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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 4:41am-5:01am MSK

4:41 am
katya, katya, katya, katya, katyusha, you are alive, alive, alive, don’t die, don’t die, golikova, do you hear, come on, hold on, breathe, breathe, don’t die, now, golikova, now, don’t close your eyes, just, alon, alon, follow me. behind me, now, now, now, don’t close your eyes, stand, the platform, right here, the fighters will stand.
4:42 am
shirengu here and here, i will stand, comrade colonel, here, comrade colonel, those shepeleevs, you asked to speed up the progress along petrov, yes, the daughter of lieutenant colonel klyuev suddenly asked me about this. like a lisp, i understand, i’m free, that’s right, well, petrov, you don’t know anything about yourself yet, i have all the trump cards, next to me, just a little more, i’ll let you go.
4:43 am
no, i’m mine, look, look, please, here are the documents, don’t, don’t shoot.
4:44 am
katya, here, wait, like this, she’s still under anesthesia, but she remembered you, ugh, excuse me, talk to her, but carefully, let’s go, today, i need you, katya, katya, katyusha, katyusha!
4:45 am
that the bomb is in the basement they are cruising the battalion is cruising on the main stage, align yourself with the alignment in the middle, to the solemn ceremony, i wish you good health, comrades of the red army, i wish you health, comrades of the soviet union, at liberty, comrades, fighters, there is very little left to the border, the german is running, behind us are fields sprinkled with the blood of our... comrades, burned
4:46 am
villages, millions of lives, but we did not allow the enemy to carry out. planned, we preserved our soviet homeland, and today, on the day of the great october celebration, i congratulate you, hurray, hurray, hurray, stand, i will shoot, stop, the square is closed, the building is for you.
4:47 am
in the battles for his homeland he lost his sight, but fulfilled his military duty, serving the soviet union, we are looking for fresh masonry, one here, this wall is also about...
4:48 am
congratulations, i am serving the soviet union. congratulations lieutenant, i am serving the soviet union.
4:49 am
yes, captain golikov, hello, daughter. thank you katyusha, if it weren’t for you, i would now be dug out from under the ruins along with the entire command of the western front, he
4:50 am
told me everything about you, i won’t torment you for long, you’re wounded, i just decided that while i’m here, personally, so say thank you. captain golikovo, command of the western front, awards you a medal for courage, i serve the soviet union, hurray, hurray, hurray, and you, take care of her. yes, let's go, comrades, let's go,
4:51 am
katya, katyusha! yes, if it weren’t for you, it’s even scary to think what you need, comrade captain, i need a formality, when and from whom did you receive information about the bomb, a trifle, i’m really looking forward to it, congratulations.
4:52 am
ekaterina andreevna, i beg your pardon, the fact is that i defended your glove somewhere here, but here it is, i don’t want to disturb you, so i’ll be brief, that is, petrov, remember, you wrote a request to the headquarters division, so we received an answer for you . petrov, egorsanich, 1903 birth, leningrad, marital status, married, children, maria egorna petrova, born in 1935. you know, and you have a daughter.
4:53 am
4:54 am
beloved, i sent him a telegram.
4:55 am
brown blue ones, you can’t guess, you have to remember, blue ones, “you received an answer because of the division personnel matter, they should have expedited it, i agreed, not yet, but for the trouble, thank you, my, and you heard that the cultural center was opened today they’re giving a concert, but i don’t have anyone to go with, the girls
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are all on dates. leningrad, leningrad, in an hour at the cultural center, we agreed. in one hour.
4:57 am
eh, apple, where are you going? you can’t hide from soviet sailors, you can’t hide from soviet sailors, oh, the apple is overripe, and i’m a girl. i have repeatedly witnessed the courage and heroism of comrade gullikov, i ask you not to make sweeping conclusions, but i consider it my duty to report that i know, in order to understand everything, how yatsenko md is, everything is so, that is, the captain.
4:58 am
katya, comrade golikova, she - your name is marina, isn’t it? yes, oh, that's right. marina, you are everything done right. i'm sure it's just a coincidence. golikova is not twilight from fonvizina. they tell us ivanova is from the forge. in each village there are seven families, let me go, oh no, katya, it’s not too soon to go to the front line,
4:59 am
do you have a lot of blood loss, hematopoiesis and the formation of new cells to replace the lost ones? i know, i know, it starts only on the fifth day, yes, yes, that’s right, in your case it was the day before yesterday, and i don’t even say the seams, doctor, well , at least take a walk, it’s cramped here, it’s boring, it’s boring, read while you have time, enjoy, i would i was happy to be in your place, so lie down, and i will do the work for you, rest. i always see one girl, i hear a voice, but
5:00 am
i don’t remember her face. it’s possible, my daughter comes alone, i don’t know why, there’s no stamp, what? print, who cares, i'm happy for you.

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