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tv   Imperator bez imperii  RUSSIA1  May 10, 2024 12:00pm-1:05pm MSK

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you of the day, we will tell you about the developments at 17:00, see you, gin sheaf, product lar group, we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system, treat yourself to a vacation where elegance is. and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. stirsman bourbon is a product of stellor group. hotel titanic golf belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself up. comfort at
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our swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants, here each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday is your rules, titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday, vodka veda, a product of the stellar group, at my daughter sasha has a unique voice. disappeared as a result of an accident, only you can return him, goodbye, you are stubborn, like my beloved cow, dawn, she first dumped me in the flood, and now we are best friends, it’s not good to bask in bed when her the teachers are waiting, it’s still 6 in the morning, there’s no need to stand up, i won’t tolerate it, it’s clean, the music sounds louder. maybe we’ll run away, well, why do you need
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such a life, sonfelicha, that i’m happy, farmer, on saturday on rtr. who in your opinion sings, who doesn’t sing, big one. it’s nice to watch how you fidget and worry, i already realized that everything is confused, who lies, who doesn’t sing, who i already had, as i think, and you know, any of them, think, decide, tell , listen, whoever doesn’t sing, catch me, you can’t, be stunned,
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soon on rtr, on may 3, 1946 , an unusual bus appeared on the streets of tokyo. it was painted dark green. the windows of his salon were tightly covered with pieces of thick white fabric. the bus was escorted in front by american military police jeeps. at about 9 a.m. the convoy arrived at the building of the former japanese war ministry. it was located on a hill in the northwestern part of tokyo. and
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was completely undamaged by american bombing. the passengers on the bus were 28 people, former prime ministers, military leaders, ministers, diplomats and ideologists militaristic japan. some of them smiled welcomingly at the convoy. it was hard to believe that just yesterday these outwardly handsome old men were in charge of the destruction of entire countries of peoples. tens of millions of chinese residents throughout southeast asia became victims of their political ambitions and racial arrogance. now they had to answer for their crimes before the international military tribunal for the far east. the preparation and progress of the process were controlled by the us occupation authorities. according to their decision from among. the defendants were
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the japanese emperor and members of his family, as well as the heads of large japanese monopolies, were excluded. some criminals escaped trial, peace... among the judges and prosecutors were representatives of 11 states that suffered from japanese aggression: china, the usa, the soviet union, great britain, france, australia, new zealand, canada, the netherlands, india and the philippines. it took a lot of time to study documents, witness statements and defense arguments. half a year, the facts published by the tribunal about the atrocities and crimes of the japanese army came as a shock to all over the world. as a result of the trial, seven japanese war criminals were sentenced to death by hanging,
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the rest received various prison terms , up to life. two defendants died during the trial. one was declared insane. in august 1946, before an international military tribunal, the last chinese emperor pu appeared as a witness. he was brought to tokyo from khabarovsk, accompanied by soviet guards. the isp's testimony became the longest and most detailed of all time. process. he answered questions from the tribunal. within 8 days. i was born in beijing. my name is pui. my real manzhorian surname is that
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in 1908 i became the emperor of china. his residence was in the city of changchun, which was renamed sen tsin under the japanese. new capital. since 1932, he lived here as the supreme ruler of manjo-ugo, from the thirty-fourth already as the emperor of the great manjurian empire. later in his memoirs, puina writes: “thus,
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because of my spinelessness, and also because who dreamed of restoring the throne became the main traitor of his homeland, a fig leaf." for the bloody rulers, under the cover of this fig leaf, the northeast of our homeland completely turned into a colony, and for 30 million compatriots a life full of disasters and suffering began. as a coat of arms manjo hugo, the japanese approved the image of a blooming yellow orchid. it also became the coat of arms of puyi itself. the history of the manjurian pseudo-state ended in the summer of 1945 , japanese generals reported. pui about the offensive of the red army that began in manzhuriya. they demanded that he urgently move to the city of tonghua on the border with
