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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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napoleon, how did history merge here, who the coats of arms, the memory of the victory of the russian troops over only did not attack us? we are following the leaders, vladimir putin continues to communicate with the president of dvina bissau, in fact, we are already hearing music, we are hearing a military orchestra, which is now lined up in aleksandrovsky.
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st. george's ribbon, the guards ribbon, as it was called during the war, which passed through eras. we are closely monitoring what is happening, let me remind you once again, the footage that we receive in real time is lined up and military personnel of various types, branches of the military, we see st. andrew's flag and flags there.
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in the tombstone there is a bronze composition of a soldier's helmet with a laurel branch and a battle banner and the epitaph of sergei mikhalkov , your name is unknown, your feat is immortal. when the eternal flame was lit, this ceremony itself, which took place in the year sixty-seven, in may of the sixty-seventh year, before victory day, the fire was delivered from the field of mars in leningrad, a whole relay race was lined up, and in particular took part in it famous pilot alexey maresev, passing the baton with fire, the fire burns constantly, regardless of the weather, including despite today's snow, today's bad weather, the weather was certainly difficult, and now we see footage of the leaders approaching the grave... of an unknown
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soldier in the hands red flowers, everyone is now thinking about the price of victory, the metronome sounds, let's listen closely and take a closer look at these shots. russian anthem.
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the president heads to the tomb of the unknown soldier, we see the leaders of kyrgyzstan and tajikistan directly next to vladimir putin, now on our screens and steles with the names of hero cities, here is the tomb of the unknown soldier, putin bowed, bowed, a tribute to the memory of all those who died.
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following the leaders, they will now head there to the tomb of the unknown soldier. those in the alexander garden, these are certainly veterans, their loved ones, relatives, well , vladimir putin, next to him is mali rakhmon and the president of kyrgyzstan, sadyr dzhaparov, this, in my opinion, already sounds like the legendary sevastopol. i remember a song that is of enormous importance for the residents of sevastopol, and for the crimeans, and for all our sailors, as it was heard more than once in sevastopol itself in february-march 2014. a reminder of
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the feat of the sevastopol residents during the great patriotic war, especially today is the anniversary of the liberation. so, the tomb of the unknown soldier is approaching, veterans, their loved ones, volunteers, volunteers, who also provide a huge amount of work, organizational work behind the scenes, help veterans, everyone who needs help, well, in fact, here are the steles with the names of hero cities. we observe that the snow has started again, the wind has started again, but nevertheless, everyone gathered, now remain in the alexander garden, remember,
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obviously remember their loved ones who died during the war, remember the contribution of peoples, different peoples. the ussr of various states, today independent states, which they contributed to achieving victory, victory over nazism, again we see red square, the spasskaya tower has just been, people are gradually, very reluctantly leaving, there is something to discuss, there is something to remember, for which we thank our dear veterans, here are the military personnel passing by. passes moscow garrison, a military band sounds, we see the flags of the branches and branches of the military, for example, the flag of the ground forces with the image of a golden flaming grenada against the background of swords, this is
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the actual flag of the aerospace forces. we remember our pilots who fought against nazism when it was great. are fighting the enemy today, we just saw the st. andrew’s flag, our sailors, who made a tremendous contribution to the victory of 1945, and which, of course, the navy is the most important component of the russian armed forces, today putin is watching marching military personnel and invites the leader, the leaders to go a little further, we look: at these shots, the motorcades are approaching, here it is, the eternal flame, reminiscent of the contribution of the entire soviet people, reminiscent of the 27 million dead who did not return from the front line,
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the moscow kremlin, flying flags, the eternal flame is still burning, it... never subsides , regardless of the weather, we continue to monitor the incoming footage, no matter what the weather, everyone has a holiday, so we see, communication between the leaders continues, kasym jamar takaev communicates with enamel rakhmon, the discussion obviously continues on certain issues, some remarks do not hide joy. veterans, military personnel do not hide their joy, foreign guests,
