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tv   Taini sledstviya-9  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 2:55am-3:46am MSK

2:55 am
come to me, come, listen, that means, where are you looking, vilma, to me, go to comrade major, go to comrade major, vilma, vilma, come, vilma, to me, vilman, here you are, then, like golkova, like so, you said, i left with you, but why should i stay, alone, alone, your division.
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this is for you, oh, let's go, let's go. thus, the landing of ten landing groups into the enemy’s saw is almost guaranteed to allow us to sabotage weapons depots in quantities of three to five. but we don’t know for certain where these warehouses are. here that is why the number of landing groups is twice the number of weapons depots, based on intelligence data. frontline. what do you
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say? allow me, too, major general , there are no 100% guarantees, but there is also no reason not to trust the paratroopers. they will land, they will find warehouses, even if they don’t blow them up, they will transmit the coordinates, and then they can connect aviation, just like that. ok, sit down, okay? well, if there are no other opinions, there is a counter offer. major petrov, would you allow me, comrade major general? i'm not going to criticize your idea, comrade colonel, but i think that we can work more efficiently. here, under the poluchinny, there is a bridge over the druna. blowing up warehouses is the right thing to do, but that's it.
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we will only gain a couple of days until they deliver new ammunition, we will have time to break through the front, it is unknown, and if we blow up the bridge, we will block the transport artery and they will have to debug deliveries much longer, as you say, your last name is petrov, that’s right, it seems, tadachi through i received a request for you, which means you are the same intelligence officer whose group was completely destroyed. yes, i'm that same scout, a good one intelligence officer, i don’t know, but i think that my father would not have kept incompetent people in intelligence, and how far your competent group was able to advance, comrade petrov was seriously shell-shocked, and i’ll tell you, your last radiogram was. received when you were able
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to advance only 2 km, and to the bridge from the front line, 12 km, why should we hope that this time you will succeed, not me, but the one who is faster, more dexterous and smaller , the dog, i need a week to train it. three days, yes, all free, yes, yeah. you got us whists with eggnog
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upstart, but don’t worry, comrade lieutenant colonel, i didn’t just say that, yesterday i checked one dog, they’ll handle it, it’s like, i can’t handle it, i’m so cute myself you’ll run me, blow up the bridge, yes, comrade, can you, the same colonel, you don’t hold gold on us, you didn’t have a spoke in your wheels in your thoughts, go have a smoke, eat, what are you, what kind of sticks, what kind of wheels, we it seems like we are all fighting together with the enemy. and you're talking about sticks, by the way, look, here's a stick, one, i got it broke it easily, but two, try it, what’s it like,
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it’s hard, yes, yes, it’s hard, so if it’s your new guy, smarter than me, we’ll even... it’s blown away, what are you saying, it wasn’t said, it wasn’t even thought, this didn’t happen, okay, okay, okay, remember, you asked me about reinforcements for the air force, that’s right, well, tomorrow, take on a new unit, what are you saying, well, for this, for this, our combat thanks, thank you, old colonel , decide, go, eat, huh?
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thank you, while our memory is alive, thank you to all the veterans, thank you to the heroes of the front and rear, thank you. let's bow to those great years, while these songs sound, the dark night, we are invincible, only bullets will destroy the steppe, katyusha came ashore, on a high bank on a steep one,
3:03 am
you look younger, as if, yes , of course, you have forgotten how to give compliments, hello , what is that noise you have there? nothing unites a large family like a big secret, what the police say, a classic accident, dmitry miller, from the country everything always seems obvious, this is white and this is black, i prefer to call a spade a spade, maria kulikova, do you understand that this decision will change your whole life? alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, we are not to blame, what should we do now? be silent! light in the window! from may 13 on rtr.
3:04 am
on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing, the true story of world war ii. puyi appeared in the northeast not by accident. all this was planned in advance by the japanese; he was a real japanese puppet. a story that began 2 years before the events in europe. mass killings of civilians then occurred throughout nanjing. a true story of victory. it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity. and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. unique. archive footage from alexei denisov's film emperor without an empire, a throne on bayonets. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. premiere on may 10 on rtr. captain golikova?
