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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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on the russia channel it is time for the main news of victory day. there's big news on the air. in the studio igor kozhevin. hello, happy holiday. what did you remember? in the west they would like to forget the lessons of world war ii. war, and we remember, all
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the angles of the victory parade in moscow, on the ground, in the air, this did not happen, the last 3 years, when flights on victory day were canceled, in the stands, where there are no random people next to the veterans, all the republics of the former soviet union practically fought the nazis one-on-one, while almost the entire wehrmacht worked for military power... europe. as always, very important details from pavel zarubin. alexander grigorievich, did you like the parade? very worthy. and our correspondent, ainur valiakhmetov, as part of the parade squad, drove along red square. now the main difficulty is to walk perfectly smoothly through the narrow lanes of kremlinsky proezd. what do parade participants experience? we are driving a phoenix armored car. he is in the head group. putin’s conversation with
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the participants of the northern military district about the situation at the front and the condition for the development of russia, subject to your successful work on the battlefield. mikhail antonov, about how the germans, despite the german government, bow their heads to the exploits of the soviet people. salemazariev about how the residents of ivangorod organized a holiday for the residents of neighboring estonia, where victory day is prohibited. akhmat kadyrov is remembered in chechnya. he was a mentor, a teacher, a commander for me, he was everything to me, he led us onto a straight high road, exactly 20 years since the death, the same dynamo stadium where exactly 20 years ago the tragedy occurred, alexey baranov, who worked in those days in grozny, about how it changed republic, on our air and footage of the festive fireworks, everything is already ready for it, i heard them singing. why? and this is a sign of joy,
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right after us the film the righteous by sergei ursulyak is a must-watch. comrades, jews, you were all gathered here together to lead through the german rear and lead you beyond the front line. so, russia today remembers and honors its heroes, those who defended the independence of our homeland. victory in the great patriotic war became a turning point in the history of mankind and established our country’s status as a great powers. vladimir putin spoke at the parade on red square that russia rejects anyone’s claims to exclusivity and will not allow anyone to threaten it. report by alexey golovko. to line up
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such a mass of troops in a single order, even on the big red square, is already the pinnacle of ceremonial art, these are the last minutes when you can stand freely and correct something in a seemingly ideal form, the russian army is ready for a solemn procession, in the stands spectators, veterans, patriarch of moscow of all russia gather kirill, acting head of government mikhail mishustin, federal politicians, families of participants in the special operation, on the other hand... both with the president of guinea bissau, whom he had not seen for a year, and with alexander lukashenko, with whom he spoke literally the day before. the leaders of kazakhstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, turkmenistan, cuba and laos also flew to the russian capital. they all walked together through the senate tower to the main podium, where veterans were waiting for the presidents. vladimir putin.
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this may 9th was the coldest in recent memory. a quarter of a century, and the exit of the banner group coincided with a heavy snowfall, and the uluz convertible of sergei shaigu, who was hosting the parade , toured the troops, the minister of defense congratulated the military personnel on the holiday. congratulations on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war! hooray!
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about the great sacrifice they made in the name of life. revanchism, mockery of history, the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis, this is part of the general policy of western elites to incite more
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and more regional conflicts, interethnic and interreligious hostility, to contain sovereign, independent centers of world development. we reject the claim. any state or alliance for exclusivity, we know what the exorbitance of such ambitions leads to. russia will do everything to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always on alert. may 9 is also a day of remembrance of millions of fellow citizens who gave their lives for the sake of victory; now they have to sacrifice themselves. on the fronts of special today we bow our heads to the blessed memory of all whose lives were taken by the military operation of the great patriotic war, to the memory of civilians who died from barbaric shelling and terrorist attacks by neo-nazis, to our comrades in arms who fell in the fight against
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neo-nazism in a righteous battle for russia. a minute of silence is announced. victory in the great patriotic war without involvement changed the history of all mankind and the soviet people made a major contribution to the defeat of the forces of evil. victory day unites all generations. we are going forward, relying on our centuries-old traditions and are confident that together we will ensure a free future for russia, our united people, glory to the valiant armed forces, for russia, for victory, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray!