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look how many there are, in fact, what a joy for them, what a unique opportunity to attend the parade in moscow, and how much this says about the attention to our country, what isolation there is, look , how many foreign guests, and how many young people are now in the alexander garden, there are volunteers here, vladimir putin is talking with peskov, press secretary dmitry peskov approached him. near we also see television cameramen, here is peskov himself, a conversation begins next to the head of state, they turn slightly to the side about something, vladimir putin, apparently , is giving some orders or perhaps instructions are being given, peskov steps aside, sergei shaigui it's right here, come on. let's see, we'll closely monitor the incoming personnel, the president of russia,
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veterans are also here, and in fact we see employees with black suitcases next to the head of state, shaigu smiles, shakes hands, and apparently again thanks, thanks for the parade and, of course, congratulates on the holiday. everyone here congratulates you on the holiday today, it’s snowing again, it’s cool again in moscow, a truly, truly unique ceremony in terms of weather conditions, but aviation flew over, everything took place, alexander lukashenko approaches, approaches vladimir putin, continues the message, obvious congratulations are heard, lukashenko. concentrated, but everything suggests that the mood is high, festive, but
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let's wait, what will happen next, what will happen further. vladimir putin is here, here are the shots we receive from the alexander garden. so, the parade is over, but the emotions, the atmosphere of the holiday, will remain with us throughout the day today. yes, the country’s main parade in honor of the 79th anniversary of the end of the great patriotic war ended in moscow ; more than 9 people and 75 units took part in the solemn march. aerobatic teams russian knights swifts flew over red square, as well as su-25 attack aircraft,
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which painted the sky over the capital in colors state flag. from the legendary t-34 to the tactical and strategic missile systems of the most modern armored vehicles, many models have been improved taking into account the combat experience of special operations. the crews showed perfect synchronicity and coherence. in these moments. also , according to a verified schedule and route, the equipment leaves the center of the capital. my colleague vitaly kormazin is monitoring the movement of the columns. vitaly gets in direct contact with the studio. happy holidays and what do you see happening in the city center now? hello, tatyana, the parade is incredibly beautiful, but now from red square towards novinsky boulevard along the garden ring, a column of equipment is moving towards us here on taganskaya. they also solemnly return to their places of deployment, just as they had just marched at the main parade of the country,
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of course, the most important part is behind them, but even here on this path the russian army appears in all its glory, here it is greeted by thousands of spectators, many came here unharmed families, i’m very interested in seeing the types of equipment i was when the little ones also went to the victory parade, right in the center, they really liked those big cars in the back with rockets, that our equipment is the best in the world, in the world, of course. we are the most powerful country, the best. every year, the victory parade is a kind of display of equipment, but the main thing is the sacred meaning of literally this entire route, along which muscovites and guests of the capital meet our soldiers, this is, first of all, a road of glory in memory of the veterans who gave us a great victory, and of course, thoughts today about
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those fighters who are currently in the special military operation zone. my grandfather fought on the kursk bulge, was in the reserve, was wounded, well, for me it’s like such a holiday, with tears in my eyes, they gave us life, freedom, they fought for us, and we must undoubtedly remember this and not forget about this, soon, as soon as the march
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of districts, fleets and combined arms armies ends here. the first to see the parades were residents of the far east, who marched along the central street of vladivostok at a marching pace of over one and a half thousands of military personnel, many of whom are descendants of pacific warriors. afterwards a column of military equipment passed by. almost 2.0 people and dozens of pieces of equipment marched on the central square of samara. for the first time, armored vehicles took part in the parade. reports by our colleagues maxim akhmetov, ekaterina fisenko and pavel melnik. in the city
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of heroes this year. parade without spectators, but we definitely felt their support, behind the string-tight parade crews of the northern military district participants, border guard sailors, cossacks and state cadets maritime university named after fyodor ushakov, thousands watched along the perimeter. the festive convoy of military equipment is led by the legendary t-34 tank. novorossiysk honors its defenders. a large-scale motor rally for the great victory day. please don't pay. almost 200 cars are an immortal auto regiment. the festive column stretched for almost 2 km. for novorossiysk, this can be said to be a life line. in every home, in every family , there lives the memory of those who defended themselves at such a price. these lands are on the shore of tsemest bay. an obligatory stop on the small earth, there where the landing boat of commander caesar levovich
