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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 8, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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i came in to say goodbye, you’re not in order here, it’s a german walkie-talkie, isn’t it? i was at
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the airfield then, what did you, alyun, not see, no, but where the engineering group was placed, in dugouts , like near the headquarters, i understood, i now, well, let's go, car, let's go, yes, wait, let's go in, amaze what it is , so as not to gossip, i’ll go to the girls’ weapons shop for now. well, go ahead , shoot me in the same grave, i won’t be able to remain silent, shoot, taya, i didn’t want to, but what did you want, taya, my husband is in captivity, ours were advancing, the germans were in a hurry. the airfield is far away, he found me
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a certain lensa, said that my husband was alive and in their captivity, and if i cooperated with them, they would release him, ours occupied the airfield and i went to serve, then i could not refuse them, because i love him, and my son ... love, i didn’t know that so many people would die, i thought they were under the plane from... they would bomb everything, and
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then i realized that they didn’t need planes, but people, i wanted to fix everything, but i didn’t have time, why i threw it myself, give me the gun, taya, mom, i see that you yourself have already understood everything.
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salamatin on the way out, where, come out, egor! my dear taisti, her little pig was visiting us, i gave him a lantern to play with when they were leaving, i put it in the commut in front of them, so i knew. where to get? how can
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i believe this, katyosh? i won’t believe it at first either, until everything is... confirmed, yes, it’s a disaster, okay, nothing until the morning, i’ll go to the side barn and spend the night there. are you worried or something? i’m not like that, i
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know that you will return. of course i'll be back. objective: fly up to the enemy airfield at the lowest altitude and inflict maximum damage. immediately after this, dolmatov's attack aircraft attack the german fortifications. at the same time as the landing of troops from the sea, ground forces would attack the germans in the rear. the success of the entire operation. first of all, it depends on our actions. attention group. removing five from the target, preparing the races. set to 300. the first approach is to attack the aircraft racks.
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it's russian, they're already over the airfield, air, air, everyone take positions, pilots on planes, take machine guns, prepare guns for battle, quickly, shelter, quickly!
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so where are you? attention 03 report on the progress of the operation, the misters are over, commander, so pawns, be free, work on target, it’s you, romanov,
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that’s right, comrade colonel, well then we’ll work, thank you for your service, come on guys, support the shooters than we do... april 8, 1944, after the strongest artillery aviation training, troops of the fourth ukrainian front went on the offensive on the perekop isthmus and south of sivash. with the support of aviation from the fourth air army of the black sea fleet, the coastal army, having launched an offensive on the night of april 11, captured kerch by the morning. it took the red army only 4 days to crush the german and romanian positions, recapture the city and give a victory salute. in havana , sevastopol. this victory made it possible to begin bombing romanian oil pipelines
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and deprived germany of much of its oil, bringing victory much closer. for their enormous contribution to the creation and testing of the yak-9u aircraft , the order of honor is awarded to: boris fedorovich losev and leonid fedorovich bukreev. both posthumously. the awards will be given to the families of our fallen comrades. awarded the order of the red banner of labor. sotnikova elena sergeevna, thank you for everything, now i’ll be late, congratulations yaana sergeevna, colonel nich, come with us, what’s the matter, they’ll explain, let’s go.
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well, comrades, congratulations once again on your high awards, but we will celebrate after the victory, now we return to current affairs, attention. we are crossing the state border, yegor, have you ever been to europe, and what i didn’t see there, comrade, captain, in this europe, it means that solomatin, having seen what he didn’t see, is now not far from berlin. from may 13th, when are you going to
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tell everyone about your monastery, when are you going to tell to your friends about us, and you already told your parents about surrogacy, you started asking questions too late, why did you gather us all today, well, everyone is very interested, tell me what changes you have, don’t want to, oh well, then i will say, the light is in the window from may 13th on... stellar group.
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borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. today, the kremlin hosted an anniversary meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council, marking the tenth anniversary of the signing of the agreement on the eurasian economic union. vladimir putin made opening remarks. the president of russia spoke about the achievements of the eu and the prospects for the development of the organization. the eurasian union today is an effective and dynamic integration structure, the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges. since we talked about this with our colleagues and
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to each of the participants in our association, here we are now, before entering the hall here, as we noted very good indicators of the development of our economies, in fact, this helps to ensure stability, which ultimately brings real benefits sustainable economic development of both the five countries and the eurasian region. generally leads to an increase in the quality of life and well-being of our citizens. economic indicators speak for themselves. over 10 years of total gdp. states of the eurasian union, according to available estimates , increased from 1.6 to 2.5 trillion dollars. trade turnover with third countries increased by 60% from 579 to 923 billion dollars, and the volume of mutual trade almost doubled from 45 to 89
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billion dollars, with more than 90%.
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german communists, you despise, these are german communists, these were the ones who really tried to fight, while they are the ones you hate and who were anti-fascists, you are scum and scoundrels and scoundrels trying to rewrite history, so when i see this estonian nazi scum, i have a thought only... that we are witnessing another revival of the reich, only now it is the reich who is using jilsamin’s methods on the side of the liars, described by jane radar, not jelsamine, but the side of the liars, when all the names need to be turned over, look at this estonian scum, i’ll say the police will react immediately and categorically if people with
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symbols that are prohibited symbols of the aggressor come to the cemetery. if, for example, you have some flowers with you , let’s say, there will be a st. george’s ribbon on the flowers, absolutely, the police will react instantly, right away, we will talk to people, of course, with consequences, naturally, the police will react to spontaneous rallies, spontaneous meetings, i want to say that on the eighth, ninth and tenth, by decision of the prefect, all meetings that have the opportunity, where the police believe that...
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i don’t even want to say anything, everyone who offers us to negotiate, this whole party of supporters will be deceived once again, well , let’s just pull off the made-up, thin layer of skin from these faces, and you will see the true face of the modern west, which appears, in
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particular, at eurovision. this is bambi ray robinson from ireland. well, we can put it further. what it is? do you know what my highlight is? i'm queer and a witch. you offer. negotiate with these people, do you think she’s somehow different from biden, do you think she is somehow different from james psaki, how do you like jamesaki’s statements, for example, about the fate of trump, i would
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actually perceive this as a direct threat to the us presidential candidate. i think that many people want to be closer to power, they also assume or think that maybe donald trump will leave, maybe he will go to prison, or maybe he will die. i don’t want to paint a gloomy picture, but this is possible, he couldn’t do it anymore. it’s interesting, but the idea that biden could die, since he is no longer young and didn't get your head? no never. by the way, all those who tell us how we should fight, how cruel we are, how wrong we are, i want to give you a small fragment from a certain mark milli. this bastard was the head of the us joint staff for a long time. yes. just now. right before the united until recently, right?