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this year , about 900 people take part in the walking part of the parade, represented by the vseradovsk military school and, of course, female military personnel. the may 9 parade on victory day is a sacred tradition of our country. whatever the weather, whatever the international situation. it was striking that almost the entire parade time
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vladimir putin continuously communicated with the veteran sitting next to him, this is yevgeny kuropatkov, a front-line sniper, a participant in the first parade in 1945, the hero was already 101 years old. they talked about previous meetings at military celebrations, the president said a special goodbye to the front-line soldier after the parade, he returned and even shook my hand, said, oh, come on, thank you. the president talked with alexandra aleshina, she is also a sniper and recently celebrated her centenary. did the president manage to talk, and if so, what about? and you can talk about everything with him. i invited him to visit he said as soon as we end the war, then i’ll come. but the main attention is still paid to this parade squad in the field uniform of the active soldiers of the northern military district.
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we are living in a difficult, transitional period, we are celebrating victory day in the context of a special military operation, all its participants, those who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, are our heroes, we bow to your steadfastness and self-sacrifice, dedication, all of russia is with you , together with veterans of different eras, everyone feels involved in the victories spectators of the parade, communication of pride for our... country, for our guys who will now show the strength and power of our army and pride
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for those guys who are now at the forefront, now a historic moment has come, the president speaking, taking office, directly said, our main task is to ensure victory, to support those who are fighting, our rivals want to destroy russia, but they will not succeed, our people. he will win everything, he will win. as soon as the last soldier leaves the paving stones, a victory tank, the legendary thirty, rides out onto red square four. the mechanized part of the parade begins. this year there are about 70 pieces of equipment in the convoy, from armored vehicles to the yars strategic complex with an intercontinental ballistic missile. what does a person feel when riding an armored vehicle to the main road?
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no more than 8 km/h, exactly along the yellow markings, perfect synchronization, literally wheel to
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wheel, the crew’s tension is increasing, now we are reaching the center of red square, i must say, the column has already stretched for several kilometers, we are driving a phoenix armored car, it is in lead group and takes part in paraz for the first time. there are over 70 cars in the convoy, phoenix rides with another new item in the parade with ambulances, a lens, a couple of minutes and...
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it has been decorating the victory celebration for many years now. keeping the multi-role air superiority fighter su-30 cm, weighing 20 tons, almost twice as light as the mik-29, in a single formation, wing to wing, is a daunting task. especially with a strong crosswind and decent bumpiness, like today. but no one noticed anything from the ground below; the formation of nine aircraft looked monolithic, and yet the aerial part of the parade might not have taken place today, precisely because of the weather, but the critical minimum was overcome ; at 9:30 am the command to take off was sounded. one of the most important rituals in combat aviation before a flight. pilots must inspect the aircraft, walk around it and touch all the main components with their hands. this hasn’t happened for the last 3 years, when flights on victory day were cancelled, but finally we are seeing it again. they took off in threes and even fours. two circles over the airfield to assemble the formation
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head straight for red square. when the reserve ones were returning to kubinka, the main ones... were just flying over the center of moscow. su-25 attack aircraft painted the sky in the colors of the russian flag. the culmination of the parade. for several years now , pilots of the aircraft display center have been taking portraits of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers with them to the parade. this is my child, dmitry filippovich potapov, a veteran of the great patriotic war. unfortunately, he did not live to see it in 1944; he died in the camp. here is a photo of myself always on everyone. red square can only accommodate 2,000 guests, but heavy equipment is of interest to everyone; the streets of moscow, as vitaly karmazin was convinced, have become stands for spectators. from red square to novinsky boulevard along the garden ring, here a column of equipment goes to taganskaya, and they also solemnly return to their places of deployment, as they just walked at the main parade of the country. and
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let the most crucial moment be behind them. here the russian army appears in all its glory, with fighters everywhere. shrute welcomes thousands of spectators, overwhelmed with emotions for the pride of our country, that we are a great country, if we unite, we can do anything. the mighty iskander m is the thunderstorm of russia’s enemies, enthusiastic children honk, the victorious tricolor flies in the sky, but most of all there is delight in the legendary t-34. they don’t just return to their places of deployment, they follow the path of military glory. in honor of the veterans who gave us a great victory and those who are now in the zone of a special military operation. i really like that patriotism is developing in our country, they gave us life, freedom, they fought for us, our fathers once won, and now we will win and now when the equipment went to its places of deployment, numerous spectators who met it went on to celebrate the day of the great victory,
