope that he could survive? i understand that this is not a very correct question for a physician. i always tell my relatives one thing. phrase: hope for the best, but don’t forget about the worst, each of our patients is in extremely serious condition, and i also tell my relatives that i don’t know what will happen in 5 minutes, in 10, in an hour, in a week, i can i can only tell you about the condition of your relative at this particular moment, as far as i understand, not only medicine helps a person to survive, to fight to win, i think that in nikita’s case, it’s probably his character... this strength and thirst for life helped, upbringing also, let’s see the story about how nikita was raised, it’s about upbringing, nikita was born in this house and
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lived with us with his grandfather until the fifth grade, this was his room, here he had a bunk bed, here is a desk, and here are different lockers, he read everything and loved all the books. from toys, here is a telescope, this is his bud, cadet bud, i i also take care of it, in this room, and even then the sofa was not so big, there was enough space, here he marched all the time with his grandfather, marched, he begins to put on his jacket right now, he goes all the way to the floor and marches straight, marches, this his grandfather, he has a soul in him, nikita doted on him, he looked into his eyes, he copied literally everything, even the way he watched tv, he would put his pen under his head like that, he would look at me like that, he would smile, and i, yes, yes, that’s right,
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his entire childhood, kindergarten, school, everything that followed adolescence, when he came here on vacation, it’s all captured, he was always the center of our attention, it’s him and his grandfather, here in this room, here we are... then he left, after nikita went to war , i prayed incessantly here, and you know, at this time i heard the voice of my husband,
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he always called me: “ice, don’t worry and don’t cry, i’m next to him now and i help him in everything, that’s all a week or two before he was wounded, well, thank you, everything turned out okay. lord, it worked out. let's, nikita, invite your grandmother, lidia vasilievna, and aunt nadezhda to join us. come in, please. hello, hello, hello, hello, son, oh, my god, grandma got worried, how. hi, nikita. hello. hello. hello. aunt and grandmother. nikita, have you seen your grandmother for a long time? grandma from winter vacation. it is when? it's the beginning of january, i was at home for the new year. how did it happen
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that your grandmother raised you? parents came to moscow, let's say, on official business necessity, in connection with work, and decided that i would stay at home for now, my grandparents raised me until i was 11 years old, until i came to moscow, to the codet corps, lady vasilievna, it was hard to raise my grandson, no, not it’s hard, we had a wonderful grandfather, he immediately told me, lida, i ’m responsible for discipline. and you are for your studies, everything was fine with us, he studied well, he was obedient, he was always a leader in the class, he was the head of the class, he was friends with everyone, from the age of 5 his mother came, sent him to karate and his grandfather she said, okay, come on, i’ll take him, i took prizes all the time, even with fevers i still went with my grandfather, he always played sports at school, in training,
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in the gym, somewhere with toys... he’ll buy him everything he’ll buy him a shell, let’s practice receivers with you, remember? and i tell him: please, put a pillow right here next to your heart, because he is you, look how he beats you, but he and my grandfather were generally great friends, and he raised him to be a real man, you want to say, the makings of a commander, is this from your grandfather? it seems to me that this is the kind of leader he was, you can’t really raise them that way, they’re probably born, after all... you know, he didn’t talk for a long time, and he started talking, probably when he just turned 3 years old, this is 2003, in september i sent him to kindergarten, and he was there with his peers very quickly, and started talking, and the teachers always told me that he so amazingly attracts all the children into his games, be it board games or outdoor games, that is, he always had enough energy for motivation. no need
