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tv   Nikolai Kiselev  RUSSIA1  May 10, 2024 12:50am-1:41am MSK

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wereev was in 1941, when the second world war began, the germans immediately occupied our town, hordes of german troops passed to the east, they were in cars, on bicycles, on motorcycles, on horses, belarus was occupied by the germans, the main part of it literally in a few weeks, and on june 28, minsk had already been taken, the army units were followed by the so-called ansatz team, ansatz group, that is, this is a murderer, that is, in fact, they carried out the genocide of the soviet people, the soviet population in this territory, and the first ones, who was subject to murder, this is of course the jewish population, the gypsies, those who did not have time to escape
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were subjected to violence, execution, bullying, in the forty-second year there was the first shechita, the first action, they killed 1,200 jews, we had a basement, and we hid there behind wall.
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they looked for everyone, no matter where they were hiding, they killed everyone. a jew was not supposed to walk on the sidewalks and had to be carried, magen david, this is the star in the front behind, if the jew did not take off his hat when he met a german soldier, this soldier could... do whatever he did to him wanted before the execution, this was the situation, the jews were not exterminated immediately, they were involved in some kind of work, including in the interests of the german army and, as they say, thinned out, everyone understood perfectly well that the ghetto was an intermediate stop on the way to being executed. then, 6 weeks later, there was
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a second action, they made the ghetto in august , around the third action, there was not a single jew left in dolnivo, they killed everyone. here in this place was the central entrance to the ghetto. one tower stood right there on the mountain, the second one was on the other side, behind the church, there near church building, and the third stood there, that ’s where the central road passes, that is , the towers were placed so that from them one could view the entire territory of the geto, it was very...
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so, they were beaten in such a way that my brother’s head was opened, his head was opened . here the second one
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didn’t even see it, in march of forty-two they came to dolnivo for punitive relief. they began to kill, simply kill jews, wherever they were, on the street, in houses, this murder happened all day, my mother said where the yard is now with...
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it’s impossible to stay, this is death, you have to try to get out of the geth, they knocked out the boards and wire, and we went out into the forest, i remember how we were hiding in the forest, there was no food, there was no water, dad... he was digging the ground and there was the water, it was brown, but they took it, night, we took this moisture from the dew with our tongues, under every
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tree they could find us and kill us, because the germans were in the forests too. they were doomed to a quick and inevitable death, either they would die of hunger, from terrible conditions, or the germans, punitive detachments, collaborators would come, they will simply be destroyed, and whoever comes back will be destroyed too. new russian cinema, your brother is there in the donbass, in the aurora battalion, so he is alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war,
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vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have a hard time with you drinking, no weapons, get ready, moskka, we'll put the missing man back on the list, it won't go well, i'm for... i have to find him, markin's hope, i really put a lot of faith in him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn't have his brother was killed, alexey shevchenko, right there went on reconnaissance, then i don’t know, anton shapil, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, passenger. becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. may 10 on rtr. on a cold sunday afternoon on april 6 , 1914, a rally of thousands gathered in the center of donetsk. russia, in order to protect the people of donbass from the nationalist
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pro-fascist dictatorship, deputies decided to proclaim the sovereignty of the donetsk people's republic. they fought for freedom. we didn't go out then. at the rally and without starting resistance, we would not have been able to stay themselves, they died for their homeland, even though we had a war organized by the ukrainian regular army, armed to the teeth, in the evening misha called me and talked, mommy, i love you very much, i love you son, in the morning there is no son, heroes of donbass, citizens of russia , the russians waited as liberators, masters of their land, when russian passports began to be issued, my family received everything, and i... donbass 10 years, premiere on may 10 nart. film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience. in that there will be no war this year, but what will tell
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us about this? we won’t be able to save the entire fleet, but there are an abyss of sailors, soldiers, women and children. your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. for victory day, all episodes of the series admiral kuznetsov for free on the website in the application, watch i 've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry. with you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, you have been hoping for so many years that everyone will come together again, it seems today ... will be, you glad? well, of course, i'm glad. premiere,
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you look good, you look younger, as if, yes, of course, you’ve forgotten how to give compliments. hello, what's that noise you're making there? nothing brings a large family together like a big secret. what do the police say? a classic accident. dmitry miller. light in the window from monday on rtr.
