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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:51pm MSK

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implementation of the initiatives that were voiced in the president’s message, as well as achieving new updated development goals. tragedy in st. petersburg. a passenger bus fell from a bridge into the moika river. three people died, four were in a state of clinical death. the court held the company that owned this bus liable 23 times. near berlin , a left-wing radical crowd protests.
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a film about the fact that no, you can’t kill defenseless people, this is a collision of worlds, no, well, we started this war, but we will finish it. so, the most important political news of this of the day: the state duma approved the candidacy of the prime minister. this morning vladimir putin proposed for this position.
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in difficult conditions a lot, it would be right if we continued to work with you, and you continued to work as chairman of the government, we talked about the structure, we talked about the personnel, in general, i think we are on the right path, i really hope for the fact that the deputies of the state duma, and you were not so long ago in the state duma, reported, they know what and how...
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thank you, dear vich, i want to first of all. thank you for the trust you have placed in me, the tasks that you set for the federal assembly in your message, and of course, those national development goals that were indicated in the new may decree are the guideline and priorities in the work of the government, well, i want to assure you , that there will be no pauses in the work of the government, we will continue the current work, i also believe that we must ensure continuity in all areas...
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and, as the practice of recent years shows, in general we are able to achieve those results that the country needs, in today's difficult conditions, of course, we need to get together and we need to organize the work exactly as we agreed at the last meeting with the government, work without pause, there is, thank you, after the meeting with the president, mikhail mishustin went to the building on okhotnoy row. the acting prime minister was met by the head of the state duma , vyacheslav volodin. mishustin held consultations with parliamentary factions. all five meetings were held behind closed doors. and after consultations in factions, deputies, despite the official holiday , the full staff gathered for the plenary
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session. anna semyonova followed the progress of the discussion and confirmation of mikhail mishustin as prime minister. now it is broadcast live by the publication. anna, hello, over to you, tell us how it all happened? hello, maria, yes, less than an hour ago, the parliament here in the captive meeting room voted for a second term for mikhail mishusin as prime minister. voting was open by roll call. voting by name, open, please turn on voting mode. who agrees? please, take a closer look, colleagues. for 375, against - no, abstained 57. dear colleagues, let's congratulate mikhail vladimirovich mishustin on his confirmation to the post of chairman of the government of the russian
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federation. today’s meeting is truly historic, because for the first time the state duma not only approves the prime minister’s candidacy, but considers it in accordance with the updated one. from the podium, mikhail mishutin emphasized that the main thing is the implementation of the national development goals that the president outlined. by 2030 russia should become one of the four largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity, while at the same time increasing the level of income of people and increasing the export of non-commodity goods by at least 2/3. the share of russian high-tech goods should increase by one and a half times in the next 6 years. to achieve technological sovereignty, separate projects will be launched. the share of domestic high-tech goods and services created on the basis of our own development lines should increase by one and a half times over these 6 years. now we are finishing the formation
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i will say in advance, dear colleagues, there will be nine of these projects, they will affect the areas of radio electronics, machine tool building, medical equipment and technologies, toning chemistry, unmanned aircraft systems, space, atom, new energy technologies, and also, which is very important, food security, their implementation will make it possible, among other things, to reach the goal set by the head of state to reduce imports to a level of no more than 17% of gdp. the most important task of the government, as now will be to support the participants of the svo, and also their families, mikhail once again emphasized this.
