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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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they have already proven it. the victory day holiday channel is on air, and we again and again congratulate you on this great holiday of all citizens of our country, especially, of course, the veterans who conquered the country of the nazis 79 years ago, and those heroes who are fighting for russia in these minutes. there is already a little over an hour left until the main event of this day, the big parade on red square. our tv channel will broadcast the live broadcast, and viewers will even be able to see it. more than those present in the square, dozens of television cameras installed at the most interesting points, on the ground, in the air, on equipment, in airplanes and even on the paving stones of red square, so not a single detail will escape you, we’ll be back soon, may 9, the day of the great victory, it’s time to go crazy. big parade on red square. in
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memory of the great feat of our people, the descendants of the heroes will march in a solemn march. in the parade line are the valiant defenders of the homeland, the heirs of our great traditions. brave and invincible, those who are always ready to go into battle and give their lives for their homeland. we praise our warrior-liberators. their courage and heroism are in our hearts forever! for russia, for victory! hooray! victory parade! today live on rtr. dear mom, don't worry, i'm fine.
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light in the window, premieres on monday on rtr. we continue our festive broadcast, festive tv channel, victory day and there is less than an hour left before the start of the parade, now the connections of the left stand are already to...
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the group, the very servicemen who will open the parade with a measured step, and then we will ask the operator to show, we see , what already parade crews are lining up, these are the very last tense minutes when you can check your uniform, the condition of your weapons, your appearance, of course, everyone is tense, in general, this year about 9,000 military personnel will participate in the parade, they will walk 265 m along the red paving stones area at a speed of 116 steps. in
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a minute, all this parade arithmetic has long been known, but i would like to draw attention to the guests who are present here on the podium today, here is our left podium, it can be dedicated, so to speak, to the heroes of the special military... operation, there are a lot of young people here, quite a lot of people in khaki uniforms, they have orders of courage on their chests, medals for courage, very, very many awards, this is just a veteran of the special military operation, who were given dozens of special awards today seats on the left podium, we talked to them and of course they find it very symbolic of their participation here today - in the parade on may 9, at least as spectators, because most recently they fought on... the fields of a special military operation with equipment, to which, as we we know, fascist german crosses are painted, i propose to listen to the impressions of the participants in the special military operation, veterans, heroes of combat operations, this is an honor, this is a high honor for us, and well, you know,
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you look at the people, you understand that it’s not in vain, not in vain we fulfill our duty, at the cost of our lives, sometimes injuries, but this is not scary, the most important thing is that our... people and people live peacefully, last victory parade i was in bakhmut, and my son marched along red square, and today i am present here and i can see for myself how he is marching because my son is the future of our country, and for me it is a great honor, for me the war began back in the fifteenth year, when we began to help the republics of the lpr and dpr, we have a goal, we have an understanding of why it is being waged.
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formation, these will be veterans of a special military operation, active servicemen, on their chest almost everyone has a golden star of a hero and an order of courage, sometimes not even one at a time, these are people who were specially released here to moscow during the parade, they trained after after the parade, they will go on to participate in hostilities during a special military operation, but we have less than an hour left before the start of the parade, we are expecting this exciting and solemn event, colleagues, lyosha, thank you, our correspondent alexey golovko is working on red square. on tverskaya street , military equipment that is to participate in the parade is now standing in full readiness, warming up its engines. previously , columns consisting of dozens of different
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vehicles, from the legendary t-34 tank to yars strategic missile systems went through the rinses. and she arrived in one of the armored vehicles in the center of the capital. believe me, 12 m, 12 m between vehicles in each box, and 30 m between boxes. to strictly maintain this distance, combat crews trained for more than 3 months in