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walking around snow-covered moscow, unusual for may. and although the parade takes place in moscow every year, the impression is always the same. the highest level of training, the training that we have been waiting for a very long time, it’s time to get down to business, so that we are not brought up so beautifully, so well, and we have the equipment, let the west be afraid of us, and the country and the army will now prepare for the next parade, anniversary, commemorating the eightieth anniversary of the defeat of nazi germany, alexey golovko, ainur valiakhmetov, petrov
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are already a little nervous, but where are the presidents themselves? look how clear everything is in the stands of red square, how everything seems to be organized, on curando, look, 3 minutes before the parade, here are the leaders, at that very moment they came out of the first building of the kremlin and are heading to the stands, we follow with them, next to the leader of belarus also carries a jacket, because after the parade numerous negotiation. everyone has been reporting the cold and bad weather all morning today, but look at these shots, so strong and energetic that it would rather start a fire than freeze. the main guests of the central podium, of course, are war veterans, just think about it, many of those who are here on the podium today are over 100 years old, but that’s what
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it means, veterans are not aging in spirit, everything is warm all around and the main guests of the parade are the main presidential ones. where the paratroopers were walking, he stood and saluted all this time. the weather during the parade changes literally every 5 seconds, then snow and so cold that it does not melt, then the bright sun.
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mr. geach, aren't you cold? freeze! yes, but the weather was still like that, changing every few seconds. it has changed, but this is not, not an obstacle to being proud of this holiday. well, this is what, of course, aroused particularly ardent support from the stands, in the literal sense of the word. it’s very cold, but nevertheless the girls, the military personnel, in uniform, in skirts, and the commander of the breed battalion, i’m already in my fifth year, i’m already used to it, we were all worried about you, no, everything’s fine, well look, surprisingly, of course, the sun came out, the aerial part of the parade still took place, despite the fact that until the last minute it was unclear whether this would happen, and now the president of kyrgyzstan is wearing sunglasses. and we were able to ask the president of belarus about his impressions of the parade. alexander grigorievich, did you like the parade? very, worthy. even more exciting details,
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of course, are on sunday and only in the moscow kremlin-putin program. medvedev and andrei vershinin, program hosted by moscow kremlin-putin. our victory parade in one way or another volume was broadcast by the world's key media, this is a chance for foreign viewers.
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support and demonstrate their country's military might, despite fewer soldiers and military equipment than at last year's already modest event, this year's victory day coincided with russia's successes on the front lines. arab al jazeera highlights today's successes on the front lines - the result of our country's strong fighting tradition. speaking about a difficult and important moment for russia, putin emphasized that a lot depends on the participants of the northern military district, who in russia are considered heroes. vladimir putin said during
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a reception in the kremlin in honor of the heads of other states that today’s holiday is celebrated everywhere in the world, where the feat of soldiers who defended freedom for the peoples of the planet is honored; the holiday celebrations for foreign leaders who arrived in moscow became another opportunity to discuss bilateral ties with russia, reporting by alexey konopko. guinea bissau, leaving the stands, vladimir putin discussed something with him through an interpreter, then managed to exchange impressions with the leaders of uzbekistan and tajikistan, one of the african delegation manages to take a selfie with the presidents of the spasskaya tower in the background. the leaders entered the alexander garden in a completely different mood; this holiday is always filled with tears. 80 years ago the usa, britain and france were one at a time with us towards the front, but now it’s different. the west with joint exercises, since
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there are not strategic nuclear weapons stationed on the territory... in belarus, this time we invited our friends, allies, and the president of belarus asked about this, to take part in one of the stages of this exercise, we are conducting them regularly, we carried out the first stage, one might say it was beneficial, but yesterday we decided to synchronize and carry out the second third stage together. correctly emphasized, this is not the first time, and the general staff, as the russian defense minister told me, have already begun to implement these, so there is nothing unusual here, this is a planned work, another holiday tradition in the kremlin - a reception for distinguished guests, when the leaders of the former republics are at the table, it has a special meaning, the soviet people had a common victory, but the war affected 80% of the planet's inhabitants and is celebrated,
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putin says, all over the world. this sacred holiday is solemnly celebrated wherever they realize the eternal value of justice, equality and humanism, and despite all attempts to rewrite history, the lessons that the world community learned in the aftermath of the second world war, the memory of the military brotherhood of our fathers and grandfathers, are also not immutable. and great-grandfathers, openness, mutual understanding and friendship of people of different nationalities, cultures and traditions, this will be a reliable support for our movement forward, to work together for the sake of the future, for a great victory, for peace and prosperity for our good friends. the leaders’ meetings the day before ended at 3:00 a.m., but even today, on his feet, putin managed to communicate with everyone, having a conversation as long as the main staircase with shavkat mirziyoyev and his impressions. thank you.