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order them to do something that you cannot do yourself, while i was in the area where i was conducting my own, i never once instructed or ordered my personnel to do any things that i could not do myself, further in the program is the long-awaited meeting with colleagues, great commander. what will fellow soldiers tell you about their commander? i then go up to him, i say, nikita, i say, thank you, you gave me a machine gun, i say, i felt like a man, thank you very much, may 9, the day of the great victory, a big parade on red square. in memory of
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the great feat of our people, the descendants of the heroes will march solemnly. in the parade formation, valiant defenders of the homeland, heirs of our great traditions, brave and invincible, those who are always ready to go into battle and give their lives for the fatherland. we glorify our warrior-liberators, their courage and heroism in ours. for russia, for victory, cheers, victory parade, may 9 live on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and
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cross the bridge in time! righteous, premiere, may 9 on rtr. previously in the program. the mother of a svo participant, holder of the order of courage nikita pastushka, told how she found out about her son’s injury and what she had to go through when they opened it just to show what was wrong with him, well, i just fell into hysterics, i couldn’t accept my son like that, every day doctors fought for the life of a young guy, they don’t show this on tv, everything was very, very bad there, despite everything nikita survived and told his story, those people... who are fighting in the holding area are, by and large, the heirs of our ancestors , continuers of this military work and work. let's watch a story about one of your subordinates. i worked in the construction
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of boiler houses, as a foreman, then everything changed, partial mobilization began, we were called up according to the summons, we arrived at the positions of podlestichansk at night late at night we spent the night in the morning. the platoon commander and the castle came to meet us, the castle is the castle of the platoon nikitka, the shepherd. the first impression of nikitka, he is a sweet, pleasant guy, young, well, somehow we immediately found a common language, and i felt so at ease with him, after 5 days he comes up to me and says: listen, dan, i want you make him a squad leader. then we had a small rotation, he took me in with him, i lived in the same dugout with him for 2 weeks, somehow we came across an electric one. battery powered razor that’s it, i shaved there right away, he comes up to him, listen, he says, trim my mustache, so i say, come on, sit down, i’ll be your personal barbershop, that’s how our friendship began, he’s an excellent fighter,
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he’s a fearless fighter, when we were evacuating the wounded, i heard on the radio that there was only one shepherd, take the shepherd out, take the shepherd, take the shepherd away, but regarding the knowledge of military affairs, we had, well, we were so... wounded and that he may not survive in the hospital
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, it wasn’t just me from our squadron, there were also guys, we sat on benches and just they cried, there wasn’t a person who didn’t worry about him, and did you know that they call you a conductor? yes, i knew that and i knew about orchestras, because when, let’s say, the concert took place, everyone came up and asked when the next orchestra would be meeting, i said, guys, i... i don’t know yet how they will give the order, i asked everyone at once i'll let you know. let's look at another story, another fighter, well, my military career began back in 1987 during the soviet union, transnistria, the first chechen region, yugoslavia and ukraine. when the word began, i was no longer at home i was sitting there, i was only taken away for the fourth time, everyone referred to my age, but it turned out that the ninth company of the 138th brigade was badly beaten. us there, i remember how i
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met nikita, he was sitting there in a trench, digging for something, and they told me, here is your squad leader, i look, well, the kid is a kid, well, he’s still green, he raised his eyes and looked, well, he said, they sent me some pensioners here, he said, they couldn’t, at least send someone younger, well , on the third day he said, someone knows how to cook food, and the first soup i prepared...
