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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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but i don’t remember the face, it’s possible, my daughter comes alone, i don’t know why, there’s no stamp. what a print, what difference does it make, i’m happy for you.
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it’s impossible to establish where the tracks lead from , comrade captain, there’s a continuous carpet there, i’m sure, look exactly. where did you animals come from, or maybe they will drive these same dogs here, let’s follow the trail, but it seems to me that i know where the trail will lead, where you say, they found golikov, but it’s not more than half a kilometer, but there will still be tracks there, too the dog brought petrova, golikova is local, well, remember, you milked bullets into the city,
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go through all the archives there, look who this naked girl was married to, him, do you think they met here, i came to apologize, yesterday it turned out badly, somehow it turned out, i look. it’s okay, it was
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you, i’m sorry, you met a friend, you left, yes, i’m good too, it seems like we agreed to go to a recreation center together, but i didn’t even see you off, here you go, you can tell everyone that this was from your friend yesterday, okay, i’ll say so , galya, i didn’t tell you, i don’t know why, at headquarters they really sped up everything, the paper arrived, there’s some water.
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well, congratulations, i’m glad for you, beautiful flowers. thank you.
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excuse me, tell me, how did you know where the bomb was? i outlined everything in the rapport, yes, i saw it. do you want to add anything? no, you want the truth, i think that golikova learned about the bomb
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from her husband, but from her husband, he was a policeman, she didn’t tell her, no. right now my employee is going to the city to the archives and he will find confirmation petrov, he will find it, if you know anything, you better tell me now, because if not an accomplice, but... you will go after someone who has lost his vigilance, and even then the camps,
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i wish you good health, sister, i’m from golikova, on what issue, since this is a doctor? katya, hello, stepan serge, is this for you? why did you come? katya, i admit, after
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that restaurant i stopped sleeping, yes, let me know. yes, we broke up stupidly, so what, i behaved like a fool, that my head hurt for 2 days afterwards, katya, i confess, i went too far, stepan sergeevich, you better repent to your spouse for flirting with other women.
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i want to make amends, i know, i know, i know that you are talking about and maybe i’m not lying now, you think it’s my fault, right? and with all my heart i get well, stepan sergeevich, you are forgiven, thank you, katyusha, then again... i need gulikova, everyone needs gulikova, yes, please, she’s upstairs, katyusha,
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i don’t know where to start. katya, allow me to invite you to dinner. for a picnic, what kind of picnic? in the fresh air? the doctor won’t let me go, well, consider him to have already let me go, it can’t be, maybe, maybe he’ll definitely let me go, i’m going downstairs, stepan sergeevich, downstairs, sister, thank you.
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“i missed you, but you, and i didn’t, i don’t like impudent people, but you’re dancing with me, well , you invited me, yes. what’s wrong, is the dancing over for you? yes, comrade captain.
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comrade senior lieutenant, i’m waiting for you, they called, hello, please. wait!
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did you find what you were looking for? no, why do you have any ideas? no, the german has been here for 2 years, and i’ve only been on the job for 3 days. excuse me here, but you are local, and the city is small, golikova, ekaterina, they knew her, no, not well.
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well, he plays well, stepan sergeevich, i’m trying, for you, katisha, to tell everyone this, i see you can’t fool you on the mike, please, why are you trying, a reflex? yes, a reflex, like pavlov’s dog, and you know why, because they all and you - there is a difference, i don’t know how to say it, for you, needed, has no one really
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refused you. sergeevich, why did they refuse, refuse? you know, katyusha, you reminded me of my sister, alyonka, i was 12, and she was six,
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she, yes, yes, she died, there were nine of us in the family. mother of one nation is different, maxim gorky is at the bottom, i sympathize with you, four are alive, i installed whom i could, booked them in the rear, some as an accountant, some as an electrician, i don’t remember the rest, i didn’t have anything to do with them. never, she had knees, she died. and i didn't believe it there were bushes there, pink ones, stools
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that looked like children’s ones, and kai and gerda took each other by the hand, and they forgot about the snow queen’s palace. where are you going, that's it, soaring, where?
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ulikov's husband mikhail konstantinovich.
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i remembered my eyes, they are gray, daughter, where is mom, why are you always alone, mom is with me, she will come too, remember, i wrote you a letter. takyusha, before i... return it to vasbitsky, as compensation, i want to do it to you for the moral suffering, president, please, thank you, this is leningrad, i’ve never been, well,
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what’s the matter, the war will end, for sure let's visit together, stepan. sergeevich, you surprised me, i must admit, i thought that you were different, but you have a soul and, but love is not about us, love, love, katya, who talks about love, who talks about love, ka, i’m not a fool, i understand everything, i just want to give you much more, you’ll be like a stone with me. both during the war and after, that living in a good apartment and receiving you on saturdays, why generalize like that, understand, yes,
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yes, katya, i’m married, well, i haven’t lived with her for a long time , i can’t leave her, that is, that is , must i am deeply indebted to her, katya, no, “anyway , your petrov will never be yours, he’s too correct, i know people like that, okay, okay, it’s okay, you don’t know everything about yourself yet, you’re my trump card, let’s go, there’s a folder “it was lying separately, it was a mess there, there were no documents in the archive.” the germans had the keys for 2 years, but i talked to the locals, golkov doesn’t remember.
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that means, you found what you were looking for, you understand, this is not... not true, what is true and what is not true, we decide, go.
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katya, i know about your husband, only i, no one else will know, take him there,
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come on, lie down, if there had been no war, the bear would have been the best, he gave me wilma, and then. i didn’t pass it because i couldn’t, it’s like, hello, hello, protect her, katya, they’ll start working with you now, they’ll question you.
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who are the authorized investigators, don’t tell anyone anything about your husband, little sister, where is he going, or maybe on the contrary it’s better to tell, i can’t, no more, i can’t, no more, i can’t, let them punish me, no, katya, no, here. you can never change your testimony, this is the law, what is it? an album with photographs was given as a gift, look, this is leningrad? do you remember, suddenly?
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take it for yourself, maybe it will help you. here's the thing, mukhin. “ they called me just now, remember, when a bomb was planted in the city council, it’s unlikely that you’ll forget that the general, so, i thought even then.
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how did they know where exactly we were going to organize the award ceremony, when and at what time? so they all agreed that it was lying on the surface, the main building of the city on november 7, yes, i also agreed, i remember, only now our intelligence officer came out from the rear, so he says that their information was accurate, someone passed it on, and from here. from the front, from the position of our division, among our fighters, tabler agent, you can find the scoundrel, but
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what about the special departments, the nkvd, all of those, yes, but i want us to get ahead of... them, so that everything comes from us, you know , such a thing, touch general, i’m afraid i won’t be able to cope, it’s not my challenge, i ’ll try to do everything possible, you just do it, comrade. it will count for all of us,
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golnikovo, and i’m just waiting for you here, hello, hello, can you guess? sir, why am i here? it's good that you came comrade, captain. i want to confess. very good, let's go to the room, everything is in order there. and at the same time about how they found out about the bomb. yes, all the faces are familiar. here, as promised, at first light, i’m with you. what is this? book, woe from mind. i was walking nearby, dropped in, and the captain asked me to bring it. she's bored. i was walking. oh, it was impossible
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to choose a nook and cranny for a walk further away. yes, but there is also this, a fresh legend, but hard to believe. everything lies and calendar. et. sit down, are you sure,
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this is the first question i asked the darovskys, however, it doesn’t matter. our job is to rustle, lieutenant colonel, how did you and i decide to take the city on november 7, remember, exactly, and so i need a list of everyone who could know about this, except for you and me, of course, exactly.
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ekaterina andreevna, i want to admit that... i took the phrase too literally : i would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to be served. yes, that's right, i'm ready to be punished. funny, he was shot by his own fascists, behind the front line, like a dog, golikov, mikhail, who is this? you had a chance, ekaterina andreevna,
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it’s a pity that the sight of a married man made you change your mind. i’ll take it away, don’t mind, so why didn’t they take her, comrade captain, they would have interrogated her seriously, she would have confessed to everything herself. you have a good head lovrukhin, only as a battering weapon, i just presented zhukov with an award, if anything goes wrong, who will explain it to him, you will go to the city, find me at least someone there, you understand, yes i i asked for her address by registration, back in '41... the whole block was bombed, where to look for neighbors now, the devil himself won't figure it out, but you
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you’ll figure it out, find me where this golikov was hanging out, raspberries, dens, interrogate the traitors of all those caught, find his lair , search him, free, there is. it cannot be that there is no evidence of their relationship anywhere.
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ivan, artyom. there are no plans for an offensive yet. red army troops are still moving towards the front line. possible bombardment of their strike forces from the air. i will inform you about the coordinates and flight paths of the anti-aircraft batteries in the near future. how about better?
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well, run, thank you, comrade is lying, i won’t trust you with this load anymore, where should i carry it? they wanted to buy something, why, if i don’t accompany you, i’ll never be able to eat again, well, come on,
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for the sake of love, if it’s real, i’m ready to give up everything, and you’re the best, we have the best. i can help you with your dream , yes, you want to fly, of course, but what if you don’t just dance anymore, of course, no dancing, alon, you run to captain khrul, and most importantly, with the report back, you understand, with the report back, hello, yeah ,
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well done, well done, alon, so, now... "report to major petrov, that's it, come on, deliver, come on, come on, forward, alan, deliver the report to major petrov, forward, alan, report from major petrov forward, alan, forward, alan. okay, that's it, finish, hello, let's go, go ahead,
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let's take the wheel, go, continue training, there is the second part of the task, yes, nearby. hello, hello, we have training flights soon, you want to fly, but what about your friend? and he is afraid of heights, but in general , you know, my father had a field wife, can you imagine, that’s why you and him are at
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knifepoint, no, this is exactly the only thing i i understand him very much. but how, like your mother, she understood everything, kind people told her, and then she explained to me that in war everything is different, good, bad. right, wrong, it doesn’t work here, the concept of good is bad, it works the same, always, galya, but if i want to live, just have time to live, egor, before messer knocks me down, i’m not
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golikova, i don’t need anything so deep, i ...there’s no need for commitment either, i can’t do this with you, galya, i can’t, you think so, but i’m completely different, you know, you understand? what a fool you are, comrade major,
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who is there? right colonel, you asked for a list of everyone who knew or heard, support, but why didn’t you send an adjutant? my adjutant, senior lieutenant of the immigrants, is first on this list, i gave him, i gave him three days leave, out of sin, he... he was driving then, that’s right, chiyku, let’s go in and have a drink, no, thank you, i still have things to do, sorry, that's for sure. please return the teapot, but excuse me, excuse me.
