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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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and six attack aircraft on the su-25. yes, now we see how the second plane of the russian knights is taxiing, this is also spark, two pilots in kavin, this is the newest aircraft, they are in service and were accepted into russian aircraft quite recently, just a few years, they are the newest aircraft, look, get ready, you will soon see, they will fly at an altitude of 500 m, speed 550,
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and pozharsky has lined up parade crews, boxes, the head of state, foreign guests should appear any minute, here is the st. andrew's flag, our sailors are in front of us, veterans, here, let’s take a closer look at their faces, let’s take a closer look and remember how difficult it was during the great patriotic war. actually , the cars are ready for the start of the parade, we see the troops lined up, oleg salyukov, who will command the parade since 2014, the commander-in-chief of the ground forces, the garrison is lined up for the parade. colonel
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ramanchuk. since 2014, the solyukovs have been in command of the parade, now moments literally remain, the troops of the ministry of emergency situations. their contribution cannot be ignored, one of the leading divisions. and here is a car with the same number 002. so, well , the head of state is heading for foreign guests. they are now walking along the kremlin wall. on the other side, it’s like from inside the kremlin, there is an entrance through which you can go to red square, so i’ll reveal a small military secret, a few years ago i from the film crew had to literally run through, through this entrance in order to get through before the president, so yes, i can imagine what is happening there now, the domes of the pokrovsky cathedral are on ours, on ours screens, now we will clearly see the president again. what a beautiful picture from above,
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when you look at the arrayed troops, the arrayed power, it seems that, in fact, here is the president of russia, we see that he is now communicating with the president of guinea bissau, very lively, very intense communication, the head of state is already descending along the stands will be passing by, presidential photographers are, of course, on the spot, naturally now taking pictures that... very soon the whole world will be peering at, indeed, without exaggeration, the whole world, in fact, just judge, this is the number of people represented here, and africa is represented, and asia, thanks to the president of laos, and cuba is represented, here vladimir putin walks along the presidential regiment, along the lined up soldiers, and his colleague, guinea bissau, does not hide. joy does not hide
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smiles, truly colossal impressions, a little further away we see kasam zhamar takaev, already on the central podium the president greets the fighters, here, as we know, the participants of the north military district, the head of state approaches the veterans, shakes hands, despite age, veterans get up from their seats to greet, like this...
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it seems she was on our screens, she traditionally takes part in victory parades, look, lukashenko even addresses someone upward, those who sit a little higher in the stands, putin’s message does not stop.
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it's time to put the state flag of the russian federation and the victory banner to attention to meet on the left on the edge! military members
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of the honor guard bring the state flag of the russian federation and the banner of victory in the great patriotic war onto red square. in the spring of 1945, soldiers of the 150th idret rifle division flew a red assault flag onto the '.
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hola! varad spirno to meet on the left. on the crow! to the sounds of an oncoming march. the minister of defense of the russian federation, hero of russia, army general sergei shaigu is heading to the center
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of red square to accept a report on the readiness of the moscow garrison troops for the parade. meets the minister of defense, commander-in-chief of the ground forces, army general, oleg solyukov. comrade minister of defense of the russian federation, troops of the moscow garrison, for the parade commemorating the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, built by the commander of the parade, army general stalyukov.
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in accordance with the procedure for holding a military parade, the minister of defense and the commander-in-chief of the ground forces begin the site.
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bravery, courage and an unbending will to win, acting harmoniously and decisively,
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even in the most difficult conditions. hello comrades. congratulations, seventy-ninth. anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. hooray. the minister of defense announced the day victory parade crews of the aerospace forces. pilots and military personnel of the space forces and air defense provide reliable protection of the country's aerospace space around the clock, and daily contribute to the advancement of troops in
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all directions in the zone of special military operation. "hello, comrades, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war, the minister of defense welcomed the parade crews of the military police in radiation, chemical and biological defense, the russian guard, the fsb and the ministry of emergency situations of russia, the kremlin cadets. hello comrades. congratulations on your 79th anniversary.
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"hello, comrades, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, the minister of defense
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greeted the parade crews of the participant." in a special military operation, the navy, the mikhailovsky military artillery academy, the all-russian cossack society, soldiers, railway workers, military women and young parade participants, suvorovites, nakhimovites, youth army students of the kranstatt naval cadet corps. general army sergei shaigu made a tour of the troops heading to the central podium to report to the president of the russian federation, supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin.
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comrade supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation. the troops of the moscow garrison are ready for the victory parade. army general shaigu.
