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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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in the evening, residents of chisinau lit 1,418 candles in memory of each day of the great patriotic war. the memorial event took place despite pressure from local authorities. even 2 years ago, moldovan president maia sandu approved a law according to which citizens of the country should be fined for wearing st. george ribbons. the feat of the soviet people in the great patriotic war is remembered in african countries; the immortal regiment held an embassy in ghana, kenya and ethiopia. ethiopian. in cairo , the immortal regiment passed through one of the schools at russian embassy, ​​the teacher’s children marched in formation with photographs of front-line soldiers. in addition, russian diplomats laid flowers at the memorial cemetery in the egyptian city of el alamein. two decisive battles took place there on the north african front of world war ii, where the allied forces took part. people from
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our country. they remember and honor history in the middle kingdom. in the face of aggression from hitler's germany and its satellites, japanese militarists, the armies and peoples of the soviet union and china fought shoulder to shoulder. it has already become traditional for beijing. the immortal regiment rally took place today on the territory of the russian embassy. the atmosphere of memory and celebration at alexander baletsky. under the banner. the great victory in one line included people from the former ussr and even the chinese, but mostly, of course, russians living in beijing. please look, they are also with us now. ring, let us, here you go, all these people are with us today. in our hands are portraits of heroes who are remembered and honored, even thousands of kilometers away from their homeland. two ivans, the younger ivan, still in finnish, went to thirty-ninth, and was called up, but disappeared without a trace. a - my grandfather is my father, my
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real father, i am proud, he fought at stalingrad, mikhail maiseevich nikitin, he liberated harbin, was seriously wounded at the fore, when they crossed the hengan ridge , he has a medal for military merit. the far eastern front is where the military brotherhood of russia and china was strongest, in this immortal regiment the chinese are the same fellow soldiers, someone is holding photographs of those who fought in their hands. soviet volunteer pilots, someone's portrait of his son maodzedun anina, as part of the red army he ended the war in berlin, here is the daughter of the granddaughter of the legendary battalion commander formed in the soviet far east of the eighty-eighth brigade liuyalow, who already became the commander-in-chief of the chinese air force in the new china. my grandfather, he fought in russia precisely during the second world war, he graduated from fronze, and... he studied there then
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he joined the army, this is a victory, it is our common, of course, certainly a common victory, cheers, pupils of the ivanovo interhome, or simply ivanovo residents that during the great patriotic war they lived in the ussr while their parents they fought against the japanese invaders in their homeland, they gather regularly for commemorative events, because victory day is also with tears in their eyes, and this is the day they should always hold it in their hands. a hero, so that people always, all their lives, everyone always remembers them, what, what, these are the most precious lives they gave, it’s true, that’s why i remember this, i see the chinese, too, those who died in the world war, i i want tears, you know, behind every faded photo, my grandfather didn’t fight in
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world war ii, but he fought in the korean war, and this, too, was a war for truth, and the immortal regiment is an action to preserve historical memory and historical truth, which allows the spirit of victory to be passed on from ancestors to subsequent generations, so the st. george ribbons for the chinese, as in russia a symbol of courage, are with them today beijing and harbin, shinyang and shanghai are marching. china celebrates its victory day. in september, along with the liberation of the country from the japanese invaders, but what does the ninth of may mean for russia, they know well here and understand that without victory there is great domestic, there would have been no victory in world war ii. alexander baletsky, nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china. today is a double holiday in sevastopol. 80 years ago, soldiers of the red army liberated the city from the nazis. don’t go too far about this and more after the advertisement. save! while our memory lives on,
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thanks to all the veterans, thanks to the heroes of the front and rear, thanks to the great generation of winners. we remember those great years, while these songs sounded, dark but, we are invincible, only bullets whistle across the steppe, came to bank, katyusha, to the high bank, steep, happy holiday.
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until the end of his life, fyodor dobronravov, he will calculate everything, calculate everything, put everything in order, he sees four moves ahead, sergei makovsky, i heard you need responsible comrades for the campaign, lean on me, comrade koselev, konstantin khabetsky, this is it i’ll save it, wow, remember, we never lost this, this is a mulet, no, this is a device that finds the way, fellow jews, we need to get as far away from the camp as possible, a film by sergei ursulyak, i’m glad that we... broke away, left, we didn’t leave them, they are following us, righteous man, today on rtr, on victory day, there are no
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seventh-grade schools left of the heroes of bygone times, they took and went to the front, it’s a dark night, this holiday is good because it unites generations, songs from the bottom of my heart, a big holiday release, today on rtr, new russian cinema, i'm after my brother, now i have to find him, love as proof of life, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, will you go there in a couple of days? into the gray zone, go, i'll come back for you, do you hear, call sign passenger, on may 10 on rtr,
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on air, we continue the broadcast right now, we are returning to red square again. where the main parade of the country took place today, my colleague alexey konopko is still working there. alexey, tell us what happens on the square after the parade. after the parade, everyone who was here in the stands, next to the stands, can go out onto the square, well , that is, we, for example, journalists, but here we are lucky, we still go to red square on may 9 quite often, and for those who are here for the first time or maybe only once in their life on such a significant day. for them, of course, this is a special impression, because people always pour out onto the paving stones, immediately after the last parade squads leave, after the square and the orchestra leave, after the aviation flies over, all this, of course, is photographed, then they pour out onto the paving stones and they begin take pictures