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his brains are moving under this bandana, i'm glad that i was next to him, it was a great honor for me, it turns out, and when i was in the hospital, when i found out that nikita was wounded, it completely knocked me out out of a rut, it’s just hard to talk when you know what kind of pain he suffered, both mental and physical, and i went to the hospital to see him, checked on him, i gave him a naval cutlass, bro, hold on, we’ll tear them all apart, anyway . nikita, what’s it like to command people who are a whole life older in age, these are veterans, pensioners, even as they call themselves, in principle, by and large, age does not matter, as our commander said when he introduced me to the personnel, he says, you don’t look at what is young, years, age, the main thing is not age, but a person’s thinking,
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how he thinks, how he perceives the environment and what his worldview is, in principle, at first pensioners looked at you as a young, green, young man, when did the change happen? everything, as always, is proven by deeds, after that, probably a week, a week or two, they began to give us weapons that... who in principle have never worked, that you can teach them something, yes, train them, yes, that they can from me what -to gain knowledge and gain some experience. anh, how can you even hear such things about your little bloody son, when powerful adults evaluate your child like this. i knew his character, i knew when the svo began, when partial mobilization began, i... felt in my heart that he would be there, here’s anchik for me
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sent videos all the time, but as a grandmother, i always asked, you send me everything, everything, everything , everything, there was a lot, the young guys spoke very well about him, but when these people spoke, there were other people there, well, already aged , you see, here there was such pride in him that the older man was talking about him. little grandson, let's listen now to these older comrades, denis pavolotsky and yuri kubalt, they came to our studio, please come in. new commander. tell us what kind of commander he was, and how did you begin to trust him? u we had a chance, we took a position near
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lesichansk, and nikitka came up to me and said: listen, dan, we need a machine gunner from your squad, it’s already late, the guys were sleeping, they were resting there, i said, come on . “come on, and i say, but i haven’t worked with a machine gun, he says, i’ll teach you, so we take out a machine gun, and he tells me how to load a belt, like a cartridge into a chamber, and what cases, situations, if there the machine gun won’t work, well, that’s how everyone worked out, everything is clear, the next morning our nikita conductor announces the orchestra, i don’t i expected this, i only met him last night with this.” in the morning , comrade nikita gathers us, we line up, nikita puts everyone out, well, starting to lead, and it’s my turn, the responsibility was simple, i felt uh, my comrade’s gaze commander, when the turn came - before me, of course, the cartridge
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gets stuck in the chamber, well, this is a stable situation, it’s just that all this happens in a second, i open the lid, i remember that nikita said not... for the first chechen war he is still a hero of russia, like maybe it’s an old award, you are a hero of russia, a person with experience, you find yourself in a combat zone, and your commander is a young, wonderful young man, i saw him, i think, well, damn, lucky with the commander, i think he’s some kind of green, well i think that’s it, khan, just
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khan, well, because i myself remember when i was a commander in his place. at his age, i made some, well, for myself i thought that i was making the right decision, in fact, well, i made mistakes, when for the first time you had a change in perception after the next mortar fire, then it turned out that nikita and i, the water-digger , jumped in, sat and laughed like a cliche, we started telling jokes under fire right there... that moment, i was looking at them, at the young people, they have no fear in in nikita’s eyes, you know, he always has excitement in his eyes, he’s a hunter since birth, i think, well, if they’re not afraid of this, i think, what’s possible, in general, he convinced you,
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nikita, for you the fighters of the ribbon sent a message, let's look at the screen, hi, hi, bro, how are you doing, are we waiting for you? everything is fine with us, little by little, as they say, we are holding the defense until, so to speak , we fall on our face, yes, only if they give good warning, but not yet whistle, that’s why we are waiting, as they say, for good news from you, as usual, you have a lot of spirit , you’re in the mood recently, i talked to you, great fighting, thank you for being with us, we were glad to be with you, nikit, handsome, yes, and we are looking forward to meeting you, there are a lot of rides, come, bro, it, it will take place, it consists, although make metal with one pedal, these people, of course, all of yours, all of mine, love you, and i remember them, are waiting for them, the meeting will still take place in any case, maybe, of course, not in full force, but it will still be there, further in
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the program, despite the serious injury , nikita continues to live life to the fullest, i jump... with a parachute, that yes, i have already jumped three times, without a prosthesis, connection through a generation, in our studio, a veteran of the great patriotic war, continuity, like shusy himself, is the best , you must always keep it that way, exactly what the veteran will say to the heir to the work of his fathers and grandfathers to nikita shepherd, young people are always dear to us, old people are always respected, we must never lose heart. happened, thank you, while our memory is alive, thank you.