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you and i are responsible for all decisions made, not only when we vote for laws, casting our vote in support of this or that decision, but for how... the government works, and if there were stages - of our activities when they criticized
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and spoke , we are not responsible for what the government does, or everything bad is theirs, everything good is ours, now we can’t say that anymore. an important task that the new government will work on is assistance to families with children, special support... families with many children will have to modernize primary health care and housing and communal services infrastructure. according to the regulations, each faction could ask two questions: they asked about support for agriculture, when the shortage of doctors will be eliminated, and also how to support the development of the regions. as a result, mikhail mishustin received the support of four out of five factions. the president began all his last speeches with gratitude to those who are fighting. we fight together, we sent it. for the holiday 125 convoy 17.00 children were received, i’m sure that
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we will win, but we need to put together efforts, and mischievously we wish you success, today we will abstain from voting, we want to solve all this here right away, this is a huge danger, we have already said it, we have worked it out, thank you very much government, thank you to the chairman, all the heads of the committee, we have worked out the methodology for everyone , why do you want to rock the boat, what are you talking about? do they expect decisions and proposals from the new cabinet of ministers? we are expecting proposals to
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change the tax system and progression, real progression of income tax individuals, so that the rich pay more, and there is no need to touch the middle class, there is no need to touch those who earn a little money, we have rich people, and for them the progression should be completely different, we have industries , for example, tamato... the industry lacks 6.0 specialists, the aviation industry is estimated to have 14 thousand specialists, we need engineers, new formations, we won’t solve all this with migrants, and we really just need to pay more on the one hand, we need to take measures that are not worth it money, well, for example, in our defense industry there is a deferment from the army, but let's carry it out in those sectors that we consider priority, let me remind you that mikhail received the majority of the votes... of course, he is very well known in parliament, including thanks to the recent government report, in
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conclusion, the prime minister thanked the deputies for their trust, dear deputies of the regions, development institutions, the elections held in march demonstrated a large-scale consolidation of society around the head of our state and his course of development, and despite different views, many questions... today, first of all, you supported the president’s decision, expressed your readiness to act to fulfill the tasks he set, together with the cabinet of ministers, which will work, including under my leadership. the government will make every effort to implement the initiatives voiced in the president’s address, as well as achieve new updated development goals. now the president must sign the documents on the appointment of mikhail mishustin; very tense
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political life continues in the state duma, because may 14 is to consider candidates for ministerial positions, so that parliament will work on weekends, including sunday. maria, thank you, anna, anna semyonova was live from the state duma, where mikhail mishustin was re-appointed as prime minister today. well, today the chairman of the federation council, valentina matvienko , sent a letter to the president. list of candidates for the post of head of the accounts chamber. the list includes senator from the kaluga region, head of the committee on budget and financial markets, anatoly artamonov, deputy head of the control management of the presidential administration. the nomination for appointment will be made by the president. now to the situation in the special operation zone. the ministry of defense publishes data on enemy losses for the entire past week. this is over 6 thousand people. about 50 armored vehicles, including leopard and
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abrams tanks, as well as marder and bradley infantry fighting vehicles. during the counter-battery fight, 125 artillery pieces were destroyed. dvsu. aviation and air defense systems shot down in a week a ukrainian su-27 aircraft, three american otak ms missiles, 17 guided bombs, 30 rockets and more than one and a half hundreds of ukrainian drones. in response to attempts by the kiev regime to attack russian industrial facilities. our armed forces carried out 27 group strikes against targets on the territory of ukraine. sea- launched high-precision weapons were used, including hypersonics. energy facilities and enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine were affected. well, just over the past 24 hours in the special operation zone, the enemy has lost a total of more than 500 militants, 25 vehicles and artillery pieces. our unit has improved its position on the western, southern, central and eastern sectors of the front. reports by stanislav
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vasilchenko and sergey samokhi. the path is not close, we set out at dawn. dangerous area. recently there was a case here where they hit a woman on a civilian, the woman was in the yard of the house, they hit her, they don’t spare anyone, it doesn’t matter to them, children, women, men, they have no pity, these are fascists, at the entrance to artillery positions, our vehicle is met by a mobile