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on october 3, 1941, the germans launched a general offensive in the area of ​​smolensk, yartsevo and dorogobuzh, and i, along with units of the red army, fought back to vyazma, but on october 5 , the germans landed troops in the area of ​​vyazma and closed the ring. one day i...
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was already telling his other story, his story as a partisan. kiselev will make a report on when he fought in the red army, was captured under vyazma, escaped from captivity, came to the velei region in the town of iliya, and there began to engage in underground activities. through back roads and secret paths, i reached the town of ilya. where he met jews and explained to them the purpose of his movement, felt the ground for communication,
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and became a conspirator under the pseudonym balandin fedor vasilyevich. then they called me fedot. the first steps were taken to revive komsomol work in the town of ilya and nearby villages. thus began the major day-to-day work. they had some kind of avenger brigade or something, i don’t know what it was my mother said, but
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there was a safe house here, and then some order came to him, he took his father too, they went to join the partisans from here from home, this is where - in 1942, my mother said, he was a motivated person, he wanted to fight the occupiers, a commander who had certain military skills, well... was price tag for the partisans, among the partisans he was tasked with leading out a large group of jews who were walking through the forests and... when they were in the village and trying to grab some food, the peasants began to complain to the partisans that they were attacking the peasants, there at night, they came to restore order , not only do we give food to the germans, to you, but also these jews, partisans, we were a convoy for them, because they
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threw food to us, they themselves were hungry when the germans attacked them, so what should we do? and we'll give it to you if you take them out, title of hero of the soviet union. the leadership of the partisan brigade promised something incredible for this campaign. they didn't really believe that they would get there. in the combat log of the avenger brigade , this exit of kiselyov and his group to break the front was not even noted. usually
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everything was written down in the combat log of the partisan detachment. they apparently didn’t believe it so much that they didn’t even write about it. kiselev, when he received this task, of course, did not think about any feat; the jews were very lucky that it was kiselev, a man who was very seriously to the order, while filming, i saw the shot, sasha yatsenko, standing next to the road, the shot consisted of... that he was simply looking at the crowds of people passing by, and i burst into tears just unbelievably, i’m even saying now, i’m starting to cry tears when you imagine how the real kisyalyov really looked at these children, old people, at people who lacked food, water and who
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were dying from diseases, which he lost and whom he tried as much as possible not to lose. mission, this can only be done alone. on august 30, 1942, that was all prepared to begin the march through the occupied territory. i wasn't
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afraid of anything. chain, and so it’s all quiet, because you can hear everything in the forest, i know that, i remember that. the first night of our campaign, the germans discovered us, terrible shooting began, suddenly i
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felt that... as if they had hit me in the back with a stone, i felt that i was wet under my dress, i felt it, i see blood, there was a trail of blood, but i didn’t feel sick, i ran and i caught up with my grandmother, so i say, grandmother, i’m killed, i didn’t know that there was a possibility of being wounded, and we started running away from the shooting and... fell to the ground, i get up and don’t see anyone, but my happiness was that somehow my sister took my hand and we ran. the withdrawal was scheduled for august 26, 1942 at 18:00, and in the morning at 5:00
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up to sixty german vehicles arrived and surrounded us. i took the people a kilometer away from the camp, when machine guns began to fire, mortars and machine guns began to fire. the people all scattered. it worked, if the person did not have such authority, well, nothing would have worked, so he knew how to persuade, but he was not a political instructor, a political worker, and with a capital letter, these were the best
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devoted sons of their homeland, here was kosilev, and of them there was such a certain place was appointed, where everyone who could come there gathered there. i remember kiselev, he was a very good person, it was very difficult for my mother to walk, kiselyov took me in his arms, you, we walked together and
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then, i don’t remember, a man without a leg walked with us, his crutch broke, takilev gave him a horse so that he was riding a horse, otherwise he would have to stay in the forest. so this is also kiselyov’s humanity, there was a girl with us she cried all the time, screamed all the time, there were german troops who were afraid that she would betray us, she couldn’t, all the elders said...