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alabino near moscow, in addition to the distance, in addition to the distance, they must clearly maintain speed, these vehicles will move along red square at a speed of 12 km/h. no more and no less, if they go faster, then the audience simply won’t have time to look at all this powerful beauty, and if they go slower, then we will have to wait too long for them, but now we are in the box where our beautiful iskander m stands, these are complexes that are real participants in combat operations today in the zone of a special military operation, these complexes are considered one of the most unkillable missiles in the world, in in the world, this is generally the most powerful complex in russia. the most powerful, but let’s say that in america they are just starting to develop such systems, but we already have them, and scanm are systems that are used in service as ballistic ones, so cruise missiles, we understand that ballistic missiles are missiles that are first lifted tens of kilometers up, and then at great speed they simply
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fly down like a stone to a designated target, cruise missiles can maneuver along given trajectories and, accordingly, in this way they are more... right behind the iskanders there is the s-400 triumph complex, this is also one of the main participants in today’s combat operations in the northern military district zone, this is our dome, a protective dome, in this case the protective dome of the capital, and in general the protective dome of our border area, and not only in other cities of russia, it belongs to the air defense system; in fact, these complexes have not become so widespread. in the data in this situation, since shells,
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tors, beeches mainly take part in combat operations, this is too powerful a system, and there are not so many targets that should be scored, but if we talk about some of its advantages, then we must remember that with the help of the s-400, as of october 23 , about 24 ukrainian armed forces aircraft were destroyed, and... one of the missile attacks that subsurface of our peninsula, more than eight were shot down at the same time, more than about children of storm shadow missiles, all this with the help of this system, which works quite effectively and quite powerfully, including protecting our peaceful sky, well, let’s say, it closes this column, which, by the way, stretched for almost a kilometer, 911 meters to be precise. lena, thank you, elena erofeeva
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spoke about the complete readiness of military equipment for the victory parade. well, we are transported directly to red square, or rather to the right guest stand, on which very soon not only the passage of foot columns and equipment will be very clearly visible, but also the speech of the supreme commander-in-chief , president vladimir putin. our colleague alexey konopko is working at the podium and is in direct contact with '. how are the guests at your podium preparing for the parade, who have you already managed to communicate with, how is the mood, how is the atmosphere, how is the weather? how is the weather - this is probably the main question now, to be honest, i don’t remember such weather at any parade, it really was cold, we are not so pleased with the weather at the beginning of may, but at least every 2 may we can say that it is quite cool, but not so cool, with this weather... connected - a new vision on my part, at least parade, now you see what is happening on red
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square, boxes are already lined up on the paving stones, and soldiers came here in columns, of course, they sang songs, not only the military, i must say, there were even relatively modern ones, we heard the blood type song viktor tsoi, but they sang not only in order to keep the line, but also, probably, in order to keep warm, and as for this new vision, you can probably see the fighters now, everyone is lucky, you can say it in different ways, a little further away there are sailors, here they look in the usual outfits for parades, and the infantry units, here are the airborne troops, they were given jackets for the weather, well , at probably +2°, which we have now, this is a necessary measure, i must say, but that’s all -so, the main participants in the parade, and the main characters,
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for the first time, how do you feel? well that's great, that's it i’m still working, and i’m still working, while we are straining ourselves, and people need us, we live, well , you heard what this man is saying now, who is already over 90, probably even over 95, he was lucky that he got to the front in 14 years old, now he works three jobs, well , no matter how banal, it may not sound, but what iron people, what trials befell them. and how much strength they have retained so far, but in general, now, according to the latest
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data, at the beginning of this year there are still 11 to 12,500 of our heroes, veterans living in the country the great patriotic war, these are not only front-line soldiers, these are also home front workers, blockade survivors and children of war, and we learned several stories of these people here, we will definitely tell them in the following inclusions, here in the stands today we are waiting for about 150 veterans, but of course at this age and.. . help is needed, you probably see now on such special electric vehicles they are brought to the podium, to our right, to the left the same thing, they are helped by volunteers, volunteers of victory, and we... talked to them today, why they actually joined. this movement, and well, it’s not surprising that, of course, each of them remembers the history of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and i am a volunteer for the victory of 2022, i was very drawn in by the story in terms of studying the great patriotic war, i was drawn in by the history of my family, when my parents and i
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were constantly told, showed the orders of my great-grandfather, told his story, the story is very clearly preserved on...