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korea, so that they could then transport him to japan. on august 11, 1945 at 9:00 pm, emperor puyi, together with... on august 19, 1945, the airfield at which the emperor was expecting flights to japan was suddenly attacked and captured by soviet paratroopers. they found puyi detained
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along with his immediate family and his ministers in the government hall of the airport. from here the prisoners were transported to chita, and then to khabar. special camp, in addition emperor, the valuable film archive of manjo ugo, which the japanese did not have time to destroy, also fell into the hands of the red army. these footage shows official ceremonies with the participation of puyi and propaganda stories about the life of his pseudo-state. then he did not yet know that after the collapse of manjo, hugo would spend 5 years in soviet captivity and 9 years in re-education in a chinese prison. after this, wu will be pardoned by the chinese authorities and will become an employee of the beijing botanical garden. in october 1967, the last emperor of china died of
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liver cancer, having lived 61 years. in our film you for the first time you will see unique footage that was preserved for us by employees of the russian state film fund. there are still many people in japan who do not recognize the decision of the international military tribunal. in 1960 , this ominous
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memorial appeared near the city of nagoya. it was erected quietly in honor of seven war criminals executed by court order. here they are called warriors who died for their country. the explanatory tablet reads: 11 states brought the actions to trial.
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before you are the remains of secret laboratories japanese detachment 731. during the occupation of manjuria, its employees were developing bacteriological weapons. the detachment was located near harbin and occupied 150 buildings on an area of ​​6 km. here the japanese invaders carried out savage experiments on living people. in 1945, before fleeing china, they blew up most of the premises. but completely destroy all buildings, for example, a laboratory.
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a grandiose museum was opened dedicated to the memory of the victims of detachment 731. most of the tortured prisoners were chinese. besides them, as experimental subjects, the japanese used russians, mongols and koreans. the squad members called their victims logs. killing
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logs was not considered a crime. the sophistication with which graduates of the best japanese universities tortured their captives is amazing. for example, to find out the acceptable altitude ceiling for japanese pilots, experimental prisoners were locked in a pressure chamber, from where the air was pumped out until the person was torn to pieces, people were turned alive into mummies in hot rooms. cut without anesthesia arms and legs, poured the blood of monkey horses into the victims’ bodies, scalded the prisoners with boiling water, subjected them to powerful x-rays , and tortured them with electric current. this scene reproduces one of
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the most barbaric experiments. mom and daughter die from poisonous poison. gases in a special sealed chamber. certified sadists watch their agony. they are interested in how much longer the human body resists gases than the pigeon body. but the main focus of the experiments was the use of deadly bacteria for military purposes. monstrous experiments on the living were carried out by people.
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they carefully recorded the entire process of the torment of death in their journals. the japanese paid great attention to the development of biological weapons, including because the japanese clearly understood that they did not have enough resources, so much attention was paid to the creation of some kind of superweapon or wunderdava. the japanese read that the successful development of biological weapons would turn the tide of any war. without regard to who it is being waged against, against the chinese, against the americans, or perhaps, potentially against soviet union. during the fighting in china, the japanese army used bacteriological weapons along with chemical weapons. for example, in 1943, during fierce battles for the city of changde, japanese
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planes scattered fleas infected with plague around it, which caused an epidemic of this terrible... to develop methods for future bacteriological warfare against the ussr, the japanese deliberately infected border rivers, in particular the argun river . in the strategic plans of the kwantung army, the targets of a future bacteriological attack were blagoveshchensk, khabarovsk, usuriysk and chikata. in total, the employees of detachment 700. 31 tested dozens of types of deadly bacteria and viruses on people; their work was supervised by a graduate of the kyoto imperial university, doctor of medicine shiro and shii. in 1945, he managed to escape to japan, where he was detained by the americans. in exchange for life, isi