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electronic warfare group, the task of the fighters create a safe zone around us, in case something happens, neutralize the ukrainian... the drones tell us that fpv is flying, we take the turnip, quickly get ready, go to the firing point and begin to jam it, that is, we land the birds, if we can’t land the rebs, we destroy them with weapons. along narrow paths, hidden from drones by treetops, we make our way to the gun, which is also well camouflaged. this is a d-30 towed howitzer, developed back in the fifties, the installation is still evident. as a reliable and accurate weapon, capable destroy armored vehicles and fortifications . today’s task for us is to hit the target dugout, there is a large-caliber weapon there that constantly haunts us , like our infantry, and today’s task is to hit it. the target coordinates
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have been received, the gunner needs no more than a minute, and then the first high-explosive fragmentation weapon is sent through the dugout. shot! artillery work is always carried out in tandem with the uav crew. the drone operator adjusts the fire and records the hit. the first shell landed near the enemy position. the gun is aimed again open fire. this time the target is destroyed. immediately after work, the howitzer is camouflaged again and the crew moves to the shelter. enemy drones, including kamikaze drones, can appear at any minute. find them and intercept them. uav calculation problem. there seems to be a large number here now. this thing flies, what is it? well, this is a drone, a nine, a homemade projectile, compacted with plastid, a detonator, that is, here it is, well, they stuck it out of here, there is a self-destruction board, these mustaches bend upon impact, they close, it
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explodes, the military personnel of the bars-8 volunteer detachment are ready to carry out any and even the most difficult tasks. combat missions, each of them is here at their own request and with only one goal - to destroy ukrainian neo-nazism once and for all. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinakurov, alina zykova, irina zaborskaya, lead the southern sector of the military special operation. there i came from the west, now i’m crossing the trench, two pencils jump in, we’re moving along the trench. this is footage of battles behind the queue in the ovdeevsky direction, pencils in the north military district zone are called fragmentation ammunition for a grenade launcher, which. they gather up the armored vehicles, however, the attack aircraft are unable to calmly pass through the trench, the squad is exposed to a massive attack by fpv drones, look, look, lucky. a komikaze drone explodes just meters from the fighters, but it resulted in a slight concussion, the next drone attack is suppressed, the ammunition explodes over the heads of the detachment, now it’s his,
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the third, the third went off, the assault on one of the key defense centers of the ukrainian armed forces in the avdeevka direction lasted for several days, the group’s fighters the center had to be attacked enemy, moving along a wide open area near an industrial zone, we just went to an electrical substation in a building... there were about 20 people, this route along the railway was very controlled by enemy artillery, fipvidrons. and now, after several days of coordinated work of ground forces, artillery and aviation over the key height of ocheretin, russian attack aircraft are holding the national flag. the capture of a populated area cuts off an important route supply for the ukrainian armed forces and opens up tactical space for our army. and this is already a battle in the kupyansk direction for motorized rifles. the task is to take a large stronghold, the enemy is trying to fight back with grenades. the fire is so intense that
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they are starting to run out of ammunition. there is a bc. the actions of the attack aircraft are corrected by the drone operator from above; he perfectly sees the whole picture on the battlefield. here to the left, the three hundredth one is lying around. i accepted, i accepted, i want. after several hours of intense battle, the opornik was surrounded, the soldiers in iisu had only one option left - to surrender, so it turns out, it turns out, it turns out, for the heroic accomplishment task, the unit's fighters were awarded st. george's crosses, success in thinking with their heads , running quickly and not being stupid, this is the most important thing in the work of attack aircraft, as a rule.
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the russian army is confidently advancing along the entire line of contact, with air support provided by modernized k-52 helicopters with an improved system. returned home as usual, victory will be ours. over the past 24 hours, russian troops have significantly improved their positions in the kupyansky and avdeevsky directions. the enemy lost up to 300 troops. sergey samokha, news. open hostile and provocative actions of the nato bloc force russia and belarus to prepare for any development. events in the countries of the collective west, which themselves provoke an increase in tension, are well aware of this, but continue to stir up panic. this is how alexander lukashenko commented on
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europe’s reaction to the decision of russia and belarus to conduct exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons. this is a man who nuclear weapons are a terrible weapon. you have probably often noticed that we also emphasize russia’s leadership, which is not of a strategic nature. god forbid lord, take on this one more. button, although it is a tactical weapon today, it is many times more powerful than it was in kheroshima on gosaki, thousands, thousands of people will die from one explosion, this is a terrible weapon, and in order to use such a weapon, you need to train, you need to be able to do it, i have already said, more than ever, we are close to a nuclear disaster, what should we do in this situation? you have to learn to shoot with a machine gun and keep your gunpowder dry, including this deadly weapon, but you understand that we have this in russia
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exclusively a weapon of deterrence, we don’t need someone else’s, especially. warsaw is actively helping kiev to catch draft dodgers, this was confirmed by the ukrainian border service, for example, just recently poland detained and returned two persons liable for military service who... hundreds of people, in latvia, on the site of the former sallospils concentration camp, the police pinned down and threw to the ground a man who came to lay flowers.