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of each other, begin to share their impressions, here separately such a large group was made up of volunteers who today helped our veterans, heroes... of the patriotic war to come here, then back into electric cars in order for someone to drive off to the eternal flame in order to pay tribute to the memory of an unknown soldier next to the president, to lay flowers, someone just maybe already home, some in order to go on a walk, may 9 is still a holiday that does not end with a parade, and of course the weather has made its own adjustments, you probably see that... now it’s already very few people stay on red square, it’s still cold, why hide it, the snow on the roofs of the guma hasn’t even melted yet, despite the fact that the sun still peeks out from time to time, but it’s still quite cold, so people took pictures, rejoiced and left with the red
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square and somewhere else, but we talked, of course, with veterans, there were about 150 of them in the stands, we even managed to talk with... people who were sitting directly on the central honorary stand next to vladimir putin, that’s all they are in a great mood, all of them they said that they were proud of their followers and fighters. today, which passed in parade boxes in front of the main stand, in front of all the other stands, we also asked them, for example, what they told the supreme commander-in-chief, not everyone, of course, managed to talk for a long time with vladimir putin, but nevertheless, these people told us that the president was told that the country was on the right course and he was doing the right job, colleagues. well, here's the footage we get in real time: vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko
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had a short conversation with journalists in the alexander garden, let's take a look. during the discussion of our bilateral relations, we talked about... what is happening, the development, we talked about the situation related to these difficult events, we talked with the minister of defense, with the chief of the general staff, because we had a full-fledged meeting, and of course, they talked about what was happening, as i already said, when we came into contact, i said that i met with employees of the seventh, seventh. with commanders units that are different, the latter
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were to talk, and of course, they talked about our guys, those who were on the show, included heroism, courage and the results of today's combat, the presidents decided to conduct exercises, but the use of tactical nuclear weapons is not a use, this is a teaching. so our belarusian colleagues will join our joint actions
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; they began jointly with the corresponding instructions from the ministry of defense and the general staffs of our army. we completed the first stage, one might say it was useful, but we made a decision yesterday for us to synchronize and conduct the second and third stage together. he correctly emphasized that this is not the first time, this is our third training session, well, in russia, probably. there were dozens, so we are synchronizing, and the general staffs have already, the russian defense minister said, they have begun to implement these, so there is nothing unusual here, this is a planned work, thank you, thank you, you just saw footage from the alexander garden, where vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko spoke briefly with journalists and answered questions about conducting... tactical exercises. sevastopol celebrates a double holiday today exactly
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80 years ago. may 9, forty-four. the heroic city was liberated from nazi troops. the invaders rampaged through the destroyed sevastopol for 22 months. thousands of women, old people and children were tortured and killed. as a result of a powerful offensive operation by soviet troops, the german armada defending crimea was defeated. on the night of may 10, moscow saluted the liberators. about this. chapter on the history of the great patriotic war about today's yana shcherbate will tell you about the holiday. the navy flag flies proudly over the legendary city, a long-standing tradition on one of the main days of the year. in the city of russian sailors, every family has its own hero. my grandfather's name is kolos vladimir vasilievich. he liberated the city and ended in the war in koeningsberg. may 9th is a holiday here. always double. 80 years ago, soldiers of the red army liberated sevastopol from the nazis.
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antonina alexandrovna remembered this spring day on the forty-fourth forever. when the germans entered sevastopol, she was seven. then it was only by a miracle that the girl and her family were not driven away to germany. when the germans entered sevastopol, they immediately established a new order here. they hanged three young men on pushkinskaya street to intimidate them. shell fragments and a german cossack are a reminder of the war. all this. nina aleksandrovna found it in the yard of her house. the battles for every centimeter of sevastopol were brutal and bloody. during the defense of the city, the density of fire here was the highest in the entire history of the war. and this record was broken. only during the liberation of sevastopol. here's a medal for sevastopol. the medal for courage is one of the most expensive for evgeny fedorovich rogov. in may of '44 he was only 19 years old. defender of stalingrad, he liberated sevastopol. after the battles on the northern side of the city, he crossed the sevastopol bay. we are on an inflatable sapper boat. the entire platoon swam across the northern
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bay. a maxim machine gun was installed on the side on a separate raft. the germans were waiting for this attack from the north and the soviet troops did not destroy their illusion, but after the northern direction our soldiers rushed into battle in other sectors. today the russian ministry of defense launches a historical and educational project about the liberation of the city. this is unique , including german documents, detailed reports, award lists of heroes and offensive maps. in the combat journal. actions , it is noted that during the period from may 5 to may 9 , 1944, the enemy rushed in panic from one sector to another, trying to hold back the rapid advance of our troops, but the enemy achieved nothing, and such a maneuver was part of the plans of the command of the fourth ukrainian front. the decisive battle for
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sevastopol took place at sapun mountain. the natural mountain barrier is practically the gateway to the city, from here the entire valley. clearly visible, the height of the mountain is 240 m, and even just climbing its crest without weapons is no easy task, but our soldiers also had to overcome serious german defensive structures, dozens of pillboxes, bunker trenches . in fact, by may 1944, sapun mountain had turned into an impregnable fortress. several rows of trenches, barbed wire, minefields, artillery, tanks. ivan potuk was a scout.