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what i owe, i actually came to apologize, last time it somehow turned out badly, yes really? what movie? heaven, good one, uh-huh, you yourself
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flew, uh-huh, every day, in dreams, born to crawl a brush over a movie fish, you understand, i understand. we have a training flight the day after tomorrow, would you like one?
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there are no fortresses that the bolsheviks cannot defeat, that’s for sure, let’s go. hello, uh-huh, well, let's go for a walk, hello! “i came to share my find with you, vilma, go for a walk, look, i noticed
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how the bitch bites the puppy’s ear, i decided to repeat this with test puppies, we’ll see further, so i checked, the bite of the ear, forcing the dog to recognize the dominant instructor, he wanted to be a mother'. for puppies, but i didn’t know that a bite is, first of all , a prohibition, namely, look, rex didn’t sit down when he smelled an explosive, so matilda spat out brendel, alan didn’t return from the communication line for a long time, the whistle responded only the third time, yes, it turns out that alon carried out the task, but... avdeev equated untimely completion with failure to complete it, punished him, the dog got the imprint that after returning from
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the second instructor to the first, pain would follow, namely, from the second to the first, the reverse path, the very second part of the task that he never completed. i’m thinking, maybe i’ll try pair training, no one has done this, so what? look how he runs after vilma, maybe he will repeat the command, vilma is all right with this, i didn’t bite her ear, oh well, love is not about dogs, love is about everything, i remembered zhenya, my wife mine, and you know, i don’t spoil anything. the soul is memory, one of the greats said, when
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there is no memory, then there are no feelings. well, that means you need to remember everything, you need to, here you go, thank you, bear it, i don’t want to, but what do you want, i want a puppy, mashun, well, we agreed, dad! “we finished the year without c grades, you yourself promised a gift, i promised any gift, besides this, i have enough dogs in my service, you said, i’ll choose it myself, so i chose it, no, mashun, you can’t choose such a gift, a dog is not just kitty-kiss or petting the fur, a dog is a responsibility, who will feed it , pushkin, but
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i won’t be able to walk it, clean up after it, mushroom eaters, i’m at work, you’re at school, i’ll be there? what, you quit your job? we can handle it. yes. zhenya, what are you doing, how is it? well, petrov, cool down. dad and mom should be at the same time, but you seem to be against me. you won't see him at all, dad, you promised. so, my dear, good girls, listen, dogs are work for me. and at home i want to relax. did you guys come to an agreement or something? i said no, that means no, sit, well done, lie down, excuse me, please, but can you tell me where to find captain khrul, he’s over there, thank you, sit,
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sit. comrade krul, i have a letter for you. well, finally, mother hasn’t written for a thousand years. lie down, lie down. thank you. or maybe you can also give sherpa’s letter to the sergeant, he will give it to your company too, so that i don’t have to wander around. come on, just sergeant sherpa, oh, young lady. thank you.
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what connects you with dogs, but you train them very well, work with them, better than anyone else, i just remembered something, maybe about reconnaissance, you’ll remember something, after all, you’re a scout, right? exactly, but what i’m telling you now...
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i’ll tell you, this should all stay between us, sit down, eat, in short, we have a rat, an abvar agent, we detected a radio transmitter on in the north-west of the city, and you are sure that the rat is one of ours, there are a lot of locals here, so here is the scout. in the agent’s place, where you would hide the transmitter, well, there is only one science, a separate abandoned building, preferably with an electrical network, next to either a park or a forest , well, there are fewer people, witnesses, what kind of building, building, well, it’s
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an old wedding, a pioneer camp, a transformer hut. it's my fault, lieutenant colonel, why do you need it? agent - this seems to be part of the smersh, nkvd special department, look, the transmitter was... spotted in this area, can you, can you tell me where to look, huh?
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i can take the map with you, take it and think, take it, let me go, go, eat,
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your golden braids, i’m listening to reports from the fronts, i’m not happy that they slowed down the offensive, but there is a downside, we are still not far from each other , if the doctors are not
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lying, they will discharge me this saturday, running to the jump, you asked about my voice, so don’t worry, it has recovered, now it’s even more beautiful than it was, when i see you, i’ll sing to you along st. petersburg, i promise, see you soon . and i only now realized how much i love you, that is, i understood a long time ago, but now i realized that i can’t live without you at all, kiss you, my dear, your daisy, like that, slander, yeah, no, i’d rather commission you than look for you all over the hospital, without we’ll defeat you, you’re there at the front, you can’t even call for help... you can’t, if anything happens, but i don’t need to call anyone, it’s up to you to call for help, but you didn’t know, as soon as i say it, they will they'll shit their pants, get to the room quickly,
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he barks,
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comrade lieutenant colonel, captain klyueva and lieutenant kulakova for a training flight ready? we are practicing the group's flight as a pair, and we are clearing the flight. captain popov will be in charge of the flight, captain, i'll just drive them as expected, the service didn't seem like honey to them, but god bless the girl. with god, there is with god, jackdaw, jackdaw, i almost forgot, oh, mother sent, you will land, you will read, well, yes, come on, come on, we are preparing for takeoff,
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sitting here incognito looking at klyuev, this was my most terrible hour since the beginning of the war, from the propeller, unscrew, i approve takeoff. we gain working altitude and follow the course in the zone. droma, get out, wow,
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we are flying, occupy the working echelon, girls, let's start with the horizontals. follow the instructions!
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attack from behind, hold on, the horizontals are good, let's move to the verticals, i'm watching you, attack from the left. igor, why are you silent? i'm speechless, i'm
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happy, oksana, well done girls, dismissal for boarding. thank you and you, and how much?
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gal, hi, what are you doing, did something happen? no matter what it was,
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they are going beautifully. well, reconnaissance, you say, here’s a lieutenant colonel, he noted all the possible places in this area, something is too much, the city is big and green, there are a lot of parks, not to mention the outskirts with copses, tell me how... hide the transmitter inside, camouflage it there, and comrade lieutenant colonel, well , who has enough imagination, but actually the germans have been using suitcases lately, e-7412, so if you find a suitcase,
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check it first, thank you, go, have it. boronsky to me, klyuev, what a spectacular appearance. without knocking, and you, excuse me, captain orphan smersh, well, i expected it to be a man, because the last name is not
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leaning, right? no, when i received the order to fully assist captain smersh, i expected captain smersh to notify me of his arrival, elfa petrov, golden calf, why are you stealing like a polar bear in warm weather, talented, where are your personnel? lavrukhin is on a mission, tea, and you have a more important task than finding agent abvar, what’s your name, you didn’t answer, you too, you see, we ’re not mersh. smersha has input data on this agent, we don’t have them, as soon as they appear, we are all at your disposal. besides, if i had accurate information about the time of your arrival, believe me, the entire personnel would be standing here at attention, right now? let's do it this way, captain senchenko,
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once i'll forgive you for your stupid swagger, but tomorrow morning you're really all standing here at attention until we find the one we're looking for, you won't have any other business, otherwise, well you understand me... you understand, yes, i understand you, it wouldn’t hurt for you to ventilate here, there’s a big film premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the title. alexander etsenko. now only soviet people, fish, can save them, there are no others here. evgeniy tkachuk. i'm a fort, they definitely won't kill me. i will be with you until the end of my life. fedor dobronravov. he will calculate everything, calculate everything, put everything into pieces. he
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sees four moves ahead. i heard you need responsible companions for your hike. stay away from me, comrade. konstantin kabetsky. this. we have never lost, is this an amulet? no, this is a device that helps you find your way, fellow jews, you need to get as far away from the camp as possible, a film by sergei ursulyak, i’m glad that we they broke away, left, we didn’t leave them, they are coming after us, righteous man, today on rtr. on the day of victory from the heroes of bygone times. they took the seventh grade school and went to the front, i have a lump in my throat, it’s a dark night,
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this holiday is good because it unites generations, songs from the bottom of my heart, a big holiday release, today on rtr, the sun will warm this world with its own, grew.
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bronsky, you recently received reinforcements, that’s right, a squad of 10 people, okay, look here, there are objects marked in this area, you need to look for a transmitter in them, suitcase type, it's my fault, comrade lieutenant colonel, there are these objects... like a fool, there are 55 candy wrappers, the replenishment is 18
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-year-old children, i could bring in a company, the devil we're sitting here without an attack, bronsky, we can't have a company, the mission is secret, you know, yes, well, okay, then act, i obey. to captain khrul with a report back, we carry out, bilma, forward, forward, forward, alan, forward, next, alan, come on, come on, well done, come to me, to me, that means it’s working, we’ll see. yes, katya, i wanted to say thank you for the album, listen to me carefully, something new every day
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i remember, i remembered a lot, go ahead, but no, somehow everything was in pieces, i forgive mayar, i remembered that with zhenya, masha we bought a stroller, i say, go ahead, i remember, the receiver broke, i soldered the lamps, and they also have a puppy they asked, i was working at a dog breeding school then, but okay. and i kept denying that this was happening to him, you don’t know, he received a letter from his mother, his brother died, the younger one, go ahead, well, i said, go ahead, come on, come on, yes, yes, yes, ah, well done, well done, well done, my good, my
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good, my good, well done, well done, it works, uh-huh, tell me honestly, purely theoretically, villama will be able to find a radio transmitter by smell, i think he can, well done! you see, everything is not so complicated, volodya, where are you going, volodya, we are looking for a suitcase -type transmitter, a column one at a time forward, come on, come on.