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the cranes of mark bernes became a sufficient basis for the use of brute force. the man played a song on his phone as he walked to the memorial. this was considered a demonstration soviet symbols. sala spils, let me remind you, was liberated by soviet troops in april 1945. at the same time, the terrible truth was revealed about seven thousand children prisoners, from 17 years old to infants. the nazis took their blood and conducted medical experiments. starved. the latvian authorities today hardly take care of the salospils memorial. they prefer to hush up the fact of mass extermination of children and even deny it. president mayasdu and the ruling party are trying to destroy russian-moldovan friendship, but they can’t do it it will succeed. this is what member of the moldovan parliament marina tauber said today. she is on a working visit to moscow. in the state duma, vyacheslav volodin presented her with the order of friendship on behalf of
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president vladimir putin. as marina tauber noted, the current government in the republic is controlled by western curators and is trying to crush the opposition. most residents of moldova understand that without russian support the country will not be able to develop as an independent state. the situation we are in now is complete destruction, they want to join us with another country, they want to take away our identity from us and simply want us to disappear, or to become a colony. they are waiting for support from the russian federation and no matter how they close the opposition channels, no matter how maia sandu and the paz party, which is now in power, say, they very much support the russian federation in moldova. kruzin stern is preparing
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for a sea voyage. one of the largest sailing ships in the world is setting off on a new training voyage after a four-year break. it took so long for large-scale repairs and renovation of the bark. all work was carried out by russian shipbuilders. marina naumova met with the cadets and their mentors. one of the oldest sailing ships in the world, kruzenshtern, which celebrated its ninety-eighth anniversary this year, is ready to leave its native pier again. future sailors and students of kaliningrad fishing universities have already settled in. in the cockpit, on this training voyage they will taste the salty taste of the wave for the first time and feel the scorching wind on the open sea. we’re leaving soon, everything’s fine, we’re studying, working, going on shifts. 140 cadets will undergo their first maritime practice at the port of gruzenshtern. they will learn to stand at the helm, climb to the match, the highest of them is 54 m, and they will also manually
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set the sails. the future navigators and electromechanics managed to learn what shrouds and railings are and where the landing platform is located in the port; at the quay wall they passed the first test, a training climb to a height of 15 m above the deck, their arms and legs were shaking, it was very scary to climb, but they rose, descended, krusenstern during for decades it has been working specifically on training cadets and... there was one of the longest breaks in general in its operation. the kruzenshtern crew waited for flight 132 for 4 years. the old sailboat has undergone repairs and its two main engines have been replaced. the german manufacturer, fearing sanctions, refused to establish mechanisms to issue a guarantee for them, but domestic shipbuilders from st. petersburg helped, who checked the software, russified everything for us and checked it in operation. all
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characteristics, all main parameters engines, and it all went, thank god, without any comments. at sea, kruzenshtern will initially sail on propellers, and after checking all systems, the four-masted bark will straighten its sails and the cadets will be entrusted with ancient mechanical ship equipment. all commands were given from the bridge, from the bridge to the captain's assistants, right on board, left on board. now the bark will have to sail in the waters of the baltic without calling at ports, and... in july, the famous kruzenshtern will have another go to sea, he will take part in the main naval parade in kronstatt. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, pavel dolgachev, conduct kaliningrad. today is the premiere on our channel. a modern military drama, call sign passenger, based on the novel by alexander prokhanov. 2015, a fashionable metropolitan writer, far from politics, played by anton shagin, goes to donbass to look for his missing
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brother. and this. the mission changes his life forever. millions of viewers have already watched this film in cinemas, and today after the evening news, the call sign passenger on tv screens. word to dmitry castro. spasat.