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place. last time everything went wrong. "i have decided not to bypass you anymore, your vilma has been chosen to carry out an important task, who was chosen by you, yes me, this is a very difficult task, no matter who can complete it."
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we’ll work, that’s enough, yes, i think that’s enough, ales, let’s get to the starting point, so, yulka, you’ll be on the train, i’m serious, come on, come on, come on, let's
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activate the bomb, that is, turn over, well done, yes, this is the zbroya, you need to switch the lever, then you will lie down and find the ball. , falls, and you run away, otherwise everything, baikal, the end, you understand, the end, so, come on, sneeze, come on, battle, forward, choo choo choo.
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bang, bang, tovaresh yagor, well, okay, okay, let's go back to the starting point. we'll try again, baikal, let's do it first, well done, 10 seconds, three times in a row, for that, comrade yagor, oles, you're also young, that's what my grandmother said, well, of course , well done, and for that you. hold it, thank you, comrade major, i’ll share it with the boys, comrade
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commander, baikal is ready, well, let’s go to the starting point, well done, baikal, on the left, take it, yes, the train, “lie down, river, ball, bang, how did it happen, sorry, commendable, baikal came to me.
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you did the impossible, i’m impressed, but vilma will complete the task, she’s still better, damn you, they already promised, no, you heard what i didn’t say, on the left. on the left, nothing, you hear, nothing, nothing, we have 2 more days, i’ll think of something. don’t be afraid, i won’t give it to you, it’s cloudy, you can’t see them, comrade lieutenant colonel, well, here they are, here they are, our swallows, but they’ve finally arrived and waited.
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well, let's go meet the funeral. comrade lieutenant colonel, the flight of swallows has arrived at the battalion location for service, flight commander, captain klyueva,
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galina valerievna, bykotsev, accept me. there is a replenishment, and you, comrade, valeryevna, are behind me, welcome, comrade ice-woman, well, what the hell, what the hell, what, did you specifically ask for it here, to come to me, to lay my grave, okay, here it is, well, you have it in yours, how are you, you ’re talking to a commander, asshole, i’m not an asshole, i’m an officer in the red army, try for once to see in me what i really am, and not what you thought you were doing there, dude , you fool, you don’t care about
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war, if only you were a man, you had to fight with... and don’t think that the goal of my whole life is to prove something to you. on you, she also smokes, it’s all yours, give it, give it, give it, vilma, give it, you can’t, don’t touch, do you hear me, forget it, you won’t go on the mission, you can’t, don’t touch, don’t touch, what are you do it, comrade golikov, we are doing a training session, comrade captain, what a beauty, training -
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tell me, comrade petrov, do you know what you are doing? his dog, well, first of all, this is my dog, good, good, comrade captain, no, comrade petrov is not aware, because i, but because you, as far as i understand, i'm certainly not an expert, but you are trying to wean her from what he taught her yesterday, so that he replaces this dog with another, although this is the best, right, no, that's not true, you got it all wrong, well yes, yes... of course, yes, let’s make sure i understand everything correctly, we’ll go to my place now and you’ll write everything down, okay, yes, now i have to take the dog, let’s take it together.
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what are you drinking, ekaterina andreevna? yes, it’s neat, of course, you wrote it here, on the contrary, but there is no such method. it turns out that you lied to me? yes,
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where are you? hello gelatorich, captain, you ’ve finished, you gave the task to the officer, i come, valeria’s dog, the officer is not there. what a task, it takes a long time to explain. however, the dog was trained to blow up a train, and i asked captain gullikov to check it, try to confuse it, prevent it from completing tasks, you never know what circumstances, using the operational method, yes, you can say so, i certainly haven’t heard such a term, he.. . reflects the essence, so ekaterina andreevna writes here that the initiative was hers, exactly. captain, yeah, not everyone likes this method,
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many consider it too radical, obviously the captain of the holics was covering for me, but the fact is that i gave the order, you need someone's head, take mine. okay, there is such a method, no paper, free. clowns,
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thank you, but you can’t save me, tell him the truth, yes, but you told him a lie, the truth, just fictitiously. where is she? division headquarters decided to start the operation earlier. vilma left for her mission 5 minutes ago. listen, katya. katya, she will return. she will be back. rights, clearly, you had no right, you had no right, this is my dog, this is my dog, cry, cry, cry,
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cry, cry, cry, you can cry, you can’t miss the task,
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ready, comrade, go ahead, here you go so, well done, good, keep the guide, you're a smart dog, come on, here, now... and now you can't sleep, i see it for you too, it's useless, i'm his forty-second.