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the germans resisted fiercely. hitler gave the order to hold sevastopol at any cost. they defended for 8 months. we will hold out for 8 years,” hitler said. i received orders to defend every five sevastopol bridgehead. you understand its meaning; no name in russia is pronounced with more reverence than sevastopol. the mountain was literally on fire. every meter of land is reinforced concrete fortifications. our soldiers were supported from the air by aviation, and from the water by the black sea fleet. sailors for their family. city, the black sea base fought until the last one. the white stone fortress of impregnable sevastopol, our soldiers were able to liberate in just 5 days. everyone knew what sevastopol was for the soviet union, for our country. the fascists escaped and took revenge by blowing up and looting houses. in their bestial rage, the fascist scoundrels destroyed
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historical monuments, at the same time they covered themselves as a shield with civilians during their retreat. civilians, more than 90% of the buildings in the city were destroyed, but the legendary sevastopol rose from the ruins. may 9, 1944, the day when unbroken and rebellious before enemies of sevastopol, returned to his homeland, there was exactly a year left until the great victory. yana cherbaty, andrey terentev, olga alenkina, dare podobedova and maxim akhmetov. news: hero city, sevastopol. viewers of our channel, today, on victory day, a big musical program awaits. at 17:50 the festive episode of andrei malakhov's show will begin. don't miss the song from the heart. and immediately after the evening big news on our channel premiere. large-scale military-historical drama righteous. the film is based on the immortal
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feat of red army officer nicholas kiselyov, who saved more than 200 jewish women in the fall of 1942. old people and children, leading them out of the territory occupied by the nazis. the film received four awards at the golden eagle national film award. today the righteous man is on the television screen. polina ermalaeva, more details. flowers in nikolai kiselev's park. after the release of the movie righteous, they are always here. and soon, at the beginning of the new arbat, a monument to a hero will appear, about whom no one knew for a century, only in the 21st century, director sergei ursulyak revealed his name to the world. the picture needs a big viewer, so i would say so, yes, i am very glad that on this day, this picture will not be interrupted by advertising, this is a great happiness for me. as for the picture, comrades jews, you were all gathered here together to lead through the german rear and take you beyond the front line. the feat of an equal,
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who was not more than 200 people, was brought out of the jewish ghetto by partisans nikolai kiselev. fleeing from the nazis, they walked 1,500 km through belarusian forests and the film crew repeated the path of the detachment. half-hearted! some months of hard work artist'. the fallen rose again in pitch darkness, crossed the river, made their way through dense thickets, dodged explosions, froze in the pouring rain, authenticity in every frame. silence, engine, engine goes, please, complete silence, in the role of nikolai kiselyov, alexander yatsenko, sergei makovetsky played the temple jew reuben yankel, evgeny tkachuk, the cheerful lover partisan queen. take off the hoe and boil it for the day. in this film. laughter, tears, heroism and betrayal, disappointment and true love. kiselev in squad will meet anya, and this is not a script move: after the war they will get married and raise two
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children. their task is to survive and get there. and there is no choice. four awards from the national film academy, millions of viewers in russia. the film was seen in israel. among the spectators were participants in the campaigns and their descendants. everyone was so grateful for what we shared, what we talked about. an angel descended, it was kiselyov. memories of the past are not an easy path to salvation. in '42 they were children. and also stories from historians who declassified
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documents confirming the feat. in 2005 , the yadvash memorial recognized kiselev as righteous among the nations. it is on the medal of the righteous and it is written: “he who saved one soul is as if he saved the whole world.” maybe further from the camp. the righteous man and his path. 9th may. our main day of the year on the russia tv channel immediately after the fireworks display. polina ermolaeva, maxim bragin and arina bogorodetskaya. news. the parade in honor of the great victory became the key event of the day in nizhny tagil. this city is home to the famous ural carriage plant, which makes t-90m tanks. breakthrough. this russian combat vehicle is rightfully considered the best in the world, which has been fully proven by the experience of the svo. the plant was the country's main tank conveyor during the great patriotic war. having produced several tens of thousands of tanks, that’s why today’s festive convoy with equipment was headed, of course, by the legendary thirty-four, report by kirill bortnikov. a few
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hours before the victory parade, military equipment, the pride of the russian army of all times , takes its positions, this is a kind of evolution of tanks born in nizhny tagel. the t-90m is a breakthrough behind me, the most popular tank of our time, the t-72b3m, but it leads a mechanized column. the best tank of the second world war, a symbol of the courage of victory, the legendary thirty-four. the banner of the state defense committee, ural-vagonzavod, is flying on board. it was awarded during the great patriotic war 38 times. then in nizhny tagel they did what was perhaps impossible. they adjusted production in such a way that the t-34 came off the assembly line every 30 minutes. the more tanks are made, the more the fascist beasts will be exterminated.
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the first two t-34 tanks in february 1940, and already in march koshkin drove from kharkov to moscow on prototypes; after stalin’s approval , mass production began. i am proud of my great-grandfather, that he created such a machine, that it won the great patriotic war, and is still remembered. alexey serik, the great-grandson of mikhail koshkin, lives in novosibirsk, with great excitement and trepidation, for the first time in his life he climbs into the thirty- four created by his grandfather and takes the place of the machine gunner’s father, to ride in such power, i
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i can imagine how our great-grandfathers... drive, well, there is not enough space, a little inconvenient, but the emotions cannot be expressed in words, hello, comrade, the parade in honor of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war in nizhny tagel, as in many russian cities today, is key holiday event: hundreds of military personnel, thousands of spectators around and dozens of pieces of equipment, and this is exactly the most spectacular part, now footage of the meeting of the president with military personnel, which took place in the kremlin on may 7 after vladimir’s accession ceremony putin into office. i am very glad to see you
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all at... as part of the events related to the inauguration of the president of the russian federation. i would really like for all our comrades in arms to be present at this ceremony, who solve problems within the framework of a special military operation, do not spare their health, and, if necessary, give their lives for russia. unfortunately, this is impossible, these are hundreds of thousands of people, but i take this opportunity and through you i want to convey to them my best wishes and best wishes. success, victories, we have big tasks for the development of the country in the economic sphere, which is the basis of all our successes, we all must understand this, in the social sphere, to strengthen the families of russia, to develop healthcare, education and so on and so on, we have all the opportunities, everything is absolutely possible for all these tasks to be fully implemented, but... only under
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one condition, subject to your successful work on the battlefield, this is a key link today, we all understand this, the whole country understands this, therefore you see, all the country supports you, today they gathered here, i asked the minister to gather here, the leaders of the commanders of various units, the commanders. regiments, brigades, divisions, armies - those who have most distinguished themselves recently during a special military operation, and i want to personally thank you for your courage, for your ability to command troops, i want to ask you to convey my best wishes to all your subordinates for that combat work , which they are doing in the interests of the fatherland, and among us there is one
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comrade, whose birthday is today, now the cameras will stop working, i will allow myself to congratulate you, this is the first, second, second , i asked you to display the presidential standards on the table, i just want them as a souvenir for you, they are personal and numbered, i just want them as a souvenir convey as a sign of our meeting today, and of course... for me, meetings of this kind are always important, because, as a rule, these are frank conversations, and i really look forward to such a frank conversation about what and how is happening with us on battlefield, what and how additionally needs to be done so that the actions of our combat units are even more successful, so that tasks are solved with minimal losses and... so that
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we certainly achieve all the tasks assigned to us by our homeland. right now there is a big festive concert on the russia tv channel dedicated to victory day. hello, dear friends. country of winners! we sincerely, from the bottom of our hearts , congratulate you on the most important day in the history of our great russia. and let decades and centuries pass, let them change generations, but every year on may 9 everyone will congratulate each other with the most important words: happy victory day! dear friends! we
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received a greeting from the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. participants, organizations and guests. schools, volunteers and volunteers, activists of the immortal regiment. guests who have come to moscow from many regions of the country have ahead of them their favorite songs performed by talented artists of creative groups,
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interesting communication and new acquaintances. i am convinced that such bright, memorable public initiatives are important at all times. in the song and dance ensemble of the russian army named after alexandrov, chief conductor of the ensemble, honored artist of russia, nikolai kirillov. the great song of alexandra pakhmutova will be performed by people's artist
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of russia nikolai baskov. let us bow to those great years. do not forget the terrible years, when the volga water boiled, the earth was drowning in the fury of fire, and there was neither night nor day, we fought along the volga banks. enemy divisions marched onto the volga, but our great soldier survived, but the immortal stalingrad survived, let us bow
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to those great years, to those glorious commanders... and to the soldiers and marshals of the country and the privates, let us bow to both the dead and the living, to all those who must not be forgotten. let us bow, let us bow, friends, with the whole world, with all the people, with the whole earth, let us bow for that great battle,
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we closed the ring around the enemies. we flared with anger in their faces, the russian soldier laid out a shroud of snow, laid out, laid out for the enemy regiments, that great mortal battle is over, turns blue peacefully, the sky above you, above our eternal mother river, above the glorious soldier colada. let us bow to those great years , those glorious commanders and soldiers and marshals
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of the country and privates. everything, both dead and alive, to all those who must not be forgotten. let's bow, bow, friends, bow to the great of all the years, without the glorious ones with the commander and the fighter. and the country’s shalon is important, let’s bow to
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both the dead and the living, we’re ready to wash away everyone , we can’t bow down, bow down. for friends, with the whole world, with all the people, with the whole earth, let us bow down for that great battle, with all the world, with all the people, with the whole earth. let's bow to the great battle.
