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tv   Istrebiteli  RUSSIA1  May 8, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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are not alive in the memory and in the works of front-line writers, but the materials are published by the ministry of defense, in the project there are living books, and most importantly. ilya filippov, vladimir overin, ekaterina frolova, anastasia zorina, news. a hereditary moscow dog trainer is urgently looking for new owners for her fifteen dogs. for many years she performed with them in the arena, but the circus management decided to remove her act from the program. the artist is afraid that now the dogs will end up on the street, as the law says. the fate of the four-legged alexey knor recognized circus performers who had completed their careers. boy, boy, how old is he? well, about five or six. a dog named cat is an experienced artist. he spent most of his life in the arena, and now he risks ending up on the street. the team was reduced. and, well, as they say, there was no room for my number. the dog act was invented by taisa’s mother over 60 years ago, but recently the administration of circato raduga decided to stage it.
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remove from the repertoire, now i have 15 dogs, and two ponies, three cats, if a four-legged artist is the property of the circus, then by law a pension and the circus should provide him with a dignified old age. if this does not happen, and the circus decides that they cannot support these animals, then the russian state circus always gets involved, but in the case of taisti and the betrothed dog, they belong to her personally, which means she bears responsibility for their fate, take away home. he can’t, the living space doesn’t allow it, he doesn’t know what to do with 15 elderly dogs. for now, the four-legged performers are kept here in the circus pavilion, but how long they can stay there is unknown; their owners are worried that in a couple of months all the animals may end up on the street. true, the russian state circus assures that they will not leave animals in trouble. providing maintenance, food and medical care for animals is currently financed from the russian state circus's own funds. however, stories when circus animals turn out to be of no use to anyone... are not
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uncommon: the bear asya has been living in a private shelter for 20 years, but she was once also an arena star. she used to walk on a tightrope in the durovs' corner, that is, a former artist, then she showed aggression and was written off. at yuri kuklachev's cat theater they take care of artists whose careers have long since ended. one of them is styopa, this is a bichon frize, he just recently turned 18 years old. here, by the way, taisti and obrucheshnikova know about the problem and offer their colleagues help. i'll probably take it, they have three more cats. two animals are already quite old, they will probably keep them, but we will take the young cat to the theater. meanwhile, the trainer is urgently looking for owners for her dogs, they have joined the search ash defenders have already found a new home for two labradors. alexey knor, ilya popov, ada adamova, lead. in russia, it is planned to maintain professional standards for nutritionists and specialists in rational nutrition. the reason for numerous complaints from patients. after all, today diets and dietary supplements are prescribed. after
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a short conversation on the internet, and people who call themselves nutritionists often do not even have basic knowledge in the field of medicine. anna balan will continue: at some point i decided to improve my diet, add various microelements to it, and i i decided to see a nutritionist. sonya found a nutritionist, as specialists in proper nutrition are now called, on the internet. in 15 minutes, which is how long the online appointment lasts, she was diagnosed by eye and prescribed a diet and supplements. i didn’t even have medical internet . as a result, sonya had to be treated by a real doctor, it turned out that the consultant from education, like most of those who call themselves nutritionists, made an appointment at a private clinic. now i have -17 kg for more than 10 years. victoria admits, actually she’s a psychologist, nutritionist just...
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he needs certain products, dietary supplements, medications, diets that are recommended to him by this kind of specialist, let’s call him that. as it turned out, in order to be called a nutritionist, it is enough to complete online courses; we go for an interview at the academy of additional education. to be honest, we found this academy with difficulty, it is located somewhere in the courtyards, this, as i understand it, is the entrance, a very unremarkable door, a small room where the employees are right in front of our eyes. riveting diplomas of future specialists, a couple of months and you are a nutritionist. and if i don’t have a medical education, it doesn’t matter, absolutely, it has nothing to do with medicine, it’s not related, but real doctors think differently, in medical universities they study to become a nutritionist like a surgeon, for at least 8 years. diet is a specific
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medical intervention, everyone present here, for example, future nutritionists, they must be well versed in cardiac pathology and endocrine pathology. after a lot of complaints in russia, finally decided to introduce professional standards for nutritionists. this may be a doctor with a medical education, higher or secondary. this could be a number of biologists, physiologists, biochemists, those who have basic biological knowledge; in order to become nutritionists, they must undergo special additional education. additional education will need to be obtained at a medical school, but most importantly, with the introduction of strict requirements, the nutritionist, like any doctor, will be responsible for following the principle of doing no harm. anna balan, pavel vitrinsky, ilona gasieva and tatyana popova, news! this concludes our episode,
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all news is always available on the media platform , look in the app or on the website, right now on the channel there are new episodes of the military-historical drama fighters battle of crimea. there are eight of them, there are two of us, the alignment before the battle is not ours, but. and we’ll play, seryozha, hold on, we don’t have the chance with you, but we have to equal the trump cards, i haven’t left this heavenly square, the numbers don’t matter to me now, today my friend protects
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my back, which means the chances are equal, i’m in the tail came out, but then it began to smoke, and the propellers howled over the garden. they don’t even need crosses on their graves, crosses will descend on wings, i’m first, i’m first, they’re under you, i went out to cut them off, put out the flames, go into the clouds, i ’ll cover you, in battle, there are no miracles, that’s it, that’s it , everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, devils, remember.
