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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 8, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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everything is clearly planned in order to please people, well, to please them with triumph - this is a great victory, and i think that this holiday, you know, it will be endlessly in the minds of all of us, of generations, it seems to me that victory day is a holy holiday, the holiness of a people who... all over the world, not all are scoundrels, but these scoundrels are so fluffy that they need to be wetted not only in toilets, but anywhere, well, today give pleasure to all the veterans, all together with you, cossacks are riding through berlin, cossacks , our cossacks are traveling, riding through berlin,
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cossacks, cossacks, riding, riding through berlin, our cossacks, along the berlin pavement, horses shattered by water, walked shaking their manes, danchak horses, smashing the riding, yak guys, it’s not the first time we should be, cossack, aliens, cossacks, cossacks, riding , our kakzaks are traveling through berlin. cossacks, cossacks, ride, ride through berlin, ours, sin, cossacks, cossacks, ride, ride through berlin, our cossacks.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, live, your favorite program 60 minutes about the most important things. let's start with breaking news, in response to ukrainian attack by american attacks, oil depots in lugansk and other russian energy facilities, the russian aerospace forces launched a new massive group strike with the aeroballistic hypersonic missile system kinjal, as well as the giran uav on the facilities. and enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. explosions
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occurred in vinnitsa, dnepropetrovsk, lvov, ivano-frankivsk, poltava, kiev, and kirovograd regions. it is known that kinjal flew to the city of stryi, where a large underground gas storage facility is located. also, a missile strike was carried out on a target in dobrotvir, where tes is located. in the ivano-frankivsk region, explosions in the area of ​​the burshtyn power plant. also a ukrainian resource. writes about a series of explosions in kiev, the arrivals were recorded in the ladyzhinskaya tess area, near vinnitsa. in the dnepropetrovsk region, strikes were made on the middle dnieper hydroelectric station. in total, more than 50 missiles and more than twenty gyrans were used for the strike. this map shows the approximate flight paths of various missiles and drones. the russian ministry of defense reported that the objectives of the strike were achieved. all designated targets are hit. as a result.
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ukraine's ability to produce military products , as well as the transfer of western weapons and military equipment to the line of combat contact, has been significantly reduced. more than 50 missiles and twenty drones were launched across ukraine. smoke above the arrival sites is visible in kiev. the attack occurred around 4:30 a.m., but the main focus of the attacks was on the ukrainian energy system and especially on its thermal power plants. the detek company said that three more thermal power plants were seriously damaged. over the past month and a half they have faced five serious raids. according to them, 80% of the generating capacity at the stations was damaged, so a coordinated russian missile attack is not just now. but in recent weeks it has really
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knocked out the ukrainian energy system. it's part of the everyday picture. energy supply of ukraine. russian missiles hit one of the thermal power plants. at the request of ukrainian authorities, the raiders news agency does not say which one. after each attack, technical teams immediately begin to repair the damage. the problem is that there are almost no spare parts. this is due to the fact that power plants are of advanced age. our possession. was developed back in soviet times, all spare parts, of course, were produced then, without the help of our european partner countries, it would be very difficult to restore the station, we try to repair what we can, but to purchase new spare parts we need the help of our partners . according to
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government officials, ukraine has already lost about 80% of its heat production and about 35% of its hydropower capacity, at least temporarily. the airstrike also led to dramatic consequences at this power plant. the damage is quite extensive and serious. our station lost almost 70% of its generating capacity. according to ukrainian grid companies, regular power outages so far occur only in the kharkov region, despite the increased destruction of the energy infrastructure. however, the mayor of the city warned that in the coming winter. the situation can become dramatic. the situation at the front is developing rapidly. the ministry of defense reports that the russian army managed to completely liberate the settlements of kislovka in the kharkov region and novokalinovo in the dpr. the offensive continues in the marinsky direction and in krasnogorovka. most of
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the industrial zone, at this moment, is behind the russian army. the offensive is going in two directions: from the industrial zone, from staromikhailovka along nakhimov street. how can you understand from a topographic map? cities main heights behind our wars, so the retention of krasnohorivka by the ukrainian armed forces, to put it mildly, looks like a very dubious undertaking. unexpected for the ukrainian general staff, the russian offensive began in the vremev direction; this is no longer a protrusion. today information has appeared about the successful entry of the russian army into staromaiskoe. this is confirmed by ukrainian sources. according to them , units of the ukrainian armed forces left the village. now it is located. in the gray zone, after staromayorsky, the harvest will fall, battles for the populated area have begun, just like that, look, russian attack aircraft on the btr-80 with protective with a visor they boldly break through the wall of fire in the harvest, withstand one hit,
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then there are three more misses from grenades after the landing, there are no words to describe it, iron men, heroes and for... spent 2 days on the eastern front, after which he reported , that the next targets are moscow, pokrovsko and kurakhovo, if we look at the map with you, you can see, after taking cheretin, entries into arkhangelsko and keramik, but into aleksandrovka, nitailovo, an operational void is formed, right up to pokrovsk, large populated areas there are practically no points ahead, just one more.
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the battle for hours has begun, the stakes could not be higher, we have received unique access to ukrainian units that are fighting both in the city itself and in its environs. we arrived here just after dawn, we are 2-2 km from the russian positions, and as you can hear, it is starting to get hot here.
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ay, yes, good. the situation is tense, we must remember that our guys are on edge, especially our command. the commander of the reconnaissance unit told us that several more days ago it was possible to walk around these buildings more or less calmly, but now there is too much going on here.
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that’s what we took up the position, they fired at us, they fired at us pretty well,
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they smashed the dugout at the entrance to the dugout, uh-huh, well, drones are constantly flying, maviks are flying, constant airdrops, constant shelling, there are assaults, but the thing is, that judging by the way the shelling is being conducted, their horde there is, well, very strong, but they have a lot more orge. more and they work actively, the second thing is going on for them, it turns out, constantly with there is control over us in the air, if a person sees with their own eyes what is happening, then they see it all from a drone, yeah, and quite very well, so it’s hard to hide, hard to hide, hard to dig out, it’s like what if the man begins to dig there when he arrives.
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and the artillery units of the armed forces of ukraine have already felt this at their school, and
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it is very difficult to respond to all this. it has become much more difficult, because the russians now have a lot of electronic warfare equipment, they do not allow our birds to fly into theirs territory. and accordingly, we cannot detect goals and work on them. another reason is their kamikaze attack drones. lancets, eagles, they are simply swarming here. there are days when there is a lot of work, we can’t get out of the way because they are constantly flying. and, perhaps, russian drones now really pose the main threat to the artillery units of the ukrainian armed forces. new western means of rap could defuse the situation a little, but no improvement is expected for the armed forces of ukraine in the near future. footage from ireland, where ukrainian men fish soup and the lants came out to protest on posters. look, ukraine stop torturing men, i’m not cannon fodder. ukraine is no longer a democracy, human rights are for everyone, the boys are probably protesting against restrictions on consular and services for men abroad, however, they are in vain,
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a servant of the people named dunda announced democracy, rights and freedom in ukraine will be remembered someday after the war, the fierce propagandist of the regime, natalka maseychuk, spoke about european values ​​and said that the period of democracy in ukraine was over, the sbu would soon, quote from ponat. knocks on everyone's door, and called on the boys to voluntarily go to the military registration and enlistment office. by coincidence, natalka masieichuk’s son is studying abroad, but this is unfortunate. natalka has already explained the exception, she said that she did not raise her child for war, against such a background, without waiting for a knock on the door , ukrainian men run wherever their eyes look, ingenuity in the style of rezanovsky shirley-myrli, look, a man tried to get into romania, disguised as a woman , reports the state border service, ironically calling him the charming sergegietta,
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a forty-four-year-old resident of zolotonosha put on a wig, applied makeup, and got dressed. he took his sister's passport from the woman, the transcarpathian border guards quickly exposed him, although the man held out until the last, claiming that he was a woman. another ukrainian tried to swim across the tisza river across the border with romania, but drowned. his body was discovered by the rumi on their side of the border. in 2 years, this is the twenty-fifth death of men trying to escape from ukraine through the tis. and this is lvov and... another volunteer. it's amazing that people in western ukraine have to be literally rounded up to be sent to the front, because in theory the westerners should have been the first to go to war with the muscovites. the military registration and enlistment offices of the khmelnitsky region report that disseminating information on social networks about the places of residence and movement of military commissars faces criminal liability in the form of
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imprisonment from 5 to 8 years. ternopil resident of ternopil arest, 42 years old, a man with a disability, says that on the evening of april 14 he came to the supermarket to buy water, entering to the supermarket, i saw two people in military uniform who were pestering some
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elderly man, i went further ; for some reason, one of those people in military uniform turned straight to me and demanded that i show them. my documents, i walked away from him and saw that he was following me, about five or seven minutes later i heard a blow to the head from behind, from behind to the head, the arrest showed photos of him after the beating, it was just horror, because he was covered in blood, everything was in the blood, death was in the territorial center recruitment, in krivoy rog a man died right in the military registration and enlistment office building, he suddenly became ill, the deterioration of his condition was accompanied by signs of an epileptic attack.