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handed over to them all the developments and results of the experiments of unit 731. in order to obtain the experimental data and important information about bacteriological developments, the united states hid the facts of the crimes of unit 731 during time of war. therefore, seroo and sii and the other members of the detachment he led escaped punishment. the main owner of japanese military secrets was the us army bacteriological center fort detrick in maryland in 1950. the soviet union proposed that the united states and great britain bring the main organizers of bacteriological warfare, including all the leaders of detachment 731, to an international
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military court. the americans responded to this. the location of the leadership of unit 731, including sero and siya, is unknown, and blame the detachment has no grounds for war crimes. as a result, seroi shii escaped just retribution and died in tokyo from throat cancer in 1959. many of his subordinates, thanks to the patronage of the americans, after the war made successful careers in scientific institutions and the japanese ministry of health. and several doctors even opened a private one in tokyo. new russian cinema, i'm not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all the feelings
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are heightened to the limit, happiness resurrected me, she loves me, a passenger, i'll come back for you, do you hear, today. on rtr. do you toss and turn sleeplessly all night with your old pillows and wake up completely stressed out? it's over now! introducing the dremalina svon pillow, a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs your entire body and optimally aligns it so you experience the best sleep of your life! the unique shape of the dremalina swan pillow offers seven zonks. forts that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles, feet. you remain in the most comfortable position for
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dreamalina sleep pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now, it will be especially for you we will reduce the price. and the dreamalina dream pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995. and you will immediately. save 20 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and only valid for a short period of time. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence - bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repair and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the
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bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price. just from 9.95. just. choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your country house plot. our program is based on a musical instrument. every note, every string, it is unique. this is what a friendly country should be like, where everyone sings so well. music spins, music, music, and never tires of circling. japan was the first asian
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power to begin reforming its economy and armed forces along western lines. this era was called meiji, the enlightened reign. this was the motto of emperor mutsuhito. the new japanese fleet was built according to the british model, and the army according to the german one. simultaneously with strengthening military power. the appetites of the japanese ruling circles grew. they viewed neighboring countries as their legitimate prey to obtain resources and new markets. having won several victories over qing china and the russian empire, japan within a short time captured taiwan, korea and the laonong peninsula, stationing a military force on the captured chinese territory.
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dubbed the kwantung army, japanese militarists in the early thirties moved to large-scale aggression against all of northeastern china. bloody war the war of the chinese people against the japanese invaders began in the fall of 1931 with a provocation organized by the japanese quantum army in the mugden area. on the night of september 18-19 , a group of japanese saboteurs blew up a section of the strategic south manzhur railway . having blown up the railway track, the japanese immediately announced that they had been attacked; the chinese garrisons suddenly attacked the airfields located near mugden. thus, within four months , three
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northeastern provinces of china came under the control of the japanese occupiers. ambushes, sabotage and attacks on japanese garrisons would continue until 1941 . as a result, during the first 6 years of the occupation of manchuria, the kwantung army and its accomplices would lose more than 178 thousand people killed and wounded. in early 1932, the japanese army attempted to capture shanghai, but was repulsed due to the resilience of the chinese army and city residents. in order to give their
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seizures a semblance of legality, the japanese authorities created a new pseudo-state of manjaugo in the occupied territories of northeastern china, literally translated into russian - the state of manjuria. the five colors of his flag symbolized five peoples: yellow - manjurov, red - japanese, blue - han, white - mongols, and black - koreans. the japanese installed the twenty-six-year-old chinese emperor isingior puyi, who had been overthrown by the senhai revolution, as the supreme ruler of manzhuo hugo. after being expelled from the forbidden city in 1924, he lived for 7 years in the japanese concession in tianzin. the official inauguration ceremony
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took place on march 9, 1930.