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i watched more of russia again. rakhmon once again separately before flying to moscow, he opened a memorial to the victory over nazism in dushanbe, but today they remembered another threat of the 21st century. thank you for the words of condolences you expressed on the occasion of the terrorist attacks in moscow. our special services are actively working to stop common threats, because terrorism poses a threat to all countries. both for russia and for tajikistan, what happened, of course, this is absolutely unacceptable for us, the fact that it caused very serious damage to the property, history, culture, traditions of our nation, terrorism has no nationality, has no religion , has no homelands, we must fight them, all these
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negotiations have clearly passed. the second world war, the states of the world, but in cuba and the soviet union , of course, one way or another affected everything the union already had a special relationship then. the archives of people's memory remember at least three residents of freedom island who fought in the ranks of the red army, enrique villar in the 137th gorky rifle division, alda viva in the 260th. the fifth was on nevsky piglet, where he died, and his brother jorge was a partisan. their feat, says putin, will always be remembered in russia, especially since friendship with cuba goes back more than a century. comrade diaz canel brought the russian leader congratulations on his inauguration from raul castre. you know that the soviet union, russia, modern russia, has always been on your side, on the side of the cuban people, in the fight for their interests, for their homeland, that’s
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all. the recent vote at the un, which was devoted to the issue of immediately lifting the embargo, it seemed that the vast majority of countries in the world were also on the side of cuba. thank you for the opportunity to attend victory day. this is very relevant today, when they are trying to rewrite, distort history, and erase historical memory. russia can always count on the support of cuba, we wish you and russia success in holding a special the president thanked each guest separately to the peoples of asia , represented by the leader of laos, for the underground struggle in countries that resisted the invaders and were able to gain independence from the colonialists, and also for their contribution to the victory parades on red square. we are grateful to you for giving us t-34 tanks; they are a symbol of victory for showing citizens and for educational work with the younger generation. i would like to congratulate you on your successful
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leadership of the country despite... thank you, dear friend. so, in africa russia is spoken of not only in gratitude for help in the past, but for projects of the future. they are implemented in an equal partnership, which many in the world lack. alexey knopko, annokolyk anastasia serikova and diana
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fitisova. news. on the eve of the celebration of victory day, vladimir putin met with the commanders of units participating in the special military operation. the conversation was about the situation on the front line, supplies and new weapons. head of state. in constant contact with svo participants. andrey grigoriev will continue. with commanders participating in a special military operation, vladimir putin met in the kremlin immediately after the inauguration ceremony. there is nothing more important for the president now. i would really like for all our comrades in arms to be present at this ceremony, who solve problems within the framework of a special military operation, do not spare their health, and, if necessary, give their lives for russia. unfortunately, this is impossible, these are hundreds of thousands of people, but i would like to take this opportunity to convey to them my best wishes through you, wishes for success and victories. the meeting has a very clear practical meaning; each of these officers is well aware of what is happening
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on the sector of the front loyal to him. i really look forward to such a frank conversation about what and how is happening on the battlefield, what and how additional needs to be done in order to...
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a little further ahead in these developments, then success will be absolutely guaranteed, there is no doubt about it , we have been able to do this lately, you yourself know, well, here are the fabs, and there are the fabs, yes, the enemy reacts quickly, we see on the battlefield, you see it, they use rap actively, they concentrate this rap in certain areas, but we manage to overcome this, our designers, scientists, engineers, believe me too... work day and night in order to slightly slightly ahead of the enemy and i repeat once again, in general we are succeeding, the technical equipment of the russian army now allows us to move forward on all fronts, gradually but confidently, and a lot of
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credit for this goes to domestic drones, the use of which often negates everything attempts by the enemy to actively operate on one or another front, section of the front, are necessary.
