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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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i’m white in my chest, the blood has spilled like a river, oh, the blood has spilled, i’m pouring, i’ve flown to the danube, where are my mats? i took water, and
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spammed my son, oh, mother, mother, why is this war, why is your son mute at home, oh, nobility, nobility, what...
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well, guys, good, it ’s 50 kilometers to the slavkovsky forest, i think ours the task is completed, we foiled the fritz’s plan , i order you to flood the tank in the lake, rest and disperse in separate groups, save lives, nikola, i’m not with you on orders, i went of my own free will, you can say. "can i it’s a pity to abandon the tank, comrade kavoder, i won’t go anywhere without you, we are soldiers of the red army, you swore an oath to beat the enemy to the last drop of blood, abandoning a horse is a disgrace, you’re a shame, you have not only eyesight, but i’ve heard of it, you should perform at the circus , and you and i wander around the taiga, so tsits,
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okay, those who wish can do another 50, lights out in 5 minutes, at four wake-up, we’ll go at first light, the guards change in an hour.
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oh, look, i fell, kolya, did you make a wish? love you always, anh, i
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dreamed of you. 3 years ago near moscow, when the barne-boy yaker slammed into the tower, you smile, you laugh, you beckon to follow you, hug me, little girl, i’ve been waiting for you all my life.
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anechka, wake up, wake up, alarm, crew, rise, the jager is here in the morning. will block the pass, we’ll break through in the dark, anya, you can’t go with us in the tank, i won’t stay here without you, i won’t go anywhere without you, no, listen, we’ve been driven into a corner, but we’ll break through, i’ll pay attention , and
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you have to go east, look, we are here, then there is one city, klingenthal, you need to go around it on the left. you will immediately see a huge clearing, wait for us there, if we’re not back by tomorrow evening, go away, lady only at night, due east, i understand, i understand, anechka, that’s the way it should be, beloved, but don’t be afraid, comrade shooter, the forest is like that, it won’t give you away , thank you. hold it, sister, you need it more, we'll see you again, we'll see you again, see you later, my love, that's it, go, go.
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on the road, a suitcase was abandoned, a stroller, not in german, it looks like the city was evacuated, wait for us, stepan, me, let's go back now, and dive into the alley, around, let's go.
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the cat on the left, the ambulance, oh you word, such a we won’t take the forehead, let’s take shrapnel under the belly. reload, insert a delay, you can do it right away,
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i can, commander, i can, stupa, don’t pull the fire in the sights! "gorish, well done, but i went nuts, so, now it’s calm, tank 114 is hit. reserve positions, be vigilant,
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wait, i’ll look around. the width of the street is 8 m. at a speed of 20 km/h, the tank passes. 5.5 m/s. the freds have one and a half seconds
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to shoot. don’t miss the moment. just wait, styopa. there are three panthers around us. so, who is our most risky? who, who? give the order, commander! look, it’s us, it’s dark now, the commanders have the hatches open, there’s a chance, this tank. you will distract attention, as you understand, perfectly understood, great, act,
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girl, good luck! mutual seraphim, mutually, when you hear the explosion, drive at full speed, where? you see the scene, well, there must be a way out, but
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if there’s no way out, why not go?
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112-115 to the square, let's take him in the blanket, here 's the way out, bandera is right in front of us, the gun is at 180!
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charge it, damn it, for a second!
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who croaked? alchara, there is no one else, what is he, captured the panther, now two tanks, gunner, rear sight 112, get ready to open fire, quickly, i can’t shoot, my comrades are in the tank, your comrades are dead,
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the enemy is in tank 112, now he will smash us, make room, quickly, quickly! load up, there's that john with the legs again, ahh! type. you're a bitch, but wait a minute, keep it, he's a fort,
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that's it, come on, oh, you plump dog!
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yes, wolf, tail like a pistol, forward,
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forward, here is our reading, where are you?
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wait! shoot!
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well, have you run out of fritzes? is it enough for our lifetime? what are we going to do with the tank? half a tank of fuel? we will not give it to the enemy. take the top, then on foot.
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and you and i, brother, are from the infantry, and in summer it’s better than in winter, we put an end to the war, we put an end to the war, we put an end to the war, take it or leave it, let’s go. home, the war
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bent and mowed us down, the end came for itself, 4 years mother without a son, 4 years mother without a son, 4 years, take a mother without a son. no, let's go home.