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and some miracle happened that she stopped crying, and he continued to carry her in his arms, and so the child remained, she now lives in america, bertha, imagine what kind of person and village, they walked most of the way at night, through forests and swamps, but despite all the difficulties, people were carried through, despite the fact that there were children, old people, and disabled people , people experiencing hitler’s bondage arrived without
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losses, we walked 40 km, our leg festered, my back hurt, my legs hurt, and i was hungry, but they didn’t tell me, my parents didn’t tell me that they would kill you, we understood it ourselves.
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here it’s already a shame - this is already russia, the existence of these sourozh gates, a hole in the front line for 40 kilometers, it was known to the partisans and was used. the problem was not how to cross this gate, the problem was how to get to it. in a straight line, let’s say, from the avenger partisan detachment to these surush gates is a kilometer. 800, what does it mean in a straight line, you won’t go through the german barriers, their points, where they have garrisons, it means you have to go around, meander, go through the forests, go at night, and so as not to be noticed, that is, this is also a waste of time, this whole path, if you count, it’s 1,200, 1300, or maybe even 1500 km they had to go through, this is what they did not write down in the combat log.
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to this order, of course, the presence of people who could confirm that the order was given, it played a role, but kiselyov, he subsequently wrote an explanatory note right up to the chief of the central headquarters of the partisan movement, where he described all this as what happened, how the campaign went, how difficult it was. new russian cinema, i'm looking for my brother,
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now i have to find him, love is proof of life, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, in a couple of days you'll go there, to your gray wife, i'll come back for you, you hear, call sign passenger, may 10th. on rtr on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing, the true story of world war ii. puyi appeared in the northeast not by chance, all this was planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet. a story that began 2 years before events in europe, massacres of civilians then occurred throughout nanjing.
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a true story of victory. it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. unique archival footage in the film by alexei denisov, an emperor without an empire, a throne on bayonets. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. premiere, may 10. on rtr. the decision on the march to pristina has been approved. the task is to occupy the airport before the allies and allow information leaks to nato. do it. the story of the feat. what's the matter? secret. we take and hold positions until the peacekeeper arrives. the story of real heroes. the morning will give us a clue. but
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for now, just look, the russian army is in pristina, i don’t need you here, and i will slaughter you to the last, there are about 100 people, there are eight of us here, they fought to the death, but i’m glad that we are all together, we will live, fulfilling our duty, in the name of russia, our situation is crap, the probability that we will live until the morning is 10 percent, but we the task has been set to hold the airport, so we will keep it. the balkan line on may 10 on rtr, they ran, this is a completely different level of everything, these are extraordinary circumstances, the germans go away,
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the third! it’s important, so to speak, so that you understand that you are playing, well, i remember while filming that i was constantly going with someone, supporting someone, someone. who is limping, who is leaning on me with their whole body, i still have this feeling in my side that someone is reclining on me, we tried very, very hard to do this as honestly as possible, but it wouldn’t have been any other way it worked out, because when they told us, these are those belarusian forests, guys, we walked through them too, that’s when we talk about why in belarus, because then it’s true, guys, we need to create an environment in which you believe, first of all you, the authenticity of the place. additionally communicates some kind of truth, only nature , so to speak, can confirm that this all happened, when you see huge crowds of mass stage performers walking across an icy river at night, they actually slip,
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it all resembles some kind of huge chaos, we after that, everything really changed, the jacket, the third, it’s very easy to shoot in the movies, the fourth at people who are generally invisible. the end the end was somewhere conditional behind the front line, maybe we’ll get there, i said, thank you for this, at first it was
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an order, but i think that as he walked with them, as he saw their condition, how he saw their thirst for life.