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at the age of 11 he became a cadet cadet school, and already at 22 - a platoon commander. he always has excitement in his eyes. having been seriously wounded, he was in a coma for more than a month. well, he didn’t look like himself at all, depressed and thin. in our studio there is a holder of the order of courage, a member of the northern military district, nikita pastushok. how scary, dirty, bloody it is, the smell...
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cannot be transferred. nikit, you have actually overcome death. how is your life going now? i want to say right away that the loss of a limb, as in my case, is far from the end of life. i don't feel like i belong there inferior, yes, society rejects me, there are some certain difficulties. in everyday things that i can’t do yet, otherwise i live a full life, i jump with a parachute, that yes, i’ve already jumped three times, without a prosthesis, anya, how do you react to this, well, he told me after, this it was evening, a message, a message on the phone, mom, 180a in the middle, i
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called right away, he, why are you calling, i just wanted to write to you that i’m talking about from a parachute, well, i looked at you too, you jumped before, the first once, but about my personal life, about my personal life, while i i was in the hospital, i started communicating with my long-time friend, everything turned out that in june of twenty-three we started talking, just a couple of weeks ago i proposed to her, let's listen to your old friend, attention to the screen, we met nikita. in nineteen , at that time i was 15 years old, but he was 19. i studied in the cadet corps, and he had already graduated from the cadet corps and was studying at the university, that year we both went to the parade on may 9, you know, there is such a romantic parade there , just someone passing by in a box passes, you look for him with your eyes, what line are you standing in, what colony, he talked to me very carefully, because he’s older than me, at that moment the difference
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seemed somehow colossal, it seemed to me that he really some are already an adult. a man, and we talked for a while, and then our communication was interrupted for a short period, after about 2 years, nikita decided to write to me, it turns out that after the svo, after an injury, at that time i had a very serious tragedy in the family, my mother died it turns out that he wrote to me about a month after his death, but i was generally... very depressed, we started talking on the phone every day for hours, nikita really saved me, he pulled me out of this situation, at first he didn’t even tell me the fact that he has some kind of injury or something like that, but he seemed extraordinary to me, literally from the first day we already started a relationship, after the meeting, i walk in, he’s sitting like this on the bed, so, i don’t know, pretty , i
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ran, i hugged him. that's it, well, we in general have become non-spillable, right? he really, it seems to me, like all men, they seem so prickly, in fact they are like kittens, so kind, they all curl up in a ball and want to be loved, pitied, stroked, when we got a prosthesis, we in general, we were incredibly happy, little by little, so we learned to walk again. we were joined by masha, an old friend, and now nikita’s fiancée of our hero, masha, hello, hello, hello, nikita, where did it all start, i saw a photo in social networks, and decided to write, just to find out how you were doing, when you realized that this was your woman, there was very little time, probably a month, masha, so you got it,
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so, hello, how are you and what’s next, well, skeptical, no reacted, we didn’t start a conversation, the next day i already wrote it myself, i just woke up in the morning, there were some events, also military-related, and the news came up, i... for some reason, some thought came to me, too such anxiety, i didn’t even know that he was in the hospital, just that he was in the military, what was wrong with him, no, when they found out, in at the moment of correspondence, he told me, well, she knew that there was a wound, but she just didn’t know what, she knows that the wounded woman is in the hospital, well, i immediately said, let’s come to your hospital, what can i bring you there, he says , bring yourself, i’m looking for a wife, he said so right away, well, they all laughed, they laughed. when you found out that he had no leg, he sent me some kind of photo, photos from the moment of resuscitation, i was scared, i didn’t understand at all what these photos were for, it was him, not him, in fact i saw it, i recognized it myself completely this whole thing