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information service of the russia tv channel and i, maria sittal, we congratulate you, dear tv viewers, on the holiday of our great victory. today we honor veterans generations of modern heroes who fought with honor and courage during the great patriotic war are now fighting in donbass for peace and the freedom of our children. there is no person in russia today who, looking at footage of television broadcasts, would remain indifferent. parade on red square. grandiose beauty and great victorious history, the history of each of our families. vladimir putin today again emphasized the idea of ​​how important it is not to forget the lessons of history and to prevent the moral disarmament of our country. we are a country of strong and faithful, today for the first time, the participants of the special operation stamped their steps on the paving stones, and for the sake of victory, sergei samokha, it’s time to remove the state flag of the russian
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federation and the victory banner, at exactly 10 a.m., with the striking of the chimes, dense snow covered red square, despite the blizzard, the guard of honor did not weaken. the russian flag and the banner appear on red square, forever becoming a symbol of victory. in the spring of 1945 , soldiers of the 150th infantry division planted a scarlet assault flag on the reichstag dome. since then, the tactical formation bear the honorary title of the idris-berlin, and the military personnel of the 150th motorized rifle and today fight against nationalism in the most dangerous areas in the north military district zone. to the sounds of a counter march, acting minister of defense of russia sergei shaigu heads to the center of red square together with the commander of the parade, bypassing the parade crews
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of the moscow garrison troops, the first three times cheers from the soldiers and ground forces officers. congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war! strategic troops and paratroopers, sailors, national guardsmen, border guard rescuers. after touring the troops, sergei shagu heads to the central podium to report to the supreme commander-in-chief.
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accustomed to base his essentially colonial policy on hypocrisy and lies. they demolish memorials to true fighters against nazism, put traitors and accomplices of the nazis on their pedistals, cross out the memory of the heroism and nobility of the liberating soldiers, of the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. revanchism, mockery of history, desire.
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to prevent a global collision, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. however, despite the enormous contribution of the soviet people to the victory over fascism , russia does not forget that the whole world managed to defeat hitler’s germany. the most difficult years of the great patriotic war, the soviet union, all former republics. the soviet union fought the nazis almost one-on-one, while almost everyone worked for the military power of the wehrmacht europe. at the same time, i would like to emphasize: russia has never
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downplayed the importance of the second front of allied assistance. we honor the courage of all soldiers of the anti-hitler coalition, members of the resistance, underground fighters, partisans, courage. the people of china, who fought for their independence against the aggression of militaristic japan. let us never forget our common struggle and the inspiring traditions of alliance. before the start of the ceremonial passage of the parade squads, a minute of silence is announced. today we bow our heads to the blessed memory of all whose lives were taken by the great patriotic war war. we bow our heads to the veterans of the great patriotic war who have left us. in memory of the civilians who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, in front of our comrades in arms who died in the fight against neo-nazism. in a righteous battle for russia, a minute of silence is declared.
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the common memory of the great patriotic war still unites all the peoples of russia today. we are moving forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free, safe... future of russia, our united people, glory to the valiant armed forces, for russia, for victory, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray!
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the pace and rhythm of the parade boxes is set by a company of drummers, the honorary carau represents the standards of the branches of the armed forces, these are the three pillars on which the russian army, ground forces, military space forces and navy stand. the first to appear on the march are the suvorov and nakhimov cadets. the young men have already chosen a career as a career officer and will become the elite of the russian army in the near future. and then, for the first time in history , celebratory boxes consisting of svo participants, more than a thousand people. just yesterday they were on the front line and came to moscow for just a few days to take part in the victory parade. at the celebrations, soldiers wear field uniforms, a warrior kit, body armor and a helmet. in
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the hands are the banners of the combat units that liberated donetsk, zaporozhye, nikolaev and odessa during the great patriotic war. there are seven heroes of russia and 22 holders of the order of courage in the parade formation. at the head of the formation, lieutenant colonel yevgeny khabarov, the president in his speech singled out those who are now defending the interests of russia separately. russia is now going through a difficult, transitional period. our homeland and its future depends on each of us. we are celebrating victory day in the context of a special military operation. all its participants, those who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, are our heroes. we bow to your perseverance and self-sacrifice, dedication. all of russia is with you, our veterans believe in you, and worry about you. and spiritual involvement in your destinies and
