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tv   Istrebiteli  RUSSIA1  May 10, 2024 4:50am-8:01am MSK

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we are done with the war, we are done with the war, take it or leave it, we went home, the war bent and mowed us down, the end came to itself, 4 years. mother without son, 4 years old, mother without son, 4 years old, mother without son, berishina, let's go home.
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attention everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, occupying the lowest possible altitude, we will camouflage ourselves, the commander, the engines will stop, the temperature is off the charts, or there are only two of us, the rest of the chicks, if losses are detected, we cannot avoid, carry out the order, there is carry out the order. means, the germans closed the sky over crimea to us. that 's right, that's it, marshal. at the request of intelligence, the luftwaf transferred its best aces to crimea. fifty-second fighter squadron. old friends, that's for sure. and after kuban, we have only young people in our regiments who have not been fired upon. to cover dalmatov’s attack aircraft, i ordered major roman’s 267th regiment to be transferred to anapa, but... he also has every second
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takeoff and landing, so to speak, after school. well, as they say, do what you can with what you have. here, at the dig and on kerch peninsula, it is necessary to break through the enemy’s highly durable defenses. ivan georgievich, i’ll take the blood out. we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans. the success of the entire operation depends on this. we need our pilots to plow. everything there is so that not a single german gun, not a single pillbox, not a single anti-tank fortification survives, the headquarters gives a month for preparation, we can, we must be able to, twiish marshal, clearing, clearing, this is a daisy, give conditions for planting, the grass of the clearing, 273 m/s, free approach. i give permission, glade, this is a daisy,
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accepted, zero second, this is zero first get ready for landing, commander, we need to gain altitude, approach from the forest, the young ones are not... here from a low altitude, someday we need to learn, get ready for landing, all the chicks are ready to land, ilyusha, look both ways, we are hanging like hawks over the take-off, there, attention, attention, i see two. stay at this altitude, and i’ll take off that parka that’s coming in for landing, everyone, attention, these are skinny ilyukhas, get ready for battle, yes, this is the fifth
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commander, i’m under attack. i sat down, i sat down, sanya, sanya, where are you going, one against two, sanya, i have a tank.
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chase, chase, don’t get excited, litun, that’s it, that's it, you already gave him a hard time, he flew off,
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fritz. there are eight of them, there are two of us, the situation before the fight is not ours, but we will play, seryozha, hold on! we don’t have the chance with you, but we need to equal the trump cards, i haven’t left this square of heaven, the numbers don’t matter to me now, today my friend is protecting my back, which means the chances are equal,
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the gentleman came to my tail, but he started smoking, we forgot screws, they don’t even need crosses for the grave. crosses will descend on the wings, i am the first, i am the first, they are under you, i went out to cut them off, sing the flame! go to the cloud, i i’ll cover, in battle, there are no miracles, thank you, for serving, serving the soviet union, and this comrade romanov, who mr. imprisoned. also, that’s right, comrade,
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then, from me personally, special thanks to you, comrade romanov. i serve the soviet union, well, congratulations, and i, see you, see you, well, hero, congratulations, thank you, howl fritz turned out to be an important bird, hans scholbe, gerring's favorite, by the way, new modifications, our engineer already. rest,
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i don’t know, go to the maly theater with your wife, well, everything is still the same for you, okay, i feel good about you i won’t get into it, but i know, if anything happens, a room in a moscow hotel is for you. for a while, congratulations again, special thanks for the gun, it’s true, it’s a pity,
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the ammunition is small, but the machine gun would like to have more, because of this you often have to leave the battle, well, if you increase the ammunition, the weight of the aircraft will increase as a result of the loss in speed and maneuverability, which means we need to increase engine power, we are working on this right now, excuse me, comrade yakovlev, actually, major raman, the volume of the enemy. exactly on on this plane you landed a new mester shvidit. yak-9, the best fighter. i'm not arguing. alexander sergeevich simply asked my opinion, i answered. we're great. let's go with a clean talk. heavy aircraft, without a bull additional. on vertical lines, the germans have a clear advantage; we simply cannot reach them. as for the imprisoned german, i had to destroy him, i simply had nothing with which to do so.
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yes, yes, we will see that in general the work is being done,
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comrades, let's drink to victory, to those at the front, to those who are pouring shells in the rear, makes airplanes, tanks, guns and mortars, for those who sow bread, for our entire soviet people, for our soviet homeland, for comrade stalin, hurray, hurray, hurray, and god willing, not the last. vladlya nikolaevich,
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you know that i, alexander sergeevich, i will probably go, as already, in half an hour the driver will arrive and he will take you. no, it’s not worth it, the tram is still running, i ’ll get there, well, where else, lenochka, sit with us , otherwise i’ll be offended, but vladlina nikolaevich is right, well, what trams, we’ll all go together soon, okay, lenochka, let’s go
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let's dance, nikolaevich, i don't... and he dances and doesn't drink, here she is, a specimen, alexander sergeevich, i'll go after all, i'm not feeling very well, goodbye, comrade.
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come on, come on, start the car, len, what are you starting, and where can you get away from me, len, len, what kind of kindergarten? len, open, do you hear, immediately, open,
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i say, immediately, comrade colonel, have you mixed up the door? this is the ladies' room, go where, open it, i said, it seems to me that the lady doesn't want to talk to you, listen, lucy, don't go where you don't want to, go while i tell you i didn’t break off my wings, lena, open up, you’re wearing officer’s shoulder straps, you’re like the last bastard. who are you, and to tell me how to behave, major, he got out of here, march, if you want, colonel, maybe it’s better for you to leave, i ’ll leave the girl alone, the way you talk to me, i’m with comrade beria himself, let
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’s go you! go, lina, go, thank you, i 'll drown you in shit, i got it, let me go, you must be scraggly, comrade colonel, bitch, you've been... well, it was easy, i'll give you a fine. do you understand what you have done? beating senior rank is a military crime, especially since he takes a person, so ruin everything for some reason, listen, you almost killed me with this pawn, what can i
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do? sanya, we’ve known you for many years, i understand everything, but it’s better to apologize, i know this sorokin, you can’t get by with just demotion, so, you’ll go to the editorial office of the newspaper pravda for photographs, solve this issue with sorokin, apologize, well, good , come on, get in the car, let's go, there are copichniks, yeah, hello, comrade yakovlev, please come in, i remind you, that after the shooting you have a meeting with the editor-in-chief. yes, i remember, thank you. elena sergeevna, could you stop by the people's commissariat? we need to hand over documents, but they are in the car. certainly. ready? comrades romanov is not here.
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seven don't wait for one thing. i wish you the best, comrade. we can start, yes.
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well, or capital punishment according to the laws of war, everything is clear to you, there is no way to make it clear, well , we have free cinnamon for you, yesterday it was freed, kuzmich, give a chance to a comrade, a former major, to get acquainted with your war horse, it flies, check it out. romanov alexander, don’t rush to get it done yet. so, i don’t have time to remember.