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with the enemy, i am obliged to suspend you from flying , you violated the order not to engage in open battle and report to moscow, comrade major, they saved us, and if not for them, they saved us, vacate the runway immediately, the pilots on duty were killed take our places, let's go, as i believe, the front-line tests were successful, there is nowhere to be in time, i feel the smell of a penalty mouth, or it seemed to me that yakovlef will not give, well, as they say, we don’t care where to beat the germans, that’s right, that’s all true.
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what's happened? open the hatch. he's injured. doctors here, quickly. doctors, i say. what's wrong with him, he's dead. mister captain.
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don’t touch it, it’s mine, by increasing the diameter of the rubber bushing, we reduced the vibration-radial loads in the common unit, yeah, elena sergeevna, come in, yes. you and i need to agree on the candidacies of two new
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pilot instructors for a business trip to anapa. what happened to them? with whom? with romanov and kirillov too? they have been suspended from further testing. what happened, why? we violated the regulations and successfully fought against them. what is the next? well, this will be decided by the visiting commission, comrade sorokin is flying to anapa today, losev will be representing us. alexander sergeevich, can i be there? for what? although i think i understand, i still can’t convince you that this is possible. sorokin can't do it for you? show, i decided
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to fly to say goodbye, hello, vladlen nikolaevich, come on, you will never see him again. six aces in one flight, we have never had such losses, i warned not to escape from the new russian yaks, they get our old vehicles at any altitude, and you promised that a new messer would appear in our squadron, i didn’t just promise, i i’m constantly dealing with this issue, mr. colonel, why don’t you convey the idea to the leadership about the need to carry out a bomb attack on the airfield, we will gain time for...
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by providing a secret plane as a gift modifications, i hope you are of the same opinion, absolutely not, comrade colonel, and the pilots who took part in the flight don’t think so either, are you sure? that’s right, everyone saw how kirillov and romanov entered the battle, yes, but no one saw how they got out of it, from the flight log records they came last, which means romanov could have landed the plane where the germans could explore it. vladlen nikolaevich, do you even understand how much time a competent engineer will need to inspect structural
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features of an unfamiliar plane, well, even if so, why did they return? i think. you don’t understand, if anything happens, you will bear responsibility personally, each of you who is shielding the traitor, well, where are they, who is the comrade colonel, these two, that they dispersed the germans, where are they on guard duty, comrade colonel, what for violating the order from moscow, please, comrade colonel, who the hell are you, nkvd colonel. sorokin, who arrived specially, chugunov, what are we standing for, right behind the guys, there is, uh-huh, and you, colonel, tell your superiors to go home convey ardent greetings from the twice hero of the soviet union dolmatov, i understood, just like colonel, what you allow yourself, remember,
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colonel, having been born twice, you can allow yourself... anything, i should have died if it weren’t for these guys, comrade colonel, the pilots romanov and kirillov will be punished for violating the punishment, and not the heroes about whom i only read in books and sang songs, or do you want the crimean fascist to stay, no way, you don’t want to bring victory closer, if necessary, i will reach the commander-in-chief, but these i won’t give the guys lunch. they need to be rewarded, there is, well, why are you sitting there, mouth open, prepare papers for signature, yes, come on, come on, come on, come on, reward them today and not on the sly, i find out that i chickened out, the unlikely ones will be demoted, i understand, that’s right , that's it,
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colonel, pilots according to you, thank you, guys. that means, i will personally talk with each pilot who took part in the flight, provide me with the necessary premises, cast iron, let's go, colonel, as i understand it,
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the tests are continuing, we are flying, not today. "let me breathe out, while you go to the bathhouse fatiyu, put yourself in order before the evening, there is, i was waiting for you every minute, why did you stay in moscow, why didn’t you come, i was waiting for you, the evening before, i’m sorry, i couldn’t, i have to say goodbye to my past life, why did you break up with wife?" as they say, they turned out to be too different people, and were you married? no, sasha, there was no time for a family.