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in 1984, a museum was created here, and in 1984 it was opened to the public. there was an office in this building. pui and official ceremonies were held with his participation. on september 15, 1932, in this room the signing of the japanese-manchurian protocol took place, which completely placed the territory of manchuria under the control of the japanese army. and in this hall on march 1, 1934, a solemn ceremony of accession to the throne took place, after which puyi began to officially be called emperor manche. from that day on, the pseudo-state itself began to be called the great manjurian empire, but the main support of the throne were the same japanese bayonets. filming
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of the festive decorations of the palace on the day of the proclamation of puyi as the emperor of the puppet state has been preserved. the tables for the festive banquet were set in european style. pui's passion for western culture arose in childhood, under the influence of his english teacher, scotsman reginald fleming johnston. here is footage that was filmed on the morning of march 1, 1934. on this day, puyi performed a ritual of worship in front of the altar and made sacrifices to the ancestors.
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this palace is a clear confirmation of this. wrote that here his toasts, greetings, smiles and any conversations were completely controlled by the japanese, so he had no personal freedom; the whole life of the ruler of manjou-go can be described in four
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words: beatings, medicine, fortune-telling and fear. deprived of real power, the emperor often took out his irritation on the palace servants. in his memoirs, he writes: “i became so cruel that i began to beat people, and even resort to torture. i could order any person from my surroundings. there is a known case when, on his orders , a servant boy, sun boy yuan, was beaten to death. he twice tried to escape from the palace to escape bullying. after this, puyi was afraid for a very long time that the soul of the dead child would come to him with vengeance. the emperor went to bed at 2-3 am and slept until noon. his main hobbies were fortune telling and preparing
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medicines from chinese medicinal herbs. in his chambers he kept a whole pharmacy warehouse. in addition to concubines, puyi had four in his life. the result of daily smoking of this drug became a serious mental illness, which brought wanrong to the grave in 1946. most of all, the emperor was attached to his
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third wife tanyuel, whom he met in 1937. she didn't like the japanese and openly told puyi about it. in 1942, tan yuil died under mysterious circumstances at the age of 24, after being treated by a japanese doctor. the largest and most pompous building of the palace was prepared by the japanese for emperor manjo ugo in the second half of the thirties, but puyi refused to live in it due to bad omens fears of constant wiretapping. since 1935 , his every move was controlled by the japanese otash under the yoshioka imperial house.
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this footage shows the annual spring ritual held on may 30th. on this day, puyi had to personally bow to the enslavers of his homeland. the service was conducted by a priest from tokyo.
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in 2010, the japanese invaders unleashed a second treacherous blow on china to provoke a full-scale war, they resorted to their favorite method, armed provocation. on july 7, 1937, japanese troops unexpectedly opened fire on chinese soldiers near the lugauqiao bridge, near beijing. after this, they blamed the chinese side for
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the attack and ordered their army to begin the invasion. according to the famous researcher of the anti-japanese war, professor at tsenghua university, wang jianlan, when starting a new war against china, the japanese leaders pursued far-reaching strategic goals. in the 19th century , japan developed the concept. ussr and usa. thus, the japanese plan for a war of aggression was directed not only against china, but also against other countries. the second world war in asia began 2
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years earlier than in europe. prior to this, in november 1936, japan signed the anti-commentary pact with nazi germany. in 1937 , fascist italy joined it. members of the new berlin-rome-tokyo axis planned to carry out a new division of the world to establish their dominance in europe and asia. later , countries such as hungary, spain, finland, romania, bulgaria, croatia, denmark, slovakia and the puppet state of manjo-hugo joined this pact. july 29, 1937
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japanese troops captured beijing; they entered the city along tsian men street, which leads to the forbidden city of heavenly square. on the posters that the japanese occupiers hung throughout the city that day, they declared that they had brought a new order here, for the chinese people it meant only death, enslavement and terror. in the russian state film fund we were able to find footage of the march of japanese troops along tian men street. this newsreel was fermented by soviet soldiers as a military trophy during the defeat of kvanta.