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comrade, commander, clean, good, let's line up. allow me to touch, lieutenant colonel, it's my fault,
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allow me to touch, lieutenant colonel, is that right? i've already entered, what do you want? well, to be honest, i wanted to ask how the search was going. petrov, listen, have you even heard about the secret one? oh, and about the fact that the lieutenant colonels in front they don’t report to majors, that’s right, you ’re too old. but in general, petrov, the search sucks, it sucks, but just imagine, a department of yellow-mouthed youths with 55 objects, you can use dogs, this transmitter
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is german se7412, there is such a suitcase made of special leather. which we don’t do, no, it’s impossible, you can’t attract your company, but you ’ve already attracted me, you, well, you and your head, if you were an agent, i still would n’t remember anything, okay, then you can use just me and one dog, your yellowhorns? one building is being searched for two or three hours, take it more, well, with a dog this time will be reduced significantly, it walked, sniffed, gave a signal whether it is there or not, you just need this transmitter itself so that the dog remembers the smell, well , well, we have as much of this stuff as we want, well, here we go when the germans fled,
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they abandoned so much of it, so as they say, take it and sniff it as much as you want, i would also... take it, i ’ll give you golikova, so that i don’t have any golikovs, you mean, none, her wilma is better, you then, well, well, what kind of upver agent is golikova, listen, petrov, have you forgotten the russian language, i said, no, no, and no, that’s it, comrade lieutenant colonel, she is the best.
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i also want to go to the forest, maybe we can go together, from...
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valod! volodya,
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you! yes, wow, where is captain sirota, handsome man, it’s me, captain sirota, oh, very good, that means i’m coming to you, deputy chief of staff of the division, mukhin. stepan sergeevich, i wish you good health, comrade colonel mukhin, i am a captain, with special powers, an orphan, what business are you on, you shouldn’t be doing this, captain, i’m sorry,
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i brought you a list of potential agents, here is everyone who could hear the plans command from november 1 to 7, this has been verified, who, exactly, was the battalion commander himself, and why did you bring it to me, and not... i brought it to the senior officer as soon as i received it myself, now it begins to seem to me that i am fighting with one enemy, and you, comrade captain, with special powers, fight with another, still in this form, all the best, would you like some tea? to me, next to me, so, next to, next to, well, i’m
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there, and you’re here, yeah, so, look, look, look.
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well, what do you have there? nothing, let's move on. well, blow to your front, romeo, romeo, thank you, let's quickly check out, oh! dogs already tired, maybe go home, there’s another abandoned building here, today we’ll work on everything,
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tomorrow the whole day in lenin’s freedom, mukhin told klyuev to make a list of those who could know something, our entire company is there, i didn’t tell you anything. and we’re taking my daughter to the city to see my grandmother, it’s more fun together, bilma, let’s go, let’s go to me and look for it.
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look, look, look, alan, smart girl, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, well done, captain golikov, here, i’m coming, yuma, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. let's go, what 's happened, let's go, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, well done, smart girl, stand there, wilman, it seems to be there,
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well done! boy, well done, i, there are no prints, i worked with gloves, he could have left a mark, comrade petrov was overlooked by negligence, as soon as the dogs started barking, you should have called us and not touched anything with your hands, it’s my fault, comrade captain, i checked footprints, besides their boots are size thirty-seven, apparently women's. well, do the motorcycle tracks, the women’s tracks, lead from the motorcycle? no, the motorcycle was standing on the grass, so the motorcyclist did not follow, here is a female 37, walking from the dirt road, the woman, apparently, was collecting pine cones, put the basket next to entrance and went inside, but also left on a motorcycle, because there is no return trace, comrade petrov, you are free, yes, alan, you will leave the ambush, comrade major, we will decide, go, just... if you do, i can
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restore everything , as it was, next, stand, proceed, there, comrade golikov, you are free, there, next, next, captain, wait, it seems like you have a second platoon commander, the khrul rides a captured motorcycle, that’s right, yes, that’s right. free, nearby!
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yuma is nearby, we need to warn the boss, and who wouldn’t mind, remember, they suspect him, which means there will be an interrogation, he is weak, drunk, he will sign anything, you have the letter that he received, you saw the devils in his mother, you know what and how you dare, we have been with you for 2 years. ok, how can you even think such a thing? katya, don’t interfere, they’ll figure it out without us, you know how they’ll figure it out, i’m sorry, but in the case of you they weren’t mistaken, that’s why it’s better not to interfere with them now. vilma,
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let's go, next, let's go, vilma, write what you did in the morning and where was the motorcycle? i mean , where should i write here, or what? of course you can hang it on the wall, but it’s better here, it’s funny. peter,
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how did it happen that no one has seen you since the morning, hmm, so, in your opinion, i owe it to my subordinates. comrade captain, i was drinking alone, i was hiding on purpose, well, yes, i understand your grief, my condolences, you saw the motorcycle, it’s standing still, and why are you all asking me, well, it’s standing, but was it standing? there during the day, we asked everyone who could see something, who doesn’t know anything, come on, vladimir, where did you go today during the day, i
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don’t remember, drive, get up. well, what do you think, don’t let him out, let him sleep it off on a binge, someone could have motorcycles you want to take it, went up to the body, took the keys, came and returned it. yes, as long as he wasn't faking his drinking to justify his absence. here is a list of all the women from the dog company. who have size thirty-seven feet, everyone is present in the arrangement, it seems like yes, comrade captain, what do you mean like? katya, we’re in an emergency,
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we don’t have a yulka. imposed on anyone? no, she was waiting for you, at verification they shouted for her, well, as usual, i think, you never know, maybe she asked you for time off, but didn’t tell me, and the special officer also came and asked everything on the spot, i she said that’s it, the little bunny went into the forest in the morning, so she volunteered to get the cones, uh-huh, don’t say
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that, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, well, volodinka, i hope you haven’t fixed your oil leak, luma, look, look, look, well done, well done, quiet, alan, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, oops, well done, come on, come on, come on,
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look, okay, look, look, well for who did i make this for? everything is correct, because a child should have one toy, alon, why can’t you fly, petrov, that’s it, don’t worry, he’ll fly, he’s small, good,
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zukh, well done, wait, wait, that means he was standing here, i’ll turn him around. i went back, well, just don’t find anything, vilma, trail, trail, what’s there, what’s there, come on, forward, forward, wilman, come on, forward!
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with a transmitter, well, volodya, i am writing to you in tears, your brother leva died a heroic death in the battles for the city of uzhgorod, please allow me, i contacted the personnel department of the fourth ukrainian front, a serviceman named lev khrul was among those killed near uzhgorod.
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while we have at least one chance that this is a zebra, in no case, senchenko, what that is, as a tip, i understood, three young days.
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someone, you say, someone, that’s right, you’re free, even the general, smersh’s special department was already looking for the agent, we already managed to find his transmitter, we can’t do all the work for smersh. they found mukhin late, it was late, that means they killed the dead, and
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from that day on the fighters had no vacations or leaves of absence, checks three times a day, all official movements were recorded, outside of duty, no one moved further than 100 m from their locations, so bye the line it won't be calculated their walls, they won’t put up, it’s clear, that’s right, they’re free, there are, yes, i’m listening, but they lived so well in the city, a little of good things. they say there were two squadrons of junkers, you would think that
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the three of us would have stopped them, but come on, the tent is also romantic. the fire beats in the cramped stove, the tar on the logs is like a tear, a hormone sings to me in the dugout, about your smile and eyes, the bushes whispered to me about you, it’s all snowy. under my brain, i want you to hear how my living voice yearns, hello, dad, hello, daughter,
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hello, immigrants, go have a smoke, yeah. about did you hear the bombings? let me think, we were removed from the position, on your orders, we were sent on duty at the airfield so that the three of us could fly out against two squadrons of junkers. no, i haven’t heard, you’re still joking, but somehow i’m not in the mood for jokes, it turns out the german knew the location of our anti-aircraft guns and flew around them, that’s the question , how did he know, well, what do we have to do with it, what, did you come
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here to look for a traitor? what do you want to say to this? i don’t want to say anything, but the day before yesterday you had a training flight, and it was all very clearly visible from above. katya, i told you that yulia and i found that policeman golikov, and yulia didn’t
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ask you, because she didn’t want to know anything, and i didn’t ask. i just immediately went to senchenko, but i was right, he really was my husband, and yulka, she, she just thought better of people than of him ... please forgive me, i understand everything, really, calmly, comrade
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, leave at ease, katya, i understand, it’s not the right time, but maybe you’ve had enough of the war, but well, it’s not for you, bye, thank you, makar, kuzmiche, sorry, daisy, yulka, yulka, yulka, marina, where is yulka, katya.
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oh, galya, hi, so, did the artist fly? did you make sketches during the flight? were these cards? what, what cards? what you? so, please, remove this, if this is some kind of games, galya, i’m not on this business. tablet, tablet on the table, there.
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that i’m not a wangok, and i’m not an artist, i’m not at all, he actually lived with a prostitute, but the thing is, that means i’m keeping the cartridges for myself, and you, keep it and don’t come here ever again, understand?
