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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 8, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. tomorrow is may 9, a great holiday, victory day, we congratulate all the veterans with a deep bow. it was a 60 minutes program, all the best to you, goodbye, watch the news. thanks a lot. on the russia channel, time for the main news of the day, big news on the air, igor kazhevin in the studio, hello, more. two
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settlements under our control, for victory, a shot, how the enemy scatters and how former residents of avdeevka are chasing him, from the moment i wasn’t liberated in avdeevka, but i hope to get there. 75 years after the opening of the monument in treptower park , soviet and russian symbols are banned in germany. we have made a corresponding statement. mikhail antonov about whether he is capable? scholz will make the germans forget about their moral responsibility to russia. the statues were cast at a factory in leningrad, then transported in parts to berlin and installed here. monument to the heroes-liberators. the germans mock scholz in an armored personnel carrier, the french mock macron, who portrays degaulle, everyone together over zelensky, who decided to fight russia with western weapons. ukraine didn't do its homework. what
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is happening to western politicians? these people need psychiatric help. and what’s wrong with the main music competition in europe if such people compete there? and like this. it's good that russia is not participating. on the day when 25 years ago the west bombed the chinese. london is expelling our military tache and depriving our diplomatic property of immunity. alexander khabarov is trying to understand what's next. the british authorities changed the right to cross this border without special permission. banks will be required to coordinate clients' money transfers with their relatives. on ilyas kerzade. about the details. america is being forced to listen to revelation. porn actresses about trump.
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i can't believe i have to read this on tv. former biden staffer is at a loss for words about trump. maybe he'll go to prison, or maybe he'll die. on the streets of new york they burn american flags and shout freedom to palestine. but first. at these moments, the leaders of the countries of the eurasian union sign documents following the negotiations that took place today in moscow. they relate to the economic interaction of states among themselves with other countries, to the fact that the union has become one of the centers of the multipolar world, proving its stability in conditions when the entire international trade system is breaking down due to sanctions, vladimir putin said today. one of the most important tasks of the union now is the formation of a unified transport system.
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the economic union celebrates the 10th anniversary of its existence. despite the fact that in this year the ias is chaired by armenia; it was decided in advance to hold the anniversary summit in moscow. the best way to tell how the eurasian economic union has changed over these 10 years is in numbers. the total gdp of the trans-union increased during this time from one and a half to 2.5 trillion dollars, mutual trade doubled. in the kremlin's andrevsky hall , the leaders of five states are failing. and other
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main intermediate results of the organization’s work. eas is a territory with free movement of goods, services, capital and labor, general trade and customs rules make countries' economies. our association has established itself as one of the independent and self-sufficient centers of the emerging multipolar world. the eurasian union today is an effective and dynamic integration structure, the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges, the intensification of business contacts, the expansion of cooperation ties, which ultimately. bring real benefits to each of the participants in our association, here we are now, before entering the hall here, just with colleagues about they said this and stated very good indicators of the development of our economies. and the countries of the eurasian economic union are the geographic core of new
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transport routes, north-south west-east, other interethnic associations maintain relations with the organization, and this is how new economic ties are formed. thank the media representatives for their work. thanks a lot. while the leaders were talking without the press , two more motorcades appeared in the kremlin. literally took off on the stairs shavkat mirziyoyev, president of uzbekistan. next is the president of cuba, miguel diaz canel bermudez. these two countries
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participate in the eac as observer states, and the summit participants are already taking photographs together. and again at a meeting in an expanded format, he was the first.
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the president sent a congratulatory message to the leaders of azerbaijan, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, abkhazia, south ossetia, as well as the people of georgia , and putin emphasized that we pay tribute of gratitude and respect to all those who brought the long-awaited victory closer. this morning, throughout the day , powerful explosions were heard in different regions of ukraine; in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage russian energy facilities, a group strike was carried out with high-precision weapons, a hypersonic and kinzhal missile system, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles on energy facilities and military enterprises. industrial complex.
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footage of the defeat of ladyzhenskaya tes comes from the vinnytsia region. judging by what can be seen in the video, the station's turbine rooms are heavily damaged. there were also messages about arrivals to burshtanskaya and dobrotvorskaya ts in the lviv region. according to the ministry of defense, as a result of the strikes , ukraine’s ability to produce military products, as well as transfer lines of combat contact, was significantly reduced. western weapons and military equipment, kiev urgently introduces nationwide electricity rationing. two more settlements were liberated directly in the zone of the special military operation: kislovka in the kharkov region and novokalinova in the dpr. this is the footage flight of ukrainian militants from kislovka. before the capture of the strong point, aviation, artillery and attack drone operators did a lot of work, breaking into the enemy’s defenses.