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in every russian city, in every village there is a memorial to soldiers, officers, fellow countrymen who died for the freedom and independence of our homeland, and also a monument to the unknown soldier, as long as the memory lives, we will live, our concert continues the people's concert. russia,
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lev leshchenko. i'll get up before dawn today. i walk across a wide field, something has happened to my memory, everything that was not with me, i remember, rain pouring down my cheeks, into the fires, twenty years for the universe is not enough, i wasn’t even familiar with... with the guy those who promised i would return, mother, and the steppe
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grass smells hot, the young winds are green, we wake up, playfully plays over midnight, or storm. either an echo of the past war, it promises to be a long spring, waiting for selected grain, arable land, and i live on the good land, for myself for that guy, i am so heavy. i’m hunched over, but
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i can’t live any other way, if everything is his voice, everything sounds in me, his song. grip grass. it smells bitter, the young winds are green, we wake up, the game wants over midnight, either a thunderstorm, or an echo of the past
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war, we wake up playfully. of the past war, the people's cheet at midnight, either a thunderstorm, or an echo, the artist of a great country, lev leshchenko! expensive friends, today at our concert there are veterans of the great patriotic war, this is rem vasilyevich balakerev, in september 1944 he was appointed helmsman of the pinsk division of the second
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guards brigade of armored boats of the dnieper red banner military flotilla, took part in the hostilities. thank you, rem vasilievich, irina georgievna, irina vasilievna. dear veterans, thank
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you for the victory, health, strength, joy, prosperity! and the audience chants, thank you. kuban cossack choir, artistic director, people's artist of russia, viktor zakharchenko. people's artist of a great country, sergei shakurov. oh, roads! oh, the roads, the dust, yes, the fog, the cold, anxiety
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to the point of the steppe. you can’t know the storm of your lot, maybe you’ll fold your wings in the middle of the steppes, dust swirls under your boots, chains, and burning sticks. all around the flames are raging until bullets reduce the echo of the road to dust and fog of cold anxiety to the steppe storm shot
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gryah. the raven is circling, your friend lies lifeless in the weeds, and the road continues to toss, gather dust, swirl, the alien earth smokes all around. land, previlava. the cold of anxiety until the buoy, the edge of the barrier
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, the sun is piled, it gave a blast, we will wait for you for the night and the endless. not even the steppe storms, the snow is pouring, let us remember,
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friends, we cannot forget these roads. many songs about the war were created after the battles of the great patriotic war took place. the songs that will now be heard are about the fate of hundreds of thousands of soldiers who miraculously remained alive in that terrible war. about those who buried friends again, and died themselves 100 times. you.
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the years have flown by, the battles have died down, your severe wounds have healed, but distant courage they keep loyalty, you stand and remain silent, with the holy prince. “you survived as a soldier, even though you died 100 times, even if you buried friends, and even if
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you stood to death, why did you freeze, a palm on your heart, an eternal flame splashing in your eyes, like in streams”? they say that a soldier does not cry, a soldier, he is a soldier, and that old wounds hurt, but yesterday there was sunshine in the morning, why are you crying, soldier? at the holy fire, you survived, soldier, at least
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you died 100 times, at least you buried friends, and at least stood to death, why did you freeze, a hand on your heart, in the eyes as in streams. the eternal flame is splashing, look, soldier, this is your youth, sons are standing at the soldier’s grave, so what are you thinking about, old soldier, either your heart is burning, or your wounds are hurting, you’ve survived the soldier, you’ve died at least 100 times, you’ve even buried friends , and even
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to death. stood, why did you freeze your hand on your heart, in your eyes, like in streams, eternal fire splashes, in your eyes, like in streams, eternal fire splashes, happy holiday, happy day of great victory. the great victory became
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the basis of such a powerful national unity. which the history of russia did not know, and this unity was bequeathed to us by our great ancestors, victorious heroes. another poignant song about the war, it will be performed by people's artist of russia, yuri antonov. there is silence on the fedyuninsky hills. dreams, as if
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there was no war, but the war was a funeral at the bottom of silence, and it would seem that everything was dead, the water in the sea changed for so many years, but when you go out, when you step behind the pores and you can’t get away from the poppies anywhere, poppies, poppies, red poppies , bitter memory of the earth, can you really stop the attacks, can you really stop the attacks of those who did not
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come from these colmas. poppies, poppies, red poppies, bitter memory of the earth, can you really stop the attacks, can you really stop the attacks, where no one came from these hills, topalyan blooms above the sapun mountain. cranes fly over sapun mountain, float from end to end across the fields, poppies, poppies, the conscience of the earth, and it would seem, what kind of passion is that, they have been burning for so many years. oh, how
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i want to fall into those grasses, lie on the ground in red poppies, poppies, poppies, red poppies, the bitter memory of the earth, do you really dream of attacks, do you really dream of attacks, those from these?