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it’s difficult, working in the national archive of belarus, i find an order to award cash prizes to kiselyov for the withdrawal of the jewish population from 400 to 800 rubles. what is 800 rub? the platoon commander received this at the front, then maybe the company commander, but on the market, for example, you could buy it with these 800 rubles. two loaves of bread, that's all. we didn’t know what the holocaust was, there was no press coverage about the special extermination of the jewish people, everyone who
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survived after the war didn’t talk about it, we need to tell it to our children and grandchildren. then they knew in schools, they knew in the army, it’s hard to say this, but we try to convey that at least a little bit of what we went through, we didn’t we are making a biographical film, we are rather talking about what a soviet man is, better... than his manifestations, noble, noble, yes, he is like that,
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it seems to me, he is a happy person, look, photographs, it seems to me that you can tell a lot from the eyes to say, anna is beautiful, she was a messenger in kiselyov’s detachment who translated... i play the role of this girl with whom kiselyov created a couple after the war, got married, had children, and it’s incredible that this is really such an unimagined story of enormous human love. and then he came after war is already here, and my mother says, i’m coming out, and
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hugged me, oh, he says, he says, but not the same one, i’m nikolai, then he told all this, that i lived here, i was under polish, and kiselyov sent a letter with daughter, the photo was with my daughter, i remember this photo well. i knew practically little about this story, in full only after the death of my father, when i was sorting through the archives, looking at letters from the rescued, some documents, i think it was very difficult to remember, but, of course, he told something, but a little bit on this occasion, mostly people came to us to see their father, i mean. hello
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, dear nikolai yakovlevich, your former subordinate in the partisan detachment is again bothering you, i already wrote, but there was no answer. you probably think that i need some benefits from you, so don’t answer. dear man, i don’t need anything from you, you saved my life. i can’t forget this, i would really like to know about your well-being, i live well and don’t need anything, please come to visit me, we will welcome you very, very warmly ruben yakov, that they went through and what it cost, and what courage they showed, and those who walked, as long as it took.
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at your direction , the avenger partisan detachment sent us letruk nikolai yakovlevich kiselyov, led by five partisans, who transferred 218 people across the front to the mainland. we felt and still feel his great concern. him as your father and we ask you
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to nominate kiselyov for a government award, when this story became more or less clear to me, the first thing i began to say was, we need to achieve the title of righteous for him, it is very difficult to obtain this title, the title gives...
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the bulk of our saviors are recognized as the righteous of the world, these are people who hide jews in their homes, this is a completely different story, thousands of questions arise, did he risk his life , what his motive was, it turns out his motive was simply universal, there are certain criteria by which this title of righteous peoples of the world is given, the presence of testimony from the saved, well, there were no problems with this.
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yes, then a lot of things somehow became clearer to me, closer, a wonderful meeting, now we are entering the territory of the walls of remembrance, the walls of honor, on which the names of all the holidays recognized by yadvash are engraved. we are slowly moving towards the wall, on which we will see the name of nikolai. and i was very happy when kiselyov finally received this title, because this is some kind of result, a reward for the person who did it.
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thank you, thank you, thank you very much, it’s very hard for me to talk now after what i watched, i can’t find the words to
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explain my condition, what... we went through, i i am sure that those who watched this film with me now experienced a lot, my deep gratitude to the great director who created this film, sergei ursulyakuy ursulyak. we don’t know so much about the war that when we find out, we will be surprised, we know the history of the war very superficially, there are so many closed topics, so many unknown details, when the bans are lifted, i think that we still have a huge number of discoveries ahead, it is very
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important to me, so that they know that... he saved us, if we hadn’t existed, the whole dynasty wouldn’t have existed, this man, soul, this is a man, father, this is a man brother, the word man is an important word. this is my warmest cell, these are my children , these are my grandchildren, i have three daughters, a son and two daughters, the eldest is the middle one, this is my youngest
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daughter, i have three sons, the eldest is 61 years old from... born from the saved, oh, this is absolutely, well, this is the whole world, that’s why it is written on the medal of the righteous, the one who saved one soul is as if he saved the whole world.
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so mordai. let's make noise, it's scary here. comrade, junior lieutenant, that’s better,
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