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they support russia and what it does, they remember this common victory over nazism , even in them a huge number of people who are pursuing an unfriendly policy, and 1945, we continue to wait for the parade, there are less than 45 minutes left before it and we will definitely tune in again. alexey, thank you for the details, continue to watch, our colleague alexey konopko is working at the right tribune of red square. well, now. let's move back to the intercession cathedral. this position is one of the most successful to see the passage of parade columns of military equipment and military crews. this is where they come into the focus of almost all television cameras. and our correspondent dmitry kayster, of course, which is located at these moments at the intercession cathedral. dmitry, happy holiday, once again, well, it is in your direction, as
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we know, that foot and mechanized columns will move. what can be seen now, what is the general level of readiness for the start of movement. i see it. that red square itself is already filled with people, but somewhere there is equipment, what’s happening? well, you know, you said absolutely correctly, but what’s the story here? now we ’ll reveal some of the features of our backstage front door, right now we’re on foot the parade squads go in the opposite direction, that is, from vasilyevsky spusk and line up on red square, and the most interesting thing is that they march to the beat of drums, with unfurled banners and singing songs, well, for example, the paratroopers just passed by performing an air march. the calmness of our borders breathes in everyone, this is the march of the twenty- fifth year, in general it’s surprising that today alexey konopko said that everyone is dressed according to the weather, it’s true, we saw mikhail’s jackets, just women’s the battalion passed, the women's battalion actually had fur jackets and, at the same time, white skirts, can you imagine what the weather is like today and the courage of our women
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who will march through red square today, i would like to especially note this, but you know what else i i would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is unusual weather, it really is like that in every sense, but everyone forgets about the canonical parade in june of 1945, when there was, well, a really amazing downpour, because then even marshal rakosovsky had to cut off his uniform with scissors, it was so wet, and the entire red square itself was sprinkled with special sand so that our winners could walk and not slip, that is , it was also a difficult day then, these tests, it seems to me, they allow to understand and feel everything that... our defenders of our fatherland felt and understood during the great patriotic war. and you know, i would also like to say very important, it seems to me, the words that should be spoken here on red square are today. these are... words about who and how crossed the border of the soviet union in june of forty-one, because every fifth soldier in the ranks of the wehrmacht was a european, 20% of
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the wehrmacht army was europe, 600,000 finns, 600 thousand italians, romanians hungarians, 120,000 representatives of the bennelux and many, many others, including france, which, although it was in the anti-hitler coalition, fought on the fronts against the soviet union in different years, 200 thousand french, and there were still 22 national ss battalions, which were also formed in different countries and fought here against our people, there were 500 thousand people in them, a million in total, can you imagine what kind of army attacked the soviet union then, now, looking at the equipment that stands on poklonnaya hill, marked by different countries european union, which are one way or another part of nato, you understand that these historical analogies are not at all accidental, history makes such a cyclical pattern. it repeats itself, repeats itself, of course, on a new turn, in new scenarios, but nevertheless , this historical connection can be traced, these well, in general, completely opaque historical parallels, but we
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turn again to red square and see how it is increasingly filled with parade crews, let me remind you that the parade crew or a battalion is two boxes of 418 people, including a banner group, that’s what they said today, 120 steps per minute is an average pace, an average step, but who read it? and now we are again transferred live to manege square, it is from there that grozny the equipment will begin its parade movement to red square, now our
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olga armyakova is in touch again. olya, once again happy holiday, today we will not stop congratulating each other on this great historical day, on victory day. the start of the parade is getting closer, 37 minutes remain, as i see, what has changed, has the equipment already been warmed up? yes, evgeny, happy holiday, so what? it started snowing again, these are the surprises of the weather today, but i still want to turn to the place where we are, on manezh square, and on the spire of the historical museum, a double-headed eagle squeezes the scepter and the orb, he towers over the square above the manege above the red one, while here and there the most nervous minutes pass, these nervous minutes of preparation, and you know, the closer to the parade, the more this excitement, this concentration of emotions in the air it is felt more clearly, everything is calming down... well, of course, the cars haven’t warmed up yet, there was no command to start, there is complete silence here, but as for the route of the equipment, we’ll try
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to show you a little of it, indeed the column will start from tverskaya, will pass along the manezh square, further to the historical museum, past the monument to georgy zhukov, by the way, he hosted the first victory parade in moscow on june 24, 1945, the equipment will move further along the way. to the arsenal tower. this is one of the most massive, one of the most powerful towers in the ensemble of the kremlin wall. along the long passage, along the kremlin passage, the equipment will rise to the red square itself and here it is, yes, the start of the parade, at exactly 10, although the equipment on red square will appear a little later, approximately 10:20, 10:30, after will march in front on foot.