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take a maximum of months to capture the most populated, most developed cities of china, these are beijing, shanghai, nanjing, gonjou, capturing them, forcing the chinese to capitulate, and , accordingly, to found one or more puppet states in the captured territories, but the chinese army did not capitulate, china turned out to be too big , and the will of the chinese people to resist turned out to be too strong. the battle of shanghai would deal the first serious blow to japanese self-confidence, beginning on august 13, 1937, and lasting for more than 3 months and was characterized by incredible brutality, here the japanese army suffered
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heavy losses, faced with the massive heroism and resilience of the chinese soldiers. in revenge. japanese aircraft subjected civilian objects and residential areas of shanghai to barbaric bombings. the next target of the aggressors was the capital of the republic of china, the city of nanjing. who do you think sings and who doesn’t sing? big musical premiere. who among you doesn't sing? i already realized that everything is confused, who is lying, who is not singing, who, i already had it, how nice it is for me to watch how you fidget and worry, we think, and you know what won’t work out of them, think, decide, say, listen, whoever doesn’t sing, catch me
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and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros, and the livington dipper swiper will get you for an incredible 6995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, they say that ideal shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite, we present to you... legs made of genuine palermo leather, which ideally combine style, comfort and care for your feet. lightweight and sleek, perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and convenient velcro fasteners ensure perfect fit. for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel
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and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. premiere. when are you going to tell everyone about your monastery? tell you, when you’ve already told your family about us, and you’ve already told your parents about surrogate motherhood, you started asking questions too late, why did you gather us all today, well, everyone’s very interested, let’s tell you what changes you’ve got , you don’t want to, oh well, then i ’ll say, the light in the window is on rtr from monday.
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the walls and towers of nanjing were built in the 14th century during the ming dynasty. in december 1937 , they witnessed one of the most terrible crimes of the 20th century. it will go down in history as the nanking massacre. japanese troops besieged nanjing after the capture of shanghai. at this time, the main forces of the chinese army retreated inland. garrison of the city. showed stubborn resistance to the invaders, leaving their ultimatum unanswered. after several fierce assaults, on december 13, 1937,
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the japanese managed to break into nanjing through a hole in the city wall. having received the order prince osaka killed all prisoners, japanese soldiers literally drowned the city in blood. the japanese who carried out the massacre hunted mainly for young people of military age, but destroyed not only them; many women became victims of brutal reprisals, from seventy-five-year-old grandmothers to nine-year-old girls, as well as boys and old people who were 70-80 years old, the murder of civilians and prisoners of war occurred then throughout nanjing. the bloody orgy lasted 6
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weeks. these days, japanese newspapers wrote about an unusual competition organized by lieutenants mukaeta shiaki and noda tsuyoshi. which of them will cut down the drains faster with a samurai sword? as a result, having lost count, the lieutenants increased the number of their victims to 150 people. today, one of the last witnesses to the monstrous massacre, xiashu ting, lives in nanjing. she was born. may 5, 1929, she has three children, two daughters and a son; now she has a large and friendly
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family. numbers 19 people, in 1937, in plain sight, japanese soldiers brutally killed almost all of her loved ones, only she and her four-year-old sister remained alive, relatives will only find them among the corpses 2 weeks later, in 1937, i was. on december 13 , the japanese suddenly broke into our house, then there were nine people in our family, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, two older sisters, me and two younger sisters, one of them was four years old, the japanese killed seven
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people, and me. .. they hit me with a bayonet three times, after which i lost consciousness, only me and my four-year-old sister survived, my whole body was covered in blood, my clothes and shoes were also covered in blood, we hid among the corpses for more than 10 days, fed us breadcrumbs that we soaked in water, that’s how we managed to survive. according to official figures, a total of 300,000 people were killed during the nanking massacre. in 1985 , a memorial was opened in nanjing to commemorate the victims of the bloody massacre carried out by the japanese occupiers. over the past
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decades, it has been significantly expanded and added new halls. at the entrance, visitors are greeted by bronze figures made by the chinese sculptor wu vaishan. each composition is created based on a true tragedy of one of the nanjing families. tens of thousands of women were raped during the massacre and girls. many were killed after being abused. the brutal japanese soldiers did not spare even pregnant women. later dozens. thousands of chinese women were forcibly sent to so-called comfort stations to satisfy the lust of the japanese occupiers. foreigners who then lived in nanjing, together with the red cross, would be able to save more than 250 thousand chinese from massacre by providing them with refuge in the territory of their representative offices and companies. among them were germans, austrians,
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americans and russians. immigrants. thanks to their testimonies, the world first learned about the monstrous atrocities committed by the japanese in nanjing. one of the most savage massacres occurred on december 18, 1937. then the japanese soldiers tied the hands of thousands of chinese prisoners and lined them up in four columns on...