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the army corps of the southern group of troops smashes the enemy's dugout to pieces, it was located next to a residential building, there is no camouflage, the ukrainian armed forces soldiers are fleeing, the clove continues to work, this is not a planned target, and the operational clove is aimed and struck within a few seconds. howitzer fires from closed positions, anti-drone mesh protection and additional camouflage. day and night.
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it’s much easier to adjust our fire, targets come to the gun commander, he left his small homeland from avdeevka 10 years ago, now he’s driving the enemy away from the city with special zeal, i want to go into my apartment, and the only thing that interests me there are photographs, parental albums , my albums, many residents of liberated settlements want to go serve and push the enemy strictly to the west, says the artilleryman. i am on my... land, on the contrary, i offer everyone adequate the ukrainian military to come over to our side
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and go to kiev together, that’s it, it’ll all end like this. in the ranks of the front-line immortal regiment, tankers of the central group of troops, soldiers with photographs of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers go to combat work, black and white portraits of the winners, this is our spirit, our pride, we continue and will, we will crush fascism and we will move forward. for our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, for victory, shot, pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, message: donetsk people's republic. about 2 hours ago at in lugansk, the fire was finally extinguished after the night shelling of the ukrainian armed forces. as reported, immediately after the strike, ukrainian militants attacked the city with atacama missiles, and they worked all day at the site where the oil depot was hit. firefighters and 11 pieces of equipment; five employees of the company were injured due to the fire and
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were hospitalized. the prime minister of slovakia, which today celebrates the day of victory over fascism, called europe lacking initiative and not thirsting for peace. greece supported fice by refusing to supply the patri air defense system from the es-300 to ukraine. this is where the peace initiatives ended for today. macron, scholz, ryut prime minister of lithuania simonita combine hawkishness.
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but italy during the war, which was an ally of the nazis, does not want to fight with russia in ukraine, this was directly stated many times, for example, by the country’s minister of defense guida crosetto. transport minister salvini with derogatory criticism attacked macron for supporting the idea of ​​​​sending soldiers to former italian prime minister mario monti. these people
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need psychiatric help. let monty and macron go there if they have such a desire to fight. dispatch of a contingent. ingredash manita told the financial times that she has parliamentary permission to send troops to ukraine for training purposes. and after all these conversations , a petition suddenly appears on zelensky’s website asking for foreign troops to be invited to the country. if he gets enough votes, kiev will be obliged to invite him. at the same time, the italian media obtained the draft document. which are supposed to be accepted at the upcoming summit of the north atlantic alliance, with a refusal to transfer troops. not a single boot on the ground is one of the key phrases contained in the draft document, which will be approved by the nato summit in washington from july 9 to 11. in washington, joe biden received the president of romania; the largest nato base in europe is currently being built in the country, 30 km along
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the perimeter. the american president praised bucharest for zeal and recalled his youth. taking credit for an extra 150 years along the way. when i was a senator 180 years ago, i fought very hard for romania’s admission to nato. you have exceeded all expectations. there were no answers to this incomprehensible hubbub of questions, but they returned.
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vehicle, olaf scholz is not a very tall person, which makes this picture even more grotesque. the spiegels are clearly mocking, at the same time they record a shift in european consciousness; a couple of years ago it would have been impossible to imagine scholz, who travels by transport, with a cannon on the roof , monitoring the anti-russian exercises of the baltic states. now this is in the order of things, like the ban on soviet russian symbols in berlin. this ponopticon is complemented by the figure of zelensky congratulating him on victory day, from which one? zelensky last year signed a law moving victory day to may 8, when it is celebrated in western europe, and designated may 9 as the day of europe, but what part of it was
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that fought on the side of nazi germany or against it. evgeny rishetnev, maxim shchepilov. vitaly marchenko, lead. the state will ensure that the history of our country is not distorted in the teaching process in educational institutions, as well as in educational and entertainment materials. vladimir putin today approved the foundations of geopolitics in the region historical education. a unified line of history textbooks will be published ; a state order has been formed for the creation of popular science and fiction literature, cinema, television programs and performances. the development of electronic libraries of virtual museums is envisaged. as well as the replacement of foreign educational platforms with russian analogues. in addition, according to the document, the state and society will monitor computer games that distort the understanding of events in russian and... world history. descendants of napoleon and hitler along with the anglo-saxons in once again they want to inflict a strategic defeat on our country and destroy it.