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if he did not appear on the summons, even just update the data. in ivanofrankivsk they are also looking for more than 3,500 men, in the poltava region 30. in volyn - 800. data on such persons liable for military service are now being transmitted to law enforcement agencies. there is a search database there, it is included in the wanted list and the search is carried out together with police officers. meanwhile, more frequent
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attacks by employees of territorial acquisition centers. here's one of them. in ukraine, against the backdrop of numerous scandals with drug evaders, the topic of realistic masks has again become popular; the corresponding products are sold for almost 14,000 hryvnia apiece, but the manufacturer’s assortment also includes more expensive products for 39,000 hryvnia. the network has already called it a mask for draft dodgers. the beautiful sergietta was planning a trip abroad; a 44-year-old resident of the city of zolotonosha, dressed as a woman, tried to cross the border into romania. fashion look, makeup with wig. it was in this form, having his sister’s passport with him, that the ukrainian arrived in transcarpathia. the border detachments quickly exposed the maneuver of dressing up as a tourist, even though the man stood his ground until the last moment; he is a citizen of ukraine. last name, first name, patronymic, what are you doing in the border zone? wanted to cross the border illegally, what happened to my hands, what
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happened to my hands? i lifted my hand, scratched my hands while passing the tracks, i’m sorry, is this how you are hiding from the territorial recruitment center? your own cannon fodder for kyiv the regime does not have enough, the ukrainian authorities are increasingly asking sponsors to give not only money, weapons, but soldiers. the kremlin called the petition on zelensky’s website asking to send foreign troops to ukraine extremely provocative. peskov emphasized that direct intervention in this conflict is from the outside.
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to ukraine, allegedly as part of a training exercise , she claims she is ready to send her soldiers on missions, she told the financial times. according to prime minister let, this step has already been approved by the country’s parliament. arrived in the same lithuania german chancellor scholz, apparently, was going to personally repel putin’s attack. in this case, olaf climbed onto a wheeled armored personnel carrier of a bundeswehr boxer and tried to demonstrate to moscow the strength and unity of nato. they say germany is determined to defend every square millimeter of the alliance’s territory. but chancellor fargay could not even impress his compatriots. the fact is that scholz rode in an armored vehicle with the president of lithuania nausėda. on board the boxer , they covered routes from the press venue. spiegel writes that it looked grotesque, a boxer of very impressive size, height 192 cm, against their background
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the short scholz looked like a caricature. this did not stop the german chancellor from boasting that berlin had already begun transferring bundeswehr brigades to lithuania. apparently, this is the plan, if the baltic states, as vilnius plans. they are sent to the front line to die, the germans will remain in the rear. well, scholz decided to tell in a very original way how the red army, 79 years ago, liberated germany, and the whole world, from nazi tyranny. neither the soviet union, hitler or the third reich in the chancellor's message didn't mention germany. they say someone freed the germans from someone. this is olaf's mysterious holiday. obviously, scholz does not want voters to have uncomfortable questions, unpleasant associations for olaf, because constantly screaming about the russian threat, the chancellor
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is increasingly reminiscent of the leaders of the reich. germany began to transfer an entire brigade to lithuania. ourselves with similar obligations within nato, and this means that we are guaranteed to come to each other’s aid and that all countries of the alliance can be sure that we will protect everyone
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centimeter of their territory, or more precisely, to protect from russia, the border of latvia, lithuania and estonia with russia and its brotherly state of belarus is as much as 917 km, therefore there are plenty of opportunities for invasion, which further complicates the security situation, so moscow also announced , which... will conduct an exercise to test the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the immediate vicinity of ukraine, in response to france's intention to send its troops there. placing an entire bundesfier brigade in lithuania on a permanent basis is the largest such transfer of forces in history since the war in germany, noted defense minister pistorius. from 2027, 480 bundesphere soldiers, plus another 200 civilians, will be in full custody in lithuania.
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the best conditions for german soldiers and members of their families, but with all this, lithuania does not cease to put pressure on germany, according to the lithuanians, due to the extremely tense security situation, it would be nice if the bundeswehr brigade arrived in lithuania not in 2027 , and much earlier, biden’s chiks will force him to remain silent more, the us president’s team decided that it was necessary to minimize his communication with voters, biden's deputy campaign manager quentin falk said. that joe’s election campaign puts quality above quantity, saying that the president will give short but very informative speeches, that is, the old man can no longer read a long text from the prompter. trump's camp said that biden's pr people want to hide the boss's cognitive decline. the image of the united states will also be damaged by the continuous trials of biden’s main rival, trump. in florida, the lawyers of the ex-president of america won a victory. they
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the prosecutor was convicted. in illegal forgery of documents, thanks to this, the hearing on the federal lawsuit for storing secret documents at the trump residence in maralaga was postponed indefinitely, but a much more interesting, scandalous and piquant case is being considered in new york, as a key witness in the payment of a bribe by trump, a shabby woman testifies porn actress stormy daniels. the adult film star describes in detail her... first meeting with donald, their sexual relationship and the subsequent years after this when for some reason she was silent. stormy claims she met trump at a golf tournament in 2006. donald immediately put his “sexy gaze” quote on the girl. daniels was 27 at the time. her porn career was taking off. straight from the golf course, stormy somehow
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miraculously ended up in trump's penthouse. where he showered her with compliments, she says she didn’t feel passion for donald, but at some point trump found himself in only shorts and a robe, and daniels without panties, bras, while trump, according to her own words, did not threaten, did not force her to do anything why, but stormy still had sex with him, it is specified that in the missionary position. moreover, after an intimate relationship, she continued to communicate with trump. and then the former lawyer. donalda michael cohen gave her $130,000 so that she would not tell anyone about this intimacy. daniels remembered the bribe only now, apparently at the behest of the democrats. and now, six months before the presidential elections in the united states, american voters must listen to this nonsense and watch the clownery in court. storme talks nonsense on american tv. published in circulation of porn diva, came to the tv show,
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shared. amazing revelations, she allegedly spanked trump with a magazine with his image on the cover, look. porn actress stormy daniels testifies against donald trump in new york. trump is accused of falsifying business records to conceal a payment his former lawyer michael queen sent to daniels in 2016, shortly before the presidential election.
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supposed contact. a judge today told trump: "you have violated the gag order 10 times, and if you if you do this again, i will be forced to consider sending you to prison." for his part, trump raised his chin and replied that he was ready to go to jail. frankly, our constitution is much more important than prison, much more important, i am ready make such a sacrifice at any time. stormy said that their contact was short-lived and that trump did not use a condom, which is not surprising, he was also looking at the eclipse, this guy is alien to safety. she said that they had sex from a missionary position and. trump said she reminds him of his daughter. i think we should put him in jail for that alone. so, the door to the room opens and what is donald trump wearing? silk pajamas. black pajamas, that's right, so
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he looked like a halloween pumpkin. i'm sure he mowed down petya hefner, but it looked a lot less sexy. and you asked him to change his clothes. yes, did you ask him to change his clothes? yes, i'd like you to make him change his clothes, now. he obeyed orders much better then. i don’t know, maybe you can order him something now? i don't i speak russian. so, he had a magazine on his table. he pulled it out of his bag.