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on the fvedyun hills silence, above malakov kurygan dreams as if he didn’t exist. war, but war, a funeral at the bottom of silence.
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happy victory day to you, dear friends, people's artist of russia, yuri antonov, bravo, let's continue, friends, thank you, now the song that they know and love to sing, not only in our country, but throughout the world, is ours.
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or the apple trees were toys, the fog floated over the river, katyusha went ashore, onto a high bank onto
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a steep one, katyusha went ashore, onto a high bank onto a steep one, went out to start a song. about the steppe fence, about the one whom she loved, about the one whose letters she treasured, about the one whom she loved, about whom she cherished the rays of the letter, oh, you are a song, a girlish song, you fly. follow the clear sun, to a soldier on the distant border, from katyusha say hello to her, to a fighter on the distant border, from katyusha say
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hello, let him remember a simple girl, let him hear her sing, may he protect his native land, and love, kotyusha save , may he take care of his native land, and may he save love in katyusha,
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apple and pear trees blossomed, fogs floated over the river. katyusha came ashore. sloping bank onto a steep one, went ashore, so listen, to the high bank, happy holiday, my dears, happiness, love,
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thank you! people's artist of russia larisa dolina. and i would like to once again, with words of gratitude, welcome veterans of the great patriotic war to our hall. semeon yakovlevich lyulko. in 1941, he volunteered for the military registration and enlistment office and was sent to the airborne forces training center. completed 102 training flights, then the active army 301st guards regiment, 100th guards svir red banner airborne division. mikhail nikolaevich peymer fought on the bryansk front in august forty-two in stalingrad, in october forty -two, the commander of the katyusha rocket launcher battery took part in operation bagration, liberated belarus, lithuania, fought. thank you to east prussia, thank
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you, dear ones, be healthy, happy, thank you for being with us today, thank you for the victory. performed by the people's artist of russia stas mikhailov, it is called such a simple word , understandable to all of us, order.
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scraps of life go away, i look at the sun, but i see night, only the smell of a gray, dull groan, someone nearby is wheezing alive, don’t die, the order is for me, i need to get up. i need to get up from those youths, failed fathers, for those who went to the last battle, for those who did not return home, for unborn children, for the tears of our mothers, i have to... i have to get up, i
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have to get up, and i'm wheezing , but i get up, i die, but i live, our commander shouts fire, the fire of a grenade cuts pain. and i merge with the silence, not to die, an order from the sky i need to get up, i need to stand up for those youths, failed fathers, for those who went to the last battle, for those who did not return home, for
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unborn children, for the tears of our mothers, i must stand up, i must stand up, not die, orders from heaven must stand up, i have enough of those youngsters who will not succeed. our fathers, for those who went to the last battle, who turned home. for the unborn children, for the tears of our mothers, i must stand up, i must stand up, i
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must stand up, i must stand up, thank you, happy holiday. stas mikhailov, today we celebrate victory day with the whole world, all the people, the whole earth. this is the day when our heroic grandfathers and great-grandfathers defeated destroyed the enemy, defended their homeland, liberated europe, saved the whole world from fascism. today we bow deeply to all veterans; love and gratitude will always live in our hearts. thank you for winning. the great generation of victorious heroes is an immortal moral example for all of us, for future and current defenders
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of the homeland. on stage, shaman. it seems to me, sometimes, that the soldiers who never came from the bloody fields did not once die in our land. but they turned into white cranes, they are still flying from those distant times they give us voices, that’s not why it’s so often
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sad, we know looking at the heavens, yeah. it flies, flies across the sky, a tired wedge, flies in the fog at the end of the day,
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there is a small gap in that formation, maybe this is the place for me. the day will come from the flock of cranes, i will swim in the same blue gloom, from the skies i will call the birds, all of you whom i left on earth.
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it seems at times that soldiers who did not come from the bloody fields, not to our land, once died, but turned into white cranes,
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i want to congratulate our entire country on the holiday, on may 9, on the great victory, hurray, hurray , yes. let's get up,
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get up, get up, while we're still with you, we're alive, and the truth is behind us, there's someone looking at us from above with their own eyes. they smiled like children outside, let's stand closer to them , let's stand, stand, stand, while the lord is with us, the truth is with us, we will say thank you for the victory. we were given for those who found
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their heaven is no longer with us, let's stand up, start a song, let's stand up, our eternal memory beats stronger in our chests, between us, let's stand up, the heroes of russia will remain in our hearts, to the end, let's stand up remember all those whom in this fire lost those who went to die for freedom. and not swept away, i know that we will definitely
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meet with you, we will get up again, we will get up, we will get drunk, our eternal memory is breasting, between us... we will get up, we will get up, we will get up, we will get up,
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beating stronger in our chest, our eternal memory, between us. the heroes of russia will remain in our hearts until the end, let us rise , our eternal memory beats stronger in our chests between ... the heroes of russia will remain in our hearts.
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shaman and festive choir of the danilo monastery, artistic director georgy safonov.
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another favorite song of ours sounds: a blue handkerchief, a modest little blue handkerchief was worn out. their shoulders, you said that you would not forget affectionate, joyful meetings, sometimes, at night, we said goodbye to you, there are no previous nights where you are a handkerchief, dear, welcome dear. i remember
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how on a memorable evening, your handkerchief fell from your shoulders, how you saw off and promised to steal the blue handkerchief , and let it be with me, no, today my beloved dear one, i know with love, you hide it at the headboard. dear, when i receive your letters, i hear my dear voice, and between the lines, the blue handkerchief again stands before me, and often accompanies me with you. and
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your appearance, i feel next to your loving gaze, you are always with me, how many treasured handkerchiefs we carry in chanels with us, tender speeches, tevichi beaches, we remember in our suffering... for them, happy , desired loved ones, such as the machine gunner scribbles for a blue handkerchief, that was on the shoulders of dear ones.