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kunnikov, with its nose, tore through the enemy defenses. defenders of the homeland who died heroically are still found here. behind. so that we now live peacefully under a clear sky, we show our children that we honor our traditions, for me this is may 9, this comes first, the day when novorossiysk families go to places of military glory, on the shores of tsmestka bay, reminders about great victory everywhere. pavel milnik, nikita kalchenko and vladimir minyailov, news, city hero of novorossiysk. the victory parade in stalingrad is open. banner group of the volgograd company of the honor guard, the calling card of the hero’s city. military personnel of the honor guard company enter the square in parade formation. ceremonial boxes marched across the square of the fallen fighters, among them soldiers of the famous twentieth guards division, which stormed berlin in the forty-fifth. nowadays, its fighters fight heroically on the fronts of the northern military district. the ceremonial crew
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of the 255th military personnel marches solemnly. motorized rifle volgograd course. diesel engines roar there is military equipment ahead of the column, vehicles from the great patriotic war, a third generation infantry fighting vehicle, a bmp-3. modern military equipment of the third generation bmp btr-82 a, tanks, many vehicles arrived in stalingrad straight from the northern military district zone, t-80 bvm tanks that have proven their reliability and power came to the city of heroes volgograd straight from the southern donetsk direction to take part in the parade. great victory in stalingrad. the celebration of victory day will end with fireworks. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos, dmitry belyansky, svetlana silivanova, news from stalingrad. people gather in a few hours. on the palace square to see our parade, veterans, blockade survivors and just townspeople lead their children, this time before the parade there is a traveling exhibition of the reconstruction of victorious leningrad, the atmosphere of the city in sorrow and in
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joy. the national flag of the russian federation and the symbol of the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war, a banner sacred to all of us, are brought into the palace square. victory! the flag of russia and the holy banner of victory, then the boys, young drummers from kronshtat cadet corps, stamping a step on the paving stones, setting the rhythm for the entire parade. the young heirs of admirals lazarev and ushakov sacredly honor and enhance the traditions of the russian fleet. these are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who defended our city and our country. more than 400 people walked along dvortsovaya, followed by a motorized column. the famous t-34 opens the parade of equipment, its history. the history of this particular tank is known, it was released in 1943, took part in the battles for leningrad, was knocked out during the election operation, but here it is 79 years later
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years here on dvortsovaya. behind it are the famous katyushas, ​​80 pieces of equipment, including state-of-the-art models, tiger m vehicles, ambulances, lenses, sunny and iskander mortar systems, and the city has many more events and evening fireworks ahead. ekaterina fesenko, alexey sasyrin, lukashevich. and now about the situation in the special operation zone: fighters of the vostok group over the past 24 hours were able to improve the situation in the urozhainy and starmayorsky districts. several counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces were repelled there. according to naboron, almost 200 ukrainians were destroyed militants. the stronghold of the kiev formations was eliminated by su-25 attack aircraft. the strike was carried out by unguided aircraft missiles. they operated in pairs at a speed of about 900 km. hour, while the height is no more than 30 m above the ground, after hitting the target, the anti-missile maneuver returns to the base airfield to receive new tasks, in
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the area bordering the belgorod region on the territory of ukraine , the crews of the d-30 howitzers accurately worked out. shot! in just the past 24 hours, operational-tactical aviation, missiles, troops and artillery, according to the ministry of defense, it was hit. 113 area of ​​concentration of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. our military correspondent, alexander katsuba, talks about how tula paratroopers solve their combat missions from the front line. under the cover of darkness, fighters of the tula airborne forces unit go to carry out a combat mission. the sappers are moving to the minkh installation so that the area in which the square we are going... is not penetrated by enemy sabotage groups, these are tm-62 anti-tank mines, yes, there are
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four ammunition in my hands, each weight is about 10 kg, i i screw the mvch 62 fuse into the tm 62 mine, well , when it hits it, the enemy’s equipment will be blown up, yeah, what kind of pressure, what pressure? from 120 to 140 approximately a kilogram, yeah, that is, when this fuse is broken , the fuse itself explodes and detonates the entire mine. the distance between the mines is small, this is one of the most likely directions of attack by enemy armored vehicles. the area here is not particularly favorable, so we work mainly in teams of three, so as not to attract enemy birds and so that they don’t start working on us, well... we are about a section away a week and a half, in two, we’ll do it, that’s it, we’re leaving, guys, while there’s freedom, we’re leaving, we’re leaving
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faster, at some point the sentinel of our group raises his hand up, the air command, the enemy drone, it seems, dad, comic for the enemy, action movies use this very often.