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at one point, she said, when the intercourse ended, she lost her memory, passed out, and felt dizzy, but she was not under the influence of drugs, she said. she tells more and more details and this makes her a victim. her
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name made headlines in the political arena in january 1988 after the all street journal's explosive report on the monetary compensation that trump's former lawyer, michael cohen, paid to the star of the films for adults in stormy daniels. this explosive revelation halfway through the presidency certainly had an impact on the political landscape. but what sparked it all happened nearly 12 years before the wall street journal report, when storme daniels claims she spent the night with donald trump at a resort on lake taha in nevada. daniels later told andersen cooper on 60 minutes that trump whispered to her for hours while they were in his hotel room. you're something to me like, oh, you're special, you you remind me of my daughter, you are just as beautiful and smart, you are a woman you can rely on, the former president always denied that he had sex with daniels, whose real name is stephanie clifford, she was born in louisiana and got into
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the film industry at a young age for adults after a friend took her to a dance, she didn't quite understand what kind of dancing it was, by the age of 21, as daniels says, she was already an erotic model and began appearing in porn when she was 23. by 21 . daniels says she was already an erotic model started appearing in porn when she was 23. i just want to thank myself. the purpose of this trial is to convince the jury that trump is a bad guy in terms of loyalty, it's not about breaking laws because no laws were broken. if trump were a woman, prosecutors could be accused of being biased against promiscuous women. what do you think of this theory? another story with us citizens who... like no one else, realized the meaning of the famous from russia with love, that is, from russia with love. the day before, in vladivostok , american staff sergeant gordon black, that’s the name of the main character, was arrested for stealing and beating a girl from russia. the couple met on the internet, although
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he has a wife in his homeland. then we met in south korea, where thirty-four-year-old gordon was serving and was about to return back to texas. but something went wrong, the relationship deteriorated, everything went wrong... one day the nerves of the american military man could not stand it, he flew to vladivostok, who gave him the visa, by the way, beat him up girl, stole alcohol and... 2000 rubles from the apartment. after the incident, the american was detained by police. now he is in a pre-trial detention center in vladivostok on partizansky avenue. he is charged with theft causing significant damage. according to the russian criminal code, the maximum penalty is 5 years in prison. the detention of the us army sergeant, of course, caused a storm of anger in washington. pentagon speaker sabrina is worried that gordon may not be extradited, because no one knows. succumbed to the temptation of a russian spy,
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that is, fell into a honey trap, however there is a nuance, the footage in which he congratulates the russians on victory day suggests that for 16 years he served, to put it mildly, with idiots, and gordon black said all this probably from the bottom of his heart. right now , thirty-five-year-old staff sergeant gordon black is behind bars in the eastern russian city of vladivostok. he was arrested and charged with the crime. the mother of the detained black told us that her son met a russian girl who worked in a bar near his military base in south korea. after a while she was deported back in russia. she also said that he saw her before his arrest. i have another congratulations from you.
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should he face disciplinary action for not seeking and receiving permission to travel internationally? on april 10, black withdrew from the eighth army and signed a permanent change of duty contract to go to texas, but instead of returning to the united states, black, for personal reasons, flew from korea to china and then headed to vladivostok, russia. black is currently under investigation. prison, as far as i understand, he will remain there until the next hearing. the army has launched an investigation to establish the facts and
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circumstances surrounding his trip, but in response to our question about whether there will be consequences for his actions, i want to say that this is what the army is going to find out during its investigation, because official and any other trips to russia are strictly prohibited. is there any suspicion or fear that in his relationship with his russian girlfriend or while in russia he revealed classified information, and is this part of an ongoing investigation? for more detailed information on this issue, you better contact the press service of the army, as i already said, an administrative investigation is currently underway to establish the facts and find out what exactly happened, i just came home, there’s some kind of pindos here, what the hell , who, who are you, who are you, man, fuck, lord, and another joke? another lie takska this is katusa, not the partisans
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summer demersan, in case katyusha, all americans are under orders not to visit russia, and those who are in the country were advised by the administration to leave it. on the eve of may 9, europe and ukraine continue to go crazy. in latvia, it is now impossible to put carnations even in the place where you stood. a monument to soviet soldiers, now for this he faces up to 6 years in prison. the reason is that may 9 has been declared a mourning date in latvia, and all mass celebrations and entertainment events are prohibited. may 8th and 9th as well. fireworks will not be allowed, but meetings and processions will be allowed to honor the memory of the victims of hostilities and condemn the russian aggression. there was also persecution of the letters z, v and the st. george ribbon. these are symbols associated with the russian army and are therefore prohibited from being displayed in public.
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they did the same thing in estonia, in this small but very russophobic republic; on may 9, they also banned meetings and marches. and any symbols associated with russia. it is worth noting that there have never been such restrictions for nazi marches, and zelensky continues to fight common sense, at the same time with everything that can somehow remind of the soviet past. may 9 at he has already turned ukraine into europe day; instead of victory day, ukrainians celebrate the day of remembrance and reconciliation. the main message of this so -called holiday is that it is anti-hitler. the coalition, and not the ussr, won the second world war, although only in forty years the second front was opened, when the fate of the war was sealed, but the now western ukrainian doctrine interprets those historical events in its own way and invites everyone to reconcile, that is, the descendants of millions
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those killed and burned in concentration camps must be reconciled with the descendants of those who created these horrors, it is symbolic that today pravda avenue in kiev was renamed in honor of the european union, supposedly this is a policy of decolonization, because the avenue was allegedly named after the newspaper pravda, just as ukrainian mankurts continue to rewrite history, trample on the memory of their ancestors. look, on may 8 , the whole world remembers the lessons of world war ii, it’s difficult for us to remember, because now we are rethinking. this is the first rethinking of the museum, which was then called the great patriotic war, now the museum is the history of ukraine in the second world war, this 2015, the soviet tank became yellow and blue. we just stood near the main entrance, this is part of the soviet coat of arms that was removed from the monument, right? yes, this coat of arms was dismantled
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last year on independence day, it was replaced with the ukrainian national symbol, the sign of the princely state of vladimir the great. national museum of the history of ukraine in the second world war. it is important for us to show the contribution of ukrainians to the fight against nazism, to the victory over nazism in a broader format. 120 thousand ukrainians celebrated the beginning of the second world war war as part of the polish army. tens of thousands of ukrainians were in the armies of great britain, canada, and the united states
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of america. a resistance movement that took place during the second world war.
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inclusive western sports news: paris olympics. among the bearers of the olympic flame will be a gay transvestite. a painted man of 25 cm.
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for the first time , a male synchronized swimmer will take part in the olympics, not yet transgender, but already homosexual. the pioneer here, without sensations, was an american for the us national team in bill may will perform in paris with the girls. he hopes to become the first male medalist in this discipline. bill is so far the only man on the american mermaid team. may says that he likes to use cosmetics since childhood and in general he is just as flexible. like his female colleagues, but that’s not all, the international swimming federation, at the suggestion of the united states, plans to allow transgender
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women, that is, men converted into women, to participate in the olympics. america sees this as a triumph justice. soaked until, thank god, a blow to common sense. this position in the usa was called transphobic, that is, soon the americans will push bach or anyone else and we will see. transgender people at the olympic games. in this water ballet, everything is perfectly synchronized, without exception.
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december 17, 2022 at 9:42 pm i found out that men can participate, my friend told me will you do it? i replied, this is my life, someone teased me, but while waiting i continued to dream, here i am, at 45 he is a pioneer, he does not wear makeup, but he is the same flexible, athletic, like his female colleagues, retired when men were allowed to participate in the world championships and now does everything to...