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how would you like to understand this? it was you who signed the release notice. everything is correct, but what’s incomprehensible here doesn’t have a deadline yet, glinchuk, basmach, former lieutenant parkhad sulaimonov atoned for his guilt, so to speak, with blood, there are questions, you don’t, there are no questions, okay.
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come on, did you see who they are sending? what 's going on here? yes, that is, the commander, the new arrival is getting acquainted with the equipment, come on! yes, what about you! there are little snouts, you still have to stick them into the feathers, the engine does not take off, perhaps the fuel system is faulty,
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the plane is unusable. we don’t have others, i wish, report, novels, fighter, who gave the order for takeoff, they wanted it as a gift, no way, no, commander, okay, i’ll deal with you later, documents, just signing. they’re flying, one is shot down, but no, it’s the oil pump that needs to be changed, but it’s not working.
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i’ll kill the bastard, come here, come, come, you understand what i did, you understand what you did, you understand,
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what do you say in your defense, erokhin? but there is no excuse for cowardice, that’s why he remains silent. it’s a shame to look into the eyes of your soldiers, your fellow soldiers, and the party, comrade stalin, gave rerokhin a chance to wash away his shame with blood. he did not
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use this chance, moreover, he left the battle, therefore he must be punished to the fullest extent, come up with a punishment, when you have already been punished, i propose sending the red army soldier erokhin to an infantry penal battalion, romanov, you said something, i think the proposal of a fellow zampalet is too much harsh, i think that instead of flogging a fever, you need to properly understand everything, i’m sure that erokhin has the this is an explanation, it’s not like fighting on these planes, it’s impossible to fly on them, i’m convinced of this, we know what’s stopping bad dancers, what’s stopping bad pilots, planes, well... quiet,
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quiet, comrades, i think that erokhin you shouldn’t punish, on the contrary, support by personal example, i’m ready to take it. on vices to share, so to speak, my experience, an experienced one was found, but i couldn’t get the plane up in the air, to hold on, or something, comrade, yes, something started up, cool down, put it aside, quietly, sat down, both sat down, kirillov, everything means so, there are few of us, every tail counts, that’s why erokhin. “i’m giving you one last chance, so to speak, but look, if the engine overheats again or something else, i’ll send you to the core soldiers in the infantry
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penal battalion, and i consider the meeting to be over.”
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ilyuk, are you coming? let's put it on. let's go, let's eat. i'll catch up. i'll go now.
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zhen, before the next takeoff we need to adjust the valves and check the tightness of the propeller on the shaft, let's check what we need, that's all for today, yes, that's all, comrade sorukin, yes, ilina sergeevna, did you want something? yes, vladlen nikolaevich, we are now we are preparing.
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yes, but it was he who landed the german on our plane, and was ready to give healthy criticism to the car. okay, it’s probably better to turn to comrade ustinovsky, it’s not worth it. major romanov immediately after the award left for his duty station, well, about the fact that he did not keep his promise, i’m sorry. not to me, goodbye, let's be ready for the final, here 's me, lyanka, you can always rely on me, guys, wait, i'm with you, sit, comrade magpie,
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do you hear, seryoga? next time you will kick this ass with a kipedar hear trembling. “you’ll come to me, i ’ll take you on bail, but what about tomanov, you got it, yurokh, thank you, dragging commander, well done, i wish you good health, nikolai nikolaevich,
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you’ll have to, prokopenko, tomorrow for a dressing, eat, bone, why didn’t you come to the preventative care yesterday? and i was like, well, little one, don’t run after you, let me help you, no, no, your hands are unclean, okay, let’s go, well, go to bed,
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tetanus . - this is not a joke, in the neighboring regiment i wiped out half of the personnel, that’s it, nina, what, seryozha, and i’m waiting for everything. you’ll come in, and i’ll come in for a minute, while your merduzgorgon doesn’t see, this evening in the same place. i wish you health, comrade military
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doctor, why is there an outsider’s medical honor? so i left the post against the column, for the third time in a week, just so that for sure, that’s it, i’m leaving, oh, and let’s play, girl, don’t cry! then he smeared the earring like that, oh, eroh, do you hear, eroh, wait, there are things to do, you, old, old, on the edge of the takeoff, you know, yeah, you take a walk there in the evening, not far away, if anyone asks me or mine , well you whistle, okay, no, i can’t, what are you, an idiot,
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i just didn’t understand something, i took you by the hand, okay, i finally thought, we’re friends, okay, go for a walk, then commander. i agree, that’s good, erok, thank you very much, that’s good, you’ll smoke, i don’t smoke, what are you, herzegovi na flor, no, thank you, that’s it, god bless you, come on. thank you, vanyush! van, do you hear me,
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don’t you give me meat on principle, or what? yes, there’s meat there, look for it, you’ll ask me for a popperozka, add more, you’ll get by, well, fines and robbers? let's hit, yeah to say, by hunger with a revolutionary appetite, but there is little, look.
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look, the acrobat is making a pretzel that beats you, you eat onions, brother, guys, onions help with tetanus, pass me the bread.
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our task is to prevent the enemy from strengthening its defenses in crimea. according to intelligence data, the germans are hastily transferring their reserves from romania. ivan georgievich, our bombers must break through the supply route, the destruction bridge. the task is not easy; you will have to act behind enemy lines. i have no doubt that so an important strategic facility is well protected by systems. i instruct you to lead, i obey, the meeting is over, comrades, get to work, they will destroy us on the way, and so
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there is nothing left from the beginning, well, that’s why she is a penal fighter to carry out such tasks. monuk is right, you need to think before you shoot, so to speak, the naked assholes, but where is kirillov? i don’t know, i know where your kirilos is. at the graduation party he confessed his love to me, read poetry, balmont, maybe years later, maybe days later, with you we will be together, we will be alone, and
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the heart will tell the heart that in the sum of days and years there is an eternal, unquenchable light, we are calling you to marry, funny, why didn’t you go, but i was waiting for you, but you never told me said you love me. well, tell me, is it really so difficult, ninotchka’s words mean nothing, empty, and i’m too old for love, but that’s not true, but
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why are you trying to seem worse than you really are, well, i know what it’s like. you don’t know anything, so i know, you are the most beautiful, the bravest, the kindest, where did you come from, you little bird.
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the technicians are also my conspirator, karsh kirillov, leave them, kirillov, i’m waiting at headquarters, you’re the head from potiphon, erokhin. “how many times have i warned you, stop your bullshit,
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okay, the red army soldier romanov has arrived on your order, so romanov will command the flight instead of you, and you will go to him as an ordinary pilot, march to the right at a walking pace .” task: the front line, we fly around here, we approach the bridge, the fries open up, open fire, the reconnaissance plane detects air defense points, puts them on the map, adds this attack aircraft, they fly in and work exactly at these points, and then the bombers will dismantle this damn bridge, the link is in reserve, in readiness number one, questions? is it that romanov will use us as bait for the germans, follow the words
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, bait, this is battle reconnaissance, they don’t give us other tasks. what's happened? erokhin.