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and we will achieve our victory, because without this there is no way, we must do it. yes, indeed, the military will take part in the parade today, they will be in the stands, this is just a guest of the victory parade, but the main characters are, of course, our veterans, because we are alive because they won. let's not forget this today. not for a second, the road to victory was long, there were very difficult days, indeed, this is such a sacred holiday, common to everyone, everyone has
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their own, because everyone has their own. having your own hero is important today we remember this more than ever, especially when they are trying to erase history, to die out, but no, we will not forget, we will always remember with gratitude, with incredible memory, keep this great victory in our hearts, happy holiday, colleagues, olya, thank you, at the manezhnaya the square, from where the equipment will go to red square, is now working, it’s a little 20 minutes before the parade, we’re not leaving red square anymore, we’re again transferred to the left stand, where alexey golovko is working. alexey, greetings once again on the holiday, of course, but we see that the stands are increasingly filled with guests, how are they accommodated? yes, hello, colleagues, first i still suggest going to red square, because it, too , is becoming more and more filled, only not with guests,
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but with parade participants. here we see those characteristic black pea jackets, these are the suvorovites already lined up, who today will go over there a little further near guma, these are the suvorov drummers, also a very iconic, very recognizable tradition of the victory parade, and further, further, as far as you can see, right up to vasilivsky spusk is occupied by parade crews, but now i’ll ask the operator to turn the other way, we see the entrance for guests here, and practically, if we were talking half an hour ago, there were empty... the podium, but now it’s already very, very there are a lot of people, pay attention, almost everyone is sitting in the same raincoats, covered with the same blankets, these are special gifts that today, taking into account the weather conditions, are offered to the participants and spectators of the parade, so you can be sure that no one will freeze, everyone it will be pleasant to feel yourself, even in such unusual weather for the ninth of may, well , in general there were a lot of parades in our country, and
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there are people who almost... every year come here as guests, so today we talked with actors, politicians and they told us about their impressions, about the parade and the significance of may 9 for every russian. i want to congratulate you all on our entire multinational great homeland on our most important holiday. this is a day of strength, this is a day of great victory, which will always be in our hearts. no matter what the weather, we all nourish our strength on this day for many, many years, and it will always be so, this is a great holiday, this is our biggest holiday in our country, victory day, this is the memory of the dead, the memory of those who gave us the opportunity to live, who gave the opportunity we have to raise children, work, and of course, today this is the support of our participants in a special
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military operation, the guys who will take part here, who today defend the independence and sovereignty of our country, yes, well, with such sentiments people come to red square today, to the main thing events of the day, there are very few left before the parade, i see the clock on the spasskaya tower, there are literally 32 minutes left, we are waiting, you see how many people are in the stands, they can accommodate about 2.0 people, but it seems that a large number of muscovites have gathered here today , guests of the capital, invited people, we are expecting a parade, may, colleagues, yes, alexey, thank you, there is a special special atmosphere on red square, let’s take another look at these images that are now being received in real time, here it is, well, first of all , of course, really beautiful, look how many medals, how many orders the military personnel who are now already...
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taking their places, actually there is little time left, almost half an hour, and i will say from experience that of course the atmosphere is special, it seems everyone would be concentrated, but nevertheless we see it now on the screens, those who are now on red square do not hide their smiles, do not hide their joy, here are veterans, and those who accompany them, loved ones, well, here is actually the bell of ivan the great and the whole view of... the square is decorated with orders, we see on the building of the historical museum, the order of the patriotic war, the order of victory, the legendary, there were only 20 awards of the order of victory in history, they were awarded to military personnel, here are gennady andreevich zyuganov and ivan melnikov, zyuganov’s deputy communist party of the russian federation, zyuganov has a red one, not only the st. george’s ribbon, but a red ribbon, symbols, natural leftist symbols, communist symbols of the zyuga.


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