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optimally - this is four men and four women, this will give new opportunities for movement, choreography, acrobatics, this could be brilliant. bill may has just arrived in france, where he will try out the olympic swimming pool where he could make history. an unexpected decision on the part of international sports. international swimming federation ilifin has banned transgender athletes to participate in women's competitions.
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come to our bank of the dnieper? hello, evgeniy, hello, studio, well, the situation in the kherson direction remains practically unchanged, artillery duels are taking place along the front line stretching along the dnieper, the ukrainian army routinely attacks peaceful settlements, yesterday 30 arrivals were recorded during the day, the russian army is responding fire at
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identified firing points and observation posts of the armed forces of ukraine. drones are being actively used, recently, by air defense crews and paratroopers of the group troops of the dnieper destroyed in the sky of the kherson region a ukrainian attack drone made in poland warmade, it was an aircraft-type loitering munition, it was noticed when approaching the artillery positions of our troops on the left bank, the paratroopers shot it from an anti-aircraft gun, so he could fly to our positions in this way in some places the enemy is trying to create some pockets of tension in the equator of the dnieper, but these meat landings are routinely destroyed by russian crews of multiple launch rocket systems, and fpv drones and artillery. what's happening further north? we see that the promotion is active, that
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is, there are several settlements. we’ve been liberating for a week, we’re continuing to move west, have we already picked up the pace, or can this still not be called a full-scale offensive? well, let’s just say that now the attention of the whole world is focused, for example, on the clock, and there a certain domino effect is expected regarding the ukrainian front, that is, speech. in this case, it means that when hours i will be released, and taking into account the already freed wire and surroundings, the russian army will have the opportunity to attack kramatorsk and slavyansk, both from the north, that is, from the chasova yar region, and from the south from near avdeevka, sushniks, mercenaries and other militants of the kiev regime, in general, all this rabble
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will have to defend against possible attacks from two... directions, and what in their situation, well, almost like death, in addition, we must not forget about other directions, including kherson and zaporozhye, and it will be simply unrealistic to cover all this with the forces of the ukrainian armed forces, this is where the same thing can happen the domino effect, that is, such a global collapse of the ukrainian front. we understand what syrsky and the command of the armed forces of ukraine are waiting for now, this is admission. projectile technology, money has been allocated for this, when will the western technical equipment they received be put into battle? well , they are released periodically, we often see them in the reports of the ministry of defense, literally every day a message comes about the destruction
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of another abrams, another... bradley and so on, but it’s interesting that syrsky here asked zelensky for more the police, and it’s not very clear why he needed police special forces at the front, that is. this kind of units, they are not intended for the front, they are at best for urban battles, and then with a stretch, perhaps syrsky wants to show something to the country’s leadership, in general, the deplorable state of the armed forces of ukraine, the lack of personnel, especially in the light constant - counterattacks near cheretino, or perhaps they just want to use the air ... police, the ukrainian police as barrier detachments, we have already heard more than once from prisoners, armed forces of ukraine, including that on
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the ukrainian front they operate as a barrier detachment, for this they use the formation of ukronazis, polish mercenaries, so perhaps tsirsky already wants to get police for these purposes. thank you very much, andrei kazakov, with us in direct contact with the military correspondent of the rea novostei, as always, comprehensive, brilliant information about the situation at the front, and of course, a deep bow to all our soldiers who are right now defending the country with whom you are working side by side. ask! tomorrow is a great holiday, victory day, and today it was shown in your story, this fake day.
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you know, in eighty-three, eighty years, i worked in bon, at the university of bonn, and today i can say that i found a generation of repentant germans, for me it was, if you like, even a shock, because when my professor at the university of bonn, adolf jacobson, who was captured by the soviet army in 1943, said that god saved him because of this. he sat near odessa in our camp, studied russian, read dostoevsky and tolstoy, became a convinced pacifist, and he apologized to me, having learned that my father, a front-line soldier,
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twice wounded, an order bearer, who went through the entire war and stormed to berlin, this was a generation of repentant germans, because they went through all the horrors of nazism, survived this defeat, they still had... a conscience, here is today's generation, here is this egg-headed politician riding on a tank, who lacks neither historical memory nor the conscience to say those words that are obvious, because it is impossible, that's what and that’s the paradox, look how it was spinning in your story, this representative of the ukrainian museum, who tried to explain how he, how he could combine the course. a battle and a new reading of history, which cannot be expressed in normal words, because well, such words simply do not exist, because there was the soviet union, there were victories of the red army,
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there was an assault on berlin, there was the battle of kursk, there was the battle of stalingrad, it is impossible to rewrite it in any way, history the lady is exceptionally stubborn, and this truth will definitely make its way into herself, and you know, here i am... the second day i’m reading the western press, which gives assessments of the events of the past day, it’s been more than a day since our president took office, and i was hooked by an article in the washington post, where they write that when assessing putin’s speech after taking office, it’s a very small speech, although very capacious , they say that in this speech putin acted as the author of a civilizational conflict. aimed at undermining western democracy, i will not argue with the first part of this formula about the fact that the car, that putin is the author of the civilizational conflict, because the civilizational
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the conflict is obvious, we really are today in confrontation with this collective west, because we understand the modern world differently, we understand the rules of its structure differently, we understand differently... what we need to strive for, but when we are told , that we are undermining western democracy, then i just want to build on the stories that you showed today, here is the western...
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which is exactly the opposite, we don’t want to impose anything on them, we want the world that putin is calling us to , and to whom today russia, for which russia today is paying, by the way, great sacrifices, and this world should be such that any country with any political system, with any rules finds its place in this world, has security conditions and equal opportunities for..
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manifested itself, so i especially paid attention to how xiding pyun’s visit to europe was structured, you know, china is a country where everything is filled with symbols, any, any speech, any document, there is a lot of symbolism, when xi built his like this. visit france, where there was a tough dialogue, and then serbia with...
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very much the bombing of the chinese embassy, ​​and then hungary, which is the main oppositionist in today's european community, this is very symbolic, this is a question of what kind of world should be, here we are and xi, we equally understand the world we need to strive for; we are fighting for such a world. of course, it’s difficult to argue with your academic, encyclopedic knowledge of political experience. but you know, i don’t want russia to have equal rights with today’s lithuania, well, i don’t want it like citizen, i perfectly understand what you described, this is an ideal system of world order, which is written in the un charter, when the security council has non-permanent members, an assembly, i will answer your question very simply, look, little lithuania will never. ensure its own
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security, its security can be ensured by others, for example, russia, china, the usa, france, great britain, nuclear powers, for this they must have a dialogue that will allow lithuania to be safe, today it is not safe, that is the problem, because if today the world develops the way it is developing, i am afraid that the moment that you showed may come, scholz says: you will go to war with russia, and we will replace you here, sorry, after such a decision, there will be nothing left of lithuania, but i want lithuania to remain, let it remain on the world map, you are kind! i’m not, i ’m absolutely not interested in the fate of lithuania globally, yes, it will be safe, not safe, at this stage, and the fate of belarus, you, of course, is our ally, development of history, not a very large country, i am interested in the fact that lithuania, it is important, does not
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pose a threat to the citizens of russia, conditional lithuania, there let luxembourg, germany, the united states, it does not matter that they do not pose a threat to the citizens of russia. they pose this threat because today they are part of that world, which reads this world differently, which imposes the rules of its existence on the rest of the world, of course, therefore the ideal world that you described, which our politicians and bosses really talk about, high-ranking, but he's on this stage, as we see, is impossible, and decisions are made by the president that we are achieving this by force.
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but lithuania will remain on the world map and there must be security conditions for it, and without russia these conditions cannot be ensured, otherwise everything will be the other way around, its security will decrease if the world remains as it is today. okay, we agreed, we, of course, do not lay claim to an iota of lithuanian territory, its fate, political structure, let them live as they want, but the main thing is that they pose a threat.