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quiet, it's me, romanov, put the gun down, give it here, come on, come on.
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i don’t know what it is, there’s no fear, but i can’t explain it, there won’t be combat training at the school, they taught me how to take off. sits down a couple of times too the consams were shot at, the junior lieutenant was assigned to the front right away, in general, my very first flight, i lost my orientation, got lost, in short, i barely found my airfield, i was alone, i returned from the flight, no one from the whole flight there bothered to figure it out. they declared him a coward and sent him to the penalty box, but the situation
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was better if they shot him. you will come to me as a guide, and so that on earth, as in heaven, you will stay on the right side, understand? i understand, thank you, tomanov, keep it up, let’s go to bed, tomorrow is a hard day. the party and comrade stalin personally gave you a chance to correct the things you have done you have committed wrongdoing, so prove that you are worthy of this trust, death in battle with the nazis is better than shame, dying for your homeland is the highest destiny of every soviet
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citizen, excuse me, chuk, time. i have everything in command, so, well, well, that’s it, let’s finish it, it was in vain that tyrokhina took the lead, he’ll let you down, he’ll screw it up.
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attention, unidentified target on radar. report to haupman immediately. mr. haupman, an unidentified group of fighters is moving from the east. attention, russian fighters, i understand. take positions. everyone take their positions. shells, shells, quickly here, direction at 3 o'clock, the first is ready for battle, the second is ready for battle, the third is ready for battle, and another joke, here is vasily ivanovich and petka, wad, i will stop telling stories, attention everyone,
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we are entering given square. load, faster, faster, bring more shells, we’re carrying, the target is approaching, well, look there, mr. lieutenant. damn, this scout again, at least open our air defense points, what are we going to do? contact us urgently, here they are, kolya, attention to everyone, as soon as it starts,
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we’ll leave. how did you receive the reception, let's dial altitude, attention everyone, gain altitude, fire! motherfucker, i have a viewer’s refusal, kabuda, jump, jump, i said, i can’t, the lantern is jammed, the lantern is jammed, i’m falling, i’m marya
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nikolaevna, i’m going to... pyatok, come on. well, kabuda, seagull, what have you got there, seagull, why be silent, that's it, commander, the bluebirds have been sucked off, chibes, it's a seagull, we're done, i'm returning to the base, attention to everyone, the task is completed, we're going back, we're leaving. it’s not for nothing that i entrusted the command to romanov, that’s it, soldiers, the concert is over, we’re leaving, well, here’s yours
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flies, intact, it will be soon, really, well , i told you that, it’s a seagull, i’m attacked by the mesters, i repeat, the mesters have appeared, the seagull, the seagull is behind... we can’t reach you, we can’t all get ready for battle, yours mother, are you out of your mind, where are we on these troughs, let them go beyond, i said to take the fight, commander, commander, our left engine is on fire, we’ll make it, cover the attack.
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i can’t, the rudders are broken, erokhin, erokhin, listen to me, let off the gas, take off the roll with your right foot, i’m nearby, let’s go down, we’re lowering,
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we’re lowering, yarokhin, we’re lowering, you see a clearing ahead, we'll sit down, romanov, where to? shiho, you have a mester on your tail, be quiet, motherfucking cow, come on! brother, i'm stalled, i'm falling, acrobat, jump, jump, i say, acrobat, bitch, come on, come on, come on!
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god bless you, come on, eat, nina, what are you doing here, how about quickly get up, prepare the screws, medicines, i knocked you off your feet, i’m looking, have the thin ones gone? we are returning to the base, here they started working on us, about five kilometers before the bridge, they hit me from two points, about here and here, yeah, then another major, there were three crews working from this shore, they
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overwhelmed the gobda, competently, bitches, they set up their anti-aircraft guns, they overlap each other, it’s not so easy to get there on our little humpbacks, comrade major, romanov’s connection is not working, it’s not clear and crazy, meser was killed because the major, general kulkov, has arrived, are free, are there any fighters on the way out? faster faster, faster, alive, alive, i tried to increase, i tried to increase the thrust and activate the spaces, the planes must be here somewhere, divide into two groups, i'm north,
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“let’s hurry up, shoot, shoot at the plane, there’s no fish in the iraq-fish, at least some points are indicated, i can’t reach the bridge, but what then is there, they didn’t save the scout, that’s why we don’t know what’s the best there the motto had a crew, but i had four"? they came back, if there were planes, and not
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a trough, this wouldn’t have happened, but don’t complain to me, there are no planes, you know, no, the whole mod unit is preparing for the crimea, now such a mess will begin there, well, it means on the side, well , of course, fines , they probably think that we can ride on brooms, are you ready, no dig in, but sever the major, allow me, general, go. i’m listening to fidots, so my whole, i understand, thank you, our new yak 9u will be equipped with a new, powerful one and a half thousand strong engine, which has direct fuel injection into the cylinders, which causes an afterburner effect. well, using this afterburner, we will be able
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to resist on the verticals mr. shmita of the new model, which was captured by major roman? flight tests are currently underway, the machine is confidently climbing at maximum angles of attack, but allow me? yes, in exactly a week a state acceptance has been scheduled, at which they will journalists, specialists and allied countries will be present. in connection with this , the country's leadership decided to hold an exhibition battle between. comrade biriya himself will be present with our new plane, the captured mester schmit, so there can’t be any buts, comrade yakovlyu. well, great news. thank you, comrade, i would like to add on my own behalf: the planes must be ready for the offensive operation on crimea, and not for a press conference, comrade sorokin, so we’ll give kaby yakovlev another week.
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nikolaevich knows the major's location romanov, but if this is very important, then comrade usyanovsky will definitely find him, after 20 minutes of the meeting in the kremlin, you are with me, i need to ask a couple of questions to comrade anchor, there is, you, comrade sotnikova, i would recommend not only being interested, but completely forget the name of major romanov, leave him alone, you’ve already done that.