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this is the beginning of the entire gigantic conflict that is now unfolding on the territory of ukraine, this is a collision of worlds, you need to understand what is happening, we didn’t start this war, but we will end it and put the country back together, the calling passenger is a film about the fight for russian land, our centuries-old the ideals and future of the people, the viewer who sees this picture
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will be all the better, we must understand what we are doing, where we are going, there is a huge power behind us, sincere patriotic cinema, film about the most important thing today, about belonging to a single culture, about love for the motherland, about the ideals
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and values ​​for which our country is fighting today, house by house, it is difficult, little by little, russia grew, ukraine, dmitry kayster, andrei popov, news, and further on the air. from an accident in the center of st. petersburg, a passenger bus fell from a bridge into the moika river. there will be other topics, don't switch. the exhibition russia presents: flies, flies, songs coming from the very heart shines in the fog at the end of the day. songs over which you have no control time. in that formation there is an interval of a victory song, a festive concert by ildar abdrazakov, broadcast from vdnkh today on rtr.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio resorts, we are here for you.
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rixas premium sea gate - family fun starts here, every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself into a world of unforgettable experiences at riksos premium segate. rixosus premium seagate.
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excuse me, can i at least see you off, you are in such a state that you will certainly get hit by a tram, on saturday, let's create a company, we will help people meet, anastasia vedenskaya, anna banshchikova, evening in the hut, tramps, filter the market, we are now not a gang, we are a serious company now, okay? so i agree, dmitry milner, he didn’t even expect anyone from you, lyudmila artemyeva, i’m afraid, me too, maybe this isn’t necessary, it’s necessary, mom, let’s go, let’s go, love will come exactly as planned, limited liability company, angels, no, will buy, premiere on saturday on rtr. on a cold
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sunday afternoon on april 6, 1914 , a rally of thousands gathered in the center of donetsk. to protect the people of donbass from the nationalist pro-fascist dictatorship, the deputies decided to proclaim the sovereignty of donetsk.
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end, get ready for moscow, we'll list your brother as a missing person, it won't go well, i came for him, i have to find him, markin's hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenko, that’s where they went into intelligence, the second one, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope. there is always hope. the militia passenger
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becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. today on rtr. you are watching the news. we are continuing production. three people died, four more are in a state of clinical death as a result of an accident in the center of st. petersburg. the driver of a passenger bus lost control on... the embankment of the car wash and flew into the river. it is unknown what could have caused the tragedy. it is reported that just a few days ago on may 7, the bus underwent scheduled maintenance and was in good working order. it is also known that the owner’s company was fined 23 times for non-compliance with the terms of the license. from st. petersburg ekaterina fisenko. the scale of the tragedy became clear immediately: a passenger bus, having rammed a car, knocks down a railing and flies from the bridge into a car wash, having fallen, it still sways for some time... the sounds
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of breaking metal, the roar of the fall forced residents of nearby houses jumped to the windows, cars stopped instantly, in the photo of eyewitnesses, the entire surface of the water was strewn with life jackets, a passing motor ship threw all its supplies into the water, life preservers flew from the bridge, a hatch in the roof was visible from a height. the bus was torn off by eyewitnesses, just guys who were passing by along the embankment and without hesitation jumped from the bridge into the icy water, through this hatch they managed to get one person, all the special services appeared somehow just right... quickly, just quickly, well, special words gratitude to the young people who dived into the cold water, helped open the bus, pulled people out, it looked, well, it looked decent. special services arrived with lightning speed, divers descended into the bus, tried to save people, artificial respiration
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was performed right on the deck of the boat, on the way to the shore and ambulances, yet three died by this hour, six in city hospitals, the work was organized - it’s right that those resources , the funds that institutions have, and these are duty teams, these are consumables, medicines, just enough to provide comprehensive assistance to the victims, he was driving like this, it turns out, and either he was doing something there, or from the brakes, they heard the sound, and the bus, with water falling on it, the rescue operation is already ongoing about 40 minutes, by now about eight people had been taken out of the bus, now... all the boats were driven away from the roof sticking out of the water, apparently in order to try to get the bus out with a crane, it can be seen behind me , the guys are all right there clothes, uh-huh, they dived straight in, helped, the operational headquarters was deployed right on the kissing bridge, investigative measures began that in this place there were two very sharp turns in a row