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this was stated today by acting minister of foreign affairs of russia sergei lavrov. he took part in a ceremony of laying flowers at memorial plaques dedicated to diplomats who died in the line of duty. lavrov emphasized that the fight against our country is being waged by someone else. the new rulers of the world are trying to take revenge for their unsuccessful attempts, centuries-old attempts to subordinate our homeland to their interests, using the openly nazi regime in ukraine that they brought back over many years. on the anniversary of the final battle of the great patriotic war and the actual completion of the berlin one. offensive operation, germany forbade remembering this. st. george's ribbons, like the flags of russia and the soviet union, are not allowed into treptow park, which, according to the russian foreign ministry, contradicts the spirit
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of the post-war reconciliation of the russian and german peoples. mikhail antonov, about why even bronze is in the way for berlin today soviet warrior. the monument to the war liberator in berlin's treptow park is the main artistic symbol of the great victory. the idea of ​​the central figure of the memorial, proposed by the sculptor vuchetich and the architect belopolsky, was inspired by the feat of sergeant masalov, who carried a german girl out from under fire. stalin, a seminarian in his youth, personally made one amendment: instead of a fluffy sword, the soldier now had a sword in his hand that cut the swastika. the worldly image gave way to a religious plot. the statues were cast at a factory in leningrad, then in parts transported to berlin and installed here. in 2003, during restoration work, the germans performed a chemical analysis of the metal. for 40 tons of monument weight, a kilogram of gold. the opening of a monument to soviet soldiers who fell
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during the storming of berlin took place in the berlin treptower park. may 8 forty de, from project to implementation 3 years. the first question that arose was what to build from in berlin for every single brick; importing it from the ussr was obviously not an option either. the history of the discovery of building materials was recalled by military engineer grigory krovtsov, who... supervised the work, one day an exhausted german came to the berlin commandant’s office, he said that he had been in a concentration camp under the nazis and remembered on the odori the place where prisoners unloaded valuable rocks. so ours discovered a whole warehouse filled with granite and marble. unfortunately, history has not preserved the name of this man. on the way back, when our officers were driving with this german through the forest, he asked to relieve himself and never returned to the car. scandinavian granite, italian marble, from which hitler's architect. speer was going to build the capital of the millennium the reich, on the contrary, perpetuated the fact of its collapse, but for the german authorities, soviet symbols today especially hurt the eyes, as
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last year red banners, songs of the war years were banned, and of course, everything connected with today’s russia: tricalor, tactical signs of the northern military district, flags of the republics donbass, zaporozhye, kherson, for some reason the chechen republic. only diplomats are allowed to wear st. george ribbons for lapeling. russian ambassador sergei. nechaev today laid flowers at the memorial in schon holzer-heide. we have made a corresponding statement that this step the berlin authorities are unacceptable to us, and i know that civil activists are trying to appeal this case, including through legal means. 2 years ago, chancellor scholz directly declared that germany no longer felt moral responsibility to russia, the successor to the ussr. however, the agreement on the care of military graves, one of...