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historical, yes, in order to further design this topic of hatred, yes, in order, accordingly, to fight with the wrong hands, again, from the point of view of obtaining economic benefits, today i was at a big event . the ministry of education of the russian federation
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, together with the acting minister of the russian federation, is holding a competition essays among children, an essay competition called without a statute of limitations. dedicated to the genocide of the soviet people during the great patriotic war at the hands of the nazis and their accomplices, and today i was surprised how children understand perfectly well what the protection of history is, what the sovereignty of our history is, and what rewriting is, how they work with sources, with letters, with memories, with museums, think about this figure, yes it seems, well, who is interested in this history, at school we looked through the textbook, forgot everything, then we looked at tiktoks and...
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what are we talking about here, because if you don’t follow these same narratives, the punishment will come very quickly, they will cancel you, they will do something to you, they will impose duties , sanctions, they will punish you in some other way... persecute like the unfortunate trump or orban, but look, what is
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actually happening in the political space? we see that in fact the dictator who usurped power, zelensky, has lost the last remnants of legitimacy, he actually, yes, introduced a repressed system for his citizens inside the country, outside it, inside the country people are deprived of basic rights, yes, because i will remind you that if a person didn’t go to the retail center, his accounts are being frozen if he can’t pay the fine there. he will be arrested and then it’s clear, go to the shopping center, yes, the prison is not salvation for them, abroad is the same, they are deprived of the rights to some ordinary everyday things connected there, for example, with banking services, and here he understands that he can only somehow strengthen himself through repression, because, despite the fact that there are no elections, they are being discussed, they are being discussed in washington and all his competitors are already breathing down each other’s necks, although there are still no...
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pushing ukrainian citizens into minibuses and sending them to the front, there will be no help, so in principle there is no freedom here and zelensky has no actions, let's ask ourselves why people resist fulfilling their patriotic duty, yes, but because they also understand that this is an illegitimate president.
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they say: i’m ready, appoint me, i’m ready to give you the money later, i’m ready, just let me in, in this sense , this is a political reality that they don’t try to cover up with some kind of familiar picture, searching for spies, that’s how it is by exposing conspiracies, again by the requests of these endless patriots, and who give, who will pay for them, will pay for them, this is a big question, but we see that the whole conflict consists of money, they directly say the same austin that: we need this in order to invest money in the american economy, and for them the question
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is a much higher priority, what is happening with their elections, and here we see that paradoxical picture, one-day, yes, one-day, we need to create today the maximum, some kind of nightmare picture for the voter, so that he can somehow formed his opinion, the voter will see, well, the conditions of his life are quite difficult there, what is happening with his economy, and he understands that there is no truth behind... not behind this and behind this there is no truth, there is only an attempt to make money, to make money on him and, accordingly, to sell him some absolutely a different picture of the world, in which there is no china, yes, in which there is no russia, in which there is no history, in which there is no victory in the great patriotic war, and accordingly i think that this division of the real political world, and the world of pictures, will accordingly lead well enough to such a serious cognitive crisis. may 8
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and an attempt to ban all symbols of victory, both in germany and in the countries of what is now called the baltics, yes, here too, of course, in the baltics, they, they are trying, yes, this is new newspeak, yes, this is the same , like again, this guy, you can still call him a guy for now. well, who is swimming there with the girls, who knows now, well, we are not medical workers, fortunately, yes, i think, here, again, where is reality, and what does reality look like, let's look at the same decree that the president signed yesterday, a decree on national goals, our goals, sovereign goals until 2030 and in the future until the thirty-sixth, what is there , what is world domination, a nuclear strike on washington, what else.
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lithuania is ready to send its soldiers to ukraine for training, andy bounds, the country's prime minister, said. lithuania, which declared independence from moscow in 1990, wants to strengthen its military support for ukraine. ingrida shimonita told fti that she has parliamentary permission to sending troops to ukraine for training, which its government has talked about before, but kiev has not yet asked for. she also acknowledged that russia would consider this. but she added that if we had thought only about the russian response, we would not have been able to send anything. the eu has already accepted more than four million refugees from ukraine. shimonita denied the report that lithuania is helping to return men of military age to ukraine. we will not organize deportation or search for ukrainian men in the country, because this it would be illegal,” said shimonita, adding that the eu guaranteed them protection until
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march 25. however, to those whom kiev encourages to evade military service, yes. it seems that permanent residence may be denied, she really wants to help ukraine so that it has the potential to renew its armed forces, and so that people who have been fighting for a long time can rest. this lady is under arms, so for information, the lithuanian army is 23,000 people. we'll be back. thank you! while our memory is alive, thanks to all the veterans, thanks to the heroes of the front and the rear, thanks to the great generation of winners, let’s bow to those great years while these songs are heard, dark night, we
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furniture, which is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious livington dipper swipper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for just... 8995, but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros, and you can get the livington dipper swiper for an incredible 69.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. we work in the interests of our countries. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. new
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russian cinema. i'm not a fighter. i came for my brother. here all senses are heightened to the limit. happiness resurrected me. she me. back passenger, i'll come back for you, do you hear? may 10 on rtr. the representative of the ukrainian military intelligence, yusov, despite the advance of the russian army in the kharkov region, is trying to convince the ukrainians that there is no need to worry, supposedly the ssu has everything under control control. western experts do not agree with him, on the air and the french lci they note the strengthening of the northern group of the russian army, they say for...
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near bryansk, an offensive in the direction of kharkov, general vadim skibitsky, who is part of the ukrainian intelligence service, believes that russian troops are preparing, russia is now will act as a single corps with a clear plan and under a single command. the main russian offensive will begin in late may or early june. and this army of 50 to 70 thousand people will be not enough local successes. first of all , it should be recalled that sumy and kharkov were subjected to the most powerful russian attack,
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carried out by the first armored army in the first year of the war. the lesson the russians have learned is that it will take a lot of resources to truly capture a city, especially now that the cities are better defended than they were in february '22. one of the difficulties of conducting military operations on the ground is that... while they are difficult to hide, we see them starting very it is difficult to disguise a large-scale offensive, we see the movement of troops and so on, when there are 5,000 russian soldiers in this area, it is not surprising in itself... it is not surprising that there are logistics warehouses and much more, air defense systems and so on. some kind of amazing examination, jaana dmidorich, because, as we remember, more than 40 thousand of our soldiers were involved in the bakhmud operation, so 50 thousand for kharkov, as the french are worried, are inventing, well, let’s say, is not authorized
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now. guess about our plans ministry of defense and even more so about the plans of the supreme commander, i will only say that we are now stronger than ever, our army has gained enormous experience throughout the entire company, we have built up muscles in all respects, this combat coordination of the military branches is ideal, more than ever, more than anywhere else, like no one else, we are now one of the most powerful armies in the world, perhaps the strongest fighting army, we are against, we are now confronting not the ukrainian armed machine, but several countries at the same time, this must be understood, in any case, having such potential, i am sure that our armed forces will carry out any order of the supreme commander-in-chief, when it comes, we are able to do anything, and now i cannot talk or speculate about what will happen next, i will just say that we are able to carry out any order, if we talk about our comrades from the baltics, i wanted...