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the situation when i arrived, well, i remember, he was sitting there, he still had an injury to his eye, he was holding his eye like that, it was very difficult for him to look and react to the light, i just ran to him, hugged him and didn’t pay attention at all at first, that is, well... we had already sat down and you could see such deep scars, but you didn’t feel any kind of rejection, no, on the contrary, i generally don’t let people get so close to me, this is not typical for me, but what’s wrong with nikita, that you let him in, everything happened at the moment of correspondence, he called me and we talked for 10 hours, well literally, that is , i’ve already drawn up a portrait of a personality for myself, i’m telling you, he also pulled me out of such a depression, deep, i didn’t want to eat or wash anything at all, well, no matter how i didn’t worry about that either due to his appearance, that is, he called me, i’m lying there, i
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’m taking it, and that is, with some kind of jokes, masha, you’re great, remember what he did to you, it was april 7, my younger sister had birthday, i have a big family, we have eight children, so... my whole family gathered, it very rarely happens that my older sisters came with children, we had such a family table, the first toast is coming, congratulations on your birthday, i just sit down, start to crush these salads, and nikita gets up and says the same there is something to say, and he pulls me by the hand, with such cheeks i don’t understand at all, i didn’t even swallow it, i already understood where he was going, and he sits on this knee, on a prosthetic, then takes out a box, keeps making an offer , says, you will be my wife, and well, i’m okay i didn’t even say it, i was just in tears too, no, i nodded, but it was so funny,
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very very memorable, but my whole family was also shocked, of course, very happy, no one expected it, but i was happy, crazy, for me this is a very serious step, i, in principle , consider relationships only to eventually flow into the family and future life. wonderful, and when i was at school, veterans of the great patriotic war were invited to us, who told us about their exploits, about how it was, now there is already a new generation and young people, already veterans too, but only this war, they come to schools to share their impressions, let’s look at the screen.
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on them we talk about the exploits of our compatriots. this year the military-patriotic evening was timed to february 23. a year after a terrible injury and miraculous healing, a lesson in courage in his native land is dedicated to nikita. the guys, by the way, were very keenly interested in the moments of the making of the film, asked questions about nikita himself, especially those who were younger, who knew him personally. among the spectators were those who remember nikita as a schoolboy. for me, he is still a boy, so blond, so nimble, agile, now i saw nikita, men, men from the big
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city. in the village of tulinovka, many people know nikita, his aunt is the director of the local school, he often visited here as a child, in his youth, now he is not only loved, but truly respected. homeland is what we love, this. and any person, what he loves, he will protect and cherish it. nikit, what do you think? the current conflict, this is the northern military district, which is now taking place with that great great patriotic war. does it have any connection in your opinion? of course, it certainly has, i have been repeatedly invited to take courage lessons in various schools, literally 3 days ago i was in one of the moscow schools, there were veterans of various wars there. of course, veterans of any wars or conflicts should engage in this patriotic education of the younger generations, so that, in principle, this does not happen again. a veteran came to us today
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of that very great patriotic war, mikhail ignatievich sabanin. mikhail ignatievich, come in, hello, good day, come in, step. good day, hello, continuity, just like shusy himself is the best of all, you must always maintain that same attitude, be a patriot, be, and not lose heart, of course. mikhail ignatovich, how old are you, i, yes, ninety-nine, you are 99 years old, you look cheerful, and how cheerful, cheerful, you were called up in the army for 17 years, 10 days were not enough, 17 years, you had to defend your homeland, mikhail ignatovich , you win remember, victory day, berlin, but why don’t i remember that in the storm of berlin, the first belarusian third strike on the kuznetsov army on april 21? gave the order to launch an attack on
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berlin, they stormed, they fought for their homeland, they won, after germany , i participated in parades until 1948, mikhail ignatievich, we are so grateful to you, because it is thanks to your feat that we are now sitting in this studio, speaking russian language, we live in the most beautiful country in the world, which...
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the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching news, my name is maria sittal. hello. in ukraine
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, the settlements of kislovka and novokalinovo have been liberated. night strike by the aerospace forces on military targets in ukraine. military factories, energy, and railway junctions were attacked. this is the second batch of new ones this year.


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