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depicting a scene of remembrance of the fallen, has a special history of creation, coinciding with the first berlin crisis of 1948, when the western allies first provoked an exchange of trade and economic sanctions. the performers were the german company puhl and wagner. it was located in the american sector of berlin. despite the fact that the distance between the workshop and the construction site is only 600-700 m, people had to obtain special permission for this. in order to deliver - in fact, the products to the place of construction, very reminiscent of today's realities , about 7,200
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soldier-officers were reburied in the common graves of treptovo. those killed during the storming of berlin. to date, a third of them remain unknown. on this pedestal, under glass , a book should be kept with the names of soviet soldiers buried in treptow, whose details were known at the time of the opening of the memorial. but the decision turned out to be unsuccessful, because this room is not protected from changes in temperature and humidity, and the book began to deteriorate quite quickly. therefore, it is now kept in the berlin city hall. sophia binding, parchment pages, for the last ball. the total is written in pen: 2232. included in the book a letter received in berlin almost 40 years ago. this is also a sign of its time, wrote ivan shiyan, a resident of the village of tarasovka, zaporozhye region. my father often tells me about his father. he was buried in treptow park. i have a big request to you, if possible, send me a photo of the page where my grandfather’s name is. in 1984, the germans had to
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fulfill a similar request. but just in case, the book actually contains a record of shiyan gp, ​​born in the twenty-sixth year, he rests next to his comrades in arms mass graves under the plane trees of the park, how many grandfathers among them are forever 19 years old. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. today , an anti-war rally was held in front of the embassy of the federal republic in moscow. the organizers of the action were the germans themselves. who, together with the residents of donbass, came to the gates of the diplomatic mission with posters and slogans: fascism will not pass. participants talked about the betrayal of berlin, which turned its sovereign policy into a game according to washington's rules. what does this lead to? clearly visible in the photographs of the photo exhibition with the results of shelling of civilians from nato weapons. there is a people's holy war going on. yes. and
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the estonian mission, which now faces arrests for using soviet symbols and wearing st. george ribbons, opened a portrait exhibition named after the victory. an outdoor exhibition in the capital is dedicated to the heroes of the great patriotic war and the modern history of the battle for donbass. festive and commemorative events on the eve of victory day are taking place throughout russia. arrived in rostov-nadon today retro train. victory, it is formed from historical rolling stock that worked during the war. at the saur mogilov memorial complex, dpr, the 300 m long st. george ribbon was unfurled by representatives of the young republic and the young guard of united russia. in ovdeevka, the eternal flame at the monument to the pilots was lit from a flame brought from moscow, from the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. in st. petersburg, thousands of people today go to the peskarevsky cemetery, where the victims of the blockade and
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bombings are buried. leader a quarter of a century ago the west bombed the chinese embassy in belgrade and beijing have not forgotten or forgiven this. report by daria grigorova. the chinese leader drives up to the government complex in the center of belgrade in his armored hanki limousine. it is immediately clear that sizinpin is in a good mood in belgrade. at the beginning there is an honor guard of
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guards and above. management fires an artillery salute in honor of the guest's arrival. in belgrade, shijinpin was also welcomed by ordinary citizens. several thousand serbs gathered in front of the chamber where the bilateral meeting was taking place. on the agenda of the visit, signing thirty bilateral cooperation agreements in areas from trade to education. the chinese leader set serbia as an example.
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the european union is now demanding recognition from serbia. but this visit also has deep historical symbolism. exactly 25 years ago, during the bombing of yugoslavia, nato aircraft attacked the chinese embassy, ​​allegedly
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missing. at this place, 20 chinese citizens were injured and three of our colleagues were killed. these are journalists from the xinhua agency and the jaminjao newspaper. since the impact, the united states and nato are convincing china that the bombers. was a mistake, but the chinese side does not trust these words, now on the site of the destroyed embassy there is a chinese cultural center with the address serbia-china friendship square building 1. in an article for serbian politics, sidzenpin stated that the two peoples are connected by the blood shed by the nato alliance. and considering only the growing degree of confrontation between china and the united states, such a coincidence of the visit with the date of the tragic events does not look like an accident at all. this signal was considered west. nato has always insisted that an attack on the embassy was a coincidence, but with his visit , chairman sid made it clear that the incident was still causing a stir. sidzenpin clearly found serbian hospitality more to his liking than the snowy and
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cold weather in france. now the french press is discussing new details from the visit. at the last minute, protocol abandoned macron and his wife's favorite dessert, serving a russian cake over a chinese one. they were afraid of the leader. in serbia, the prc leaders promised to provide good food with traditional cuisine. it is possible that the popular serbian dessert, moscow shnit, will be on the menu. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkan news bureau. finding itself under severe international pressure due to the operation in rafah, israel, which the day before completely cut off the gas sector from external assistance, promised that it would still open one checkpoint. that will be kirem shalom, which was closed sunday because of the shooting.
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about the complicated relations between the states and israel, our correspondent dmitry melnikov. the rafah offensive could be a turning point in the history of the us-israeli alliance. biden has suspended the supply of offensive weapons to israel for the first time since the october 7 attack. we are talking about 3.5 thousand heavy precision guided bombs jadam, which the israeli air force has dropped using gas over the past months.