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seven american guns of various modifications, one british howitzer, two otakams missiles shot down, 15 czech-made vampire missiles. and this is the result of counter-battery warfare in the vicinity of dzerzhinsk. a russian reconnaissance drone recorded the operation of a german self-propelled gun, which, after the shelling, tried to hide in a forest belt, but our artillerymen covered the position with the second shell. ukrainian fighters in the avdeevka direction lost another supply line after our a...
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under the cover of darkness, fighters of the tula airborne forces unit go to carry out a combat mission. sappers are moving to the minkh installation so that the area into which the square we are going is not penetrated by enemy sabotage groups. there are four rounds of ammunition in each hand, each weighing about 10 kg. i screw the mvch 62 fuse into the mine, tm 62. well, when hitting it. the enemy's equipment will be blown up. the distance between the mines
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is small, this is one of the most likely directions of attack by enemy armored vehicles. here the area is not particularly favorable, so we work mainly in teams of three, so as not to attract enemy birds and so that they don’t start working on us. well, we will complete this section in about a week and a half, two weeks. that's it, guys, let's leave until we're free. we're leaving, we're leaving faster, at some point the patrolman of our group raises his hand up, the air command, the enemy drone seems to have hit us, we're fighting for the enemy, the militants very often use their so -called birds on this section of the front, right now during sappers mined the territory. we heard an enemy drone in the sky, i think it was shot down.
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the ukrainian armed forces drone fell into dry grass. commander kakaze five. we are incredibly lucky. i can say that. the enemy very often uses drones, such as cvp, mavic, mavic 3, that is, we fight them, shoot, destroy, hit them. the combat filling of this ukrainian bird is a shaped charge from a hand-held anti-tank grenade. a strange accumulative charge, that is, it’s not soviet, but nothing like that, you can use it, you can, of course, yes, it doesn’t, until it sticks in, it does not detonate, the commander’s order is to destroy the enemy. attention, get ready, the entire group at a safe distance, equipped with ammunition, drone ammunition, will be destroyed with the help of an overhead charge right on the spot. the sappers again begin their combat mission; before dawn they need
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to lay as many mines as possible and cover the left flank of the tula paratroopers, advancing in several directions at once. alexander katsuba. this is great news, this is what will happen next in our program. on victory day regime zelensky shelled belgorod, again begged for weapons from sponsors and did not allow his citizens to remember the victory in the great patriotic war. how different do other states of the post-soviet space look against this background? the baltic states are closest to ukraine, for whose residents. ivan gorod tried. big film premiere. if you lead the jews out of here, we will present you for rank. alexander yatsenko. now only soviet people, rabbis, can save them, there are no others here. evgeniy tkachuk. i'm a fort, they definitely
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won't kill me. i will be with you until the end of my life. fyodor dobronravov will calculate everything, calculate everything, put everything into order. sees four moves ahead, sergei makovetsky, i heard you need responsible comrades for the campaign, lean on me, comrade kaselev, konstantin khabetsky, this was saved, wow , remember, we never lost this, this is an amulet, no, this a device that finds the way, fellow jews, we need to get as far away from the camp as possible, a film by sergei ursulyak, i’m glad that we broke away, left, we didn’t leave them, they are coming after us. righteous. today on rtr. on a cold sunday afternoon on april 6 , 1914, a rally of thousands gathered in the center of donetsk. to protect the people of donbass from the nationalist pro-fascist
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dictatorship, deputies stopped proclaiming the sovereignty of the donetsk people's republic. they fought for freedom. if we hadn’t gone out to rallies and started resistance, we wouldn’t have been able to remain ourselves, they died for their homeland, even though we had a war organized by a ukrainian regular army armed to the teeth, misha called me in the evening, we talked, mommy, i love you very much, i already love you son, she did n’t say it in the morning, the heroes of donbass, citizens of russia, only liberators, the owners of their land, were waiting for the russians, then they started issuing russian passports? there is big news on the air and we continue the broadcast: about an hour ago, ukrainian militants
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shelled the village of tyotkina in the kursk region, there were dead and wounded in the melgorod region in the village of novaya tavolzhanka , shells also exploded and were damaged. a civilian died in a private home, the regional governor reported. on the night of may 9 a series of powerful explosions sounded in belgorod itself. report by alexander revunov. the exact time of the ukrainian missile strikes was recorded by surveillance cameras. the rszzo vampire attack began at exactly 4:00 am. here is a direct hit on the parking lot in the courtyard of high-rise buildings. “the armed forces of ukraine follow fascist traditions, shells hit the peaceful neighborhoods of belgorod. first a small blow, and then a strong one, as the windows immediately turned green. 15 missiles shot down our air defense crews, but even from the intercepted ammunition the damage was great, apartment buildings, shops, a building were damaged council, dozens of cars burned down. in this yard