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kill quickly, and these people explain to us how and what they do it slowly, uh-huh, that they need to be behaved and they tell us something about how we are being cruel
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war in ukraine, listen to this israeli politician, deputy mayor of bersheva, deputy chairman of the international branch of the ruling party lekut shimon boker, we must attack them harshly until they shout the word. mas, but the family of the kidnapped people say that if you go in rafah, the kidnapped people will be killed, but we see what they do, they laugh at us, so tell me your opinion, because i don't understand, i think we should have entered in the raffs yesterday, go in and pick them up, and then what, and then they will rise from the ground, there are no civilians involved, we will have to go in kill, kill, kill, ok i get it, this will bring back the kidnapped, we have to kill them before they kill us, and as the kidnapped come back baker, we will try to get to does anyone else want them? come to an agreement, someone else believes at least one word they say, so every time it happens, it will be said, you don’t
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understand, you need to turn on your head, if they had their will, they would kill us all, they don’t care how much civilians will die, this is their doctrine, the eu mission in russia has changed its greeting post. dedicated to victory day, excluding from it the phrase about the key role of the red army in the victory over fascism, this is not a falsification of history, no, this is a direct distortion, but they are discussing what they should call president putin, this is said by representatives of countries where there is not even close opportunity people to vote for their leaders, who elected irish sunak? no one, including his chair, voted for him. is there direct voting for german leaders? no. yes. not even close no. in america there is no direct voting either.
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through electors, how many times have there been times when the majority was against the person who ultimately became president. everyone is corrupt. scholz, corruption case. sunok is a corruption case. trump - biden - funny to say. macro. by the way, they say that comrade sidin pin noted the strong manly handshake of macron’s wife. but, on the other hand, macron was upset and was deprived of his favorite dessert, because the name russian cake, macron could not imagine at this difficult historical moment let me, i wanted to rename it ukrainian cake, but apparently the cook said: “i’ll hit you in the head.” that’s why i ate blueberry pie, but would have been better off drinking hemlock, at least getting closer to the great thinkers of antiquity,
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but that’s just me. russian diplomat steven segal gave a brilliant answer to a question from a skynews journalist at the inauguration of the president of the russian federation. mr. segalov, why do you support vladimir putin? i can't answer such stupid questions, i apologize. why is this question stupid? he is open, in my opinion, he is quite stupid, i think you know the answer. well, did he say it correctly? yes, because all the people are russian. supports the president, you just can’t understand this, you are stupid assholes, because in our country the president, who has gathered an overwhelming majority of not only voters, even more than half of citizens, so westerners, shut up, you bastards, and those of you who have traditional values, speak so that your corrupt vile government can hear you, yes, but you know, this is the story with the pie.
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with macron, scholz, let's start with them let's ask for a certificate from a certified psychiatrist, they generally have the legal capacity to sign something, well, because this is madness, this is a pie. this is a symbol of absolute madness on the state, on the public, on the personal level, but this same macron has gone crazy, that he banned the name of the pie , the president of france, a nuclear power, they say he even has a button that the americans did not take away, he is fighting with the pie , what
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degree is this?
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"the fight with the pie is absolutely madness, you know, people are sitting right now in french embassy, ​​they will watch this program, they must understand that their president is mad, an absolute psychiatric madman who can give any order, including a nuclear strike.
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by the way, about eurovision, we are offered not only to sign a peace with this, we are offered within the framework of this peace. to become part of this, to accept this, because peace with the west on the west’s terms means accepting the values ​​of the west in the very next move, this is exactly the same way they broke michal sergeevich gorbachev, first him they broke medium- and shorter -range missiles, yes...
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education, where very important values ​​​​are enshrined, so i think today, when people read the decree, there is a lot of mourning, and in the west there is mourning in some well -furnished offices in moscow, also in
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in general, the mood is sad, in this sense, of course, we are in a very difficult military-political situation, because i ’ll be back soon... well, what should we do, give up, fall apart? well, yes, in fact it is believed that in order to bring america out of the impasse, we must fall apart sometime in 1900-91. well, the last thing i would like to say
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is that we are truly in a fateful time, and we must very clearly understand the sequence of events, what if you now take the wrong road, the road.
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therefore, yes, now the president is saying and doing very important things, but a lot depends on russian society, on its unity, on its readiness to help the president, including with the implementation of the decrees that he recently signed. please, since our program is being recorded in the canon brightest and dearest holiday, i would like to congratulate the millions of viewers who watch the channel not only in russia, yes, but abroad, it will be broadcast, after all, on victory day, my two grandfathers, alexey dmitrievich rudov and sorokin, vladimir grigorievich fought, both came with wounds,
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one from a contusion, the other with a serious wound to his arm, but they died in a great country, and i sometimes think that maybe there are terrible and such thoughts that maybe they were happy, that they have not seen and do not see that... war, so we can paraphrase a little words of robert rozhdestvensky, and we live on the good earth for ourselves for that guy, we live now for the millions of people who died and the civilian population, our soldiers, by the way, they died, including for those people who today preach bandera’s neo-nazi ideology, here i looked at the name of this policewoman. if you use yes gender feminists from estonia written by
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elena miroshnichenko, now if it weren’t for the red army, which saved her ancestors from the fascist invaders, she probably would n’t have existed, but this ungrateful creature, she doesn’t even understand what she’s doing, you can probably chalk it up to political mankurtization when everyone is a brain, right?
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this shows once again that history goes in cycles, repeats itself, and no, len, why? i just stood there, listened to dmitry and thought, let’s take an outside observer and give him only two facts: belovezhskaya pushcha, yes, a conspiracy, i welcome the eventual fall of the soviet union, the first call, who are the conspirators making? through
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the federation comes to the united congress president of the russian states for some time and what does he say? the idol of communism has been defeated, that is, the task has been completed. someone wants to tell me that objective reasons led to the collapse of the soviet union, or it was an operation of western intelligence services, that’s what an outside observer would say, it’s just...
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the chinese embassy in belgrade was destroyed, it was the forty-fifth day of the nato bombing of yugoslavia , on the evening of may 7, 2024, sizinvin arrived in belgrade and was met not only by serbian president aleksandar vucic, it was truly an epoch-making symbolic meeting, china 2024 is a completely different china than 1999.
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and does not recognize kosovo, and these are very important and significant moments, this is a symbolic situation that shows how china conducts policy very wisely, having been, yes, here...