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cia director william burns has been in the middle east for several days discussing a potential truce and the release of hostages. today, according to media reports, he arrived in israel, where he is meeting with prime minister netanyahu. tel aviv studies agreed. from hamas ceasefire plan, but there is a possibility that these statements are just a ploy by the israeli authorities. the israeli army's assault on rafah, the streets of european capitals were met with protests and demonstrations in defense of palestine. in athens, protesters broke into a hotel at night where a group of israeli tourists were staying. in paris, demonstrators seized the university of sarbona for several hours. anti-israeli actions at the berlin university. harsh arrests on the campus lawn. in amsterdam , heavy equipment arrived to storm the tent camp of the defenders of palestine. dutch police he does not stand on ceremony with activists and uses batons at full force. and in the united
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states, the israeli operation in rafah is already provoking an obvious political crisis. several dozen congressmen, including democrats from the biden camp, are demanding a complete freeze. arms supplies to the netanyahu government. protests have flared up with renewed vigor on university campuses since yesterday. in new york, amid cries for palestinian freedom and revolution. they burn an american flag and desecrate a war memorial in the capital against the backdrop of a monument to the first us president george washington, wrapped in a palestinian flag, is called by students to behead the university director, and at night they illuminate the façade with an image of the genocidal joe. in a surge of anti-semitism unprecedented in history, incidents of harassment of jews in the united states have increased by 140% over the past year. but secretary of state... antony blinken blames social media. the way
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this is presented on social networks shapes the attitude towards what is happening. we see that on social networks they do not pay attention to facts; emotions prevail there. police are investigating more with 140 cases of anti-semitic incidents at colleges and universities, us authorities are preparing to adopt a national strategy to combat anti-semitism. the departments of education, homeland security and the state department are developing. special manuals and recommendations for universities. if these recommendations are not followed, universities are threatened with deprivation of funding. the real political bomb could have been the report on israeli violations of international humanitarian law in the gaza strip, which the state department was supposed to present to congress this week, but the publication of the report was postponed indefinitely without explanation, because if israeli violations are proven, then by law washington has no right to provide military assistance to it, yes. and within the united states itself , the publication of the report could become a serious
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problem for biden in the home stretch of the election campaign. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the snowstorm in the capital region today has gradually turned into snowfalls that are not at all like may snowfalls. what's going on anyway? moscow and the region witnessed real winter storm. the blizzard was so strong that those who liked such weather. we were making snowballs, according to forecasts, next night the temperature in some places will drop to -6, hello, may, we are going to the dacha now, the northern capital has decided not to lag behind, st. petersburg has been sweeping for the second day and although the snow is quickly melting, city residents never cease to be surprised by the sharp transition from clear sky of sunlight to gloomy clouds and precipitation, everything is hard, everything is heavy, everything is broken, oh my, and this is nizhny novgorod. went there at night blizzard and now temporary snow cover may
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last at least a few days. yes, the weather gave us a surprise. it’s not just that the consequences of a severe hurricane are being eliminated on the roads of the yaroslavl region, in the voronezh and tula regions. the elements tore down centuries-old trees and lifted light structures into the air. dozens of cars and dachas were seriously damaged. in some areas, people were left without electricity. the state duma has proposed a new way to combat fraudsters. large banks will be required to coordinate money transfers clients with their with their with their relatives. we will discuss the details with our columnist nailyaden. good evening, how will this service work? igor, good evening, the service will be voluntary and free for everyone. such a service will give the bank client the opportunity, by agreement with a relative or friend, to appoint him as his assistant. the assistant will be able to confirm. or reject transfers through remote channels within 12
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hours; if necessary, he can contact his ward to clarify the purpose for which the transfer is being made. if the mentee cannot explain the purpose of the transfer, the assistant does not confirm the operation. well, that is, the assistant will have access to either the function of confirming or rejecting the operation. yes, in this case, the assistant will not have access to the funds of his ward and will not be able to perform transactions in his place. operations, a power of attorney, papers, materials must be drawn up, they must arrive at the credit institution so that the credit institution knows that operations on this account can only be carried out with the consent of someone else faces. well, does the central bank support this bill? several years ago, the bank of russia recommended that banks begin introducing the so-called second-hand service. today the central bank told us that he is. an effective tool for protecting against fraudulent activities. it is most
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in demand among socially vulnerable groups of the population and their relatives and loved ones. when are the state duma planning to adopt this bill? spring session. the first reading of the bill will take place in 2 weeks, but bankers are asking to finalize a separate his position. there are many cases when people themselves come to the bank in person. where they withdraw cash from the card and leave with these amounts, which are later either transferred to someone unknown to third parties, or deposited through various devices into... accounts of fraudsters in other institutions, in-person presence, no proposed mechanism, how to stop here, such a mechanism needs to be thought through. over the past year, criminals stole 15 billion and 800 million rubles from citizens and businesses. at the same time, banks reimbursed clients for less than 9% of stolen funds. every day
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citizens receive up to 8 million phone calls from scammers; taking into account contacts through instant messengers, this figure can reach. not the devil, falling ukrainians, naked semi-finalists and freedom for palestine, such eurovision without us. we will now look at captured ukrainian equipment in chichnya and on may 9 on the rossiya tv channel, this is a must see. major
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romanov, you violated the order not to engage in open battle with the enemy, i must inform moscow. fighters, battle for crimea, i was waiting for you. is to leave yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know
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everything about holidays. anex.