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, a vampire stuck into the asphalt, fragments pierced the gas tanks of parked cars, and a fire broke out. they tried to save at least the documents that were left in this car at 4:00 in the morning, but it was impossible to get close. all that sounded from the siren, i woke up, okay, my wife managed to run away from the windows, the explosions were very strong. in this house, ukrainian ammunition demolished part of the wall; there were no entire window blocks left on the lower floors. anna was covered with broken glass, woke up from an explosion, glass fell on the bed, glass, it turns out, well... i hurt my hand a little. all arrival areas were cordoned off and law enforcement officers were working. the site of detonation of one of the ukrainian ammunition has already been examined by explosives experts. they were replaced by representatives of the special commission. they are assessing the damage caused, the facade of the house was seriously damaged, the windows were broken by the blast wave, in addition,
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cars parked nearby were damaged, the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov, early in the morning, toured all the damaged houses as best he could, tried to calm people down, everyone will be helped, the regional authorities will compensate for the damage and undertake the restoration of the destroyed housing, we will describe everything, conduct an examination, that is , here we are following the same procedure as with everyone else, yes... please, time. as a result of today's rocket attack from ukraine, more than ten people were injured, among them children, with concussions, barotrauma and deep cuts, they were taken to city hospitals. the city's utility services immediately began to eliminate the consequences of the shelling. it is already clear that this attack had no other purpose other than to intimidate peaceful people and spoil the victory celebration. but despite this, today we go to the war memorial to the eternal flame. rozhan brought flowers, in the windows there were portraits of heroes, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, their descendants inherited fortitude and courage, belgorod residents cannot be broken.
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alexander ivanov, andrey kusov and mikhail shum. news. those from whom zelensky is expecting weapons in kiev were scared with sirens today. the head of the european parliament, mitsola, seemed impressed, but after a few minutes even the ukrainian media reminded that sirens are for western guests - an integral attribute of ukrainian hospitality. they were turned on. for biden in february twenty-third and for angelina djali in lviv 2 years ago. evgeny reshitnev will continue. today ukraine officially celebrates europe day, according to zelensky’s decree last year, and kiev is already hosting european friends. german development minister svenie schulze arrived to promise ukraine money for reconstruction. and on the day of her visit, the rada dismissed the person with whom she was supposed to meet deputy prime minister kubrakov. his schultz it turns out she really appreciated it, but apparently. schulzi herself is not very highly regarded in kiev. another guest was the speaker of the european parliament, roberto mitsolo. on the platform
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, verkhovna rada speaker ruslan stefanchuk kissed her. then she met with zelensky and during an open-air press conference , the air raid alarm went off, a favorite technique of ukrainian political strategists. how are you feeling, roberto? i'm worried. this is the may 9 parade that the nazis are currently holding, this is the zelensky parade on red square, where veterans of the great war are always honored patriotic war. in ukraine , veterans of the upa and the golyachin division, crystal nazis without impurities are honored, and people in soviet military uniforms are grabbed by the hands, the law of ukraine prohibits symbols, we ask you to stop the violations, i can’t take it off, this is my uniform, my mother came from the front, mum has come home. they blocked the way, demanded that caps with stars and medals be removed, passers-by tried to intercede, the police filled out a report, a disgrace, a disgrace to such a country and
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such a police force, after all, they brought flowers to the eternal flame in the kiev park of glory today, so for example, there are still very young guys, there are not many of them, but the rest may just be afraid; the ukrainian media reported that on may 9, the most popular request in the ukrainian segment of the google search engine was victory day, and not europe day. cable networks were hacked by hackers today; the victory parade in moscow was broadcast on several ukrainian tv channels. it can’t just be that it’s shown on several channels , look, wow. polish prime minister tusk today became yet another western politician who confirmed that there are nato troops. sekaliance agent stoltenberg continues to reject plans to send them. nato has no plans to deploy forces in ukraine when i went to ukraine.