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the whole thing, all the best, kind guys were, the kingdom of heaven, let what you are talking about, but tell me that seryuzha, what is the kingdom of heaven, to hell, something, elyukh, elyukha, we and elyukha was there, we... didn’t see anyone there, you always ruin everything like that, maybe their souls are somewhere there? now, guys, the novels are back, well done,
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you won’t drink anyway, the good stuff will go to waste, into the syupov rockets, so that you won’t be afraid to rest. but i’m not scared anyway, why are you rowdy, why are you rowdy, seryozha, i understand that you’re tired, that you’re tugging at me all the time, oh, they’ve arrived, that’s it,
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come on, go, let’s calm things down, maybe you’ll get it too, sit down , come on, come on, let's change it, nina, wait, nina, don't be upset, we're all we respect you very, very much. you are so beautiful and kind, no, you can’t even imagine what you are like, you are the best girl in the world, i have long wanted to tell you,
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bone, don’t, don’t. why are you so and so, you’re crying again, i told you, don’t go, you’re dragging him while he’s still sleeping, so tell me. former major romanov, why the hell did we fit in as a pawn? seryoga, what are you talking about? we are looking, we are carrying out our task, but there was no order to cover regimental reconnaissance. and you, ilyukha, don’t ask me, this one, or
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this one? how they came out of the battle, into the bushes sat out while the germans tore their happiness away. liar, quietly, quietly, well, quietly, just stand there, come on, quietly, i said, calm down! yes, myrrh, what’s going on here, and the acrobat started a fight again, well, that’s it, he got there. now you’re going to go to the trenches for me, understand? permission, permission, private kirillov felt unwell, decided to walk decently and fell, after being wounded, what are you talking about, what about you, too,
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after being wounded, or what? no way. “i was just standing next to him when comrade kirill fell in, caught me, in front, that means, yes, well, okay, let’s see,
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comrade ustinovsky, what are you doing here, go, yes, comrade ustinovsky, i understand, or rather, i guess the reason for your attitude towards me, but please listen, let’s just quickly, i don’t have time, okay, i don’t know what they told you about that incident, but major romanov , he, he stood up for me. in front of the face and scoundrel sorokin, who is ready to do anything to achieve his goals, when comrade romanov did not come to the editorial office for a group photo, i became worried, wait, what about romanov not coming to the newspaper, no, but sorokin was there, the fact of the matter is that he was led as if nothing had happened, i still didn’t listen to myself, okay, we’ll sort it out, thank you. yes, and erena sergeevna, excuse me for, well, you know, all the best, you
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’ve been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like it will happen today, you’re happy, of course, happy, the premiere, you look good, you look young, as if, yes i’ve certainly forgotten how to give compliments. "hello, what's that noise you're making there? nothing unites a large family like a big secret. what are the police saying, a classic accident, dmitry miller, from the outside it always seems obvious, this is white and this is black, i prefer to call a spade a spade. maria kulikova, you understand that this decision will change your whole life. alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, we... are not to blame, what should we do now, be silent, there is light in the window, from monday
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on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest. where the sun and sea are, on the first coastline, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine
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will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish udess and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. exhibition russia presents. flying, flying across the sky. songs coming from the heart shine in the fog. on the way, songs over which time has no power, songs of victory, festive concert of ildar abdorazakov, broadcast from vdnkh, today on rtr, congratulations, listen, 10 years, 10 years, term, thank god it’s not a strict regime, no, no, not strictly, but very much so. family, look at the weekend, vacha, take time, take
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a day off, rest, i can’t go to prison, she took with her from the past only her name, what is it, stand still, and you just saved me, valentina, yes, it’s me i can do it, but the past requires new sacrifices, give me a pass, well, you’ll change your last name, clean fox, brand new life, will you pay me? for silence, we were robbed, she stole it, but i didn’t take the money, you weren’t three years old, so i ’m screwing you with the family, there are no fingerprints on the safe, valya, you like valya, i need an investigator urgently, valya, on saturday and sunday on rtr.
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situation, you are walking in pairs, the height is 1. m, suddenly from above you the myster takes your actions in pincers, and... well, i think that it takes a long time, that’s it, there is no way to think for so long in battle, there are seconds to make a decision, for a moment, you know, you need to think and act at the same time, what is the most important thing in battle, well, we were taught that you need to monitor the instruments in flight, and what kind of instruments, erokhin, what are you saying, fighters don’t need instruments at all, head you have to twist it so that you can see everything around you, so that you have a bloody trail on your collar.
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i just got a little embittered, about what? for life, for people, you know, he had a fiancée, he didn’t want to get married, but she and the colonel went on a spree, but seryoga found out about this one day, volunteered to take him to headquarters, gave this staff officer a ride in the light, and accordingly flew under the bridge in an opika , so that he ruined his pants, and then seryoga painted his face.
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he’s breathing, fedutov, make sure you don’t breathe in the incense, comrade general, but listen, i received the order, carry out, take off like, waist-deep snow, shovel in your hands and clear it, that’s right, there it is, i’ll just be a minute, just a minute, what a minute, get out of here! there’s no point in wandering around and distracting the medical staff from their work, but my head hurts, suddenly i have an infection, you say my head hurts no wonder, your conscience doesn’t hurt, actually, i wanted to apologize, i should have thought earlier, you’re a captain, you’ll be dismissed as a private,
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marching all around , or eat, stomp, pick me up, said hello while i... good, do n’t you have a single drop of pride, let me in, go, just he will wipe his feet on you, but i love him. “what a little, stupid girl you are, sergei, what, i wanted to talk, we already talked yesterday, but just wait,
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well, how could they get the pilot here because of someone, offended or something? they disheveled him, well and what does it matter to you that you are bothering me? who are you , alexander petrovich, former commander of the 267th fighter regiment, hero of the soviet union, and it doesn’t matter to me where to fight, but where to crush this nit. and about the guys, they died in battle. , repay your debt to your homeland, and you are better than me you know this. romanov, kirillov, get into formation! on the eve of our battle for crimea, the germans began transferring equipment and manpower to the front line. order of the division commander to destroy the savelyevsky railway bridge.
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anticipating your why we will answer. the airfield where the attack aircraft are based has come under enemy attack, the bombers, due to dense clouds, will not be able to reach the target accurately, even birds cannot fly in such weather, the field has been washed away into a mess. "quiet, stop talking, the flight is tomorrow morning, i can order it, but not i will, there are four planes ready to take off, before you make a decision, you should know that by interrupting the supply of the nazis, we will save thousands of lives of our soldiers fighting on the crimean front, volunteers. i’ll fly, we need three more, two more, i’m not, erokhin, don’t
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stop the formation this time, i’ll shoulder it, so i’ll fly, what’s there? zero first, we are trying the horizontal mode at an altitude of 2,500, as i understand, vasya, answer, there is. 02 for today is enough for boarding,
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hello, general, allow me to contact you, please contact me during... acceptance in order to avoid foreign observers had misunderstandings and doubts, and it was decided that mr. schmita was at the helm and his master, the german asa otha scholbe, was imprisoned. your idea? no way, no. i'll give you lavren. so look for a worthy opponent for the german. may i go? go. hello, comrade general. hello. i have news for you, romanov has been found, and where is he in the penal battalion, but you will return him, everything is already official, there was a tribunal, and
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what to do, and you know german, yes, of course, we have everything, then i know , what to do.