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the states, they asked to join nato, they asked to join the european union, they completely abandoned their economies, they completely refused, refused to produce anything, they became prostitutes for the country, like this girl who i slept with trump, in about the same way, and just why they do this... but at the same time they understand that if they don’t do this, they will simply stop giving them money, that’s all, they will simply cease to exist, they are afraid of it, they don’t want it to work, they just want to get paid for carrying out simple orders, simple instructions, and if we talk about history, then history is the truth, the truth is always the same, and the story is always the same, and to change something, that’s how they change the names of streets there, this
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doesn't mean they will change history. story always alone, i am very glad that the children really understand history, the fact that they write essays on this topic is very important. recently i had a very interesting experience, we arrived just in akhmat, the akhmat battalion, just sapti, and we talked with the prisoners who are there now, they are asking for russian citizenship, they understood everything, in fact they realized what was happening now, we have worked hard, we found documents of their grandfathers, three of them, in the archives of the ministry of defense. it turns out that the grandfathers of these ukrainian prisoners of war were heroes, they heroes, order bearers in the soviet red army, one of them even cried when he held these documents in his hands, i would just like to remind you that no matter what ours try to do, well, as they used to say, a probable, probable ally, yes , a probable enemy, we will still remain one people, no matter what happens, because well , i have a grandmother from the subvinca from
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kryzhopol. standing around the city, the so -called pincers are already looming, striking under the hourly yar and near the konstantinovka, mirnograd highway, the russians are trying to encircle our entire group in this area. a soldier of the sixty- seventh brigade with the call sign godfather. his unit is now defending a section of the front near the notorious village of ivanovskoye. the enemy's actions in this area are frankly worrying for the military. the grip is really great. the grip is very large, if they
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move the pincers in ivanovskaya, then it will be. problematic. our military is destroying another american bradley infantry fighting vehicle. drone operators tracked down an armored vehicle near avdeevka, in the vicinity of chasov yar, a lancet with hit a ukrainian tank with surgical precision. here at the moment of arrival on the ukrainian buk air defense system. and this is what krasnogorovka looks like now. aviation and artillery strike the powerful fortifications of the bsu. i think the russians will continue to apply pressure; they have minimum goals. what they must achieve is, for example, complete control over four ukrainian regions: donetsk, luhansk, zaporozhye and kherson regions. it is possible that if things go well, the russians will try to achieve larger ones. for example, they will try to capture odessa and nikolaev, they will try to cut off ukraine from the black sea. in addition, there are ongoing discussions about the capture of the second largest city in ukraine, kharkov. fierce fighting is taking place on the donetsk and kharkov fronts,
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ukrainian president zelensky said. according to him , the delay in the supply of weapons and equipment from western countries will be very expensive for the ssu. there were no defensive fortifications in the west of avdeevka, admitted nartdeb maryana bezuglaya. that is, kiev did not allow the fall of the city, the victory of the russians troops in the hour gap threatens ukraine with a domino effect, writes newsway. the russian army is successful in penetrating ukrainian defense lines, they are significant, in particular to the west of bakhmut in chasovy yar, where russian troops are building on their success in the kanal area, which separates chasov yar from bakhmut. the water barrier itself is indeed a nasty obstacle, and the goal of the russians is to overcome this channel in order to then gain dominance.
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konstantinovka. konstantinovka. not far from the fiercest battles in donbass, the ukrainian military hesitated for a long time when we asked for permission to film this. for security reasons, and also because we want to spend a whole week with the soldiers, the war has become a drone war. they are everywhere in the air and this makes the situation especially dangerous for soldiers. if you see a drone, open your mind. straightaway. the last thing anyone should do is hide behind a tree or?
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invaders, the enemy deploys the entire available military arsenal. russia is trying to achieve as many territorial gains as possible before the military arrives help from the usa. the next 2 months are going to be very, very, very intense. russia will
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use carpet bombing tactics. if 500 kg of explosives fall on a position, it will be destroyed, no matter how accurate the attack was. the enemy will simply destroy everything in its path with the help of oni bombs. they are delivering such massive attacks on front-line targets that they are literally destroying house after house, and the ukrainian troops are running out of ammunition. american aid will not save ukraine, writes the washington post. the situation for the ukrainian army every day more and more severe, while it is very difficult for zelensky to convince the people to continue fighting when there is not even a hint of victory. in addition , the newspaper notes, he is openly lying about the losses of the ukrainian armed forces. zvist, of course, is a need first and foremost. in what we call combat units, that is, which directly takes part in containing the russian army, takes part in combat operations, there are vacancies for drivers, mechanics, shooters, operators of all types of weapons, combat medics too, and not only combat ones, in in general
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doctors, there are quite a large number of them, which are related to logistics, maintenance, and repairs. new tricks for drug evaders have appeared on ukrainian trading platforms; they have started selling masks that imitate them. nicknamed the border guards detained the mobilized man, sergietta, last name, first name, patronymic, who disguised himself as a woman, you are already doing it in the border zone, wanted to cross the illegal border. what's wrong with your hands? scratched my hands while passing. six more
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evaders drowned while trying to swim across the tisza river, which borders romania. on these footage of ukrainian recruits hiding from military commissars in one of the courtyards. i want to tell you, friends, that the song won’t play for long, because the ukrainian security service will knock on everyone’s door. the period of games, this bouquet is for the chocolate period, it ends in ukraine. this does not mean that democracy ends if you have so much money that... you can beat it off or excuse yourself, but it’s better not to say stupid things and don’t say things that harm the state. regarding men, i think that the vast majority will pass and territorial recruitment center, and a military medical commission, there is no other way out. official beijing congratulated putin on taking office as president. the chinese foreign ministry expressed confidence that under putin’s leadership russia will achieve new results in economic and social development. moscow and beijing will only strengthen mutual trust and jointly promote it. multipolarity in the world, another click to the diarrhea of ​​the collective west
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from the prc, chinese leader sijin ping, who flew to belgrade. literally from the doorstep he stated: china supports the serbian government in its measures to protect the country's territorial integrity on the kosovo issue. at the trap, the comrades were met by the entire top leadership of serbia. president vucic with the first lady, prime speaker of parliament. this is probably due to the day on which the visit of the chairman of the knf was timed. 25 years ago , during the barbaric bombing of belgrade, nato attacked the chinese embassy, ​​killing three journalists from the prc. sizen pin, in an article for a serbian political publication, stated, that beijing will never forget about this. quote: the chinese people value peace, but we will never allow such a tragic story to repeat itself. quite an eloquent message to all nato members. on the eve of isis.
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with geopolitical context. a diplomatic incident was barely
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avoided. during a state visit to china, president emmanuel macron and sizen, accompanied by their wives, had lunch on tuesday in perenea. the french head of state chose an authentic and private setting. high mountain restaurant owned by him to a friend. an ideal setting for a frank discussion of pressing issues, including the war in ukraine. emman macron knows this corner of the world well, as the head of the state. above sea level, it was an opportunity to showcase local produce, however one dish was taken off the menu for diplomatic reasons, a proline bendal cake called russian, a symbol that the elysee palace considered inappropriate in the current diplomatic climate. the menu includes typical perenean dishes chosen by yourself
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by the restaurateur: for the first course, humpback, a traditional local soup, then a shoulder of lamb confit, pork belly cut into pieces, accompanied by torbe beans and porcini mushrooms, after a plate of cheeses from dominique boucher, for dessert the chef prepared a cake that only the people of barn and basque, a russian cake made from almond sponge cake and proline, this cake gets its name from a recipe that originated in crimea, its appearance with... sugar icing also reminds of the snowy plains of russia. family confectionery artigarede, which has kept the secret since 1920, says on its website that they were the first to provide dessert in the kitchen of the elysee palace. he was then represented by the heads of many foreign states during official visits. however, due to the sensitive geopolitical context of the war in ukraine, this dessert, especially beloved by the current president and his wife, was replaced by blueberry pie. “i proposed this menu to the elysee palace a few weeks
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ago,” said the restaurateur. it’s another regional dish, no less delicious, will avoid awkwardness at a time when the issue of ukraine is one of the most pressing issues. in the center of a state visit, it seems to me that another russian cake, called napoleon, would have helped to avoid awkwardness, and there would have been no problems. please, well, i think not, macron himself has the shortcomings of wanting to eat russia in any form, maybe even in this way. i haven’t been to spain for a long time, i’m very interested, they always serve russian salad, it’s something like they renamed it olivier, well... probably in the spirit of political correctness, he has now also become ukrainian, just like the artist aivazovsky, the writer gogol and those dancers who were portrayed by degas, who have now also become ukrainian. eh, all this would, of course, be funny if it weren’t sad, but
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it reflects reality. the reality is that, as they say absolutely correctly, those whom... you showed in ukraine, on ukrainian tv channels, yes, indeed, over the next few months a lot will be clear and decided, because that western assistance, which is prophesied, it will not arrive so quickly, not in such a volume that could change the course of action, but it depends on our efforts, on the efforts of our armed forces, on coherence, whether we will be able to achieve decisive successes during this period?