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and my darya is now pouring bullets beyond the urals, sniffed at the table, colonel, 3 years old brother, not every woman can stand it, how do you know, i mean... then if you haven’t seen it for 3 years, then a magpie, such a bird, knows everything, flies everywhere, quietly, hands. stand, run, run,
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i came to confess to us in the garden. please, it was a mistake, stupidity, you know, i’m 30, and i haven’t seen my husband since the beginning of the war, i don’t even know if he’s alive? here, well, well, like a girl, you see,
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i now understand that he specifically came at me at the market to meet me, and then he lied, he said, he was tormented into the sky, i dream of acting, the conversation just happened that way, she seemed to hint, but not... directly, but i said that i was dreaming about heaven, so i had to ask for it, i was so tense in the flight then, i remembered everything, but i’m just afraid of flying, but don’t tell her, hottsev, stop
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denying, you were caught red-handed. “she invited me there, well, i thought, she made up her mind, you understand that i invited him myself, for what, but you know, “i may be an unfaithful wife, but so that, like an animal, i had my service weapon with me, but i didn’t shoot because i didn’t understand who it was, what else besides you know the location of our anti-aircraft batteries, listen, natives, you have only one chance to save your worthless life, this is to cooperate, and what about the motorcyclist
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with the steering wheel there, well, it turned out inconvenient, during interrogation he said that his brother had a different last name, dialects, fathers are different, well, today the fourth ukrainian confirmed, lev dialects really died near uzhgorod, even the hero is presented posthumously, you will apologize there, although in general, of course, he himself is to blame, why drink like that, allow me, you, why, yegorich, you
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sit down, what? why are you doing this with khrul, with katya, you dig under them, poison something, look for something that you are looking for, that you want to find, they don’t sit in the rear, they don’t hide behind their backs, they shed their blood, and you are like blind, like wound up, like i know, yegorich, maybe i’m blind, or maybe you are too? it seems to you that i’m always sniffing for something, it’s strange, because i do the same
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work as your dogs. yes, dirty, yes , cruel, but necessary, and my work is just beginning, we won this war, it won’t be long, we won, and that’s good. of course, what do you doubt? no, i have no doubt, but they won’t forgive us for this victory, they won’t forgive us, yegor sanovich, that’s what’s scary, how they won’t forgive us, who? everyone, the whole
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world, wait, we, we are together, we are all together, we have liberated, saved, and this will not be forgiven, hitler walked through warsaw, walked through prague, walked through paris. in moscow, no. you hate us, so why are you responsible, because on the ruins of burning moscow we did not recognize the insolent will
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of the one under whom you trembled, because you toppled the abyss, the idol weighing over the kingdoms. our rabbit redeemed europe's freedom and honor and the world, pushkin, the smartest person, love, but you are more of a comb-eater. so what are we talking about, yes, they won’t forgive, now everything will calm down, but then,
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later, it’s clear water, right? they will raise entire generations who will turn history around, they will call your feat stupidity, golikova and her dogs are stupid, and they will invent traitors as freedom fighters, for the independence they understand. they will remember all the lowest and weakest, they will bring this light to light, they will build their righteousness on this, they
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will not forgive us a single mistake, they will turn everything on its head, look, egor, was it enough? one drop. this is what i work for. and your golikova squeak,
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katya, galya was there in the offices asking me to get away from us and support her. yes, of course, thank you, i don’t remember how many, i don’t remember how many friends i buried, girlfriends, a lot, yulka, she, we’ve been with her since the first day. when i came to the war, she had such joy, no matter what, and those red pigtails of hers,
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you know, she had a gift, she saw only the good in people.
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the earth rest in peace, let's go major. well, have you started to remember yourself? what? katyusha said that you started remember yourself? how? i also want to remember everything, where i was, who i saw? for what? they took everything from the agent. i don’t know how to explain it to you, i don’t remember a damn thing, but i definitely remember that i didn’t see the exit. i know this sounds kind of crazy. khrul, where did you get the moonshine? there's a guy at the market. okay, we need to go all the way from start to finish. maybe you'll remember something. good. the association should work, let's go,
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let's go with the association. i was definitely here, so by this tree,
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give them the steering wheel, remember where you went later, what you saw, who you saw? here he is to me came up, who came up, height, rank, what he said, what he did, comrade captain, what are you doing, it’s going to be hard for you tomorrow, it wasn’t a man, he wasn’t a man, he’s undergoing treatment. who
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smokes all the time, quickly, ksenchenko, i’m at the airfield, there! oksandka, where are you from? they brought me to a special place, they didn’t tell you, or what? i am no longer a flight commander, i am not reported. now i’ll help you with my fist, eh?
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he’s not a native, it’s her, we need to stop her, she’s the one who killed the yuzhka, from where, wait, kulakola, wait, yes.
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egor alexandrovich, attention to everyone who contacts me he hears, my name is helga konrad, i am an agent of abvir, i have been declassified, i am trying to go to my people on a soviet plane, i remembered everything, i ask permission to sit behind the front line, he is catching up.
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okay, i asked for it myself.
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stay calm, death is not scary, they could do it all.
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may 9, the main holiday in russia. exactly at 8 am our holiday channel will begin with the release of news. the victory day telethon starts in the studio of the rossiya tv channel. the whole country honors the heroes of the great war. everyone who fought on the front line, everyone who worked in the rear, everyone who brought closer this day, everyone. won. we wholeheartedly congratulate the veterans, their descendants and those who continue our glorious military traditions today. the whole country is watching live broadcasts, exclusive interviews and reports. at 10:00 am, big parade,
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live broadcast from red square. the whole country is watching the best russian films about the war. the legendary t-34, the spray has run out, we have enough for a century, for the first time on television there is a big film premiere of “the righteous”. and there is no other road to this derek, no. “the music of victory” will be played on the rossiya tv channel. once where you all over the country listen to it went out to.
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new russian cinema. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, is this already happening? nobody knows anything. alexander mikhailov. in short, you need to go there. this is war. kishchenko. you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you. brotherly he wrote down the missing person. no, that will not do. i came for him. i have to find him. nadezhda markina. looks a lot like him. tell him he doesn't have it.
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yes, allow me, comrade lieutenant colonel, come in, are you drunk, no, i ask you to listen to me, this is very important, come in and sit down. what do you have there? i just remembered, our detachment
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was sent to the rear, well, to find out the ways of supplying the germans with ammunition, to track the redeployment, in general, the usual task, but we discovered a new railway line there, which was not on our maps, to find out everything, we took the language, and then became. scary, good, before the war our scientists created a new poison, ten times stronger than anything that came before. sarin, a chemical warfare agent. there's a secret warehouse nearby, we're taking it there from germany, sarin shells, they say that
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a counter-offensive is planned the day after the anniversary of the beer punch. i'm even afraid to imagine how many casualties there will be if we use sarin. that's all he's talking about... but on the way back we came across the germans, they
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grabbed us with a death grip, killed the whole squad, apparently they realized that we had learned something, how are you there, and now the carp. chase, don’t waste your time on me, give me the coordinates , go away, no, don’t die, don’t die, karps, we don’t abandon our own, now, karps, now, bro, that's it.
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the transmitter and maps with coordinates probably remained under the rubble, but i came to you without memory. okay, i’ll inform the division headquarters now, you... hang around somewhere nearby, we’ll harass you, don’t put pressure on you, maybe you’ll remember something else, come on, free, for now, that’s it, cut, division headquarters , well, i’m still there last week,
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well done, worry, of course, right? katya, i remembered, i gave them a dog, to whom? where's dad? dad will come soon, let's wait. mashul, dad, i think there’s a backpack for you, come and look,
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dog, dog. here you go, here you go, his name is allen, we are sure that good specialists are needed at the front now, special companies are being created, orderlies, assemblies, well, take him there,
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he is a smart dog, he will be a good soldier, he won’t be without you. “i hate it, if i hadn’t given it to them, they wouldn’t have gone for a walk and would have lived, that’s why i left the dogs for reconnaissance, that’s why allan immediately recognized me, and if i hadn’t given it to them, that’s all here according to this exorin from our intelligence from the allies, if all that is this petrov of yours i remembered, didn't i?
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how many kilometers is the three-body from the front line? 50-60? we only have a few hours, perhaps. prepare your landing party, you need to find this warehouse and bomb it before the germans transfer this ammunition to the positions. bring petrov to them, let him tell you as accurately as possible what he remembers about it. warehouse, where is this railway line that his group found? guilty, why should petrov just tell me, i think it is necessary to send comrade petrov to this area at the same time, let him find our map, we must use every opportunity to prevent their strike, yes, i
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thought about it, now time plays a decisive role for us. it’s decided, let’s get started, send a group to the troykozovo area, and separately petrov, send immediately, it’s my fault, comrade general, allow me to lead, but you ’re to blame, klyuyev, you’re still to blame, you’ve got an abwehr agent on your chest, but i need you here. if we don’t have time to find the warehouse, then everyone is free, mukhin knew everything. “do you remember, there was no stamp on the document, i’m sure there was a second page, where about the death of your wife and
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daughters, and he is mitail, you know, valera, that i’m right, your petrov must cope, you sent him to certain death, i didn’t understand something, comrade lieutenant colonel, do you doubt your readiness?” “ to give up our soldiers your life for your homeland, not theirs, but yours, yes, what i have no doubt about is that you sent him there for a reason, but because golikova refused you.
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“i understand, you want to be pitied now, stroked behind the ear, not only pity, this is rubbish, this is the most useless feeling, we ’ve lost half the country of our loved ones, if they start burying you, then there won’t be any of us left at all?” and your golikovova also understands all this, but remains silent,
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because she dreams that you yourself will understand it all, digest it, and rush away to her on a white horse. and i, a rejected woman, i don’t need any of this. well, listen to me, then i ’ll tell you the truth, thank you, climb in, good morning, uh, dog,
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don’t blame us . , clearly, you know what i hate most, white gloves, when some people walk around and pretend that they are not like everyone else, but people, these are not knights, fairy tales, people are people, they must be appreciated for who they are. “if you still haven’t understood this, then you’re a fool, yes, your petrov
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has flown away, he’s unlikely to return, where did he fly off to, why won’t he come back, freeze, quietly, behind me, behind me, yalan, quietly, quietly, come on! gal, what did you even
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fly back on, you have fuel for a maximum of 3 minutes of flight, so i’m in the fort, didn’t you know, comrade captain, i’m no longer a captain, for us, captain, they’re waiting for you there, thank you. they told me that petrov flew away, which means you had to take him, where, and why come to me for secret information, comrade golikov, i am now a private, i don’t decide anything, stop it gal, and what mukhin said, petrov will not
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return. where, where did you take him? well, well, well, i’ll tell you what, you’ll run to save him, before you should have saved him, and not turned the bottom, well, yes, you would be yours. if they didn’t lie to the principles, i, i wouldn’t lie, you know why, because it’s not clear to not build yourself, that everything about yourself is so correct, footed, and that she came running, it’s already late, nearby, so, let’s, yeah, look, come on, alon, look, ah,
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well done, well done, so, that’s smart allan. alon, hey, to hell with you, yes, there are birches and volgas, i found a platform for birds, for sure. coordinates.
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urgently transmit the coordinates to the mortar crew. styopka, what's wrong with you, styopka, you're something else, now a fragment of that troll has hit you, styopka, styopka, styopka, alyonka.
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yes, who come in there, colonel, they asked to wake me up, petrov’s connection went out, okay, he’s free, shepeleev is there.