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comrades, soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, midshipmen and warrant officers, comrades, officers, generals and admirals, soldiers, commanders, front-line soldiers, heroes of a special military operation, i truly congratulate you on victory day, on our most important thing. national, sacred holiday. we honor our fathers and grandfathers, great-grandfathers. they defended their native land and crushed nazism. and...
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they erase the memory of the heroism and nobility of the liberating soldiers, of the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis, this is part of the general the policies of western elites to incite new regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, and to contain them. independent centers of world development. we reject the claim of exclusivity by any state or alliance.
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we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. in the west they would like to forget the lessons of world war ii, but we remember that fate humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, near minsk, smolensk and kiev, in heavy, bloody battles, from murmansk to the caucasus and crimea. the first three.
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resistance members, underground fighters, partisans, the courage of the people of china, who fought for their independence against the aggression of militaristic japan, we will always remember, we will never, never forget our common struggle , the inspiring traditions of alliance. dear friends, russia. is going through a difficult time right now, boundary period. the fate of the homeland, its future, depends on each of us. today, on
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victory day, we realize this even more acutely and clearly, and we invariably look up to the generation of winners, brave, noble, wise, and their ability to cherish friendship and endure adversity. always be confident in yourself in your country, sincerely and selflessly love your homeland, we celebrate victory day in the context of a special military operation, all its participants, those who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, are our heroes. we we bow before your perseverance and self-sacrifice, dedication, all of russia is with you. our veterans believe in you, our veterans worry about you, and spiritual involvement in your destinies and exploits inextricably binds
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the generation of heroes of the fatherland. today we bow our heads to the blessed memory of all whose lives were taken by the great patriotic war. in memory of sons, daughters, fathers, mothers. grandfathers, great-grandfathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, we bow our heads to the veterans of the great patriotic war who have left us, to the memory civilians who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, in front of our comrades in arms who died in the fight against neo-nazism, in a righteous battle for russia. a minute of silence is announced.
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thank you, our dear veterans, comrades, friends, may 9 is always a very emotional, poignant day, every family honors its heroes, peering at the photographs of dear ones. favorite faces, remember relatives, their stories about how they fought, how they worked. victory day unites all generations. we move forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free, safe future for russia, our united one. people, glory
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to the valiant armed forces, for russia, for victory, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray.
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hara, to attention, to the christmas march!
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on the shoulder, comparison to the right, steps!
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the ceremonial passage of the parade squads is headed by the commander-in-chief of the ground forces, the army general. since 1940, parades on red square have been opened by a company of drummers from the moscow military music school named after lieutenant general valery khalilov, commands the parade crews. the head of the school, honored artist of russia, colonel alexander gerasimov, and young musicians set the pace and rhythm of the parade movements. banner groups with
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the state flag of the russian federation, the victory banner and the banner of the russian armed forces pass past the stands. the banner groups are accompanied by an honorary guard of 154 squads. ten years since its formation. three graduates of the school were awarded the title of hero of russia during a special military operation. pupils on red square the tver suvorov military school
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is headed by colonel sergei tundenkov. for its contribution to the education of the younger generation, the school was awarded the order of honor. on the paving stones of red square , the parade squad of the kaliningrad naval school is headed by captain first rank dmitry palakin. at the educational institution , students from 55 regions of russia learn the basics of maritime affairs. under the leadership of the captain. first rank nikolai davbeshka are students of the kronshtat marine cadet military corps. the main dream of the cadets is to become carnal officers. on the march
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are representatives of the all-russian military-patriotic public movement yunarmiya, led by the chief of the movement’s main headquarters. a parade squad of participants in a special military operation is passing through odessa, at the head of the formation is the hero of russia, lieutenant colonel evgeniy khabadov. each serviceman of the parade squad is
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an example of personal courage and bravery. there are seven heroes of the russian federation, 24 holders of the order of courage. listeners on the march combined arms academy of the armed forces of the russian federation. the parade squad is headed by colonel general alexander romanchuk. within the walls of this renowned educational institution , many participants in a special military operation and future commanders of the russian army receive academic knowledge.
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university graduates heroes of russia, evgeny brovko, denis kakunovsky and denis sorokin, who received this high rank during a special military operation. on red square, the military academy of logistics and technical support named after army general khrulev, at the head of the parade formation is major general igor goryainov, the academy has been training
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logistics officers for 120 years, nine academy graduates were awarded the title of hero of russia for their exploits during a special military operation. in parade formation are cadets of the mikhailovsky military artillery academy, the main forge of personnel for artillery. and missile units, the parade crew is headed by major general oleg egorov, among the academy graduates there are 163 heroes of the soviet union and russian federation. on red square , a parade squad of female military personnel is headed by lieutenant colonel maria vasilyeva. the crew includes future communications and radiation specialists.