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maneuvers of the united states and its allies near kaliningrad, these are the aggressive plans of nato, which are directly reported in the leading american news agency. the alliance will use its baltic sea to put pressure on tiny kaliningrad, which acts as a geographic wedge between nato's baltic states, estonia, latvia and lithuania and the rest of the alliance. when war, kaliningrad will need to be neutralized so that russian ground forces do not... and timofey mukhin, lead.
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residents of the recently liberated cities of donbass and new russian regions were able to openly celebrate victory day for the first time in many years. despite the absence of large celebrations, which were not held for security reasons, an eternal flame was lit in avdeevsk, and a car rally was held in melitopol. the veterans were congratulated by the participants of the special operation. report by pavel prokopenko. in donetsk they launched it for victory day. retro tram, today it is very popular, everyone wants to feel the atmosphere of the victorious forty -fifth year, when the rise of spirit, memories of the soviet union, let's bow to the friends, the memorial to the victims of fascism in mariupol, the monument was destroyed in the twenty-second year during the battles for the city, today it is again crowded, this the best holiday, the most
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necessary holiday for everyone, for the whole people. this is a celebration of victory. for the first time in a long time , residents were able to go out into the streets with st. george’s ribbons and celebrate victory day. liberated cities and towns. an eternal flame was lit in avdeevka, which was extinguished 10 years ago. there were no big celebrations in the republic, this is a security measure, but instead of one parade there were several at once in different cities. there is one for each veteran. afanasy demishev traveled all over europe during the war and celebrated victory day far from home. oh!
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the name of the monument opened today in avdeevka speaks for itself. the hero of the russian federation is depicted, a serviceman of the first army corps, who took part in the liberation of avdeevka, was the first to enter on terikon. in his arms, the little girl, kira, who lived here, survived all the horrors. over saur's grave, the place of power of memory , a waltz, a waltz of victory.
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leonid pasechnik conveyed congratulations on victory day from vladimir putin to great patriotic war veteran elena rozhdestvenskaya. the head of the lpr came to visit elina ivanovna and watched the victory parade on tv. in the zaporozhye region, the young army soldiers marched solemnly and unfurled the victory banner. on the city square. in genichesk, this is already the kherson region. they didn't stop talking today car horns. a car rally dedicated to victory day passed through the central streets of the city. pavel prokopenko, eduard punigov, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead. celebrations in honor of victory day today in cities and towns throughout the country.
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the holiday turned out to be really warm, despite the snowfall, in kamchatka, which was the first to open the parade. the baton from the far east was picked up by siberia, in the capital of which, following the t-34 , modern tigers and typhoons, as well as the yars and iskander thunder complexes, passed. then when the urals reached nizhny tagil, whose second unofficial name is tankograd, one could see almost the entire line.
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tolsk gunsmiths traditionally used the parade to present their new products, including the modernized pantsir sm anti-aircraft missile and gun system. in the city of heroes of novorossiysk , cadets of the kherson state maritime academy, a summary calculation of participants in a special military operation, took part in the parade for the first time. our soldiers carried the victory banner with special pride in rostov-on-don, where the recreated 150th division is deployed, in which sergeant egorov and junior sergeant kantaria served.