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allan, alan, come to me. called, what do you want, mukhin? i'm sorry yes, what about her body, what about her soul? and are you talking about
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golikova? about golikova, golikova, but you will never get a soul, not even a penny, don’t be offended, mykhina, you yourself know that very well. and if not, then what? and if not, then you are a complete fool. did you call me to insult me? i like you, mukhin. it seems to me that you and i are similar. you have no soul. i don't have it either. you had. i once stayed there at the grave of the little girl alyonka, don’t be surprised, mukhin, i know everything about everyone, but now we’re not talking about that, leave this
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girl, leave her, there’s war all around, forgive them their happiness, pass by. well, what if you don’t, will you take revenge? why, mukhin, why? why he? well, i can’t tell you that, people say there is love, it’s like a disease, a virus, or maybe just height and weight, hair color, eye shape, posture, strong-willed chin, well, all sorts of nonsense. you just don’t meet mukhin’s parameters, it’s too simple to retreat,
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you know, i can’t offer you a soul, but by occupying it, i can offer you a body. tomorrow i'm leaving for moscow, and you and i will never see each other. forgive me, dad, i'm trying to prove something to you i wanted that i was already an adult, i could decide everything myself, and now here i am with clean shoulder straps,
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and i brought you to the monastery, well, let’s say, for me, the decision has not yet been made, but of course, the scythe gave the blackbird, the commander’s daughter, but the order...... you don’t listen to the commander, how’s that? well, at the institute they explained to us that some children grow up like their parents blind, and some contrary, fathers and sons, have you read? no, but you know that when i was young i had no time for books. but i think i understand what you mean, jerk, you have no place in the army, you don’t live according to regulations, but, but, but
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you’re doing everything right, that’s what, who the hell knows how you do it all, huh? halon! alon, katya, he brought this, brendel, which means egor is alive, an hour later, at the airfield, and he, you’re smart, you’re great, boy, great!
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you must live, live, dad, live, where are you going? dad, i have to, but i’ll never forgive myself later , you understand, sit down, yes, sit down, i ’m telling you, you understand, we’re not in america, and this is not your personal plane, i... i understand, exactly that's why i came to you, although i could have just
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hijack him like last time, sit down, this is the salvation of a red army soldier, thanks to whom we, we destroyed, finally this damn training ground of theirs with these chemical weapons, he saved the whole front, you can send one plane after him, dad, you can, and if he’s dead... well, why should i risk you, why? i know where i dropped him off, i do, and i love him, dad. i’ll never forgive you either, dad. klyuev airfield, prepare
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for departure, plane, what, what, forty -third, what, he’s alive, thank you, dad. thank you, please give me the opportunity to leave for active army to the front, colonel mukhin.
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did you land right here? yes, right here, search, search, trace, search, let's go. shepeleev, i am a comrade colonel, where are we going? no way, i want to ride myself, like in childhood on horses, and arkashenko, and you, rest.
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arkasha, my mother called me that when i was a child. egor, egor, now, now, now.
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well, sit down, i’ll give you a ride, shurka, not a horse, no, a horse, yes, a fighter, a horse, water, fix the cart, report to me, eat, put, deuce, hop. wow, what's this on your cards? take it higher, willis! all,
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i'll come back for you, got it, unscrewed! what's happened? dad, i'm a pussy, comrade colonel, can we? well, of course you can.
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shura, shuura, don't move, colonel, comrade colonel, trouble, trouble there, it's mine, there, mine, mine is theirs, i told her, don't move, shurka, don't move, shurka, ah, mine, ah, comrade colonel , quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, just don’t fuss, but it’s better to stay here, oh,
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well, dear, my leg is tired, i’m here to write, and she knocked, dad said not to move, i’m going to die. "no one will die, we will all live happily ever after, now you can, my the leg will stand instead of yours, uh-huh, come on, like this, remove the leg, here, come on, come on, come on, remove the leg, like this, like this, like that, well. honey, now run to daddy, run, run, come on, come on, i’m here, i’ll stand,
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yeah, we, we’re behind the chaperones, styopa, styopa, styopa! and alyonka, styopa, styopa, let's go, let's go, read me a fairy tale about trolls. mirror.
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nest, swallow flies back five, how did you receive, welcome?
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well, welcome back, honey, the skating rink is there. and katya, katya, okay, tell larisa to fly after her, okay, okay, they’ll fly, ok, we will save them, we will save them, ok, quickly, come on, good, like you, i, i did everything right, dad, you, you did everything right, you’re smart, smart, oh , you always do everything right, right, well, let's go, let's go, come on, let's go. that dear, that i can’t feel my legs. are you
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injured? where where? it's nothing, dad. doctors, here, run, run, to me, it hurts, dad, what happened, everything will be fine. well, why, what, too much cow loss, verzhbitsky, verzhbitsky, why are you lying, and why are you, why are you lying, verzhbitsky, and no,
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no, no, no, no, no, no, no. danka, there is a comrade, a captain, i found her in the dovecote, she was married to this policeman, a marriage certificate.
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free, swallow, she left so that our... children could live,
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yes, but the past will remain with us forever, that’s right, forever. good, good morning, we greet you from the very heart of the capital, from where we will watch with you the preparations for the big
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parade that will take place on red street. we are starting our holiday tv channel victory day and first of all we want to congratulate everyone on our main holiday. before there are exactly 2 hours left for the start of the grandiose review of military equipment. our studio is located just hundreds of meters from the kremlin. on the roof of the national hotel, practically at bird's eye view. and from here we will see and show you the parade in all its colors and details. and don’t let the slightly un-may weather bother you. festive mood, this will not affect in any way. military equipment is already warming up its engines on tverskaya street, and aircraft are preparing to take off and head for red square. our correspondents are waiting in the stands for the main heroes of today's veterans. the news film crew will work for all these 2 hours in close proximity to the passage of the parade columns, so that the best angles
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are guaranteed. together with you we will remember what we were like. these 1418 days of the great patriotic war for our homeland, what price we paid for the victory, we will show how the great holiday is celebrated throughout the country, including in new regions of russia. as well as in the special operation zone, where our military personnel are carrying out combat missions right now, how is the mood of the soldiers there? officers. so, moscow, 8:2. military equipment, more than seventy units, had already lined up on the approaches to red square. from here you can see that the column stretched across half of tverskaya street. and directly, among the menacing machines, my colleagues, elena, have been working since early morning. yarofe and ainurakhmetov, here are the reports they have already filmed. the car was covered in snow like this on may 9th, of course it will melt by the time we get to red square, but you want it to be like going to a parade,
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beautiful and elegant. seeing a lens in a parade is like meeting an old comrade, with whom i recently traveled along the same front-line roads, not a battle-hardened special military officer. operations on this armored car, the wounded are transported from the front line to a field hospital. we became acquainted with the lens about a year ago in artyomovsk, the burned city was drowning in the smoke of fires, under heavy artillery fire it was shot right through. in one of the industrial garages, our paratroopers set up a first-aid post; lenses. and... there is only half a minute to save a person, or there are none, then it is no longer possible to save a person. it is important to snatch precious time from death, but it can be difficult to remove a wounded man from the front line under fire. in
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military medicine, there are unspoken rules about the golden hour. at this time it is advisable to meet. the sooner a fighter gets to the hospital, the higher the chances that he will not die or remain disabled. and then all the hope lies in this car. this. an armored car will not be penetrated by shrapnel, will not take small arms, the lens reliably protects and crew, doctors, if the wounded were loaded here, they will definitely be safely taken to the evacuation site. by the way, a military doctor once said that a 155-caliber nato shell exploded a few meters from the lens, the chassis was damaged by the body, everyone inside remained safe and sound, a good, reliable, maneuverable vehicle. lens' protected ambulances have special devices for healing the wounded from hatches, as well as shields for carrying people with spinal injuries. today lenza won't have to make a forced march to get away from
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crossfire. front mission. these military ambulances will drive along the cobblestones of red square. tanks, armored personnel carriers, and multiple launch rocket systems will not participate in today's parade; they are more needed on the battlefield. except, of course, the legendary one. ceremonial crews of modern technology. by the way, new models were presented today; my colleague, aidor valeakhmetov, got acquainted with one of them, the phoenix car, over to him. preparations for the parade begin 8 hours before the start of the early morning. temporary deployment site for equipment in the moscow region. mechanics now they are putting the finishing touches on, preparing their iron horses. our film crew is driving this phoenix armored car. this is one of the new items of the parade. armored vehicles are assembled at the kamaz base. no preparation. phoenixes capable of crossing fords. its streamlined body with anti-mine protection
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will become an obstacle to armor-piercing bullets of 7.62 caliber and large fragmentation shells. the machines have already proven themselves in the zone. we are moving out of the training ground. we burst into the silence of the still sleeping streets of the capital as part of a loud mechanized force. columns our armored car phoenix is ​​participating in the parade for the first time and takes pride of place in the middle, with tigers in front of armored personnel carriers and missile launchers behind, but phoenix will enter red square in the lead group. passing wide avenues and multi-level interchanges, the column, which is a little more than sixty cars, moves in the direction of red square. here, both the debutants of last year's parade and historical examples, there were some new items. we are traveling together with ambulances. lens. the speed of the convoy in open areas reaches up to 40 km/h, but the crew tries not to rush. here it is important to keep a distance closer to the red square. speeds
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will still be reduced. the crews prepared for this day for almost 3 months, having traveled about 600 km at the training ground. now they are demonstrating their skills on the roads of moscow. and here is the finishing line on tverskaya street. we can observe how around the perimeter. there are road closures and the first spectators are already starting to arrive. on tverskaya we occupy a parade squad in several rows. the last meters of the journey. and the speed is already minimal, here it is, red square, just a stone’s throw away, literally several hundred meters, now connections manezhnaya square is the center of the capital and the point from where military equipment will enter red square, a mechanized column of over seventy units, including historical models and new items, the entire range of domestic armored vehicles, all these combat vehicles right now our colleague olga is observing. olya, hello, happy victory day,
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how close are you to the route of the equipment and what do you see? yes, tatyana, hello, well, first things first, kind, albeit very cool morning, by the way, the weather in moscow has been like this on may 9 for several years in a row, snow fell the day before, there were frosts at night, however, now we see the sky is clearing, the sun comes out periodically, and this makes the mood a little warmer and more joyful, everything is ready, but here we are presidential press secretary dmitry peskov spoke about whether such weather will affect the celebration in an interview with my colleague pavel zarubin. i suggest you listen, judging by the forecast, the weather will indeed be quite abnormal, but this will not affect it in any way, we hope. uh for ours
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for the military, the weather has never been and is not an obstacle, but for those who will be in the stands, well, blankets will be distributed, people will change their clothes, dress warmer, but the weather will not be an obstacle for everyone, well, because after all 9 may is the most important holiday in our country, so it’s not the weather, that’s not the main thing. well, now let’s show you in more detail and tell you exactly where our film crew works. this is truly manege square, one of the most advantageous points, because it is from here that we can seeing military equipment at a distance of literally a few meters is closer, even than from the tribunes on red square, so this is actually behind the scenes of the parade, behind the scenes also because - here, by the way, this is an interesting moment, there is a little more equipment on the manege square, than stated for participation in the parade. in total, it is known that 61 combat units will cross the red square...