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for them, relatives, desired, loved ones, such, take care of their little little ones, as big as the blue handkerchief that was on the shoulders of the dear ones. honored artist of russia, zara, thank you, well now we would like to tell you about a wonderful family dynasty, that’s all generations of which chose a heroic
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profession, to defend their homeland, the fuzhenko dynasty, today its representatives in... colonel evgeny fuzhenko, served in staff and command positions in the russian armed forces, a participant in combat. his wife, aina gulfuzhenka, a foreman of the medical service, a participant in a special military operation, and their son georgy, an eighth-grade student at the suvorov military school. thank you! the people's artist of russia addresses you with words of gratitude, that's the name of the song, thank you guys, remembering,
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it was quiet, sitting at the grave, the men say, their wrinkles will remember everything about how in an instant, without warning, the bloodshed broke out in the morning, we flew up as birds, in the fire on... the border, thinking it was a dream, but crazy thunder in
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a black chariot, the main thing will be a dream for their whole life, then, their whole life, then... hurray, thank you, guys, for being with us, thank you, region, but. what you shielded within yourself stood as a strong wall, thank you,
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guys, to all those who were russia’s older brother, for what i could have had without you. but you managed to win, bequeathing us to live, bequeathing us to live, in the warm light of the eternal might, terrible moments. and disobedience, generations, we must remember their names, so that
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one morning, if necessary, we can always fly like birds. to distant villages or cities, the star saw how the goths and grandfathers made victories, we will remember this, this is forever with... forever, thank you guys
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for being close to your father, thank you, hero, for what you blocked with you stood like a wall, thank you. guys, to all those who was a race and an older brother, for what could not have happened without you, but you managed to win, bequeathed to us to live. bequeathed to us to live,
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thank you, happy holiday, grigory lepts, our festive concert, may 9, victory day continues, meet pilogey, he will not come for you. it is clear,
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the water will not flow for you, and the girl’s heart will beat with the delight of feelings, not for you. the gardens in the distance will not bloom for you; the grove will bloom there; the nightingale will greet spring; it will not sing for you. it’s not for you that
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streams gurgle, run like diamond streams, there’s a theme with black eyebrows, she is not growing for you. easter will not come for you, all your relatives will gather at the table, the wine will be drunk so much...
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my life is not for you, but for you a piece of lead, her white body will scream, bitter tears will be shed, because... my life, brother, is waiting bitterness will be shed upon you, such a life will gnaw at you.
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thank you, happy holiday, thank you, pilogea. alexander yatsenko, we didn’t leave them, they follow us, behind us, this is war, we are part of it, in war shering is not chosen, jews here are not peaceful people, they are killed by enemies and that means they must.
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on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing, the true story of world war ii. ui appeared in the northeast not by chance, it all happened.
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frames in the film by alexei denisov emperor without an empire, a throne on bayonets. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945 . premiere on may 10 on rtr. a wonderful soviet poet, alexey. fatyanov, a private who fought throughout the war, told. i remember the front, in a large green grove, we were soldiers, lying after a battle, shaking off the earth that had covered us, suddenly we hear, following the hum
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of german planes fading in the distance, as if affirming life, the nightingale clicked. and so the song was born, spring came to our front, which soon... began to be called simply nightingales. today this song will be performed by people's artist of russia, nikolai baskov. nightingales. nightingales, don’t disturb the soldiers , let the soldiers sing the matter a little.
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god, saved, spring came to us at the front, i became a soldier without sleep, not because the guns were firing, but because they were singing again, having forgotten that there were battles going on here, they were singing. there are crazy salavis here, salaviy. nightingale, do not disturb the soldiers,
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oh, soldiers, a little sleepy. yes, let them save you, but what is war for the nightingale, the nightingale has his own life, the soldier does not sleep, remember the house and the green garden above the pond, where the nightingales sing all night, in that house. they are waiting somewhere, nightingales, nightingales, don’t disturb
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the soldiers, oh, soldiers. let them sleep a little , let him save him, and tomorrow there will be a battle again, it’s so destined by fate, so that we don’t leave... unloving from our wives, from our fields, but with
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every step in that battle, home in our native land is closer to us, salavi, salavi, don't worry. that the soldiers have little sleep!
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happy holiday of great victory. thank you! people's artist of russia, nikolai baskov! our soldiers at all times knew what they fought for and what they died for! they were led to a great victory by selfless devotion to their native country. love for your people, for your small homeland. this is where we were lucky enough to be born, where for the rest of our lives until death, we found that handful of earth that is suitable for seeing in it the signs of the whole earth. yes, you can survive in the heat, in thunderstorms, in frosts, yes, you can go hungry and cold, face death, but these. three birches in one's lifetime
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cannot be given away. on stage are alexandra vorobyova and the moscow state academic dance theater gzhel. i look into the blue lakes. i look into the blue lakes in the fields, i pick daisies, i call you. i call russia alone, ask,
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ask me again. and there is no dearer land, i was once given a russian name here, i look into the blue lakes in the fields of daisies, i call you russia, i call you the only one, i don’t know greater happiness than to live with one destiny, to be sad with you, my land, and to celebrate with you.