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exploits indestructibly binds generations of heroes of the fatherland. on the march, listeners and cadets military universities and academies have traditionally held a summary calculation of female military personnel on red square. this ceremonial box attracted the attention of the audience. the ceremonial crews of the military branches are opened by officers and cadets of the aerospace forces, then chucks, sailors and naval engineers chik along the paving stones, here are representatives of the baltic, pacific and black sea fleets, missile warriors and paratrooper guards. the all-russian cossack society represents the parade squad of the great don army. more than 30 thousand cossacks and volunteers are fighting in the zone of a special military operation. musicians clear red square for the passage
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of equipment in a mechanized column of more than 60 units of modern military equipment, but the procession is led by the legend t-34 under the battle banner of the first guards red banner tank army. the universal tigr-m and military-industrial complex ural vehicles, modernized taking into account the experience of the svo armor, follow behind those. the updated lens ambulances are presented to the public. military equipment of the missile forces presented operational-tactical complexes iskander m, behind the columns of the most advanced air defense systems s-400 triumph , yars missile systems enter red square. this formidable
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deterrent weapon is one of the components. nuclear triad of russia, armored personnel carriers on the universal platform boomerang complete the parade of military equipment. the flags of the armed forces of the russian federation are attached to the body of each vehicle. until the last moment , the fate of the air part of the parade was unclear; the final decision remained with the pilots. that took place at the airfield in kubinka. dmitry petrov. 8:49. now a weather scout is landing, this is one of the swifts for a moment2. 9 for about 40 minutes he carried out flights at different altitudes, in different directions, including the general one, along which the participants in the air part of the parade will fly. now it depends on his report whether a decision will be made on the flights? the snow that fell the day before has already melted, but it is still cold,
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a strong side wind is blowing and low clouds cover the sky, but the flight director makes a decision, the air department the victory parade will take place, the first to launch. russian knight engines on su-30 sm aircraft, one at a time, taxi for takeoff, take a place at the executive start, and after the command for takeoff, they begin the takeoff run, two troikas. immediately after this , su-25 attack aircraft, six main and three spare, prepare for takeoff. they will paint the sky over moscow in the colors of the russian flag. over many years of participation in victory parades , a tactical technique was developed here. and now the garden ring is floating below, and after a few seconds the manezhnaya square is almost immediately red. above the red square is the famous cuban
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diamond, consisting of nine su-30 cm and mik-29 aircraft of the russian knights and swifts aerobatic teams. height 500 m. speed 550 km/h. the culmination of the parade, the flight over the main square of the country, is just a few moments, but the preparation takes weeks. today it was especially difficult because of the weather, but the aerobatic aces worked flawlessly. happy holiday to everyone, with a great victory, everything worked out, thank god, because everything was planned, how we trained, how the task was set. at the end of the parade, when... the combined orchestra performs the song "native country". the stands begin to rise. first military personnel, and then guests, including foreign ones. native homeland, native country, native. after the ceremonial part in the alexander garden
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, flowers begin to be laid at the tomb of the unknown soldier. sergey samokha, natalya yalandovskaya, irina kharlamova, news. the main guests of the main parade. where did you meet on may 9, 1945 , 1945, in a nut shell at a respirator factory, people were going to work, jumping,
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dancing, singing, laughing, and we couldn’t understand what what's going on on the street and we say that are you crazy? and what he didn’t see - he says the war is over, well, embrace everyone, at the end of the victory parade, vladimir putin and the leader of foreign states headed to the alexander garden, along with the president of russia, guests of honor, the heads of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, as well as cuba, laos and guinea bissau paid tribute at the tomb of the unknown soldier, the memory of all whose lives were claimed by the war. to the eternal flame, soldiers. after the performance of the russian anthem, vladimir
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putin, alexander lukashenko, kasym shamart takaev, sadyr japarov, imali rakhmon, shavkat mirziyoyev, serdar berdumukhamedov and guests from foreign countries laid bouquets of red dews at the eternal flame. the meeting in moscow near the kremlin on victory day gave the leaders of russia and belarus an opportunity once again. believe the clock to agree on the order of the planned exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, since non -strategic nuclear weapons are deployed on the territory of belarus, this time we proposed to our friends and allies, and the president of belarus also asked to accept this participation in one of the stages of this exercise, we conduct them regularly.
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russia, they have begun implementation, so there is nothing unusual here, this is a planned work. and the president held a gala reception in honor of the heads of foreign states invited to the parade on may 9. the footage was published by the kremlin press service.