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tried to train an impenetrable dog, a unique one, who was his instructor? well, no one, then one, then another, there was always a dog uncontrollable, there are no uncontrollable dogs, there are mistakes in training, they probably did something wrong with him, nothing, we’ll understand what exactly we can fix, come on, i was constantly interested in him, wrote it down in a notebook like a diary, but where? now this notebook is right there in the girl, but why does he need it? where is he? in deev? guarded, in the brotherhood already, and things, things were collected to be sent to the rear in positions? next to me, touch major, wait, take this, maybe it will help, i took this so that my family could give me at least something, is this abdeeva? yes, thank you, alan is here.
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well, fellow doctors, how are things settled? nakar kuzmi, how good is it that you stopped by? now i will tell you how we got settled. for example, my mechanic, comrade burysheva, is sleeping here, but she doesn’t have a blanket, it’s just a hole. you can see the kremlin. and what happens? the mechanic is freezing without enough sleep, so the plane
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won’t take off. well. my dear, there are no others, i hid everything i could, there are no others, and what kind of blanket are you sleeping under ? , and mine the girls are worse, makarka izvich.
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comrade golikova, yes, well, let’s get acquainted, like commander with commander, we are still lodging together, after all, golikova, katerina, we won’t have to stay for a long time, tomorrow is the offensive, well, in new positions, i think he’ll put us together again, the girls to girls, i'm galya, klyueva. “yes, yes, his daughter
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, you know, we had such rumors, now you really can’t believe the rumors, what rumors that he brought us all to the rear, they weren’t rumors, the truth barely escaped, now, that means, they asked him to prove it do you want something, right?" and your husband is such a regular, my husband died, forgive me, i was just thinking about the major with whom you hugged yesterday, why didn’t you say right away?
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are you interested in petrov? no, he’s not my husband, and no one at all, take it, please, only he has a shell shock, he doesn’t remember anything about himself, maybe he has a wife and 10 children, or maybe he’s some kind of murderer, he has the makings, kirschists, what’s your sandpaper, look, don’t get scratched, look, look, ah, well done, well done, sit, sit, well , they found it, yeah, well, thank god, otherwise i’m about to i’ll write down what i’m for... close the side, well done, follow me, close it, then,
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go home. may she return, may she return, your vilma, well, have you found it? yes, i’ll help you, yes. so that’s the thing, since 1942 you have been tormented by the salon, at least you could have, but god is some kind of specialist, well, now you already understand this, you need a katyusha, dear comrade,
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it’s the best we have, you wanted it for your family send. lisp, be careful, don’t shake, you’re not carrying firewood, you should have already arrived where you took me, so i got lost at night, comrade colonel, i got lost, tangled in the dark, tangled, come on, now unravel.