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thank you, that means, well, i won’t go into detail about what is happening now in the gas sector, there is the capture of the rafah checkpoint, which was not difficult, this is only a small part of arafakh, so to speak, yes, the results of what is happening there, this is what the person was saying now, of course, the height of cynicism in relation to to one’s own people, hostages, and in general, so to speak, to people’s lives, the result of 7 months, 7 months, in general, it was almost yesterday how this war is going, yes, the results. the results are more than deplorable: 3,400 killed, this does not count what will happen now if rafahi’s operation has accumulated to one and a half million people, well, it is clear that the numbers will grow. 11 children were killed, 8.0 women were killed, yes, he says that gas has accumulated on the territory as a result of all this, excuse the expression, this expression is 37, over 37 million
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tons of garbage, which, in order to remove from this territory, will need to be removed for 14 years, if the pile is removed somewhere, i’m not even talking about restoration, who it will be, how it will be... as for the hostages, excuse me for being frank, most of them were never liberated, they were not liberated at all as a result of hostilities, but were mostly liberated as a result of a truce, as is known, yes, but they were not liberated in hostilities, how many of them died, does anyone ask this question from the hostages, when a person speaks, it’s not the main thing, it’s him he’s not the first to say, there is a minister of finance from look, hostages are not the main thing, that is, life. own citizens, this turns out to be not the main thing for which, in order to maintain power , it turns out that such an operation can be carried out, and finally, lastly and no less important, you know, the americans essentially suffered a strategic defeat in the middle east, but they were unable to take control of the situation there, they couldn’t do everything, that is, essentially a country called iran
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and a number of groups acted against them, which put a difficult situation between israel’s main allies, and what do they want to do now, blinken had this idea in his head, they want to replay the game. that is, i’ll turn 180° with a six to beat an ace, how? yes, it’s very simple, they are coming back again, he says to the saudis, you remember, they wanted to sign an agreement, but the gaza strip was prevented from happening, sign the agreement, the problem of palestine, yes, there are no problems, well, we’ll sort out the gaza strip, recognition of independence, as previously required saudi arabia, yes, listen, forget it, let’s better write some kind of road map, this will replace that moment, the clause on the independence of palestine, but the fact is that the road... map actually already existed back in 1993 the year when arafat and begen signed, they even received the nobel peace prize, and where is this situation, we also see, well, finally, we will provide you with security, you don’t even bother, this is said by a country that for 8.5 years could not provide security of saudi arabia, which even threatened its territorial integrity, i i told him this morning, yes, this is the country
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that is now speaking to ansarale, listen, let’s make peace, yes, you stop striking, and we will release the port for you from the sanu yes, that is, they are asking, which means some kind of military-political grouping about this, this is against the backdrop of the fact that when the us secretary of the navy in congress says: we do not have missiles to fight khantsarala, and 2 days later antsarala shows on video how in the rocks with gardens, a huge number of missile warehouses , generally becomes more than strange, it turns out that it is possible to wage such a fight against very rich countries, high-tech countries, finally, today was not yesterday, yes... yes yesterday, which means i received information from various sources, information, open, in general, arab, iranian, it’s surprising that i didn’t believe it at first, i started everything, then don’t tell me, now there’s a little advertising, because the intrigue is now heating up, and then arkadvich will say what it is, thank you,
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the sun is high, it will warm this world. the hour for which we have been waiting for a long time has come years, with rage and hatred of the enemy, despising death, i swear to trample. a fascist reptile in her own lair. i swear, i swear, i swear. crew for battle of the legendary
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t-34 on may 9 at rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharmelshey. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush... enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a golden sandy beach. wife 1 km. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation
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changes you have, don’t you want to, oh well, then i’ll say, the light in the window has been on since may 13 at rtr, exhibition russia imagines, flies, flies, songs coming from the very heart,
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there is such an island and the state of bahrain, this is an island, yes, a small island, where the operational headquarters of the fifth fleet
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of the united states of america is located, the leadership of which means this. state, and it is completely pro-american there and generally anti-iranian there, in fact, because the majority of the population there are shiites, the minority are sunnis, but the sunnis are in power, there were riots there at one time and so on, not only that, which are closely related to saudi arabia, they even built a bridge 25 km from saudi arabia to bahrain, so that people could go on vacation on weekends, because this is the most western-style state, there you can, well, in general, everything is very democratic, and so the islamic resistance of bahrain appeared there,
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27 april and may 2, so how can this country, the united states, promise someone security, someone can explain, promise security, i can’t, saudi arabia, don’t be afraid, we are for you, that is, you know, this is some kind of some kind of fraud, that means yes, that is, obviously they are not fulfilled, they cannot fulfill these obligations, because for the above reasons, well, the next explanation means that we will give you modern technologies, perhaps even nuclear ones, yes, well, peacefully, we must assume, who will give it, the united states. what technologies can america and israel give, when the boys in sandals already have hypersound, but all of them don’t, ansarallah already has hypersound, it does, america just can’t do it, so that means they are talking, that means iran is right there replies that actually we also have nuclear technologies, and we are ready to share , including with saudi arabia, please
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contact us, we will give you, which means all these technologies, all of us right now. we will build two more nuclear power plants, which means building the province of khurzistan, well, almost not far from the persian one, we will give it all, that is , you understand, they are now squeezed into a corner, why, because no one expected such a colossus as the united states, plus israel may find themselves in such a difficult situation, in the context of this i will tell you that it is so that we now we need to look very carefully at how these processes took place there, why, therefore, a country that does not have such great potential as the united states, and even israel, was able to create these... peculiar structures, proxies, as we call them, which forced to drive these generally high-tech, very rich countries into a corner, how these military-paltic groups were created, which means, often in territories where, in general, the same shiites were not treated very well, but i understand correctly, that with everything big respect for the karan comrades who came up with all this, including the well-known
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saleimaniya who died tragically in iraq. that , by and large, there were two modest people who developed the theory of this issue during a long joint imprisonment, one had the last name tingon, and the other sudoplatov, and i also developed the theory and practice of this type of activity, sudoplatov, i also i’ll say more trenchantly, few people know, but the point is, what does it mean that sudoplatov became uistokov kursk problems, so to speak, this is generally a genius, he suffered actually because of the fact that there was not even direct... professionalism, when he reported that the fight in ukraine against the insurgent movement means that the upa should be conducted differently , as khrushchev proposed with a purge, and with the help of a certain system, including intelligence and other work, but this man developed a system, what now, excuse me, in iraqi kurdistan is called the iraqi-kurdistan democratic party, it was created in moscow, formally, she it was created later in irbil, he created it, i
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just wanted and partisan. yes, he says that how he worked with mustafa barzane, this is the grandfather of the current president of irakwan in barzane, and he says, once i went to the academy dressed in the uniform of a lieutenant general, and mustafani saw me and came up, he says, i always suspected that he was supervising us a high-ranking representative, meaning the government of russia, the soviet union, when he speaks, i approached mustafa barzane and said, we need to create a democratic party, so he says, there are no questions, let’s...