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where the germans met us last time, this is the first line of their defense, from this place to the bridge it’s a couple of kilometers, just, everything, we even need to treat, we’ll use the low clouds, we’ll go to the clouds. well, there, near the zenitok bridge, i think, there is no less stuck, why will we take them ourselves, we will distract them in every possible way, with bomb loading and even on our troughs, we will leave everything unnecessary on the ground, we will unload the planes, and only erokhin and kirill, what are you monsters doing, my god,
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my mother is a woman. to hit, and this is only possible from a shaver, i our tanks won’t knock down the bridge; we need to use the supports to understand that the germans won’t allow us to dive onto the bridge and accurately drop bombs, but the anti -aircraft guns definitely won’t shoot at the grounded plane. we have the opportunity for the plane to smoke at a certain moment. he'll throw you through the box, you'll burn, god won't give you away, the pig won't eat you, hold the wires, seryozha, close it. let's say a smoking acrobat goes
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into a steep dive just before the surface of the water, drops ammunition, which undermines the support of the bridge, and suddenly, for the germans, he goes up rapidly, and if not it will work, you’ll miss, it won’t miss. well, everything, son, everything is fine, if it doesn’t work out, then at this moment erukhin will be circling in the clouds, waiting for my command, i hope it won’t come to that.
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no matter what happens, kostya, always keep me in sight, understand? that’s right, always on the alert, you’ll lose everything of me, i understand everything, we’ll get it done by lunchtime, today they promised a little pickle, and i really like rassilnik, well done, i like it, go get ready, take off your armor, let’s get ready,
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to hell with it, everyone get ready , attention, second accepted, third accepted, fourth accepted, and there. russian again, approaching from square 26:12, everyone is ready for battle, general alarm, danger in the sky, everyone is in place, preparing for battle, prepare shells, quickly, quickly, wait for the command.
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damn, where are they, urgently contact the radar service, there they are, fire!
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damn, it didn’t work, don’t rukin, go down, the acrobat shot back, accepted, acrobat, where are you,
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they fired at me, i don’t see anything, tanya, over, go to the base, this is an order, hello. russia, we're going into the second circle, cover, i understand, i'm attacking, yarokin, hit the central support, cover, hit! first, first, i'm fourth, commander, my demand is jammed, third, i’m empty, what do you have, bk zero, i have system damage, rokinon, attack the esters, i see,
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i’m attacking, also put everything back, back, i said as i accepted, commander, i have bc, i'm attacking. “seryozhenka, my love, they will send you to moscow, to the hospital, there they will do everything as it should, and you will get better very soon, marya
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nikolaevna says, you will even be able to fly, forgive me, i was such a fool, what is this? i don’t know , i came in the morning, and she was lying here, probably one of the guys, seryozh, seryozh, for you it hurts, go away, go away, everything will be fine, i will write you letters, just please answer them. go away, you don’t need me, why don’t you need me, seryozh, i really need you, erukhin, the boy without a mustache, he understood, and you
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really are a fool, that he understood, but i didn’t understand, seryozh, please don’t torment me, that i don't love you. go away, get out, i don’t like you, get out, get out. well, private kirillov, at least you did something right.
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with me, your documents are still missing, who
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else is it, nkvd major shcherbak, i need romanov, do you have one here? i romanov. what's the matter? no need to ask questions. you'll have to come with us.
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we pass, facing the wall, sensibly! romanov is delivered, backwater, we pass, we are free, we get to know each other, but what is this? read, read! they brought you, sanya, well, if i met you
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on the street, i wouldn’t recognize you, majors, i’m picking you up, that’s right, comrade general, let’s go, let’s go. look, mr. engineer, the russian fighter has a smaller turning radius, so at lower speeds it has greater maneuverability. good afternoon, colonel.
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snotty puppy, what have you done? immediately
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come back, a watch awaits you, idiot, yes, this plane has a new cannon equipped with a tape on... so that the state acceptance will take place in a week, and you will return to your regiment, as you mark it, yes, sorry it’s so long, but i not a dream, not a spirit, well the person was found, suggested that something was wrong with you, and what kind of person is that, now you’ll see, zero one, let’s
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take off in the horizon at full power, yes, took a thousand, keep an eye on engine, how it behaves, so far everything is normal, no surprises, turn on the afterburner, get ready to go out vertical, accepted,
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well, here it is, here it is, our handsome man, the ideal combination of power and weight. “we’ll hit the fritz at all speeds and altitudes, oh, first combat sortie, 3 minutes of flight, altitude 2.5, speed 550, doesn’t increase further, i feel vibration, switch the supercharger stage, zero first, come back, what’s the climb soon?” at an altitude of 2500 about 10-11 m/s. vladlin nikolaevich, vibration is a signal of serious problems, the flight must be stopped, we will also succumb at the state acceptance, we need to catch up with the pilots and beat them, and not tail, let them go into
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afterburner mode. 0 afterburner mode, control the operating time. it pulls well, well, there’s smoke in the cabin, the speed is 580, there’s a fire, what have you, but be the first to answer, vasya, jump immediately, do you hear? pull, pull, jump, vasya, leave the plane immediately, do you hear?
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what have we not taken into account? what suggestions do you have? comrade? comrade beri regrets the tragedy that occurred, but state acceptance of the new fighter model must take place within the previously established deadline. until the cause of the incident is clarified, it is necessary cancel flights and return to bench tests. at another time, alexander sergeevich, i would agree with you, but now the front desperately needs a new fighter. the front needs planes whose pilots can
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not only defeat the enemy, but return from flights alive, so i insist on new bench tests. as far as i know, the stand is ignited. there wasn’t, yes, under afterburner the engine got hot, but it worked normally and showed good results, which means we somehow didn’t get away, and risk another experimental machine and the life of a new pilot we don't have a tester. really, what would an engine engineer say? elena sergeevna? i believe that bench tests do not provide the necessary load conditions that may occur in flight. air temperature and density, turbulence. the cause of the fire must be sought in the air. who will test the plane next? it will take time to train a new pilot, and we don't have it. comrade lieutenant general, may i please? well,
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let's listen to comrade romanov, isn't it true that at the last meeting you criticized our planes? what do you say now? elena sergeevna right, the earth is the earth, the sky is the sky. i am ready to simulate a situation in which... the plane went into a tailspin, taking into account the altitude reserve, unfortunately, which the deceased pilot did not have, this was not possible, vasya trafimov knew the car before vintik, and the faster comrade romanov masters the new car, the better, alexander sergeevich, boris fedorovich, familiarize comrade romanov with all the documentation, okay, alexander sergeevich. on a cold sunday afternoon on april 6
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, 1914 , a rally of thousands gathered in the center of donetsk to protect the people donbass from the nationalist pro-fascist dictatorship, the deputies decided to proclaim the sovereignty of the donetsk people's republic, they fought for freedom, without us going out at the rally and... bass 10 years old, premiere today on rtf.
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday from slio resorts, elegant details, a feast of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach, etc. welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharmalsheikh, rixos radomis sharmel sheikh - an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for happiness and the comfort of their parents' children, escape from everyday life into the world of the endless. treatments, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday, rixas radomis sharmal
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sheikh. this is what, comrades, girls, a good sniper can single-handedly stop an enemy attack. we are now a team, we must become one in order to prove that we are snipers. i see the enemy.