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in total there are about seventy equipment, here we see multi-purpose vehicles from the urals and highly protected tigers, this is what is called reserve equipment, that is, backup equipment, which the main role is most often never given, this equipment must be here for the need for replacement, if such a need suddenly arises, the crew of these combat vehicles must work... so quickly that no one notices the replacement, and indeed the preparation here is exactly the same, as if these machines are the main ones in the sun, you can even see how the armor of these combat vehicles shines, this preparation, it does not stop for a minute, as you can see, the mechanics clean, rub the equipment to a shine, finish washing, soap it again, well, because having reached manezh square, the equipment has probably become a little less shiny and shining, so the crew
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of combat vehicles continue to prepare the equipment for the parade, however, all these shortcomings are noticeable only to the fighters, but it seems to us that everything is perfect, it’s difficult to even imagine what concentration of emotions is now the military, how worried they are, how worried they are, because really on such an important and significant day everything should be perfect, and there is no doubt that this will be the case, but here we will really see this most spectacular part of the parade behind the scenes, yes, beyond... red square on the manezhnaya square, all the combat units will pass by us, and of course, so far there are no commands to start, it will only come at the moment when the first foot crews will walk along the paving stones of red square, while here on the manezhnaya square such a solemn silence reigned, and it’s amazing, in moscow it seems to me that this happens only once a year, when the city becomes quiet, everything around falls silent, everyone is waiting, well, because the place is so
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special, indeed, we are looking forward to the parade, all the most interesting we'll see the angles here on manege square, colleagues, olga, thank you for the large number of interesting details and details on manege square, from where a column of armored vehicles will very soon begin to move, olga armyakova is working. of course, donbass celebrates victory day with very special feelings for the very opportunity to congratulate on may 9 and wear the st. george ribbon. residents of the dpr had to pay a considerable price. the republic remembers the feat of those who liberated their land during the great patriotic war. they restore monuments and visit veterans. and, of course, they do everything for the front, for those who are now. on the front line from donetsk our military correspondent pavel prokopenko is in direct contact. pavel, hello, happy holiday to you, what is the atmosphere now in the capital of donbass? good holiday morning, colleagues, you are greeted by the unconquered heroic donbass, donetsk
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is buried in flowers, flags, st. george ribbons, everything here is done to make the holiday feel like this right on the street. in this phrase, victory day is here. everyone puts their own deep sacred meaning. the historical parallels are obvious: donbass has been fighting for the right to exist for 10 years. people defended the opportunity to speak russian, to simply be on their own land. the victory day of 1945 is remembered here, so are the veterans, we met with them, we will show them to you and tell you about them in our story, which is planned for today, but at the same time, everyone here is waiting for a new victory day. victory over neo-nazism, here will be a second victory, the fact that we will live peacefully, and it was not like today, you see, how beautiful, it will be like this all the time, of course, i’m waiting for the second day victory, because i myself am not from donetsk, i’m waiting for them to be released and immediately
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move back home, from where, if it’s not a secret, well, to the ukrainian-marinsky district, we want to go to the sanbek memorial, we want to honor the victory banner that was erected over reistag memory of our... residents of liberated towns and villages will be able to take to the streets with st. george's ribbons and celebrate victory day today; an eternal flame was lit in liberated avdievka, when was the last time something like this happened there and they will not remember, a memorial has also been opened in avdeevka under the name of a soldier's feat, connected by time, the monument was erected by the forces of the soldiers of the central group of troops, called.
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memorials to the legendary t-34 tank and zis-3 cannon. an important figure: in the donetsk people's republic, by victory day , more than 500 such monuments had been put in order. there are no big celebrations planned today, after all, this is a safety measure, but instead of one big parade, several, a little more modest, but for each veteran, have already taken place. vasily berzhkov fought on the kursk bulge. now writes memoirs on victory day, as well. we congratulated the veteran on his centenary anniversary right at home, we thank you for your great feat and wish you health and happiness. yes, pavel,
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thank you, our military correspondent, pavel prokopenko, about how the day of the great victory is celebrated in donetsk. the mood at the front today is high; of course, no one will cancel combat missions. constantly, now the crew is sent to targets for heavy flamethrower systems and the next combat mission arrives. closer to the morning, just before
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dawn, he goes to firing positions rocket artillery of the 85th brigade of the southern group of forces. happy victory day. multiple launch rocket system, which is. then the very weapon of victory of the legendary katyusha brings down a real barrage of fire on the fortified area of ​​the modern nazi regime. with the first rays of sun, the crew of combat vehicles go to reliable camouflaged shelters, where military personnel will prepare them for the next task, each of which brings our common victory closer, but the one that our ancestors won 79 years ago is not forgotten here. this is a very bright holiday, with i remember him from childhood. victory day is victory over fascism, victory over that disaster. which was over our country in 1941–1945, history repeats itself, and we must complete it with dignity with the same bright victory. sappers of the international mine action center of the russian armed forces, in their free time from... performing tasks, which they practically do not have in the liberated territories, over the past months
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have been restoring a memorial in memory of the residents of one of the villages of the republic who died at the front during the great patriotic war. driving past, we noticed this monument, it was necessary to put our hands on this monument, that is, it was in normal condition, but there were a few household items missing, so the medical staff on the way back, returning to perform tasks, came here little by little to carry out repair work. the hero of russia, colonel rustam saifulin, came to lay flowers at the monument. many settlements that were occupied by the armed forces of ukraine by the nazis, when communicating with civilians, civilians, did not provide the opportunity to restore memory, restore monuments to soldiers and officers of the great patriotic war. now there is such an opportunity, as populated areas are liberated, soldiers and officers also restore their memory. and of course. on the eve of the holiday , military personnel visited all the veterans of the great patriotic war, of whom ,
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unfortunately, only 88 people remained alive on the territory of the lugansk people's republic. he went to the front in 1942, fought on the voronezh and leningrad fronts, took part in the liberation of poland and the storming of berlin, sergeant ivan fedorovich olenin with on the anniversary of the victory, members of the young army, the commandant's office and the orchestra of the second army corps came to congratulate. thank you, thank you. the guys who came to congratulate the old soldier, i ’m in my hundredth year, i’m glad that the continuity of generations exists here, new patriots of our homeland live and grow, i see them, here they stand, from small to adult people, ready... . to the work and defense of our homeland, this makes me happy, the threat from
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the kiev regime certainly made its own adjustments to the celebration of the 79th anniversary of the great victory in the lugansk people's republic. republic, there will be no parades here, memorial events have acquired other forms that do not involve large crowds of people, but we can say with confidence that every resident of donbass will celebrate this memorable day. mikhail andronik, lead. the more severe the defeat at the front, the more fiercely the ukrainian militants hit civilians; at night in asa they hit residential areas of belgorod, there were direct hits on apartment buildings and cars. by this minute, eight were wounded, including a child. the victims are now receiving all the necessary assistance. about consequences of another terrorist attack on the ukrainian armed forces. alexander rivunov. three times a night in belgorod. warnings came from the ministry of emergency situations about the missile danger. at exactly 4:00 am
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the townspeople were awakened by the canonade. the air defense system worked against ukrainian missiles. the ukrainian armed forces again attacked peaceful neighborhoods. most of the enemy missiles were shot down while approaching the city. some of the explosive fragments fell on residential buildings in a residential area of ​​belgorod. the car caught fire from flying fragments in the courtyards. they're still spilling. burnt remains of cars, several dozens of cars were damaged by the blast wave, windows in nearby high-rise buildings were broken. this time there were no casualties, but four people with shrapnel wounds were taken by ambulance teams to city hospitals, including children. anna cut her hand with shards of glass, and she woke up to the sound of the window frame cracking. the shell detonated near her apartment. we woke up from an explosion, glass fell onto the bed. glass, it turns out, well, i slightly hurt my hand, but in principle, the places where the ukrainian missiles fell were uncoupled,
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explosive experts and representatives of law enforcement agencies are working. rescuers are eliminating the consequences of this attack, dismantling the collapse of the walls. all arrival sites were also inspected by the regional governor, vyacheslav glodkov. four people with shrapnel wounds to various parts of the body were taken by ambulance teams to city hospital number two in belgorod. all necessary assistance is provided. an eleven-year-old girl with shrapnel wounds to her left foot was taken. the women managed to run away from the windows, strong explosions were very, very recorded
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damage in the suburbs of belgorod, the region's utility services are already involved in eliminating the consequences. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. news belgorod region. well, in ukraine, the memory of the great patriotic war is being consistently eradicated. victory day on may 9 was canceled there; instead, zelensky established may 8, a day of remembrance and victory over nazism in the second world war. and today in kiev they celebrate europe day together with the european union, which the kiev regime is so striving for. this date coincides with the events of the fiftieth year, when the european coal and steel community was created, which actually marked the beginning. and now we are transported to the intercession cathedral, from where the whole red square is at a glance.