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we worked with latin america, nicaragua, el salvador, we had a whole educational system where they taught at civilian universities, for example, in simferopol and crimea there was also a military one, so called. the united states and its allies, absolutely right, but what will representatives of the scientific community say? well, representatives of the scientific community said, well, what will the representatives of the administration of the scientific community say? great,
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well, they can say that here i am, for example, it’s in vain that you go like this on manyuta, i mean on macron, in blueberry pie or alarus pie - this is not the main problem, these are two different pies, i understand, here’s a replacement for alyarus, uh. on blueberries, yes, this is not macron’s main problem, the point is that he positioned that look, i’m the only european leader with whom sidzenpin can talk, and sidzenpin comes to me, then ursula, well she’s at least older than macron, that’s another question, the fact is that ursula is older, older, older, but the fact is that macron doesn’t betray himself, she arrived when she did. appeared at the negotiations, she showed: comrade xi is on my territories and macron is one of my lieutenants, in general it
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somehow didn’t work out with napoleon, that is, yes, capa de capi, and this is the babu de babi next, well, one might say, a little about the americans now, and biden is psychological it seems like he passed the test, there was even a corresponding report to congress that he corresponded to his... age, yes, that is, the psychiatrist went crazy, yes, while testing biden, the psychiatrists took him away, so we can assume that biden is in this the entire galaxy of westerners, western leaders - this is a ray of light in the dark kingdom, in any case, he always makes people laugh, that’s the people, people have fun with him, he’s a good president, with biden, with biden yes, he always has something to say, he’s evil, he’s evil, oh, he’s the only one who laughs at his own jokes , well, he does, he does, he bites children, bites, that’s all, that’s all.
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at one time or another, complain about what we do, or who don't like this or that policy, still want us, and if we look at it, we see that there is a basic choice, we can continue to lead, and if no, then we know that one of two things will happen, someone else will do it, and probably not in a way that promotes our interests and values, or maybe worse, it won't, then you're almost guaranteed to fill the vacuum with bad things before he will be filled with good things, in the end it will come back to us, this doesn’t remind you of kipling’s time of the white man, firstly, that
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is, these are absolutely half-children, half-beasts, that is, an attitude towards everyone else as unreasonable beings who don’t even they understand, but they must want a white owner, he’s a complete bastard, that is, this is such an anthem of neocolonialism, well, it’s built into it. now we were discussing how they treat, who they bomb, but remember when it wasn’t the big white father who took it under.
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there is participation in military programs, participation in procurement there and the like, and the second thing is that it has a free trade zone, it is officially a partner that has an agreement with the united states, of course there is minimal trade there, of course, bahrain produces there, but the fact is, that united the states reward this, well, when blinken talks about the summit, and this summit is really interesting, because there is already talk about the fact that a declaration will be adopted there, in which there will be a clause that nato will not participate,
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let’s say, this is french, this is a matter, a matter, a national matter, the policy of france, then this is no longer the fifth article, yes it is absolutely, but here they are divided, then they will tell me the next question, why should we then pay 2% to nato, if you us, if article 5 doesn't work, then what are we paying for? this money, then the umbrella turns out to be full of holes, no, we pay, we pay for what is present, so to speak, you understand, yes, what is without no, i don’t understand, that makes sense,
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therefore, just no national troops in in case of such a decision, they will not go ahead, because they are losing the most important point, the security, for which they supposedly have been paying so many millions for so many years, not counting the process, there is a legal incident here, because there is... another gasket, i i mean the european union, which also has the treaty has an article approximately equal to article five, well, the european treaty is meaningless, because europe does not have its own army. in my opinion, the ambitious goals are precisely those that blinken named, that this particular scheme will be worked out there,
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which will be like a nested doll, nato at the top, then maybe a european structure, a national army, for the grassroots, for the grassroots level for european armies. contact group from the united states, leadership will go to brussels, it will go over, now austin is in charge, it will to be led by someone from brussels, so to speak, it won’t work that way, of course. no, with this decision they are showing ukraine that that’s it, you’re tired, we ’re writing you off, this is the most important thing, no, i’m sorry, the rhetoric that is active now is not only rhetoric, but it’s that they are trying to raise money,
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raise money , europeans, europeans take themselves, and america says that we are leaving, but what remains in our hands is the satellite constellation. how many european countries there are few, that’s the problem, the main army is turkish american, there are not enough european pieces, so the europeans have nothing to play with, about 400,000, much less, they have nothing to play with, there are no 4000, subtract nato troops here, america does not have such nato troops, you understand, this is national, and if it’s not there right away, then it turns out that these are troops nato. if the french state sends you, pays for everything else, it’s them, they don’t work like that, if there is, if there is a collective decision of nato not to send troops, specific combat units are registered in the nato structure, that’s it, you can’t take them and send them, it’s a tragedy , there's no escape,
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yes, a very interesting, very interesting discussion, which, it seems to me, is very closely related to what is happening today, a lot was said today.
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no results were achieved, but here, apparently, china had some hope that in general macron, who seems to be positioning himself all the time, like let’s make a european army, we cannot follow all the instructions from the washington regional committee, so to speak, maybe here plus a very rapid growth in trade, by the way, 100 billion dollars , trade turnover between france and china is about 14% it is growing, in general i want to say in relation to trade turnover, we often say 240.
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why are we not perceived as an independent separate country, which has nothing to do with all these conflicts, but really, what fundern, what. ..
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in the west they have forgotten everything, the chinese remember all this, just as they remember, now i was some time ago in harbin, there is a park named after stalin, and the red army avenue with ours, with a monument to our soldiers and in this university engineering square our lieutenant general, who was the first military adviser during the creation of this huge engineering university in harbin. and moreover, there is also very serious cultural cooperation going on there, more than 100 serbian
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schools, and the chinese language has been introduced there , so to speak, for study, that is, there is a very mutual process here, that is , yes, china considers serbia as its closest ally in central europe, on the other hand, serbia views china as its largest economic partner, which supports very large, very important economic projects, so i think so...
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europe can be independent in the united states, to the extent that they can conduct some kind of separate policy with europe without regard to what they will say in washington, and it seems to me , that so far this is a very disappointing view, because the way we all actually talked about it, it is absolutely clear, clear and visible that the dependence of europe, that it actually repeats the same mantras, and other things are necessary to say, in parallel, when xizinping travels to europe, wang yi travels and travels. in the countries of southeast asia, because this is very important, because the americans have recently stepped up their policy
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to include the countries of southeast asia in the anti-chinese alliances that they are forming there. vany was in cambodia, and cambodia said that it will go to the belt and road and the community of common destiny, now the most important visit to indonesia would take place, because you know that the elected president is probola subyanta, he is the current defense minister government, the first thing he did was... after it was announced that he had won, he went to china, and now he has come to indonesia, not only economic projects are being discussed, but a lot of military projects, military training, and military equipment , and military specialists, joint maneuvers, that is, china is making very energetic efforts in this direction to prevent the united states from trying to include these countries in an anti-chinese alliance in an anti-chinese bloc, and it seems to me that look... how here's china is developing and moving in these directions, and of course, the most important direction that we will see, i think, in the near future, i
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think it once again shows how balanced the policy is. china is carrying out how it has been waiting and waiting for some time, but now apparently a very important decision has been made, we see it, the results of which we will see in the near future, i think china shocked me, i visited the chinese mainland for the first time, yesterday saw the chinese ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary at the inauguration people's republic in russia, came up and thanked me separately, because they encouraged me to do this to this...