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continue the glorious traditions of their predecessors, introducing new names into the military history of russian aviation. 12 of them were awarded the high title of hero of russia for personal courage and heroism shown during a special military operation. the academy successfully trains personnel in 57 specialties, including army aviation pilots in sizran aviation school, homeland of dignity. appreciated their contribution by awarding the school the order of kutuzov.
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the parade squad of the mozhaisky military space academy is passing by the stands; the formation is headed by the head of the academy, major general anatoly nestichuk. today the educational institution is rightfully the main university. countries to train engineers and other highly qualified specialists in managing satellite constellations and monitoring outer space. parade squads on red square navy, cadets in front. russian higher naval school
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named after admiral ushakov, headed by the head of the school, rear admiral vyacheslav sytnik, among the graduates of the school are four heroes of russia. cadets of the higher naval engineering school are walking past the stands , led by the head of the school. captain of the first rank andrey klimenko. the educational institution is the first naval engineering university in the world. 38 graduates of the school were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union and the russian federation. on red square there is a parade formation of the naval corps of peter the great. the parade crew is commanded by the head of the corps, captain of the first rank, oleg ignasyuk. today, cadets continue the tradition of their predecessors,
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following the motto: honor to service, fatherland, loyalty. cadets of the pacific higher naval school named after admiral makarov are on the march. the parade crew is commanded by captain first rank pavel dudin. among the school's graduates are 18 heroes of the soviet union and the russian federation, three commanders-in-chief. navy russia. on red square there is a parade squad of the academy of strategic missile forces named after peter the great. at the head of the parade formation is the head of the academy , lieutenant general igor okonin. today, within the academy’s walls, personnel are being trained to control the most modern strategic missile systems with unique combat characteristics that have no analogues in the world.
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a parade passes by the stands. on red square, the parade squad of the ryazan guards higher airborne command school named after the army general markelova. the parade formation is led by colonel sergei molochnikov. graduates of the school are an example of fulfilling military duty. 181 paratrooper officers
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were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union and russia, 43 of them for their courage and heroism. the moscow border institute of the fsb of russia is on the march. the parade squad is headed by the head of the institute, general mikhail chepik. graduates of the institute stand guard over the state.
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colonel igor orlov. today, railway warriors are restoring railways in the zone of a special military operation, ensure the uninterrupted advancement of military echelons. the composition of the military police of the armed forces of the russian federation is headed by lieutenant colonel roman dunin. military police honorably perform the tasks of maintaining law and order in the zone of special military operation. on red square there is a parade squad
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of the orders of zhukov and the red star, the civil defense academy of the ministry of emergency situations. russia is headed by the head of the academy , lieutenant general viktor panchenkov. the educational institution has trained more than 75,000 specialists for emergency response . on the march, the military personnel of the separate operational division named after tsershinsky of the russian national guard are led by the commander of the parade formation.
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60,000 officers for the ground forces, many of them became military leaders of the highest rank. today, in the sleep of a special
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military operation, units and military units led by kremlin officers successfully solve the assigned tasks, demonstrated courage, perseverance and an unbending will to win, more than 5,000 graduates of the school were awarded state awards. 17 were awarded the title of hero of the russian federation. musicians clear red square for the passage of military equipment.
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square, parade crews of a mechanized column, consisting of 61 units of military equipment, which are in service with the russian army. according to tradition, the legendary tank of the great patriotic war t-34 under the battle banner of the first guards red banner tank army opens the passage of equipment and commands the crews.
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ural with additional sixteenth protection guards special purpose brigade, commanded by captain alexander stoyanov. for the first time on red square , samples of special armored kamaz vehicles with a 4x4 wheel arrangement from protected lince ambulances designed to solve the problems of comprehensively ensuring the search and evacuation of personnel from the battlefield are presented, the column is headed by captain aerat.
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on red square, column-armored protected special vehicles based on the camas vehicle, designed for transportation of personnel in areas of combat operations, fire support in the special zone.