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, all drivers of regular buses certainly knew. the prosecutor's office in st. petersburg controls the establishment of all the circumstances of the road transport incident. incidents involving a passenger bus and cars, based on the results, a number of comprehensive prosecutorial measures will be taken. a criminal case has been opened. it is known that the company the owner of a bus who fell into a car wash 23 times over the past 2 and a half years was fined for carrying out business activities in the field of transport in gross violation of the terms of the license. the scene of the incident is now completely fenced off. preparations are underway to lift the bus. ekaterina fesenko, sergey ishchenko, evgeny kostin, maria. fled from the city of rafah to other areas of the gaza strip. israel launched a full-scale operation in the south of the enclave, despite warnings from the united states and other western allies in tel aviv. the purge is called local and report the destruction of forty
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hamas military facilities and the liquidation of several militant cells. washington suspended the supply of air bombs to the israeli army, to which prime minister ne said that israel alone would cope with hamas. the situation in the enclave is again on the brink, due to overpopulation and lack of basic amenities, the level of violence in gaza is growing. humanitarian aid has been unavailable for 4 days, there is no fuel, water, food, the only checkpoint , karem shalom, through which humanitarian aid can enter the enclave, is under constant threat all the time shelling. there are about 9.00 patients in need of emergency medical attention, but it is impossible to remove them. after 7 months of unconditional support for israel, washington came out categorically for the first time, stopping arms supplies to its ally, and biden even admitted that american weapons led to massive civilian casualties in gaza. but ukraine is completely different. the united states will continue
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to supply weapons to kiev and make money from this. the russian minister of defense personally came to the white house to pick up a new batch of hymers for the armed forces of ukraine.
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now some are saying that joe biden is doing this for re-election, which is very bad, let me remind you that refusing help from ukraine to help himself in the elections became the basis for trump’s impeachment, only in the case of joe biden, this is really true. the former head of the joint chiefs of staff, mark milley, spoke about washington's double standards. before we all start speculating about
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what israel is doing, i feel terrible for the innocent people in gaza who are dying, but we must not forget that we killed the us many innocent people in mossuli, iraq, we destroyed 69 japanese cities, not counting jeroshima and nagasaki, we, the usa, killed people en masse. before the second assault, the demonstrators have red flags in their hands; they go to the assault with the slogan: let's destroy capitalism, create the future. also
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seen in the crowd were symbols of the left-wing radical group raf, which has been almost unheard of since the nineties. the tesla gigafactory is the only branch of elon musk's company in europe. they plan to expand production there and the authorities have allowed to cut down 400 hectares for this purpose. forests, a significant part of the green area has already been destroyed. anti-globalists, anarchists and greens demand it immediately. close the plant. in march, his work was already paralyzed due to a fire at the substation. later there were reports that it was arson. a powerful cyclone hit the arabian coast. a strong storm, showers, and thunderstorms hit quartz for the first time in the last few years. water poured from the sky like a wall, lightning flashed, thunder roared. for the capital of the country, such weather is a real disaster, since in the arid climate, there are no drains on the streets or roads. and here it is. already footage from chile. thousands of residents of the south american region were left without electricity due to sudden snowfall. it quickly melted, turning the streets
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of the capital santiago and other parts of the country into introductory canals. there are heavy traffic jams on flooded roads. pedestrians wade knee-deep into the ford. right now there is a festive concert of the victory song on our channel. an outstanding world-famous singer, the famous opera bass ildar abdorzakov, performs the famous and yet. favorite songs of the war years, these are the main news for this hour, i'm maria sittal, thank you for your attention, have a good weekend, see you tomorrow, you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely broken and tense, now that's over, introducing the dremaliina svon pillow, a comfortable pillow for. .. that wraps around your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique
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shape of the pillow offers 7 comfort zones that...


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