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it is in the direction of the cathedral that foot columns of military personnel will move in ceremonial formations. my colleague dmitry kaistra will also go in the same direction with direct communication equipment. so, dmitry, happy holiday to you on may 9, there is very little time left before the start of the parade, over to you. hello, evgeny, hello, colleagues, you know, here indeed, the intercession cathedral is the very point, as you correctly said, from where the entire red square is clearly visible. but you know what the peculiarity of this place is, we don’t tell you this every time, but if you look at red square very carefully now, then somewhere from the transverse axis, which is from the senate tower to gum, this is such a golden ratio of red square, that is, where it makes such a hill, yes, and you know, in ancient russian this place was called in anger, why am i talking about i’m telling you this, the fact is that when the ceremonial crews, when the equipment passes through this place, here it will fall into the focus of our television cameras, and you, our tv viewers of the russian tv channel will see the most
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amazing, most spectacular plans, this is the same visual the effect that gives... the maximum optical effect, you know, really those amazing shots that make the whole parade, that's why we are here, we will tell it all carefully, keep an eye on it, but as for what now is happening on red square, it is no longer empty, the first military personnel of the parade squads are already beginning to arrive here, although to be honest, they have not gathered here yet, but we see how some of the stands are filled, very soon the first military personnel will appear here, you know, here we always begin our roll call at... from all points along which both military equipment and foot crews will follow by emphasizing silence, that silence that is always a symbol of the ceremonial silence of may 1945, when after 4 difficult years four years of war, this long-awaited silence finally came, this lilac snow today next to the pokrovsky cathedrals, it
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was, you know, like silence, a minute of silence of nature in memory of all the fallen, those who did not make it to this... victory and those who brought this victory to all of us, so that now we stand here together on red square and remember this event, amazing in its significance in its significance in its internal features, you know, ceremonial calculations, they will of course all move from the historical museum along this line with the overshadowing hand, as we always say, of citizen minin, at the intercession cathedral, why at the intercession cathedral, because everything here is filled with truly enormous symbolic meaning, before... all the cathedrals that were built on red square, they were all military and dedicated to the victories of russian weapons, today we will remember this again and tell you, our tv viewer, we are following the events from here from the intercession cathedral, my colleague dmitry kaystora works at the intercession cathedral, happy holiday. they remember and honor history in china; the immortal regiment event in beijing
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is becoming more and more popular every year. hundreds of people gathered on the territory of the russian embassy today, they... in tokyo, russian diplomats laid flowers at the grave of the legendary intelligence officer richard sorge. 1418 candles. in memory of every day of the great patriotic war, the residents of chisinau lit it. the memorial event took place at the eternity memorial, as well as at the monument to komsomol heroes, despite pressure from local authorities. 2 years ago moldavian president maia sandu approved a law according to
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which people should be fined for wearing st. george's ribbons. the feat of the soviet people. patriotic war is remembered in african countries, the immortal regiment was held at the embassy of ghana, kenya and ethiopia. ethiopian cadets who are studying russian wrote congratulations on the holiday. victory for russian fighters who are now on the front line. well, now we are transported to the kremlin embankment. a fireworks division is currently being deployed there, which will be used for an important military ritual, festive salvos. 18 guns, by the way, model 1942, will provide loud artillery accompaniment to the anthem of the russian federation, which will sound during the victory parade. and in the evening, these same crews will arrange a spectacular fireworks display. and our marina gromova comes into direct contact with the main pyrotechnic site. marina, happy holiday to you, tell us what kind of guns these are, what their history is, and how the
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preparation process generally goes, what does it consist of? good morning, colleagues, happy holiday to you, happy great victory day, the preparation process is not stops, as you can see, the guns of 18 zis-3 guns are lined up as if on a ruler, and the fighters are perfecting their movements, because everything needs to be done. with incredible synchronicity, with the wave of a flag, the first part, the first half of the battery is charging, the second half of the battery is firing, the gun is a legendary gun, the most popular weapon of the great patriotic war, legendary because the history of their creation is legendary, they are from the 1942 model , these are the same guns that you now see on your screens, they are participants in the great patriotic war, i want to draw your attention, the operator will now show you, this is... we are traces of bloody battles, which are carefully patched up like this, because right here you can see evidence of the battles
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that took place throughout the country, fierce battles, 18 zis3 weapons, as i already said, and not the 1942 model, designer vasily gavrilovich grabin produced their plant number 92, the plant named after stalin, hence the name zis3. moreover, they appeared already at the height of the war, and vasily grabin showed this weapon to comrade stalin, and stalin called them a masterpiece, well, he made one clarification, raise the armor by three fingers, so that the soldiers would feel even more secure, i have in my hands a unique document, this is a modern cover, but this is a document from the year 1943, this is the second gun, so i would like to show one interesting point, which...
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the whole country notes without exaggeration. military parades are held by seven cities of heroes and 18 cities where military headquarters are based districts, fleets and combined arms armies. now
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let's move to the urals. at these moments, a military parade is taking place in yekaterinburg along 1905 street . units of the yekaterinburg garrison march in a solemn march. in total there are more than 2.0 fighters and 45 units of equipment. and now our correspondent albert musin is in direct contact. what warms us most is that the parade took place, the parade is going on right now, the parade squads on foot just passed us, now in the distance we see a mechanized column approaching us,
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at the head of which is our legendary ural victory tank t-34, now we hear the orchestra greeting him, during this time we were here even before the start of the parade, watching several of these very touching moments at once while still preparing one. admitted that they themselves would be very happy to walk along this square, although the heroes are already 99 years old, one of the veterans is 101 years old, but they are ready to march here even now, now we see how the column is approaching us, well, i think , that we will show all this in detail, tell you about old equipment, and about new items, something that has never been seen in our parade crews, colleagues, albert, thank you, albert
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musin is watching the military parade in yekaterinburg. well, the first to see the parades were residents of the far east. more than one and a half thousand military personnel, many of whom are descendants of pacific soldiers, marched under the central street of vladivostok. afterwards, a column of military equipment of almost 40 units passed, from the legendary t-34 tanks to modern iskander operational-tactical missile systems, which capable of carrying nuclear weapons.
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in st. petersburg, the final preparations are planned for a fireworks display at the peter and paul fortress in the evening; the festive procession will also take place in volgograd, which during the war was called stalingrad; more than a thousand military cadets, cadets and young army men will parade through the main square of the fallen fighters. spectators will also see equipment; the column will be led by the symbol of the great russian legendary tank t-34. victory day is celebrated on a huge scale and... there is a big festive parade in brest from belarus, a report by anastasia sakhovskaya.
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blooming brest during the parade in this special anniversary year for the country of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, a military march takes place in the border area, where from the first minutes they believed in our victory, those to whom we are indebted lead the formation, these bases are prepared for veterans, in the column as modern models of weapons, and retro technology. victory combat vehicle, soviet heavy tank, is family. for the first time , this example of military equipment was at the allied parade in defeated berlin in 1945. the national flag is carried behind him quadcopter. modern conflicts have in many ways become.
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not strategic in parade formation the entire brest garrison, border guards, the route along the main streets to the citadel, the only one awarded the highest degree of distinction, the hero fortress, there are many tourists here all year round, but on may days there are up to 30 thousand people on the ceremonial square at the eternal flame , entire families in military uniform, with st. george ribbons, a belarusian boutonniere with apple blossoms, at granite slabs on the alleys of the cities of heroes, wreaths where the flags of our countries are woven, common history and a common victory, here it seems that all regions of belarus are half of russia, here are tourists from rostov- on-don. as soon as everyone gets here, visits, and we believe that it is on may 9 that one should come here, a feeling of gratitude immediately permeates, yes, right to tears, immediately after the parade the procession will begin to move, belarus remembers, this is an analogue of our immortal regiment. the column will march through the star, the main entrance to the brest fortress, and in the evening there will be a colorful fireworks display in the peaceful sky of brest. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander alexandrovna,
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saleg peletsky, vlada makarovich. lead: hero fortress of brest. so, there is less than an hour and a half left before the main parade of the country. military equipment has already lined up on the approaches to red square, more than 70 units in total. the column will include dozens of samples of historical modern weapons, then how military vehicles moved around the capital and what reaction they evoked from residents and guests of moscow , as our colleague yaroslav krasienko observed. this is the very moment when the silence of early moscow. the morning is literally torn apart by the noise of the engines of powerful cars, armored cars have already passed behind it, missile launchers, now to feel all this strength, all this power, people come here with whole families.
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and again the connection is manezhnaya square, the very point in the center of the capital from where military equipment will begin its ceremonial movement to red square. and now our colleague olga armyakova is in touch again. olga, greetings, happy holiday, of course, so now, how close are you to the route and what can you actually see? yes, colleagues, hello, happy holiday. well, really, this is behind the scenes of the parade, as i already said, here we can see the equipment. at a distance of literally a few meters in all its glory, but here are what are called backup samples, so-called backups, who will come for backup if necessary, but nevertheless, the preparation here is the same as if this technique were the main one,
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now the operator will be able to show you a little closer, how these cars are prepared, polished, rubbed to shine, because indeed on this solemn day, on this sacred holiday for the entire country, everything should be perfect, but... i remember that 61 combat battles will pass along the gauntlet of red square unit of equipment and many people wonder: is it a lot or a little. well, having compared the statistics of parades for a non-anniversary date, and let me remind you, we are celebrating the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, this is the optimal amount of equipment , all types of weapons will be presented one way or another, and this is perhaps unthinkable, not for just one army in the world , but russian every year so far... new products from rosoboronprom, there will be them this year too, which ones, we’ll find out in a few hours during the parade what will happen along red square, but for now there really is such preparation here, silence, the start command will only come at
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the moment when the first calculations go along the paving stones of red square, so until this moment everything here calms down, freezes, and for moscow this is probably , so unthinkable, but nevertheless... solemn, important silence, but as for technology, indeed, as you know, he will lead the column of the legendary t-34, then all the other models of equipment will follow, and this is such a connection history, here the past and present are intertwined into a single whole, and indeed, this parade of ours is gratitude, endless memory to those who went to war and never returned. this, of course, is pride for the veterans who will celebrate this day with us today. and this is also incredible support and gratitude to those fighters who are right now defending the interests of russia in the zone of a special military
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operation, who perform feats every day, every minute. and of course, it is important that the fighters, our heroes, feel our support. well, may 9 is a truly amazing day, as you can see. and from the mood is more joyful, more solemn, happy holiday. yes, olga, thank you, we are waiting for the start command on manege square, olga armyakova is actually working behind the scenes of the parade, from where a column of armored vehicles will begin moving very soon. the moment is getting closer and closer when the smyrna parade command will sound over red square, at exactly 10:00 am, our channel will begin live broadcasting of the main event of the day, the victory parade. our cameras. installed at dozens of points along the entire route of movement of parade crews and military equipment, so spectators russian tv channel will be able to see everything down to the smallest detail: thousands of military personnel... dozens of pieces of military equipment and in the stands, of course, the main characters
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of this day, this great holiday, of course, veterans, the most successful angles, the most touching and exciting moments, you all you’ll see it on our tv channel, don’t go anywhere, it’s a big film premiere. if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the rank. alexander yatsenko. now only the soviet fish people can save them, others are not here. evgeniy tkachuk. i am a fort, me definitely won't kill you. i will be with you until the end of my life. fyodor dobronravov will calculate everything, calculate everything, put everything into order. he sees four moves ahead. sergey makovetsky. i heard you need responsible companions for your hike. get away from me, comrade kaselev. konstantin kabensky. but save this. wow, remember, we never
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lost this, this is a muletite? no, this is a device that finds the way, comrades jews, we need to get as far away from the camp as possible, a film by sergei ursulyak, i’m glad that we broke away, left, we didn’t leave them, they are coming after us, righteous man, today on rtr, thank you. thank you, while our memory is alive, thank you to all veterans, thank you to the heroes of the front and rear, thank you to the great generation of winners, let’s bow to those great years while these songs are heard, dark night, we are invincible, only bullets will bring down the steppe.