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a mechanized column of strategic missile forces passes by the stands
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. lieutenant colonel nikolai golubev. today, rocket goins take full advantage of the highly mobile capabilities of the complex. its ability is guaranteed to hit a target anywhere in the world. missile formations armed with yars complexes remain a formidable nuclear force. supported by a reliable guarantor of security russian federation. the parade of military equipment is completed by wheeled armored personnel carriers on the boomerang platform with flags of the branches of the armed forces of the russian
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federation. above red square is the famous kubensky diamond consisting of nine s-30 sm
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and mig-29 aircraft of the russian knights and swifts aerobatic teams. the group is headed by colonel andrei alekseevich. the sky above is red. the area is colored with the colors of the national flag of the russian federation , six su-25b attack aircraft are headed by lieutenant colonel vladimir mordakhev.
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at the end of the parade, military musicians from the combined orchestra will perform the song “native country”. the voice of our conscience believes in us and to know the establishment and to know peace and the whole world with hope for someone, for you and me , it’s not without reason that at all times, at all times,
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victory. the parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war takes place to the sounds of the farewell of the slavyanka march, the orchestra leaves red square. the victory parade is over, long live the 79th anniversary.
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great victory! glory to the veterans of the great patriotic war! congratulations everyone russians! happy holiday, so, the victory parade is over, the aviation part, which we were so worried about, took place, well, here are the shots from the stands that we receive in real time, the president of russia, vladimir putin. and sergei shaigu are heading together, now they are on the cobblestones of red square, they are talking about something, let's take a closer look at these frames,
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apparently, apparently, now they will communicate with those who actually marched on the cobblestones. so, oleg solyukov, the commander of the parade, saluted, right now, to putin salute, generals. employees are all those who ensured the parade, this is a traditional part of the ceremony, it happens all the time, the heads of the military branches, units that took part in the parade, the commanders of the boxes, the senior parade crews, they all lined up, the president shakes hands with everyone, that’s of course and women, military personnel. a very warm, very touching moment in its own way, we saw how putin walked around, before coming down here, he exchanged short remarks with foreign guests,
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airborne forces we are closely following these shots, here are the troops of the ministry of emergency situations, here are all the units, various types and types of troops. the result of colossal work, colossal preparation, which lasted several weeks, several months, even, perhaps, the footage that we receive in real time, so putin called, as if with his hand, invited everyone, in fact, such communication is outside the protocol, invited everyone , to thank you again, to once again say words of gratitude for the colossal work that continued, here...
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we look at these shots, which the whole world is watching today, the president continues to communicate with sergei shaigu, here are the tv cameramen and photographers of the presidential
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pool, well, no one is hiding their smiles, indeed, a very warm, very touching, very important day, this is putin himself approaches foreign leaders, talks about something with rakhmon, next to us we see the president of turkmenistan, that ’s it. the president of guinea bissau, an african country that is rapidly developing, in which work and now shavkat mirziyoyev comes up, very warmly, even hugged our president, obviously everyone thanks him for the parade that took place, for his colossal work, despite the weather, the message continues, emma rakhmon approached putin, the leaders walk along the paving stones of red square and greet, hello.
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guests take pictures of truly historical moments, and once again reflect, reflect these moments, how great is the interest in our country in africa, in asia and in other parts of the planet, here is
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africa, which took place last year in st. petersburg, it is possible that -here i would like to discuss something, attention to the african continent is now colossal and to the sahel to this part of africa, there are certainly colossal deposits. let's see, well, everyone has surrounded the president, from all sides, we see... and takayev and berdomukhamedov, now they are heading to the tomb of the unknown soldier along the paving stones of red square, the very heart of our country. red square 330 m total length, 75 m width. the heart of the country, indeed, now let’s see who else is walking next to us, we see shavkat mirzia here too. this
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, in fact, as far as i understand, has already come out they are from red square and this small part is the kremlin passage, independent topographical units on the map of moscow, between red and manezhnaya squares, look, the photographer is trying just in front of the president, practically trying to take a picture, the leaders are moving very cheerfully, vladimir putin is smiling, oh something, and about something they communicate with... with emmali rakhmon, perhaps, in fact, they are discussing some points that were discussed the day before. the eac summit took place, a dinner was held on the occasion of the arrival of foreign leaders, actually, mumali rakhmon also does not hide his smile. i will add that the kremlin passage, along which the leaders walk, was created at the beginning of the 19th century, 1816-20, when the niglinka river.
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garden in the empire style, there are various military elements, helmets, coats of arms, the memory of the victory of russian troops over napoleon, how history merged here, whoever attacked us, we are following the leaders, vladimir putin continues to communicate with the president of gwenia bissau, in fact , we already hear music, we hear the military orchestra, which is now lined up in aleksandrovsky. the garden is very
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difficult, very difficult moment.


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