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sometimes a step taken at the right time changes the gait of your whole life, forgive me, for god's sake, that... go, touch engineer, i’ll wash it and return it to you,
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oh, i was somehow paralyzed at the tsandunah. oh, there’s a threshold. was and then you go out and your beer is cold and you turn up the radio louder, you listen, you relax , ah, quietly, quietly, quietly, give in, otherwise the threshold here is not very good for some, okay, father, don’t be offended, it’s just me, oh, you’d better tell me, she’s not your neighbor or why are you asking, yes i am, they say her roofs are leaky, and her husband is no good, i don’t
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know about her husband, her stove really smokes, she lives two houses away from me, it’s very good, here you can do your homework, i soon, look at the evening dawn there, don’t leave, there are awards what time do you arrive? after the movie i’ll go and clean the pipes, oh, how are you planning to get to the airfield? come on, turn over, change the belt for me, oh, and i’ll go to the table and collect something for the holidays later.
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alexander yatsenko, we didn’t leave them, they follow us, behind us, this is war, we are part of it, in war, we don’t choose, jews here are not peaceful people, they are killed by enemies, which means they must fight the enemies, their task is to survive and get there, film by sergei ursulyak, and there is no choice, righteous man, premiere, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr, welcome to rixas premium magawish. impeccable service and
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exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suites and villas. the vacation you've dreamed of. rum. castro product. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharmelsheikh only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmalshey. this is not just a vacation. this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group.
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cognac, monte shococa, product of stellar group. 9th may. great victory day, big parade on red square. in memory of the great feat of our people. the descendants of the heroes will march in a solemn march, in parade formation the valiant defenders of the homeland, the heirs of our great
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traditions, the brave... and invincible, those who are always ready to go into battle and give their lives for the fatherland, we glorify our warrior-liberators, their courage and heroism in our hearts forever, for russia, for victory, cheers, victory parade, may 9 live on rtr.
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let's go home, the legendary t-34 on may 9 on rtr. mr. lieutenant colonel, mr. lieutenant colonel, the encryption has just been received.
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great, brother, you're a czech. well, why are you silent? mother! comrade captain, why are you here? they scared me, isn't it your child? my, why is he so timid? but don’t forget, comrade captain, that we suffered under the germans for more than a year. what did you want? well,
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you lied to me. do you have any instrument, don’t be afraid , i’ll do it, i’ll leave, oh, in the evening, maybe a movie, dancing, we’ll go together, if you don’t deceive me, as in last time, well, i’ll bring it now, come in.
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well, why are you standing there? go ahead, we'll sort it out. sergey, semyon! well, that's it, mistress, where are you, get to work, be quiet, semyon just fell asleep, that's it, he's not smoking anymore, maybe... after all, we'll go together,
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he's dirty, let's go.
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noticeably approach the target, i will approach at an extremely low altitude above the sea, and having worked on the target, i will immediately leave for 5 thousand and report on my return, okay, do this, and i will sign the letter of your award, i am not doing this for the sake of awards , mr. colonel,
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they must answer me for the death of rauch. scheinwerfer einschalten. they tell you that he threw it today, but they
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say this check, well, that’s what my comrades are telling me, now the commander, where are you, the canteen is there, alen, they didn’t see, no, but where the engineering group was stationed, there seems to be a dugout near the headquarters , yes. i’m now, well, let’s go, car, let’s go, yes, wait, let’s go in and see what it is, well, so that the women don’t gossip, i’ll go to the girls in the meantime , if you want to invite them to dance, i won’t refuse, but don’t even think about it, that’s it , go, and you won’t deceive me, well, well, go already,
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your colonel, you didn’t do a damn thing, you bombed into the void, the german jelly radar, as the sailors report, is emitting somewhere, somewhere here. what 's going on, colonel? did the germans manage to move it? did you have time, did you know about the raid in advance? well, this conclusion suggests itself, perhaps this is a different radar? maybe, of course, so, but the previous order was to find and destroy before the start of the offensive, departure at dawn, now we’ll discuss the details, but so far only the three of us know about it.