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katyusha went ashore, on a high bank, on a steep one, happy holiday, dear friends, happy victory day, a big festive concert dedicated to victory day, today on rtr. and now all attention is on tverskaya street, where military equipment has stood waiting for the command, armored personnel carriers, armored cars, tanks and missile systems. very soon the cars will move forward to drive in ceremonial columns along the paving stones of red square. our correspondent ainur valiakhmetov is next to the cars, and he is now going live . ainor, i greet you on the holiday, of course, on victory day, but tell us how
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the crews are preparing their equipment right now? evgenia, good morning, happy holiday of the great victory, we are having our last preparatory event on tverskaya street before going to red square, the crews are polishing it up, paying attention to literally every detail, while one group of military personnel polishes the wheels, another. pays attention to the body, and all attention is paid, of course, to the right side of the equipment, precisely from this view, and it is precisely the equipment that guests and veterans will see on red square; in general, the mechanized column arrived here at 7:00 in the morning, now it is literally stretched out several kilometers along tverskaya street and the distance between cars now reaches about 60 m, but at the moment when the equipment enters red square, the distance will be exactly 12 m. let’s also pay attention to the asphalt, there are temporary yellow markings, this is a small
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hint for driver mechanics to achieve this perfect synchronization in the column in total, over sixty-one pieces of equipment open the parade, of course, the legendary t-34 tank, by the way, this is the only equipment that did not arrive here under its own power, it was brought on a trailer, then came armored personnel carriers, then came tigers m in the second wave... just - this is new the parade includes an armored personnel carrier, as well as a lens special medical protection vehicle, and of course , last year’s new items are participating in the colony, this is the akhmat fpk ural special vehicle, and of course the s-400 triumph, iskander m missile systems and the country’s legendary nuclear shield, yars, close the list. of course, this is not the entire military potential of the country’s army, after all. the main part of the equipment is now in the zone, and
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of course, the equipment, a mechanized column will enter red square around 10:40 minutes. but here to red square, here literally a few hundred meters, colleagues, ainur, thank you, our correspondent ainur valiakhmetov spoke about the latest preparations of the column of military equipment for the parade, it’s already a little over an hour before the parade. so, of course, millions of people are now waiting for military equipment to pass through red square. combat vehicles have always been the glory and pride of our defense, thousands of designers and engineers. gunsmiths, workers. domestic equipment did not let the military down either during the great patriotic war or now in the special operation zone. the special pride of our defense industry is operational-tactical missile system iskander m. it is capable of hitting targets in a matter of minutes. the preparation time for a strike has been reduced thanks to digital systems.
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iskander is not afraid of any means for electronic warfare. and it is almost impossible to intercept a missile. there are no analogues to such technology in the world. another formidable weapon is the s400 anti-aircraft missile system. triumph, all its systems are developed on the basis of the latest technologies, and the elements of combat work, target detection, launch, capture, and destruction are automated. the complex was successful carries out tasks even with strong enemy electronic countermeasures. we will be following the progress of the yars missile systems with interest. this is one of the most important components of the domestic nuclear triad. fifth generation systems are capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 12,000 km. and this is only part of the technology that is to be seen today. about modern combat vehicles and their use from the front line alexander katsuba soldiers of the motorized rifle brigade of the guards tank army of the west group of forces storm the positions of ukrainian neo-nazis. ptr-82 is a fire support combat vehicle for our infantry. a thirty-millimeter
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automatic cannon destroys any barriers. with armor protection, our newest armored personnel carrier, the first assistant on the front line, is used in offensive operations, as well as in transporting operational groups, we also deliver ammunition, food needs, and of course we work with our wonderful 30 mm cannon. everything in the cabin, down to the smallest detail, is for effective combat work. inside our newest armored personnel carrier, there's room for an entire infantry squad, a crew of three and... six attack aircraft are going on a combat mission. formidable weapons and modern guidance systems of the btr-82a allow the crew to hit the enemy day and night, regardless of the weather. the enemy moves and hides. we look for it, aim it, find it, destroy it. and this is the know-how of a special military operation.
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additional protection for a combat vehicle, a mandatory safety element on the front line. these are the metal bars. against the enemy’s cumulative shells, well, this structure made of a camouflage net and iron slats is called a barbecue, very an effective remedy against enemy kamikaze drones, and this is the lifeline of the frontline, the ambulance armored vehicle lens flies to the rescue. just the other day we had a case where we simultaneously evacuated 19 wounded servicemen from an evacuation point. to any rescue. operations often seconds decide everything, we have a system, two inverters cost 2 kw, we connect artificial lung ventilation devices, those military cases that cannot be evacuated on independent breathing, an anesthesiologist, accompanied by him, works here during the evacuation. the impressively sized lens is reliable and easy to operate;
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the soft suspension of the machine allows our military doctors to take the wounded out of the most dangerous areas. ambulance armored vehicle. equipped with the latest technology, the armor reliably protects against shrapnel, tires on the wheels with armored inserts, and the medical module can freely evacuate up to ten of our wounded soldiers from the front line, the car is reliable, when the y point breaks literally at 8 m, the car withstood the impact, is active using the latest weapons armored vehicles, our fighters continue to develop the offensive along the entire front line. alexander katsub, alexander malyshev, news, special military operation zone. and also about the situation in the special operation zone. su-25 attack aircraft of the russian aerospace forces destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group of forces. it was hit by unguided aircraft missiles, in just the past 24 hours by operational-tactical aviation,
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missile forces and artillery; according to the ministry of defense, 113 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces were hit. now on our war correspondent nikolai dolgachev is in direct contact with the studio. kolya, hello, what is the current situation on the contact line in your sector of the front, and how is victory day celebrated in lugansk? yes, hello, tatyana, hello, colleagues, happy victory day, now on the front line, our units, units of the russian army, are conducting offensive combat operations, several strongholds in the seversky direction have been recaptured, but despite the intense fighting in the front- line areas luhansk region celebrates the day victories, and some very large public events of a general parade are not held for obvious reasons regarding security issues, but... there are a lot of local events, car rallies, convoys of cars driving through populated areas with flags, in the courtyards where veterans live,
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personal parades, congratulations to veterans of the great patriotic war, modern military personnel and members of youth organizations; the day before , the immortal regiment event took place in many schools; students came to classes with photographs of their ancestors, who fought in the great patriotic war, as well as at memorials, now... at almost all memorials in the luhansk region , flowers are laid, so as part of the fire of the memory of the popular front campaign, we brought to the luhansk region a particle of fire from the kremlin wall from the alexander garden of the answering fire at the tomb of the unknown soldier , and this fire is now lit at many memorials in the lugansk region and other regions of russia. in addition, of course, units are now on intensive duty. victory day is a holiday
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which here is filled with special meaning, confidence in a new victory, and here this holiday is celebrated by almost every family with a great, deep feeling in the heart. colleagues, thank you nikolai, our colleague, war correspondent, nikolai dolgachev from lugansk. the upcoming parade is a great joy for everyone who is lucky enough to be in the stands. these are veterans of the great patriotic war, and those who are now fighting at the front as part of a special military operation. among them are two heroes of russia, boris dudko and artur orlov. thanks to their dedication, courage, russian troops have achieved serious successes on the front line. we were able to talk to the officers shortly before the holiday. they walk together along the corridors of the armed forces academy, discussing the festive parade. and of course, the combat missions that had to be solved on the front line, everyone was awarded the star of the hero of russia. arthur orlov was the commander of a tank
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battalion. the task was set to introduce offensive actions along road directions, liberate a populated area, gain a foothold, and provide others with the opportunity other units and detachments to complete the further task. because of the fog, it was impossible to use either artillery or aviation; we walked blindly and found ourselves under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. but in the end , orlov actually deceived the enemy.
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syria, also commanded a tank battalion in another hero, boris dudko, he also passed through the zone of the northern military district. we were given the task of capturing two fortified areas. as a result, we did not suffer any loss in people or personnel . for boris dudko, this is the first victory parade on red square. arthur orlov year walked back in full force. emotions are overwhelmed by the sound from under the boots, this very paving stone, here we must give our due, this is power, this is the strength of spirit, these are all
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sacred places. the tasks at the front are not easy , officers say, but the personnel cope, and the equipment does not fail, new ones are constantly arriving. i started fighting with the t-72 b3, now we are fighting with the t-90 breakthrough. are you happy with the car? yes yes yes. she shows herself on the good side, the heroes talk about the front lines, they always thought about their grandparents who went through a great domestic. my grandmother was at the factory from the age of 13, she worked at the factory, my grandfather, he was a private, he rose to the rank of sergeant, but he was a driver all his life, our great-grandfathers and grandfathers who fought, yes, died during the great patriotic war, we do not have the right to simply disgrace their part, and they will not disgrace, they
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have already proven this, the holiday channel is on the air, victory day. and we again and again congratulate you on this great holiday, all citizens of our country, especially, of course, the veterans who conquered the country of the nazis 79 years ago, and those heroes who are fighting for russia at these moments. there is already a little over an hour left until the main event of this day, the big parade on red square. our tv channel will broadcast the event live, and viewers will be able to see even more than those present in the square. dozens of television cameras have been installed. at the most interesting points on the ground, in the air, on equipment, in airplanes and even on the cobblestones of red square, so that not a single detail will escape you, we will be back soon, may 9, the day of the great victory, great.


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