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your beauty has not aged, neither years nor misfortune ivanami yes marami. and you were always proud, not all falcons returned, some were chiefs, some were killed, but their high glory belongs to you, your beauty was not
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stolen. never mind, it doesn’t matter, ivanamilya maryami, you were always proud, i don’t know greater happiness than to live with the same destiny, to be sad with you, my land, and... to know with you, i don’t know greater happiness than to live with the same destiny, to be sad with you , my land, and
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celebrate with you. and one more favorite song that helped our warriors live and survive in mortal combat, their wives and mothers to believe and hope for a quick meeting and, of course, a quick
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victory. on our festive stage, dima bilan. dark night! it’s a dark night, only bullets whistle across the steppe, only the wind hums in the wires. the stars twinkle dimly on the dark night, you, my beloved, i know you don’t sleep by the baby’s crib, you secretly
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wipe away a tear. how i love the depth of your tender eyes. how i want to press my lips to them now, the dark night separates our beloved and the disturbing black one that lies here. and between us, i believe in you, my dear friend,
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this faith saved me from a bullet on a dark night. i am happy, i am calm in a mortal battle, i know you will meet me with love, no matter what happens to me, death is scary to me, we have met it more than once. were flying in the steppe, and now,
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she’s circling above me, you’re waiting for me, you’re not sleeping by the baby’s crib, so i know. nothing will happen to me. death is not scary, we
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have encountered it more than once, and now it is circling above me and waiting for me. happy holiday of the great victory, honored
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honor of russia, dima bilan, front-line folklore, you can’t do without it in the war, songs, jokes, sayings, riddles composed our pilots and sailors, tank crews, signalmen, infantrymen, sappers, partisans, work cleanly, put a fascist right in the coffin and the russian says good, when the germans are fleeing, don’t give the enemy a break, don’t give him a tire, now let’s remember one song that although it appeared 2 years after the end of the war, but in our memory it is forever associated with the victorious days, the famous song of a front-line driver, in it... these words: the path for us to berlin, by the way, friends, was not easy and not quick, meet, people's
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artist of russia, alexander buinov. through the mountains rivers and valleys, through blizzard fire and black smoke, we drove the car. let's clear the mines to the frontline roads, the road is smart, we're not afraid of any little girl, but die. it’s enough for us, we still have things to do at home, but it’s enough for us to die, we still have things to do at home, the path for us to berlin, by the way, my friends, was not easy and not quick, we walked days and
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nights, it was very difficult, but he didn’t throw the steering wheel... he threw the drivers on the way, the front line is not scary for us, any little girl, but it’s too early for us to die, we still have things to do at home, and dying is the same for us, what else do we have business at home, maybe a separate civilian ? this song is a little out of place, we won’t forget, no matter where we live, front- line roads are well traveled, front-line paths, we’re not afraid of any little girl, but it’s too early for us to die, we still have things to do at home, but we’re equal to dying, yes we still have
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things to do at home. oh, the path, the front line, we are not afraid of any bombing, but it’s too early for us to die, we still have things to do at home, it’s too early for us to die, we still have things to do at home, happy holidays, well done! people's artist of russia alexander muinov. friends, we have another military dynasty in our hall today. let's start with the youngest, young suvorovite, nikolai kozlov. his father, major general valery kozlov,
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a border guard, served in various positions in the border troops. from the age of 10 he was the head of the moscow border institute of the fsb. father nikolai marchenko, a sailor, served on the ships of the red banner amur fleet. he is not in the hall today, but we say hello to him. happy holiday, dear defenders of the homeland. another legendary song, in zemlyanki. on the stage, taisiya povaliy. the fire drinks in the cramped stove, the resin on the logs is like a tear,
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an accordion sings to me in the dugout. about your smile and eyes, the bushes whispered to me about you, in the snow-white fields near moscow, i want you to hear how my living voice yearns. you are now far, far away, between us there is snow and snow, it is not easy for me to reach you, and there are four steps to death, sing a harmonica in the south for evil,
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lost. whose happiness depends, i feel warm in the cold dugout, on your unbearable love. sing a harmonica in the south for evil, lost happiness, howl to me in the cold. the dugout is warm, from your unbearable love, the fire drinks in the tight fire, the resin on the logs is like a tear,
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the accordion sings to me in the dugout, about your smile and eyes, the accordion sings to me in the dugout about your smile and eyes. taisiya povaliy, thank you! many soldiers
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kept notebooks with the words of front-line songs, poems and even... jokes in the pockets of their tunics, along with a soldier’s book and photographs of their relatives; in war, a soldier’s well-aimed word is also a weapon. at that time, the political department of the western front published the magazine front humor. difficult imagine this, but it happened. and not only professional writers and poets, but also ordinary soldiers published there. a good joke raised morale and gave the soldiers confidence that victory was just around the corner. popular wisdom says the truth: when the enemy is funny, he is not so terrible. now everyone will hear the well-known and beloved song of war correspondents, performed by gleb matveychuk and radion gazmanov. from moscow to prest, there is no
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place where we would not wander in the dust with a watering can, a notebook, or even a bullet. we walked through the cold and fire without a sip, comrade you can’t make a song, so let’s pour a small drink, let’s drink those who recorded the drinks, those who filmed the drinks, those who walked under fire, there’s a reason to drink for the military farewell, for the u2, for the emka, for success. how we walked on foot, how we pushed with our shoulders, how we kept up before everyone else, the winds are colder, we began to sing worse, but we will tell those
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who reproach us, shake with ours, feel with ours, sing with ours, at least for a year. where we were, they didn’t give us tanks, but we never got lost, in a pick-up truck with one revolver, we were the first to break into cities, so let's drink to victory, to our newspaper, but if we don't live, my dear, someone will hear it, write it down, someone will write it in memory. there is no you and me,
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from moscow to the prest, there is no place where we would not wander in the dust, with a watering can with a banknote, or even with a machine gun, through the fire we are cold... we will drink those who recorded, we will drink those who filmed, we will drink those who walked under fire, let's knock out those who recorded, let's drink those who filmed, let's drink... those who walked under fire, happy victory day, friends, happy the most important holiday of our country. happy holiday, gleb
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matveychuk, radion gazmanov, dance theater kzhel, thank you guys, the sun high in the air will warm this world, you say, even everything. the hour has come for which we have been waiting for many years, with rage and hatred of the enemy, despising death, i swear to trample the fascist reptile. in her own lair, i swear,
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i swear, i swear, the crew, ready for battle, the legendary t-34, today on rtr, on victory day, were from the heroes. their times are gone , they took the seventh grade school and went to the front, i have a lump in my throat, it’s a dark night, this holiday is good because it unites generations, songs from the bottom of my heart, big holiday issue, today on rtr, alexander yatsenko, we have not left them, they are coming after us, behind us, this is war. we are part of it in the war
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, we don’t choose a line, the jews here are not peaceful people, they are killed by enemies, which means they must fight with enemies, their task is to survive and get there, a film by sergei orsulyak, and there is no choice, a righteous man, a premiere, but a chance there is, today on rtr, on a cold sunday afternoon on april 6, 1914, i gathered in the center of donetsk.