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despite the weather it will come, i am sure that before the summer exactly this scheme is being played out, on the one hand, to try... to demonstrate that many countries will gather in switzerland, they will all have claims against russia and demand that it stop hostilities, on the other sides to scare russia with the prospect of sending french or some other troops to ukraine, so that it slows down its efforts,
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so that it does not use the advantages it has on the battlefield; of course, attacks using drones fit into the same logic . .. objects, but it is difficult, generally speaking, to consider that the attack by drones on minibuses in the belgorod region is, so to speak, ukraine’s contribution to the victory, and the eight dead are a reason, a reason, despite all the bitterness from the losses, for russia raised her hands up and said: you know, but if so, then we can no longer conduct a special military operation, that is, a lot depends.
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i remember that the then president of the soviet union mikhail gorbachev, who came on stage , said a phrase that in print does not look intriguing, but in his performance it sounded like this: the whole world is looking at you, what are we doing with you, he said it yeltsin, the next time in 1996, when yeltsin was very bad, and as you know, he was supported with all their might to get a second term, at that moment arose an anecdotal story: when they said, they were bringing in the banner of the russian federation, they were bringing out the constitution of the russian federation, then they said, they were bringing in the president of the russian federation, i called it.
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you mentioned cameron’s statements, which really caused a harsh reaction from meade , calling the ambassador to meade, at home, too, of course, the british foreign secretary was not stroked, and the competing parties immediately latched on to his statement that they could use english, british weapons anywhere in the territory russia, nigel farage, who by the way has good chances in the upcoming elections, spoke quite harshly, let's...
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i thought that the purpose of this idea was for us to provide ukraine with defensive rather than offensive assistance. memeron poked the russian bear with a stick, and it is probably not surprising that the russian ministry of foreign affairs stated that the response to ukrainian strikes using british weapons on russian territory could be any british military installations and equipment on ukrainian territory because of its outside. what was cameron up to? i think this is complete and utter madness. it’s hard not to agree, let’s come back, major romanov, you
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violated the order, do not engage in open battle with the enemy, i am obliged to inform moscow, fighters, the battle for crimea, i was waiting for you every minute, you will never see him again, i feel the smell of a penalty mouth, or did it seem to me, russian? touch him, he’s mine, he just turned around. fighters, the battle for crimea, the final episode, today on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest where you can. where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for
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7:25 pm
and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch, on victory day, the songs of the winners will be heard at our festive table, join us, call your family and friends, sing with
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us, sing with all country. they will get together again, it looks like it will be today, are you happy? well, of course i'm glad. premiere, you look good, you look young, as if, yes, of course, you’ve forgotten how to give compliments, hello, what’s all that noise you’re making there? nothing brings a large family together like a big secret.
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what do the police say? alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, it’s not our fault, what to do now, be silent, light in the window, from may 13 on rtr, this is a report,
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now a sensation from overseas, the new york times claims that in the head of us presidential candidate robert kennedy jr. , doctors found a dead worm that, quote: may have eaten part of the politician's brain. allegedly it was because of this that more than 10 years ago candy jr. admitted that he was suffering from mental confusion and memory loss. however, even if
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the new york times is not lying for the first time in history. kennedy doesn't care. much more adequate to the insanity of the inciter warrior biden. in 2010, robert fennedy jr. was suffering from such severe memory loss and brain fog that a friend worried he might have a brain tumor. kennedy said he consulted with several of the country's leading neurologists. several doctors noticed dark spot on young kennedy's brain and concluded he had a tumor, he said in testimony. kennedy was immediately scheduled for surgery at duke university medical center; while he was preparing for his trip, he received a call from a doctor at newyork- presbyterian hospital who had a different opinion. in his opinion, kennedy had a dead parasite in his head. the doctor believed that the abnormality seen in his scans was caused by a worm that entered my brain, ate part of it, and then died,” kennedy said in the deposition. now independent
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presidential candidate septuagenarian kennedy portrays his athleticism and relative youth as an advantage over the two oldest men ever to claim the white house, 81 -year-old president biden and septuagenarian former president donald. trump, what’s the matter with all of them, one has dementia, the second pays prostitutes $130,000 a night, the third has a worm in the brain that ate a piece of the brain and died, please, comrade general, you know, and there was also a story about cameron, who works over an agreement on security guarantees for ukraine for a period of 100 years, eh? the americans are modestly working on a ten-year plan to help ukraine. cameron decided to beat the odds by 100 years. that left macron, who also has not yet concluded an agreement with zelensky. i think he
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should surpass cameron by 200 to 300 years, prepare something, so to speak, until the end of the century, until what century, not just a century, but until the end, maybe a millennium, i don’t know, human thought can stretch endlessly far. you know, today career has published, so to speak, information that firstly it has begun, it has been officially announced, work has begun on drawing up the official agenda, the anniversary meeting in washington, heads of state and government, participants in the north atlantic treaty and on july 9 it will be held on july 91 it will be held in washington . uh, and one of the documents will be a document that will contain a passage that nato will not interfere uh, in the conflict in ukraine with its armed forces, well, that
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is, there is supposedly the following phrase: it will not nato boot on the territory of ukraine. i think that - obviously, this is, uh, the decision that the supreme commander-in-chief made about conducting the exercises. to practice the tasks of using non-strategic nuclear weapons, this is of course a strong political signal, such exercises are not ordinary exercises, they, well, in my memory there are very, very few of them, they are usually not announced, we usually conduct exercises that we announce public, this is a teaching of our triad, with the implementation of combat training launches, and not strategic nuclear weapons - this is of course a special article, it has always caused special concern to our former partners, current opponents or enemies, especially europeans. there is one nuance here: unlike
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strategic nuclear weapons, non -strategic nuclear weapons, uh, everything is concentrated in the centralized warehouses of the twelfth main directorate, which are located at a fairly... decent distance in some cases from position areas, airfields, naval bases who are carriers of these nuclear weapons. this is our voluntary decision, this one of the measures of confidence among the americans, by the way, if we talk about those gravity bombs that are deployed at six air bases in five european countries,
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i think about them that we will not take them back again and store them in centralized warehouses until the conflict in ukraine will not be completed, so to speak, with the fulfillment of everything, with the solution of our tasks, the fulfillment of all our demands, i think this would be logical, and this would be, so to speak, another signal political and military, ours, so to speak, again, to opponents or real enemies who take a step forward,
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not a teaching, to return them back, i think this is completely unnecessary, let them, so to speak, remain where they can be used, so to speak, very quickly, if such a need arises , and such a necessity, naturally, the president said about this back in 1922, that if you have to go into direct armed conflict with the forces of the north atlantic alliance, well, first of all, of course, with the americans, then all the options are here.
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so he still understands what he's talking about speech, judging by his recent actions, often took away his memory, well, he will remember, i think that he has enlightenment, he remembers from time to time, that is, let's hope for enlightenment from mr. biden, yes from mr. biden, but that is you just concluded that the likelihood of a nuclear war depends on whether he remembers or not. said that the president, that is, he
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will be reminded, he has already instilled in everyone around him, and kirby said that the president has repeatedly stated that american troops will not interfere, so to speak, in their own, the united states will not interfere with its armed forces in the ukrainian conflict, so i think that if he doesn’t remember, if he forgets, they will write a cheat sheet or hiss in his ear. immediately after the break, let's move to london, really urgent news comes from there , official london sends our military attache , following the example of the united states, takes away russian property, our alexander khabarov, as you can see, already has connections, we'll be back very soon, but there is no other way to this shore, no. we must have time to cross the bridge! righteous!
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premiere! may 9 on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. stop using a broom and dustpan, use a thunderous vacuum cleaner. that can't clean even the hardest to reach places is a thing of the past, you can now clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swipper electric broom. dipper swipper is impressive with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward,
7:39 pm
no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one touch of a button, ideal for hard surfaces of all types floors, be it tiles or laminate. the rotary head easily navigates around any obstacle, and thanks to its super-flat design, you can easily get under furniture that is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious limington dipper swipper wireless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89.95, but if you call from...