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the story began 2 years before the events in europe, massacres of civilians occurred all over the place. true story victory. it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history. unique archival footage in alexei denisov's film emperor without an empire. the throne is on bayonets. this newsreel was captured by soviet
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soldiers in august 1945. premiere. today at rtr, if trafimov had not crashed and landed the plane, we would have known what the cause of the accident was, and now everything is first on your shoulders, and not only on mine, but where were you accommodated in the first place? tell me i really wasn't there also, it’s not far from here, everyone is ours there, and you also don’t have time left for a trip to moscow, great, we’ll be neighbors, accompany me while boris fedorovich prepares the documentation, with pleasure, comrade general, wait, can you explain why exactly romanov that
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we have no other pilots, i don’t know more reliable than pilot romanov. "his actions are incompatible with the rank of an officer, i myself witnessed his indecent behavior, i was forced to write a report to the military prosecutor's office, yes, yes, i know what exactly on your initiative, the hero of the soviet union , major romanov, ended up in a penal battalion, in which penal battalion i heard for the first time, for the first time, although this is probably correct, then i especially don’t understand why romanov is here, but because he has already redeemed himself i have atoned for the guilt, at the state reception there will be party and government officials, ambassadors and the military attache..."
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vitya, like ustinovsky, where is romanov? i can’t know, nikolaevich, i did everything as you ordered. tomorrow, everything that i have us in the department on romanov, so that i have on table. yes sir. help, no, thank you, i myself, i always carry a photo of my parents with me, it reminds me of the houses before
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the war. “i understand, where is your house? i don’t know, i don’t have a home, but does it really happen, it happens, the sky is my home, sasha, sit down, thank you, an omelette made from egg powder, but it’s better than nothing, and much better, sasha, i feel terribly guilty for what happened, don’t. “i did what
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i had to do, and nothing else, let’s not remember this, okay, let’s not,” elena sergeevna, thank you .” , and let's be dishonest. okay, alina,
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here are the instructions, if anything is unclear, ask, you’ll figure out what’s what, motorically, the yacht over there is the yag, so it’s all about him.
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speed 550 temperature oil rises cooling doors are opened to maximum speed 580 alexander sergeevich. trafimov had already had a fire by this time, i felt a strong vibration, speed, speed 590, immediately stop the mode, as zero two understood. vaz understands, i’m asking for speed, the oil pressure
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has dropped, there’s damage in the cabin, romanov, jump, do you hear? he won't jump he’ll try to land the plane, but where should he land, he can’t see a damn thing right now, if he doesn’t leave the plane, he’ll burn alive, if he’s even still conscious, wait, wait, like me.
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separated, stop! pull him out, alive, that's it, oops! sasha, how are you? i'm fine. unlike the judge.
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under the report of the penal squadron commander fedotov, romanov redeemed himself in battle, everything is as it should be, i see, as well as a petition from the main headquarters of the air force, to the military tribunal of the front, signed by ustinovsky, yes, it was quickly done, you read everything, that’s right, nothing nikolaevich didn’t find it, it means he didn’t read well. guilty, here you are, holy innocence.
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well, it’s clear that something has happened, the engine has burnt out, it’s completely ruined, this is more a consequence than a cause, the vibration started immediately after the afterburner was applied, and then repeatedly. was intensifying, so yes, that’s right, it could have arisen due to problems with the damping of the matoram, it’s unlikely that the engine would have caught fire from vibration, shine a light here.
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well, the girl is an aircraft engineer, this is unusual, but everything is simple, at school there was an aircraft modeling club, all the girls were involved in amateur performances, and i the boys covered the airplanes with percale and glue, and what’s not in amateur performances, but with the boys it’s more interesting, of course, then, grizadubova,
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sashenka sashenka, what did you do here? how
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did you find me, who cares, i’m so glad to see you, i returned from the front, i didn’t say a word to my wife, you and i have a lot to discuss, listen, now is not the place or time, i have a very difficult day tomorrow , i need to wake up, come back, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow i will find an opportunity to meet with you on the phone, i can’t, i’m so i've been waiting for you for a long time, the last bus is already at... now it's only tomorrow, romanov, let's go, i'm so cold, do you have any documents?
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romanov, why such difficulties, somewhere, somewhere, in the same bed you and i always felt good, then i’ve already forgotten what happened, but i don’t believe it, why? just don’t tell me
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about immature feelings, oh, romanov, you’ve never loved me... that’s why they separated, why are you here, let’s be honest, sanechka, i still live in this terrible communal apartment with these paramonovs, they they drink, then they fight yourself. they don’t give you passage, even if they took someone to the front, but no, everything is like water, well , let’s say, what next, you are now a hero of the soviet union, you were a hero, soon everything will be returned to you, awards, titles, everything will be returned, to every
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hero of the soviet union is entitled to a three-room apartment, you go where you need to, write a statement, why are you silent? romanov, do you have someone? good night.
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lena, we are now waiting for the car to the city, i ’ll catch up. okay, let's go, the car has arrived, romanov, you know, i thought, i guess i'll stay, i'm a wife, i have the right, officially we're you haven’t been divorced yet, as you wanted, listen, your rights remain only on paper. let's go, you're wasting your time, ramanov, you don't know me well, natasha, what you want, but promise to submit an application, i'll leave, and
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we won't see each other until you return to moscow, damn it, let's go. everything will work out for you and me, romanov, if comrade romanov had not saved the plane, we would still be in the dark, but i can confidently say that the reason...
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we still won’t have time to test the plane. which means it must be tested during state acceptance, don’t waste time, new russian cinema, i ’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all the feelings are... fast to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, positive
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passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, do you hear, today on rtr, kalinon belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time. off the coast of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharmelsheikh, only for adults 18+. entertainment awaits you here.
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hair and i need to apologize, i’m a grown girl i understand everything, but you don’t understand anything, i don’t have any wife, well, no, that is, she is, but well, it’s all wrong, we didn’t have time to settle down before the war, i’m sending her military , she seems easier to the people, but i have no one else, so sasha, stop everything, i don’t care at all whether you have a wife or not, wait, lena, let’s go where, i want to correct one drinker. let's go, let's go, come on, sasha, sash, i'm not going anywhere
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i’ll fly, don’t be afraid, lick me, i won’t climb, i won’t let go anywhere anyway, let’s go, give me your hand, hand. how are you feeling, i can’t believe it, take control, no, i’m letting go of my hands, no, what are you doing? everything, everything, i took it.
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you're flying, well done! feel the plane, try smoothly moving the stick to the right, left, good, it works! well, your eyes are completely different, so happy, yours too, i haven’t flown on a viplane for a long time, that’s where it all began.
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tach romanov, i have been ordered to deliver you to moscow, general ustinovsky, let's take a walk.