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but it’s okay, it’s possible, of course, yes, it won’t detonate until it sticks, that is, it needs to hit something hard with the front part, then it will detonate the cumulative. commander's order, destroy the enemy drone, attention, get ready, everyone group to a safe distance, equipped with ammunition, drone ammunition, destroyed with the help of... an overhead charge right on the spot, sappers again begin to carry out the combat mission, before dawn they need to lay as many mines as possible, cover the left flank of the tula paratroopers, advancing in several directions. alexander katsu and alexander malyshev, lead the seversk direction. last night, troops struck residential areas of belgorod, there were direct hits in many apartment buildings and cars. by this minute, eight wounded, in
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including a child who is currently affected. fragments collapsed on residential buildings in a residential area of ​​belgorod, cars caught fire in the courtyards from scattered fragments, burnt-out remains of cars are still spilling, several dozen cars were damaged, windows in nearby high-rise buildings were broken by the blast wave. this time there were no casualties, but four people with shrapnel wounds were taken by ambulance teams to city hospitals, including children. anna cut her hand with shards of glass,
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and she woke up from the roar. and window cod frame, the shell detonated near her apartment. we woke up from an explosion, glass fell on the bed, glass, it turns out, well, we slightly hurt our hands. the impact sites of ukrainian missiles have been isolated, and explosives experts and law enforcement officials are working. rescuers are eliminating the consequences of this attack, dismantling the collapse of the walls. the regional governor, vyacheslav glotkov, also inspected all the arrival sites. four people with shrapnel wounds to various parts of the body were taken by ambulance to the city hospital. number two city belgorod. all necessary assistance is provided. an eleven-year-old girl with shrapnel wounds to her left foot was taken to the children's regional clinical hospital. three more victims received medical assistance on the spot but refused hospitalization. representatives of special commissions have already begun assessing the damage caused. in addition to the housing stock, there is damage to the buildings of the district government, and shops on the first floors are partially destroyed. the exact number of burned cars is still unknown;
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all that remains of pavel’s car is the license plate. all that's left of car, at 4:00 in the morning, to the sound of a siren, i woke up, okay, my wife managed to run away from the windows, the explosions were very strong, literally in 3-4 minutes the car burned out completely, damage was recorded in the suburbs of belgorod, the region's municipal services are already dealing with the consequences. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum, conduct the belgorod region. protests in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war are taking place all over the world. in paris, members of the immortal regiment gathered in the republic square, where they sang songs together war years, including the famous katyusha. many came with russian and soviet flags . in tokyo, russian diplomats laid flowers at the grave of the legendary intelligence officer richard sorge. a piece
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of the eternal flame from the tomb of the unknown soldier was delivered to moldova. from the alexander garden in moscow. it was brought by the head of gagauzia, evgenia gutsul, and the chairman of the opposition bloc pobeda, ilan shur. the night before, residents of chisinau lit 1,418 candles in memory of each day of the great patriotic war. the memorial event took place despite to pressure from local authorities. even 2 years ago, moldovan president maia sandu approved a law according to which citizens of the country should be fined for wearing st. george ribbons. the feat of the soviet people in the great patriotic war is remembered in african countries. the immortal regiment held an embassy in ghana, kenya and ethiopia. ethiopian cadets who are studying russian wrote congratulations on victory day to russian soldiers who are now on the front line. the immortal regiment passed through cairo in one of the schools at the russian embassy. children and teachers marched in formation with photographs of front-line soldiers. in addition, russian diplomats
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laid flowers at the memorial... in the egyptian city of el alamein. two decisive battles took place there on the north african front of world war ii, where the allied forces took part.


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