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rezards, we are here for you. titanic delux golf hotel belek, where every moment is. this is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. that's what, comrades, girls, a good sniper. can single-handedly stop an enemy attack, we are now a team, we must become one in order to prove that we are snipers.
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there is no escape through the sights on may 10 on rtr on the air, we continue to broadcast big news about britannia. to a new round of worsening relations with moscow. the russian military man tache is being expelled from london, and the diplomatic status of a number
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of russian real estate properties in the uk is also being removed, and we are talking about those buildings and confiscation that the ukrainian ambassador had already demanded 2 years ago. our correspondent, alexander khabarov, looked into why all this is happening right now. in london, the decision to expel the russian military attache and deprive diplomatic status of a number of russians. it has long been stated that this is complete absurdity, nothing has been proven anywhere, but this is not the goal, but in the unofficial european ranking of
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causing harm to russia, the sunak government is once again demonstrating its claim to leadership. the list of objects deprived of diplomatic status included the ambassador’s country residence, the residence of the military attache and a complex of buildings of the russian trade press. the russian trade mission is located outside these gates. the british authorities, according to the geneva diplomatic convention, did not have rights. cross this border without special permission; also, all premises and objects enjoyed immunity from search, arrest or requisition; one must understand that now none of this exists. the uk authorities now have the opportunity for various manipulations with these real estate properties, but what will follow the decisions made is still unknown, just as whether london will stop at this or not, we are forced to state that the british government not only does not intend to abandon the course of ...
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as well as losing two tory mps in 2 weeks, he has also lost 1,500 tory councillors, half his party's mayor and
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a leadership election over a salad, how many more times must the public and his own mps reject him before he gets the hint. there is not much difference between starmer and sunak when it comes to their attitude towards russia, but threatening moscow is much easier than solving real problems. an interesting moment was chosen for this, on the next anniversary of the victory over nazism.
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in the bed. the next thing i remember is that i was lying on the bed, on the opposite side of the bed. i was without clothes or shoes. the bra was still on me. missionary position. there is no need to describe the poses. do you remember taking off your clothes? no. newspaper reporters recounting the proceedings noted how trump spent most of the hearings with his eyes closed. but the witness reacted excitedly to some of the remarks,
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shaking his head and muttering something to the lawyer. the judge had to calm him down. as you can see, their case is falling apart. i should be campaigning now, but we're stuck with by this lawsuit, which everyone knows is a sham. the meeting with stormy daniels took place almost 20 years ago, but right now, when less than six months before the elections, in front of the whole of america, they decided to shake up trump’s dirty laundry. the trial comes down to convincing the jury that trump is a bad guy for sleeping with anyone. before the last presidential election, trump, according to prosecutors, paid a porn actress $130,000 for silence. there is nothing illegal about this, but he transferred the money through lawyer and everything was formalized as payment of legal costs, the prosecution saw this as forgery of documents. and here even the most liberal lawyers have a question: why
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turn the process into a farce with clarifications about satin pajamas. this is a clear attempt to keep donald trump in the courtroom outside of the campaign, this is election interference, this borders on criminal conspiracy, the american people see right through it. trump is being carefully made into a criminal; he is involved in several cases, and in total he faces more than 100 years in prison. prisons. however, a small gift was given by the judge, who was once appointed by trump himself. ilene kenon
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postponed the consideration of the case of improper storage of secret documents for an indefinite period. the court cancels the current trial date. a new date will be set by a separate resolution after the issues under consideration are resolved. with this formulation and this approach, the case is unlikely to be considered before the elections, and here trump can breathe out, but there remain processes where the judges are not so humane, enemies from the democratic party does not hide how much he bothers them, and how they dream that he will leave, and not only from the race for the white house. maybe. donald trump will leave, maybe he will go to prison, or maybe he will die, i don’t want to paint a gloomy picture, but this is possible, he is not young anymore. you can’t wait, trump’s ratings are responsible; he is 10% ahead of biden in terms of voter support. denis davidov and timofey mukhin, lead. but there are those whom the states definitely cannot surpass. while america turns up its nose at trump in a satin robe, europe
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is disgusted by her main song competition. once in sweden you can burn the koran. that means we can burn the stage, the irish decided. on stage they pretended to summon the devil. later at the press conference there was rather sympathy. kamal, canal. you know what’s my highlight, i’m queer and a witch. the only thing witches should not stir up is the israeli-palestinian divide. the make-up with the slogan palestine is free, in ancient celtic, had to be erased from the face, although israel was accused of erasing.