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the rules for your fight with the prince have already been approved. it was decided to consider the conditions of victory to be a minute of being in the rear hemisphere of the enemy, a minute, isn’t it a little, in real conditions he would have decided all the seconds, the decision has already been made, a minute on the enemy’s tail and that’s it, here we have another problem, where, well this fritz will be in uniform, with shoulder straps, orders, and why are you looking like a poor relative to us?
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and should be at the parade, here you go, thank you, ivan kirvich, comrade romanov, can i get you a new shock absorber? thank you, what thank you, everything is at your own risk, will the engine hold up? the full power is unknown, but it’s still better not to take risks and not to keep the afterburner for a long time, how will he then overtake the german, nothing, somehow, please leave the airfield, don’t worry, everything will be fine, sasha, be careful.
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comrade officers, hello, comrade.
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so stop the fight, it’s clear that mr. shmita doesn’t enter into anything, let him continue, comrade general, we must understand who is the winner in whatever world we are, if we don’t stop the fight now, we will all in the next world. stop, wait,
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30 seconds, 45, 50, 55, there is a minute, scholbe, go to boarding, you lost the fight, what the hell, sasha, boarding, you won, accepted, friend, congratulations.
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there’s a lot of bread, there’s not enough bread, comrade narcs of internal affairs, here’s our hero, get him some wine, well, come in, comrade romanov, don’t be shy, you won another victory over
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this ace, so this holiday is yours too , i’ll burn out, i’m raising this glass for everyone who was involved in the victory of the soviet aviation industry, for you, comrades, for your knowledge, golden hands, warm hearts, wings for victory over the enemy, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, what are you going to do next? i would like to return to my native polovicbe. lavrinovich, major romanov’s regiment is stationed near anapa and is preparing to begin the operation to liberate crimea. amazing. i propose to conduct military tests of the new vehicle there. are you okay with a fellow hand?
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wonderful. i propose to appoint the leading engine engineer elena sergeevna sotnikova as the head of the group. thank you for your trust, comrade. amazing. and how are you they say i wish the number of takeoffs equals the number of landings.
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you're probably hungry, i 'll cook something now.
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what do you have there? oglina has collapsed, how long will you bother? no, everything is here, and if you give any more help, you will move and you will be finished! vashni don't come closer, i'll shoot him,
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wer sind. who are you, i am from colonel abwehr lenz, search the officer, find your documents for leaving moscow. corpses, snow and quickly leaving. yes sir. i guess i still need to cook something. i lay there like that for an eternity. take it. why? but what about sky? well, the sky is not going anywhere, it will wait, so will i, unless you want it yourself, today i was so worried about you, as... and you
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fought with scholbe, don’t think about him, you cast your own scholbe. goodbye, comrades, today we will have time to receive five more people, number forty-eight is the last, don’t wait for the rest, come tomorrow, who’s next? i won’t make it to everyone by 8 , too, i got there today at 2 o’clock and if you end up , it means you’re not at home, natasha, and what if you don’t, you’ll spend the night at the station at your airfield, you didn’t have time; transport out of town no longer goes.
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finally, and i already thought that you, as before, remember, we were here... walking at night, sash, there’s nothing stopping us
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from starting over, it’s stopping us, natasha, i need a full-fledged family, and for you, children - this is a sentence, because the most important thing for you is your own beauty, so don’t be here. is putting on a performance, i only tolerate all your antics because of who, i wonder, this is none of your business, you better tell me how you ended up at the airfield so unexpectedly, did tarokin help or something, look, he guessed, but he sasha says: what a hero of the soviet union is not supposed to lead a moral lifestyle, he has a wife, and he is a woman, he must return her husband to the family, in return he promised to give away the apartment if everything works out for us, well, don’t be stupid, i understand why he i came,
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benefactor, who you didn’t share with him, although you don’t have to say, i understood everything from your hostel look, you understood everything correctly. “i’ll write an application for the apartment when i return, the warrant should be ready, i’ll leave the apartment to you, and you, yes, well, yes, you understood everything correctly, romanov, and sorokin is yours will be trampled." why are you here, who were you waiting for, go away, please
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don’t you dare, i remember, i forgot everything, i can’t, let me go, just like you walked away, don’t come near, don’t come near no, i like it, you do you remember, i don’t mean anything to me, fool, you cut yourself, come on, don’t come near me, go away, otherwise i’ll scream, everyone will hear, bitch, i’ll drive your raman away, if
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i see you with him again, just follow him to the front , the penal battalion will seem like paradise to him. so, maybe you’ll take me back from the front, let me know. the address is still the same. romanov, be happy,
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you too, come in, come in, dear, well, the documents are ready for you, sit down, just like you... and captain kirill was ordered to immediately move to the location of the 267th guards fighter aviation regiment and begin combat testing of yak fighters 9u, yes, and this is from our department, please read and sign, what is it? and for reasons of... secrecy, until further notice, comrades romanov and kirillov
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are prohibited from flying across the front line, engage in air battles and conduct maneuverable combat with the enemy. the crash of a yak-9u plane in territory occupied by the enemy will be regarded as treason. you understand perfectly well that i am a combat pilot. captain kirillov. they also decided not to deprive us, now you are an instructor, major romanov, i am obliged to acquire an airplane and prepare pilots for the new machine, if you refuse to sign, we will regard it as sabotage, without air superiority in the crimea the enemy cannot be recaptured, the war cannot be won, people need to be trained. sign, sasha.
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and so you understand, this is all, because the scholbi ran away, premiere, when are you getting ready for everyone?
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why did you gather us all today, well, everyone is very interested, let’s tell you that there ’s something you started asking questions late, well , you’re for change, you don’t want it, oh well, then i’ll say, the light is in the window from monday on rtr. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself into a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium sea gate. rixas premium seagate. discover a true gem on
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the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic lakshery collection bodroom. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then with the underboss, what’s your last name?
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tell on saturday she fell in love with a basketball player, and that she is your daughter, so you can expect anything from her, she is your granddaughter, so you can expect anything from her, you need to somehow introduce them so that they can somehow communicate with each other friend, i hear a chelinian, only without the crap, fuck it, i'm timofey, sasha, cupitons, premiere on saturday
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on prt. lena, it’s me, i’ll drive away your romanovo, if i see you with him again, just follow him to the front, the penal battalion will seem like heaven to him, lena, we're leaving now.
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great, san, where did you go, we were looking for you with the dogs, there was a problem, i found myself, well, i passed the briefing, that’s right, the machine is what i need, well, let’s finish it, move on, fly, see you.