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why did he disappear, the plane apparently descended, is in the dead zone, do you know? secret access level, romanov is under investigation, i forbid you to communicate with him. and in general, you have nothing to do here, so take the first plane to moscow. with a traitor, an enemy of the people, i have nothing to talk about
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, why did you get out of here, not only did you crawl up, you are also a rapist, what did you say, follow the order, don’t, don’t, i beg you, i beg you, it’s me i've heard this before, what is this? if you flinch again, i’ll kill you, stop it immediately, what ’s going on with you, now that they didn’t share the woman.
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the russians raised the interceptor, call the colonel, colonel, the russians have raised an interceptor.
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happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, my passenger’s call is, go, i’ll come back for you, you hear, may 10 on rtr. olds barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group.
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welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksos radomis sharmelshej. ideal. a place for a family vacation, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh. gene sheaf, a product of the steller group. discover the real one. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and
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unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. bourbon erased. product of steller group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reords. here for you on victory day, at our festive table the songs of the winners will be heard, join us, call your family and friends, fight with us, sing with the whole country,
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songs from the bottom of our hearts, big festive release on may 9 on rtr.
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let's get off, get off, let's go out, divide into three groups, that's right, i obey, move, quickly! we need him alive, definitely, let's split up, the first group behind me,
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who sees the target, immediately reports, that's right, accepted. everyone here, i see the goal, i see the goal, that is, one enemy plane deprived an entire regiment of combat effectiveness and destroyed 12 flight personnel, who with romanov never returned. you are free, yes, ustinovsky is listening, hello, comrade ustanovsky,
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hello, i wish you good health, dear ladies, are you almost there? once the doctor said they pulled out the fragment, they didn’t say that i would always remain a freak, but listen to these doctors, and then?
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i was confused, why are you doing this to him, why are you doing this, if you like him, take yourself, i don’t feel sorry for him.
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it never goes away. "it is understandable when the husband is she carried out the front, she also stood by the road, it was so hard, she couldn’t return at all, well, we’re serving alive, they brought the funeral back, ay, forty-two went missing, that’s who was killed, it was her. oh, if it weren’t for
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my son, i would definitely have committed suicide. do n’t hold her accountable, after that she won’t let men near you at all. this means they had true love. wait, where is her son? don't worry, under supervision. and this is our special officer, puzin, it’s not easy to bring it, he said to collect all the things in one place, what about the explosion? scattered, i told everyone and... i will say, comrade kuzin, romanov is an enemy who was just looking for an opportunity to betray, found, taking advantage of the trust of the command and
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the confusion, stole and delivered to the enemy a secret model of the aircraft. romana. could have escaped with his partner when he flew out to support dolmatov, but he did not. this means that it was not enough for him to simply escape and help the enemy deliver a fatal blow to the air regiment. how? any thoughts? what considerations might there be? i waited until everything will gather in one place and reported this to the fascist. how, i don’t know, i hope you find out? what's the matter? nothing anymore. leave the headquarters immediately, eat, thin out, comrades, we have everything ready, come on, hold the line, don’t miss a meter, we need him alive, he’s
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wounded, he won’t go far anyway. divide into three more groups, comb absolutely everything, 100 m between each group, keep your distance, let's hurry up, thomas, everything is clear here, so am i.
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fresh, he’s somewhere nearby, behind me, quickly follow him, faster, blood forward. let's split up, the first group is behind me, here, i found him, take him only alive,
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i repeat, take the russian only alive. don’t shoot, whoever shoots a russian will go to court, go ahead, mr. colonel.
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an exceptional case, what is it? you won't believe it, love. when this is all over. and we will drive these russians back to their lairs. i will definitely tell you this fascinating story.
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get up, let's move, guys, let's move, i found drops of blood, be careful, we searched everything, nothing found, what do you think, i don’t know, maybe we’ll continue tomorrow, maybe we’ll split into two groups, run, kunta, come with me, come to me, and the rest to the right, did you hear? yes sir! the insidious enemy dealt
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a mortal blow, but we will avenge everyone who lies in this grave, the enemy will pay a triple price, eternal! glory to the heroes, egor! “tell me, which of your guys hasn’t seen such a trophy? he’s keeping a watchful eye on us,
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german or something, i don’t remember, but what haven’t you seen?” “no, i didn’t see it, i’m going to the dining room to cook a little, don’t pay attention, she’s very worried, let me go, yeah, go, junior lieutenant, that’s right, you ’ll have to come with us, where to go, why?" what’s the matter, captain? head of the special department kuzin, introduce yourself. captain kirillov. thank you for the detailed answer ,
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