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“we will not stand behind the price, the lines from this song have become truly popular, the words are from kursk and orla indicate to us that we are talking about the great battle on the kursk bulge, in the summer of forty -three. great song of front-line soldier bulat akudzhava. in our concert it will be performed by the honored artist of russia and
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here birds don’t sing, trees don’t grow. and as soon as we grow shoulder to shoulder into the ground here, the planet is on fire, the planet is spinning , there is smoke above our homeland, and that means we need one, victory, one for all... we won’t stand up for the price of everyone,
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we won’t stand up for the price of everyone, a useful fire awaits us, but it is still powerless, doubt goes away into the night, our separate tenth airborne battalion, our tenth airborne battalion, as soon as the fire goes out, another order sounds, the postman will go crazy... looking for us, a red rocket takes off, the machine gun hits tirelessly, so that means we need one victory, one for all, we won’t stand for the price,
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one for all, we won’t stand for the price, mortal fire awaits us, but that’s it. the knife, it is disembodied, doubts go away into the night, separate, our tenth airborne battalion, our tenth airborne battalion, from usk and the eagle, the war of us brought such things to the very enemy gates, brother, someday we will remember this. and not to believe it ourselves, but now we need one victory, one for all, we will not stand for the price, one for all, we will not stand for the price, a deadly fire awaits us, but still without much
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doubt it goes away into the night, our separate tenth airborne battalion. our tenth airborne battalion, our tenth airborne battalion, ekaterina guseva, 123rd regiment, thank you. heroes do not die, heroes live forever in our hearts in the grateful memory of the people, in books, films, songs and verses, at an unnamed height, on stage, people's artist of russia, alexander marshal.
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the grove was falling under the road, the sunset was burning with it, only three of us remained, out of eighteen guys, like many of their friends, good ones, were left lying in the dark, near an unfamiliar village at a nameless height, near an unfamiliar village at a nameless height,
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a falling rocket glowed. like a burnt-out star, whoever has seen it at least once will never forget, he will not forget, will not forget, and so are those furious ones, near an unfamiliar village on... a nameless height, near an unfamiliar village, on at an unnamed height, the messers circled above us,
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they were visible as if during the day, but we only became stronger friends. under cross artillery fire and no matter how difficult it was, you were faithful to your dream. near an unfamiliar village on a nameless height, near an unfamiliar village on a nameless height, i often dream about all the guys. friends of my war days, our three
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-edge dugout, the pine tree burned over it, as if i was again with them, standing on the fiery line, near an unfamiliar village with no name. at a certain height near an unfamiliar village on a nameless altitude, today i especially want to congratulate our dear veterans, thank them for this... people's artist of russia, alexander marshal.
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dear friends, our project is being implemented with the support of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. we are sure that now the whole hall will sing, because the song that has become the musical symbol of the nationwide movement of the immortal regiment will be played. her car dance songs of the russian army, as well as cadets and cadets of moscow military schools, the immortal regiment. river flows. immortal regiment, through the streets, along avenues across the country, walking in a row with
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portraits in their hands, the descendants of the victors in the war, forever young in old photos, having left their watch in the skies, our ancestors walk with us, as i live... the river of the immortal regiment flows, the river of the immortal regiment flows, flows river, and there is no end to the columns, they walk in a row, and the marshal of soldiers, from the photograph of a face like from an icon, without closing his eyes at... they look at us, they walk with us in death, trampling death, as if in
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401 covering the world with themselves, our life is not until it ends, the river of the immortal regiment flows, the river of the immortal regiment flows, so that the saved one is dear i haven’t... i haven’t forgotten the heroes, he goes, destroying the silence, an eternity passes, the immortal regiment is in order, it goes again to fight for the country, the dead souls merge with the sewn, they float like a wave right in the clouds, reviving them again in their descendants. the river of the immortal stick flows, the river of the immortal regiment flows.
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immortal regiment. dear friends, our holiday concert is coming to an end. thanks to the veterans of the great victory, you are our conscience and honor, you are our pride, you are the salt of the russian land. today our soldiers are during a special military operation they are bravely fighting neo-nazism and rebuilding the destroyed cities of donbass.
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let the example and feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. will give them powerful strength and fortitude, we are waiting, we believe, help and support you with all our hearts, to our festive stage we want to invite the famous people's artist of russia, whose name is inextricably linked with our most important, most beloved victory song, lev leshchenko, victory day . victory day, how far it was from us, how
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a melting meadow was burned in a fire, there were miles and miles of scorch. in the dust, we were approaching this day how could they, this day of victory, tasted like gunpowder, this is a holiday, gray on the temples, this is joy, with tears in the eyes, day of victory, victory, victory day, days and nights, at the open-hearth furnaces,
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our homeland did not close, days and nights. we fought a difficult battle, we brought this day closer as best we could, this day of victory, with gunpowder, this is a celebration, sitting on hangings, this is joy, with tears in our eyes, a day. victories, victories, the zen of victory , the zen of victory,
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hello mom, not all of us have returned, we would like to run barefoot through the dew. we burned through full of europe, full of earth, this day we they brought this day of victory as close as they could, the day of victory, disappeared like gunpowder, victory, this is a holiday, gray hair on the temples, this is joy, with cuts on the eyes. victory day, victory day, victory day , victory day, victory day, this is victory day, victory day, powder is lost, victory day, this is a holiday, a holiday, with gray hair at the temples, this is tediousness, with tears in the eyes.
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victory day, day of victory, day of victory, day of victory, day of victory.
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let's get busy here,
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comrade. but it’s better, nemes, move, where are you all completely crazy? not we'll make it in time, his tower needs to be turned, cut your hair, how to place
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the tower, count to four, loudly! four, it’s about to bend, push, honey, come on! here, two, 3, 4,
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that bastard, hold on! alive, like, kolya, vasya, stay, i’m poplar, welcome, you have to stop them, i understand, i understand.
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i knocked everyone out, but i would have stood to death myself.


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