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the everlasting value of justice, equality and humanism, where the heroism and exploits of soldiers who defended freedom in the countries of europe and the world are remembered and honored, wherever they realize the future for the peoples of the planet. above greatness the grandiose victory of 1945, not a time of power, and despite all attempts to rewrite history, the lessons that the world community learned in the ruins of the second world war are also not unshakable. the memory of the military
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brotherhood of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, openness, mutual understanding and friendship of people of different nationalities, cultures and traditions, this will be a reliable support for our movement forward, for working together for the sake of the future. dear friends, let me propose a toast to the generation of winners, to... victory for peace and prosperity, to our good friends. thank you for being with us. a little later, the president held a bilateral meeting with his colleague from tajikistan. imali rahmon noted that moscow and dushanbe are strategic partners and allies. and this position remains unchanged. vladimir putin, in turn, emphasized that relations between the countries are developing very actively. among the topics of negotiations was the joint work of intelligence services. thank you for the glory and condolences you expressed, you were one of the first to speak about this on
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the occasion of the terrorist attack in moscow. our special services are actively working to stop common threats, because terrorism poses a threat to all countries, both russia and tajikistan. this work has been established, colleagues are in close contact with each other, you and i... vladimir putin also spoke with cuban president miguel bermudez
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, the head of state noted that relations between russia and cuba are based.
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villages that participate in the svo. this meeting took place immediately after the president took office. andrey grigoriev will tell you what other topics were touched upon during the conversation. with commanders participating in the special military operation, vladimir putin met in the kremlin immediately after the inauguration ceremony . there is nothing more important for the president now. i would really like for all our
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comrades in arms who solve problems within the framework of a special one to be present at this ceremony. about what and how is happening on the battlefield, what and how additionally needs to be done so that the actions of our combat units are even more successful, so that tasks are solved with minimal losses, and so that, of course, we achieved all the tasks set before us by our homeland. he is in constant contact with many of them, but personal communication is also
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necessary. the latest information about the front-line situation from... to use it for the evacuation of the wounded, you should always be a little ahead in these developments, then success will be absolutely guaranteed, there is no doubt about it, we have been able to do this lately, you know it yourself , well, faba, afaba there, yes, the enemy reacts quickly, we see it on the battlefield, you
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see it, raps are actively used, concentrate. this rap in certain areas, but we manage to overcome it, our designers, scientists, engineers, believe me, also work day and night, this is real in the full sense of the word. at night in order to get a little ahead of the enemy and i repeat once again, in general we are succeeding, the technical equipment of the russian army now allows us to move forward on all fronts, gradually but confidently and a lot of credit for this goes to domestic drones, their use is often nullifies all attempts by the enemy to actively act on that or another front, a section of the front, there is a need to consider the issue: about the introduction and production of an aircraft type with fpv carriers just for drones. if we want to be successful, we must always be one step ahead. do we always succeed in this?
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probably not. the entire western community is working for our enemy, which sleeps and sees that the russia of today’s video no longer exists. they set themselves this goal, apparently, they believe that in... the system of confrontation that they are creating for themselves, russia was a weak point, a weak link, i’m sure they were convinced that this is far from the case, far from it, rather the opposite is true, we know how difficult it is for our guys, the fighters who are faced with the fact that these enemy drones are just flying over like flies head, we know all this, we are working on it and i’m sure there will be a result. the production of the same uavs in russia in a fairly short period of time has turned into a real industry, in which, perhaps, we have no equal in the world. all rear structures were involved in the process of equipping the army. to be honest, here i am
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when i meet with those who are in one way or another involved in the activities, your combat work in the civilian sphere, i, frankly, am surprised myself, you know, at how effectively we fight on the battlefield. i think there are thousands of people who do not have or have not previously had anything to do with military service, and act very effectively, very effectively on initiative, but of course, all this must be concentrated in a certain way, everything in a certain way, sorted into the right shelves, supported at the state level, that's what we do in general the country's economy, put on a war footing, demonstrates miracles of accelerated development, as if it had received additional... we have big tasks for the development of the country in the economic sphere, which is the basis of all our successes, we all must understand this, we understand this, in the social sphere, in strengthening
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families in russia, developing healthcare, education, and so on and so forth, we have every opportunity, absolutely every opportunity, to ensure that all these tasks are fully realized. but only under one condition, provided you are successful work on the battlefield, this is a key link today, we all understand this, the whole country understands this, so you see, the whole country supports you, and you can’t discount the personal courage of every russian soldier, on which all front-line successes rest, fighting spirit, characteristic only... of our soldiers, when such difficult, key moments come, the russian people show their best qualities and courage and heroism outside.


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