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“you are my dear sons and my beautiful daughters, you broke through, drove, the troops united, and not without our help,
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they didn’t let the germans leave the cauldron, they didn’t let them, they run, the bastards run, they scramble, not without the help of our dog, our glorious wilma , she blew up the bridge and stopped their supply at the cost of her life, eternal glory to her, hurray, comrades, comrade colonel, comrade colonel, hey, you ’re alive, isn’t your division wounded
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? this is our front line, lucky, comrade . colonel, mom, well, technical colonel, as they say, upon arrival at the front line, yes, artillery covered us, what ’s your deutant, and what does he need? he brought me to the very end of the battle, now he’s probably sleeping
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without his hind legs. ay, one might say, i was wounded in battle, it didn’t hurt that much, but no, your hands, by the way, they didn’t introduce us, ay, excuse me, captain katerina golikova, and i’m mukhin, colonel mukhin, stepan. for you it’s easy, styopa, that’s it, comrade lieutenant colonel, i ’ll go, go, go, get well, comrade colonel, that’s it, katya, i’ll get ready to get wounded every day, only to have your hands heal me, well, lieutenant colonel, give me some glasses. let's drink to good luck, to victory, and
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to a breakthrough, we have no glasses on the front line, toyavich colonel, only mugs, you drink, drink, i won't, the order is to move forward tomorrow, so your head should be fresh. and i know what you think about me, rear rat, yes, i spent the whole war behind the urals, and now i came here to the front to please the general and make a service record, what are you talking about, comrade colonel, i understand what you wanted smell the gunpowder cook in our cauldron, so to speak, yes, and how? it's scary,
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let me in, come in, major, come in. major, come in, come in, come in, sit down, and here my comrade lieutenant colonel and i were just talking about you, well, your plan worked, the bridge was blown up, supplies were cut off, the enemy was fleeing, all that was left to do was blow up the second bridge.
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it won’t work, comrade colonel, that’s why, here it’s almost 150 km away, and there were only 12, the dog won’t make it, so you got a link of swallows, you got it under my patronage. we'll deliver it by plane, then colonel, here different scenario, there was one piece of iron, and here there are two, we’ll blow up the bridge, derail the train, okay, but there’s only one train, they ’ll send the next one along the other branch, you know, and we’ll... send two, blow up both branches ,
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comrade colonel, where there is no bridge, they will quickly repair it, we will win the day, at most, the risk is unjustified, comrade major, even a lieutenant colonel, this is not a proposal, this is an order, so the second bridge must be blown up, you can enter the city on the seventh... i don’t hear, there is! comrade lieutenant colonel, this is november 7, this is it’s about to happen, i know, but orders are discussed after execution, well, you know everything yourself, okay, let me go, go, major, wait,
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here, with the guys, and invite the girls, look, what do i have... neva, thank you, comrade, lieutenant colonel, katenka, i’m getting a bandage, comrade colonel, vasily makarovich, time, please, please help me, sit down. thank you, but you don’t need a bandage, comrade colonel, we just did, my heart just hurts a lot, comrade colonel, i’m sorry, but i won’t
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leave without a bandage, captain golikov, katya. i need with you talk about the service, comrade major, no, well then excuse me, there are a lot of wounded, yes, there are big losses in the platoon of the captain of the hrul, and two dogs that can still be saved, comrade colonels need bandaging, clearly, allow me to go, join, join. well, take off the bandage, i obey, ah-ah, it hurts,
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nothing, nothing, it will pass soon, well, yes, the head will heal, that’s the heart. comrade colonel, i’m married, i’m married, but where is the ring? katyaka, can i hope for at least one date, i promise, we’ll enter the city, only one, but if only one. rush to go, i obey.
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comrades, women, girls, tomorrow we move on, to attack to the west, this attack became possible thanks to one
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heroine, not a person, a dog. and thanks to the wonderful instructor ekaterina, who taught vilma everything she taught, in general, katya, girls, let's believe in the best, i still believe that you will return, let's drink to those who gave to you... where your mugs? but we don’t drink, comrade major, we’re not supposed to,
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we’re supposed to, yes, girls, yeah. well, for those who, and now let's go for victory, let's commander. and we’ll drink to the victory when we chase the germans, soon, very soon, all the best, keep quiet
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for shouting, according to the regulations, the regulations! a siren blossomed like a fly in the garden, to my misfortune, to my misfortune, i walk in the garden and look at the flowers.
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look, you can see all the flowers, you’ll have to pick them off, don’t hide the lilacs, my dear, on a clear day, don’t stop my love, my love from kissing, my love from kissing, oh, kissing, just like the color... i touched my hand, i hear a voice, my beloved
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dear, become cheerful, let it bloom, it’s better we’re in the garden, garden, let’s hide with you, we are hanging out in the garden together with you, we have come to be united, our commanders, our dear fathers, come on commander, we are ready for the transition. you are ivanov, vasilivy petrov, comrade commander, give permission to advance!


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