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after an unsuccessful fall, the ukrainian semi-finalists began training swedish transgender people fight with easter eggs. they also advised journalists to learn
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ukrainian. one of the reporters recalled where intensive language courses usually begin. but when it came to english, the ukrainians froze. even experienced eurovision viewers were confused by the number of the finnish singer under the pseudonym windows 95. the name turned out to be telling, the artist, like a frozen program, loaded, but not all of it, so it was necessary to remove children from the screens. dance numbers that are not suitable for family viewing. in recent years, eurovision has become a farce, a group with a provocative style and...
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she took part in a competition for young singers on russian television. the following year, she represented russia at the junior eurovision song contest, finishing fifth. in sweden, galalan is under 24-hour bodyguard protection. she
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is ordered not to leave her room except in emergencies. pro-palestinian protesters threaten her daily on social media. the achievements of the western world are now widely discussed in our country, it’s true. discussed, viewed as trophies. on the central square grozny today opened an exhibition of captured equipment that was captured by chechen fighters in the special operation zone. among the exhibits are armored vehicles of american, english and ukrainian production. report by artur mustaev. the exhibition of captured equipment is unique; there is no such number and variety of combat vehicles captured from the enemy in any other region of the country. by the way, there are also those who are already at the disposal of our fighters and perform tasks in the northern military district zone. these are american, british and ukrainian armored vehicles. exhibition of captured equipment visited by the head of chechnya. ramzan kadyrov, however, was not as impressed with western weapons as our soldiers, who, according to him, previously simply got rid of such vehicles. well, you
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see, they don’t provide new modern equipment. previously, we burned it and didn’t take it, but then we decided to take it and use it, and a couple of them. the equipment was brought in to show so that people could see that, indeed, this is an invented war against the sovereign state of russia; in the future, the head of the republic promises a separate platform.
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therefore, we are for justice, we are for peace, stability, prosperity. an unusual exhibition on the main square of the chechen capital attracts the attention of citizens and numerous tourists from all over the country. it’s great that we managed to get to this exhibition of unique trophies and exhibits that are here. the exhibition of captured equipment was timed to coincide with the day of victory in the great patriotic war. he can visit it. anyone who wants artur musaev, zelimkhan buntyshev and aslan loluev, lead grozny. on may 9th it will be special on the russia tv channel; tomorrow we will turn on the tv at 80 am.
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a feat that is remembered in every family. on may 9 at 8 am, the news will open a holiday channel. we will tell you about all the details of preparations for the parade on red square. our correspondents will monitor the passage of parade vehicles along the entire route. here it is, behind the scenes of the parade. manezhnaya square, one of the most advantageous points. our camera will travel along with military vehicles across red square. we will check the readiness of combat vehicles and study all the technical details. we will keep you updated as the pilots prepare for the flight. over red square. let's see how the fireworks division is preparing to color the sky over the capital. the soldiers have received their ammunition, which means that there is very little time left before the start of the parade; we will feel how the hearts of our dear veterans are filled with joy and pride. we will celebrate this victory day together with the residents.
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exactly at 10:00 am moscow time , watch the live broadcast of the victory parade on red square. more than 9,000 soldier-officers will walk along the paving stones, including soldiers from the special operation zone and over 70 historical modern models of military equipment. immediately after, our holiday channel and news will return to the air. well, at 17:50 don’t miss a special episode of the songs from the heart program.


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