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so to speak uh uh a little uh to rehabilitate mr. macron, as during our discussion today a lot of warm words were said in quotes, here's me, to be honest, i was very pleasantly surprised by his statement during the press conference following comrade sidipin’s visit to france, where he stated that france is not an enemy of either russia or the russian people, that is, as i understand it.
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i connect all these, so to speak, shifts in foreign policy of france with the fact that some time ago, the ministry of defense of the russian federation announced the preparation of exercises to test carriers of non-strategic nuclear weapons, which will take place, including in the southern district, and also , so to speak, will involve the forces of the navy and strategic aviation of the russian federation, it seems to me that this is...
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which would have carried out the european forces themselves without direct american support, anywhere, well, for example, here is the participation of the americans, excuse me, europeans in the south crisis is a complete failure and a complete scandal, without the americans they did nothing there at all, neither in bosnia and herzegovina, nor in kosovo, anywhere,
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this very intervention against libya ended in complete failure, where again the americans did most of the work.
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namely in the european union, but god forbid, not in the organization of the north atlantic treaty. i also connect this, so to speak, with this circumstance; in fact, russia now has a very serious superiority over the united states and its western partners in precisely these pre-strategic nuclear weapons, the americans are very worried about this, they are also worried about ours, as well as the chinese hypersonic weapons, which the chinese already have, and the americans still have...
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our relations with our, so to speak, western ones, as they used to be in they called it at the time, partners, which means that this linkage must include very serious, so to speak, concessions from these our western partners if they want truly real reductions in the field of non-strategic nuclear weapons in those areas in which they are interested the russian federation, and we are interested... in the fact that the ukrainian conflict ends on terms favorable to russia,
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then this will indeed open up opportunities for some kind of dialogue on these issues, which are of great concern to our, so to speak, western , frankly speaking, enemies. thank you, now advertising, after which we will continue with a new composition. looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, they went there for
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intelligence, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, the back passenger, the militia passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. may 10 on rtr.
12:57 am
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12:58 am
provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you care, ela, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and so that nothing skip, subscribe, listen, watch on
12:59 am
the smotr media platform. substation: the first podcasts we watch. the decision on the march to pristina has been approved, the task is to occupy the airport before the allies, not allow information to leak to nato. do it. the story of the feat. what's the matter? we take and hold positions until the peacekeeper arrives. the story of real heroes. morning will give us all the clues, but for now it’s simple.
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may 9 on rtr, in ukraine today is of course such a day of schizophrenia, well, a complete split personality, they just can’t understand, and with no one, they are offered to melt down their grandfathers’ awards.
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what and whose country did ukraine fight in? that is, who did they defeat? russians it turns out? well, probably, that is, who were they with, who did they defeat? ukrainian front fought with whom? well just with the steppe? uh-huh, besides , these people have such a jumble in their heads, it’s not a coincidence that the west throws it at them, then everything is simple, they’re used to eating with a shovel and... to their ears, here’s a telegram channel whisper, somehow they call a quiet whisper or a whisper from the front , has already counted 460,000 dead ukrainians, this is according to obituaries, 460,000, more and more people are needed, more and more people are gathering on the streets, and today they do not understand what to celebrate, what to celebrate, how all their allies are terribly worried that ukraine,
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which was... the german consul in germany is ukrainian, that german historians, i only remember the cooperation of ukrainian collaborators with the nazis. continues to honor, and what else does it remember, that ukraine itself remembers something else, that it remembers the feat of kavpak, well, what does it remember, remembers real heroes, so well, ukraine chose who as heroes for itself,
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the nazis, so today they are crying, yes, today is the day mourning for all nazi survivors, 80 years ago, how can we open now... ukrainian nazis hope for help from europe are already directly calling for water foreign troops to ukraine, and many are beginning to understand that it’s actually too late, nothing will help, nothing will help. the situation at the front is difficult, putin has mobilized a normal number of his citizens for the war, there is support for the war in the russian federation, it must be objective. watch this, obviously we need to look for a formula, a formula by which we can use different mechanisms to stop the war, it is obvious that we need to stop it,
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because the pushing of the armed forces, the strike, the assistance that has increased today, tomorrow it may not exist at all. we cannot lead to a catastrophe, to the point of losing statehood, and even worse, because the state can be, well, how to rebuild it again, get it again, there is no nation, there are no people, we are standing on the threshold when it will be possible to speak with full reality about the death of the ukrainian.
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is a big problem; it remains a weak point for the ukrainian armed forces, and the russians are simply taking advantage of the weakness of the ukrainian troops at the front. it's too late to make a decision now ; it will take time to train the recruits, and this is already problem for ukraine. ukraine , unfortunately, has not done its homework on this issue as it should, and it urgently needs to return to its responsibilities. but it seems to me, excuse me, can you once again look at this man’s face, from me, that he bought a mask somewhere where there was a nose with glasses and someone was just hiding, that is, well, it can’t really be such a face , you think budanov’s wife, maybe it’s budanov’s wife, or maybe it’s gordon, take off your wig, we
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don’t recognize you right away, well, the only thing they are of course trying to do is somehow interrupt this conspiracy against zelensky, despite the fact that i like chtoller, of course, he’s a phenomenal critic.