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in brest, which was the first to take the blow of the nazis, there are also big celebrations today, report by anastasia sakhovskaya. poor forty -fifth is a key moment in the history of the country ; a monument in honor of the most important event received wine from the president. dozens of peoples around the world won victory, and today the former allies themselves are reviving the ideas of nazism. as in the early forties, the west is ready to deal with any evil in order to maintain dominance. today we are we see it in the example of events in ukraine, syria, the gas sector and other hot spots. in the capital, thousands of people and a sea of ​​flags on the central independence avenue, passenger cars gave way to military vehicles in brest. a military time machine, at the parade the same age as
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victory, a soviet heavy tank, a family of killer german tigers, panthers, the veterans are greeted with applause. peter svetkin 98 fought in the breakthrough regiment, where a tank lived on the battlefield for 6 minutes, liberated ukraine and celebrated victory day in lvo. victory day is a must, this is the first stage of victory day, this is what was such a joy armored personnel carrier anti-aircraft guns artillery a floating armored vehicle doesn’t need a cayman at all, drones in service, fighters in modern conflicts, guardians of the sky on the western borders s-300 favorite, border brest was the first to receive the enemy’s blow and the last to be recaptured from the nazis during the liberation belarus exactly 80 years ago, the military parade is a new tradition for brest, it is held for the second time along the central route.
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the main entrance to the brest fortress, a symbol of perseverance and courage, a symbol of victory over the ceremonial square, the country's flag is carried a helicopter, a flag in a column more than 100 m long, a record 6,000 people, twice as many as usual these days. the culmination of the requim rally, a minute of silence in memory of everyone who believed in our victory from the first minutes of the war. soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters were honored at...
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to take part in the celebrations on the occasion of victory day, residents of almaty, tashkent, bishkek and other cities of central asia took to the streets today, military parades, processions of the immortal regiment, laying flowers, then ... united millions of people, report robert frantseva. our dead will not leave us in trouble, our fallen are like sentries. the monument to the twenty-eight panfilov heroes, a sacred place in the history of the fight against nazism, on this great day thousands of almaty residents flock here like a living river to bow to the heroes. from almaty to moscow it is almost 400 km, it was here in the south of kazakhstan that the 316th division, the future legendary panfilov division, was formed, and from here... it went to moscow for the decisive battle in one of the most dramatic moments of the war. those who gave their lives for so that our today's clear sky is above our heads, so that it is peaceful, so that
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our humanity continues to live in peace, in peace. an endless stream of people to the eternal flame in astana and other cities of kazakhstan. military parade in the space capital baikanur. kazakhstan made an invaluable contribution to the overall victory both on the battlefield and in the rear. about 1,300,000 kazakhstanis fought heroically on the fronts of the great patriotic war. about 360,000 people left kyrgyzstan for the front, at that time this was every fourth resident of the republic. today the descendants of heroes are in the center in bishkek, military personnel of the bishkek garrison went to a requiem rally, marched solemnly and laid flowers at the eternal flame. a parade of military units, commemorating the victory in the great patriotic war, took place in uzbekistan the day before.
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may 9 is a day of memory and honor; people in uzbekistan will never forget the price they had to pay to fight back the world evil embodied in nazism. on the eve of the war , about 6.5 million people lived in the uzbek ussr, almost 2 million went to the front, every third did not return home. not all we saw that our world had become freed from fascism. they fought for us to stand here under this sun. the memory of the heroic feat is sacred to the people of turkmenistan, in all corners of the country, solemn events under the motto unshakable memory. i would like to tell young people to remember the feat of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, so that they carefully preserve the world that our fathers conquered. traditionally, the procession of the immortal regiment in ashgabat is held on the territory of the pushkin school, despite pouring.
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the historical drama “the righteous,” which premiered on tv today immediately after the fireworks display on our channel, tells about the cost of victory and the horrors not only our military, but also civilians had to go through. polina iermalaeva will continue: flowers in nikolai kiselyov’s park, after the release of the film “the righteous” they are always here, soon at the beginning of the new arbat there will be a monument to a hero about whom no one knew for a century, only...
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in the 21st century, director sergei ursulyak opened it name of the world. this picture needs a big viewer, that’s what i would say, i’m very glad that on this day this picture will not be interrupted by advertising. this is a huge happiness for me, just for the picture. comrade jews have gathered you all together here to lead you through the german rear and lead you beyond the front line. the feat of an equal, who was not... more than 200 people, was brought out of the jewish ghetto by partisans nikolai kiselev. fleeing from the nazis, they walked 1,500 km through belarusian forests, the film crew repeated the path of the detachment. half-hearted! several months of hard work. the artists fell and rose again in pitch darkness, crossed the river, made their way through dense thickets, dodged explosions, froze in the pouring rain, authenticity.


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