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make an order right now, then you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros. and livington dipper sweeper will cost you an incredible 69,995, but... hurry, the supply is strictly limited. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit on the foot and maximum comfort with every step. elegant. sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load
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i swear, i swear, crew! the legendary t-34 for battle on may 9 on the rtr, flies, flies across the sky, songs coming from the heart lead in the fog at the end of the day.
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crashes in sweden, an attack on the car of the head of the estonian ministry of defense and fires at a plant producing weapons for the armed forces of ukraine and dale in berlin at a warehouse containing humanitarian aid for ukraine in britain. against this background, london decides today to expel our military ataje, who was allegedly an undeclared military intelligence officer, from the country. at the same time, the british decided to deprive a number of ours of diplomatic immunity. real estate in the country, we are talking, in particular, about a 19th century mansion, this is what this house with 50 rooms looks like, it belongs to russia, before that to the soviet union
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since 1946, but now the head of the british interior ministry cleverly said that moscow is allegedly using the mansion for espionage . james cleverley, whose role is equivalent to that of the home secretary , told the legislator in london that today, together with the foreign secretary, i am announcing a package of measures to make clear to russia that we... will tolerate such an obvious escalation, i can tell the house that we will expel the russian military attache, who is an undeclared military intelligence officer, we will revoke the status of diplomatic premises of several russian-owned uk properties, including seacox jesus, russian-owned properties in sussex and the trade and defense section at highgate , which, in our opinion, were used for intelligence purposes. we are introducing new restrictions on russian. diplomatic visas, including restrictions on the length of stay of russian diplomats in great britain. cleverley
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added that the action was linked to russia's malicious activities across the uk and europe. alexander khabarov is in direct contact with us from london. alexander, hello, what does mitt explain - the decision to expel our military tache is, in fact, a brazen seizure of our property. in principle, steps that have already been taken. and the united states, but london produces them, let me remind you, the next day, 2 days after the british ambassador was summoned to the russian foreign ministry. it is difficult to explain the deepest intentions of the british government, why such decisions were made, the message that was published on the official website of the british government said that this was a response to certain. there were deliberate actions by moscow, not only on the territory of great britain, but also in europe as a whole
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, and some strange examples were cited, five bulgarian citizens who are accused here of spying for russia, a very vague story about a fire in one of the warehouses here in london, which is called a center for collecting aid to ukraine, and supposedly this is the arson committed that it was an arson, firstly, it is allegedly supposed and that it was committed , again, on the instructions of certain russian special services, but in the russian media they have long called all of these statements complete nonsense, complete absurdity, utter, so this is what concerns those explanations, but i ’m no longer talking about the usual phrases about cyber attacks there and so on and so forth, what the russian military tache has to do with everything is completely incomprehensible, besides, all these stories have not been proven in any way, but in fact, no one seems to have such a goal and didn’t put it if we assume that there is some kind of pan-european competition...
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the ability to cross this territory without receiving special permission from russian diplomats, and also before that for all the premises at these sites and objects, they enjoyed immunity from requisition, arrest or search , now obviously this border no longer exists, what further actions will be on the part of london, whether it will stop here or go somewhere further and do something else, it is not yet clear, as far as i understand, but... no one is depriving diplomats of the right to access these facilities, but their status has now, now changed, what is the point of this,
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it is completely unclear, they talked about the same cyber attacks from china, just like here two british citizens are now accused of espionage who allegedly spied in the interests of china, while no one is expelling chinese diplomats and military attaches from here, that is , it is obvious that there is some direct connection between these statements and the decisions of the british government. research institutes in the russian federation are obviously also some objects will be deprived
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of diplomatic immunity, at a minimum, and the british military attaché should 100% pack his suitcase. please, yes, indeed, britain is preparing to steal our real estate, to declare a virtual proxy war on russia, through ukraine, in response we are preparing for... exercises using nuclear forces, so of course we live in a sufficient and specific time, but at the same time i ... still, i would again pay attention to putin’s words yesterday that we are ready for dialogue with the west, and we do not set our goal the destruction of the west, as they attribute to us, uh, but it’s another matter when britain actually declares that their missiles can be used to attack russian territory, what
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kind of response do they expect to see from us, or when finland and... sweden states that they are thinking about detaining russian tankers or tankers from other countries carrying russian oil and not allowing them to enter the danish straits, but what kind of response do they want to see, and what kind? yes, here, what? i think they want of course, to see that we will come to terms with it and agree, but it is hardly possible to imagine, so when they really try to poke the bear with a stick, all this only increases the turbulence, moreover. that we, again, i repeat once again, are ready for a conversation, for normal coexistence, we want guarantees of security and fair rules, in politics, in trade, and this applies not only to russia, in fact, we see that discrimination is applied to other states, you showed a story about the visit sizenpinya to france, why macron took the chinese leader to the pereney, as
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the french press writes, he wanted to pity the chinese leader with stories about his grandmother. and hoped to cunningly lure there are politicians who are affected by stories about grandma, but you see, well, you don’t have to hide behind grandma, if you honestly follow the same rules that you yourself signed up for, if you haven’t used various anti-dumping investigations against china, now the issue is being resolved with chinese solar panels on european market, then there would be no need to tell sob stories about the grandmother from perenei, everything would be much more honest and pragmatic, an article was recently published by one of the imf leaders, who writes with surprise that over the past 5 years the number of barriers in the world trade has grown more than three times, this is truly a sensation, who introduces these barriers, who comes up with them
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, of course, a significant part in these statistics is played by natural sanctions that are applied against russia, of course, but again this is not only. and we know, for example, that the same wto system involves arbitration proceedings, but if you initiate them in relation to the united states, but none of them ends in success, this is how the decision-making mechanism in these organizations is structured, or this is a topic that has already been touched upon. today we are again trying to steal frozen russian assets, or at least the interest received in recent years on these same frozen assets, because today, indeed , another european institution has once again gathered, collecting permanent representatives of the countries of the european union to
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the eu, they finally decided that this... interest should be taken back, they passed the decision to the eu council, now they will decide, but the new, new head of euroclear, the belgian depositary, where most of our money is frozen, she gave a fairly large interview a few days ago, where she said that apparently this issue will be resolved within 2-3 weeks, but she convinces brussels not to do this, because it will open pandora’s box, that is, she herself understands that this is a theft will become part of this... catastrophe from the point of view of the collapse of general rules, but let's see what will prevail, rationality or idiocy? it quickly became clear that there are four apartments owned by the queen in ostozhenka, so we are waiting for mead’s reaction. we'll be back.
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on may 9, the day of the great victory, a large parade on red square, in memory of the great feat of our people, the descendants of heroes will march in a solemn march, in parade formation the valiant defenders of the homeland in... the heirs of our great traditions, brave and invincible, those who have always ready to go into battle and give my life for fatherland. we praise our warriors. the liberators, their courage and heroism are in our hearts forever, for russia, for victory, cheers,
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victory parade, may 9 live on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into... an ordeal for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places, all this is a thing of the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the diper swiper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward,
7:57 pm
no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners fail to clean. finished, it... also easy to clean with just the touch of a button, it's ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today is the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper wireless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers. which protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches, can become yours for only 89.95, but if you call and place your order right now, you will receive
7:58 pm
an incredible discount of 20 euros. and you can get the livington dipper swipper for an incredible 69.95. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in warm weather. of the year. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and convenient velcro fasteners. they provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel
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easy, call to order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price, only from 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. tomorrow is may 9, a great holiday, victory day, congratulations to all veterans low bow, this was a 60 minutes program, all the best to you, goodbye, watch the news, thank you very much. on the russia channel, the main news of the day is on
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the air, big news in the studio of igor kozhevin. hello, two more settlements under our control, for victory.


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