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confirm, we don’t know, you ’re asking the ukrainians, but this speaks of the lack of health of the russian regime, well , that is, that logic, this is not an american hobby, what can i say, you mentioned zelensky’s grandfather, on may 5 he turned 100 years old, well,
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the centenary of birth, you saw somewhere that zelensky visited the grave, remembered about it, if i had not written about it, in my opinion no one in ukraine would have remembered about it, remember how before the elections, yes, when he went to see the president, how he posed at the grave, how he then took photographs at the grave, then he mentioned his grandfather, when he talked about victory day and so on, with veterans and the like. i forgot everything, and now he, now he dares to go out in public, and without even once mentioning germany, really, uh, to draw a parallel between the nazis of that period, no one knows which ones, yes, maybe he meant russians and russia, yes, with today's russia, that is, he is generally amazing, of course, a bastard, so to speak, to put it mildly, so you understand when he talks about how russia... is repeating the crimes of the nazis, and we then ukraine
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was a completely democratic world, with a united, i think so, wait, ukraine was with a united democratic world, and russia where was he at that time, yes, that is, he himself is already thinking about what he is talking about, but when he talks about the fact that - he then ukraine fought against nazism, well, let's remember in which army his grandfather served , in the red army. before his grandfather, but for some reason under zelensky all this
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renames, today, by the way, another renaming, remember, he said when he was running for president, but what difference does it make what the street is called, yes, as long as it is tidy, but what difference does it make whether the monument stands or not, as long as it’s there, that means , it was possible to carry out coverage, today in kiev the street of truth was renamed into the street of the european union, that is, they were decommunized, although, it turns out, that in itself is a terrible word, but very symbolically too: here’s the truth, here’s the european union, that’s all, here’s the explanation all these howls of europeans, it means that yes, they are against the truth, zelensky is against the truth, when this is the consul general of ukraine, it means that in germany he is trying to tell there, it’s not good that you associate us only with those who collaborated with the nazis, we we lost 8 million people there, we also fought there... but no, mind you, we
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often remember this here, we try to remind them ukrainians that you, we all fought together, we liberated everything together this very europe from the nazi infection, it’s you they betrayed everyone, well, this is your official chant that has become these same chants of ukrainian nazis, collaborators, i don’t know, i’ve repeated it to you more than once, you can check anywhere, in the organization of ukrainian nationalists... that the military registration and enlistment offices are empty, and why the capital
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photograph, with what they illustrate, there is a white lord, huge on khreshchatyk in the center of kiev, beletsky is depicted on it, well, that’s how many publications there have already been in the same european press, a nazi, he doesn’t hide it, the nickname is the white leader, yes, well, that is, absolutely nazi an ideology that everyone understands is xenophobic, radical right, that means. extremist, well, nothing, with financial times, the establishment newspaper calmly publishes a photograph of this nazi with the nazi, well , stylized, though symbols of the banned terrorist organization there azov and so on, well, that’s fine, nothing, of course, nowhere in the article is it explained to readers that who is beletsky, why is he depicted here, well, that is, this is sort of taken out of the equation, but you understand, there is no nazism in ukraine, all this is a russian invention... propaganda, if you believe the same european newspapers, they do not notice it, but nevertheless
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they glorify the nazis. 100%. mikhail mikhailovich, from a military perspective, how can we assess the fact that...
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first, let’s look at the publication in the newspaper career dela sera, which says that at the upcoming nato summit in washington, a decision may be made on the military contingents of the joint armed forces the north atlantic alliance will not send to ukraine, and in fact, it looks like this will happen, and under this throughout the final line will be drawn, because there is only one. a nato country declares that we are ready to send, here is the same lithuania, powerful armed forces that can get stuck in an elevator on the way to a combat zone, yes, there are no more of them there, in a place with an orchestra, yes, but again, if, uh , a decision is made at the upcoming nato summit, it will be binding for all
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nato member states, there is still a certain logic in this decision, if it is actually made, and the courier... this still a serious source of information, because here’s how to explain, explain to the military personnel of the same united armed forces of nato why you will die there in ukraine, because after all, as even the classics of marxism-lenism said, ultimately victory will be the battlefield is determined by the state of the morale of the masses who shed blood there, here’s how to explain to the same french when they start... there are coffins, for example, crippled soldiers and commanders, large losses in military and other equipment, and so this there will certainly be, i question, what are you fighting for, for the fact that subsequently the president of ukraine vladimir zelensky was confused there on which side his country participated in the second
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world war, or glorify shukhevych, melnyk, kanavalets, bandera and all the others there, why are you you will fight, this is one question, the second... question, we talked about this, but at the same time, no clear answers have yet been given to this from the same european side. yes, for example, they announced that they were going to inflict strategic defeat of the russian federation, but at the same time they did not describe it in detail, there is not a single speech by a prominent politician who said that the strategic defeat of russia implies the first, second, third, fourth, and i imagine the picture of the post-war world as follows, well, if you ask yourself this way. .. a simple question: it turns out that if you are going to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, but ukraine is certainly more important for you, well, in my opinion, in my opinion, at least ukraine will disappear tomorrow politically maps of the world in the european union, in a united europe, well, nothing will happen, and it will not affect
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european life in any way, so there is all this talk that there is a battle between good and evil, light and darkness and... socracy and democracy, here has nothing to do with reality, this is perhaps just as a chant for the military-political leadership in kiev, nothing more, well, again, the europeans, the united states, well, somehow you still explain how, for example, you you see the post-war picture of the world, again answering to all questions regarding the speech of the same maseychuk, and we have repeatedly said in this hall that... the mobilization reserve of ukrainian citizens who can be called up for active military service, hypothetically called up, it’s not that big, from 18 to 50 years old, this is just, well, according to quite reliable estimates , 5 and a half -6 million people, this is not so much, considering that not all of them
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can be called up for military service, and in general we can talk about much less the number of people liable for military service... who can be called up, and given the level of irretrievable sanitary losses and the pace at which this is happening, it is quite possible that, as masichuk says, we will build a new ukraine. in a short time there will be no one left, well, strictly speaking, these are the calculations. now, as for the possible deliveries of gripin fighters to sweden, aka griffon, with towers missiles, such a combination is quite possible, but sweden must also understand the consequences, for i just want to tell them about the consequences that such supplies of military equipment will entail. well, you haven’t been living there for more than 150 years in a state of neutrality, you wanted to fight, well
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, get yours, you’ll get yours in the end and bernada for them, and again , again, as for the situation at the front, but that’s all -however, note that for now, i hope that the initiative will be on the side of the armed forces of the russian federation... a more difficult situation for the armed forces of ukraine is developing in the area chasovo yara, ocheretina, in general, in general, we are pressing, we are pressing and again, if you look at the statements of, well, the same khakim jeffries, for example, who declared, well, about his readiness to send the military continent to the usa to ukraine in in the event of a front collapse, nato says that, well, until recently, they are ready to send in the event of a front collapse. and other expressions also regarding the fact that we are ready to participate there, some government participants do not say, but no one is saying that
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about some kind of reaching the borders of the ninety -first year, the reconquest of some territories, that is, hopes for military successes of ukraine, in all these speeches, if you look at them from the other side, these hopes are somehow absent, and in general , the continuation of the armed struggle, the continuation of the armed struggle may lead to...
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well, guys, that’s later, let ukraine fulfill and act in our interests, we will forget about it, or the japanese, to whom biden is coming, they talk about jeroshima nagosaki, but forget about who they are in fact, he bombed them, so it seems to me that there is nothing surprising in this, but as for the performance.