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chinese prisoners. one of the buildings was erected over a huge mass grave discovered during the reconstruction of the museum. in total , three similar mass graves of victims of the nanjing massacre were found on the territory of the memorial. it’s scary to imagine what these people experienced in the last moments of their lives. today their mass grave has become a place of remembrance and mourning for a new generation of chinese residents who come here from all over the country.
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at that time. in these shots she is performed by the popular japanese actress of the time, yoshiko yamaguchi. she was born in shenyang and took the chinese name li xiannan, fragrant orchid. the japanese often cast her in propaganda films, where she played the role of a chinese girl who falls in love with the japanese military. they'll come up with something later in tokyo. greater east asia co-prosperity sphere. beautiful slogans about the harmony of nations should have been hide the unceremonious plunder of natural resources in manjuria by japanese monopolies.
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in addition to coal, timber, iron ore and other natural resources, japanese companies took control of the region's agriculture. in 1938 and 43. in manjo hugo , laws were passed according to which all rice had to go exclusively to the needs of the japanese army and the occupation administration. if a chinese person secretly bought rice on the black market, it was called an economic crime and punishable by imprisonment. but the production and consumption of opium by the occupiers was strongly encouraged. japanese occupiers. just like the british in the 19th century, they tried to suppress the will of the chinese people to resist with the help of opium to obtain additional income for waging war. in order to force the peasants to allocate
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more land for growing opium poppies, they resorted to all sorts of tricks. for example, in some provinces of northern china, for the production of raw materials for drugs, the japanese authorities promised peasants exemption from land... or compulsory military service, in the province of zhekh over villages with japanese planes scattered leaflets that called for switching to growing opium poppies. manche's government fully supported this policy. in 1938 , profits from the sale of opium amounted to 1/6 of the total income of the puppet state. japan itself. the opium trade brought in up to $500 million in net profit annually. for 13 years, the occupiers managed to get millions of residents of manjo-ugo addicted to drugs.
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opposite my house there was a building, something like a hotel, and people there smoked opium. i i went outside to play with other children and saw along the road on both sides. large ditches, sometimes in them lay fallen people who died from opium or morphine, we often saw this. the puppet state of manzho-hugo will disappear along with the kwantung army defeated by soviet troops in august 1945. the military brotherhood of the peoples of the soviet union and china that emerged in those years.
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a mutual non-aggression treaty was signed, which created the necessary conditions for receiving military and material assistance from the ussr. arms deliveries began already in october 1937. these were planes, tanks, guns, machine guns, ammunition and various equipment. in addition, the soviet union sent more than 3,500 military specialists and advisers to china. at first.
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but we must clearly understand that it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us. the right to demand the preservation of the historical truth about these events, and gives us the right to fight for the preservation of historical memory and not allow history to be rewritten.
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1:05 pm
titanic luxury collection bourbon сtirsman product stellar group welcome to riksas premium magavish suites and villas in hurga where luxury rooms and villas combine with golden sand. beach 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish seüds & villas the holiday you've been dreaming about. veda vodka, a product of stellar group.


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