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“you and i will also be heading south soon, the order is already ready, all that remains to be signed, it’s a pity, it’s not summer now, at dawn colonel dalmatov’s attack aircraft will begin destroying the enemy’s defensive lines on the kerch
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peninsula. in 2 years, the germans have built up such a defense line there that our ground forces the troops can’t hack it in any way.” accompany attack aircraft, block enemy aircraft, tomorrow your squadron is flying, if the enemy appears, do not get carried away with the fight, keep formation, attack aircraft must fly to the target and return home intact, convey this to each pilot, personally, that’s right, cast iron, proceed to the details , potatoes and cabbage, okay, we’ll take a walk along the shore in the evening, egor, it’s not
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customary on our farm, if everything is serious with you, you have to ask permission to follow me, please give it, and without this there’s no way, great, great, well, if he refuses, what will we do? uncle fotay is kind, he won’t refuse, give me your hand, look, men, new yaks, yaks, like the yaks you took, the canopy is longer and the cabin is without a mast, look, he’s really big-eyed. listen, expert, better go and find out what kind of movie that fatey brought, good luck,
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uncle fatey, you don’t get sick, what kind of movie they brought, yes, a girl with character, well, we ’ve already seen that, what? i wish i had a new one, just like you fix my car, you’ll get a new one too, i’ve been driving this cart around for three weeks now, better help, come on, come on, yegor, you saw, uncle fatii navyo, i wish i could fly on this, you’ll fly a chavrobey, hear, egor, ekaterina, tell it. i didn’t stay late for dinner, he’ll go home with me, okay, i’ll tell you, let’s go, it’s a pity,
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the regiment is short, decide to report, leave with a return to your native regiment, saskom, meet our commander, major chugunov, i wish you a friend, major romanov, alexander, yuri. captain kirillov, an excellent doctor. kirillov. yur, i’ll ask you, you take care of the accommodation and pike for now, and comrade romanov and i will conduct reconnaissance on the spot, so to speak. ekaterina, tell me to cooked up something. come on, let's get started, what's wrong with teryukhin? from those who are with us here. arrived, yours remained alive, terekhin was shot down a week ago, only a young animal, but the guys are fighting,
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thank you, katyusha, good health, tell my uncle that tomorrow is a bathing day after departure. okay, well, anything else? no, thank you, katesh, let's meet. what about the flight tomorrow? what the hell are you doing? choose your words, comrade senior lieutenant, how many times have i said, look what you hang, well
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, let’s go to the boss, and whatever you hang, everything will pass by, and don’t you dare grab me, otherwise you'll get hit on the back of the neck quickly, it's clear, you've picked up a bean wettail, put it aside, i'll hand it over easier, mr. ley, what's going on, who else are you, captain kirillov, what's going on, i'm asking, excuse me, comrade captain, the shoulder straps are not visible, she... look for yourself, the stabilizers are knocked down, how many times have i asked you to check before loading, what is there to check, when they are all crooked in the warehouse, unloading them like potatoes, dumping these boxes, weapons, on the ground, that’s right, it’s necessary, that’s what i’m saying, they took the tanker’s men, well, go to the warehouse as an elder and find out why this is so happening, step march, eat, go to the warehouse. thank you, comrade captain, for interceding, grab it, melt it, and come on, wait, what do you have?
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it is he? no, man, i’m painfully passionate, comrade, captain, as soon as he grabs me, i don’t let go until the morning, from carrying, comrade captain, when we hang a bomb, we wrap ropes around our wrists so that they don’t slip. and goschin, he’s harmless, at least let me help you with the boxes, what’s up, captain, you’re wasting your time in vain, he was also trying to be an assistant, and now look what kind of performances he’s putting on, we’re more courageous, mash, come on, come on,
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bad planet 14 planes are a swarm, not a formation, the loss of messers is inevitable, there will be no messers, a new route is laid across the sea, they are definitely not waiting for us from there, but what if, what if, but there is no war without losses , my task now is to get the attack aircraft to the crimea.
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says every single one of them, let them keep one line, then young man, give me the key, well, i knew that this conversation would take place sooner or later, i just didn’t think that on the first day, where you were, i know, that’s where i wasn’t at all i want, you have your order, i have mine. not go where you shouldn’t go, sasha, i ’m asking you not as a commander, but as a friend, in 2 days your mechanics and engineers will arrive, here’s the list of pilots for training on the new machine, that’s all for now, rest.
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message from agent wind, the birds have flown out of the nest, agent wind. lieutenant, forward all incoming information to the air defense point. yes, i’ll be there, up to the 40 km point, everyone’s utmost attention. i understand,
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i'll tell you right away. unknown planes are flying to the kursom peninsula. everything is exactly on schedule. give their coordinates to ours plane in the air. i obey. attention, one and a half minutes to the goal. now the pawns will begin to decline. got ready, get ready, mercers, coming from the rear, damn, where are they coming from, this is phyllis, cover group, hold formation, the rest are behind me, commander, this is a goose,
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i’m taking command. little one, where did he go, return to duty immediately. okay, tune out, don’t disengage, busha, go away! this is the first, first, i understand the order, we are on
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a return course, i repeat, stop the mission, return to the point, course 60, take cover cloudy! solomatin, the order was to hold formation, that’s right, so why the hell did you climb up the vertical, what did you want, hang a star on your body or show off in front of a girl, get out of line, now you’ll show off at tvarti’s goal until the special department picks you up, allow me, comrade major, lieutenant.
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there is no one to fly, the bombers plot a route past our airfield only then they set course for the target, it looks like someone is closely watching our airfield, that’s what i’m talking about.
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make a request to the communicator to see if it worked a transmitter in the area of ​​the airfield immediately after takeoff, well, let’s say, but grandma guessed the route for them, you make a request anyway, there’s an offensive, there are 10 transmitters for every square kilometer, the airwaves are jammed. yes, and we already thought about this, the route was not changed because of a good life, this is not the first time they
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fall on our heads like this, even on our territory, and... aircraft, but if front-line tests reveal some shortcomings, the aircraft will remain on factory for troubleshooting. hello, comrades, come in, lalyan nikolaevich, we've been waiting for you. i understand, alexander sergeevich, formally everything is behind us, the order is ready. comrades sotnikova and losev can fly to the testing site. very good. alexander sergeevich, allow me
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to stay in moscow. i don’t understand, elenavna. you have been working on this modification from day one, please explain. if problems are identified, i will be able to take emergency measures to resolve them while only being there. comes in, well , let me decide, of course, but comrade bukeev is an experienced, reliable specialist who can well replace me. elena sergeevna. after all, the order has already been signed. let's not be holocaths. still, the person is more important. the most important piece of paper. the order can be changed. victor semyonovich. if elena sergeevna decided so, i don’t mind. perhaps i agree with elena sergeevna’s opinion. this is a sound idea.
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lee, explain what's going on, it's okay.
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you’re apparently no longer asleep, but i can’t get any sudden appearance out of my head, and labanov says that this is not the first time, so what if they placed hidden posts along the bow along the entire coast or kept, say, three guards in the air . hurry up and have fun,
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surely something could have been done then, sanya, go to sleep, come on, they will figure it out without us, as they say, the teaching is light, not the teaching of darkness, for sure... darkness, why is it so loud, hello, this is news in studios.
8:01 am
briefly about the main topics of our issue.


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