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kolomoisky is charged with contract murder, it seems to me that from this moment the countdown begins, because kolomoisky is just a serious passenger, he has all the capabilities and means to carry out, i’ll tell you more, you understand, here after everything that zelensky himself and his entourage have done, there are more than enough complaints against him, and not only
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up there, but down there. people, ordinary people who live have complaints, someone’s son died, someone’s son, well, you can imagine the picture, yes, this is what we see every day, a child was caught from home, they were simply snatched from the parents’ hands and sent to war, well, what do you think, the father there, for example, may have claims against zelensky, but in principle, well, i ’ll tell you this, by this, yes, in principle , any person can kill him, well, any person who lives on the territory of ukraine, maybe... physical opposition to all that the chaos they create. and the latter , at least, is not just a confrontation, but over a possible nato decision. i think
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it would be very good if nato accepted it on its own. make your own decision that there will be no nato troops on the territory of ukraine, i think this, well, at least would dispel the illusions that are trying to impose the ukrainian regime on the ukrainian people, where to say, you will be patient, wait, now we are now let's push a little, and nato will definitely lead its troops, we are here we act, as you know, such a wick, yes, we are now unlikely to get into this story, but we didn’t just go there, yes, we are also not stupid people. we also understood that our country’s potential was small, but we understood that nato was behind us, they would definitely get involved in this story, we would defeat russia, and then there would be only bonuses and goodies, but in reality this is not so, and if so the decision will be made, i think it will be, it will be very positive, because if i understand correctly, the main problem began after vilnius summit, because they thought that it
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would be a summit of the winners, because it was the same counter-offensive. who was preparing, let me remind you, these were staff games, they were sure that everything was calculated, a list was drawn up for these laughing cretins, please show me the laughing cretin, the only general with big stars, who doesn’t give a damn about anything, so the man jumped back, and there blood, death, and he was laughing, they said that he ran away from the army because of his health condition, yes, that he was all weak, yes, it looks like his only diseased organ is his head, because he’s like a commander.
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they are afraid that now russia will destroy everything, there will be no more black sea, and who the hell needs the stump of ukraine without crimea, without the black sea, this is no longer, as the classics say, not an asset, that is, this is all, no longer interesting , this is no longer an asset, this is already a burden, please, well , today this is what we are talking about and what are the options for the development of events.
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not only among the military people they talk about there are these possible assassination attempts or he has, in principle, a real opponent who can organize in the event of a revival or
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restoration of the political process - these are klitschko and poroshenko, that is, these are the people who are now in fairly strong opposition to zelensky, i believe that their resource has not been exhausted, given that if the country suddenly, for some reason, returns to the political process, they will beat it, because they... are good organizational people, this is the task in the event of a return to peaceful footing it will be, that’s what you correctly said at the beginning of the broadcast that in the west they are modeling the development from the situation, as is happening in ukraine, but they are not modeling it yet, in my opinion, this is without the revival or restoration of political life, obviously some options are semi-forceful or some kind of uh replacement of someone with why political life is needed, they no, it is not needed today, because in fact, you and i have said more than once that no one will live it. the fact is that even the same polls show, as i already told you, that there is very the situation is ambiguous, whether there will be legitimacy there after may 21 or not, society by and large does not care, the majority believes that elections are not needed, and this just
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creates, as non-paradoxically as it looks, creates a field for maneuver to solve some other political tasks and situations, and also what my dear colleague spoke about, we are talking about demographic problems, that is, this is really a topic that to the end, that is...
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any that was, that is, now a very large number of people, which in general were supporters of the maidan, are ardent opponents of zelensky, and we still don’t even fully understand the number of those potential business players who are offended by and large, but well, i ’m not talking about kolomoisky now, this is his separate story, that is, the situation there is obvious deeper, i mean about business representatives who are now, in general, in a very difficult situation and they need to understand that if they want... to preserve the remnants of legitimacy, that is, in the form of certain assets, then the situation needs to change, otherwise, by and large, the issue with the land is already clear, the issue with other assets still remains open, that is, the conclusion for today is this: the situation in ukraine will tend to worsen, connected by two very serious signs, without political life, today, i think that an alternative already exists in the army in the emigrant environment, which again is not in russia, it also already exists today, this... can be seen from those publications and
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the nature of the documents or speeches, statements that people are talking about now, makes your bet, who will be next? and i think that now i will not make a bet for the simple reason that now we are not talking about the military, now we are talking about destabilizing the situation and the issue may be localization, that is, fragmentation of the territory, i assume that if i were to consider the situation , that most likely there will be activation in certain regions, well, let’s assume, like in transcarpathia, let’s assume chernivtsi, let’s assume again. some region of ukraine, where local the elites can, in general, try to autonomously solve some problems, this is how i would see the situation, as a central, as a controlled story, i haven’t observed this situation yet, perhaps i see the situation, i may be wrong, my, well, i i also don’t pretend that this would be my forecast, but if i were in the place of the westerners, how would i build, i would first of all remember that ukraine is a parliamentary presidential republic, i would say that zelensky usurped power and failed.
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must give up those territories that we have are spelled out in the constitution, like ours, plus it’s obvious that after they dumped the kharkov one in belgorod, they can forget, and it’s also obvious that after what they did in kherson, nikolaev, odessa are there, well, that is, everything is clear, and from whom ukraine can accept this, this is only if the president is some kind of conditional zaluzhny, budanov is not, he’s too young, even if budanov is close to zaluzhny in age, zaluzhny looks well more, i’m simply relying on ukrainian issues that...
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russia made an offer to ukraine for peace, to zelensky, for peace, and just like that, listen, every time you say something, it feels like barin, you’re either a provocateur, or you’re delusional, who, who did it, no, it’s just that russia made a proposal for peace, yes , and twice, first, first at 4:00 in the morning, missile strikes were carried out on energy facilities in ukraine, right? then after some time the strikes were repeated, and then information naturally began to appear where the missiles hit, this was in western ukraine, again, the ivanofrantkovsk region, the lviv region, vinnytsia region, that is, energy facilities, and this is naturally the east of ukraine, the kiev region was also included, yes, that is, thermal power plants, even one of the hydroelectric ones.
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power plants were damaged, as this happened, as information came in , the leadership of ukraine began to wake up, you know, the reaction began and... zelensky woke up and he issued the first post in his telegram channel, where he compared the actions of the russian federation, russia, as nazi, so nazi germany acted now and russian russia acts like nazism, so the whole world should see how the nazi is being reborn, i issued such an angry post, i posted a photo of one of the objects i wrote by candlelight, and i posted a photo of one of the objects that really, well, seemed to be burning or damaged, i i’m not too lazy, i read on literally here. he posted his post , i look at the information from the ministry of energy of ukraine, the ministry of energy, public information, she writes the consequences of the shelling, clearly, poltava, kirovograd, zaporozhye, lviv, ivano-frankivsk, vinnitsa areas of the consequence are being clarified, there is - the gas infrastructure was damaged, and further,
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and there is an exclamation mark, there are no casualties, that is, there are no victims, no victims, no, i’m sitting and reading, so where is neo-nazism here? that in response to your actions, to the actions of the armed forces of ukraine that you are inflicting on the territory of the russian federation, to the actions that you are threatening, they hit, they received a response, but zelensky does not hear this, he does not want to hear this, i was not lazy, you know, the last thing time people often write, many
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come back, i mean the connection, and normal kiev residents watch our program, they watch me, just as they watch it, they watch it even more, here’s one... discard your idea of ​​not setting people up, but what happened in kiev, the nazi regime, i’m not asking there to show you, no , god forbid, i ask, your mood, i say, how are you today, what’s your mood, when you were hit 150 meters from me and are burning, listen, volodya, this has never happened before, he writes to me, well, my friend, on the one hand there are missiles, on the other there are no less harmful idiots, this has never happened before, so here's a text message.
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after all, after all, such actions, now about another reaction, you know, the day before yesterday in tisa, because we were talking about transcarpathia, in tisa in the same river of life or river of death , six drownings were caught at once in one day, four of them from rumanian territory, two in transcarpathia, you understand, volodya, the thing is this, there is mobilization, there is agitation that these are the recruiting centers, come on, come on, come on,
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now are the memorial days, in western ukraine the memorial days end next year last week, as they say, people who returned, women, older men who came home, were in church, were in the temple, celebrated, now they will go to the cemetery, now they are cleaning the graves there and so on, and sunday - this is like, well, the peak of all this, memorials, memorials, can you imagine when people come... to the cemetery they will see with their own eyes fresh graves, fresh graves that are from last year, yes, what their reaction will be, and like this society of people who will see the number those who died, how they will think about their own power, what they think about, that
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this is all right, that this is a war for the people, that this is some kind of goal of this war, vasil mirovich, and tell me, please, are these questions asked in ukraine? in reality, they are fighting for donbass, which has lived without them for 8 years, which they hate, they are fighting for crimea, which has lived without them for 8 years, the second year. they hate, they fight for the territories where people who hate them live, they want what, so bolo, you see, when i ask an ordinary person, i say, look, we once fought there on the street, if you fight, got into a fight, if you, well, let’s say, yes, against a stronger person, but you you can win or something, at least tell you, well done, you won, you are fighting for yourself, you want to defend something of your own, and if you are fighting...
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gave it away, i just can’t say it, kiev international the institute of sociology conducted sociology, which says that i briefly, 63% of ukrainian citizens support the ban on the ukrainian orthodox church, they support the ban on the ukrainian orthodox church, you understand what this whole society is being prepared for again, yes, who see the graves, who understand that there is nothing to fight for, they have to prepare them yet no-no-no, we must your church will still be destroyed, because... what about sodom and gomorrah? because
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what is there? do you want such a fate? this concludes our program and i want to congratulate everyone on the greatest holiday in the history of our country, victory day. i especially want turn to those of my friends who are now at the front. and everyone who is fighting now is mine. thank you very much for what you are doing, thank you for bringing victory closer, your feat will still be appreciated, years, decades must pass to realize the greatness of these years, the greatness of your feat, and the victory that you will bring, she will shine next to this one. great may see you on sunday. kalinan belek is a place where
1:48 am
time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. true for yourself excellence, making dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. rixas premium sea gate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a children's water park and lush green gardens.
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1:50 am
for you.
1:51 am
1:52 am
karasteleb, come on here, sit, vilma, come to me, vilma, that’s what he said, he says: marry me, chamomile, you fool, so come out. here they are the village council, butko, how much more wire do we have? yes, 10 meters, point nazar, that means we’ll set up an op here, there’s a german there, well,
1:53 am
we’ll close the door, we won’t let him in, that’s right, comrade commander, avdeev, klyauzov, koparida, keep checking.
1:54 am
now it will be easier for us to make a breakthrough here, we are waiting, damn it, you see him, there is no other way out, you have finished your rations,
1:55 am
this is the first time i have seen such a guard dog. they don't feed us, let's leave, god is for us, comrade sergeant, can i talk to you for a minute? yes, hello, good afternoon, something happened near the nemets club, that’s it, i think it’s mined there. okay, grandpa, thank you. well, how did you let the dog in there at first, okay, don’t worry,
1:56 am
we’ll comb through everything, and you’d better go home, otherwise you never know. so you painted over this disgusting thing for me, come on lower, come here, brute, musician, motherfucker, commander, documents, can i...
1:57 am
come on captain, this is a motorcycle, like two fingers, hands, last name, number of luck. last name, egor, petrov,
1:58 am
well done, well done, well katyukha, and the scent of your skill! good smart girl, look, let's point it out, here's some anger for someone, run, run, well done, girl, well done, well done, well, that's it, that's it, that's enough, i still have a dog to eat, thank you, just you, come on - ka...
1:59 am
the headquarters rushed, flew like an eagle, come on commander, well, everything is clean there, there were a couple, but we found, you found the mines, but didn’t notice the spy, one missed the dog, the other,
2:00 am
comrade, comrade, some stupid alon you have, this one is yours, so, avdeev, slander, koparit, zabutkov, stay here, i’ll take him , if even a fly flies by, immediately report to me, clearly, who is the most evil among us, baikal, kabaryz? come on, well, my friend, we won’t see each other today, but we’ll see you tomorrow, yes, come here, come here, come on, he’s back, aril, oh, he’s started a new love for himself, but he doesn’t respect you klausov anymore, come to me, come to me, come to me. on the western front everything is calm, that is, the colonel is for it. sasat
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is not detected, they are scuttling, the krauts are still scurrying, they have set up a blockade of the village, they have extended communications, populated areas, we are combing for mines, we will finish by the evening, who can be placed in the villages, wash, shave, if there is anything to shave, then change personnel in positions , because the fighters need to rest. i have a rest, colonel, do it, rest, otherwise we don’t know without you, and i’ll rest, so, yeah, even better, yeah.
2:02 am
what is it? it smells like bread and goletas. what did you eat? i haven’t eaten anything for 2 days, comrade doctor, are you kidding me? and even more so, naked. where do the crumbs come from then? yes, he doesn’t remember, doctor, i’ll divorce him. please stand up, raise your hands, higher, yeah, that's good, good, yeah, good, yeah, that's great,
2:03 am
thank you, sit down. it turns out that, it turns out, probably, yeah, then maybe girls, music, while the commander is away, you can be a hooligan. oh, anfis, i like your figure, but don’t you agree? ok. marin, call yulia, yulia,
2:04 am
ay, come here, what is she there, now, yulka, you’re happy, yeah, there’s war all around, and she’s in love, and we’re girls, so... kanya, i’ll try, what is there to try, thank you, i know, it’s also an attraction for me, look, who can’t stand it, the next building is full of this stuff, so i’m here, what are you yelling at, and what’s the secret, the secret, of course,
2:05 am
romashka, why are you here? , well, ours is still in position, they let me take the dogs away, it’s quiet that he’s sitting there without being fed.
2:06 am
the beautiful one is waiting from my arms.


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